function run_installation_routine($url = '')
     $settings = pl_get_global_settings();
     // Only sets defaults if they are null
     if (!$settings) {
         // Publish New Templates
         $tpl_handler = new PLCustomTemplates();
     // Add Templates
     $id = $this->page_on_activation();
     // Redirect
     $url = add_query_arg('pl-installed-theme', pl_theme_info('template'), get_permalink($id));
     return $url;
 function run_installation_routine($url = '')
     set_theme_mod('pl_installed', true);
     $settings = pl_get_global_settings();
     // Only sets defaults if they are null
     if (is_file(trailingslashit(get_stylesheet_directory()) . 'pl-config.json')) {
         $settings_handler = new PageLinesSettings();
     // Publish New Templates
     $tpl_handler = new PLCustomTemplates();
     // Add Templates
     $id = $this->page_on_activation();
     // Redirect
     $url = add_query_arg('pl-installed-theme', pl_theme_info('template'), get_permalink($id));
     return $url;
Exemple #3
 function getopts()
     $option = array();
     // do globals
     if (isset($this->data->export_global)) {
         $option['pl-settings'] = pl_get_global_settings();
     // grab the map
     // $option['pl-template_map'] = get_option( 'pl-template-map', array() );
     // grab user templates
     if (isset($this->data->templates)) {
         $templates = get_option('pl-user-templates', array('draft' => array(), 'live' => array()));
         $draft = array();
         $live = array();
         foreach ($this->data->templates as $k => $data) {
             if (isset($templates['draft'][$k])) {
                 $draft[$k] = $templates['draft'][$k];
             if (isset($templates['live'][$k])) {
                 $live[$k] = $templates['live'][$k];
         $option['pl-user-templates'] = stripslashes_deep(array('draft' => $draft, 'live' => $live));
     if (isset($this->data->export_types)) {
         $lookup_array = array('blog', 'category', 'search', 'tag', 'author', 'archive', 'page', 'post', '404_page');
         $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
         $output = 'names';
         // names or objects, note names is the default
         $operator = 'and';
         // 'and' or 'or'
         $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output, $operator);
         $meta = array();
         $master = array_unique(array_merge($post_types, $lookup_array));
         foreach ($master as $t => $type) {
             $key = array_search($type, $lookup_array);
             if (!$key) {
                 $key = pl_create_int_from_string($type) + 70000000;
             } else {
                 $key = $key + 70000000;
             //	$option[$type] = $key;
             $meta[$key] = get_post_meta($key, 'pl-settings');
             if (empty($meta[$key])) {
         $post_ids = get_posts(array('numberposts' => -1, 'fields' => 'ids', 'post_type' => 'any'));
         $option['post_ids'] = $post_ids;
         foreach ($post_ids as $k => $p) {
             $meta[$p] = get_post_meta($p, 'pl-settings');
             if (empty($meta[$p])) {
         $option['post_meta'] = $meta;
     $option['custom'] = get_option('pl-user-sections');
     // do section data
     global $sections_data_handler;
     $section_data = $sections_data_handler->dump_opts();
     foreach ($section_data as $k => $data) {
         $section_data[$k]->draft = $this->unserialize($data->draft);
         $section_data[$k]->live = $this->unserialize($data->live);
     $option['section_data'] = $section_data;
     $contents = json_encode($option);
     $contents .= $this->get_file_headers();
     return $contents;
Exemple #4
 function get_state($pageID, $typeID, $map)
     $state = array();
     $settings = array();
     $default = array('live' => array(), 'draft' => array());
     // Local
     $settings['local'] = pl_meta($pageID, PL_SETTINGS);
     if ($typeID != $pageID) {
         $settings['type'] = pl_meta($typeID, PL_SETTINGS);
     $settings['global'] = pl_get_global_settings();
     foreach ($settings as $scope => $set) {
         $set = wp_parse_args($set, $default);
         $scope = str_replace('map-', '', $scope);
         if ($set['draft'] != $set['live']) {
             $state[$scope] = $scope;
     if (count($state) > 1) {
         $state[] = 'multi';
     return $state;
 function current_page_data($scope = 'local')
     $d = array();
     if ($scope == 'local') {
         $d = pl_settings($this->draft->mode, $this->page->id);
     } elseif ($scope == 'type') {
         $d = pl_settings($this->draft->mode, $this->page->typeid);
     } elseif ($scope == 'section') {
