function install() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { plugin_error(ERROR_PHP_VERSION, ERROR); return false; } if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { plugin_error(ERROR_NO_CURL, ERROR); return false; } return true; }
public function update_repo($p_repo) { $f_hub_root = gpc_get_string('hub_root'); $f_hub_repoid = gpc_get_string('hub_repoid'); $f_hub_reponame = gpc_get_string('hub_reponame'); $f_hub_app_secret = gpc_get_string('hub_app_secret'); # Update info required for getting the repoid $p_repo->info['hub_root'] = $f_hub_root; $p_repo->info['hub_reponame'] = $f_hub_reponame; $p_repo->info['hub_app_secret'] = $f_hub_app_secret; # Getting the repoid from reponame if (!is_numeric($f_hub_repoid) && !empty($f_hub_reponame)) { $t_hub_reponame_enc = urlencode($f_hub_reponame); $t_uri = $this->api_uri($p_repo, "projects/{$t_hub_reponame_enc}"); $t_member = null; $t_json = json_url($t_uri, $t_member); $f_hub_repoid = 'Repository Name is invalid'; if (!is_null($t_json)) { if (property_exists($t_json, 'id')) { $f_hub_repoid = (string) $t_json->id; } } } $f_master_branch = gpc_get_string('master_branch'); if (!preg_match('/^(\\*|[a-zA-Z0-9_\\., -]*)$/', $f_master_branch)) { plugin_error(self::ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_BRANCH); } # Update other fields $p_repo->info['hub_repoid'] = $f_hub_repoid; $p_repo->info['master_branch'] = $f_master_branch; return $p_repo; }
function check_environment() { exec('which whois 2>&1', $execout, $return_var); $whois_path = $execout[0]; if ($return_var != 0) { plugin_error("whois is not installed in your system."); } }
function notify($msg, $webhook, $channel, $attachment = FALSE) { if ($this->skip) { return; } if (empty($channel)) { return; } if (empty($webhook)) { return; } $ch = curl_init(); // @see // remove istance and token and add plugin_Slack_url config , see configurations with url above $url = sprintf('%s', trim($webhook)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $payload = array('channel' => $channel, 'username' => plugin_config_get('bot_name'), 'text' => $msg, 'link_names' => plugin_config_get('link_names')); $bot_icon = trim(plugin_config_get('bot_icon')); if (empty($bot_icon)) { $payload['icon_url'] = ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^:[a-z0-9_\\-]+:$/i', $bot_icon)) { $payload['icon_emoji'] = $bot_icon; } elseif ($bot_icon) { $payload['icon_url'] = trim($bot_icon); } if ($attachment) { $payload['attachments'] = array($attachment); } $data = array('payload' => json_encode($payload)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); $result = curl_exec($ch); if ($result !== 'ok') { trigger_error($result, E_USER_WARNING); plugin_error('ERROR_CURL', E_USER_ERROR); } curl_close($ch); }
public function update_repo($p_repo) { $f_hub_username = gpc_get_string('hub_username'); $f_hub_reponame = gpc_get_string('hub_reponame'); $f_hub_app_client_id = gpc_get_string('hub_app_client_id'); $f_hub_app_secret = gpc_get_string('hub_app_secret'); $f_master_branch = gpc_get_string('master_branch'); if (!preg_match('/^(\\*|[a-zA-Z0-9_\\., -]*)$/', $f_master_branch)) { plugin_error(self::ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_BRANCH); } $p_repo->info['hub_username'] = $f_hub_username; $p_repo->info['hub_reponame'] = $f_hub_reponame; $p_repo->info['hub_app_client_id'] = $f_hub_app_client_id; $p_repo->info['hub_app_secret'] = $f_hub_app_secret; $p_repo->info['master_branch'] = $f_master_branch; return $p_repo; }
public function update_config() { # Prevent more than one SVN class from handling form elements. if (!SourceSVNPlugin::$config_form_handled) { SourceSVNPlugin::$config_form_handled = true; $f_svnpath = gpc_get_string('plugin_SourceSVN_svnpath', ''); $t_svnpath = config_get('plugin_SourceSVN_svnpath', ''); $f_svnpath = rtrim($f_svnpath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($f_svnpath != $t_svnpath) { if (is_blank($f_svnpath)) { config_delete('plugin_SourceSVN_svnpath'); } else { # be sure that the path is valid if (($t_binary = SourceSVNPlugin::svn_binary($f_svnpath, true)) != 'svn') { config_set('plugin_SourceSVN_svnpath', $f_svnpath); } else { plugin_error('SVNPathInvalid', ERROR); } } } $f_svnargs = gpc_get_string('plugin_SourceSVN_svnargs', ''); if ($f_svnargs != config_get('plugin_SourceSVN_svnargs', '')) { config_set('plugin_SourceSVN_svnargs', $f_svnargs); } $f_svnssl = gpc_get_bool('plugin_SourceSVN_svnssl', false); if ($f_svnssl != config_get('plugin_SourceSVN_svnssl', false)) { config_set('plugin_SourceSVN_svnssl', $f_svnssl); } $f_winstart = gpc_get_bool('plugin_SourceSVN_winstart', false); if ($f_winstart != config_get('plugin_SourceSVN_winstart', false)) { config_set('plugin_SourceSVN_winstart', $f_winstart); } } }
public function update_repo($p_repo) { $f_hub_root = gpc_get_string('hub_root'); $f_hub_repoid = gpc_get_string('hub_repoid'); $f_hub_reponame = gpc_get_string('hub_reponame'); # Getting the repoid doesnt seem to work with the latest gitlab - but we can get all the # repos the current user can access and go through them to find the correct id if (empty($f_hub_repoid)) { $f_uri_1 = null; $f_uri_2 = null; $f_hub_repoid = (string) $this->get_repo_id($p_repo, true, $f_uri_1); if (empty($f_hub_repoid)) { $f_hub_repoid = (string) $this->get_repo_id($p_repo, false, $f_uri_2); } if (empty($f_hub_repoid)) { plugin_error(plugin_lang_get("error_invalid_repoid") . "\n" . $p_repo->info['hub_root'] . "\n" . $f_uri_1 . "\n" . $f_uri_2 . "\n"); } } $f_hub_app_secret = gpc_get_string('hub_app_secret'); $f_master_branch = gpc_get_string('master_branch'); if (!preg_match('/^(\\*|[a-zA-Z0-9_\\., -]*)$/', $f_master_branch)) { plugin_error(self::ERROR_INVALID_PRIMARY_BRANCH); } $p_repo->info['hub_root'] = $f_hub_root; $p_repo->info['hub_repoid'] = $f_hub_repoid; $p_repo->info['hub_reponame'] = $f_hub_reponame; $p_repo->info['hub_app_secret'] = $f_hub_app_secret; $p_repo->info['master_branch'] = $f_master_branch; return $p_repo; }