function sec_section_list($message = '') { pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message); global $wlink; $pageslist = safe_column("name", "txp_page", "1=1"); $styleslist = safe_column("name", "txp_css", "1=1"); $out[] = tr(tdcs(strong(gTxt('section_head')) . popHelp('section_category'), 3)); $out[] = tr(tdcs(form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('Create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), 3)); $defrow = safe_row("page, css", "txp_section", "name like 'default'"); $out[] = form(tr(td(gTxt('default')) . td(startTable('edit', 'left', '') . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pageslist, $defrow['page']) . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styleslist, $defrow['css']) . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox'), ' colspan="2" style="border:0"')) . endTable()) . td()) . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default')); $rs = safe_rows_start("*", "txp_section", "name!='' order by name"); if ($rs) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract($a); if ($name == 'default') { continue; } $deletelink = dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section'); $form = startTable('edit') . stackRows(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20), fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pageslist, $page) . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styleslist, $css) . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default) . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage) . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss) . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable) . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline'), tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox'), ' colspan="2" style="border:0"')) . endTable() . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name); $form = form($form); $out[] = tr(td($name) . td($form) . td($deletelink)); } } echo startTable('list') . join('', $out) . endTable(); }
/** * Renders and outputs a login form. * * This function outputs a full HTML document, * including <head> and footer. * * @param string|array $message The activity message */ function doLoginForm($message) { global $textarray_script, $event, $step; include txpath . '/lib/txplib_head.php'; $event = 'login'; if (gps('logout')) { $step = 'logout'; } elseif (gps('reset')) { $step = 'reset'; } pagetop(gTxt('login'), $message); $stay = (cs('txp_login') and !gps('logout') ? 1 : 0); $reset = gps('reset'); $name = join(',', array_slice(explode(',', cs('txp_login')), 0, -1)); $out = array(); if ($reset) { $out[] = hed(gTxt('password_reset'), 2, array('id' => 'txp-login-heading')) . graf(n . span(tag(gTxt('name'), 'label', array('for' => 'login_name')), array('class' => 'txp-label')) . n . span(fInput('text', 'p_userid', $name, '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'login_name'), array('class' => 'txp-value')), ' class="login-name"') . graf(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('password_reset_button'), 'publish') . n) . graf(href(gTxt('back_to_login'), 'index.php'), array('class' => 'login-return')) . hInput('p_reset', 1); } else { $out[] = hed(gTxt('login_to_textpattern'), 2, array('id' => 'txp-login-heading')) . graf(n . span(tag(gTxt('name'), 'label', array('for' => 'login_name')), array('class' => 'txp-label')) . n . span(fInput('text', 'p_userid', $name, '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'login_name'), array('class' => 'txp-value')), array('class' => 'login-name')) . graf(n . span(tag(gTxt('password'), 'label', array('for' => 'login_password')), array('class' => 'txp-label')) . n . span(fInput('password', 'p_password', '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'login_password'), array('class' => 'txp-value')), array('class' => 'login-password')) . graf(checkbox('stay', 1, $stay, '', 'login_stay') . n . tag(gTxt('stay_logged_in'), 'label', array('for' => 'login_stay')) . popHelp('remember_login') . n, array('class' => 'login-stay')) . graf(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('log_in_button'), 'publish') . n) . graf(href(gTxt('password_forgotten'), '?reset=1'), array('class' => 'login-forgot')); if (gps('event')) { $out[] = eInput(gps('event')); } } echo form(tag(join('', $out), 'section', array('role' => 'region', 'class' => 'txp-login', 'aria-labelledby' => 'txp-login-heading')), '', '', 'post', '', '', 'login_form') . script_js('textpattern.textarray = ' . json_encode($textarray_script)) . n . '</main><!-- /txp-body -->' . n . '</body>' . n . '</html>'; exit(0); }
function section_list($message = '') { pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message); global $url_mode, $txpac, $wlink; $out[] = tr(tdcs(strong(gTxt('section_head')) . popHelp('section_category'), 3)); $out[] = tr(tdcs(form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('Create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), 3)); $pageslist = safe_column("name", "txp_page", "1"); $styleslist = safe_column("name", "txp_css", "1"); $rs = safe_rows("*", "txp_section", "name!='' order by name"); if ($rs) { foreach ($rs as $a) { extract($a); if ($name == 'default') { continue; } if ($url_mode) { $wlink = !check_sections($name) ? sp . wLink('section', 'missing_section_file', 'name', $name) : ''; } $deletelink = dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section'); $form = startTable('edit') . stackRows(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pageslist, $page) . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styleslist, $css) . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default) . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage) . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss) . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline'), fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search') . '?') . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable) . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline'), tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox'), ' colspan="2" style="border:0"')) . endTable() . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name); $form = form($form); $out[] = tr(td($name . $wlink) . td($form) . td($deletelink)); } } echo startTable('list') . join('', $out) . endTable(); }
function doLoginForm($message) { include txpath . '/lib/txplib_head.php'; pagetop(gTxt('login'), $message); $stay = (cs('txp_login') and !gps('logout') ? 1 : 0); $reset = gps('reset'); $name = join(',', array_slice(explode(',', cs('txp_login')), 0, -1)); echo n . '<div id="login_container" class="txp-container">'; echo form('<div class="txp-login">' . n . hed(gTxt($reset ? 'password_reset' : 'login_to_textpattern'), 2) . n . graf('<span class="login-label"><label for="login_name">' . gTxt('name') . '</label></span>' . n . '<span class="login-value">' . fInput('text', 'p_userid', $name, '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'login_name') . '</span>', ' class="login-name"') . ($reset ? '' : n . graf('<span class="login-label"><label for="login_password">' . gTxt('password') . '</label></span>' . n . '<span class="login-value">' . fInput('password', 'p_password', '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'login_password') . '</span>', ' class="login-password"')) . ($reset ? '' : graf(checkbox('stay', 1, $stay, '', 'login_stay') . n . '<label for="login_stay">' . gTxt('stay_logged_in') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('remember_login'), ' class="login-stay"')) . ($reset ? n . hInput('p_reset', 1) : '') . n . graf(fInput('submit', '', gTxt($reset ? 'password_reset_button' : 'log_in_button'), 'publish')) . n . ($reset ? graf('<a href="index.php">' . gTxt('back_to_login') . '</a>', ' class="login-return"') : graf('<a href="?reset=1">' . gTxt('password_forgotten') . '</a>', ' class="login-forgot"')) . (gps('event') ? eInput(gps('event')) : '') . '</div>', '', '', 'post', '', '', 'login_form') . '</div>' . n . script_js(<<<EOSCR // Focus on either username or password when empty \$(document).ready( \tfunction() { \t\tvar has_name = \$("#login_name").val().length; \t\tvar password_box = \$("#login_password").val(); \t\tvar has_password = (password_box) ? password_box.length : 0; \t\tif (!has_name) { \t\t\t\$("#login_name").focus(); \t\t} else if (!has_password) { \t\t \t\$("#login_password").focus(); \t\t} \t} ); EOSCR ) . n . '</div><!-- /txp-body -->' . n . '</body>' . n . '</html>'; exit(0); }
function doLoginForm($message) { global $txpcfg; include $txpcfg['txpath'] . '/lib/txplib_head.php'; pagetop('log in'); echo form(startTable('edit') . tr(td() . td(graf($message))) . tr(fLabelCell('name') . fInputCell('p_userid')) . tr(fLabelCell('password') . td(fInput('password', 'p_password', '', 'edit'))) . tr(td() . td(graf(checkbox('stay', 1, 1) . gTxt('stay_logged_in') . popHelp('remember_login')))) . tr(fLabelCell('') . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('log_in_button'), 'publish'))) . endTable()); exit("</div></body></html>"); }
function doLoginForm($message) { global $txpcfg; include txpath . '/lib/txplib_head.php'; pagetop(gTxt('login')); $stay = !(cs('txp_nostay') == 1); echo form(startTable('edit') . n . n . tr(n . td() . td(graf($message))) . n . n . tr(n . fLabelCell('name', '', 'name') . n . fInputCell('p_userid', '', 1, '', '', 'name')) . n . n . tr(n . fLabelCell('password', '', 'password') . n . td(fInput('password', 'p_password', '', 'edit', '', '', '', 2, 'password'))) . n . n . tr(n . td() . td(graf(checkbox('stay', 1, $stay, 3, 'stay') . '<label for="stay">' . gTxt('stay_logged_in') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('remember_login')))) . n . n . tr(n . td() . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('log_in_button'), 'publish', '', '', '', 4))) . endTable() . (gps('event') ? eInput(gps('event')) : '')) . n . '</div>' . n . n . '</body>' . n . '</html>'; exit(0); }
function getDbInfo() { $temp_txpath = dirname(__FILE__); $temp_doc_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; echo '<form action="setup.php" method="post">', '<table id="setup" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">', tr(tda(hed('Welcome to Textpattern', 3) . graf('Inevitably, we need a few details.', ' style="margin-bottom:3em"') . hed('MySQL', 3) . graf('Note that the database you specify must exist; Textpattern won’t create it for you.'), ' width="400" height="50" colspan="4", align="left"')), tr(fLabelCell('MySQL login') . fInputCell('duser', '', 1) . fLabelCell('MySQL password') . fInputCell('dpass', '', 2)), tr(fLabelCell('MySQL server') . fInputCell('dhost', '', 3) . fLabelCell('MySQL database') . fInputCell('ddb', '', 4)), tr(fLabelCell('Table prefix') . fInputCell('dprefix', '', 5) . tdcs(small('(Use ONLY for multiple installations in one database)'), 2)), tr(tdcs(' ', 4)), tr(tdcs(hed('Site Paths', 3) . graf('Please confirm the following paths to your site root and to the Textpattern directory.'), 4)), tr(fLabelCell('Full path to server\'s web root') . tdcs(fInput('text', 'doc_root', $temp_doc_root, 'edit', '', '', 40) . popHelp('doc_root'), 3)), tr(fLabelCell('Full path to Textpattern') . tdcs(fInput('text', 'txpath', $temp_txpath, 'edit', '', '', 40) . popHelp('full_path'), 3)); echo tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', 'Submit', 'Next', 'publish')) . td() . td()); echo endTable(), sInput('printConfig'), '</form>'; }
function doLoginForm($message) { global $txpcfg; include txpath . '/lib/txplib_head.php'; pagetop(gTxt('login')); $stay = (cs('txp_login') and !gps('logout') ? 1 : 0); $reset = gps('reset'); list($name) = split(',', cs('txp_login')); echo form(startTable('edit') . n . n . tr(n . td() . td(graf($message))) . n . n . tr(n . fLabelCell('name', '', 'name') . n . fInputCell('p_userid', $name, 1, '', '', 'name')) . ($reset ? '' : n . n . tr(n . fLabelCell('password', '', 'password') . n . td(fInput('password', 'p_password', '', 'edit', '', '', '', 2, 'password')))) . ($reset ? '' : n . n . tr(n . td() . td(graf(checkbox('stay', 1, $stay, 3, 'stay') . '<label for="stay">' . gTxt('stay_logged_in') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('remember_login'))))) . n . n . tr(n . td() . td(($reset ? hInput('p_reset', 1) : '') . fInput('submit', '', gTxt($reset ? 'password_reset_button' : 'log_in_button'), 'publish', '', '', '', 4) . ($reset ? '' : graf('<a href="?reset=1">' . gTxt('password_forgotten') . '</a>')))) . endTable() . (gps('event') ? eInput(gps('event')) : '')) . n . '</body>' . n . '</html>'; exit(0); }
function sec_section_list($message = '') { global $wlink; pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message); $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'"); $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1"); $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1"); echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 1) . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(td(gTxt('default')) . td(form('<table>' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td()); $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name"); if ($rs) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract($a); echo n . n . tr(n . td($name) . n . td(form('<table>' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name)) . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section')), " id=\"section-{$name}\""); } } echo n . n . endTable(); }
