Exemple #1
 * Returns all directories of installed plugins except for local
 * from the current codebase.
 * This is relatively slow and not fully cached, use with care!
 * @return array ('plugintkey' => path, ...)
 * For example, array (
 *     'artefact.blog' => $CFG->docroot . 'artefact/blog',
 *     'blocktype.blog' => $CFG->docroot . 'artefact/blog/blocktype/blog',
 *     ...
 * )
function get_installed_plugins_paths()
    $versions = array();
    // All installed plugins
    $plugins = array();
    foreach (plugin_types_installed() as $plugin) {
        $dirhandle = opendir(get_config('docroot') . $plugin);
        while (false !== ($dir = readdir($dirhandle))) {
            if (strpos($dir, '.') === 0 || 'CVS' == $dir) {
            if (!is_dir(get_config('docroot') . $plugin . '/' . $dir)) {
            try {
                validate_plugin($plugin, $dir);
                $plugins[] = array($plugin, $dir);
            } catch (InstallationException $_e) {
                log_warn("Plugin {$plugin} {$dir} is not installable: " . $_e->GetMessage());
            if ($plugin === 'artefact') {
                // go check it for blocks as well
                $btlocation = get_config('docroot') . $plugin . '/' . $dir . '/blocktype';
                if (!is_dir($btlocation)) {
                $btdirhandle = opendir($btlocation);
                while (false !== ($btdir = readdir($btdirhandle))) {
                    if (strpos($btdir, '.') === 0 || 'CVS' == $btdir) {
                    if (!is_dir(get_config('docroot') . $plugin . '/' . $dir . '/blocktype/' . $btdir)) {
                    $plugins[] = array('blocktype', $dir . '/' . $btdir);
    $pluginpaths = array();
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
        $plugintype = $plugin[0];
        $pluginname = $plugin[1];
        $pluginpath = "{$plugin['0']}/{$plugin['1']}";
        $pluginkey = "{$plugin['0']}.{$plugin['1']}";
        if ($plugintype == 'blocktype' && strpos($pluginname, '/') !== false) {
            $bits = explode('/', $pluginname);
            $pluginpath = 'artefact/' . $bits[0] . '/blocktype/' . $bits[1];
        $pluginpaths[$pluginkey] = get_config('docroot') . $pluginpath;
    return $pluginpaths;
Exemple #2
 * Return structure info of tables from mahara xmldb files
 * @return array(XMLDBTable)
function get_tables_from_xmldb()
    static $tables = array();
    if (!empty($tables)) {
        return $tables;
    // Get database structure from plugins' tables
    foreach (array_reverse(plugin_types_installed()) as $t) {
        if ($installed = plugins_installed($t, true)) {
            foreach ($installed as $p) {
                $location = get_config('docroot') . $t . '/' . $p->name . '/db/';
                if (is_readable($location . 'install.xml')) {
                    $tables = array_merge($tables, get_tables_from_xmldb_file($location . 'install.xml'));
    $tables = array_merge($tables, get_tables_from_xmldb_file(get_config('docroot') . 'lib/db/install.xml'));
    return $tables;
 * Fires an event which can be handled by different parts of the system
function handle_event($event, $data)
    global $USER;
    static $event_types = array(), $coreevents_cache = array(), $eventsubs_cache = array();
    if (empty($event_types)) {
        $event_types = array_fill_keys(get_column('event_type', 'name'), true);
    $e = $event_types[$event];
    if (is_null($e)) {
        throw new SystemException("Invalid event");
    if ($data instanceof ArtefactType) {
        // leave $data alone, but convert for the event log
        $logdata = $data->to_stdclass();
    } else {
        if ($data instanceof BlockInstance) {
            // leave $data alone, but convert for the event log
            $logdata = array('id' => $data->get('id'), 'blocktype' => $data->get('blocktype'));
        } else {
            if (is_object($data)) {
                $data = (array) $data;
            } else {
                if (is_numeric($data)) {
                    $data = array('id' => $data);
    $parentuser = $USER->get('parentuser');
    $eventloglevel = get_config('eventloglevel');
    if ($eventloglevel === 'all' or $parentuser and $eventloglevel === 'masq') {
        $logentry = (object) array('usr' => $USER->get('id'), 'realusr' => $parentuser ? $parentuser->id : $USER->get('id'), 'event' => $event, 'data' => json_encode(isset($logdata) ? $logdata : $data), 'time' => db_format_timestamp(time()));
        insert_record('event_log', $logentry);
    if (empty($coreevents_cache)) {
        $rs = get_recordset('event_subscription');
        foreach ($rs as $record) {
            $coreevents_cache[$record['event']][] = $record['callfunction'];
    $coreevents = isset($coreevents_cache[$event]) ? $coreevents_cache[$event] : array();
    if (!empty($coreevents)) {
        require_once 'activity.php';
        // core events can generate activity.
