Exemple #1
function getMessages($user, $reverse, $last)
    // get messages
    $time = date("F d Y H:i:s.", filemtime("msg/" . $user));
    $time = prettyDate($time) . ".";
    if ($time == "46 years ago.") {
        $time = "Never ago.";
    $curtime = date("F d Y H:i:s.", time());
    if (!isset($last)) {
        echo "Message last receieved: " . $time . " Current time: " . $curtime . "<br>\n";
    echo "Messages, sorted by recent:<br>\n";
    if (!$reverse) {
        $messages = file("msg/" . $user);
    } else {
        $messages = array_reverse(file("msg/" . $user));
    echo "<div class='scrolls'>";
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        highlight_string($message) . "<br>";
    echo "</div>";
    if (isset($_POST["api"])) {
function _pel_cmsList_messageColumn($displayValue, $tableName, $fieldname, $record = array())
    if ($tableName != '_error_log') {
        return $displayValue;
    // skip all by our table
    if ($fieldname == 'dateLogged') {
        if (!$record) {
            return str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', t("Date / When"));
        // header - we detect the header hook by checking if the 4th argument is set
        $displayValue = "<div title='" . htmlencode($record['dateLogged']) . "'>";
        $displayValue .= str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', prettyDate($record['dateLogged']));
        // row cell - we detect the row cell by checking if $record is set
        $displayValue .= "</div>";
    if ($fieldname == '_error_summary_') {
        if (!$record) {
            return t("Error Details");
        // header - we detect the header hook by checking if the 4th argument is set
        // row cell - we detect the row cell by checking if $record is set
        // get truncated url
        $truncatedUrl = $record['url'];
        $maxLength = 90;
        if (preg_match("/^(.{0,{$maxLength}})(\\s|\$)/s", $truncatedUrl, $matches)) {
            $truncatedUrl = $matches[1];
        } else {
            $truncatedUrl = mb_substr($truncatedUrl, 0, $maxLength);
        // otherwise force cut at maxlength (for content with no whitespace such as malicious or non-english)
        if (strlen($truncatedUrl) < strlen($record['url'])) {
            $truncatedUrl .= " ...";
        $displayValue = "<div style='line-height:1.5em'>\n";
        $displayValue .= nl2br(htmlencode("{$record['error']}\n{$record['filepath']} (line {$record['line_num']})\n{$truncatedUrl}"));
        $displayValue .= "</div>";
        //$displayValue  = "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='spacedTable'>\n";
        //                           $displayValue .= "  <tr><td>" .t('Error').    "</td><td>&nbsp:&nbsp;</td><td>" .htmlencode($record['error']).    "</div></td></tr>\n";
        //if ($record['url'])      { $displayValue .= "  <tr><td>" .t('URL').      "</td><td>&nbsp:&nbsp;</td><td>" .htmlencode($record['url']).      "</div></td></tr>\n"; }
        //if ($record['filepath']) { $displayValue .= "  <tr><td>" .t('Filepath'). "</td><td>&nbsp:&nbsp;</td><td>" .htmlencode($record['filepath']). "</div></td></tr>\n";   }
        //$displayValue .= "  </table>\n";
    return $displayValue;
Exemple #3
 function render_mobile($rows = 10)
     $json = apc_fetch(self::$forumKey);
     if (!$json) {
         return "";
     $items = json_decode($json, 1);
     foreach ($items as $i) {
         if ($rows-- == 0) {
         $text = str_replace("/", "/<wbr>", $i["text"]);
         $time = prettyDate($i["time"]);
         $str .= "<li><a target=\"_self\" href=\"{$i['link']}\">{$text}</a><span class=\"when\">{$time}</span></li>";
     return $str;
Exemple #4
 function render_search_mobile($search, $rows = 10)
     // note that data is stored in apc via a cron job
     $json = apc_fetch(self::$searchKey . $search);
     if (!$json) {
         return "";
     $tweets = json_decode($json);
     $str = "";
     foreach ($tweets->results as $t) {
         if ($t->from_user == $search) {
         if ($rows-- == 0) {
         $time = prettyDate(strtotime($t->created_at));
         $str .= "<div class=\"row\"><a href=\"http://twitter.com/{$t->from_user}\">{$t->from_user}</a>: " . $this->hyperlinkit($t->text) . " <span class=\"when\">{$time}<span></div>";
     return $str;
        $date = prettyDate($val['membership_expired']);
        echo $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
        echo strtoupper($val['payment_type']);
        echo Yii::t("default", $val['status']);
        $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
        echo $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
} else {
  <p class="uk-text-warning"><?php 
Exemple #6
        if ($data['trans_type'] == "delivery") {