function sec_section_list($message = '') { global $wlink; pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message); $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'"); $home = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'home'"); $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1"); $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1"); echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 1) . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create')), ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(tda(gTxt('home'), ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_home\'); return false;"') . td(form('<table id="section_home">' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $home['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $home['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $home) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'home'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td()) . n . n . tr(tda(gTxt('default'), ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_default\'); return false;"') . td(form('<table id="section_default">' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $default) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td()); $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' AND name != 'home' order by name"); if ($rs) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract($a); echo n . n . tr(n . tda($name, ' onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section_' . $name . '\'); return false;"') . n . td(form('<table id="section_' . $name . '">' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline')) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_descr') . ':') . fTextCell('descr', $descr, 1, 4, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_metakey') . ':') . fInputCell('metakey', $metakey, 1, 20)) . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_metadesc') . ':') . fTextCell('metadesc', $metadesc, 1, 4, 20)) . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $a) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name)) . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section')), " id=\"section-{$name}\" class=\"jsection\" "); } } echo n . n . endTable(); }
function getDbInfo() { $lang = isPost('lang'); $GLOBALS['textarray'] = setup_load_lang($lang); @(include './config.php'); if (!empty($txpcfg['db'])) { exit(graf(gTxt('already_installed'))); } $temp_txpath = dirname(__FILE__); if (@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] && (@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $guess_siteurl = @$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $guess_siteurl .= rtrim(dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), '/'); } else { $guess_siteurl = ''; } echo '<form action="setup.php" method="post">', '<table id="setup" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">', tr(tda(hed(gTxt('welcome_to_textpattern'), 3) . graf(gTxt('need_details'), ' style="margin-bottom:3em"') . hed('MySQL', 3) . graf(gTxt('db_must_exist')), ' width="400" height="50" colspan="4" align="left"')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_login')) . fInputCell('duser', '', 1) . fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_password')) . fInputCell('dpass', '', 2)), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_server')) . fInputCell('dhost', '', 3) . fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_database')) . fInputCell('ddb', '', 4)), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('table_prefix')) . fInputCell('dprefix', '', 5) . tdcs(small(gTxt('prefix_warning')), 2)), tr(tdcs(' ', 4)), tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('site_path'), 3) . graf(gTxt('confirm_site_path')), 4)), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('full_path_to_txp')) . tdcs(fInput('text', 'txpath', $temp_txpath, 'edit', '', '', 40) . popHelp('full_path'), 3)), tr(tdcs(' ', 4)), tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('site_url'), 3) . graf(gTxt('please_enter_url')), 4)), tr(fLabelCell('http://') . tdcs(fInput('text', 'siteurl', $guess_siteurl, 'edit', '', '', 40) . popHelp('site_url'), 3)); echo tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', 'Submit', gTxt('next'), 'publish')) . td() . td()); echo endTable(), hInput('lang', $lang), sInput('printConfig'), '</form>'; }
function pCell($item, $var, $format, $size = "", $nohelp = "") { $var = stripslashes($var); $out = tda(gTxt($item), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"'); switch ($format) { case "radio": $in = yesnoradio($item, $var); break; case "input": $in = text_input($item, $var, $size); break; case "timeoffset": $in = timeoffset_select($item, $var); break; case 'commentmode': $in = commentmode($item, $var); break; case 'cases': $in = cases($item, $var); break; case 'dateformats': $in = dateformats($item, $var); break; case 'weeks': $in = weeks($item, $var); break; case 'logging': $in = logging($item, $var); break; case 'languages': $in = languages($item, $var); break; case 'text': $in = text($item, $var); break; case 'urlmodes': $in = urlmodes($item, $var); } $out .= td($in); $out .= $nohelp != 1 ? tda(popHelp($item), ' style="vertical-align:middle"') : td(); return tr($out); }
function sec_section_list($message = '') { global $wlink, $event; pagetop(gTxt('sections'), $message); $default = safe_row('page, css', 'txp_section', "name = 'default'"); $pages = safe_column('name', 'txp_page', "1 = 1"); $styles = safe_column('name', 'txp_css', "1 = 1"); echo n . '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container txp-list">'; echo n . n . startTable('list') . n . n . tr(tda(n . n . hed(gTxt('section_head') . sp . popHelp('section_category'), 2) . n . '<div id="' . $event . '_control" class="txp-control-panel">' . n . n . form(fInput('text', 'name', '', 'edit', '', '', 10) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('create'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_create'), '', '', 'post', 'edit-form', '', 'section_create') . n . '</div>', ' colspan="3"')) . n . n . tr(td(gTxt('default'), '', 'label') . td(form('<table>' . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $default['page']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-page"') . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $default['css']) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-style"') . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $default) . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('name', 'default'), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable())) . td(), ' class="section default"'); $rs = safe_rows_start('*', 'txp_section', "name != 'default' order by name"); if ($rs) { $ctr = 1; while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract($a); echo n . n . tr(n . td($name, '', 'label') . n . td(form('<table>' . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_name') . ':') . fInputCell('name', $name, 1, 20), ' class="name"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('section_longtitle') . ':') . fInputCell('title', $title, 1, 20), ' class="title"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_page') . ':') . td(selectInput('page', $pages, $page) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_page'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-page"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('uses_style') . ':') . td(selectInput('css', $styles, $css) . sp . popHelp('section_uses_css'), '', 'noline'), ' class="uses-style"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('selected_by_default')) . td(yesnoradio('is_default', $is_default, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_is_default'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option is-default"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('on_front_page')) . td(yesnoradio('on_frontpage', $on_frontpage, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_on_frontpage'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option on-frontpage"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('syndicate')) . td(yesnoradio('in_rss', $in_rss, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_syndicate'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option in-rss"') . n . n . tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('include_in_search')) . td(yesnoradio('searchable', $searchable, '', $name) . sp . popHelp('section_searchable'), '', 'noline'), ' class="option is-searchable"') . pluggable_ui('section_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $a) . n . n . tr(tda(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save_button'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('section') . sInput('section_save') . hInput('old_name', $name), ' colspan="2" class="noline"')) . endTable(), '', '', 'post', '', 'section-' . $name), '', 'main') . td(dLink('section', 'section_delete', 'name', $name, '', 'type', 'section'), '', 'actions'), ' id="section-' . $name . '" class="section ' . ($ctr % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd') . '"'); $ctr++; } } echo n . n . endTable() . '</div>'; }
function getDbInfo() { $GLOBALS['textarray'] = setup_load_lang(ps('lang')); @(include txpath . '/config.php'); if (!empty($txpcfg['db'])) { exit(graf(gTxt('already_installed', array('{txpath}' => txpath)))); } if (@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] && (@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $guess_siteurl = @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $guess_siteurl .= $GLOBALS['rel_siteurl']; } else { $guess_siteurl = ''; } echo '<form action="' . $GLOBALS['rel_siteurl'] . '/textpattern/setup/index.php" method="post">', '<table id="setup" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">', tr(tda(hed(gTxt('welcome_to_textpattern'), 3) . graf(gTxt('need_details'), ' style="margin-bottom:3em"') . hed('MySQL', 3) . graf(gTxt('db_must_exist')), ' width="400" height="50" colspan="4" align="left"')), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_login')) . fInputCell('duser', '', 1) . fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_password')) . fInputCell('dpass', '', 2)), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_server')) . fInputCell('dhost', 'localhost', 3) . fLabelCell(gTxt('mysql_database')) . fInputCell('ddb', '', 4)), tr(fLabelCell(gTxt('table_prefix')) . fInputCell('dprefix', '', 5) . tdcs(small(gTxt('prefix_warning')), 2)), tr(tdcs(' ', 4)), tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('site_url'), 3) . graf(gTxt('please_enter_url')), 4)), tr(fLabelCell('http://') . tdcs(fInput('text', 'siteurl', $guess_siteurl, 'edit', '', '', 40) . popHelp('siteurl'), 3)); if (!is_callable('mail')) { echo tr(tdcs(gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable'), 3, null, '" style="color:red;text-align:center')); } echo tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', 'Submit', gTxt('next'), 'publish')) . td() . td()); echo endTable(), hInput('lang', LANG), sInput('printConfig'), '</form>'; }
function form_edit($message = '') { global $step; pagetop(gTxt('edit_forms'), $message); extract(gpsa(array('Form', 'name', 'type'))); if ($step == 'form_create') { $Form = ''; $name = ''; $type = ''; $inputs = fInput('submit', 'savenew', gTxt('save_new'), 'publish') . eInput("form") . sInput('form_save'); } else { $name = (!$name or $step == 'form_delete') ? 'default' : $name; $rs = safe_row("*", "txp_form", "name='{$name}'"); if ($rs) { extract($rs); $inputs = fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), 'publish') . eInput("form") . sInput('form_save') . hInput('oldname', $name); } } $out = startTable('edit') . tr(tdtl(hed(gTxt('useful_tags'), 2) . graf(gTxt('articles') . sp . popHelp('form_place_article') . br . popTagLinks('article')) . graf(gTxt('links') . sp . popHelp('form_place_link') . br . popTagLinks('link')) . graf(gTxt('displayed_comments') . sp . popHelp('form_place_comment') . br . popTagLinks('comment')) . graf(gTxt('comment_form') . sp . popHelp('form_place_input') . br . popTagLinks('comment_form')) . graf(gTxt('search_input_form') . sp . popHelp('form_place_search_input') . br . popTagLinks('search_input')) . graf(gTxt('search_results_form') . sp . popHelp('form_place_search_results') . br . popTagLinks('search_result')) . graf(tag('<strong>' . gTxt('file_download_tags') . '</strong>', 'a', ' href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'downloadtags\');"') . sp . popHelp('form_file_download_tags')) . graf(popTagLinks('file_download'), ' style="display:none;" id="downloadtags"')) . tdtl('<form action="index.php" method="post">' . input_textarea($Form) . graf(gTxt('form_name') . br . fInput('text', 'name', $name, 'edit', '', '', 15)) . graf(gTxt('form_type') . br . formtypes($type)) . graf(gTxt('only_articles_can_be_previewed')) . fInput('submit', 'preview', gTxt('preview'), 'smallbox') . graf($inputs) . '</form>') . tdtl(form_list($name))) . endTable(); echo $out; }
