public function competence1() { $ajaxAcc = commonAct::ajaxAccess(); if (!$ajaxAcc) { self::$errCode = "1003"; self::$errMsg = "您无用户颗粒(添加、修改)权限!"; return false; } $userid = isset($_POST["userid"]) ? post_check($_POST["userid"]) : ''; $visacc = isset($_POST["visacc"]) ? post_check($_POST["visacc"]) : ''; if (empty($userid)) { self::$errCode = "1001"; self::$errMsg = "用户参数非法"; return false; } if (empty($visacc)) { self::$errCode = "1002"; self::$errMsg = "可见帐号内容非法"; return false; } $userarr = explode(",", $userid); foreach ($userarr as $userid) { $userid = is_numeric($userid) ? $userid : 0; if (empty($userid)) { self::$errCode = "1000"; self::$errMsg = "单个用户ID参数非法"; return false; } $data = array("user_id" => $userid, "power_ids" => $visacc); $res = UserCompetenceModel::competence($data); self::$errCode = UserCompetenceModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = UserCompetenceModel::$errMsg; } return $res; }
public function view_addOrder() { $OmAccountAct = new OmAccountAct(); $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? post_check($_GET['state']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('state', $state); //平台 //$platform_lsit = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList("om_platform","*","where is_delete=0"); $platform_lsit = $OmAccountAct->act_getPlatformListByPower(); $tmpPlatformList = array(); foreach ($platform_lsit as $value) { if (in_array($value['id'], array(3))) { $tmpPlatformList[] = $value; } } $platform_lsit = $tmpPlatformList; $this->smarty->assign('platform_lsit', $platform_lsit); //账号 //$account_lsit = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList("om_account","*","where is_delete=0 and platformId=3"); $account_lsit = $OmAccountAct->act_getAccountListByPlatform(); $account_lsit = array(); $this->smarty->assign('account_lsit', $account_lsit); //物流 $Shiping = CommonModel::getCarrierList(); $this->smarty->assign('Shiping', $Shiping); $toplevel = 2; //一级菜单的序号 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = 21; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '订单添加'); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('orderAdd.htm'); }
public function view_printOptimal() { $list = isset($_GET['list']) ? post_check($_GET['list']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('list', $list); if ($_POST['route_index']) { $userName = $_SESSION['userName']; if (empty($list)) { echo "请选择需要生成索引的列表"; exit; } $GroupRouteAct = new GroupRouteAct(); $group_index = $GroupRouteAct->act_groupIndex(); $this->smarty->assign('status', $group_index); $order_count = GroupRouteModel::getRouteIndexNum("where user='******'"); $this->smarty->assign('count', $order_count); $this->smarty->assign('group_bool', 1); } $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '首页'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=orderWaitforPrint&act=printList', 'title' => '打印发货单'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=PrintOrder&act=printOptimal', 'title' => '订单最优打印')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '订单最优打印'); $this->smarty->assign('secnev', 1); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $toplevel = 2; //顶层菜单 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = '22'; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->display('printOrder.htm'); }
function act_sureAdd() { $data = array(); $property_arr = array(); $id = post_check(trim($_POST['standardId'])); $is_open = post_check(trim($_POST['isopen'])); $data['sampleTypeId'] = post_check(trim($_POST['typeId'])); $data['sName'] = post_check(trim($_POST['sName'])); $data['minimumLimit'] = post_check(trim($_POST['minimumLimit'])); $data['maximumLimit'] = post_check(trim($_POST['maximumLimit'])); $data['sizeCodeId'] = post_check(trim($_POST['codeId'])); $data['userId'] = $_SESSION['sysUserId']; $data['createdTime'] = time(); if (empty($id)) { $data['is_open'] = 0; $insertid = SampleStandardModel::insertRow($data); if ($insertid) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $updatedata = SampleStandardModel::update($data, "and id='{$id}'"); if ($updatedata) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