            if (isset($data['delivery_date'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Delivery Date");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                $date = prettyDate($data['delivery_date']);
                echo $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
		         <div class="clear"></div>
            if (isset($data['delivery_time'])) {
                if (!empty($data['delivery_time'])) {
            $account = $val['bank_account_number'];
            $method = "Bank account to {$account}";
        echo displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($val['amount']));
        echo $method;
        echo prettyDate($val['date_process']);
        echo $val['status'];
Exemple #8
                    if ($merchant_preorder == 1) {
            <a href="javascript:;" class="uk-button checkout"><?php 
                        echo Yii::t("default", "Pre-Order");
                    } else {
            <p class="uk-alert uk-alert-warning"><?php 
                        echo Yii::t("default", "Sorry merchant is closed.");
                        echo prettyDate(date('c'), true);
            } else {
                $msg = Yii::t("default", "This merchant is not currently accepting orders.");
      <p class="uk-text-danger"><?php 

<div style="height:20px;"></div>

<h3 style="text-align:center;"><?php 
echo t("Merchant Sales Summary Report");
if (isset($_GET['start_date']) || isset($_GET['end_date'])) {
<p style="text-align:center;"><?php 
    echo prettyDate($_GET['start_date']) . " " . t("and") . " " . prettyDate($_GET['end_date']);
} else {
<p style="text-align:center;"><?php 
    echo t("As Of");
    echo date("F d Y");
Exemple #10
 function render_mobile($num = 10)
     $json = $this->get_cached_data();
     $s = "";
     if ($json && ($issues = json_decode($json, 1))) {
         foreach ($issues as $i) {
             if ($num-- == 0) {
             $s .= "<li><a target=\"_self\" href=\"{$i['url']}\"><b>{$i['state']}</b>: {$i['title']} <span class=\"when\">" . prettyDate($i['updated']) . "</span></a></li>";
     return $s;
                <tr class="listRow <?php 
        echo @++$cronTaskCounter % 2 ? 'listRowOdd' : 'listRowEven';
        echo htmlencode($record['function']);
        echo htmlencode($record['activity']);
        $latestLog = mysql_get('_cron_log', null, ' function = "' . mysql_escape($record['function']) . '" ORDER BY num DESC');
        echo prettyDate($latestLog['createdDate']);
        echo htmlencode($record['expression']);
} else {
                <td colspan="4"><?php 
    echo $ROOTPATH;
    echo $order["details"]["order_id"];
    echo $order["details"]["order_id"];
				<td colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold"><?php 
    echo $order["details"]["contact_DisplayName"];
				<td colspan="2" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: right;">Date Sold: <?php 
    echo preg_replace("/\\s+\\S+\\s\\S+\$/", "", prettyDate($order["details"]["DateCompleted"]));
				<td colspan="3" style="font-weight: bold; text-align: right; whitespace: normal">Payment Types: 
    $paymentDisplay = array();
    foreach ($order["PaymentMethods"] as $method) {
        $output = ucwords($method["paymentType"]);
        if ($method["paymentType"] == "finance") {
            $output = $output . " (";
            $companies = array();
            #							$firephp->log($method["paymentType"]);
            #							$firephp->log($method);
            #							$firephp->log($method["companies"]);
            foreach ($method["companies"] as $company) {
                $companies[] = $company["company"] . " - " . $company["option"];
Exemple #13
 public function getCalendar($event = NULL)
     if (is_null($event)) {
         return FALSE;
     function prettyDate($time)
         return date('n/j', $time);
     $DAY = 86400;
     $date_start = strtotime($event['date_start']);
     $date_end = strtotime($event['date_end']);
     //	first Sunday <= $date_start
     $calendar_start = $date_start - date('w', $date_start) * $DAY;
     //	Saturday >= $date_end
     $calendar_end = $date_end + (6 - date('w', $date_end)) * $DAY;
     //	load an array of times between calendar's start and end
     $days = array();
     for ($i = $calendar_start; $i <= $calendar_end; $i += $DAY) {
         $this_day['date'] = $i;
         $this_day['pretty_date'] = prettyDate($i);
         $this_day['event_day'] = '';
         //	if this is a day of the event, check to see if it has been submitted yet
         if ($date_start <= $i && $i <= $date_end) {
             $this_day['event_day'] = 'event_day';
             $this_day['submitted'] = $this->day_model->daySubmitted($event['id'], $i) ? 'submitted' : '';
         array_push($days, $this_day);
     return $days;
    if (count($productType) === 0) {
    $product = $productType[0];
    $contents = $product['contents'];
    // TODO :: Do we want to do this?
