Exemple #1
  * Init function
 function __construct($json)
     if (!(require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php')) {
         pm_logDebug(0, "Missing PEAR packages Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer (and maybe OLE). See plugin Readme.txt for details.");
     $this->tempFilePath .= '.xls';
     $this->tempFileLocation .= '.xls';
     $this->workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer($this->tempFilePath);
     // For UTF encoding
     $format_bold = $this->workbook->addFormat();
     $format_title = $this->workbook->addFormat();
     $worksheet = $this->workbook->addWorksheet();
     $groups = (array) $this->jsonList[0];
     $r = 0;
     foreach ($groups as $grp) {
         $worksheet->write($r, 0, $grp->description, $format_title);
         $headerList = $grp->header;
         $hL = count($headerList);
         $col = 0;
         for ($hi = 0; $hi < $hL; $hi++) {
             $headline = $headerList[$hi];
             if ($headline == '@') {
             } else {
                 $worksheet->write($r, $col, $headline, $format_bold);
         $values = $grp->values;
         foreach ($values as $vList) {
             $vcol = 0;
             foreach ($vList as $v) {
                 // Links
                 if (is_object($v)) {
                     if (isset($v->shplink)) {
                     if (isset($v->hyperlink)) {
                         $worksheet->write($r, $vcol, utf8_decode($v->hyperlink[2]));
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($v)) {
                         $worksheet->writeString($r, $vcol, $v);
                     } else {
                         $worksheet->write($r, $vcol, $v);
Exemple #2
 * along with p.mapper; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
// prevent XSS
if (isset($_REQUEST['PM_INCPHP'])) {
require_once '../../incphp/pmsession.php';
require_once '../../incphp/common.php';
require_once '../../incphp/globals.php';
$projIn = isset($_REQUEST['proj']) ? $_REQUEST['proj'] : false;
$units = -1;
$projInfo = '';
if (!isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['unitAndProj'])) {
    pm_logDebug(0, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: Configuration under '<pluginsConfig><unitAndProj>' is missing. Check your config.xml file ({$_SESSION['PM_BASECONFIG_DIR']}/config_{$_SESSION['config']}.xml).");
} else {
    // get map projection description : init=EPSG:27562
    if (isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['unitAndProj']['projections']['prj'])) {
        $prjList = $_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['unitAndProj']['projections']['prj'];
        if ($prjList) {
            if ($projIn === false) {
                $mapProjection = $map->getProjection();
                $mapProjection = preg_replace('/^\\+/', '', $mapProjection);
                // get map units
                if (strcasecmp('init=epsg:4326', $mapProjection) !== 0) {
                    $units = $map->units;
            } else {
                $mapProjection = "init={$projIn}";
Exemple #3
 function q_execAttributeQuery()
     // Definition of search parameters with external methods
     if (isset($_REQUEST['externalSearchDefinition'])) {
         $this->qLayerName = $_REQUEST['layerName'];
         $this->qSearchLayerType = $_REQUEST['layerType'];
         $fldName = $_REQUEST['fldName'];
         $this->qStr = $_REQUEST['qStr'];
         pm_logDebug(3, $_REQUEST, "Parameters for REQUEST array \nfile: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery \n");
         // Default using search.xml definitions
     } else {
         $searchitem = $_REQUEST['searchitem'];
         foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) {
             if ($key != "findlist" && $key != "searchitem") {
                 $searchArray[$key] = urldecode($val);
         $search = new XML_search($this->map, $_SESSION['PM_SEARCH_CONFIGFILE']);
         $searchParams = $search->getSearchParameters($this->map, $searchitem, $searchArray);
         $this->qLayerName = $searchParams['layerName'];
         $this->qSearchLayerType = $searchParams['layerType'];
         $fldName = $searchParams['firstFld'];
         $this->qStr = $searchParams['qStr'];
         pm_logDebug(2, $searchArray, "Parameters for searchArray \nfile: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery \n");
         pm_logDebug(2, $searchParams, "Parameters for searchParams \nfile: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery");
     // Return layer type
     $this->qLayer = $this->map->getLayerByName($this->qLayerName);
     //$this->qSearchLayerType = $this->qLayer->connectiontype;
     // Get group and glayer objects
     $GroupGlayer = PMCommon::returnGroupGlayer($this->qLayerName);
     $this->grp = $GroupGlayer[0];
     $this->glayer = $GroupGlayer[1];
     $this->XYLayerProperties = $this->glayer->getXYLayerProperties();
     $this->layerEncoding = $this->glayer->getLayerEncoding();
