Exemple #1
 * Outputs HTML select menu of all registered scripts.
 * @since   0.1.0
 * @uses    postscript_script_handles() Array of registered style handles
function postscript_add_script_callback()
    // Array of alphabetized front-end registered script handles.
    $script_handles = postscript_script_handles();
    // Output HTML select menu of (sorted) registered script handles.
    <select id="postscript-add-script" name="postscript[add_script]">
        <option value=''><?php 
    _e('Select script to add:', 'postscript');
    foreach ($script_handles as $script_handle) {
        $handle = esc_attr($script_handle);
        echo "<option value=\"{$handle}\">{$handle}</option>";
    // Get user-selected script handles (stored as tax terms).
    $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'fields' => 'all');
    $scripts_added = get_terms('postscripts', $args);
    // Display table of selected handles (with $wp_scripts data and term's post count).
    <table class="wp-list-table widefat striped">
    _e('Scripts added', 'postscript');
                <th scope="col" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;"><?php 
    _e('Handle', 'postscript');
                <th scope="col" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;"><?php 
    _e('Ver', 'postscript');
                <th scope="col" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;"><?php 
    _e('Deps', 'postscript');
                <th scope="col" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;"><?php 
    _e('Footer', 'postscript');
                <th scope="col" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;"><?php 
    _e('Posts', 'postscript');
    // Array of registered scripts' data (transient stores front-end $wp_scripts).
    $postscript_scripts_reg = get_transient('postscript_scripts_reg');
    if (!empty($scripts_added)) {
        foreach ($scripts_added as $script_obj) {
            if (in_array($script_obj->name, $script_handles)) {
                $script_name = esc_html($script_obj->name);
                $script_arr = $postscript_scripts_reg[$script_name];
                // Comma-separated list of style dependencies.
                $deps = implode(', ', $script_arr->deps);
                // Make relative URLs full (for core registered scripts in '/wp-admin' or '/wp-includes').
                $src = $script_arr->src ? postscript_core_full_urls($script_arr->src) : '';
                // Add link to handle name, if registered source file.
                $handle = $src ? "<a href=\"{$src}\">" . $script_name . '</a>' : $script_name;
                // @todo Add status-code column. Check URL when adding script, add status to term meta.
                // Check URL status response code, if script has a 'src' set.
                // $status_code  = ( $src ) ? "<a href='$src'>" . postscript_url_exists( $src ) . '</a>' : '--';
                // Tax term post count, linked to list of posts (if count>0).
                $count = $script_obj->count;
                if ($count) {
                    $posts_count_url = admin_url() . "edit.php?postscripts={$script_name}\"";
                    $posts_count = '<a href="' . esc_url_raw($posts_count_url) . "\">{$count}</a>";
                } else {
                    $posts_count = $count;
                // For wp_kses() sanitization of HTML.
                $allowed_html = array('a' => array('href' => array()));
                $allowed_protocols = array('http', 'https');
                <th scope="row" class="th-full" style="padding: 0.5em;">
                echo wp_kses($handle, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols);
                echo esc_html($script_arr->ver);
                echo esc_html($deps);
                echo esc_html($script_arr->args);
                // Style media: 'screen', 'print', or 'all'.
                echo wp_kses($posts_count, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols);
            // if
        // foreach
    } else {
        _e('You have not added any scripts yet.', 'postscript');
    <p class="wp-ui-text-icon">
    _e('<strong>Handle</strong> name links to <code>src</code> file. <strong>Posts</strong> count links to a list of posts that enqueue the file.', 'postscript');
<br />
Exemple #2
 * Allows only registered handles as custom tax terms.
 * Late priority number to ensure font-end script handles are loaded.
 * @uses  postscript_script_handles() Returns array of registered scripts.
 * @uses  postscript_style_handles() Returns array of registered styles.
 * @return  string $term Submitted taxonomy term (or WP_Error admin-notice).
function postscript_check_tax_term($term, $taxonomy)
    if ($taxonomy == 'postscripts') {
        $script_handles = postscript_script_handles();
        if (in_array($term, $script_handles)) {
            return $term;
        } else {
            return new WP_Error('invalid_term', __('The script handle you entered is <strong>not</strong> <a href="https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_register_script/">registered</a>.'));
    if ($taxonomy == 'poststyles') {
        $style_handles = postscript_style_handles();
        if (in_array($term, $style_handles)) {
            return $term;
        } else {
            return new WP_Error('invalid_term', __('The style handle you entered is <strong>not</strong> <a href="https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_register_style/">registered</a>.'));
    return $term;