function search_form()
    page_head("User search");
    echo "<form name=f method=get action=user_search.php>\n        <input type=hidden name=action value=search>\n    ";
    row1(tra("Filters"), 2, "heading");
    row2(tra("User name starts with"), "<input type=text name=search_string>");
    row2_init(tra("Country"), "<select name=country><option value=\"any\" selected>" . tra("Any") . "</option>");
    echo "</select></td></tr>";
    row2(tra("With profile?"), "<input type=radio name=profile value=either checked=1> " . tra("Either") . "\n        <input type=radio name=profile value=no> " . tra("No") . "\n        <input type=radio name=profile value=yes> " . tra("Yes") . "\n    ");
    row2(tra("On a team?"), "<input type=radio name=team value=either checked=1> " . tra("Either") . "\n        <input type=radio name=team value=no> " . tra("No") . "\n        <input type=radio name=team value=yes> " . tra("Yes") . "\n    ");
    row1(tra("Ordering"), 2, "heading");
    row2(tra("Decreasing sign-up time"), "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"date\" checked>");
    row2(tra("Decreasing average credit"), "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"rac\">");
    row2(tra("Decreasing total credit"), "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"total\">");
    row2("", "<input type=submit name=action value=" . tra("Search") . ">");
    echo "\n        <script>document.f.search_string.focus()</script>\n    ";
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <>.
// Users are taken here after creating an account via the Wizard.
// They've already entered an email address and password.
// Now get a name, country, and zip code
require_once '../inc/';
require_once '../inc/';
require_once '../inc/';
$auth = get_str("auth");
$user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($auth);
if (!$user) {
    error_page("no such account");
page_head(tra("Finish account setup"));
echo "\n    <form action=account_finish_action.php method=post>\n";
row2(tra("Name") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname.") . "</span>", "<input name=\"name\" size=\"30\" value=\"{$user->name}\">");
row2_init(tra("Country") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Select the country you want to represent, if any.") . "</span>", "<select name=\"country\">");
echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
row2(tra("Postal or ZIP Code") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Optional") . "</span>", "<input name=\"postal_code\" size=\"20\">");
row2("", "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">");
echo "\n    <input type=hidden name=auth value={$auth}>\n    </form>\n";
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC.  If not, see <>.
require_once "../inc/";
require_once "../inc/";
check_get_args(array("tnow", "ttok"));
$user = get_logged_in_user();
page_head(tra("Edit account information"));
echo "<form method=post action=edit_user_info_action.php>";
echo form_tokens($user->authenticator);
row2(tra("Name %1 real name or nickname%2", "<br><span class=note>", "</span>"), "<input name=user_name type=text size=30 value='{$user->name}'>");
row2(tra("URL %1 of your web page; optional%2", "<br><span class=note>", "</span>"), "http://<input name=url type=text size=50 value='{$user->url}'>");
row2_init(tra("Country"), "<select name=country>");
echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
row2(tra("Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2", "<br><span class=note>", "</span>"), "<input name=postal_code type=text size=20 value='{$user->postal_code}'>");
row2("", "<input type=submit value='" . tra("Update info") . "'>");
echo "</form>\n";
Exemple #4
   if ($sortOrder == "qda") echo "selected";
   echo ">Quake Distance (Ascending)";

   echo "<option value=\"qdd\" ";
   if ($sortOrder == "qdd") echo "selected";
   echo ">Quake Distance (Decending)";

   echo "</select>";
// end the form
echo "<form name=\"formFilter\" method=\"get\" action=\"ramp.php\" >";
if (!$strCountry || $strCountry == "None") {
    $strCountry = "International";
echo "Filter by Country:\n<select name=db_country id=db_country>";
echo "\n     </select></td></tr>\n<BR><BR>\n<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cbUseRegional\" name=\"cbUseRegional\" value=\"1\" " . ($bUseRegional ? "checked" : "") . "> Show only Regional RAMP Signups?\n<BR><BR>\n<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cbUseCSV\" name=\"cbUseCSV\" value=\"1\" " . ($bUseCSV ? "checked" : "") . "> Create Text/CSV File of Triggers?\n<BR><BR>\n   <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit Constraints\" />\n   </form> <H7>";
if ($strCountry != "International" && $strCountry != "None") {
    $query .= " AND country='{$strCountry}' ";
if ($bUseRegional) {
    $query .= " AND regional=1";
//print "<BR><BR>$query<BR><BR>";
$whereString = "t.varietyid=0 ";

