        <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="PipelineJobOrder_populate(<?php 
echo $jobOrderID;
, <?php 
echo $page;
, <?php 
echo $entriesPerPage;
, <?php 
, <?php 
if ($isPopup) {
    echo 1;
} else {
    echo 0;
, 'ajaxPipelineTable', '<?php 
echo $_SESSION['CATS']->getCookie();
', 'ajaxPipelineTableIndicator', '<?php 
echo $indexFile;
        echo '</div>';
    echo gettext("Edit Album:");
    echo $album->name;
    printAlbumEditLinks('' . $albumdir, "&laquo; " . gettext("Back"), gettext("Back to the list of albums (go up one level)"));
 | <?php 
    if (!$album->isDynamic() && $album->getNumImages() > 1) {
        printSortLink($album, gettext("Sort Album"), gettext("Sort Album"));
        echo ' | ';
    printViewLink($album, gettext("View Album"), gettext("View Album"));

    /* Display a message if needed. Fade out and hide after 2 seconds. */
    if (isset($_GET['saved'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['mismatch'])) {