// This code alternates the background color every other comment $comment_class = $counter % 2 ? 'comment-alt' : 'comment'; ?> <li class="<?php echo $comment_class; ?> "> <p><?php echo plogger_get_comment_text(); ?> </p> <cite><?php echo plog_tr('Comment by'); ?> <?php echo trim(plogger_get_comment_url()) != '' ? '<a href="' . plogger_get_comment_url() . '" rel="nofollow">' . plogger_get_comment_author() . '</a>' : '' . plogger_get_comment_author() . ''; ?> - <?php echo plog_tr('posted on'); ?> <?php echo plogger_get_comment_date(); ?> </cite> </li><!-- /comment comment-alt --> <?php $counter++; } ?> </ol><!-- /comments --> <?php
function plog_comment_manager($id, $from, $limit) { plogger_init_picture(array('id' => $id)); // create javascript initiation function for editable elements if (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $output .= "Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);"; $output .= "function init() {"; while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); // makeEditable('collection-name-".plogger_get_collection_id()."'); $output .= "makeEditable('comment-comment-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-author-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-url-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-email-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');"; } $output .= "}"; $output .= '</script>'; } plogger_init_picture(array('id' => $id)); if (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { $output .= '<table style="width: 100%" cellpadding="4"> <col style="width: 15px;"/><tr class="header"><td class="table-header-left"> </td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-middle">' . plog_tr('Author') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-middle">' . plog_tr('E-mail') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-middle">' . plog_tr('URL') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-middle">' . plog_tr('Date') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-middle">' . plog_tr('Comment') . '</td>'; $output .= '<td class="table-header-right">' . plog_tr('Actions') . '</td></tr>'; $counter = 0; while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); if ($counter % 2 == 0) { $table_row_color = "color-1"; } else { $table_row_color = "color-2"; } $id = plogger_get_comment_id(); $output .= "<tr class='{$table_row_color}'>"; $output .= "<td><input type='checkbox' name='selected[]' value='" . $id . "'/></td>"; $output .= "<td><p id=\"comment-author-" . $id . "\">" . plogger_get_comment_author() . " </p></td>"; $email = plogger_get_comment_email(); $output .= "<td><p id=\"comment-email-" . $id . "\">" . $email . " </p></td>"; $output .= "<td><p id=\"comment-url-" . $id . "\">" . plogger_get_comment_url() . " </p></td>"; $output .= "<td>" . plogger_get_comment_date("n.j.Y H:i:s") . "</td>"; $output .= "<td><p id=\"comment-comment-" . $id . "\">" . plogger_get_comment_text() . " </p></td>"; $output .= '<td><a href="?action=edit-comment&id=' . $id . '"><img style="display:inline" src="../graphics/edit.gif" alt="' . plog_tr('Edit') . '" title="' . plog_tr('Edit') . '"></a>'; $output .= '<a href="?action=delete-comment&id=' . $id . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . plog_tr('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') . '\');"><img style="display:inline" src="../graphics/x.gif" alt="' . plog_tr('Delete') . '" title="' . plog_tr('Delete') . '"></a></td>'; $output .= "</tr>"; } $output .= '<tr class="header"><td colspan="7"></td></tr></table>'; $output .= "</table>"; } else { $output .= "<p class='actions'>" . plog_tr('This picture has no comments on it.') . "</p>"; } return $output; }
function plog_comment_manager($id, $from, $limit) { global $config, $empty; $output = ''; plogger_init_picture(array('id' => $id, 'from' => $from, 'limit' => $limit)); // Create javascript initiation function for editable elements if (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript">'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . 'Event.observe(window, \'load\', init, false);'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . 'function init() {'; while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); // makeEditable('picture".plogger_get_picture_id()."'); $output .= "\n\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-comment-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\n\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-author-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\n\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-url-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');\n\t\t\t\tmakeEditable('comment-email-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "');"; } $output .= "\n\t\t\t" . '}'; $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</script>'; } plogger_init_picture(array('id' => $id, 'from' => $from, 'limit' => $limit)); if (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<table style="width: 100%;" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <col style="width: 15px;" /> <tbody> <tr class="header"> <th class="table-header-left align-center width-15"><input name="allbox" type="checkbox" onclick="checkAll(document.getElementById(\'contentList\'));" /></th> <th class="table-header-middle align-left width-175">' . plog_tr('Author') . '/' . plog_tr('Email') . '/' . plog_tr('Website') . '</th> <th class="table-header-middle align-left width-150">' . plog_tr('Date') . '</th> <th class="table-header-middle align-left">' . plog_tr('Comment') . '</th> <th class="table-header-right align-center width-100">' . plog_tr('Actions') . '</th> </tr>'; $counter = 0; while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); if ($counter % 2 == 0) { $table_row_color = 'color-1'; } else { $table_row_color = 'color-2'; } $counter++; $id = plogger_get_comment_id(); $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t" . '<tr class="' . $table_row_color . '">'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="align-center width-15"><p class="margin-5"><input type="checkbox" name="selected[]" value="' . $id . '" /></p></td>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="align-left width-175"> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-bottom"><strong>' . plog_tr('Author') . ':</strong></p> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-top" id="comment-author-' . $id . '">' . plogger_get_comment_author() . '</p> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-bottom"><strong>' . plog_tr('Email') . ':</strong></p> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-top" id="comment-email-' . $id . '">' . plogger_get_comment_email() . '</p> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-bottom"><strong>' . plog_tr('Website') . ':</strong></p> <p class="margin-5 no-margin-top" id="comment-url-' . $id . '">' . plogger_get_comment_url() . '</p> </td>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="align-left width-150"><p class="margin-5">' . plogger_get_comment_date('n/j/Y g:i a') . '</p></td>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="align-left vertical-top"><p class="margin-5" id="comment-comment-' . $id . '">' . plogger_get_comment_text() . '</p></td>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t" . '<td class="align-center width-100"><p class="margin-5"><a href="?action=edit-comment&id=' . $id . '"><img style="display: inline;" src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/images/edit.gif" alt="' . plog_tr('Edit') . '" title="' . plog_tr('Edit') . '" /></a>'; $output .= ' <a href="?action=delete-comment&id=' . $id . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . plog_tr('Are you sure you want to delete this item?') . '\');"><img style="display: inline;" src="' . $config['gallery_url'] . 'plog-admin/images/x.gif" alt="' . plog_tr('Delete') . '" title="' . plog_tr('Delete') . '" /></a></p></td>'; $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t" . '</tr>'; } $output .= "\n\t\t\t\t" . '<tr class="footer"> <td class="align-left invert-selection" colspan="5"><a href="#" onclick="checkToggle(document.getElementById(\'contentList\')); return false;">' . plog_tr('Toggle Checkbox Selection') . '</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>' . "\n"; } else { $output .= "\n\n\t\t" . '<p class="actions">' . plog_tr('This picture has no comments.') . '</p>' . "\n"; $empty = true; } return $output; }
<?php if (plogger_comments_on()) { print '<a name="comments"></a><h2 class="comment-heading">Comments:</h2>'; if (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { print "<ol class=\"comments\">"; $counter = 0; while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); $url = plogger_get_comment_url(); $author = plogger_get_comment_author(); // this code alternates the background color every other comment $comment_class = $counter % 2 ? "comment" : "comment_alt"; print "<li class=\"{$comment_class}\">"; print "<p>" . plogger_get_comment_text() . "</p>"; print "<cite>Comment by "; print trim($url) != '' ? "<a href=\"{$url}\">{$author}</a>" : "{$author}"; print "- posted on " . plogger_get_comment_date(); print "</cite></li>"; $counter++; } print "</ol>"; } else { print "<p>No comments yet.</p>"; } if (plogger_picture_allows_comments()) { if (plogger_comment_post_error()) { print "<p class='errors'>Comment did not post! Please fill in required fields.</p>"; } if (plogger_comment_moderated()) { print "<p class='actions'>Your comment was placed in moderation, please wait for approval. \r\n\t\t\tDo not submit comment again!</p>";
function generate_RSS_feed($level, $id, $search = '') { global $config; $config['feed_title'] = SmartStripSlashes($config['feed_title']); // remove plog-rss from the end, if present .. is there a better way to determine the full url? $is_rss = strpos($config['baseurl'], 'plog-rss.php'); if ($is_rss !== false) { $config['baseurl'] = substr($config['baseurl'], 0, $is_rss); } if (!empty($search)) { $level = 'search'; } // Aggregate feed of all albums with collection specified by id if ($level == 'collection') { if ($config['feed_content'] == 0) { plogger_init_albums(array('collection_id' => $id, 'sortby' => 'id', 'sortdir' => 'DESC', 'from' => 0, 'limit' => $config['feed_num_entries'])); } else { plogger_init_pictures(array('type' => 'collection', 'value' => $id, 'limit' => $config['feed_num_entries'], 'sortby' => 'id')); } $collection = get_collection_by_id($id); $config['feed_title'] .= ': ' . $collection['name']; } else { if ($level == 'album') { plogger_init_pictures(array('type' => 'album', 'value' => $id, 'limit' => $config['feed_num_entries'], 'sortby' => 'id')); $album = get_album_by_id($id); $config['feed_title'] .= ': ' . $album['album_name']; } else { if ($level == 'picture') { plogger_init_picture(array('id' => $id, 'comments' => 'DESC')); $picture = get_picture_by_id($id); $config['feed_title'] .= ': ' . basename($picture['path']); } else { if ($level == 'search') { plogger_init_search(array('searchterms' => $search, 'limit' => $config['feed_num_entries'])); } else { if ($level == 'collections' or $level == '') { plogger_init_albums(array('collection_id' => -1, 'sortby' => 'id', 'sortdir' => 'DESC', 'from' => 0, 'limit' => $config['feed_num_entries'])); $config['feed_title'] .= ': ' . plog_tr('Entire Gallery'); } } } } } // generate RSS header $rssFeed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\" xmlns:media=\"http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/\">\n"; $rssFeed .