function ofw_settings_page()
        global $ofw_domain, $plugurldir, $olark_options;
      <div class="wrap">
        _e('Olark for WP', $ofw_domain);
        echo plugin_get_version();
        <div class="metabox-holder meta-box-sortables ui-sortable pointer">
          <div class="postbox" style="float:left;width:30em;margin-right:20px">
            <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
        _e('Olark Account ID', $ofw_domain);
            <div class="inside" style="padding: 0 10px">
              <p style="text-align:center"><a href="" title="<?php 
        _e('Chat with your website&rsquo;s visitors using your favorite IM client', $ofw_domain);
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $plugurldir;
olark.png" height="132" width="244" alt="<?php 
        _e('Olark Logo', $ofw_domain);
" /></a></p>
              <form method="post" action="options.php">
                <p><label for="ofwID"><?php 
        printf(__('Enter your %1$sChat with your website&rsquo;s visitors using your favorite IM client%2$sOlark%3$s account ID below to activate the plugin.', $ofw_domain), '<strong><a href="" title="', '">', '</a></strong>');
</label><br />

                  <input type="text" name="ofwID" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('ofwID');
" style="width:100%" /></p>
                    <p class="submit">
                      <input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" />

                  <small class="nonessential"><?php 
        _e('Entering an incorrect ID will result in an error!', $ofw_domain);
                  <p style="font-size:smaller;color:#999239;background-color:#ffffe0;padding:0.4em 0.6em !important;border:1px solid #e6db55;-moz-border-radius:3px;-khtml-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px"><?php 
        printf(__('Don&rsquo;t have an account? No problem! %1$sRegister for a free Olark account today!%2$sRegister for a <strong>FREE</strong> Olark account right now!%3$s Start chatting with your site visitors today!', $ofw_domain), '<a href="" title="', '">', '</a>');

                  <div class="postbox" style="float:left;width:20%;margin-right:20px">
                    <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
        _e('Change Notes', $ofw_domain);
                    <div class="inside" style="padding: 10px">
                        <li>04.28.09 - v1.0 - The first version</li>
                        <li>08.28.09 - v2.0 - Updated the plugin to reflect the brand change from to Olark</li>
                        <li>06.03.11 - v2.1 - Forked From Olark for Wordpress/  Upgraded to New Olark Async Code, Added Callout Widget, Added Chat Tabs</li>
                        <li>06.04.11 - v2.2 - Major Rewrite Moving to More Modern Plugin Codex/API</li>
                        <li>06.05.11 - v2.3 - Added Olark API for logged in Users</li>
                        <li>06.07.11 - v2.3.1-3 - Fixing Typos</li>
                        <li>06.07.11 - v2.4 - In Plugin Olark Sign up!</li>
                        <li>06.08.11 - v2.4.1 - Bug Fix on Signup (Sessions Will Now persist between page loads) </li>
                        <li>09.01.11 - v2.4.2 - Removed iFrame </li>
                        <li>05.09.13 - v2.5 Updating Olark Includes, Removing Deprecated Code, Removing referral Links.   This project is now dead.</li>
                        <li>05.09.13 - v2.5.1 Bad Build </li>
                        <li> <h4> <a href ='' >This Project is DEAD! For all Future updates please remove this plugin and follow Olark's offical wordpress integration guide here </a> </h4> </li>


Exemple #2
function camera_general()
    if ($_GET['page'] == 'camera_general') {
<div id="camera_admin_wrap" class="wrap">
        Camera slideshow ver. <span style="color:#d54e21; font-weight:bold"><?php 
        echo plugin_get_version();
    <div id="camera_admin_mainnav">
    	<div id="camera_admin_mainnav_inner">
                    <a href="<?php 
        echo get_admin_url();
admin.php?page=camera_documentation" id="camera_documentation_tab" data-tip="Documentation"><span><span>&nbsp;</span></span></a>
                    <a href="<?php 
        echo get_admin_url();
admin.php?page=camera_settings" id="camera_general_settings_tab" data-tip="Common settings"><span><span>&nbsp;</span></span></a>
                    <a href="<?php 
        echo get_admin_url();
admin.php?page=camera_addremove" id="camera_addremove_slideshows_tab" data-tip="Add/remove slideshows"><span><span>&nbsp;</span></span></a>
                    <a href="<?php 
        echo get_admin_url();
admin.php?page=camera_manage" id="camera_manage_slideshows_tab" data-tip="Manage your slideshows"><span><span>&nbsp;</span></span></a>
        if (camera_get_option('camera_support_work') == 'true') {
                <li id="support_my_work">
                    <a href="" class="not_tabbed" target="_blank" data-tip="Donate, buy or follow me"><span><span>&nbsp;</span></span></a>
        </div><!-- #camera_admin_mainnav_inner -->
    </div><!-- #camera_admin_mainnav -->
    <div id="camera_admin_tabnav">
    </div><!-- #camera_admin_tabnav -->
    <div id="camera_tabcontent_wrap">
    	<div id="camera_tab_loading">
        </div><!-- #camera_tab_loading -->
        <div id="camera_tab_success">
        </div><!-- #camera_tab_success -->
        <div id="camera_tab_error">
        </div><!-- #camera_tab_error -->
        <div id="camera_wrap_content">
            <div id="camera_tab_content">
            </div><!-- #camera_tab_content -->
        </div><!-- #camera_tab_content -->
    </div><!-- #camera_tabcontent_wrap -->
</div><!-- #camera_admin_wrap -->