        foreach ($coreevents as $ce) {
            if (function_exists($ce)) {
                call_user_func($ce, $data);
            } else {
                log_warn("Event {$event} caused a problem with a core subscription " . " {$ce}, which wasn't callable.  Continuing with event handlers");
    $plugintypes = plugin_types_installed();
    foreach ($plugintypes as $name) {
        $cache_key = "{$event}__{$name}";
        if (!isset($eventsubs_cache[$cache_key])) {
            $eventsubs_cache[$cache_key] = get_records_array($name . '_event_subscription', 'event', $event);
        if ($eventsubs_cache[$cache_key]) {
            $pluginsinstalled = plugins_installed($name);
            foreach ($eventsubs_cache[$cache_key] as $sub) {
                if (!isset($pluginsinstalled[$sub->plugin])) {
                safe_require($name, $sub->plugin);
                $classname = 'Plugin' . ucfirst($name) . ucfirst($sub->plugin);
                try {
                    call_static_method($classname, $sub->callfunction, $event, $data);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    log_warn("Event {$event} caused an exception from plugin {$classname} " . "with function {$sub->callfunction}. Continuing with event handlers");
Exemple #4
 * List all installed component web service directories
 * @return array of web service plugin directories
function get_ws_subsystems()
    static $plugindirs = null;
    if (!$plugindirs) {
        // add the root webservice first which is empty because it is docroot, and local
        $plugindirs = array(WEBSERVICE_DIRECTORY, 'local/' . WEBSERVICE_DIRECTORY);
        foreach (plugin_types_installed() as $t) {
            foreach (plugins_installed($t) as $name => $plugindata) {
                $plugindir = $t . '/' . $name;
                if (!empty($plugindata->authplugin)) {
                    $plugindir = 'auth/' . $plugindata->authplugin . '/' . $plugindir;
                $plugindirs[] = $plugindir . '/' . WEBSERVICE_DIRECTORY;
    return $plugindirs;
  * completely uninstall mahara, drop all tables.
  * this just does what install does, but in reverse order
  * reversing the order of tables, and indexes
  * to respect referential integrity
 public function uninstall_mahara()
     // this can't be done in a transaction because sometimes
     // things exist in the database that aren't in the file or the other way around
     // in the case where there are stale tables and then the code is upgraded
     foreach (array_reverse(plugin_types_installed()) as $t) {
         if ($installed = plugins_installed($t, true)) {
             foreach ($installed as $p) {
                 $location = get_config('docroot') . $t . '/' . $p->name . '/db/';
                 log_info('Uninstalling ' . $location);
                 if (is_readable($location . 'install.xml')) {
                     uninstall_from_xmldb_file($location . 'install.xml');
     // now uninstall core
     log_info('Uninstalling core');
     // These constraints must be dropped manually as they cannot be
     // created with xmldb due to ordering issues
     if (is_postgres()) {
         try {
             execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {usr} DROP CONSTRAINT {usr_pro_fk}');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {institution} DROP CONSTRAINT {inst_log_fk}');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     } else {
         try {
             execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {usr} DROP FOREIGN KEY {usr_pro_fk}');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             execute_sql('ALTER TABLE {institution} DROP FOREIGN KEY {inst_log_fk}');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     uninstall_from_xmldb_file(get_config('docroot') . 'lib/db/install.xml');
Exemple #6
 * Fires an event which can be handled by different parts of the system
function handle_event($event, $data)
    if (!($e = get_record('event_type', 'name', $event))) {
        throw new Exception("Invalid event");
    if ($data instanceof ArtefactType || $data instanceof BlockInstance) {
        // leave it alone
    } else {
        if (is_object($data)) {
            $data = (array) $data;
        } else {
            if (is_numeric($data)) {
                $data = array('id' => $data);
    if ($coreevents = get_records_array('event_subscription', 'event', $event)) {
        require_once 'activity.php';
        // core events can generate activity.
        foreach ($coreevents as $ce) {
            if (function_exists($ce->callfunction)) {
                call_user_func($ce->callfunction, $data);
            } else {
                log_warn("Event {$event} caused a problem with a core subscription " . " {$ce->callfunction}, which wasn't callable.  Continuing with event handlers");
    $plugintypes = plugin_types_installed();
    foreach ($plugintypes as $name) {
        if ($subs = get_records_array($name . '_event_subscription', 'event', $event)) {
            foreach ($subs as $sub) {
                safe_require($name, $sub->plugin);
                $classname = 'Plugin' . ucfirst($name) . ucfirst($sub->plugin);
                try {
                    call_static_method($classname, $sub->callfunction, $event, $data);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    log_warn("Event {$event} caused an exception from plugin {$classname} " . "with function {$sub->callfunction}. Continuing with event handlers");