public function processRequest()
     $items = id(new PhabricatorDirectoryItem())->loadAll();
     $items = msort($items, 'getSortKey');
     $categories = id(new PhabricatorDirectoryCategory())->loadAll();
     $categories = msort($categories, 'getSequence');
     $category_map = mpull($categories, 'getName', 'getID');
     $category_map[0] = 'Free Radicals';
     $items = mgroup($items, 'getCategoryID');
     $content = array();
     foreach ($category_map as $id => $category_name) {
         $category_items = idx($items, $id);
         if (!$category_items) {
         $item_markup = array();
         foreach ($category_items as $item) {
             $item_markup[] = '<div>' . '<h2>' . phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $item->getHref()), phutil_escape_html($item->getName())) . '</h2>' . '<p>' . phutil_escape_html($item->getDescription()) . '</p>' . '</div>';
         $content[] = '<div class="aphront-directory-category">' . '<h1>' . phutil_escape_html($category_name) . '</h1>' . '<div class="aphront-directory-group">' . implode("\n", $item_markup) . '</div>' . '</div>';
     $content = '<div class="aphront-directory-list">' . implode("\n", $content) . '</div>';
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($content, array('title' => 'Directory', 'tab' => 'directory'));
 public function render()
     $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
     $current_branch = $drequest->getBranch();
     $rows = array();
     $rowc = array();
     foreach ($this->branches as $branch) {
         $commit = idx($this->commits, $branch->getHeadCommitIdentifier());
         if ($commit) {
             $details = $commit->getCommitData()->getCommitMessage();
             $details = idx(explode("\n", $details), 0);
             $details = substr($details, 0, 80);
             $datetime = phabricator_datetime($commit->getEpoch(), $this->user);
         } else {
             $datetime = null;
             $details = null;
         $rows[] = array(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'history', 'branch' => $branch->getName()))), 'History'), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'browse', 'branch' => $branch->getName()))), phutil_escape_html($branch->getName())), self::linkCommit($drequest->getRepository(), $branch->getHeadCommitIdentifier()), $datetime, AphrontTableView::renderSingleDisplayLine(phutil_escape_html($details)));
         if ($branch->getName() == $current_branch) {
             $rowc[] = 'highlighted';
         } else {
             $rowc[] = null;
     $view = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $view->setHeaders(array('History', 'Branch', 'Head', 'Modified', 'Details'));
     $view->setColumnClasses(array('', 'pri', '', '', 'wide'));
     return $view->render();
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $timer = id(new PhabricatorTimer())->load($this->id);
     if (!$timer) {
         return new Aphront404Response();
     $chrome_visible = $request->getBool('chrome', true);
     $chrome_new = $chrome_visible ? false : null;
     $chrome_link = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $request->getRequestURI()->alter('chrome', $chrome_new), 'class' => 'phabricator-timer-chrome-link'), $chrome_visible ? 'Disable Chrome' : 'Enable Chrome');
     $content = '<div class="phabricator-timer">
     <h1 class="phabricator-timer-header">' . phutil_escape_html($timer->getTitle()) . ' &middot; ' . phabricator_datetime($timer->getDatePoint(), $user) . '</h1>
     <div class="phabricator-timer-pane">
       <table class="phabricator-timer-table">
           <td id="phabricator-timer-days"></td>
           <td id="phabricator-timer-hours"></td>
           <td id="phabricator-timer-minutes"></td>
           <td id="phabricator-timer-seconds"></td>
     </div>' . $chrome_link . '</div>';
     Javelin::initBehavior('countdown-timer', array('timestamp' => $timer->getDatepoint()));
     $panel = $content;
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Countdown: ' . $timer->getTitle(), 'chrome' => $chrome_visible));
 public final function render()
     $errors = $this->errors;
     if ($errors) {
         $list = array();
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $list[] = phutil_render_tag('li', array(), phutil_escape_html($error));
         $list = '<ul>' . implode("\n", $list) . '</ul>';
     } else {
         $list = null;
     $title = $this->title;
     if (strlen($title)) {
         $title = '<h1>' . phutil_escape_html($title) . '</h1>';
     } else {
         $title = null;
     $this->severity = nonempty($this->severity, self::SEVERITY_ERROR);
