function flt_adjust_reqd_caps($reqd_caps, $orig_cap, $user_id, $args)
     global $pagenow, $current_user;
     // Work around WP's occasional use of literal 'cap_name' instead of $post_type_object->cap->$cap_name
     // note: cap names for "post" type may be customized too
     if (in_array($pagenow, array('edit.php', 'post.php', 'post-new.php', 'press-this.php', 'admin-ajax.php', 'upload.php', 'media.php')) && in_array('edit_posts', $reqd_caps) && $user_id == $current_user->ID && !$this->doing_admin_menus()) {
         static $did_admin_init = false;
         if (!$did_admin_init) {
             $did_admin_init = did_action('admin_init');
         if ($did_admin_init) {
             if (!empty($args[0])) {
                 $item_id = is_object($args[0]) ? $args[0]->ID : $args[0];
             } else {
                 $item_id = 0;
             if ($type_obj = get_post_type_object(pp_find_post_type($item_id))) {
                 $key = array_search('edit_posts', $reqd_caps);
                 if (false !== $key) {
                     $reqd_caps[$key] = $type_obj->cap->edit_posts;
     return $reqd_caps;
Exemple #2
 function add_meta_boxes()
     // ========= register WP-rendered metaboxes ============
     $post_type = pp_find_post_type();
     if (!current_user_can('pp_assign_roles') || apply_filters('pp_disable_exception_ui', false, 'post', 0, $post_type)) {
     $hidden_types = apply_filters('pp_hidden_post_types', array());
     if (!empty($hidden_types[$post_type])) {
     if (!in_array($post_type, pp_get_enabled_post_types())) {
         if (!in_array($post_type, array('revision')) && pp_get_option('display_hints')) {
             $type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
             if ($type_obj->public) {
                 if (!in_array($post_type, apply_filters('pp_unfiltered_post_types', array()))) {
                     add_meta_box("pp_enable_type", __('Press Permit Settings', 'pp'), array(&$this, 'draw_settings_ui'), $post_type, 'advanced', 'default', array());
     //if ( ! $this->_roles_editable( $src_name, $object_type ) )
     //	return;
     $ops = _pp_can_set_exceptions('read', $post_type, array('via_item_source' => 'post', 'for_item_source' => 'post')) ? array('read' => true) : array();
     $operations = apply_filters('pp_item_edit_exception_ops', $ops, 'post', $post_type);
     foreach (array_keys($operations) as $op) {
         if ($op_obj = pp_get_op_object($op, $post_type)) {
             // $screen = null, $context = 'advanced', $priority = 'default', $callback_args = null
             add_meta_box("pp_{$op}_{$post_type}_exceptions", sprintf(__('%s Exceptions', 'pp'), $op_obj->noun_label), array(&$this, 'draw_exceptions_ui'), $post_type, 'advanced', 'default', array('op' => $op));
Exemple #3
function pp_item_edit_js($object_type = '')
    if (!$object_type) {
        $object_type = pp_find_post_type();
    if (in_array($object_type, array('revision'))) {
    $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '.dev' : '';
    wp_enqueue_script('pp-item-edit', PP_URLPATH . "/admin/js/pp-item-edit{$suffix}.js", array(), PPC_VERSION);
    if (taxonomy_exists($object_type)) {
        $type_obj = get_taxonomy($object_type);
    } else {
        $type_obj = get_post_type_object($object_type);
    if ($type_obj) {
        //$arr = array( 'hierarchical' => $type_obj->hierarchical );
        //wp_localize_script( 'pp_attributes', 'ppItem', $arr );
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var pp_hier_type='<?php 
        echo $type_obj->hierarchical;
/* ]]> */
 public function flt_adjacent_post_where($where)
     global $wpdb, $query_interceptor, $current_user;
     $post_type = pp_find_post_type();
     $limit_statuses = array_merge(pp_get_post_stati(array('public' => true, 'post_type' => $post_type)), pp_get_post_stati(array('private' => true, 'post_type' => $post_type)));
     if (!empty($current_user->ID)) {
         $where = str_replace(" AND p.post_status = 'publish'", " AND p.post_status IN ('" . implode("','", $limit_statuses) . "')", $where);
     // get_adjacent_post() function includes 'WHERE ' at beginning of $where
     $where = str_replace('WHERE ', 'AND ', $where);
     if ($limit_statuses) {
         $limit_statuses = array_fill_keys($limit_statuses, true);
     $args = array('post_types' => $post_type, 'source_alias' => 'p', 'skip_teaser' => true, 'limit_statuses' => $limit_statuses);
     $where = 'WHERE 1=1 ' . $query_interceptor->flt_posts_where($where, $args);