public function view_updateScrappedProducts() { if (!isset($_SESSION['sysUserId'])) { //检测用户是否登陆 header('location:index.php?mod=login&act=index'); exit; } $scrappedProductsAct = new ScrappedProductsAct(); $scrappedId = isset($_GET['scrappedId']) ? post_check($_GET['scrappedId']) : ''; if (empty($scrappedId)) { //为空时,跳转到列表页面,输出错误信息 $status = '审核失败,id为空'; header("location:index.php?mod=scrappedProducts&act=getScrappedProductsList&status={$status}"); exit; } $now = time(); $set = "SET scrappedStatus='1',processTime='{$now}' "; $where = "WHERE id='{$scrappedId}' "; $affectRow = $scrappedProductsAct->act_updateScrappedProducts($set, $where); if ($affectRow) { $status = '审核成功'; } else { $status = '审核失败'; } header("location:index.php?mod=scrappedProducts&act=getScrappedProductsList&status={$status}"); }
function act_sureAddCurr() { $bool = array(); $data = array(); $id = trim($_POST['currId']); $data['currency'] = post_check(trim($_POST['currency'])); $data['rates'] = post_check(trim($_POST['rates'])); $data['userId'] = $_SESSION['sysUserId']; $data['modefyTime'] = time(); if (empty($id)) { $bool = CurrencyModel::getCurrencyList("*", "where currency='{$data['currency']}'"); if ($bool) { return 2; } $insertid = CurrencyModel::insertRow($data); if ($insertid) { return 1; } else { return false; } } else { $bool = CurrencyModel::getCurrencyList("*", "where id!={$id} and currency='{$data['currency']}'"); if ($bool) { return 2; } $updatedata = CurrencyModel::update($data, "and id='{$id}'"); if ($updatedata) { return 1; } else { return false; } } }
public function view_statusMenu() { $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? post_check($_GET['state']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('state', $state); $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $menu = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList("*", "where is_delete=0 and storeId=1"); $this->smarty->assign('menu', $menu); $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '系统设置'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '订单流程')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); //流程状态分组 if (!empty($menu)) { $group = array(); foreach ($menu as $info) { if ($info['groupId'] == '0') { $group[$info['id']] = '一级分组'; continue; } $group_info = StatusMenuGroupModel::getMenuGroupList("statusName", "where statusCode='{$info['groupId']}'"); $group[$info['id']] = $group_info[0]['statusName']; } } $this->smarty->assign('group', $group); $toplevel = 3; //一级菜单的序号 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = 39; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '订单流程'); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('statusMenu.htm'); }
function act_sureAddAttr() { $bool = array(); $data = array(); $id = trim($_POST['attrId']); $data['attributesName'] = post_check(trim($_POST['attributesName'])); if (empty($id)) { $bool = OrderAttrModel::getOrderAttrList("*", "where attributesName='{$data['attributesName']}'"); if ($bool) { return 2; } $insertid = OrderAttrModel::insertRow($data); if ($insertid) { return 1; } else { return false; } } else { $bool = OrderAttrModel::getOrderAttrList("*", "where id!={$id} and attributesName='{$data['attributesName']}'"); if ($bool) { return 2; } $updatedata = OrderAttrModel::update($data, "and id='{$id}'"); if ($updatedata) { return 1; } else { return false; } } }
/** * 修改供应商类型信息的函数 * @return $result $result > 0 成功,否则失败 */ public function editPartnerType() { $data['category_name'] = post_check($_POST['category_name']); $id = post_check($_POST['category_id']); $where = " and id = '{$id}' "; $result = PartnerTypeModel::update($data, $where); return $result; }
/** * TrackEmailStatAct::actIndex() * 列出符合条件的数据并分页显示 * @param string $condition 查询条件 * @param integer $curpage 页码 * @param integer $pagenum 每页个数 * @return array */ public function actIndex() { $data = array(); $condition = ''; $trackEmailStat = new TrackEmailStatModel(); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $timeNode = isset($_GET['timeNode']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['timeNode'])) : ''; $condition .= "1"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('trackNumber', 'platAccount'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackEmailStat&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } if (!empty($timeNode)) { if (!in_array($timeNode, array('addTime', 'lastTime'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackEmailStat&act=index"); } $startTime = isset($_GET['startTime']) ? strtotime(trim($_GET['startTime']) . " 00:00:00") : strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 00:00:00"); $endTime = isset($_GET['endTime']) ? strtotime(trim($_GET['endTime']) . " 23:59:59") : strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()) . " 23:59:59"); if ($startTime && $endTime) { $condition .