     $this->width = nonempty($this->width, self::WIDTH_DEFAULT);
     $more_classes = array();
     $more_classes[] = 'aphront-error-severity-' . $this->severity;
     $more_classes[] = 'aphront-error-width-' . $this->width;
     $more_classes = implode(' ', $more_classes);
     return phutil_render_tag('div', array('id' => $this->id, 'class' => 'aphront-error-view ' . $more_classes), $title . $this->renderChildren() . $list);
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $phids = $request->getStrList('phids');
     if ($phids) {
         $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids))->loadHandles();
         $rows = array();
         foreach ($handles as $handle) {
             if ($handle->getURI()) {
                 $link = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $handle->getURI()), phutil_escape_html($handle->getURI()));
             } else {
                 $link = null;
             $rows[] = array(phutil_escape_html($handle->getPHID()), phutil_escape_html($handle->getType()), phutil_escape_html($handle->getName()), $link);
         $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
         $table->setHeaders(array('PHID', 'Type', 'Name', 'URI'));
         $table->setColumnClasses(array(null, null, null, 'wide'));
         $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
         $panel->setHeader('PHID Handles');
         return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'PHID Lookup Results'));
     $lookup_form = new AphrontFormView();
     $lookup_form->setAction('/phid/')->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl())->setName('phids')->setCaption('Enter PHIDs separated by spaces or commas.'))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue('Lookup PHIDs'));
     $lookup_panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $lookup_panel->setHeader('Lookup PHIDs');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(array($lookup_panel), array('title' => 'PHID Lookup'));
 public function processRequest()
     $title = 'OAuth Clients';
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $current_user = $request->getUser();
     $offset = $request->getInt('offset', 0);
     $page_size = 100;
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $request_uri = $request->getRequestURI();
     $pager->setURI($request_uri, 'offset');
     $query = new PhabricatorOAuthServerClientQuery();
     $clients = $query->executeWithPager($pager);
     $rows = array();
     $rowc = array();
     $highlight = $this->getHighlightPHIDs();
     foreach ($clients as $client) {
         $row = array(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $client->getViewURI()), phutil_escape_html($client->getName())), $client->getPHID(), $client->getSecret(), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $client->getRedirectURI()), phutil_escape_html($client->getRedirectURI())), phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'small button grey', 'href' => $client->getEditURI()), 'Edit'));
         $rows[] = $row;
         if (isset($highlight[$client->getPHID()])) {
             $rowc[] = 'highlighted';
         } else {
             $rowc[] = '';
     $panel = $this->buildClientList($rows, $rowc, $title);
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(array($this->getNoticeView(), $panel->appendChild($pager)), array('title' => $title));
 public function renderValueForRevisionView()
     $diff = $this->getDiff();
     $path_changesets = mpull($diff->loadChangesets(), 'getId', 'getFilename');
     $lstar = DifferentialRevisionUpdateHistoryView::renderDiffLintStar($diff);
     $lmsg = DifferentialRevisionUpdateHistoryView::getDiffLintMessage($diff);
     $ldata = $this->getDiffProperty('arc:lint');
     $ltail = null;
     if ($ldata) {
         $ldata = igroup($ldata, 'path');
         $lint_messages = array();
         foreach ($ldata as $path => $messages) {
             $message_markup = array();
             foreach ($messages as $message) {
                 $path = idx($message, 'path');
                 $line = idx($message, 'line');
                 $code = idx($message, 'code');
                 $severity = idx($message, 'severity');
                 $name = idx($message, 'name');
                 $description = idx($message, 'description');
                 $line_link = phutil_escape_html($line);
                 if (isset($path_changesets[$path])) {
                     // TODO: Create standalone links for large diffs. Logic is in
                     // DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView::renderChangesetLink().