         global $sections_handler;
         $d = $sections_handler->get_user_section_settings();
     } elseif ($scope == 'template') {
         global $pl_custom_template;
         $d = !empty($pl_custom_template) ? $pl_custom_template['settings'] : array();
     } elseif ($scope == 'global') {
         $d = pl_get_global_settings(pl_get_mode());
     return $d ? $d : array();
Exemple #6
function set_default_settings()
    $settings = pl_get_global_settings();
    if (!$settings) {
        $settings = pl_settings_default();
    $settings_defaults = apply_filters('pl_theme_default_settings', get_default_settings());
    $region_defaults = apply_filters('pl_theme_default_regions', array());
    if (empty($settings['draft'])) {
        $settings['draft'] = array('settings' => $settings_defaults, 'regions' => $region_defaults);
    if (empty($settings['live'])) {
        $settings['live'] = array('settings' => $settings_defaults, 'regions' => $region_defaults);
    return $settings;
 function getopts()
     $option = array();
     // do globals
     if (isset($this->data->export_global)) {
         $option['pl-settings'] = pl_get_global_settings();
     // grab the map
     // $option['pl-template_map'] = get_option( 'pl-template-map', array() );
     // grab user templates
     if (isset($this->data->templates)) {
         $templates = get_option('pl-user-templates', array());
         foreach ($this->data->templates as $t => $s) {
             if (isset($templates['live'][$t])) {
                 $option['pl-user-templates'][$t] = $templates['live'][$t];
     if (isset($this->data->export_types)) {
         $lookup_array = array('blog', 'category', 'search', 'tag', 'author', 'archive', 'page', 'post', '404_page');
         $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
         $output = 'names';
         // names or objects, note names is the default
         $operator = 'and';
         // 'and' or 'or'
         $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output, $operator);
         $meta = array();
         $master = array_unique(array_merge($post_types, $lookup_array));
         foreach ($master as $t => $type) {
             $key = pl_create_int_from_string($type) + 70000000;
             $meta[$key] = get_post_meta($key, 'pl-settings');
             if (empty($meta[$key])) {
         $option['post_meta'] = $meta;
     // do section data
     global $sections_data_handler;
     $option['section_data'] = $sections_data_handler->dump_opts();
     $contents = json_encode($option);
     $contents .= $this->get_file_headers();
     return $contents;
Exemple #8
 function publish($response, $data)
     global $sections_data_handler, $dms_cache;
     $pageID = $data['pageID'];
     $typeID = $data['typeID'];
     $response['result'] = $sections_data_handler->publish_items($data['store']);
     $section_handler = new PLCustomSections();
     $tpl_handler = new PLCustomTemplates();
     $settings = array();
     $settings['local'] = pl_meta($pageID, PL_SETTINGS);
     $settings['type'] = pl_meta($typeID, PL_SETTINGS);
     $settings['global'] = pl_get_global_settings();
     foreach ($settings as $scope => $set) {
         $set = wp_parse_args($set, array('live' => array(), 'draft' => array()));
         $set['live'] = $set['draft'];
         $settings[$scope] = $set;
     pl_meta_update($pageID, PL_SETTINGS, $settings['local']);
     pl_meta_update($typeID, PL_SETTINGS, $settings['type']);
     // Flush less
     // run clean post action to trigger caches to clear. Varnish, WPE etc.
     return $response;
 function update_setting($args = array())
     $defaults = array('key' => '', 'val' => '', 'mode' => 'draft', 'scope' => 'global', 'uid' => 'settings');
     $a = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     $scope = $a['scope'];
     $mode = $a['mode'];
     $key = $a['key'];
     $val = $a['val'];
     $uid = $a['uid'];
     $parse_value = array($key => $val);
     if ($scope == 'global') {
         $settings = pl_get_global_settings();
         $old_settings = isset($settings[$mode][$uid]) ? $settings[$mode][$uid] : array();
         $settings[$mode][$uid] = wp_parse_args($parse_value, $old_settings);
     } elseif ($scope == 'local' || $scope == 'type') {
         global $plpg;
         $theID = $scope == 'local' ? $plpg->id : $plpg->typeid;
         $settings = $this->meta($theID, PL_SETTINGS, pl_settings_default());
         $old_settings = isset($settings[$mode][$uid]) ? $settings[$mode][$uid] : array();
         $settings[$mode][$uid] = wp_parse_args($parse_value, $old_settings);
         pl_meta_update($theID, PL_SETTINGS, $settings);