function file_edit($message = '', $id = '') { global $txpcfg, $file_base_path, $levels, $file_statuses; pagetop(gTxt('file'), $message); extract(gpsa(array('name', 'category', 'permissions', 'description', 'sort', 'dir', 'page', 'crit', 'search_method', 'publish_now'))); if (!$id) { $id = gps('id'); } $id = assert_int($id); $categories = getTree('root', 'file'); $rs = safe_row('*, unix_timestamp(created) as created, unix_timestamp(modified) as modified', 'txp_file', "id = {$id}"); if ($rs) { extract($rs); if ($permissions == '') { $permissions = '-1'; } $file_exists = file_exists(build_file_path($file_base_path, $filename)); $replace = $file_exists ? tr(td(file_upload_form(gTxt('replace_file'), 'upload', 'file_replace', $id))) : ''; $existing_files = get_filenames(); $condition = '<span class="'; $condition .= $file_exists ? 'ok' : 'not-ok'; $condition .= '">'; $condition .= $file_exists ? gTxt('file_status_ok') : gTxt('file_status_missing'); $condition .= '</span>'; $downloadlink = $file_exists ? make_download_link($id, htmlspecialchars($filename), $filename) : htmlspecialchars($filename); $created = n . graf(checkbox('publish_now', '1', $publish_now, '', 'publish_now') . '<label for="publish_now">' . gTxt('set_to_now') . '</label>') . n . graf(gTxt('or_publish_at') . sp . popHelp('timestamp')) . n . graf(gtxt('date') . sp . tsi('year', '%Y', $rs['created']) . ' / ' . tsi('month', '%m', $rs['created']) . ' / ' . tsi('day', '%d', $rs['created'])) . n . graf(gTxt('time') . sp . tsi('hour', '%H', $rs['created']) . ' : ' . tsi('minute', '%M', $rs['created']) . ' : ' . tsi('second', '%S', $rs['created'])); $form = ''; if ($file_exists) { $form = tr(td(form(graf(gTxt('file_category') . br . treeSelectInput('category', $categories, $category)) . graf(gTxt('description') . br . text_area('description', '100', '400', $description)) . fieldset(radio_list('status', $file_statuses, $status, 4), gTxt('status'), 'file-status') . fieldset($created, gTxt('timestamp'), 'file-created') . graf(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'))) . eInput('file') . sInput('file_save') . hInput('filename', $filename) . hInput('id', $id) . hInput('sort', $sort) . hInput('dir', $dir) . hInput('page', $page) . hInput('crit', $crit) . hInput('search_method', $search_method)))); } else { $form = tr(tda(hed(gTxt('file_relink'), 3) . file_upload_form(gTxt('upload_file'), 'upload', 'file_replace', $id) . form(graf(gTxt('existing_file') . ' ' . selectInput('filename', $existing_files, "", 1) . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('Save'), 'smallerbox') . eInput('file') . sInput('file_save') . hInput('id', $id) . hInput('category', $category) . hInput('perms', $permissions == '-1' ? '' : $permissions) . hInput('description', $description) . hInput('status', $status) . hInput('sort', $sort) . hInput('dir', $dir) . hInput('page', $page) . hInput('crit', $crit) . hInput('search_method', $search_method))), ' colspan="4" style="border:0"')); } echo startTable('list'), tr(td(graf(gTxt('file_status') . br . $condition) . graf(gTxt('file_name') . br . $downloadlink) . graf(gTxt('file_download_count') . br . $downloads))), $form, $replace, endTable(); } }
/** * Generates a <table> of every language that Textpattern supports. * * If requested with HTTP POST parameter 'force' set anything other than 'file', * outputs any errors in RPC server connection. * * @param string|array $message The activity message */ function list_languages($message = '') { require_once txpath . '/lib/IXRClass.php'; $active_lang = safe_field("val", 'txp_prefs', "name = 'language'"); $lang_form = tag(form(tag(gTxt('active_language'), 'label', array('for' => 'language')) . languages('language', $active_lang) . eInput('lang') . sInput('save_language')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-control-panel')); $client = new IXR_Client(RPC_SERVER); // $client->debug = true; $available_lang = array(); $rpc_connect = false; $show_files = false; // Get items from RPC. @set_time_limit(90); // TODO: 90 seconds: seriously? if ($client->query('tups.listLanguages', get_pref('blog_uid'))) { $rpc_connect = true; $response = $client->getResponse(); foreach ($response as $language) { $available_lang[$language['language']]['rpc_lastmod'] = gmmktime($language['lastmodified']->hour, $language['lastmodified']->minute, $language['lastmodified']->second, $language['lastmodified']->month, $language['lastmodified']->day, $language['lastmodified']->year); } } elseif (gps('force') != 'file') { $msg = gTxt('rpc_connect_error') . "<!--" . $client->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $client->getErrorMessage() . "-->"; } // Get items from Filesystem. $files = get_lang_files(); if (is_array($files) && !empty($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($fp = @fopen(txpath . DS . 'lang' . DS . $file, 'r')) { $name = preg_replace('/\\.(txt|textpack)$/i', '', $file); $firstline = fgets($fp, 4069); fclose($fp); if (strpos($firstline, '#@version') !== false) { @(list($fversion, $ftime) = explode(';', trim(substr($firstline, strpos($firstline, ' ', 1))))); } else { $fversion = $ftime = null; } $available_lang[$name]['file_note'] = isset($fversion) ? $fversion : 0; $available_lang[$name]['file_lastmod'] = isset($ftime) ? $ftime : 0; } } } // Get installed items from the database. // We need a value here for the language itself, not for each one of the rows. $rows = safe_rows("lang, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(lastmod)) AS lastmod", 'txp_lang', "1 = 1 GROUP BY lang ORDER BY lastmod DESC"); $installed_lang = array(); foreach ($rows as $language) { $available_lang[$language['lang']]['db_lastmod'] = $language['lastmod']; if ($language['lang'] != $active_lang) { $installed_lang[] = $language['lang']; } } $list = ''; // Create the language table components. foreach ($available_lang as $langname => $langdat) { $file_updated = isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && @$langdat['file_lastmod'] > $langdat['db_lastmod']; $rpc_updated = @$langdat['rpc_lastmod'] > @$langdat['db_lastmod']; $rpc_install = tda($rpc_updated ? strong(eLink('lang', 'get_language', 'lang_code', $langname, isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) ? gTxt('update') : gTxt('install'), 'updating', isset($langdat['db_lastmod']), '')) . n . span(safe_strftime('%d %b %Y %X', @$langdat['rpc_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date modified')) : (isset($langdat['rpc_lastmod']) ? gTxt('up_to_date') : '-') . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) ? n . span(safe_strftime('%d %b %Y %X', $langdat['db_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date modified')) : ''), isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' class="highlight lang-value"' : ' class="lang-value"'); $lang_file = tda(isset($langdat['file_lastmod']) ? strong(eLink('lang', 'get_language', 'lang_code', $langname, $file_updated ? gTxt('update') : gTxt('install'), 'force', 'file', '')) . n . span(safe_strftime(get_pref('archive_dateformat'), $langdat['file_lastmod']), array('class' => 'date ' . ($file_updated ? 'created' : 'modified'))) : '-', ' class="lang-value languages_detail' . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' highlight' : '') . '"'); $list .= tr(hCell(gTxt($langname), '', isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' class="highlight lang-label" scope="row"' : ' class="lang-label" scope="row"') . n . $rpc_install . n . $lang_file . tda(in_array($langname, $installed_lang) ? dLink('lang', 'remove_language', 'lang_code', $langname, 1) : '-', ' class="languages_detail' . (isset($langdat['db_lastmod']) && $rpc_updated ? ' highlight' : '') . '"')) . n; } // Output table and content. pagetop(gTxt('tab_languages'), $message); echo n . tag(hed(gTxt('tab_languages'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-2col-cell-1')) . n . tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-layout-1col', 'id' => 'language_container')); if (isset($msg) && $msg) { echo graf('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span> ' . $msg, array('class' => 'alert-block error')); } echo $lang_form, n . tag(toggle_box('languages_detail'), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-list-options')) . n . tag_start('div', array('class' => 'txp-listtables')) . n . tag_start('table', array('class' => 'txp-list')) . n . tag_start('thead') . tr(hCell(gTxt('language'), '', ' scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('from_server') . popHelp('install_lang_from_server'), '', ' scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('from_file') . popHelp('install_lang_from_file'), '', ' class="languages_detail" scope="col"') . hCell(gTxt('remove_lang') . popHelp('remove_lang'), '', ' class="languages_detail" scope="col"')) . n . tag_end('thead') . n . tag_start('tbody') . $list . n . tag_end('tbody') . n . tag_end('table') . n . tag_end('div') . hed(gTxt('install_from_textpack'), 2) . n . tag(form('<label for="textpack-install">' . gTxt('install_textpack') . '</label>' . popHelp('get_textpack') . n . '<textarea class="code" id="textpack-install" name="textpack" cols="' . INPUT_LARGE . '" rows="' . TEXTAREA_HEIGHT_SMALL . '" dir="ltr"></textarea>' . fInput('submit', 'install_new', gTxt('upload')) . eInput('lang') . sInput('get_textpack'), '', '', 'post', '', '', 'text_uploader'), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-control-panel')) . n . tag_end('div'); }
function article_edit($message = '', $concurrent = FALSE) { global $vars, $txp_user, $comments_disabled_after, $txpcfg, $prefs; extract($prefs); extract(gpsa(array('view', 'from_view', 'step'))); if (!empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { // newly-saved article $ID = $GLOBALS['ID']; $step = 'edit'; } else { $ID = gps('ID'); } include_once txpath . '/lib/classTextile.php'; $textile = new Textile(); // switch to 'text' view upon page load and after article post if (!$view || gps('save') || gps('publish')) { $view = 'text'; } if (!$step) { $step = "create"; } if ($step == "edit" && $view == "text" && !empty($ID) && $from_view != 'preview' && $from_view != 'html' && !$concurrent) { $pull = true; //-- it's an existing article - off we go to the db $ID = assert_int($ID); $rs = safe_row("*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as sPosted,\n\t\t\t\tunix_timestamp(Expires) as sExpires,\n\t\t\t\tunix_timestamp(LastMod) as sLastMod", "textpattern", "ID={$ID}"); extract($rs); $reset_time = $publish_now = $Status < 4; } else { $pull = false; //-- assume they came from post if ($from_view == 'preview' or $from_view == 'html') { $store_out = array(); $store = unserialize(base64_decode(ps('store'))); foreach ($vars as $var) { if (isset($store[$var])) { $store_out[$var] = $store[$var]; } } } else { $store_out = gpsa($vars); if ($concurrent) { $store_out['sLastMod'] = safe_field('unix_timestamp(LastMod) as sLastMod', 'textpattern', 'ID=' . $ID); } } extract($store_out); } $GLOBALS['step'] = $step; if ($step == 'create') { $textile_body = $use_textile; $textile_excerpt = $use_textile; } if ($step != 'create') { // Previous record? $prev_id = checkIfNeighbour('prev', $sPosted); // Next record? $next_id = checkIfNeighbour('next', $sPosted); } $page_title = $Title ? $Title : gTxt('write'); pagetop($page_title, $message); echo n . n . '<form name="article" method="post" action="index.php">'; if (!empty($store_out)) { echo hInput('store', base64_encode(serialize($store_out))); } echo hInput('ID', $ID) . eInput('article') . sInput($step) . '<input type="hidden" name="view" />' . startTable('edit') . '<tr>' . n . '<td id="article-col-1">'; if ($view == 'text') { //-- markup help -------------- echo side_help($textile_body, $textile_excerpt) . '<h3 class="plain"><a href="#advanced" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'advanced\'); return false;">' . gTxt('advanced_options') . '</a></h3>', '<div id="advanced" class="toggle" style="display:none">', n . graf('<label for="markup-body">' . gTxt('article_markup') . '</label>' . br . pref_text('textile_body', $textile_body, 'markup-body')), n . graf('<label for="markup-excerpt">' . gTxt('excerpt_markup') . '</label>' . br . pref_text('textile_excerpt', $textile_excerpt, 'markup-excerpt')), $allow_form_override ? graf('<label for="override-form">' . gTxt('override_default_form') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('override_form') . br . form_pop($override_form, 'override-form')) : '', $custom_1_set ? custField(1, $custom_1_set, $custom_1) : '', $custom_2_set ? custField(2, $custom_2_set, $custom_2) : '', $custom_3_set ? custField(3, $custom_3_set, $custom_3) : '', $custom_4_set ? custField(4, $custom_4_set, $custom_4) : '', $custom_5_set ? custField(5, $custom_5_set, $custom_5) : '', $custom_6_set ? custField(6, $custom_6_set, $custom_6) : '', $custom_7_set ? custField(7, $custom_7_set, $custom_7) : '', $custom_8_set ? custField(8, $custom_8_set, $custom_8) : '', $custom_9_set ? custField(9, $custom_9_set, $custom_9) : '', $custom_10_set ? custField(10, $custom_10_set, $custom_10) : '', n . graf('<label for="keywords">' . gTxt('keywords') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('keywords') . br . n . '<textarea id="keywords" name="Keywords" cols="18" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace(',', ', ', $Keywords)) . '</textarea>'), n . graf('<label for="article-image">' . gTxt('article_image') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('article_image') . br . fInput('text', 'Image', $Image, 'edit', '', '', 22, '', 'article-image')), n . graf('<label for="url-title">' . gTxt('url_title') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('url_title') . br . fInput('text', 'url_title', $url_title, 'edit', '', '', 22, '', 'url-title')), '</div> <h3 class="plain"><a href="#recent" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'recent\'); return false;">' . gTxt('recent_articles') . '</a>' . '</h3>' . '<div id="recent" class="toggle" style="display:none">'; $recents = safe_rows_start("Title, ID", 'textpattern', "1=1 order by LastMod desc limit 10"); if ($recents) { echo '<ul class="plain-list">'; while ($recent = nextRow($recents)) { if (!