     if ($this->qSearchLayerType == "shape" || $this->qSearchLayerType == "ms" || $this->qSearchLayerType == "oracle") {
         if ($layFilter = $this->qLayer->getFilterString()) {
             $mapLayerFilterItem = $this->qLayer->filteritem;
             if ($layFilter[0] == '/') {
                 $operator = '=~';
             } else {
                 $operator = '=';
             $this->qStr = "(\"[{$mapLayerFilterItem}]\" {$operator} {$layFilter} AND ({$this->qStr}) )";
             pm_logDebug(3, $this->qStr, "query string including FILTER -- query.php->q_execAttributeQuery");
         if ($this->qSearchLayerType == "oracle") {
             @$this->qLayer->queryByAttributes(null, $this->qStr, MS_MULTIPLE);
         } else {
             @$this->qLayer->queryByAttributes($fldName, $this->qStr, MS_MULTIPLE);
Exemple #4
 public function getSrsList()
     if (!$this->capabilities) {
         return '0';
     include_once "epsg_list.inc";
     $capSrsStr = $this->capabilities->Capability->Layer->SRS;
     $capSrsList = preg_split("/\\s+/", $capSrsStr[0]);
     pm_logDebug(3, $capSrsList, "SRS List");
     return $capSrsList;
     foreach ($capSrsList as $s) {
         /*if (array_key_exists((string)$s, $srsList)) {
               $srsList[(string)$s] = $epsgL[substr((string)$s, 5)];
           } else {
               $srsList[(string)$s] = "EPSG:" . (string)$s;
     return $srsList;
Exemple #5
  * Check INI settings for errors
 private function _initConfig()
     /*** Test if resolution tag is set ***/
     if ($this->map->resolution != "96") {
         pm_logDebug(1, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for proper function of PDF print.");
     /*** LAYERS ***/
     // Test for groups with blanks
     $gList = $this->map->getAllGroupNames();
     foreach ($gList as $gr) {
         if (preg_match('/\\s/', $gr)) {
             pm_logDebug(0, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: Group '{$gr}' defined in the map file has blanks in its name. This is not possible for the p.mapper application. Remove blanks or substitute with e.g. '_'.");
     // Test for layers with blanks
     $gList = $this->map->getAllLayerNames();
     foreach ($gList as $ly) {
         if (preg_match('/\\s/', $ly)) {
             pm_logDebug(0, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: Layer '{$ly}' defined in the map file has blanks in its name. This is not possible for the p.mapper application. Remove blanks or substitute with e.g. '_'.");
     /*** USER AGENT (Browser type) ***/
     $ua = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
     if (preg_match("/gecko/i", $ua)) {
         $_SESSION['userAgent'] = "mozilla";
     } elseif (preg_match("/opera/i", $ua)) {
         $_SESSION['userAgent'] = "opera";
     } elseif (preg_match("/MSIE/i", $ua)) {
         $_SESSION['userAgent'] = "ie";
     $_SESSION['web_imagepath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->map->web->imagepath);
     $_SESSION['web_imageurl'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->map->web->imageurl);
     $ms_Version = ms_GetVersion();
     $msvL = explode('.', substr($ms_Version, strpos($ms_Version, "version") + 8, 5));
     $_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] = (double) "{$msvL[0]}.{$msvL[1]}{$msvL[2]}";
     // MS >= 6
     if ($_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] >= 6) {
         if ($this->map->defresolution != "96") {
             pm_logDebug(1, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for proper function of PDF print.");
Exemple #6
 * p.mapper is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version. See the COPYING file.
 * p.mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with p.mapper; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
require_once "../group.php";
require_once "../pmsession.php";
require_once "../common.php";
require_once "../globals.php";
require_once "../layerview.php";
$categories = $_SESSION['useCategories'] ? $_SESSION['categories'] : false;
$layerView = new LayerView($map, $categories, false);
$groupList = json_encode($layerView->getGroupList());
pm_logDebug(3, $groupList, "Group list: ");
//$categoryList = $layerView->getCategoryList();
//pm_logDebug(3, $categoryList, "category List: ");
//$groupList = $layerView->getGroupNameList();
//pm_logDebug(3, $groupList, "Group list: ");
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$defCharset}");
// return JS object literals "{}" for XMLHTTP request
echo "{\"groupList\":{$groupList}}";
Exemple #7
 public static function calculateExtent($map, $groups, $applyMapExtentIfNull = false, $addBuffer = false)
     $mapExtent = ms_newrectObj();
     $layers = getLayersByGroupOrLayerName($map, $groups);
     foreach ($layers as $layer) {
         $layerExtent = false;
         if ($layer) {
             if ($layer->connectiontype == MS_POSTGIS || $layer->connectiontype == MS_ORACLESPATIAL) {
                 //get dns string containing : type of database, user name, password, host and database.