= ' AND ' . $timeNode . " BETWEEN '" . $startTime . "' AND " . "'" . $endTime . "'"; } } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; $total = $trackEmailStat->modListCount($condition); $res = $trackEmailStat->modList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } //封装数据返回 $data['key'] = $key; $data['type'] = $type; $data['lists'] = $res; $data['pages'] = $pageStr; $data['timeNode'] = $timeNode; $data['startTime'] = $startTime ? date('Y-m-d', $startTime) : ''; $data['endTime'] = $endTime ? date('Y-m-d', $endTime) : ''; self::$errCode = trackEmailStatModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = trackEmailStatModel::$errMsg; if (self::$errCode != 0) { show_message($this->smarty, self::$errMsg, ""); return false; } return $data; }
/** * 编辑供应商信息的函数 * @return void */ public function view_editType() { $category_id = post_check($_GET['id']); $result = PartnerTypeAct::act_getPartnerTypeInfo($category_id); $category_name = $result[0]['category_name']; $this->smarty->assign("category_id", $category_id); $this->smarty->assign("category_name", $category_name); $this->smarty->display('editPartnerType.htm'); }
/** * 修改 */ public function view_edit() { $id = post_check($_GET['id']); $entity = AgreementModel::getById($id); //echo '<pre>';print_r($entity);exit; $this->smarty->assign('entity', $entity); $this->smarty->assign("companyTypeList", array('1' => '企业法人', '2' => '个体经营')); $this->smarty->assign("statusList", array('1' => '正常', '2' => '限制')); $this->smarty->assign('title', '修改协议'); $this->smarty->display('editAgreement.htm'); }
public function view_positionList() { $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? post_check($_GET['state']) : ''; echo $state; echo "<br>"; $this->smarty->assign('state', $state); $position_arr = array(); $PositionAct = new PositionAct(); $position_info = $PositionAct->act_getPositionList("*", "where storeId=1"); if (!empty($position_info)) { foreach ($position_info as $position) { $x = $position['x_alixs']; $y = $position['y_alixs']; $z = $position['z_alixs']; $f = $position['floor']; $position_arr["({$x},{$y},{$z},{$f})"] = $position['pName']; } } //var_dump($position_arr); $this->smarty->assign('position_arr', $position_arr); $hang = 40; //一列行数 $row_position_nums = 4; //一行仓位数 $second_north_row = 6; //二楼北区列数 $second_south_row = 7; //二楼南区列数 $third_row = 8; //三楼南区列数 $distance = 10; //南北区距离 $distance_row = $row_position_nums + 1; //每列X坐标间隔数 $this->smarty->assign('hang', $hang); $this->smarty->assign('row_position_nums', $row_position_nums); $this->smarty->assign('second_north_row', $second_north_row); $this->smarty->assign('second_south_row', $second_south_row); $this->smarty->assign('third_row', $third_row); $this->smarty->assign('distance', $distance); $this->smarty->assign('distance_row', $distance_row); $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=warehouseManagement&act=whStore', 'title' => '仓位设置'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=position&act=positionList', 'title' => 'A仓管理')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', 'A仓管理'); $toplevel = 4; //一级菜单的序号 0 开始 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = "010"; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('positionInfo.htm'); }
public function view_index() { $trackWarnNode = new TrackWarnNodeAct(); $this->smarty->assign('title', '运输方式节点预警管理'); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $carrierId = isset($_GET['carrierId']) ? intval($_GET['carrierId']) : 0; $condition = "1"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('nodeName', 'trackName'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=trackWarnNode&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } if (!empty($carrierId)) { $condition .= " AND carrierId = '{$carrierId}'"; } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; //每页显示的个数 $res = $trackWarnNode->actList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $total = $trackWarnNode->actListCount($condition); //页面总数量 $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } //替换页面内容变量 $this->smarty->assign('key', $key); //关键词 $this->smarty->assign('type', $type); //条件选项 $this->smarty->assign('lists', $res); //数据集 $this->smarty->assign('carrierId', $carrierId); //运输方式ID $carrierList = TransOpenApiModel::getCarrier(2); $this->smarty->assign('carrierList', $carrierList); //运输方式列表 $this->smarty->assign('pageStr', $pageStr); //分页输出 $this->smarty->display('trackWarnNode.htm'); }