                     $line_link = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '#C' . $path_changesets[$path] . 'NL' . $line), $line_link);
                 $message_markup[] = hsprintf('<li>' . '<span class="lint-severity-%s">%s</span> (%s) %s ' . 'at line ' . $line_link . '<p>%s</p>' . '</li>', $severity, ucwords($severity), $code, $name, $description);
             $lint_messages[] = '<li class="lint-file-block">' . 'Lint for <strong>' . phutil_escape_html($path) . '</strong>' . '<ul>' . implode("\n", $message_markup) . '</ul>' . '</li>';
         $lexcuse = $this->getLintExcuse();
         $ltail = '<div class="differential-lint-block">' . $lexcuse . '<ul>' . implode("\n", $lint_messages) . '</ul>' . '</div>';
     return $lstar . ' ' . $lmsg . $ltail;
 public function markupDocumentLink($matches)
     $slug = trim($matches[1]);
     $name = trim(idx($matches, 2, $slug));
     // If whatever is being linked to begins with "/" or has "://", treat it
     // as a URI instead of a wiki page.
     $is_uri = preg_match('@(^/)|(://)@', $slug);
     if ($is_uri) {
         $protocols = $this->getEngine()->getConfig('uri.allowed-protocols', array());
         $protocol = id(new PhutilURI($slug))->getProtocol();
         if (!idx($protocols, $protocol)) {
             // Don't treat this as a URI if it's not an allowed protocol.
             $is_uri = false;
     if ($is_uri) {
         $uri = $slug;
         // Leave the name unchanged, i.e. link the whole URI if there's no
         // explicit name.
     } else {
         $name = explode('/', trim($name, '/'));
         $name = end($name);
         $slug = PhrictionDocument::normalizeSlug($slug);
         $uri = PhrictionDocument::getSlugURI($slug);
     return $this->getEngine()->storeText(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $uri, 'class' => $is_uri ? null : 'phriction-link'), phutil_escape_html($name)));
 public function processRequest()
     $drequest = $this->diffusionRequest;
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $page_size = $request->getInt('pagesize', 100);
     $offset = $request->getInt('page', 0);
     $history_query = DiffusionHistoryQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest);
     $history_query->setLimit($page_size + 1);
     if (!$request->getBool('copies')) {
     $history = $history_query->loadHistory();
     $phids = array();
     foreach ($history as $item) {
         $data = $item->getCommitData();
         if ($data) {
             if ($data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID')) {
                 $phids[$data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID')] = true;
     $phids = array_keys($phids);
     $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids))->loadHandles();
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     if (count($history) == $page_size + 1) {
     } else {
     $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'page');
     $content = array();
     $content[] = $this->buildCrumbs(array('branch' => true, 'path' => true, 'view' => 'history'));
     if ($request->getBool('copies')) {
         $button_title = 'Hide Copies/Branches';
     } else {
         $button_title = 'Show Copies/Branches';
     $button_uri = $request->getRequestURI()->alter('copies', !$request->getBool('copies'));
     $button = phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'button small grey', 'href' => $button_uri), phutil_escape_html($button_title));
     $history_table = new DiffusionHistoryTableView();
     $history_panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $content[] = $history_panel;
     // TODO: Sometimes we do have a change view, we need to look at the most
     // recent history entry to figure it out.
     $nav = $this->buildSideNav('history', false);
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($nav, array('title' => 'history'));
 public function render()
     $rows = array();
     $rowc = array();
     // TODO: Experiment with path stack rendering.
     // TODO: Copy Away and Move Away are rendered junkily still.
