$req .= '&proxyUrl=' . $proxyURL;
$req .= '&catalog=' . $catalogURL;
$req .= '&catalogType=' . $catalogType;
//$req = "catalog=http://disasterschartercatalog.org/ebrrcecec4/webservice&cursor=1&maxResults=10&startDate=&completionDate=&LLlat=-90&LLlon=-180&URlat=90&URlon=180&satelliteName=---&disasterStartDate=&disasterEndDate=&disasterType=&disasterActivationId=&disasterCallId=&catalogType=ebRR";
 * Get POST data
$curl = initCurl($catalogProxyURL);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, urldecode($catalogProxyURL));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
$theData = curl_exec($curl);
/* json result */
$json = json_decode($theData);
$geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'totalResults' => isset($json->results) ? $json->results : 0, 'features' => array());
if (isset($json->rows)) {
    foreach ($json->rows as $row) {
         * Add feature
        $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => poslistToGeoJSONGeometry($row->poslist, LATLON), 'properties' => array('identifier' => $row->identifier, 'producttype' => $row->producttype, 'beginposition' => $row->beginposition, 'endposition' => $row->endposition, 'acquisitiontype' => $row->acquisitiontype, 'status' => $row->status, 'triggeringidentifier' => $row->triggeringidentifier, 'description' => $row->description, 'disasterdate' => $row->disasterdate, 'disastertype' => $row->disastertype, 'location' => $row->location, 'thumbnail' => $row->thumbnail, 'quicklook' => $row->quicklook));
        // Add feature array to feature collection array
        array_push($geojson['features'], $feature);
/* Returns encoded geojson string */
echo json_encode($geojson);
 * &zt=rectangle
 * &nwlat=52&selat=48&nwlon=9&selon=13
 * &sk={key}
$req .= '&of=json&zt=rectangle&sk=2KYfZcCsisLrlToDWn5_uQ::';
$url = 'http://api.spotimage.com/catalog/spot/data/Dali.svc/search?' . $req;
$json = json_decode(getRemoteData($url, null, false));
$geojson = array('type' => 'FeatureCollection', 'features' => array());
 * Error ?
if ($json->Message != null) {
    $error = array('code' => $json->Code, 'message' => $json->Message);
    $geojson['error'] = $error;
} else {
    foreach ($json->Scenes as $row) {
         * Compute poslist from scene coordinates
        $poslist = $row->LowerLeft->Longitude . " " . $row->LowerLeft->Latitude . " " . $row->LowerRight->Longitude . " " . $row->LowerRight->Latitude . " " . $row->UpperRight->Longitude . " " . $row->UpperRight->Latitude . " " . $row->UpperLeft->Longitude . " " . $row->UpperLeft->Latitude . " " . $row->LowerLeft->Longitude . " " . $row->LowerLeft->Latitude;
         * Add feature
        $feature = array('type' => 'Feature', 'geometry' => poslistToGeoJSONGeometry($poslist, LONLAT), 'properties' => array('identifier' => $row->Id, 'acquisitiondate' => $row->AcquisitionDate, 'archivingstation' => $row->ArchivingStation, 'satellite' => $row->Satellite, 'sensorfamily' => $row->SensorFamily, 'resolution' => $row->Resolution, 'cloudcoverpercentage' => $row->CloudCoverPercentage, 'snowcoverpercentage' => $row->SnowCoverPercentage, 'incidenceangle' => $row->IncidenceAngle, 'quicklook' => $row->ImageUrl, 'thumbnail' => $row->ImageUrl));
        // Add feature array to feature collection array
        array_push($geojson['features'], $feature);
/* Returns encoded geojson string */
echo json_encode($geojson);