                 $dsn = PluginsMapUtils::getDSNConnection($layer);
                 if ($dsn) {
                     // code from mapserver mailing list (by Armin Burger):
                     // get table and filter :
                     $data = PluginsMapUtils::getQueryParamsFromDataString($layer, false, false);
                     $mapLayerFilter = $data['mapLayerFilter'];
                     $fromTable = $data['fromTable'];
                     $geomFld = $data['geomFld'];
                     $sql = 'SELECT ST_xmin(extent) AS minx, ST_ymin(extent) AS miny, ST_xmax(extent) AS maxx, ST_ymax(extent) AS maxy ';
                     $sql .= "FROM (SELECT St_Extent({$geomFld}) AS extent FROM {$fromTable} ";
                     $sql .= ($mapLayerFilter ? "WHERE {$mapLayerFilter}" : '') . ' ';
                     $sql .= ') AS bar';
                     $sql .= ' WHERE extent IS NOT NULL';
                     pm_logDebug(4, "calculateExtent - sql:{$sql}");
                     // DB:
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/easyMDB2.inc.php';
                     $edb = new Easy_MDB2();
                     $qresultE = $edb->selectByQuery($sql, '');
                     $resValues = $qresultE['values'][0];
                     if ($resValues) {
                         $resIsValid = true;
                         foreach ($resValues as $val) {
                             if (!isset($val) || $val == 0 || $val == -1) {
                                 $resIsValid = false;
                         if ($resIsValid) {
                             $layerExtent = ms_newRectObj();
                             $layerExtent->setExtent($resValues['minx'], $resValues['miny'], $resValues['maxx'], $resValues['maxy']);
             } else {
                 if ($layer->type != MS_LAYER_RASTER && ($layer->connectiontype == MS_SHAPEFILE || $layer->connectiontype == MS_TILED_SHAPEFILE || $layer->connectiontype == MS_OGR)) {
                     // SHP layer, OGR layer
                     $layerExtent = @$layer->getExtent();
             if ($layerExtent) {
                 // change projection
                 $mapProjStr = $map->getProjection();
                 $layerProjStr = $layer->getProjection();
                 if ($mapProjStr && $layerProjStr && $mapProjStr != $layerProjStr) {
                     if ($_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] < 6) {
                         $mapProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($mapProjStr);
                         $layerProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($layerProjStr);
                     } else {
                         $mapProjObj = new projectionObj($mapProjStr);
                         $layerProjObj = new projectionObj($layerProjStr);
                     $layerExtent->project($layerProjObj, $mapProjObj);
                 // add buffer around freshly calculated extent
                 if ($addBuffer) {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy;
                     $pointBuffer = isset($_SESSION['pointBuffer']) ? $_SESSION['pointBuffer'] : 50;
                     $shapeQueryBuffer = isset($_SESSION['shapeQueryBuffer']) ? $_SESSION['shapeQueryBuffer'] : 0.01;
                     $buf = 0;
                     if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_POINT || $layer->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION) {
                         $buf = $pointBuffer;
                         // set buffer depending on dimensions of your coordinate system
                     } else {
                         if (isset($shapeQueryBuffer) && $shapeQueryBuffer > 0) {
                             $buf = $shapeQueryBuffer * (($maxx - $minx + ($maxy - $miny)) / 2);
                     if ($buf > 0) {
                         $minx -= $buf;
                         $miny -= $buf;
                         $maxx += $buf;
                         $maxy += $buf;
                         $layerExtent->setExtent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);
                 if ($mapExtent->minx == -1 && $mapExtent->miny == -1 && $mapExtent->maxx == -1 && $mapExtent->maxy == -1) {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy;
                 } else {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx < $mapExtent->minx ? $layerExtent->minx : $mapExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny < $mapExtent->miny ? $layerExtent->miny : $mapExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx > $mapExtent->maxx ? $layerExtent->maxx : $mapExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy > $mapExtent->maxy ? $layerExtent->maxy : $mapExtent->maxy;
                 $mapExtent->setExtent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);
     if ($mapExtent->minx == -1 || $mapExtent->miny == -1 || $mapExtent->maxx == -1 || $mapExtent->maxy == -1) {
         $mapExtent = $map->extent;
         if (!$applyMapExtentIfNull) {
             $mapExtent->setExtent(0, 0, 1, 1);
     return $mapExtent;
Exemple #8

require_once "../../incphp/pmsession.php";
require_once "../../incphp/globals.php";
require_once "../../incphp/common.php";
require_once "projection.php";
$clickX = $_REQUEST['x'];
$clickY = $_REQUEST['y'];
$fromPrj = $map->getProjection();
if (!isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['coordinates'])) {
    pm_logDebug(0, "P.MAPPER-ERROR: Configuration under '<pluginsConfig><coordinates>' is missing. Check your config.xml file.");
