/** * Process a Github issue comment. * * @param object $payload * The received data. */ function handle_issue_comment($payload) { // There is no pull request API URL in the issue, so we need to construct it // from the pattern. $pull_request_url = str_replace('{/number}', '/' . $payload->issue->number, $payload->repository->pulls_url); try { $pull_request = get_pull_request($pull_request_url); } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) { // Pull request does not exist, so we ignore this comment. exit; } $issue_number = get_issue_number($pull_request); if (!$issue_number) { exit; } $comment = '<a href="' . $payload->comment->user->html_url . '">' . $payload->comment->user->login . '</a> posted a <a href="' . $payload->comment->html_url . '">new comment</a> on ' . $payload->comment->html_url . ".\n\n"; $comment .= $payload->comment->body; post_comment($issue_number, $comment); }
:<?php post_date('F j, Y'); ?> </span> <span><?php _e('Category'); ?> :<?php post_category(','); ?> </span> <a href="<?php post_link(); ?> #comments"><?php post_comment('No Comments', '1 Comment', '%d Comments'); ?> </a> </p> <?php post_content(500); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php post_nav(); ?> </div><!-- end #content-->
// Initialize message array if it doesn't exist if (!isset($_SESSION['success'])) { $_SESSION['success'] = array(); } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { // This is registration if ($_POST['action'] == 'register') { register_user($_POST); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'login') { login_user($_POST); } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'message') { post_message($_POST); } else { post_comment($_POST); } } } } else { session_destroy(); header('Location: index.php'); } function register_user($post) { //--------------being of validation checks-----------------------// $_SESSION['errors'] = array(); if (empty($post['first_name'])) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = "First name can't be blank"; } if (empty($post['last_name'])) {
/** * Article Box */ function display_article_box($row) { global $cfg, $lang, $cd, $session_status, $id, $admin_dir, $article_addition; // Permanent Link if (empty($id)) { $permalink = '<a href="' . $cd . '/article.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '" title="' . $lang['permalink_title_1'] . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($row['name'])) . $lang['permalink_title_2'] . '" rel="Bookmark">Permalink</a> '; $read_more = '<p class="read-more"><a href="' . $cd . '/article.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '" title="' . $row['name'] . '">' . $lang['more'] . '</a></p>'; $row['comment'] = preg_replace('/<!-- ?more ?-->.*<!-- ?\\/more ?-->/is', $read_more, $row['comment']); $row['comment'] = preg_replace('/<!-- ?more ?-->.*/is', $read_more, $row['comment']); } else { $permalink = ''; } if (file_exists($cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_isbn.inc.php')) { include_once $cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_isbn.inc.php'; $FKMM_isbn = new FKMM_isbn(); $row['comment'] = $FKMM_isbn->convert_isbn($row['comment']); } // Convert Text to XHTML if (file_exists($cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_markdown.inc.php')) { include_once $cd . '/include/user_include/plugins/plg_markdown.inc.php'; $FKMM_markdown = new FKMM_markdown(); $row['comment'] = $FKMM_markdown->convert($row['comment']); } else { $row['comment'] = xhtml_auto_markup($row['comment']); } // Convert Enclosure if (file_exists($cd . '/rss/include/P_BLOG_RSS.class.php')) { include_once $cd . '/rss/include/P_BLOG_RSS.class.php'; $p_rss = new P_BLOG_RSS(); $row['comment'] = $p_rss->convertEnclosure($row['comment']); } $row['comment'] = preg_replace('/src="\\./', 'src="' . $cd, $row['comment']); // Smiley $row = smiley($row); // Article title if ($row['href'] == "http://") { $article_title = $row['name']; } else { $article_title = '<a