<div id="camera_dialog_inputempty" style="display:none; padding:20px; text-align:center">
Sorry, the fields can't be empty
</div><!-- #camera_dialog_inputempty -->

<div id="camera_dialog_cant" style="display:none; padding:20px; text-align:center">
Sorry, this operation is disabled in preview mode
</div><!-- #camera_dialog_inputempty -->

<div id="camera_dialog_deleteslideshow" style="display:none; padding:20px; text-align:center">
Are you sure? You can't restore this slideshow once deleted
</div><!-- #pixwall_dialog_inputempty -->

<div id="camera_dialog_deletetable" style="display:none; padding:20px; text-align:center">
<strong>Pay attention:</strong> if you switch on this field, the next time you delete Camera plugin from the plugin page, you will delete also the data stored in the database, not only the files on your server
</div><!-- #camera_dialog_inputempty -->
    function ofw_settings_page()
        global $ofw_domain, $plugurldir, $olark_options;
			<div class="wrap">
        _e('Olark for WP', $ofw_domain);
        echo plugin_get_version();
				<div class="metabox-holder meta-box-sortables ui-sortable pointer">
					<div class="postbox" style="float:left;width:30em;margin-right:20px">
						<h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
        _e('Olark Account ID', $ofw_domain);
						<div class="inside" style="padding: 0 10px">
							<p style="text-align:center"><a href="" title="<?php 
        _e('Chat with your website&rsquo;s visitors using your favorite IM client', $ofw_domain);
"><img src="<?php 
        echo $plugurldir;
olark.png" height="132" width="244" alt="<?php 
        _e('Olark Logo', $ofw_domain);
" /></a></p>
							<form method="post" action="options.php">
								<p><label for="ofwID"><?php 
        printf(__('Enter your %1$sChat with your website&rsquo;s visitors using your favorite IM client%2$sOlark%3$s account ID below to activate the plugin.', $ofw_domain), '<strong><a href="" title="', '">', '</a></strong>');
</label><br />

									<input type="text" name="ofwID" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('ofwID');
" style="width:100%" /></p>
									<p><label for="ofwDisableWidgets"><?php 
        printf(__('Disable the Callout Widget', $ofw_domain), '<strong><a href="" title="', '">', '</a></strong>');
</label><br />						
        $options = get_option('ofwDisable');
        if ($options['widgets']) {
            $checked = ' checked="checked" ';
        echo "<input " . $checked . " id='ofwDisable_widgets' name='ofwDisable[widgets]' type='checkbox' />";

										<p>Olark Chat Tab Settings</p>
        $options = get_option('ofwTabs');
        $items = array("None", "CSS", "Image");
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $checked = $options['type'] == $item ? ' checked="checked" ' : '';
            echo "<label><input " . $checked . " value='{$item}' name='ofwTabs[type]' type='radio' /> {$item}</label><br />";
										<p class="submit">
											<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" />

									<small class="nonessential"><?php 
        _e('Entering an incorrect ID will result in an error!', $ofw_domain);
									<p style="font-size:smaller;color:#999239;background-color:#ffffe0;padding:0.4em 0.6em !important;border:1px solid #e6db55;-moz-border-radius:3px;-khtml-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px"><?php 
        printf(__('Don&rsquo;t have an account? No problem! %1$sRegister for a free Olark account today!%2$sRegister for a <strong>FREE</strong> Olark account right now!%3$s Start chatting with your site visitors today!', $ofw_domain), '<a href="" title="', '">', '</a>');

									<div class="postbox" style="float:left;width:20%;margin-right:20px">
										<h3 class="hndle"><span><?php 
        _e('Change Notes', $ofw_domain);
										<div class="inside" style="padding: 10px">
												<li>04.28.09 - v1.0 - The first version</li>
												<li>08.28.09 - v2.0 - Updated the plugin to reflect the brand change from to Olark</li>
												<li>06.03.11 - v2.1 - Forked From Olark for Wordpress/  Upgraded to New Olark Async Code, Added Callout Widget, Added Chat Tabs</li>
												<li>06.04.11 - v2.2 - Major Rewrite Moving to More Modern Plugin Codex/API</li>
												<li>06.05.11 - v2.3 - Added Olark API for logged in Users</li>
												<li>06.07.11 - v2.3.1-3 - Fixing Typos</li>
												<li>06.07.11 - v2.4 - In Plugin Olark Sign up!</li>
												<li>06.08.11 - v2.4.1 - Bug Fix on Signup (Sessions Will Now persist between page loads) </li>