    return false;
$prjCfg = $_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['coordinates'];
$mapPrj = $prjCfg['mapPrj'];
$mapPrjName = _p($mapPrj['name']);
$showX = round($clickX, $mapPrj['roundTo']);
$showY = round($clickY, $mapPrj['roundTo']);
$prjJson = "[";
$prjJson .= "{\"prjName\": \"{$mapPrjName}\", \"x\": {$showX}, \"y\": {$showY}},";
$prjList = $prjCfg['prj'];
$prjTmp = array();
foreach ($prjList as $p) {
    $prjName = _p($p['name']);
    $roundTo = $p['roundTo'];
    $toPrj = $p['definition'];
    $prj = new Projection($clickX, $clickY, $fromPrj, $toPrj);
    $x = $prj->getX();
    $y = $prj->getY();
    //round values
    $x = round($x, $roundTo);
Exemple #9
 protected function pmap_drawXYLayer($img)
     $grouplist = $_SESSION["grouplist"];
     // Loop through groups and layers to find XYLayers
     foreach ($grouplist as $grp) {
         $glayerList = $grp->getLayers();
         foreach ($glayerList as $glayer) {
             $XYLayerProperties = $glayer->getXYLayerProperties();
             if ($XYLayerProperties) {
                 // XYLayer found, now process
                 $mLayer = $this->map->getLayer($glayer->getLayerIdx());
                 $mLayerStatus = $mLayer->status;
                 if ($mLayerStatus == MS_ON) {
                     // Check if XYLayer is switched ON
                     $pearDbClass = $_SESSION['pearDbClass'];
                     require_once "{$pearDbClass}.php";
                     require_once "../query/query.php";
                     // Check if Layer projection differs from Map projection
                     $changeLayProj = PMCommon::checkProjection($this->map, $mLayer);
                     // Map extent for limiting query
                     if ($changeLayProj) {
                         $me = $this->map->extent;
                         $mapExt = ms_newRectObj();
                         $mapExt->setExtent($me->minx, $me->miny, $me->maxx, $me->maxy);
                         $mapExt->project($changeLayProj['mapProj'], $changeLayProj['layProj']);
                     } else {
                         $mapExt = $this->map->extent;
                     $map_xmin = $mapExt->minx;
                     $map_ymin = $mapExt->miny;
                     $map_xmax = $mapExt->maxx;
                     $map_ymax = $mapExt->maxy;
                     if ($changeLayProj) {
                     // XY Layer Properties
                     $dsn = $XYLayerProperties["dsn"];
                     $xyTable = $XYLayerProperties["xyTable"];
                     $x_fld = $XYLayerProperties["x_fld"];
                     $y_fld = $XYLayerProperties["y_fld"];
                     $classidx_fld = $XYLayerProperties["classidx_fld"];
                     $resFldStr = $mLayer->getMetaData("RESULT_FIELDS");
                     $resFieldList = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $resFldStr);
                     // Prepare query
                     if (preg_match("/@/", $xyTable)) {
                         // Check for WHERE filter in table definition
                         $xyList = preg_split('/@/', $xyTable);
                         $whereFilter = $xyList[1];
                         $xyTable = $xyList[0];
                     $sql_SELECT = "SELECT {$x_fld}, {$y_fld}, {$classidx_fld} FROM {$xyTable} ";
                     $sql_WHERE = "WHERE " . ($whereFilter ? $whereFilter . " AND " : "") . " {$x_fld} >= {$map_xmin}  AND {$x_fld} <= {$map_xmax} AND {$y_fld} >= {$map_ymin} AND {$y_fld} <= {$map_ymax}";
                     $sql = "{$sql_SELECT}  {$sql_WHERE}";
                     pm_logDebug(3, $sql, "P.MAPPER-DEBUG: map.php/pmap_drawXYLayer() - SQL Cmd:");
                     // init DB class
                     $db = new $pearDbClass();
                     // Connect to DB
                     $dbh = $db->connect($dsn);
                     if ($db->isError($dbh)) {
                     // Execute query
                     $res = $dbh->query($sql);
                     if ($db->isError($res)) {
                     // Draw points on map image
                     while ($xyRow = $res->fetchRow()) {
                         $ptX = $xyRow[0];
                         $ptY = $xyRow[1];
                         $clIdx = $xyRow[2];
                         $xyPoint = ms_newPointObj();
                         $xyPoint->setXY($ptX, $ptY);
                         $xyPoint->draw($this->map, $mLayer, $img, $clIdx, "");
Exemple #10
 protected function getDataFilePath($inpath)
     $config_dir = $_SESSION['PM_CONFIG_DIR'];
     if ($inpath[0] == "/" || $inpath[1] == ":") {
         $retPath = $inpath;
     } else {
         if ($inpath[0] == "\$") {
             if ($this->dataRoot[0] == "/" || $this->dataRoot[1] == ":") {
                 $retPath = $this->dataRoot . substr($inpath, 1);
             } else {
                 $retPath = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config_dir . "/" . $this->dataRoot)) . substr($inpath, 1);
         } else {
             $retPath = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config_dir . "/" . $inpath));
     pm_logDebug(3, $retPath, "Data path for XML search \nfile: " . __FILE__ . "\nfunction: " . __FUNCTION__);
     return $retPath;
Exemple #11
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Armin Burger
 * This file is part of p.mapper.
 * p.mapper is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version. See the COPYING file.