     return $where;
Exemple #5
 function flt_posts_listing($results)
     $default_type = pp_find_post_type();
     // buffer all IDs in the results set
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         $post_type = 'revision' == $row->post_type ? $default_type : $row->post_type;
         if (!isset($this->listed_ids[$post_type])) {
             $this->listed_ids[$post_type] = array();
         $this->listed_ids[$post_type][$row->ID] = true;
     return $results;
 function _flt_user_has_post_cap($wp_sitecaps, $orig_reqd_caps, $args, $pp_args)
     // ================= EARLY EXIT CHECKS (if the provided reqd_caps do not need filtering or need special case filtering ==================
     global $pp_current_user, $pagenow;
     if (isset($args[1]) && $args[1] != $pp_current_user->ID) {
         return $wp_sitecaps;
     // =================================================== (end early exit checks) ======================================================
     // ========================================== ARGUMENT TRANSLATION AND STATUS DETECTION =============================================
     $post_id = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : pp_get_post_id();
     $post_type = pp_find_post_type($post_id);
     // will be pulled from object
     $pp_reqd_caps = (array) $args[0];
     // already cast to array
     //=== Allow PP extensions or other plugins to modify some variables
     if ($_vars = apply_filters_ref_array('pp_has_post_cap_vars', array(null, $wp_sitecaps, $pp_reqd_caps, array('post_type' => $post_type, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'user_id' => $args[1], 'required_operation' => $pp_args['required_operation']), &$this))) {
         extract(array_intersect_key($_vars, array_fill_keys(array('post_type', 'post_id', 'pp_reqd_caps', 'return_caps', 'required_operation'), 'true')));
     if (!empty($return_caps)) {
         return array_merge($wp_sitecaps, $return_caps);
     if (!$post_id || !in_array($post_type, pp_get_enabled_post_types())) {
         return $wp_sitecaps;
     extract($pp_args, EXTR_SKIP);
     // Note: At this point, we have a nonzero post_id...
     do_action_ref_array('pp_has_post_cap_pre', array($pp_reqd_caps, 'post', $post_type, $post_id, &$this));
     // cache clearing / refresh forcing can be applied here
     $memcache_disabled = $this->flags['memcache_disabled'];
     // skip the memcache under certain circumstances
     if (!$memcache_disabled) {
         if (!empty($_POST) && 'post.php' == $pagenow && pp_get_type_cap($post_type, 'edit_post') == reset($pp_reqd_caps) || !empty($_GET['doaction']) && in_array(reset($pp_reqd_caps), array('delete_post', pp_get_type_cap($post_type, 'delete_post')))) {
             $this->memcache = array();
             $memcache_disabled = true;
     // ============ QUERY for required caps on object id (if other listed ids are known, query for them also).  Cache results to static var. ===============
     $query_args = array('required_operation' => $required_operation, 'post_types' => $post_type, 'skip_teaser' => true);
     // generate a string key for this set of required caps, for use below in checking, caching the filtered results
     $cap_arg = 'edit_page' == $args[0] ? 'edit_post' : $args[0];
     // minor perf boost on uploads.php, TODO: move to PPCE
     $capreqs_key = $memcache_disabled ? false : $cap_arg . $this->flags['cache_key_suffix'] . md5(serialize($query_args));
     // Check whether this object id was already tested for the same reqd_caps in a previous execution of this function within the same http request
     if (!isset($this->memcache['tested_ids'][$post_type][$capreqs_key][$post_id]) || !empty($this->flags['force_memcache_refresh'])) {
         global $pp, $wpdb, $query_interceptor;
         // If this cap inquiry is for a single item but multiple items are being listed, we will query for the original metacap on all items (mapping it for each applicable status) and buffer the results
         // (Perf enhancement when listing display will check caps for each item to determine whether to display an action link)
         //  note: don't use wp_object_cache because it includes posts not present in currently displayed resultset listing page
         if (isset($pp->listed_ids[$post_type]) && (!is_admin() || 'index.php' != $pagenow)) {
             // there's too much happening on the dashboard to buffer listed IDs reliably.