href="' . $row['href'] . '">' . $row['name'] . "</a>\n"; } // Time format if ($cfg['show_date_title'] == 'yes') { switch ($cfg['date_style']) { case '1': $df = 'Y/m/d'; break; case '2': $df = 'M d, Y'; break; default: $df = 'Y-m-d'; break; } $row['date'] = date($df . ' G:i:s', strtotime($row['date'])); $row['mod'] = date($df . ' G:i:s', strtotime($row['mod'])); } if ($row['date'] != $row['mod']) { $row['date'] = date('G:i:s', strtotime($row['date'])); $mod_str = ', ' . $lang['mod'] . ' @ ' . $row['mod']; } else { $row['date'] = date('G:i:s', strtotime($row['date'])); $mod_str = ''; } // Category $category_title = $lang['cat_title_1'] . $row['category'] . $lang['cat_title_2']; $category = '<a href="' . $cd . '/category.php?k=' . urlencode($row['category']) . '" title="' . $category_title . '">' . $row['category'] . '</a>'; // Show date time if ($cfg['show_date_time'] == 'yes') { $date_time = '<div class="date">' . $lang['post'] . ' @ ' . $row['date'] . ' ' . $mod_str . ' | ' . $category . "</div>\n"; } else { $date_time = ''; } // Show e-mail link if ($cfg['use_email_link'] == 'yes') { $via_email_title = $lang['via_email_title_1'] . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($row['name'])) . $lang['via_email_title_2']; $email_link = '<a href="' . $cd . '/var/feedback/index.php?id=feedback&a_id=' . $row['id'] . '" title="' . $via_email_title . '">Email</a>'; } else { $email_link = ''; } // Show comment link if ($cfg['use_comment_link'] == 'yes' && @file_exists('./forum/index.php')) { switch ($cfg['comment_style']) { case '2': $comment = post_comment(); // "Comment" style break; case '1': $comment = post_comment_forum(); // "Forum" style break; default: $comment = post_comment(); break; } } else { $comment = ''; } // Show trackbacks if ($cfg['trackback'] == 'on') { $trackback = display_trackback($row); } else { $trackback = ''; } // Show "Modify or Delete" button when Admin mode. if ($session_status == 'on') { if ($row['draft'] == '1') { $update_target = 'draft_update'; } else { $update_target = 'update'; } $admin_button = <<<EOD <form action="{$cd}/{$admin_dir}/{$update_target}.php" method="post"> <div class="submit-button"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$row['id']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="log" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_username" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="post_password" value="" /> <input type="submit" tabindex="1" accesskey="m" value="{$lang['mod_del']}" /> </div> </form> EOD; } else { $admin_button = ''; } // Article footer if (!empty($id)) { // When Permalink if ($email_link != '') { $email_link = <<<EOD <div class="a-footer"> {$email_link} </div> EOD; } else { $email_link = ''; } $article_footer = <<<EOD {$email_link}{$article_addition} {$trackback} {$comment} {$admin_button} EOD; } else { // When Index $article_footer = <<<EOD <div class="a-footer"> {$permalink}{$email_link} {$trackback} {$comment}{$admin_button} </div> EOD; } //////////////// Presentation! ///////////////// $article_box = <<<EOD <div class="section"> <h3 class="article-title">{$article_title}</h3> {$date_time}<div class="comment"> {$row['comment']} </div> {$article_footer} </div><!-- End .section --> EOD; return $article_box; }
post_id(); ?> ');return false;"><?php post_title(); ?> </a></td> <td><?php post_author(); ?> </td> <td><?php post_category(); ?> </td> <td><?php post_comment(); ?> </td> <td><?php post_date(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php $nav = post_nav(FALSE);