 * p.mapper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with p.mapper; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
// prevent XSS
require_once "../pmsession.php";
require_once "../common.php";
require_once "../globals.php";
$sessionvar = $_REQUEST['sessionvar'];
$sessionvarJson = PMCommon::parseJSON($_SESSION['categories'], false);
pm_logDebug(3, $sessionvarJson, "x_getsessionvar.php, JSON for session var {$sessionvar}");
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$defCharset}");
//echo "{" . $sessionvar . ":" . $sessionvarJson . "}";
echo $sessionvarJson;
Exemple #12
  * Calculte map size
 private function calculateSize()
     $width = $this->refMapWidth;
     $height = $this->refMapHeight;
     if ($this->autoSize && ($this->decreaseHeight || $this->decreaseWidth)) {
         $minHeight = $this->refMapHeight / 3;
         $minWidth = $this->refMapWidth / 3;
         $stepHeight = $this->decreaseHeight ? $this->stepSize : 0;
         $stepWidth = $this->decreaseWidth ? $this->stepSize : 0;
         $size = PluginsMapUtils::calculateSize($this->internalMap, $this->refMapExtent, $this->refMapHeight, $this->refMapWidth, $minHeight, $minWidth, $stepHeight, $stepWidth);
         $width = $size['width'];
         $height = $size['height'];
     pm_logDebug(4, $this->refMapExtent, 'refMapExtent 3:');
     pm_logDebug(4, "width={$width};height={$height}");
     $this->internalMap->setSize($width, $height);
     $this->internalMap->setExtent($this->refMapExtent->minx, $this->refMapExtent->miny, $this->refMapExtent->maxx, $this->refMapExtent->maxy);
     $this->refMapExtent = $this->internalMap->extent;
     $this->refMapWidth = $width;
     $this->refMapHeight = $height;
     $this->refMapMinX = $this->refMapExtent->minx;
     $this->refMapMinY = $this->refMapExtent->miny;
     $this->refMapMaxX = $this->refMapExtent->maxx;
     $this->refMapMaxY = $this->refMapExtent->maxy;
Exemple #13
  * Get Suggest records from a MS layer using generic MapScript attribute query 
  * @return string
 private function msSuggestMatch($searchParams)
     $msVersion = $_SESSION['msVersion'];
     if (!extension_loaded('MapScript')) {
         dl("php_mapscript{$msVersion}." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
     $map = $this->map;
     pm_logDebug(3, $searchParams, "suggest.php->msSuggestMatch()");
     $mslayer = $searchParams['mslayer'];
     $searchfield = $searchParams['searchfield'];
     $sort = $searchParams['sort'];
     $encoding = $searchParams['encoding'];
     $regexleft = $searchParams['regexleft'];
     $startleft = $searchParams['startleft'];
     // many dependfields
     $dependFields = isset($searchParams['dependFields']) && $searchParams['dependFields'] ? $searchParams['dependFields'] : array();
     $left = $startleft ? "^" : "";
     $qLayer = $map->getLayerByName($mslayer);
     $qs = "";
     // Create search string
     // many dependfields
     $qsDependFieldsParts = array();
     if ($dependFields) {
         foreach ($dependFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
             $depFldName = "dependfldval_{$fieldName}";
             $depFldValue = $searchParams[$depFldName];
             $depFldValue = trim($depFldValue);
             if ($depFldValue != '') {
                 $qsDependFieldsParts[] = "( \"[{$fieldName}]\" =~ /{$depFldValue}/ )";
     if ($qsDependFieldsParts) {
         $qs .= ' (' . implode(' AND ', $qsDependFieldsParts) . ') AND ';
     if (trim($searchParams['fieldtype']) == "s") {
         if ($encoding != $this->defCharset) {
             $this->search = iconv($this->defCharset, $encoding, $this->search);
         $searchVal = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($this->search) : $this->search;
         if ($this->msVersion >= 6) {
             $qs .= "( \"[{$searchfield}]\" ~* \"{$regexleft}{$left}{$searchVal}\" )";
         } else {
             $val = preg_replace("/\\w/ie", "'('. strtoupper('\$0') . '|' . strtolower('\$0') .')'", $searchVal);
             $qs .= "( \"[{$searchfield}]\" =~ /{$regexleft}{$left}{$val}/ )";
     } else {
         $qs .= "([{$searchfield}] = {$this->search})";
     if ($layFilter = $qLayer->getFilterString()) {
         $querystring = "( ({$layFilter}) AND ({$qs}) )";
     } else {
         $querystring = "( {$qs} )";
     pm_logDebug(3, $querystring, "MS suggest query string, suggest.php/msSuggestMatch()");
     // Query layer
     $query = @$qLayer->queryByAttributes($searchfield, $querystring, MS_MULTIPLE);
     if ($query == MS_SUCCESS) {
         $numResults = $qLayer->getNumResults();
         // Return query results
         for ($iRes = 0; $iRes < $numResults; $iRes++) {
             $qRes = $qLayer->getResult($iRes);
             $qShape = PMCommon::resultGetShape($this->msVersion, $qLayer, $qRes);
             // changed for compatibility with PG layers and MS >= 5.6
             $fldValue = $qShape->values[$searchfield];
             if ($encoding != $this->defCharset) {
                 $fldValue = iconv($encoding, $this->defCharset, $fldValue);