    if (!isset($contents['contents.xml'])) {
    // Skip if product does not specify links (other than contents.xml)
    if (count($contents) === 0) {
    print '<dt>' . $product['type'] . ' (' . strtoupper($product['source']) . ') ' . $product['properties']['eventsource'] . $product['properties']['eventsourcecode'] . '</dt>' . '<dd><ul>';
    foreach ($contents as $file) {
        if (strpos($file['url'], 'contents.xml') !== false) {
        print '<li>' . '<a href="' . $file['url'] . '" title="Size: ' . prettySize($file['length']) . '  Last Modified: ' . prettyDate($file['lastModified']) . '">' . basename($file['url']) . ' (' . prettySize($file['length']) . ')</a>' . '</li>';
    print '</ul></dd>';

<footer class="event-footer">
  <!-- TODO :: ??? -->
Exemple #15

include 'header.php';
include 'connect.php';
include 'fun.php';
$uid = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
$notes_html = '';
$row = $db->select('notes', "uid='{$uid}'");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) {
    $notes_html .= '<li><a data-transition="slide" href="view_note.php?id=' . $row[$i]['id'] . '">' . $row[$i]['title'] . '</a> <p class="ui-li-aside">' . prettyDate($row[$i]['time']) . '</p> </li>';

<div id="notes" data-role="page">


<div data-role="header" data-theme="a" >
<a href="index.php"  class="ui-nodisc-icon ui-alt-icon" data-ajax="false" data-icon="carat-l" data-iconpos="notext">back</a>

<a data-type="button" data-icon="plus" data-transition="slideup" class="ui-nodisc-icon ui-alt-icon" href="#add_note">ADD</a>

<div role="main" class="ui-content">
<ul class="ui-nodisc-icon ui-alt-icon" data-role="listview">
echo $notes_html;
Exemple #16
 function get_posts($limit = null, $id = null, $lid = null, $oid = null)
     $table = 'posts';
     $oid_q = '';
     $lid_q = '';
     $id_q = '';
     $limit_q = '';
     //get user info
     $uid = $this->uid;
     $row = $this->db->select('members', "id='{$uid}'");
     $user = $row[0];
     //<--load posts
     if ($oid) {
         $oid_q = "AND id<{$oid}";
     if ($lid) {
         $lid_q = "AND id>{$lid}";
     if ($limit) {
         $limit_q = "LIMIT {$limit}";
     if ($id) {
         $id_q = "uid='{$id}'";
     } else {
         //make values for sql query
         $v = array();
         //check if fid is not empty
         if ($user['f_list'] != '') {
             //convert fid to array
             $u_list = to_array(add_array($uid, $user['f_list']));
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($u_list); $i++) {
                 array_push($v, "'" . $u_list[$i] . "'");
         array_push($v, "'" . $uid . "'");
         $va = implode(',', $v);
         $id_q = "uid IN ({$va})";
     //get posts
     $posts = array();
     $row = $this->db->select($table, "{$id_q} {$oid_q} {$lid_q}", '*', "time DESC {$limit_q}");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) {
         $uid = $row[$i]['uid'];
         $ur = $this->db->select('members', "id='{$uid}'");
         $row[$i]['name'] = $ur[0]['fname'] . ' ' . $ur[0]['lname'];
         $row[$i]['username'] = $ur[0]['username'];
         $row[$i]['time'] = prettyDate($row[$i]['time']);
         //convert fid to array
         $like = to_array($row[$i]['lid']);
         $row[$i]['c_like'] = count($like);
         if (in_array($user['id'], $like)) {
             $row[$i]['liked'] = 1;
         } else {
             $row[$i]['liked'] = 0;
         array_push($posts, $row[$i]);
     return $posts;
    public function receipt()
        $data = '';
        $ok = false;
        if ($data = Yii::app()->functions->getOrder2($_GET['id'])) {
            $merchant_id = $data['merchant_id'];
            $json_details = !empty($data['json_details']) ? json_decode($data['json_details'], true) : false;
            if ($json_details != false) {
                Yii::app()->functions->displayOrderHTML(array('merchant_id' => $data['merchant_id']), $json_details, true);
                if (Yii::app()->functions->code == 1) {
                    $ok = true;
        $print = '';
<div class="page">
	<div class="main"> 
	<div class="inner">
        if ($ok == TRUE) {
         <div class="receipt-main-wrap">
            echo Yii::t("default", "Thank You");
            echo Yii::t("default", "Your order has been placed.");
	     <div class="receipt-wrap order-list-wrap">
            echo Yii::t("default", "Order Details");
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Name");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            echo $data['full_name'];
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Name"), 'value' => $data['full_name']);
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Merchant Name");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            echo $data['merchant_name'];
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Merchant Name"), 'value' => $data['merchant_name']);
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "TRN Type");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", $data['trans_type']);
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "TRN Type"), 'value' => $data['trans_type']);
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Payment Type");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            echo strtoupper(Yii::t("default", $data['payment_type']));
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Payment Type"), 'value' => strtoupper($data['payment_type']));
            if ($data['payment_type'] == "pyp") {
                $paypal_info = Yii::app()->functions->getPaypalOrderPayment($data['order_id']);