$postId = (int) $_POST['post_id']; $chk = single_post($postId); $uid = (int) $var['uid']; if ($chk) { $json = array(); $json['message'] = "Posts found!"; $json['success'] = 1; $json['data'] = json_decode($chk, true); $arr = json_decode($json['data'][0]['post_like']); if (in_array($uid, $arr)) { $json['data'][0]['liked'] = 1; } else { $json['data'][0]['liked'] = 0; } $json['data'][0]['post_like'] = count($arr); $com = post_comment($postId); $json['data'][0]['comments'] = json_decode($com, true); $len = count($json['data'][0]['comments']); $json['data'][0]['total_comment'] = $len; if ($len == 0) { $json['data'][0]['comments'] = array(); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $tmp = $json['data'][0]['comments'][$i]['comment_id']; $json['data'][0]['comments'][$i]['subcomment'] = sub_comments($postId, $tmp); if ($json['data'][0]['comments'][$i]['subcomment'] == null) { $json['data'][0]['comments'][$i]['subcomment'] = array(); } } } echo json_encode($json);
<script> // @ 回复 function comment_reply( cid ) { document.getElementById('comment_content').value = "@comment-" + cid + "\n" + document.getElementById('comment_content').value; setTimeout( 'document.getElementById("comment_content").focus();', 50 ); } </script> <div id="comments"> <?php echo plugin_call('preComment'); ?> <h4><?php post_comment(_t('No Comments'), _t('Only One Comment »'), _t('%d Comments »')); ?> </h4> <ol class="comment-list"> <?php while (comment_next()) { ?> <li id="comment-<?php comment_id(); ?> " class="comment-body"> <div class="comment-author"> <img class="avatar" src="<?php comment_avatar(); ?> " alt="<?php comment_author();
/** ** Read the log message for this revision **/ // Run git show to get the log message for this revision $log_message = shell_exec(implode(' ', array(escapeshellcmd($git), '--git-dir=' . escapeshellarg($repo), 'show', '--stat', escapeshellarg($rev)))); if (!empty($log_message)) { $tickets = find_tickets($log_message); $kolab_tickets = find_kolab_tickets($log_message); foreach ($kolab_tickets as $ticket) { $log_message .= "\nThis ticket also references kolab issue: http://issues.kolab.org/issue{$ticket}\n\n"; } if (count($tickets)) { $log_message = "Changes have been made in Git (" . $refname . "):\n\n" . $log_message . "\n" . $links; foreach ($tickets as $ticket) { fputs(STDERR, "Updating Ticket #" . $ticket . "...\n"); post_comment($ticket, $log_message); } } } exit(0); /** ** Functions **/ function abort($msg) { fputs(STDERR, $msg . "\n"); exit(1); } function usage() { abort("usage: whups-git-hook.php PATH_TO_REPO REVISION REFNAME LINKS");
$chk = post_list(); $uid = (int) $var['uid']; if ($chk) { $json['message'] = "Posts found!"; $json['success'] = 1; $json['data'] = json_decode($chk, true); $counter = count($json['data']); for ($post = 0; $post < $counter; $post++) { $arr = json_decode($json['data'][$post]['post_like']); $json['data'][$post]['post_like'] = count($arr); if (in_array($uid, $arr)) { $json['data'][$post]['liked'] = 1; } else { $json['data'][$post]['liked'] = 0; } $com = post_comment($json['data'][$post]['post_id']); $arr = json_decode($com, true); $len = count($arr); $json['data'][$post]['post_comment'] = $len; } echo json_encode($json); } else { echo err_json('No posts found!'); } } else { echo err_json('Please login!'); } // } else { echo err_json('Wrong API Key.'); }
if (isset($_POST['add_comment']) && $_POST['add_comment']) { if (is_file($cmm)) { $comments = @file_get_contents($cmm); $comments = @unserialize($comments); if (!is_array($comments)) { $comments = array(); } $newId = (count($keys = array_keys($comments)) ? intval(max($keys)) : 0) + 1; $txt = isset($_POST['text']) ? trim($_POST['text']) : ''; if ($txt) { $comments[$newId] = array('user' => isset($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : '******', 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'time' => date('H:i'), 'text' => htmlspecialchars($txt)); $old = umask(0); @chmod($cmm, 0777); umask($old); @file_put_contents($cmm, serialize($comments)); $out = post_comment($postId, $comments[$newId]['user'], $comments[$newId]['text']); //wf_log(print_r($out, true)); } } header('Location: ./?view=blog&postId=' . $postId); exit; } if ($postId !== false) { $post = $base_dir . '/blog.' . $postId . '.php'; if (is_file($post)) { $post = file_get_contents($post); ob_start(); eval("\n ?" . ">" . $post . "<" . "?php \n"); $post = ob_get_clean(); $post = preg_replace('#<!-- .* -->#ismU', '', $post); echo $post;