if ($bUseFile) {
   $whereString .= " AND t.received_file = 100 ";
Exemple #5
echo "<ul><p align=\"justify\">You can add yourself to QCN RAMP by submitting the following information,\n    or edit a previous submission.\n<BR>Please enter as much of the following information as you can:</p>\n         <form name=\"ramp_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"ramp_signup.php\">\n\n    <input name=\"db_id\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"db_id\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\">\n    <input name=\"db_ramp_type\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"db_ramp_type\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . $row["ramp_type"] . "\">\n    <input name=\"lnm0\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"lnm0\" size=\"64\">\n\n<table>";
row_heading_array(array("Enter Your Postal Address (for UPS, Mail, or Hand Delivery)"));
row2("Name (First and Last/Surname)", "<input name=\"db_fname\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_fname\" size=\"30\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["fname"]) . "\">" . "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name=\"db_lname\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_lname\" size=\"60\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["lname"]) . "\">");
row2("Street Address (Line 1)", "<input name=\"db_addr1\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_addr1\" size=\"60\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["addr1"]) . "\">");
row2("Street Address (Line 2)", "<input name=\"db_addr2\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_addr2\" size=\"60\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["addr2"]) . "\">");
row2("City", "<input name=\"db_city\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_city\" size=\"60\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["city"]) . "\">");
row2("Region/State/Province", "<input name=\"db_region\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_region\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["region"]) . "\">");
row2("Post Code", "<input name=\"db_postcode\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_postcode\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . stripslashes($row["postcode"]) . "\">");
row2_init("Country", "<select name=db_country id=db_country>");
if (empty($row["country"]) && ($strRampType == "R" || $strRampType == "C")) {
    $row["country"] = "New Zealand";
if (empty($row["country"]) && $strRampType == "M") {
    $row["country"] = "Mexico";
echo "</select></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>";
row_heading_array(array("Enter Your Contact Information"));
row2("Phone Number (include country code)", "<input name=\"db_phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_phone\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . $row["phone"] . "\">");
row2("FAX Number (include country code)", "<input name=\"db_fax\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_fax\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . $row["fax"] . "\">");
$defEmail = $user->email_addr;
if (strlen($row["email_addr"]) > 0) {
    $defEmail = $row["email_addr"];
row2("E-mail address (default is your QCN Account email address)", "<input name=\"db_email_addr\" type=\"text\" id=\"db_email_addr\" size=\"40\" value=\"" . stripslashes($defEmail) . "\">");
// note the form field names change frm db_* as using google map api the names are lat0, lng0
// this will ensure the contact lat/lng will be displayed in the google map below
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>";
row_heading_array(array("Enter Your Location (Latitude, Longitude) or Use the Google Map"));
row2("Latitude, Longitude<BR><font color=\"red\"><i>(use '-' sign for south of equator latitude or west of Greenwich longitude)</i></font>", "<input name=\"lat0\" type=\"text\" id=\"lat0\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . $mylat . "\">" . " , " . "<input name=\"lng0\" type=\"text\" id=\"lng0\" size=\"20\" value=\"" . $mylng . "\">");
Exemple #6
function search_form()
    page_head("User search");
    echo "<form name=f method=get action=user_search.php>";
    row1("Search type", "top");
    row2("User name starts with <input type=text name=search_string>", "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"name_prefix\" checked >");
    row2("Decreasing sign-up time", "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"date\">");
    row2("Decreasing average credit", "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"rac\">");
    row2("Decreasing total credit", "<input type=radio name=search_type value=\"total\">");
    row2_init("Country", "<select name=country><option value=\"any\" selected>Any</option>");
    echo "</select></td></tr>";
    row2("With profile?", "<input type=radio name=profile value=either checked=1> Either\n\t\t<input type=radio name=profile value=no> No\n\t\t<input type=radio name=profile value=yes> Yes\n\t");
    row2("On a team?", "<input type=radio name=team value=either checked=1> Either\n\t\t<input type=radio name=team value=no> No\n\t\t<input type=radio name=team value=yes> Yes\n\t");
    row2("", "<input type=submit name=action value=Search>");
    echo "\n\t\t<script>document.f.search_string.focus()</script>\n\t";