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Paypal Transaction ID");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo isset($paypal_info['TRANSACTIONID']) ? $paypal_info['TRANSACTIONID'] : '';
	         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Paypal Transaction ID"), 'value' => isset($paypal_info['TRANSACTIONID']) ? $paypal_info['TRANSACTIONID'] : '');
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Reference #");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            echo Yii::app()->functions->formatOrderNumber($data['order_id']);
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Reference #"), 'value' => Yii::app()->functions->formatOrderNumber($data['order_id']));
            if (!empty($data['payment_reference'])) {
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Payment Ref");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo $data['payment_reference'];
	         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Payment Ref"), 'value' => Yii::app()->functions->formatOrderNumber($data['order_id']));
            if ($data['payment_type'] == "ccr") {
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Card #");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo $card = Yii::app()->functions->maskCardnumber($data['credit_card_number']);
	         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Card #"), 'value' => $card);
	       <div class="input-block">
	         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "TRN Date");
	         <div class="value"><?php 
            $trn_date = date('M d,Y G:i:s', strtotime($data['date_created']));
            echo Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($trn_date);
	         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "TRN Date"), 'value' => $trn_date);
            if ($data['trans_type'] == "delivery") {
                if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                    echo Yii::t("default", "Delivery Date");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                    $deliver_date = prettyDate($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date']);
                    echo Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($deliver_date);
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                    $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Delivery Date"), 'value' => $deliver_date);
                if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'])) {
                    if (!empty($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                        echo Yii::t("default", "Delivery Time");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                        echo $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_asap'])) {
                    if (!empty($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_asap'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                        echo Yii::t("default", "Deliver ASAP");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                        echo $delivery_asap = $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_asap'] == 1 ? "Yes" : '';
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                        $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Deliver ASAP"), 'value' => $delivery_asap);
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Deliver to");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo $data['full_address'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Deliver to"), 'value' => $data['full_address']);
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Delivery Instruction");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo $data['delivery_instruction'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Delivery Instruction"), 'value' => $data['delivery_instruction']);
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                echo Yii::t("default", "Location Name");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                echo $data['location_name'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Location Name"), 'value' => $data['location_name']);
            } else {
                if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                    echo Yii::t("default", "Pickup Date");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                    echo $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                    $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Pickup Date"), 'value' => $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date']);
                if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'])) {
                    if (!empty($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
                        echo Yii::t("default", "Pickup Time");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
                        echo $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'];
		         <div class="clear"></div>
                        $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Pickup Time"), 'value' => $_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time']);
	       <div class="spacer-small"></div>
            echo $item_details = Yii::app()->functions->details['html'];
	     </div> <!--receipt-wrap-->
	     <div class="print_wrap">
          <a class="print_element left" href="javascript:;"><i class="fa fa-print"></i> <?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Click here to print");