             $resArray[] = trim($fldValue);
         $ret = $this->suggest_array2json($resArray, $sort);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return 0;
Exemple #14
require_once "../pmsession.php";
//Send some headers to keep the user's browser from caching the response.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, private, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0");
header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . " GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
// MapObj modifiers
require_once "../globals.php";
require_once "../common.php";
require_once "../query/suggest.php";
$searchGet = isset($_REQUEST['q']) ? $_REQUEST['q'] : '';
$searchitem = $_REQUEST['searchitem'];
$fldname = $_REQUEST['fldname'];
//error_log("$searchitem  $fldname  $searchGet ");
pm_logDebug(3, $_REQUEST, "request");
// initialize return value
$ret = "";
// Run suggest query
if (isset($searchGet) && strlen($searchGet) > 0) {
    $search = addslashes($searchGet);
    $suggest = new Suggest($map, $search, $searchitem, $fldname, $_REQUEST);
    $ret = $suggest->returnJson();
//error_log("return: " . $ret);
//echo "{searchGet:'$searchGet', retvalue:$ret, fldname:'$fldname'}";
if ($ret) {
    echo $ret;
Exemple #15
 function writeDbf($dbfFileName, $dbfFieldList, $valueList)
     $defList = array();
     foreach ($dbfFieldList as $name => $def) {
         $defList[] = array_merge(array(substr($name, 0, 10)), $def);
     pm_logDebug(3, $defList, 'defList');
     $dbfFile = dbase_create($dbfFileName, $defList);
     //array(array('PROG_ID', 'N', 5, 0)));
     foreach ($valueList as $row) {
         pm_logDebug(3, $row, 'row');
         dbase_add_record($dbfFile, $row);
Exemple #16
  * Legend generated by MapServer (embed in image)
 private function applyLegendObjToMap($map, $printSettings)
     if ($printSettings) {
         if (isset($printSettings['legendposition']) && $printSettings['legendposition'] == 'imgms') {
             $msLegPosition = isset($printSettings['msLegPosition']) && $printSettings['msLegPosition'] ? $printSettings['msLegPosition'] : 'lr';
             if (strpos('MS_', $msLegPosition) !== 0) {
                 $msLegPosition = 'MS_' . strtoupper($msLegPosition);
             $msLegPosition = constant($msLegPosition);
             $msImgColor = isset($printSettings['msImgColor']) && $printSettings['msImgColor'] ? $printSettings['msImgColor'] : '255 255 255';
             $msTxtColor = isset($printSettings['msTxtColor']) && $printSettings['msTxtColor'] ? $printSettings['msTxtColor'] : '0 0 0';
             $msTxtOutlineColor = isset($printSettings['msTxtOutlineColor']) && $printSettings['msTxtOutlineColor'] ? $printSettings['msTxtOutlineColor'] : '-1 -1 -1';
             $msTxtSize = isset($printSettings['msTxtSize']) && $printSettings['msTxtSize'] ? $printSettings['msTxtSize'] : 18;
             $msIconH = isset($printSettings['msIconH']) && $printSettings['msIconH'] ? $printSettings['msIconH'] : 18;
             $msIconW = isset($printSettings['msIconW']) && $printSettings['msIconW'] ? $printSettings['msIconW'] : 12;
             try {
                 if ($msLegPosition !== NULL) {
                     $map->legend->set('position', $msLegPosition);
                 $msLegPosition = $map->legend->position;
                 $spacingLeft = ' ';
                 $spacingRight = '';
                 switch ($msLegPosition) {
                     case MS_UR:
                     case MS_LR:
                         $spacingRight = '  ';
                     case MS_UL:
                     case MS_LL:
                     case MS_UC:
                     case MS_LC:
                 $colorTmp = preg_split('/[\\s,]/', $msImgColor);
                 if ($colorTmp) {
                     $map->legend->imagecolor->setRGB($colorTmp[0], $colorTmp[1], $colorTmp[2]);
                 $colorTmp = preg_split('/[\\s,]/', '0 0 0');
                 if ($colorTmp) {
                     $map->legend->outlinecolor->setRGB($colorTmp[0], $colorTmp[1], $colorTmp[2]);
                 $map->legend->set('keysizex', $msIconW);
                 $map->legend->set('keysizey', $msIconH);
                 $colorTmp = preg_split('/[\\s,]/', $msTxtColor);
                 if ($colorTmp) {
                     $map->legend->label->color->setRGB($colorTmp[0], $colorTmp[1], $colorTmp[2]);
                 $colorTmp = preg_split('/[\\s,]/', $msTxtOutlineColor);
                 if ($colorTmp) {
                     $map->legend->label->outlinecolor->setRGB($colorTmp[0], $colorTmp[1], $colorTmp[2]);
                 $map->legend->label->set('size', $msTxtSize);
                 $map->legend->status = MS_EMBED;
                 // change names of classes with "_p" function
                 $numLayers = $map->numlayers;
                 for ($iLayer = 0; $iLayer < $numLayers; $iLayer++) {
                     $layer = $map->getLayer($iLayer);
                     $numClasses = $layer->numclasses;
                     for ($iClass = 0; $iClass < $numClasses; $iClass++) {