$recent['Title']) { $recent['Title'] = gTxt('untitled') . sp . $recent['ID']; } echo n . t . '<li><a href="?event=article' . a . 'step=edit' . a . 'ID=' . $recent['ID'] . '">' . escape_title($recent['Title']) . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } echo '</div>'; } else { echo sp; } echo '</td>' . n . '<td id="article-main">'; //-- title input -------------- if ($view == 'preview') { echo hed(gTxt('preview'), 2) . hed($Title, 1); } elseif ($view == 'html') { echo hed('XHTML', 2) . hed($Title, 1); } elseif ($view == 'text') { echo n . '<p><label for="title">' . gTxt('title') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('title') . br . '<input type="text" id="title" name="Title" value="' . escape_title($Title) . '" class="edit" size="40" tabindex="1" />'; if ($step != 'create') { include_once txpath . '/publish/taghandlers.php'; $url = permlinkurl_id($ID); if ($Status != 4 and $Status != 5) { $url .= (strpos($url, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&') . 'txpreview=' . intval($ID) . '.' . time(); } echo sp . sp . '<a href="' . $url . '" class="article-view">' . gTxt('view') . '</a>'; } echo '</p>'; } //-- body -------------------- if ($view == 'preview') { if ($textile_body == USE_TEXTILE) { echo $textile->TextileThis($Body); } else { if ($textile_body == CONVERT_LINEBREAKS) { echo nl2br($Body); } else { if ($textile_body == LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED) { echo $Body; } } } } elseif ($view == 'html') { if ($textile_body == USE_TEXTILE) { $bod = $textile->TextileThis($Body); } else { if ($textile_body == CONVERT_LINEBREAKS) { $bod = nl2br($Body); } else { if ($textile_body == LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED) { $bod = $Body; } } } echo tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), htmlspecialchars($bod)), 'code'); } else { echo n . graf('<label for="body">' . gTxt('body') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('body') . br . '<textarea id="body" name="Body" cols="55" rows="31" tabindex="2">' . htmlspecialchars($Body) . '</textarea>'); } //-- excerpt -------------------- if ($articles_use_excerpts) { if ($view == 'text') { echo n . graf('<label for="excerpt">' . gTxt('excerpt') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('excerpt') . br . '<textarea id="excerpt" name="Excerpt" cols="55" rows="5" tabindex="3">' . htmlspecialchars($Excerpt) . '</textarea>'); } else { echo n . '<hr width="50%" />'; echo $textile_excerpt == USE_TEXTILE ? $view == 'preview' ? graf($textile->textileThis($Excerpt)) : tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), htmlspecialchars($textile->TextileThis($Excerpt))), 'code') : graf($Excerpt); } } //-- author -------------- if ($view == "text" && $step != "create") { echo '<p class="small">' . gTxt('posted_by') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($AuthorID) . ' · ' . safe_strftime('%d %b %Y · %X', $sPosted); if ($sPosted != $sLastMod) { echo br . gTxt('modified_by') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($LastModID) . ' · ' . safe_strftime('%d %b %Y · %X', $sLastMod); } echo '</p>'; } echo hInput('from_view', $view), '</td>'; echo '<td id="article-tabs">'; //-- layer tabs ------------------- echo $use_textile == USE_TEXTILE || $textile_body == USE_TEXTILE ? '<ul>' . (tab('text', $view) . tab('html', $view) . tab('preview', $view)) . '</ul>' : ' '; echo '</td>'; echo '<td id="article-col-2">'; if ($view == 'text') { if ($step != 'create') { echo n . graf(href(gtxt('create_new'), 'index.php?event=article')); } //-- prev/next article links -- if ($step != 'create' and ($prev_id or $next_id)) { echo '<p>', $prev_id ? prevnext_link('‹' . gTxt('prev'), 'article', 'edit', $prev_id, gTxt('prev')) : '', $next_id ? prevnext_link(gTxt('next') . '›', 'article', 'edit', $next_id, gTxt('next')) : '', '</p>'; } //-- status radios -------------- echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-status">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('status') . '</legend>' . n . status_radio($Status) . n . '</fieldset>'; //-- category selects ----------- echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-sort">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('sort_display') . '</legend>' . n . graf('<label for="category-1">' . gTxt('category1') . '</label> ' . '<span class="small">[' . eLink('category', '', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']</span>' . br . n . category_popup('Category1', $Category1, 'category-1')) . n . graf('<label for="category-2">' . gTxt('category2') . '</label>' . br . n . category_popup('Category2', $Category2, 'category-2')); //-- section select -------------- if (!$from_view && !$pull) { $Section = getDefaultSection(); } echo n . graf('<label for="section">' . gTxt('section') . '</label> ' . '<span class="small">[' . eLink('section', '', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']</span>' . br . section_popup($Section, 'section')) . n . '</fieldset>' . n . n . '<h3 class="plain"><a href="#more" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'more\'); return false;">' . gTxt('more') . '</a></h3>', '<div id="more" class="toggle" style="display:none">'; //-- comments stuff -------------- if ($step == "create") { //Avoiding invite disappear when previewing $AnnotateInvite = !empty($store_out['AnnotateInvite']) ? $store_out['AnnotateInvite'] : $comments_default_invite; if ($comments_on_default == 1) { $Annotate = 1; } } if ($use_comments == 1) { echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-comments">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('comments') . '</legend>'; $comments_expired = false; if ($step != 'create' && $comments_disabled_after) { $lifespan = $comments_disabled_after * 86400; $time_since = time() - $sPosted; if ($time_since > $lifespan) { $comments_expired = true; } } if ($comments_expired) { echo n . n . graf(gTxt('expired')); } else { echo n . n . graf(onoffRadio('Annotate', $Annotate)) . n . n . graf('<label for="comment-invite">' . gTxt('comment_invitation') . '</label>' . br . fInput('text', 'AnnotateInvite', $AnnotateInvite, 'edit', '', '', '', '', 'comment-invite')); } echo n . n . '</fieldset>'; } if ($step == "create" and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { //-- timestamp ------------------- //Avoiding modified date to disappear $persist_timestamp = !empty($store_out['year']) ? safe_strtotime($store_out['year'] . '-' . $store_out['month'] . '-' . $store_out['day'] . ' ' . $store_out['hour'] . ':' . $store_out['minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']) : time(); echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-timestamp">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('timestamp') . '</legend>' . n . graf(checkbox('publish_now', '1', $publish_now, '', 'publish_now') . '<label for="publish_now">' . gTxt('set_to_now') . '</label>') . n . graf(gTxt('or_publish_at') . sp . popHelp('timestamp')) . n . graf(gtxt('date') . sp . tsi('year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('month', '%m', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('day', '%d', $persist_timestamp)) . n . graf(gTxt('time') . sp . tsi('hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('second', '%S', $persist_timestamp)) . n . '</fieldset>'; //-- expires ------------------- $persist_timestamp = !empty($store_out['exp_year']) ? safe_strtotime($store_out['exp_year'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_month'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_day'] . ' ' . $store_out['exp_hour'] . ':' . $store_out['exp_minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']) : NULLDATETIME; echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-expires">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('expires') . '</legend>' . n . graf(gtxt('date') . sp . tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_month', '%m', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_day', '%d', $persist_timestamp)) . n . graf(gTxt('time') . sp . tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_second', '%S', $persist_timestamp)) . n . '</fieldset>' . n . n . '</div>'; //-- publish button -------------- echo has_privs('article.publish') ? fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('publish'), "publish", '', '', '', 4) : fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('save'), "publish", '', '', '', 4); } else { //-- timestamp ------------------- if (!empty($year)) { $sPosted = safe_strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':' . $second); } echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-timestamp">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('timestamp') . '</legend>' . n . graf(checkbox('reset_time', '1', $reset_time, '', 'reset_time') . '<label for="reset_time">' . gTxt('reset_time') . '</label>') . n . graf(gTxt('published_at') . sp . popHelp('timestamp')) . n . graf(gtxt('date') . sp . tsi('year', '%Y', $sPosted) . ' / ' . tsi('month', '%m', $sPosted) . ' / ' . tsi('day', '%d', $sPosted)) . n . graf(gTxt('time') . sp . tsi('hour', '%H', $sPosted) . ' : ' . tsi('minute', '%M', $sPosted) . ' : ' . tsi('second', '%S', $sPosted)) . n . hInput('sPosted', $sPosted), n . hInput('sLastMod', $sLastMod), n . hInput('AuthorID', $AuthorID), n . hInput('LastModID', $LastModID), n . '</fieldset>'; //-- expires ------------------- if (!empty($exp_year)) { if (empty($exp_month)) { $exp_month = 1; } if (empty($exp_day)) { $exp_day = 1; } if (empty($exp_hour)) { $exp_hour = 0; } if (empty($exp_minute)) { $exp_minute = 0; } if (empty($exp_second)) { $exp_second = 0; } $sExpires = safe_strtotime($exp_year . '-' . $exp_month . '-' . $exp_day . ' ' . $exp_hour . ':' . $exp_minute . ':' . $exp_second); } echo n . n . '<fieldset id="write-expires">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('expires') . '</legend>' . n . graf(gtxt('date') . sp . tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $sExpires) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_month', '%m', $sExpires) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_day', '%d', $sExpires)) . n . graf(gTxt('time') . sp . tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $sExpires) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $sExpires) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_second', '%S', $sExpires)) . n . hInput('sExpires', $sExpires) . n . '</fieldset>' . n . n . '</div>'; //-- save button -------------- if ($Status >= 4 and has_privs('article.edit.published') or $Status >= 4 and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own.published') or $Status < 4 and has_privs('article.edit') or $Status < 4 and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own')) { echo fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), "publish", '', '', '', 4); } } } echo '</td></tr></table></form>'; }