          <div class="clear"></div>
        } else {
     <p class="uk-alert uk-alert-warning"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Sorry but we cannot find what you are looking for.");
    </div> <!--main-->
</div> <!--page-->

        $receipt = EmailTPL::salesReceipt($print, Yii::app()->functions->details['raw']);
        $tpl = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("receipt_content", $merchant_id);
        if (empty($tpl)) {
            $tpl = EmailTPL::receiptTPL();
        $tpl = Yii::app()->functions->smarty('receipt', $receipt, $tpl);
        $tpl = Yii::app()->functions->smarty('customer-name', $data['full_name'], $tpl);
        $tpl = Yii::app()->functions->smarty('receipt-number', Yii::app()->functions->formatOrderNumber($data['order_id']), $tpl);
        $receipt_sender = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("receipt_sender", $merchant_id);
        $receipt_subject = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("receipt_subject", $merchant_id);
        if (empty($receipt_subject)) {
            $receipt_subject = "Your Karenderia order is confirmed";
        if (empty($receipt_sender)) {
            $receipt_sender = 'no-reply@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $to = isset($data['email_address']) ? $data['email_address'] : '';
        if (!in_array($data['order_id'], (array) $_SESSION['kr_receipt'])) {
            sendEmail($to, $receipt_sender, $receipt_subject, $tpl);
            /*send email to merchant address*/
            $merchant_notify_email = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("merchant_notify_email", $merchant_id);
            $enabled_alert_notification = Yii::app()->functions->getOption("enabled_alert_notification", $merchant_id);
              dump($enabled_alert_notification);   */
            if ($enabled_alert_notification == "") {
                sendEmail($merchant_notify_email, $receipt_sender, Yii::t("default", "New Order From ") . $data['full_name'], $tpl);
            // send SMS
            Yii::app()->functions->SMSnotificationMerchant($merchant_id, $data);
        $_SESSION['kr_receipt'] = array($data['order_id']);
Exemple #18
		<tr class="even">
			<td class="iconCell"><img src="/<?php 
/images/calcIcon.png" /></td>
			<td class="linksCell">T<span class="fakecaps">ax Rates</span><br />
			<a style="padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px" href="/<?php 
/Admin/ManageTaxRates.php">M<span class="fakecaps">anage</span></a></td>
			<td class="countCell"><?php 
echo $taxratecount;
			<td class="dateCell"><?php 
echo prettyDate($taxrates_date);
<br>by <?php 
echo $taxrates_firstname;
echo $taxrates_lastname;
echo $taxrates_username;
Exemple #19
 public function export()
     $merchant_id = Yii::app()->functions->getMerchantID();
     $db_ext = new DbExt();
     if (!empty($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
         $stmt = $_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'];
         $pos = strpos($stmt, "LIMIT");
         $stmt = substr($stmt, 0, $pos);
         switch ($this->data['rpt']) {
             case 'sales-report':
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($stmt)) {
                     $csvdata = array();
                     $datas = array();
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $item = '';
                         $date = date('m-d-Y G:i:s', strtotime($val['date_created']));
                         $latestdata[] = array($val['order_id'], $val['client_name'], $val['item'], $val['trans_type'], $val['payment_type'], prettyFormat($val['sub_total'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['tax'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_w_tax'], $merchant_id), $val['status'], $date);
                     $data = $latestdata;
                 if (is_array($data) && count($data) >= 1) {
                     $csvdata = array();
                     $datas = array();
                     foreach ($data as $val) {
                         foreach ($val as $key => $vals) {
                             $datas[] = $vals;
                         $csvdata[] = $datas;
                 $header = array(Yii::t("default", "Ref#"), Yii::t("default", "Client Name"), Yii::t("default", "Item"), Yii::t("default", "Trans Type"), Yii::t("default", "Payment Type"), Yii::t("default", "Total"), Yii::t("default", "Tax"), Yii::t("default", "Total W/Tax"), Yii::t("default", "Status"), Yii::t("default", "Date"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "sales-summary-report":
                 $has_date_range = false;
                 if (isset($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                     if (is_array($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                         $has_date_range = true;
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($stmt)) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $total_amt = '';
                         if ($has_date_range == true) {
                             $data[] = array($val['item_id'], $val['item_name'], $val['size'], prettyFormat($val['discounted_price'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_qty'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_qty'] * $val['discounted_price'], $merchant_id), $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['start_date'], $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['end_date']);
                         } else {