     foreach ($this->pathChanges as $change) {
         $path = $change->getPath();
         $hash = substr(md5($path), 0, 8);
         if ($change->getFileType() == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY) {
             $path .= '/';
         $path_column = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '#' . $hash), phutil_escape_html($path));
         $rows[] = array($this->linkHistory($change->getPath()), $this->linkBrowse($change->getPath()), $this->linkChange($change->getChangeType(), $change->getFileType(), $change->getPath()), $path_column);
         $row_class = null;
         foreach ($this->ownersPaths as $owners_path) {
             $owners_path = $owners_path->getPath();
             if (strncmp('/' . $path, $owners_path, strlen($owners_path)) == 0) {
                 $row_class = 'highlighted';
         $rowc[] = $row_class;
     $view = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $view->setHeaders(array('History', 'Browse', 'Change', 'Path'));
     $view->setColumnClasses(array('', '', '', 'wide'));
     $view->setNoDataString('This change has not been fully parsed yet.');
     return $view->render();
 public function render()
     $application = $this->application;
     $content = array();
     $content[] = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => 'phabricator-application-launch-name'), phutil_escape_html($application->getName()));
     $content[] = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => 'phabricator-application-launch-description'), phutil_escape_html($application->getShortDescription()));
     $count = 0;
     if ($this->status) {
         $content[] = '<span class="phabricator-application-status-block">';
         foreach ($this->status as $status) {
             $count += $status->getCount();
             $content[] = $status;
         $content[] = '</span>';
     if ($count) {
         $content[] = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => 'phabricator-application-launch-attention'), phutil_escape_html($count));
     $classes = array();
     $classes[] = 'phabricator-application-launch-icon';
     $styles = array();
     if ($application->getIconURI()) {
         $styles[] = 'background-image: url(' . $application->getIconURI() . ')';
     } else {
         $autosprite = $application->getAutospriteName();
         $classes[] = 'autosprite';
         $classes[] = 'app-' . $autosprite . '-full';
     $icon = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => implode(' ', $classes), 'style' => nonempty(implode('; ', $styles), null)), '');
     return phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'phabricator-application-launch-container', 'href' => $application->getBaseURI()), $icon . $this->renderSingleView($content));
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $pastes = id(new PhabricatorPaste())->loadAllWhere('1 = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d, %d', $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
     $pastes = $pager->sliceResults($pastes);
     $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'page');
     $phids = mpull($pastes, 'getAuthorPHID');
     $handles = array();
     if ($phids) {
         $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids))->loadHandles();
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($pastes as $paste) {
         $handle = $handles[$paste->getAuthorPHID()];
         $rows[] = array(phutil_escape_html('P' . $paste->getID()), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/p/' . $handle->getName() . '/'), phutil_escape_html($handle->getName())), phutil_escape_html($paste->getLanguage()), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/P' . $paste->getID()), phutil_escape_html(nonempty($paste->getTitle(), 'Untitled Masterwork P' . $paste->getID()))), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => PhabricatorFileURI::getViewURIForPHID($paste->getFilePHID())), phutil_escape_html($paste->getFilePHID())));
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Paste ID', 'Author', 'Language', 'Title', 'File'));
     $table->setColumnClasses(array(null, null, null, 'wide pri', null));
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setCreateButton('Paste Something', '/paste/');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Paste List', 'tab' => 'list'));
 public function buildView()
     if (!$this->user) {
         throw new Exception('Call setUser() before buildView()!');
     $user = $this->user;
     $stories = $this->stories;
     $handles = array();
     if ($stories) {
         $handle_phids = array_mergev(mpull($stories, 'getRequiredHandlePHIDs'));
         $object_phids = array_mergev(mpull($stories, 'getRequiredObjectPHIDs'));
         $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($handle_phids))->loadHandles();
     $null_view = new AphrontNullView();
     $last_date = null;
     foreach ($stories as $story) {
         $date = ucfirst(phabricator_relative_date($story->getEpoch(), $user));
         if ($date !== $last_date) {
             if ($last_date !== null) {
                 $null_view->appendChild('<div class="phabricator-feed-story-date-separator"></div>');
             $last_date = $date;
             $null_view->appendChild(phutil_render_tag('div', array('class' => 'phabricator-feed-story-date'), phutil_escape_html($date)));
         $view = $story->renderView();