= "<channel>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<title>" . $config['feed_title'] . "</title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<description>" . plog_tr('Plogger RSS Feed') . "</description>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<language>" . $GLOBALS['locale'] . "</language>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<docs>http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss</docs>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<generator>Plogger</generator>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<link>" . $config['gallery_url'] . "</link>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<atom:link href=\"http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n"; $header = 1; while (plogger_has_albums()) { plogger_load_album(); if ($header) { $submitdate = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); $rssFeed .= "<pubDate>" . $submitdate . "</pubDate>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<lastBuildDate>" . $submitdate . "</lastBuildDate>\n"; $header = 0; } $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date_modified`) AS `pubdate` FROM `" . PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX . "pictures` WHERE `parent_album` = '" . plogger_get_album_id() . "' ORDER BY `date_modified` DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = run_query($sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $pubdate = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', $row['pubdate']); $title = plogger_get_album_name(); $num = plogger_album_picture_count(); $num_pictures = $num == 1 ? plog_tr('image') : plog_tr('images'); $pagelink = plogger_get_album_url(); $thumbpath = str_replace(array('%2F', '%3A'), array('/', ':'), rawurlencode(plogger_get_album_thumb())); $descript = '<p><a href="' . $pagelink . '" title="' . $title . '"> <img src="' . $thumbpath . '" alt="' . $title . '" style="border: 2px solid #000;" /> </a></p><p>' . $title . ' (' . $num . ' ' . $num_pictures . ')</p><p>' . htmlspecialchars(plogger_get_album_description()) . '</p>'; $rssFeed .= "<item>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<pubDate>" . $pubdate . "</pubDate>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<title>" . $title . "</title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<link>" . $pagelink . "</link>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<description>" . $descript . "</description>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<guid isPermaLink=\"false\">" . $thumbpath . "</guid>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<media:content url=\"" . $thumbpath . "\" type=\"image/jpeg\" />\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<media:title>" . $title . "</media:title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "</item>\n"; } while (plogger_has_pictures()) { plogger_load_picture(); // If at picture level, check to make sure it has comments first if ($level != 'picture' || plogger_picture_has_comments()) { if ($header) { $submitdate = plogger_get_picture_date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', 1); $takendate = plogger_get_picture_date(); $rssFeed .= "<pubDate>" . $submitdate . "</pubDate>\n"; $rssFeed .= "<lastBuildDate>" . $submitdate . "</lastBuildDate>\n"; $header = 0; } $rssFeed .= "<item>\n"; if ($config['allow_fullpic']) { $urlPath = str_replace(array('%2F', '%3A'), array('/', ':'), rawurlencode(plogger_get_source_picture_url())); } else { $urlPath = str_replace(array('%2F', '%3A'), array('/', ':'), rawurlencode(plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_LARGE))); } $caption = plogger_get_picture_caption(); $thumbpath = plogger_get_picture_thumb(THUMB_RSS); $pagelink = plogger_get_picture_url(); if ($caption == '' || $caption == ' ') { $caption = plog_tr('New Image (no caption)'); } $caption .= ' - ' . $takendate; $descript = '<p><a href="' . $pagelink . '" title="' . $caption . '"> <img src="' . $thumbpath . '" alt="' . $caption . '" style="border: 2px solid #000;" /> </a></p><p>' . $caption . '</p>'; $descript .= '<p>' . htmlspecialchars(plogger_get_picture_description()) . '</p>'; $rssFeed .= "\t<pubDate>" . $submitdate . "</pubDate>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<title>" . $caption . "</title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<link>" . $pagelink . "</link>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<description>" . $descript . "</description>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<guid isPermaLink=\"false\">" . $thumbpath . "</guid>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<media:content url=\"" . $urlPath . "\" type=\"image/jpeg\" />\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<media:title>" . $caption . "</media:title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "</item>\n"; if ($level == 'picture') { while (plogger_picture_has_comments()) { plogger_load_comment(); $rssFeed .= "<item>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<pubDate>" . plogger_get_comment_date('D, d M Y H:i:s O') . "</pubDate>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<title>Comment by " . plogger_get_comment_author() . "</title>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<link>" . $pagelink . "</link>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<description>" . plogger_get_comment_text() . "</description>\n"; $rssFeed .= "\t<guid isPermaLink=\"true\">" . $pagelink . "#Comment-" . plogger_get_comment_id() . "</guid>\n"; $rssFeed .= "</item>\n"; } } } } $rssFeed .= "</channel>\n</rss>"; echo $rssFeed; }