                             $data[] = array($val['item_id'], $val['item_name'], $val['size'], prettyFormat($val['discounted_price'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_qty'], $merchant_id), prettyFormat($val['total_qty'] * $val['discounted_price'], $merchant_id));
                 $header = array(Yii::t("default", "Item"), Yii::t("default", "Item Name"), Yii::t("default", "Size"), Yii::t("default", "Item Price"), Yii::t("default", "Total Qty"), Yii::t("default", "Total Amount"));
                 if ($has_date_range == true) {
                     $header[] = t("Start Date");
                     $header[] = t("End Date");
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptSalesMerchant":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($stmt)) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $data[] = array($val['merchant_id'], $val['restaurant_name'], $val['contact_name'], $val['contact_phone'] . " / " . $val['contact_email'], $val['street'] . " " . $val['city'] . " " . $val['state'] . " " . $val['country_code'] . " " . $val['post_code'], ucwords($val['package_name']), $val['status'], Yii::app()->functions->prettyDate($val['date_created'], true));
                 $header = array(Yii::t("default", "MerchantID"), Yii::t("default", "MerchantName"), Yii::t("default", "ContactName"), Yii::t("default", "Contact"), Yii::t("default", "Address"), Yii::t("default", "Package"), Yii::t("default", "Status"), Yii::t("default", "Date"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case 'rptAdminSalesMerchant':
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($stmt)) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $data[] = array($val['order_id'], ucwords($val['client_name']), $val['item'], ucwords(Yii::t("default", $val['trans_type'])), strtoupper(Yii::t("default", $val['payment_type'])), standardPrettyFormat($val['sub_total'], $merchant_id), standardPrettyFormat($val['tax'], $merchant_id), standardPrettyFormat($val['total_w_tax'], $merchant_id), ucwords($val['status']), $date);
                 $header = array(Yii::t("default", "Ref#"), Yii::t("default", "Name"), Yii::t("default", "Item"), Yii::t("default", "TransType"), Yii::t("default", "Payment Type"), Yii::t("default", "Total"), Yii::t("default", "Tax"), Yii::t("default", "Total W/Tax"), Yii::t("default", "Status"), Yii::t("default", "Date"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptCustomerList":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $data[] = array($val['email_address'], $val['first_name'], $val['last_name']);
                 $header = array(t("Email"), t("firstname"), t("lastname"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptSubriberList":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $data[] = array($val['id'], $val['email_address'], $date, $val['ip_address']);
                 $header = array(t("ID"), t("Email address"), t("Date Created"), t("I.P Address"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptmerchantcommission":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $data[] = array($val['merchant_id'], $val['merchant_name'], normalPrettyPrice($val['total_order']), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission']));
                 $header = array(t("ID"), t("Merchant Name"), t("Total Price"), t("Commission Price"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptmerchantcommissiondetails":
                 $total_order = 0;
                 $total_commission = 0;
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $total_order = $total_order + $val['total_order'];
                         $total_commission = $total_commission + $val['total_commission'];
                         $data[] = array($val['order_id'], normalPrettyPrice($val['total_w_tax']), normalPrettyPrice($val['percent_commision']), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission']), $date);
                 $header = array(t("Reference #"), t("Total Price"), t("Commission (%)"), t("Commission price"), t("Date"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptmerchantstatement":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $total = $val['total_w_tax'];
                         if ($val['commision_ontop'] == 1) {
                             $total = $val['sub_total'];
                         $total_commission = $val['total_commission'];
                         $amount = $total - $total_commission;
                         $data[] = array($val['order_id'], strtoupper($val['payment_type']), normalPrettyPrice($total), normalPrettyPrice($val['percent_commision']), normalPrettyPrice($total_commission), normalPrettyPrice($amount), $date);
                 $header = array(t("Reference #"), t("Payment Type"), t("Total Price"), t("Commission (%)"), t("Commission"), t("Net Amount"), t("Date"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rptmerchantsalesummary":
                 $has_date_range = false;
                 if (isset($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                     if (is_array($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                         $has_date_range = true;
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         if ($has_date_range == true) {
                             $data[] = array($val['restaurant_name'], normalPrettyPrice($val['total_sales'] + 0), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission'] + 0), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_earnings'] + 0), $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['start_date'], $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['end_date']);