                         $class = $layer->getClass($iClass);
                         $classDesc = $class->name;
                         if ($classDesc) {
                             $classDesc = $spacingLeft . _p($classDesc) . $spacingRight;
                             $class->set('name', $classDesc);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 pm_logDebug(0, 'Print MS legend error: ' . $e->getMessage());
Exemple #17
  * Test if data base élément exists (table, fields, fields with types)
  * @param string $schemaName schema name 
  * @param string $msg $tableName table name
  * @param string or array $fieldsName fields names (optional)
  * @param string or array $fieldsType (N => numérique, S => string, or any data_type)
  * @return true if all exists
  * @example
  * tableOrFieldsExists('MySchema', 'MayTable')
  * tableOrFieldsExists('MySchema', 'MayTable', 'fieldName')
  * tableOrFieldsExists('MySchema', 'MayTable', 'fieldName', 'N')
  * $fields[] = 'field1'
  * $fields[] = 'field2'
  * $dataTypes['field1'] = 'S'
  * $dataTypes['field2'] = 'integer'
  * tableOrFieldsExists('MySchema', 'MayTable', $fields, $dataTypes)
  * tableOrFieldsExists('MySchema', 'MayTable', $fields, 'varchar')
 public function tableOrFieldsExists($schemaName, $tableName, $fieldsName = NULL, $fieldsType = NULL)
     $ret = false;
     $req = '';
     $nbRes = 1;
     if (isset($schemaName) || isset($tableName)) {
         $fieldsArray = NULL;
         // We test only if table exists
         if (!isset($fieldsName)) {
             $req = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='{$schemaName}' AND table_name='{$tableName}'";
             // Else we test if table and flields exists
         } else {
             $fieldsArray = array();
             if (is_array($fieldsName)) {
                 $fieldsArray = $fieldsName;
             } else {
                 $fieldsArray[] = $fieldsName;
             if (!isset($fieldsArray[1])) {
                 $strFields = "= '{$fieldsArray['0']}'";
             } else {
                 $strFields = implode('\', \'', $fieldsArray);
                 $strFields = "IN ('{$strFields}')";
             $req .= "SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE \n\t\t\t\ttable_schema='{$schemaName}' AND \n\t\t\t\ttable_name='{$tableName}' \n\t\t\t\tAND column_name {$strFields}";
             $nbRes = count($fieldsArray);
         $result = $this->dbh->query($req);
         if ($this->db->isError($result)) {
             pm_logDebug(0, "ERROR - Easy_MDB2 (IsExists - \"{$schema}\".\"{$table}\") \n" . $result->getMessage());
         } else {
             if ($result->numRows() == $nbRes) {
                 $ret = true;
         if ($ret && isset($fieldsArray) && $fieldsArray && isset($fieldsType) && $fieldsType) {
             while (($row = $result->fetchRow()) && $ret) {
                 $dataType = $row['data_type'];
                 $dataName = $row['column_name'];
                 if (!is_array($fieldsType)) {
                     $type = $fieldsType;
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($fieldsType[$dataName])) {
                     } else {
                         $type = $fieldsType[$dataName];
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'N':
                         if ($dataType != 'smallint' && $dataType != 'integer' && $dataType != 'bigint' && $dataType != 'decimal' && $dataType != 'numeric' && $dataType != 'real' && $dataType != 'double precision' && $dataType != 'serial' && $dataType != 'bigserial') {
                             $ret = false;
                     case 'S':
                         if ($dataType != 'character varying' && $dataType != 'varchar' && $dataType != 'character' && $dataType != 'char' && $dataType != 'text') {
                             $ret = false;
                         if ($type != $dataType) {
                             $ret = false;
     return $ret;
Exemple #18
  * Return extent of layer as array
  * @param bool $inMapProjection define if extent shall be returned in map projection 
  * @return object extent with minx, miny, maxx, maxy properties 
 public function getLayerExtent($inMapProjection)
     // PostgIS layers
     if ($this->layer->connectiontype == 6) {
         $data = trim($this->layer->data);
         $dataList1 = preg_split("/\\s/", $data);
         $dataList2 = preg_split("/using/i", $data);
         $geomFld = array_shift($dataList1);
         // use filter for layer extent
         $filter = trim($this->layer->getFilterString());
         if (!$filter) {
             $filter = "TRUE";
         $sql = "select ST_xmin(extent) as minx, ST_ymin(extent) as miny, ST_xmax(extent) as maxx, ST_ymax(extent) as maxy  \n                    from (SELECT St_Extent({$geomFld}) as extent " . substr($dataList2[0], strlen($geomFld)) . "WHERE {$filter}) as bar";
         pm_logDebug(3, $sql, "P.MAPPER-DEBUG: pmaplayer.php/getLayerExtent() - SQL for PG layer extent");
         // load DLL on Win if required
         if (PHP_OS == "WINNT" || PHP_OS == "WIN32") {
             if (!extension_loaded('pgsql')) {
