define('SEARCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN', 0); define('SEARCH_STATUS_CREATED', 1); define('SEARCH_STATUS_SCHEDULED', 2); define('SEARCH_STATUS_PROCESSING', 3); define('SEARCH_STATUS_SUSPENDED', 4); define('SEARCH_STATUS_PARTIAL_RESULT_READY', 5); define('SEARCH_STATUS_RESULT_READY', 6); define('SEARCH_STATUS_FAILED', 7); define('SEARCH_STATUS_TOO_MANY_RECORDS', 8); define('SEARCH_TIMEOUT', 300000000); //5 minutes define('POLLING_INTERVAL', 100000); //100ms $errorStatuses = array(SEARCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN, SEARCH_STATUS_SUSPENDED, SEARCH_STATUS_PARTIAL_RESULT_READY, SEARCH_STATUS_FAILED, SEARCH_STATUS_TOO_MANY_RECORDS); $requestId = $response; pollStatus($requestId, $errorStatuses); $decodedFinalResults = getDecodedFinalResults($requestId); if (empty($decodedFinalResults)) { throw new EmptyResponseException("No results retrieved from Chemspider."); } //add Data To DataGraph $searchType = getSearchType($this->Request->getPathWithoutExtension()); $resultBNode = '_:searchResult'; $this->DataGraph->add_literal_triple($resultBNode, RDF_TYPE, $searchType); $unreservedParameters = $this->Request->getUnreservedParams(); foreach ($unreservedParameters as $name => $value) { $processedName = str_replace('.', '#', $name); $predicate = OPS_CHEMSPIDER_PREFIX . $processedName; $this->DataGraph->add_literal_triple($resultBNode, $predicate, $value); } foreach ($decodedFinalResults as $elem) {
/** * Lock the voting for a poll. * Must be called with a topic specified in the URL. * An admin always has over riding permission to lock a poll. * If not an admin must have poll_lock_any permission, otherwise must * be poll starter with poll_lock_own permission. * Upon successful completion of action will direct user back to topic. * Accessed via ?action=lockvoting. */ public function action_lockvoting() { global $topic, $user_info; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Poll.subs.php'; checkSession('get'); // Get the poll starter, ID, and whether or not it is locked. $poll = pollStatus($topic); // If the user _can_ modify the poll.... if (!allowedTo('poll_lock_any')) { isAllowedTo('poll_lock_' . ($user_info['id'] == $poll['id_member'] ? 'own' : 'any')); } // It's been locked by a non-moderator. if ($poll['locked'] == '1') { $poll['locked'] = '0'; } elseif ($poll['locked'] == '2' && allowedTo('moderate_board')) { $poll['locked'] = '0'; } elseif ($poll['locked'] == '2' && !allowedTo('moderate_board')) { fatal_lang_error('locked_by_admin', 'user'); } elseif ($poll['locked'] == '0' && allowedTo('moderate_board')) { $poll['locked'] = '2'; } else { $poll['locked'] = '1'; } // Lock! *Poof* - no one can vote. lockPoll($poll['id_poll'], $poll['locked']); redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.' . $_REQUEST['start']); }