                         } else {
                             $data[] = array($val['restaurant_name'], normalPrettyPrice($val['total_sales'] + 0), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission'] + 0), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_earnings'] + 0));
                 $header = array(t("Merchant Name"), t("Total Sales"), t("Total Commission"), t("Merchant Earnings"));
                 if ($has_date_range == true) {
                     $header[] = t("Start Date");
                     $header[] = t("End Date");
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "booking-summary-report":
                 $has_date_range = false;
                 if (isset($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                     if (is_array($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                         $has_date_range = true;
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         if ($has_date_range == true) {
                             $data[] = array($val['total_approved'] + 0, $val['total_denied'] + 0, $val['total_pending'] + 0, $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['start_date'], $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['end_date']);
                         } else {
                             $data[] = array($val['total_approved'] + 0, $val['total_denied'] + 0, $val['total_pending'] + 0);
                 $header = array(t("Total Approved"), t("Total Denied"), t("Total Pending"));
                 if ($has_date_range == true) {
                     $header[] = t("Start Date");
                     $header[] = t("End Date");
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "merchanBbookingSummaryReport":
                 $has_date_range = false;
                 if (isset($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                     if (is_array($_SESSION['rpt_date_range'])) {
                         $has_date_range = true;
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         if ($has_date_range == true) {
                             $data[] = array(ucwords($val['merchant_name']), $val['total_approved'] + 0, $val['total_denied'] + 0, $val['total_pending'] + 0, $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['start_date'], $_SESSION['rpt_date_range']['end_date']);
                         } else {
                             $data[] = array(ucwords($val['merchant_name']), $val['total_approved'] + 0, $val['total_denied'] + 0, $val['total_pending'] + 0);
                 $header = array(t("Merchant Name"), t("Total Approved"), t("Total Denied"), t("Total Pending"));
                 if ($has_date_range == true) {
                     $header[] = t("Start Date");
                     $header[] = t("End Date");
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
             case "rpt_incomingwithdrawal":
                 if ($res = $db_ext->rst($_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'])) {
                     foreach ($res as $val) {
                         $date = date('M d,Y G:i:s', strtotime($val['date_created']));
                         $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
                         $date_created = displayDate($val['date_created']);
                         $date_to_process = displayDate($val['date_to_process']);
                         $method = t("Paypal to") . " " . $val['account'];
                         if ($val['payment_method'] == "bank") {
                             $method = t("Bank to") . " " . $val['bank_account_number'];
                         $data[] = array($val['withdrawal_id'], $val['merchant_name'], $method, normalPrettyPrice($val['amount']), normalPrettyPrice($val['current_balance']), $val['status'], $date_created, $date_to_process);
                 $header = array(t("ID"), t("Merchant Name"), t("Payment Method"), t("Amount"), t("From Balance"), t("Status"), t("Date Of Request"), t("Date to process"));
                 $filename = $this->data['rpt'] . '-' . date('c') . '.csv';
                 $excel = new ExcelFormat($filename);
     } else {
         echo Yii::t("default", "Error: Something went wrong. please try again.");
Exemple #20
        foreach ($res as $val) {
        <a class="add-to-cart" href="javascript:;" data-id="<?php 
            echo $val['order_id'];
" >
          <i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i> 
            echo ucwords($val['merchant_name']);
 - <?php 
            echo prettyDate($val['date_created']);
        <a href="javascript:;" class="view-receipt" data-id="<?php 
            echo $val['order_id'];
" >
         <i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> <?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "View Receipt");
        <span><i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> <?php 
            echo ucwords($val['status']);
Exemple #21
    if ($data['trans_type'] == "delivery") {
        if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date'])) {
		       <div class="input-block">
		         <div class="label"><?php 
            echo Yii::t("default", "Delivery Date");
		         <div class="value"><?php 
            $deliver_date = prettyDate($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_date']);
            echo Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($deliver_date);
		         <div class="clear"></div>
            $print[] = array('label' => Yii::t("default", "Delivery Date"), 'value' => $deliver_date);