public function view_index() { $condition = ''; $partitionManage = new PartitionManageAct(); $this->smarty->assign('title', '分区管理'); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $chid = isset($_GET['chid']) ? intval($_GET['chid']) : 0; //渠道ID $condition .= "1"; $condition .= " AND channelId = {$chid}"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('partitionCode', 'partitionName'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=partitionManage&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; //每页显示的个数 $res = $partitionManage->actList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $total = $partitionManage->actListCount($condition); //页面总数量 $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } $carrierId = PartitionManageModel::getCarrierId($chid); //替换页面内容变量 $this->smarty->assign('chid', $chid); //渠道ID $this->smarty->assign('carrierId', $carrierId); //运输方式ID $this->smarty->assign('key', $key); //关键词 $this->smarty->assign('type', $type); //查询选项 $this->smarty->assign('lists', $res); //循环赋值 $this->smarty->assign('pageStr', $pageStr); //分页输出 $this->smarty->display('partitionManage.htm'); }
/** * PackageAct::getPackageOrderDetail() * 获取一个或多个订单详情 * @param string $po_id 订单号 * @return array */ public static function getPackageOrderDetail() { $poid = isset($_REQUEST["po_id"]) ? post_check($_REQUEST["po_id"]) : ""; if (empty($poid)) { self::$errCode = 10000; self::$errMsg = "订单编号参数有误"; return false; } $res = PackageModel::getPackageOrderDetails($poid); self::$errCode = PackageModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = PackageModel::$errMsg; return $res; }
public function view_userPowerSave() { $username = $_POST['username'] ? post_check($_POST['username']) : ""; $power = $_POST['power'] ? post_check($_POST['power']) : ""; $accountManage = new AccountManageAct(); if (!empty($username) && !empty($power)) { $res = $accountManage->act_userPowerSave(); echo $res; } else { echo false; } exit; }
public function view_contentModify() { $contentId = isset($_GET['id']) ? post_check($_GET['id']) : ''; $content = ''; if ($contentId != '') { $cntAct = new contentAct(); $content = $cntAct->act_getContentList('*', "where id = '{$contentId}'"); //print_r($content); } $this->smarty->assign('contentId', $contentId); $this->smarty->assign('content', $content[0]['content']); $this->smarty->display('contentModify.htm'); }
/** * 删除 */ public function delAgreement() { global $dbConn; $data = array('is_delete' => 1, 'modifyTime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'modifyUserId' => $_SESSION['sysUserId']); $ids = post_check($_POST['idArr']); $where = "id in (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") "; $dataSql = array2sql($data); $sql = "update ph_agreement set {$dataSql} where {$where}"; if ($dbConn->execute($sql)) { $arr = array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '添加成功'); } else { $arr = array('code' => 0, 'msg' => '添加失败'); } return json_encode($arr); }
function act_checkAddCoeff() { //添加系数中,ajax后台验证是否有相同系数名称、样本类型、样本大小记录 $cName = isset($_POST['cName']) ? $_POST['cName'] : ''; $sampleTypeId = isset($_POST['sampleTypeId']) ? post_check($_POST['sampleTypeId']) : ''; $sizeCodeId = isset($_POST['sizeCodeId']) ? post_check($_POST['sizeCodeId']) : ''; $where = "WHERE cName='{$cName}' AND sampleTypeId='{$sampleTypeId}' AND sizeCodeId='{$sizeCodeId}' "; $ret = SampleCoefficientModel::getSampleCoefficientCount($where); if ($ret === 0) { self::$errCode = "1111"; self::$errMsg = "可以使用"; } else { self::$errCode = "0000"; self::$errMsg = "不可以使用"; } }
public function view_printOptimal() { $list = isset($_GET['list']) ? post_check($_GET['list']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('list', $list); $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '首页'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=orderWaitforPrint&act=printList', 'title' => '打印发货单'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=PrintOrderB&act=printOptimal', 'title' => 'B仓提货单打印')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', 'B仓提货单打印'); $this->smarty->assign('secnev', 1); $toplevel = 2; //顶层菜单 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = '22'; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->display('printOrderB.htm'); }