     return id(new AphrontNullView())->appendChild('<div class="phabricator-feed-frame">' . $null_view->render() . '</div>');
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $nav = new AphrontSideNavView();
     $links = array('calls' => 'All Calls');
     if (empty($links[$this->view])) {
         $this->view = key($links);
     foreach ($links as $slug => $name) {
         $nav->addNavItem(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/conduit/log/view/' . $slug . '/', 'class' => $slug == $this->view ? 'aphront-side-nav-selected' : null), phutil_escape_html($name)));
     $conn_table = new PhabricatorConduitConnectionLog();
     $call_table = new PhabricatorConduitMethodCallLog();
     $conn_r = $call_table->establishConnection('r');
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $calls = $call_table->loadAllWhere('1 = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d, %d', $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
     $calls = $pager->sliceResults($calls);
     $pager->setURI(new PhutilURI('/conduit/log/view/' . $this->view . '/'), 'page');
     $min = $pager->getOffset() + 1;
     $max = $min + count($calls) - 1;
     $conn_ids = array_filter(mpull($calls, 'getConnectionID'));
     $conns = array();
     if ($conn_ids) {
         $conns = $conn_table->loadAllWhere('id IN (%Ld)', $conn_ids);
     $table = $this->renderCallTable($calls, $conns);
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Conduit Method Calls (' . $min . '-' . $max . ')');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($nav, array('title' => 'Conduit Logs', 'tab' => 'logs'));
 public final function render()
     $errors = $this->errors;
     if ($errors) {
         $list = array();
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $list[] = phutil_render_tag('li', array(), phutil_escape_html($error));
         $list = phutil_render_tag('ul', array('class' => 'aphront-error-view-list'), implode("\n", $list));
     } else {
         $list = null;
     $title = $this->title;
     if (strlen($title)) {
         $title = phutil_render_tag('h1', array('class' => 'aphront-error-view-head'), phutil_escape_html($title));
     } else {
         $title = null;
     $this->severity = nonempty($this->severity, self::SEVERITY_ERROR);
     $more_classes = array();
     $more_classes[] = 'aphront-error-severity-' . $this->severity;
     $more_classes = implode(' ', $more_classes);
     return phutil_render_tag('div', array('id' => $this->id, 'class' => 'aphront-error-view ' . $more_classes), $title . phutil_render_tag('div', array('class' => 'aphront-error-view-body'), $this->renderChildren() . $list));
Exemple #16
function phabricator_render_form(PhabricatorUser $user, $attributes, $content)
    if (strcasecmp(idx($attributes, 'method'), 'POST') == 0 && !preg_match('#^(https?:|//)#', idx($attributes, 'action'))) {
        $content = phutil_render_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => AphrontRequest::getCSRFTokenName(), 'value' => $user->getCSRFToken())) . phutil_render_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '__form__', 'value' => true)) . $content;
    return javelin_render_tag('form', $attributes, $content);
 public function render()
     $handle = $this->handle;
     $type_name = nonempty($handle->getTypeName(), 'Document');
     $link = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $handle->getURI()), PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($handle->getURI()));
     $img = $handle->getImageURI();
     if ($img) {
         $img = phutil_render_tag('div', array('class' => 'result-image', 'style' => "background-image: url('{$img}');"), '');
     switch ($handle->getType()) {
         case PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_CMIT:
             $object_name = $handle->getName();
             if ($this->object) {
                 $data = $this->object->getCommitData();
                 $summary = $data->getSummary();
                 if (strlen($summary)) {
                     $object_name = $handle->getName() . ': ' . $data->getSummary();
             $object_name = $handle->getFullName();
     return '<div class="phabricator-search-result">' . $img . '<div class="result-desc">' . phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'result-name', 'href' => $handle->getURI()), $this->emboldenQuery($object_name)) . '<div class="result-type">' . $type_name . ' &middot; ' . $link . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' . '</div>';
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $nav = $this->buildSideNav('resource');
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $pager->setURI(new PhutilURI('/drydock/resource/'), 'page');
     $data = id(new DrydockResource())->loadAllWhere('1 = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d, %d', $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
     $data = $pager->sliceResults($data);
     $phids = mpull($data, 'getOwnerPHID');
     $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids);
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($data as $resource) {
         $rows[] = array($resource->getID(), $resource->getOwnerPHID() ? $handles[$resource->getOwnerPHID()]->renderLink() : null, phutil_escape_html($resource->getType()), DrydockResourceStatus::getNameForStatus($resource->getStatus()), phutil_escape_html(nonempty($resource->getName(), 'Unnamed')), phabricator_datetime($resource->getDateCreated(), $user));