        if (isset($_SESSION['kr_delivery_options']['delivery_time'])) {
Exemple #22
 public function merchantCommission()
     $and = '';
     $and_date = '';
     if (isset($this->data['start_date']) && isset($this->data['end_date'])) {
         if (!empty($this->data['start_date']) && !empty($this->data['end_date'])) {
             $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $this->data['start_date'] . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t    \t\t        '" . $this->data['end_date'] . " 23:59:00'\n\t    \t\t ";
             $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $this->data['start_date'] . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t    \t\t        '" . $this->data['end_date'] . " 23:59:00'\n\t    \t\t ";
     if ($this->data['query'] == "last15") {
         $start_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-15 days'));
         $end_date = date("Y-m-d");
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     } elseif ($this->data['query'] == "last30") {
         $start_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-30 days'));
         $end_date = date("Y-m-d");
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     } elseif ($this->data['query'] == "month") {
         $query_date = $this->data['query_date'];
         $start_date = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($query_date));
         $end_date = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($query_date));
         $and = " AND a.date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
         $and_date = " AND date_created BETWEEN  '" . $start_date . " 00:00:00' AND \n\t\t    \t\t        '" . $end_date . " 23:59:00'\n\t\t    \t\t ";
     $order_status_id = '';
     $or = '';
     if (isset($this->data['stats_id'])) {
         if (is_array($this->data['stats_id']) && count($this->data['stats_id']) >= 1) {
             foreach ($this->data['stats_id'] as $stats_id) {
                 $order_status_id .= "'{$stats_id}',";
             if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
                 $order_status_id = substr($order_status_id, 0, -1);
     if (!empty($order_status_id)) {
         $where = " WHERE a.status IN ({$order_status_id})";
         $and_date .= " AND status IN ({$order_status_id})";
     } else {
         $where = " WHERE a.status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')";
         $and_date .= "AND status NOT IN ('" . initialStatus() . "')";
     if ($this->data['merchant_id'] >= 1) {
         $and .= " AND a.merchant_id='" . $this->data['merchant_id'] . "' ";
     if (isset($this->data['payment_type'])) {
         if ($this->data['payment_type'] == 2) {
             // cash
             $and_date .= " AND payment_type IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
             $and .= " AND payment_type IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
         } else {
             if ($this->data['payment_type'] == 3) {
                 // card
                 $and_date .= " AND payment_type NOT IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
                 $and .= " AND payment_type NOT IN ('cod','pyr','ccr') ";
     $DbExt = new DbExt();
     $stmt = "SELECT a.*,b.is_commission,\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect restaurant_name \n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{merchant}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \n\t    \t) as merchant_name,\n\t    \t\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect sum(total_w_tax) \n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{order}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \t  \n\t    \t{$and_date}  \t\t \n\t    \t) as total_order,\n\t    \t\n\t    \t(\n\t    \tselect sum(total_commission)\n\t    \tfrom\n\t    \t{{order}}\n\t    \twhere merchant_id = a.merchant_id \t \n\t    \t{$and_date}   \t\t \n\t    \t) as total_commission\n\t    \t\n\t    \tFROM\n\t    \t{{order}} a\t  \t    \n\t    \tleft join {{merchant}} b\n\t\t\tOn\n\t\t\ta.merchant_id=b.merchant_id\n\t    \t  \t  \n\t    \t{$where}\n\t    \t{$and}\t    \t\n\t    \tAND b.is_commission='2'\n\t    \t\n\t    \tGROUP BY merchant_id\n\t    \tORDER BY order_id DESC\n\t    \tLIMIT 0,2000\n\t    \t";
     if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
     $_SESSION['kr_export_stmt'] = $stmt;
     if ($res = $DbExt->rst($stmt)) {
         if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
         $total_commission = 0;
         foreach ($res as $val) {
             $link = websiteUrl() . "/admin/merchantcommissiondetails";
             $link .= "/mtid/" . $val['merchant_id'];
             $link .= "/where/" . $where;
             $link .= "/and/" . $and;
             /*$action="<a class=\"view-details\" data-id=\"$val[merchant_id]\" href=\"javascript:;\" data-where=\"$where\" data-and=\"$and\">".
             $total_commission += $val['total_commission'];
             $action = "<a href=\"{$link}\" >" . Yii::t("default", "Details") . "</a>";
             $date = prettyDate($val['date_created'], true);
             $date = Yii::app()->functions->translateDate($date);
             $feed_data['aaData'][] = array($val['merchant_id'], $val['merchant_name'], displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_order'])), displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($val['total_commission'])), $action);
         $feed_data['total_commission'] = displayPrice(adminCurrencySymbol(), normalPrettyPrice($total_commission));