function form_edit($message = '') { global $step, $essential_forms; pagetop(gTxt('edit_forms'), $message); extract(gpsa(array('Form', 'name', 'type'))); $name = trim(preg_replace('/[<>&"\']/', '', $name)); if ($step == 'form_create') { $inputs = fInput('submit', 'savenew', gTxt('save_new'), 'publish') . eInput("form") . sInput('form_save'); } else { $name = (!$name or $step == 'form_delete') ? 'default' : $name; $rs = safe_row("*", "txp_form", "name='" . doSlash($name) . "'"); extract($rs); $inputs = fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), 'publish') . eInput("form") . sInput('form_save') . hInput('oldname', $name); } if (!in_array($name, $essential_forms)) { $changename = graf(gTxt('form_name') . br . fInput('text', 'name', $name, 'edit', '', '', 15)); } else { $changename = graf(gTxt('form_name') . br . tag($name, 'em') . hInput('name', $name)); } $out = startTable('edit') . tr(tdtl(hed(gTxt('tagbuilder'), 2) . hed('<a href="#article-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'article-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('articles') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_articles'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="article-tags" class="toggle on" style="display:block">' . popTagLinks('article') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#link-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'link-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('links') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_place_link'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="link-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('link') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#comment-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'comment-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('comments') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_comments'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="comment-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('comment') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#comment-detail-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'comment-detail-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('comment_details') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_comment_details'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="comment-detail-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('comment_details') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#comment-form-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'comment-form-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('comment_form') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_comment_form'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="comment-form-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('comment_form') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#search-result-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'search-result-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('search_results_form') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_search_results'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="search-result-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('search_result') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#file-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'file-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('file_download_tags') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_file_download_tags'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="file-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('file_download') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#category-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'category-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('category_tags') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_category_tags'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="category-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('category') . '</div>' . hed('<a href="#section-tags" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'section-tags\'); return false;">' . gTxt('section_tags') . '</a>' . sp . popHelp('form_section_tags'), 3, ' class="plain"') . '<div id="section-tags" class="toggle" style="display:none">' . popTagLinks('section') . '</div>') . tdtl('<form action="index.php" method="post">' . '<textarea id="form" class="code" name="Form" cols="60" rows="20">' . htmlspecialchars($Form) . '</textarea>' . $changename . graf(gTxt('form_type') . br . formtypes($type)) . graf(gTxt('only_articles_can_be_previewed')) . fInput('submit', 'form_preview', gTxt('preview'), 'smallbox') . graf($inputs) . '</form>') . tdtl(form_list($name))) . endTable(); echo $out; }
function plugin_form() { return n . n . form(graf(tag(gTxt('install_plugin'), 'span', ' style="vertical-align: top;"') . sp . '<textarea id="plugin-install" class="code" name="plugin" cols="62" rows="1"></textarea>' . sp . tag(popHelp('install_plugin') . sp . fInput('submit', 'install_new', gTxt('upload'), 'smallerbox'), 'span', ' style="vertical-align: 6px;"') . eInput('plugin') . sInput('plugin_verify')), 'text-align: center;', '', 'post', 'plugin-data', '', 'plugin_install_form'); }
function upload_form($label, $pophelp, $step, $event, $id = '', $max_file_size = '1000000', $label_id = '', $class = 'upload-form') { global $sort, $dir, $page, $search_method, $crit; $class = $class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : ''; $label_id = $label_id ? $label_id : $event . '-upload'; $argv = func_get_args(); return pluggable_ui($event . '_ui', 'upload_form', n . n . '<form' . $class . ' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="index.php">' . n . '<div>' . (!empty($max_file_size) ? n . hInput('MAX_FILE_SIZE', $max_file_size) : '') . n . eInput($event) . n . sInput($step) . n . hInput('id', $id) . n . hInput('sort', $sort) . n . hInput('dir', $dir) . n . hInput('page', $page) . n . hInput('search_method', $search_method) . n . hInput('crit', $crit) . n . graf('<label for="' . $label_id . '">' . $label . '</label>' . sp . popHelp($pophelp) . sp . fInput('file', 'thefile', '', 'edit', '', '', '', '', $label_id) . sp . fInput('submit', '', gTxt('upload'), 'smallerbox')) . n . '</div>' . n . '</form>', $argv); }
function new_author_form() { return form(hed(gTxt('add_new_author'), 3, ' style="margin-top: 2em; text-align: center;"') . graf(gTxt('a_message_will_be_sent_with_login'), ' style="text-align: center;"') . startTable('edit') . tr(fLabelCell('real_name') . fInputCell('RealName')) . tr(fLabelCell('login_name') . fInputCell('name')) . tr(fLabelCell('email') . fInputCell('email')) . tr(fLabelCell('privileges') . td(privs() . sp . popHelp('about_privileges'))) . tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish') . sp . popHelp('add_new_author'))) . endTable() . eInput('admin') . sInput('author_save_new')); }
function getTxpLogin() { $GLOBALS['textarray'] = setup_load_lang($_SESSION['lang']); global $txpcfg; echo n . '<div id="setup_container" class="txp-container">'; $problems = array(); if (!isset($txpcfg['db'])) { if (!is_readable(txpath . '/config.php')) { $problems[] = graf('<span class="error">' . setup_gTxt('config_php_not_found', array('{file}' => txpspecialchars(txpath . '/config.php')), 'raw') . '</span>'); } else { @(include txpath . '/config.php'); } } if (!isset($txpcfg) || $txpcfg['db'] != $_SESSION['ddb'] || $txpcfg['table_prefix'] != $_SESSION['dprefix']) { $problems[] = graf('<span class="error">' . setup_gTxt('config_php_does_not_match_input', 'raw') . '</span>'); echo txp_setup_progress_meter(2) . n . '<div class="txp-setup">' . n . join(n, $problems) . n . setup_config_contents() . n . '</div>' . n . '</div>'; exit; } // Default theme selector $core_themes = array('classic', 'remora', 'hive'); $themes = theme::names(); foreach ($themes as $t) { $theme = theme::factory($t); if ($theme) { $m = $theme->manifest(); $title = empty($m['title']) ? ucwords($theme->name) : $m['title']; $vals[$t] = in_array($t, $core_themes) ? setup_gTxt('core_theme', array('{theme}' => $title)) : $title; unset($theme); } } asort($vals, SORT_STRING); $theme_chooser = selectInput('theme', $vals, isset($_SESSION['theme']) ? txpspecialchars($_SESSION['theme']) : 'classic', '', '', '', 'setup_admin_theme'); echo txp_setup_progress_meter(3) . n . '<div class="txp-setup">'; echo '<form action="' . txpspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" method="post">' . n . hed(setup_gTxt('creating_db_tables'), 2) . n . graf(setup_gTxt('about_to_create')) . n . graf('<span class="edit-label"><label for="setup_user_realname">' . setup_gTxt('your_full_name') . '</label></span>' . n . '<span class="edit-value">' . fInput('text', 'RealName', isset($_SESSION['realname']) ? txpspecialchars($_SESSION['realname']) : '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'setup_user_realname') . '</span>') . n . graf('<span class="edit-label"><label for="setup_user_login">' . setup_gTxt('setup_login') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('setup_user_login') . '</span>' . n . '<span class="edit-value">' . fInput('text', 'name', isset($_SESSION['name']) ? txpspecialchars($_SESSION['name']) : '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'setup_user_login') . '</span>') . n . graf('<span class="edit-label"><label for="setup_user_pass">' . setup_gTxt('choose_password') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('setup_user_pass') . '</span>' . n . '<span class="edit-value">' . fInput('text', 'pass', isset($_SESSION['pass']) ? txpspecialchars($_SESSION['pass']) : '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'setup_user_pass') . '</span>') . n . graf('<span class="edit-label"><label for="setup_user_email">' . setup_gTxt('your_email') . '</label></span>' . n . '<span class="edit-value">' . fInput('text', 'email', isset($_SESSION['email']) ? txpspecialchars($_SESSION['email']) : '', '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'setup_user_email') . '</span>') . n . hed(setup_gTxt('site_config'), 2) . n . graf('<span class="edit-label"><label for="setup_admin_theme">' . setup_gTxt('admin_theme') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('theme_name') . '</span>' . n . '<span class="edit-value">' . $theme_chooser . '</span>') . n . graf(fInput('submit', 'Submit', setup_gTxt('next_step'), 'publish')) . n . sInput('createTxp') . n . '</form>' . n . '</div>' . n . '</div>'; }
function doDiagnostics() { global $files, $txpcfg, $step; extract(get_prefs()); $urlparts = parse_url(hu); $mydomain = $urlparts['host']; $server_software = @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ? @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ? @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''; $is_apache = ($server_software and stristr($server_software, 'Apache')) or is_callable('apache_get_version'); $real_doc_root = isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) : ''; // ini_get() returns string values passed via php_value as a string, not boolean $is_register_globals = (strcasecmp(ini_get('register_globals'), 'on') === 0 or ini_get('register_globals') === '1'); $fail = array('path_to_site_missing' => !isset($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_missing') : '', 'dns_lookup_fails' => @gethostbyname($mydomain) == $mydomain ? gTxt('dns_lookup_fails') . cs . $mydomain : '', 'path_to_site_inacc' => !@is_dir($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_inacc') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'site_trailing_slash' => rtrim($siteurl, '/') != $siteurl ? gTxt('site_trailing_slash') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'index_inaccessible' => (!@is_file($path_to_site . "/index.php") or !@is_readable($path_to_site . "/index.php")) ? "{$path_to_site}/index.php " . gTxt('is_inaccessible') : '', 'dir_not_writable' => trim((!@is_writable($path_to_site . '/' . $img_dir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('img_dir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$path_to_site}/{$img_dir}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($file_base_path) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('file_base_path'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$file_base_path}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($tempdir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('tempdir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$tempdir}\r\n" : '')), 'cleanurl_only_apache' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !$is_apache) ? gTxt('cleanurl_only_apache') : '', 'htaccess_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !@is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) ? gTxt('htaccess_missing') : '', 'mod_rewrite_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and is_callable('apache_get_modules') and !apache_module('mod_rewrite')) ? gTxt('mod_rewrite_missing') : '', 'file_uploads_disabled' => !ini_get('file_uploads') ? gTxt('file_uploads_disabled') : '', 'setup_still_exists' => @is_dir($txpcfg['txpath'] . DS . 'setup') ? $txpcfg['txpath'] . DS . "setup" . DS . ' ' . gTxt('still_exists') : '', 'no_temp_dir' => empty($tempdir) ? gTxt('no_temp_dir') : '', 'warn_mail_unavailable' => !is_callable('mail') ? gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable') : '', 'warn_register_globals_or_update' => $is_register_globals && (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.4.0', '<=') or version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '>=') and version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.5', '<=')) ? gTxt('warn_register_globals_or_update') : ''); if ($permlink_mode != 'messy') { $rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "1"); foreach ($rs as $name) { if (@file_exists($path_to_site . '/' . $name)) { $fail['old_placeholder_exists'] = gTxt('old_placeholder') . ": {$path_to_site}/{$name}"; } } } $missing = array(); foreach ($files as $f) { if (!is_readable($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f)) { $missing[] = $txpcfg['txpath'] . $f; } } if ($missing) { $fail['missing_files'] = gTxt('missing_files') . cs . join(', ', $missing); } foreach ($fail as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { unset($fail[$k]); } } # Find the highest revision number $file_revs = array(); $rev = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { $lines = @file($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f); if ($lines) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\\$LastChangedRevision: (\\w+) \\$/', $line, $match)) { $file_revs[$f] = $match[1]; if ($match[1] > $rev) { $rev = $match[1]; } } } } } echo pagetop(gTxt('tab_diagnostics'), ''), startTable('list'), tr(td(hed(gTxt('preflight_check'), 1))); if ($fail) { foreach ($fail as $help => $message) { echo tr(tda(nl2br($message) . popHelp($help), ' style="color:red;"')); } } else { echo tr(td(gTxt('all_checks_passed'))); } echo tr(td(hed(gTxt('diagnostic_info'), 1))); $fmt_date = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'; $out = array('<textarea style="width:500px;height:300px;" readonly="readonly">', gTxt('txp_version') . cs . txp_version . ' (' . ($rev ? 