public function view_index() { $countriesSmall = new CountriesSmallAct(); $this->smarty->assign('title', '小语种国家列表管理'); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $condition = "1"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('countryName', 'small_country'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=countriesSmall&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; //每页显示的个数 $res = $countriesSmall->actList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $total = $countriesSmall->actListCount($condition); //页面总数量 $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } $code_arr = array("1" => "西班牙转英文", "2" => "法国转英文", "3" => "德文转英文", "4" => "俄文转英文", "5" => "意大利文转英文", "6" => "拉丁文转英文", "7" => "阿拉伯文转英文", "8" => "日文转英文", "9" => "韩文转英文", "10" => "泰文转英文", "11" => "葡萄牙语转英文"); //替换页面内容变量 $this->smarty->assign('key', $key); //关键词 $this->smarty->assign('type', $type); //条件选项 $this->smarty->assign('code_arr', $code_arr); //循环赋值 $this->smarty->assign('lists', $res); //数据集 $this->smarty->assign('pageStr', $pageStr); //分页输出 $this->smarty->display('countriesSmall.htm'); }
public function view_index() { $shippingAddress = new ShippingAddressAct(); $this->smarty->assign('title', '发货地址管理'); //接收参数生成条件 $curpage = isset($_GET['page']) ? abs(intval($_GET['page'])) : 1; $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? trim($_GET['type']) : ''; $key = isset($_GET['key']) ? post_check(trim($_GET['key'])) : ''; $condition = "1"; if ($type && $key) { if (!in_array($type, array('addressNameCn', 'addressNameEn'))) { redirect_to("index.php?mod=shippingAddress&act=index"); } $condition .= ' AND ' . $type . " = '" . $key . "'"; } //获取符合条件的数据并分页 $pagenum = 20; //每页显示的个数 $res = $shippingAddress->actList($condition, $curpage, $pagenum); $total = $shippingAddress->actListCount($condition); //页面总数量 $page = new Page($total, $pagenum, '', 'CN'); $pageStr = ""; if ($res) { if ($total > $pagenum) { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $pageStr = $page->fpage(array(0, 1, 2, 3)); } } else { $pageStr = '暂无数据'; } //替换页面内容变量 $this->smarty->assign('key', $key); //关键词 $this->smarty->assign('type', $type); //循环赋值 $this->smarty->assign('lists', $res); //循环赋值 $this->smarty->assign('pageStr', $pageStr); //分页输出 $this->smarty->display('shippingAddress.htm'); }
public function view_currency() { $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? post_check($_GET['state']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('state', $state); $CurrencyAct = new CurrencyAct(); $currency = $CurrencyAct->act_getCurrencyList("*", "where 1"); $this->smarty->assign('currency', $currency); $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '系统设置'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '汇率管理')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $toplevel = 3; //一级菜单的序号 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = 38; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '汇率列表'); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('currency.htm'); }
public function view_property() { $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? post_check($_GET['state']) : ''; $this->smarty->assign('state', $state); $OrderSettingAct = new OrderSettingAct(); $property = $OrderSettingAct->act_getPropertyList("*", "where storeId=1"); $this->smarty->assign('property', $property); $navlist = array(array('url' => '', 'title' => '系统设置'), array('url' => '', 'title' => '订单属性')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $toplevel = 3; //一级菜单的序号 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = 36; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', '订单属性列表'); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('orderAttr.htm'); }