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'Owner', 'Type', 'Status', 'Resource', 'Created'));
     $table->setColumnClasses(array('', '', '', '', 'pri wide', 'right'));
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Drydock Resources');
     $panel->addButton(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/drydock/resource/allocate/', 'class' => 'green button'), 'Allocate Resource'));
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($nav, array('title' => 'Resources'));
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isFormPost()) {
         $parser = new ArcanistDiffParser();
         $diff = null;
         try {
             $diff = PhabricatorFile::readUploadedFileData($_FILES['diff-file']);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $diff = $request->getStr('diff');
         $changes = $parser->parseDiff($diff);
         $diff = DifferentialDiff::newFromRawChanges($changes);
         return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI('/differential/diff/' . $diff->getID() . '/');
     $form = new AphrontFormView();
     $arcanist_href = PhabricatorEnv::getDoclink('article/Arcanist_User_Guide.html');
     $arcanist_link = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $arcanist_href, 'target' => '_blank'), 'Arcanist');
     $form->setAction('/differential/diff/create/')->setEncType('multipart/form-data')->setUser($request->getUser())->appendChild('<p class="aphront-form-instructions">The best way to create a ' . "Differential diff is by using {$arcanist_link}, but you " . 'can also just paste a diff (e.g., from <tt>svn diff</tt> or ' . '<tt>git diff</tt>) into this box or upload it as a file if you ' . 'really want.</p>')->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl())->setLabel('Raw Diff')->setName('diff')->setHeight(AphrontFormTextAreaControl::HEIGHT_VERY_TALL))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormFileControl())->setLabel('Raw Diff from file')->setName('diff-file'))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue("Create Diff »"));
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Create New Diff');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Create Diff', 'tab' => 'create'));
 private function buildNavItems()
     $classes = $this->getAllMethodImplementationClasses();
     $method_names = array();
     foreach ($classes as $method_class) {
         $method_name = ConduitAPIMethod::getAPIMethodNameFromClassName($method_class);
         $parts = explode('.', $method_name);
         $method_names[] = array('full_name' => $method_name, 'group_name' => reset($parts));
     $method_names = igroup($method_names, 'group_name');
     $items = array();
     foreach ($method_names as $group => $methods) {
         $items[] = phutil_render_tag('a', array(), phutil_escape_html($group));
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $method_name = $method['full_name'];
             $selected = $method_name == $this->method;
             $items[] = phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => $selected ? 'aphront-side-nav-selected' : null, 'href' => '/conduit/method/' . $method_name), '<span style="padding-left: 1em;">' . phutil_escape_html($method_name) . '</span>');
         $items[] = '<hr />';
     // Pop off the last '<hr />'.
     return $items;
 public function didMarkupText()
     $engine = $this->getEngine();
     $metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_MENTION;
     $metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
     if (empty($metadata)) {
         // No mentions, or we already processed them.
     $usernames = array_keys($metadata);
     $user_table = new PhabricatorUser();
     $real_user_names = queryfx_all($user_table->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT username, phid, realName FROM %T WHERE username IN (%Ls)', $user_table->getTableName(), $usernames);
     $actual_users = array();
     $mentioned_key = self::KEY_MENTIONED;
     $mentioned = $engine->getTextMetadata($mentioned_key, array());
     foreach ($real_user_names as $row) {
         $actual_users[strtolower($row['username'])] = $row;
         $mentioned[$row['phid']] = $row['phid'];
     $engine->setTextMetadata($mentioned_key, $mentioned);
     foreach ($metadata as $username => $tokens) {
         $exists = isset($actual_users[$username]);
         $class = $exists ? 'phabricator-remarkup-mention-exists' : 'phabricator-remarkup-mention-unknown';
         if ($exists) {
             $tag = phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => $class, 'href' => '/p/' . $username . '/', 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => $actual_users[$username]['realName']), phutil_escape_html('@' . $username));
         } else {
             $tag = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => $class), phutil_escape_html('@' . $username));
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             $engine->overwriteStoredText($token, $tag);
     // Don't re-process these mentions.
     $engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $macro_table = new PhabricatorFileImageMacro();
     $macros = $macro_table->loadAllWhere('1 = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d, %d', $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize());
     // Get an exact count since the size here is reasonably going to be a few
     // thousand at most in any reasonable case.