                 if (function_exists("dl")) {
                 } else {
                     error_log("P.MAPPER ERROR: This version of PHP does support the 'dl()' function. Please enable 'php_pgsql.dll' in your php.ini");
                     return false;
         $connString = $this->layer->connection;
         if (!($connection = pg_Connect($connString))) {
             error_log("P.MAPPER: Could not connect to database");
             error_log("P.MAPPER: PG Connection error: " . pg_last_error($connection));
         $qresult = pg_query($connection, $sql);
         if (!$qresult) {
             error_log("P.MAPPER: PG Query error for : {$query}" . pg_result_error($qresult));
         $pgE = pg_fetch_object($qresult);
         $layerExt = ms_newRectObj();
         $layerExt->setExtent($pgE->minx, $pgE->miny, $pgE->maxx, $pgE->maxy);
     } else {
         $layerExt = @$this->layer->getExtent();
         // Raster layers (no extent function available, so take map extent)
         if (!$layerExt) {
             $layerExt = $this->map->extent;
         pm_logDebug(3, $this->layer->type, "pmap layerInfo");
     // if layer projection != map projection, reproject layer extent
     if ($inMapProjection) {
         $mapProjStr = $this->map->getProjection();
         $layerProjStr = $this->layer->getProjection();
         if ($mapProjStr && $layerProjStr && $mapProjStr != $layerProjStr) {
             if ($_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] < 6) {
                 $mapProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($mapProjStr);
                 $layerProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($layerProjStr);
             } else {
                 $mapProjObj = new projectionObj($mapProjStr);
                 $layerProjObj = new projectionObj($layerProjStr);
             $layerExt->project($layerProjObj, $mapProjObj);
     pm_logDebug(3, $layerExt, "pmap layerExt");
     return $layerExt;
Exemple #19
  * Parse DATA tag from PostGIS layer
 private function pgLayerParseData($layer)
     $pg_data = $layer->data;
     //"the_geom from images";
     $dl = preg_split('/ from /i', $pg_data);
     $data_list['geocol'] = trim($dl[0]);
     $flds = trim($dl[1]);
     if (substr($flds, 0, 1) == '(') {
         // is of type "the_geom from (select the_geom, oid, from mytable) AS foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=4258"
         $tabl = preg_split('/as ([a-z]|_|[A-Z]|[0-9])+ using unique /i', $dl[2]);
         $unique_list = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $tabl[1]);
         $data_list['dbtable'] = $flds . " from " . trim($tabl[0]) . " as foo ";
         $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($unique_list[0]);
     } else {
         $tabl = preg_split('/using unique/i', $dl[1]);
         if (count($tabl) > 1) {
             // is of type "the_geom from mytable USING UNIQUE gid "
             $data_list['dbtable'] = trim($tabl[0]);
             //$data_list['unique_field'] = trim($tabl[1]);
             $unique_list = preg_split('/[\\s]+/', trim($tabl[1]));
             $data_list['unique_field'] = trim($unique_list[0]);
         } else {
             // is of type "the_geom from mytable"
             $dbtable = trim($dl[1]);
             $data_list['dbtable'] = $dbtable;
             $data_list['unique_field'] = "oid";
             pm_logDebug(2, "P.MAPPER Warning: no UNIQUE field specified for PostGIS table '{$dbtable}'. Trying using OID field...");
     return $data_list;
Exemple #20
  * Return print settings for given paper size and orientation
 function getPrintParams($papersize, $orientation, $maptype)
     $ret = array();
     if ($this->outputType == 'pdf' || $this->outputType == 'html') {
         $outputType = $this->outputType;
         $pdfSettings = (array) $this->xml->settings->{$outputType};
         foreach ($pdfSettings as $k => $v) {
             $ret[$k] = $this->evalString($v);
         $ret['printtitle'] = $this->getPrintTitle();
         if (isset($ret['additionnalTitle']) && isset($ret['additionnalTitle']->before) && isset($ret['additionnalTitle']->before->text)) {
             $text = (string) $ret['additionnalTitle']->before->text;
             if ($text) {
                 $text = $this->evalString($text);
                 $ret['additionnalTitle']->before->text = $text;
         if (isset($ret['additionnalTitle']) && isset($ret['additionnalTitle']->after) && isset($ret['additionnalTitle']->after->text)) {
             $text = (string) $ret['additionnalTitle']->after->text;
             if ($text) {
                 $text = $this->evalString($text);
                 $ret['additionnalTitle']->after->text = $text;
         $xmlSettings = $this->xml->xpath("/print/settings/{$outputType}/format[@papersize=\"{$papersize}\" and @orientation=\"{$orientation}\"]/map[@type=\"{$maptype}\"]");
         foreach ($xmlSettings[0]->attributes() as $k => $v) {
             $ret[$k] = (string) $v;
         pm_logDebug(3, $ret, "{$outputType} printing settings");
     return $ret;