'r' . $rev : 'unknown revision') . ')' . n, gTxt('last_update') . cs . gmstrftime($fmt_date, $dbupdatetime) . '/' . gmstrftime($fmt_date, @filemtime(txpath . '/update/_update.php')) . n, gTxt('document_root') . cs . @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . ($real_doc_root != @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ? ' (' . $real_doc_root . ')' : '') . n, '$path_to_site' . cs . $path_to_site . n, gTxt('txp_path') . cs . $txpcfg['txpath'] . n, gTxt('permlink_mode') . cs . $permlink_mode . n, ini_get('open_basedir') ? 'open_basedir: ' . ini_get('open_basedir') . n : '', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ? 'upload_tmp_dir: ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . n : '', gTxt('tempdir') . cs . $tempdir . n, gTxt('web_domain') . cs . $siteurl . n, getenv('TZ') ? 'TZ: ' . getenv('TZ') . n : '', gTxt('php_version') . cs . phpversion() . n, $is_register_globals ? gTxt('register_globals') . cs . $is_register_globals . n : '', gTxt('server_time') . cs . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . n, 'MySQL' . cs . mysql_get_server_info() . n, gTxt('locale') . cs . $locale . n, isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? gTxt('server') . cs . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . n : '', is_callable('apache_get_version') ? gTxt('apache_version') . cs . apache_get_version() . n : '', $fail ? n . gTxt('preflight_check') . cs . n . ln . join("\n", $fail) . n . ln : '', is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess') ? n . gTxt('htaccess_contents') . cs . n . ln . join('', file($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) . n . ln : ''); if ($step == 'high') { $mysql_client_encoding = is_callable('mysql_client_encoding') ? mysql_client_encoding() : '-'; $out[] = n . 'Charset (default/config)' . cs . $mysql_client_encoding . '/' . @$txpcfg['dbcharset'] . n; $result = safe_query("SHOW variables like 'character_se%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $out[] = $row[0] . cs . $row[1] . n; if ($row[0] == 'character_set_connection') { $conn_char = $row[1]; } } $table_names = array(PFX . 'textpattern'); $result = safe_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . PFX . "txp\\_%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $table_names[] = $row[0]; } $table_msg = array(); foreach ($table_names as $table) { $ctr = safe_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table . ""); if (!$ctr) { unset($table_names[$table]); continue; } $ctcharset = preg_replace('#^CREATE TABLE.*SET=([^ ]+)[^)]*$#is', '\\1', mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Create Table')); if (isset($conn_char) && !stristr($ctcharset, 'CREATE') && $conn_char != $ctcharset) { $table_msg[] = "{$table} is {$ctcharset}"; } $ctr = safe_query("CHECK TABLE " . $table); if (in_array(mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_type'), array('error', 'warning'))) { $table_msg[] = $table . cs . mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_Text'); } } if ($table_msg == array()) { $table_msg = count($table_names) < 18 ? array('-') : array('OK'); } $out[] = count($table_names) . ' Tables' . cs . implode(', ', $table_msg) . n; $extns = get_loaded_extensions(); $extv = array(); foreach ($extns as $e) { $extv[] = $e . (phpversion($e) ? '/' . phpversion($e) : ''); } $out[] = n . gTxt('php_extensions') . cs . join(', ', $extv) . n; if (is_callable('apache_get_modules')) { $out[] = n . gTxt('apache_modules') . cs . join(', ', apache_get_modules()) . n . n; } foreach ($files as $f) { $rev = ''; $checksum = ''; if (is_callable('md5_file')) { $checksum = md5_file($txpcfg['txpath'] . $f); } if (isset($file_revs[$f])) { $rev = $file_revs[$f]; } $out[] = "{$f}" . cs . ($rev ? "r" . $rev : gTxt('unknown')) . ' (' . ($checksum ? $checksum : gTxt('unknown')) . ')' . n; } } $out[] = '</textarea>' . br; $dets = array('low' => gTxt('low'), 'high' => gTxt('high')); $out[] = form(eInput('diag') . n . gTxt('detail') . cs . selectInput('step', $dets, $step, 0, 1)); echo tr(td(join('', $out))), endTable(); }
function ign_new_user_form() { $out = array(hed(ign_gTxt('add_new_user'), 3, ' align="center" style="margin-top:2em"'), graf(ign_gTxt('a_message_will_be_sent_with_login'), ' align="center"'), startTable('edit'), tr(fLabelCell('real_name') . fInputCell('RealName')), tr(fLabelCell('login_name') . fInputCell('name')), tr(fLabelCell('email') . fInputCell('email')), tr(fLabelCell('privileges') . td(ign_privList() . popHelp('about_privileges'))), tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish') . popHelp('add_new_user'))), endTable(), eInput('ign_user_mgmt') . sInput('ign_userSaveNew')); return form(join('', $out)); }
function author_form() { global $step, $txp_user; $vars = array('user_id', 'name', 'RealName', 'email', 'privs'); extract(gpsa($vars)); if ($user_id && $step == 'author_edit') { $user_id = assert_int($user_id); extract(safe_row('*', 'txp_users', "user_id = {$user_id}")); } if ($step == 'author_save' or $step == 'author_save_new') { foreach ($vars as $var) { ${$var} = ''; } } $caption = gTxt($step == 'author_edit' ? 'edit_author' : 'add_new_author'); return form(hed($caption, 3, ' style="text-align: center;"') . startTable('edit') . tr(fLabelCell('login_name') . ($user_id && $step == 'author_edit' ? td(strong($name)) : fInputCell('name', $name))) . tr(fLabelCell('real_name') . fInputCell('RealName', $RealName)) . tr(fLabelCell('email') . fInputCell('email', $email)) . tr(fLabelCell('privileges') . td(($txp_user != $name ? privs($privs) : hInput('privs', $privs) . strong(get_priv_level($privs))) . sp . popHelp('about_privileges'))) . tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish') . ($user_id ? '' : sp . popHelp('add_new_author')))) . endTable() . eInput('admin') . ($user_id ? hInput('user_id', $user_id) . sInput('author_save') : sInput('author_save_new'))); }
function article_edit($message = "") { global $txpcfg, $txp_user, $vars; extract(get_prefs()); extract(gpsa(array('view', 'from_view', 'step'))); if (!empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { // newly-saved article $ID = intval($GLOBALS['ID']); $step = 'edit'; } else { $ID = gps('ID'); } include_once $txpcfg['txpath'] . '/lib/classTextile.php'; $textile = new Textile(); if (!$view) { $view = "text"; } if (!$step) { $step = "create"; } if ($step == "edit" && $view == "text" && !empty($ID) && $from_view != "preview" && $from_view != 'html') { $pull = true; //-- it's an existing article - off we go to the db $rs = safe_row("*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as sPosted,\n\t\t\t\tunix_timestamp(LastMod) as sLastMod", "textpattern", "ID={$ID}"); extract($rs); if ($AnnotateInvite != $comments_default_invite) { $AnnotateInvite = $AnnotateInvite; } else { $AnnotateInvite = $comments_default_invite; } } else { $pull = false; //-- assume they came from post if (!$from_view or $from_view == 'text') { extract(gpsa($vars)); } elseif ($from_view == 'preview' or $from_view == 'html') { // coming from either html or preview if (isset($_POST['store'])) { $store = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['store'])); extract($store); } } foreach ($vars as $var) { if (isset(${$var})) { $store_out[$var] = ${$var}; } } } $GLOBALS['step'] = $step; if ($step == 'create') { $textile_body = 1; $textile_excerpt = 1; } if ($step != 'create') { // Previous record? $prev_id = checkIfNeighbour('prev', $sPosted); // Next record? $next_id = checkIfNeighbour('next', $sPosted); } pagetop($Title, $message); echo '<form action="index.php" method="post" name="article">'; if (!empty($store_out)) { echo hInput('store', base64_encode(serialize($store_out))); } echo hInput('ID', $ID), eInput('article'), sInput($step); echo '<input type="hidden" name="view" />', startTable('edit'); echo '<tr><td> </td><td colspan="3">', $view == 'preview' ? hed(ucfirst(gTxt('preview')), 2) . graf($Title) : '', $view == 'html' ? hed('XHTML', 2) . graf($Title) : '', $view == 'text' ? br . '<input type="text" name="Title" value="' . cleanfInput($Title) . '" class="edit" size="40" tabindex="1" />' : '', '</td></tr>'; //-- article input -------------- echo '<tr> <td valign="top">', $view == 'text' && $use_textile == 2 ? '<p><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'textile_help\');">' . gTxt('textile_help') . '</a></p> <div id="textile_help" style="display:none;">' . sidehelp() . '</div>' : sp; if ($view == 'text') { echo '<p><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'advanced\');">' . gTxt('advanced_options') . '</a></p>', '<div id="advanced" style="display:none;">', graf(gTxt('use_textile') . br . tag(checkbox2('textile_body', $textile_body) . gTxt('article'), 'label') . br . tag(checkbox2('textile_excerpt', $textile_excerpt) . gTxt('excerpt'), 'label')), $allow_form_override ? graf(gTxt('override_default_form') . br . form_pop($override_form) . popHelp('override_form')) : '', $custom_1_set ? custField(1, $custom_1_set, $custom_1) : '', $custom_2_set ? custField(2, $custom_2_set, $custom_2) : '', $custom_3_set ? custField(3, $custom_3_set, $custom_3) : '', $custom_4_set ? custField(4, $custom_4_set, $custom_4) : '', $custom_5_set ? custField(5, $custom_5_set, $custom_5) : '', $custom_6_set ? custField(6, $custom_6_set, $custom_6) : '', $custom_7_set ? custField(7, $custom_7_set, $custom_7) : '', $custom_8_set ? custField(8, $custom_8_set, $custom_8) : '', $custom_9_set ? custField(9, $custom_9_set, $custom_9) : '', $custom_10_set ? custField(10, $custom_10_set, $custom_10) : '', graf(gTxt('keywords') . popHelp('keywords') . br . '<textarea name="Keywords" style="width:100px;height:80px" rows="1" cols="1">' . $Keywords . '</textarea>'), graf(gTxt('article_image') . popHelp('article_image') . br . fInput('text', 'Image', $Image, 'edit')), graf(gTxt('url_title') . popHelp('url_title') . br . fInput('text', 'url_title', $url_title, 'edit')) . '</div> <p><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'recent\');">' . gTxt('recent_articles') . '</a>' . '</p>' . '<div id="recent" style="display:none;">'; $recents = safe_rows_start("Title, ID", 'textpattern', "1 order by LastMod desc limit 10"); if ($recents) { echo '<p>'; while ($recent = nextRow($recents)) { extract($recent); if (!$Title) { $Title = gTxt('untitled') . sp . $ID; } echo '<a href="?event=article' . a . 'step=edit' . a . 'ID=' . $ID . '">' . $Title . '</a>' . br . n; } echo '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; } else { echo sp; } echo '</td> <td valign="top" style="width:400px">'; if ($view == "preview") { if ($use_textile == 2) { echo $textile->TextileThis($Body); } else { if ($use_textile == 1) { echo nl2br($Body); } else { if ($use_textile == 0) { echo $Body; } } } } elseif ($view == "html") { if ($use_textile == 2) { $bod = $textile->TextileThis($Body); } else { if ($use_textile == 1) { $bod = nl2br($Body); } else { if ($use_textile == 0) { $bod = $Body; } } } echo tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), htmlspecialchars($bod)), 'code'); } else { echo '<textarea style="width:400px;height:420px" rows="1" cols="1" name="Body" tabindex="2">', htmlspecialchars($Body), '</textarea>'; } //-- excerpt -------------------- if ($articles_use_excerpts) { if ($view == 'text') { $Excerpt = str_replace("&", "&", htmlspecialchars($Excerpt)); echo graf(gTxt('excerpt') . popHelp('excerpt') . br . '<textarea style="width:400px;height:50px" rows="1" cols="1" name="Excerpt" tabindex="3">' . $Excerpt . '</textarea>'); } else { echo '<hr width="50%" />'; echo $textile_excerpt ? $view == 'preview' ? graf($textile->textileThis($Excerpt), 1) : tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), htmlspecialchars($textile->TextileThis($Excerpt), 1)), 'code') : graf($Excerpt); } } //-- author -------------- if ($view == "text" && $step != "create") { echo "<p><small>" . gTxt('posted_by') . " {$AuthorID}: ", date("H:i, d M y", $sPosted + tz_offset()); if ($sPosted != $sLastMod) { echo br . gTxt('modified_by') . " {$LastModID}: ", date("H:i, d M y", $sLastMod + tz_offset()); } echo '</small></p>'; } echo hInput('from_view', $view), '</td>'; echo '<td valign="top" align="left" width="20">'; //-- layer tabs ------------------- echo $use_textile == 2 ? tab('text', $view) . tab('html', $view) . tab('preview', $view) : ' '; echo '</td>'; ?