public function view_updatependingProducts() { if (!isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { //检测用户是否登陆 header('location:index.php?mod=login&act=index'); exit; } $pendingProductsAct = new pendingProductsAct(); $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : ''; $pendingId = isset($_GET['pendingId']) ? post_check($_GET['pendingId']) : ''; $infoId = isset($_GET['infoId']) ? post_check($_GET['infoId']) : ''; if (empty($type) || empty($pendingId) || empty($infoId)) { //为空时,跳转到列表页面,输出错误信息 $status = '处理失败,信息不完整'; header("location:index.php?mod=pendingProducts&act=getpendingProductsList&status={$status}"); exit; } $status = 1; //默认状态,状态1为修改图片,2为图片完成,3为处理完成 $select = '*'; $where = "WHERE id='{$pendingId}' AND infoId='{$infoId}'"; $pendingProductsList = $pendingProductsAct->act_getPendingProductsList($select, $where); //检测记录pendingId和infoId是否存在 if (empty($pendingProductsList)) { $status = '处理失败,不存在这条记录'; header("location:index.php?mod=pendingProducts&act=getPendingProductsList&status={$status}"); exit; } if ($type == 'back') { $status = 2; } if ($type == 'return') { $status = 3; } $return = $pendingProductsAct->act_updatependingProducts($pendingProductsList, $status); //返回0或1 $status = '处理成功'; if ($return == 0) { $status = '处理失败'; } header("location:index.php?mod=pendingProducts&act=getpendingProductsList&status={$status}"); }
/** * UserCompetenceAct::act_Competence() * 添加修改用户颗粒权限 * @return array */ public function act_Competence() { $userid = isset($_GET["userid"]) ? intval($_GET["userid"]) : 0; $visacc = isset($_GET["visacc"]) ? post_check(trim($_GET["visacc"])) : ''; if (!$userid) { self::$errCode = "1001"; self::$errMsg = "用户ID参数非法"; return false; } if (empty($visacc)) { self::$errCode = "1002"; self::$errMsg = "可见帐号内容非法"; return false; } $data = array("global_user_id" => $userid, "visible_account" => $visacc); $result = UserCompetenceModel::Competence($data); self::$errCode = UserCompetenceModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = UserCompetenceModel::$errMsg; return $result; }
/** * OrderTranUpsAct::act_export_ups_xml_info() * 导出选中的UPS美国专线订单信息(XML格式) * @param string $ids 订单编号 * @return array */ public static function act_export_ups_xml_info() { // $ids = isset($_REQUEST["ids"]) ? $_REQUEST["ids"] : ""; // $ids = array(419835,419755); // if (empty($ids)) { // self::$errCode = 10000; // self::$errMsg = "订单参数有误"; // return false; // } $act = isset($_REQUEST["act"]) ? post_check($_REQUEST["act"]) : ""; $mod = isset($_REQUEST["mod"]) ? post_check($_REQUEST["mod"]) : ""; if (!AuthUser::checkLogin($mod, $act)) { self::$errCode = 10002; self::$errMsg = "对不起,您暂无权使用此功能!"; return false; } $res = OrderTranUpsModel::export_ups_xml_info($ids); self::$errCode = OrderTranUpsModel::$errCode; self::$errMsg = OrderTranUpsModel::$errMsg; return $res; }
public function view_iqcList() { $sku = isset($_GET['sku']) ? post_check($_GET['sku']) : ''; $IqcAct = new IqcAct(); $where = 'where sellerId=0 and detectStatus=0 '; if ($sku) { $where .= "and sku ='{$sku}' "; $this->smarty->assign('sku', $sku); } $total = $IqcAct->act_getNowWhNum($where); $num = 200; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= "order by id desc " . $page->limit; $iqcList = $IqcAct->act_getNowWhList('*', $where); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('iqcList', $iqcList); $this->smarty->assign('secnev', '1'); //二级导航 $this->smarty->assign('module', 'SKU等待领取'); $this->smarty->assign('username', $_SESSION['userName']); $navarr = array("<a href='index.php?mod=iqc&act=iqcList'>iqc检测领取</a>", ">>", "等待领取"); $this->smarty->assign('navarr', $navarr); $this->smarty->display('iqcList.html'); }
public function view_floorList() { $storeId = isset($_GET['storeId']) ? post_check($_GET['storeId']) : ''; $WhFloorAct = new WhFloorAct(); $getFloorList = $WhFloorAct->act_getFloorList("*", "where storeId={$storeId}"); $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=warehouseManagement&act=whStore', 'title' => '仓库列表'), array('url' => '#', 'title' => '楼层设置')); //$floors = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20); $floors_DC = array(1 => '一', 2 => '二', 3 => '三', 4 => '四', 5 => '五', 6 => '六', 7 => '七', 8 => '八', 9 => '九', 10 => '十', 11 => '十一', 12 => '十二', 13 => '十三', 14 => '十四', 15 => '十五', 16 => '十六', 17 => '十七', 18 => '十八', 19 => '十九', 20 => '二十'); $this->smarty->assign('getFloorList', $getFloorList); $this->smarty->assign('storeId', $storeId); $this->smarty->assign('floors_DC', $floors_DC); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', 'A仓管理'); $toplevel = 4; //一级菜单的序号 0 开始 $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', $toplevel); $secondlevel = "010"; //当前的二级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('secondlevel', $secondlevel); $this->smarty->assign('curusername', $_SESSION['userName']); $this->smarty->display('whFloorList.htm'); }