             $listed_ids = array_keys($pp->listed_ids[$post_type]);
         } else {
             $listed_ids = array();
         // make sure our current post_id is in the query list
         $listed_ids[] = (int) $post_id;
         $listed_ids = array_unique($listed_ids);
         //if ( ! isset( $this->memcache['request'][$capreqs_key] ) || $this->flags['force_memcache_refresh'] ) {
         //$query_args['listed_ids'] = $listed_ids;
         if (count($listed_ids) == 1) {
             $query_args['limit_statuses'] = array(get_post_field('post_status', $post_id) => true);
         $query_args['limit_ids'] = $listed_ids;
         $query_args['has_cap_check'] = $args[0];
         $request = $query_interceptor->construct_posts_request(array('fields' => "{$wpdb->posts}.ID"), $query_args);
         // update static variable
         //if ( ! $memcache_disabled )
         //	$this->memcache['request'][$capreqs_key] = $request;
         //} else {
         //	$request = $this->memcache['request'][$capreqs_key];
         // run the query
         $request .= " AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID IN ('" . implode("', '", $listed_ids) . "')";
         $qkey = md5($request);
         // a different has_cap inquiry may have generated the same query, so check cache before executing the query
         if (isset($this->memcache['okay_ids'][$qkey]) && !$memcache_disabled) {
             $okay_ids = $this->memcache['okay_ids'][$qkey];
         } else {
             $okay_ids = $wpdb->get_col($request);
             if (!$memcache_disabled) {
                 $this->memcache['okay_ids'][$qkey] = $okay_ids;
         // update tested_ids cache to log filtered results for this post id, and possibly also for other listed IDs
         if (!$memcache_disabled) {
             foreach ($listed_ids as $_id) {
                 $this->memcache['tested_ids'][$post_type][$capreqs_key][$_id] = in_array($_id, $okay_ids);
         $this_id_okay = in_array($post_id, $okay_ids);
     } else {
         // results of this has_cap inquiry are already stored (from another call within current http request)
         $this_id_okay = $this->memcache['tested_ids'][$post_type][$capreqs_key][$post_id];
     do_action_ref_array('pp_has_post_cap_done', array($this_id_okay, $pp_reqd_caps, 'post', $post_type, $post_id, &$this));
     // followup to cache processing can be applied here
     if ($this_id_okay) {
         //d_echo( "PASSED for {$orig_reqd_caps[0]}<br />" );
         return array_merge($wp_sitecaps, array_fill_keys($orig_reqd_caps, true));
     } else {
         // ================= TEMPORARY DEBUG CODE ===================
         //d_echo( "user_has_cap FAILED ($post_id) !!!!!!!" );
         //d_echo( '<br />' );
         // ============== (end temporary debug code ==================
         return array_diff_key($wp_sitecaps, array_fill_keys($orig_reqd_caps, true));
         // return user's sitewide caps, minus the caps we were checking for