> <td width="200" valign="top" style="padding-left:10px" align="left" id="articleside"> <?php //-- prev/next article links -- if ($view == 'text') { if ($step != 'create' and ($prev_id or $next_id)) { echo '<p>', $prev_id ? prevnext_link('‹' . gTxt('prev'), 'article', 'edit', $prev_id, gTxt('prev')) : '', $next_id ? prevnext_link(gTxt('next') . '›', 'article', 'edit', $next_id, gTxt('next')) : '', '</p>'; } } //-- status radios -------------- echo $view == 'text' ? n . graf(status_radio($Status)) . n : ''; //-- category selects ----------- echo $view == 'text' ? graf(gTxt('categorize') . ' [' . eLink('category', '', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']' . br . category_popup('Category1', $Category1) . category_popup('Category2', $Category2)) : ''; //-- section select -------------- if (!$from_view && !$pull) { $Section = getDefaultSection(); } echo $view == 'text' ? graf(gTxt('section') . ' [' . eLink('section', '', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']' . br . section_popup($Section)) : ''; //-- comments stuff -------------- if ($step == "create") { //Avoiding invite disappear when previewing $AnnotateInvite = !empty($store_out['AnnotateInvite']) ? $store_out['AnnotateInvite'] : $comments_default_invite; if ($comments_on_default == 1) { $Annotate = 1; } } echo $use_comments == 1 && $view == 'text' ? graf(gTxt('comments') . onoffRadio("Annotate", $Annotate) . '<br />' . gTxt('comment_invitation') . '<br />' . fInput('text', 'AnnotateInvite', $AnnotateInvite, 'edit')) : ''; //-- timestamp ------------------- if ($step == "create" and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { if ($view == 'text') { //Avoiding modified date to disappear $persist_timestamp = !empty($store_out['year']) ? mktime($store_out['hour'], $store_out['minute'], '00', $store_out['month'], $store_out['day'], $store_out['year']) : time(); echo graf(tag(checkbox('publish_now', '1') . gTxt('set_to_now'), 'label')), '<p>', gTxt('or_publish_at'), popHelp("timestamp"), br, tsi('year', 'Y', $persist_timestamp), tsi('month', 'm', $persist_timestamp), tsi('day', 'd', $persist_timestamp), sp, tsi('hour', 'H', $persist_timestamp), ':', tsi('minute', 'i', $persist_timestamp), '</p>'; } //-- publish button -------------- if ($view == 'text') { echo has_privs('article.publish') ? fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('publish'), "publish") : fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('save'), "publish"); } } else { if ($view == 'text') { echo '<p>', gTxt('published_at'), popHelp("timestamp"), br, tsi('year', 'Y', $sPosted, 5), tsi('month', 'm', $sPosted, 6), tsi('day', 'd', $sPosted, 7), sp, tsi('hour', 'H', $sPosted, 8), ':', tsi('minute', 'i', $sPosted, 9), '</p>', hInput('sPosted', $sPosted), hInput('sLastMod', $sLastMod), hInput('AuthorID', $AuthorID), hInput('LastModID', $LastModID), graf(checkbox('reset_time', '1', 0) . gTxt('reset_time')); } //-- save button -------------- if ($view == 'text') { if ($Status >= 4 and has_privs('article.edit.published') or $Status >= 4 and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own.published') or $Status < 4 and has_privs('article.edit') or $Status < 4 and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own')) { echo fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), "publish"); } } } echo '</td></tr></table></form>'; }
function sec_section_list($message = '') { global $event, $section_list_pageby; pagetop(gTxt('tab_sections'), $message); extract(gpsa(array('page', 'sort', 'dir', 'crit', 'search_method'))); if ($sort === '') { $sort = get_pref('section_sort_column', 'time'); } if ($dir === '') { $dir = get_pref('section_sort_dir', 'desc'); } $dir = $dir == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; switch ($sort) { case 'title': $sort_sql = 'title ' . $dir; break; case 'page': $sort_sql = 'page ' . $dir; break; case 'css': $sort_sql = 'css ' . $dir; break; case 'in_rss': $sort_sql = 'in_rss ' . $dir; break; case 'on_frontpage': $sort_sql = 'on_frontpage ' . $dir; break; case 'searchable': $sort_sql = 'searchable ' . $dir; break; case 'article_count': $sort_sql = 'article_count ' . $dir; break; default: $sort_sql = 'name ' . $dir; break; } set_pref('section_sort_column', $sort, 'section', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); set_pref('section_sort_dir', $dir, 'section', 2, '', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); $switch_dir = $dir == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $criteria = 1; if ($search_method and $crit != '') { $verbatim = preg_match('/^"(.*)"$/', $crit, $m); $crit_escaped = doSlash($verbatim ? $m[1] : str_replace(array('\\', '%', '_', '\''), array('\\\\', '\\%', '\\_', '\\\''), $crit)); $critsql = $verbatim ? array('name' => "name = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'title' => "title = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'page' => "page = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'css' => "css = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'in_rss' => "in_rss = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'on_frontpage' => "on_frontpage = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'searchable' => "searchable = '{$crit_escaped}'") : array('name' => "name like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'title' => "title like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'page' => "page like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'css' => "css like '%{$crit_escaped}%'", 'in_rss' => "in_rss = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'on_frontpage' => "on_frontpage = '{$crit_escaped}'", 'searchable' => "searchable = '{$crit_escaped}'"); if (array_key_exists($search_method, $critsql)) { $criteria = $critsql[$search_method]; $limit = 500; } else { $search_method = ''; $crit = ''; } } else { $search_method = ''; $crit = ''; } $criteria .= callback_event('admin_criteria', 'section_list', 0, $criteria); $total = safe_count('txp_section', "{$criteria}"); echo '<h1 class="txp-heading">' . gTxt('tab_sections') . sp . popHelp('section_category') . '</h1>'; echo '<div id="' . $event . '_control" class="txp-control-panel">'; echo graf(sLink('section', 'section_edit', gTxt('create_section')), ' class="txp-buttons"'); echo n . '<form id="default_section_form" name="default_section_form" method="post" action="index.php" class="async">'; echo graf('<label>' . gTxt('default_write_section') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('section_default') . n . section_select_list()) . eInput('section') . sInput('section_set_default'); echo '</form>'; if ($total < 1) { if ($criteria != 1) { echo n . section_search_form($crit, $search_method) . n . graf(gTxt('no_results_found'), ' class="indicator"') . '</div>'; } return; } $limit = max($section_list_pageby, 15); list($page, $offset, $numPages) = pager($total, $limit, $page); echo n . section_search_form($crit, $search_method) . '</div>'; $rs = safe_rows_start('*, (SELECT count(*) FROM ' . safe_pfx('textpattern') . ' articles WHERE articles.Section = AS article_count', 'txp_section', "{$criteria} order by {$sort_sql} limit {$offset}, {$limit}"); if ($rs) { echo n . '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container">'; echo n . n . '<form action="index.php" id="section_form" class="multi_edit_form" method="post" name="longform">' . n . '<div class="txp-listtables">' . n . n . startTable('', '', 'txp-list') . n . '<thead>' . n . tr(n . hCell(fInput('checkbox', 'select_all', 0, '', '', '', '', '', 'select_all'), '', ' title="' . gTxt('toggle_all_selected') . '" class="multi-edit"') . n . column_head('name', 'name', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('name' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'name') . n . column_head('title', 'title', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('title' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'title') . n . column_head('page', 'page', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('page' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'page') . n . column_head('css', 'css', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('css' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'style') . n . column_head('on_front_page', 'on_frontpage', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('on_frontpage' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'section_detail frontpage') . n . column_head('syndicate', 'in_rss', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('in_rss' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'section_detail syndicate') . n . column_head('include_in_search', 'searchable', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('searchable' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'section_detail searchable') . n . column_head('articles', 'article_count', 'section', true, $switch_dir, $crit, $search_method, ('article_count' == $sort ? "{$dir} " : '') . 'section_detail article_count')) . n . '</thead>'; echo '<tbody>'; while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { extract($a, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sec'); $is_default_section = $sec_name == 'default'; $edit_url = '?event=section' . a . 'step=section_edit' . a . 'name=' . $sec_name . a . 'sort=' . $sort . a . 'dir=' . $dir . a . 'page=' . $page . a . 'search_method=' . $search_method . a . 'crit=' . $crit; $page_url = '?event=page' . a . 'name=' . $sec_page; $style_url = '?event=css' . a . 'name=' . $sec_css; $articles = $sec_article_count > 0 ? href($sec_article_count, '?event=list' . a . 'search_method=section' . a . 'crit="' . txpspecialchars($sec_name) . '"', ' title="' . gTxt('article_count', array('{num}' => $sec_article_count)) . '"') : ($is_default_section ? '' : '0'); // $can_delete = ($sec_name != 'default' && $sec_article_count == 0); $parms = array('step' => 'section_toggle_option', 'thing' => $sec_name); echo tr(td(fInput('checkbox', 'selected[]', $sec_name), '', 'multi-edit') . td('<a href="' . $edit_url . '" title="' . gTxt('edit') . '">' . $sec_name . '</a>' . n . '<span class="section_detail">[<a href="' . hu . $sec_name . '">' . gTxt('view') . '</a>]</span>', '', 'name') . td(txpspecialchars($sec_title), '', 'title') . td('<a href="' . $page_url . '" title="' . gTxt('edit') . '">' . $sec_page . '</a>', '', 'page') . td('<a href="' . $style_url . '" title="' . gTxt('edit') . '">' . $sec_css . '</a>', '', 'style') . td($is_default_section ? '-' : asyncHref($sec_on_frontpage ? gTxt('yes') : gTxt('no'), $parms + array('property' => 'on_frontpage')), '', 'section_detail frontpage') . td($is_default_section ? '-' : asyncHref($sec_in_rss ? gTxt('yes') : gTxt('no'), $parms + array('property' => 'in_rss')), '', 'section_detail syndicate') . td($is_default_section ? '-' : asyncHref($sec_searchable ? gTxt('yes') : gTxt('no'), $parms + array('property' => 'searchable')), '', 'section_detail searchable') . td($is_default_section ? '' : $articles, '', 'section_detail article_count'), ' id="txp_section_' . $sec_name . '"'); } echo '</tbody>', n, endTable(), n, '</div>', n, section_multiedit_form($page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method), n, tInput(), n, '</form>', n, graf(toggle_box('section_detail'), ' class="detail-toggle"'), n, '<div id="' . $event . '_navigation" class="txp-navigation">', n, nav_form('section', $page, $numPages, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method, $total, $limit), n, pageby_form('section', $section_list_pageby), n, '</div>', n, '</div>'; echo script_js(<<<EOS \t\t\t\$('#default_section').change(function() { \t\t\t\t\$('#default_section_form').submit(); \t\t\t}); EOS ); } }
function link_edit($message = '') { global $vars, $step; pagetop(gTxt('edit_links'), $message); extract(gpsa($vars)); $rs = array(); if ($id && $step == 'link_edit') { $id = assert_int($id); $rs = safe_row('*', 'txp_link', "id = {$id}"); extract($rs); } if ($step == 'link_save' or $step == 'link_post') { foreach ($vars as $var) { ${$var} = ''; } } echo form(startTable('edit') . tr(fLabelCell('title', '', 'link-title') . fInputCell('linkname', $linkname, 1, 30, '', 'link-title')) . tr(fLabelCell('sort_value', '', 'link-sort') . fInputCell('linksort', $linksort, 2, 15, '', 'link-sort')) . tr(fLabelCell('url', 'link_url', 'link-url') . fInputCell('url', $url, 3, 30, '', 'link-url')) . tr(fLabelCell('link_category', 'link_category', 'link-category') . td(linkcategory_popup($category) . ' [' . eLink('category', 'list', '', '', gTxt('edit')) . ']')) . tr(tda('<label for="link-description">' . gTxt('description') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('link_description'), ' style="text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"') . td('<textarea id="link-description" name="description" cols="40" rows="7" tabindex="4">' . htmlspecialchars($description) . '</textarea>')) . pluggable_ui('link_ui', 'extend_detail_form', '', $rs) . tr(td() . td(fInput('submit', '', gTxt('save'), 'publish'))) . endTable() . eInput('link') . ($id ? sInput('link_save') . hInput('id', $id) : sInput('link_post')) . hInput('search_method', gps('search_method')) . hInput('crit', gps('crit')), 'margin-bottom: 25px;'); echo link_list(); }
function doDiagnostics() { global $prefs, $files, $txpcfg, $step; extract(get_prefs()); $urlparts = parse_url(hu); $mydomain = $urlparts['host']; $server_software = @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ? @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ? @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''; $is_apache = ($server_software and stristr($server_software, 'Apache')) or is_callable('apache_get_version'); $real_doc_root = isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) : ''; // ini_get() returns string values passed via php_value as a string, not boolean $is_register_globals = (strcasecmp(ini_get('register_globals'), 'on') === 0 or ini_get('register_globals') === '1'); $fail = array('php_version_4_3_0_required' => (!is_callable('version_compare') or version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0', '<')) ? gTxt('php_version_4_3_0_required') : '', 'path_to_site_missing' => !isset($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_missing') : '', 'dns_lookup_fails' => @gethostbyname($mydomain) == $mydomain ? gTxt('dns_lookup_fails') . cs . $mydomain : '', 'path_to_site_inacc' => !@is_dir($path_to_site) ? gTxt('path_to_site_inacc') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'site_trailing_slash' => rtrim($siteurl, '/') != $siteurl ? gTxt('site_trailing_slash') . cs . $path_to_site : '', 'index_inaccessible' => (!@is_file($path_to_site . "/index.php") or !@is_readable($path_to_site . "/index.php")) ? "{$path_to_site}/index.php " . gTxt('is_inaccessible') : '', 'dir_not_writable' => trim((!@is_writable($path_to_site . '/' . $img_dir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('img_dir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$path_to_site}/{$img_dir}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($file_base_path) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('file_base_path'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$file_base_path}\r\n" : '') . (!@is_writable($tempdir) ? str_replace('{dirtype}', gTxt('tempdir'), gTxt('dir_not_writable')) . ": {$tempdir}\r\n" : '')), 'cleanurl_only_apache' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !$is_apache) ? gTxt('cleanurl_only_apache') : '', 'htaccess_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and !@is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess')) ? gTxt('htaccess_missing') : '', 'mod_rewrite_missing' => ($permlink_mode != 'messy' and is_callable('apache_get_modules') and !apache_module('mod_rewrite')) ? gTxt('mod_rewrite_missing') : '', 'file_uploads_disabled' => !ini_get('file_uploads') ? gTxt('file_uploads_disabled') : '', 'setup_still_exists' => @is_dir(txpath . DS . 'setup') ? txpath . DS . "setup" . DS . ' ' . gTxt('still_exists') : '', 'no_temp_dir' => empty($tempdir) ? gTxt('no_temp_dir') : '', 'warn_mail_unavailable' => !is_callable('mail') ? gTxt('warn_mail_unavailable') : '', 'warn_register_globals_or_update' => $is_register_globals && (version_compare(phpversion(), '4.4.0', '<=') or version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '>=') and version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.5', '<=')) ? gTxt('warn_register_globals_or_update') : ''); if ($permlink_mode != 'messy') { $rs = safe_column("name", "txp_section", "1"); foreach ($rs as $name) { if ($name and @file_exists($path_to_site . '/' . $name)) { $fail['old_placeholder_exists'] = gTxt('old_placeholder') . ": {$path_to_site}/{$name}"; } } } $missing = array(); foreach ($files as $f) { if (!is_readable(txpath . $f)) { $missing[] = txpath . $f; } } if ($missing) { $fail['missing_files'] = gTxt('missing_files') . cs . join(', ', $missing); } foreach ($fail as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { unset($fail[$k]); } } # Find the highest revision number $file_revs = array(); $rev = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { $lines = @file(txpath . $f); if ($lines) { foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\\$' . 'LastChangedRevision: (\\w+) \\$/', $line, $match)) { $file_revs[$f] = $match[1]; if (intval($match[1]) > $rev) { $rev = intval($match[1]); } } } } } # Check revs & md5 against stable release, if possible $dev_files = $old_files = $modified_files = array(); if ($cs = @file(txpath . '/checksums.txt')) { foreach ($cs as $c) { if (preg_match('@^(\\S+): r?(\\S+) \\((.*)\\)$@', trim($c), $m)) { list(, $file, $r, $md5) = $m; if (!empty($file_revs[$file]) and $r and $file_revs[$file] < $r) { $old_files[] = $file; } elseif (!empty($file_revs[$file]) and $r and $file_revs[$file] > $r) { $dev_files[] = $file; } elseif (@is_readable(txpath . $file) and ($sum = md5_file(txpath . $file)) != $md5) { $modified_files[] = $file; } } } } # files that haven't been updated if ($old_files) { $fail['old_files'] = gTxt('old_files') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $old_files); } # files that don't match their checksums if ($modified_files) { $fail['modified_files'] = gTxt('modified_files') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $modified_files); } # running development code in live mode is not recommended if ($dev_files and $production_status == 'live') { $fail['dev_version_live'] = gTxt('dev_version_live') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $dev_files); } # anything might break if arbitrary functions are disabled if (ini_get('disable_functions')) { $disabled_funcs = array_map('trim', explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'))); # commonly disabled functions that we don't need $disabled_funcs = array_diff($disabled_funcs, array('imagefilltoborder', 'exec', 'system', 'dl', 'passthru', 'chown', 'shell_exec', 'popen', 'proc_open')); if ($disabled_funcs) { $fail['some_php_functions_disabled'] = gTxt('some_php_functions_disabled') . cs . join(', ', $disabled_funcs); } } # not sure about this one #if (strncmp(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi', 3) == 0 and ini_get('cgi.rfc2616_headers')) # $fail['cgi_header_config'] = gTxt('cgi_header_config'); $guess_site_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . preg_replace('#[/\\\\]$#', '', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))); if ($siteurl and strip_prefix($siteurl, 'www.') != strip_prefix($guess_site_url, 'www.')) { $fail['site_url_mismatch'] = gTxt('site_url_mismatch') . cs . $guess_site_url; } # test clean URL server vars if (hu) { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') and $permlink_mode != 'messy') { $s = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $pretext_data = @file(hu . $s . '/?txpcleantest=1'); if ($pretext_data) { $pretext_req = trim(@$pretext_data[0]); if ($pretext_req != md5('/' . $s . '/?txpcleantest=1')) { $fail['clean_url_data_failed'] = gTxt('clean_url_data_failed') . cs . htmlspecialchars($pretext_req); } } else { $fail['clean_url_test_failed'] = gTxt('clean_url_test_failed'); } } } if ($tables = list_txp_tables()) { $table_errors = check_tables($tables); if ($table_errors) { $fail['mysql_table_errors'] = gTxt('mysql_table_errors') . cs . n . t . join(', ' . n . t, $table_errors); } } $active_plugins = array(); if ($rows = safe_rows('name, version, code_md5, md5(code) as md5', 'txp_plugin', 'status > 0')) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $n = $row['name'] . '-' . $row['version']; if (strtolower($row['md5']) != strtolower($row['code_md5'])) { $n .= 'm'; } $active_plugins[] = $n; } } // check GD info if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd_info = gd_info(); $gd_support = array(); if ($gd_info['GIF Create Support']) { $gd_support[] = 'GIF'; } if ($gd_info['JPG Support']) { $gd_support[] = 'JPG'; } if ($gd_info['PNG Support']) { $gd_support[] = 'PNG'; } if ($gd_support) { $gd_support = join(', ', $gd_support); } else { $gd_support = gTxt('none'); } $gd = gTxt('gd_info', array('{version}' => $gd_info['GD Version'], '{supported}' => $gd_support)); } else { $gd = gTxt('gd_unavailable'); } if (realpath($prefs['tempdir']) == realpath($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'])) { $fail['tmp_plugin_paths_match'] = gTxt('tmp_plugin_paths_match'); } echo pagetop(gTxt('tab_diagnostics'), ''), startTable('list'), tr(td(hed(gTxt('preflight_check'), 1))); if ($fail) { foreach ($fail as $help => $message) { echo tr(tda(nl2br($message) . sp . popHelp($help), ' class="not-ok"')); } } else { echo tr(tda(gTxt('all_checks_passed'), ' class="ok"')); } echo tr(td(hed(gTxt('diagnostic_info'), 1))); $fmt_date = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'; $out = array('<textarea cols="78" rows="18" readonly="readonly" style="width: 500px; height: 300px;">', gTxt('txp_version') . cs . txp_version . ' (' . ($rev ? 'r' . $rev : 'unknown revision') . ')' . n, gTxt('last_update') . cs . gmstrftime($fmt_date, $dbupdatetime) . '/' . gmstrftime($fmt_date, @filemtime(txpath . '/update/_update.php')) . n, gTxt('document_root') . cs . @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . ($real_doc_root != @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ? ' (' . $real_doc_root . ')' : '') . n, '$path_to_site' . cs . $path_to_site . n, gTxt('txp_path') . cs . txpath . n, gTxt('permlink_mode') . cs . $permlink_mode . n, ini_get('open_basedir') ? 'open_basedir: ' . ini_get('open_basedir') . n : '', ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ? 'upload_tmp_dir: ' . ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') . n : '', gTxt('tempdir') . cs . $tempdir . n, gTxt('web_domain') . cs . $siteurl . n, getenv('TZ') ? 'TZ: ' . getenv('TZ') . n : '', gTxt('php_version') . cs . phpversion() . n, $is_register_globals ? gTxt('register_globals') . cs . $is_register_globals . n : '', gTxt('gd_library') . cs . $gd . n, gTxt('server_time') . cs . strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') . n, 'MySQL' . cs . mysql_get_server_info() . n, gTxt('locale') . cs . $locale . n, isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? gTxt('server') . cs . $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] . n : '', is_callable('apache_get_version') ? gTxt('apache_version') . cs . apache_get_version() . n : '', gTxt('php_sapi_mode') . cs . PHP_SAPI . n, gTxt('rfc2616_headers') . cs . ini_get('cgi.rfc2616_headers') . n, gTxt('os_version') . cs . php_uname('s') . ' ' . php_uname('r') . n, $active_plugins ? gTxt('active_plugins') . cs . join(', ', $active_plugins) . n : '', $fail ? n . gTxt('preflight_check') . cs . n . ln . join("\n", $fail) . n . ln : '', is_readable($path_to_site . '/.htaccess') ? n . gTxt('htaccess_contents') . cs . n . ln . htmlspecialchars(join('', file($path_to_site . '/.htaccess'))) . n . ln : ''); if ($step == 'high') { $mysql_client_encoding = is_callable('mysql_client_encoding') ? mysql_client_encoding() : '-'; $out[] = n . 'Charset (default/config)' . cs . $mysql_client_encoding . '/' . @$txpcfg['dbcharset'] . n; $result = safe_query("SHOW variables like 'character_se%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $out[] = $row[0] . cs . $row[1] . n; if ($row[0] == 'character_set_connection') { $conn_char = $row[1]; } } $table_names = array(PFX . 'textpattern'); $result = safe_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . PFX . "txp\\_%'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $table_names[] = $row[0]; } $table_msg = array(); foreach ($table_names as $table) { $ctr = safe_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $table . ""); if (!$ctr) { unset($table_names[$table]); continue; } $ctcharset = preg_replace('#^CREATE TABLE.*SET=([^ ]+)[^)]*$#is', '\\1', mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Create Table')); if (isset($conn_char) && !stristr($ctcharset, 'CREATE') && $conn_char != $ctcharset) { $table_msg[] = "{$table} is {$ctcharset}"; } $ctr = safe_query("CHECK TABLE " . $table); if (in_array(mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_type'), array('error', 'warning'))) { $table_msg[] = $table . cs . mysql_result($ctr, 0, 'Msg_Text'); } } if ($table_msg == array()) { $table_msg = count($table_names) < 18 ? array('-') : array('OK'); } $out[] = count($table_names) . ' Tables' . cs . implode(', ', $table_msg) . n; $extns = get_loaded_extensions(); $extv = array(); foreach ($extns as $e) { $extv[] = $e . (phpversion($e) ? '/' . phpversion($e) : ''); } $out[] = n . gTxt('php_extensions') . cs . join(', ', $extv) . n; if (is_callable('apache_get_modules')) { $out[] = n . gTxt('apache_modules') . cs . join(', ', apache_get_modules()) . n; } if (@is_array($pretext_data) and count($pretext_data) > 1) { $out[] = n . gTxt('pretext_data') . cs . htmlspecialchars(join('', array_slice($pretext_data, 1, 20))) . n; } $out[] = n; foreach ($files as $f) { $rev = ''; $checksum = ''; if (is_callable('md5_file')) { $checksum = md5_file(txpath . $f); } if (isset($file_revs[$f])) { $rev = $file_revs[$f]; } $out[] = "{$f}" . cs . ($rev ? "r" . $rev : gTxt('unknown')) . ' (' . ($checksum ? $checksum : gTxt('unknown')) . ')' . n; } } $out[] = '</textarea>' . br; $dets = array('low' => gTxt('low'), 'high' => gTxt('high')); $out[] = form(eInput('diag') . n . gTxt('detail') . cs . selectInput('step', $dets, $step, 0, 1)); echo tr(td(join('', $out))), endTable(); }