     $count = queryfx_one($macro_table->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT COUNT(*) N FROM %T', $macro_table->getTableName());
     $count = $count['N'];
     $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'page');
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($macros as $macro) {
         $src = PhabricatorFileURI::getViewURIForPHID($macro->getFilePHID());
         $rows[] = array(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/file/macro/edit/' . $macro->getID() . '/'), phutil_escape_html($macro->getName())), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $src, 'target' => '_blank'), phutil_render_tag('img', array('src' => $src))), javelin_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/file/macro/delete/' . $macro->getID() . '/', 'sigil' => 'workflow', 'class' => 'grey small button'), 'Delete'));
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Name', 'Image', ''));
     $table->setColumnClasses(array('pri', 'wide thumb', 'action'));
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Image Macros');
     $panel->setCreateButton('New Image Macro', '/file/macro/edit/');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Image Macros', 'tab' => 'macros'));
 public function render()
     $icon = null;
     if ($this->icon) {
         $icon = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => 'phabricator-action-view-icon autosprite ' . 'action-' . $this->icon), '');
     if ($this->href) {
         if ($this->renderAsForm) {
             if (!$this->user) {
                 throw new Exception('Call setUser() when rendering an action as a form.');
             $item = javelin_render_tag('button', array('class' => 'phabricator-action-view-item'), phutil_escape_html($this->name));
             $item = phabricator_render_form($this->user, array('action' => $this->href, 'method' => 'POST', 'sigil' => $this->workflow ? 'workflow' : null), $item);
         } else {
             $item = javelin_render_tag('a', array('href' => $this->href, 'class' => 'phabricator-action-view-item', 'sigil' => $this->workflow ? 'workflow' : null), phutil_escape_html($this->name));
     } else {
         $item = phutil_render_tag('span', array('class' => 'phabricator-action-view-item'), phutil_escape_html($this->name));
     $classes = array();
     $classes[] = 'phabricator-action-view';
     if ($this->disabled) {
         $classes[] = 'phabricator-action-view-disabled';
     return phutil_render_tag('li', array('class' => implode(' ', $classes)), $icon . $item);
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'page');
     $timers = id(new PhabricatorTimer())->loadAllWhere('1 = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d, %d', $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
     $timers = $pager->sliceResults($timers);
     $phids = mpull($timers, 'getAuthorPHID');
     $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids))->loadHandles();
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($timers as $timer) {
         $edit_button = null;
         $delete_button = null;
         if ($user->getIsAdmin() || $user->getPHID() == $timer->getAuthorPHID()) {
             $edit_button = phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'small button grey', 'href' => '/countdown/edit/' . $timer->getID() . '/'), 'Edit');
             $delete_button = javelin_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'small button grey', 'href' => '/countdown/delete/' . $timer->getID() . '/', 'sigil' => 'workflow'), 'Delete');
         $rows[] = array(phutil_escape_html($timer->getID()), $handles[$timer->getAuthorPHID()]->renderLink(), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/countdown/' . $timer->getID() . '/'), phutil_escape_html($timer->getTitle())), phabricator_datetime($timer->getDatepoint(), $user), $edit_button, $delete_button);
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'Author', 'Title', 'End Date', '', ''));
     $table->setColumnClasses(array(null, null, 'wide pri', null, 'action', 'action'));
     $panel = id(new AphrontPanelView())->appendChild($table)->setHeader('Timers')->setCreateButton('Create Timer', '/countdown/edit/')->appendChild($pager);
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Countdown'));
 public function processRequest()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $offset = $request->getInt('offset', 0);
     $pager = new AphrontPagerView();
     $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'offset');
     $list = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailingList();
     $conn_r = $list->establishConnection('r');
     $data = queryfx_all($conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T
     ORDER BY name ASC
     LIMIT %d, %d', $list->getTableName(), $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getPageSize() + 1);
     $data = $pager->sliceResults($data);
     $lists = $list->loadAllFromArray($data);
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($lists as $list) {
         $rows[] = array(phutil_escape_html($list->getName()), phutil_escape_html($list->getEmail()), phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'button grey small', 'href' => $this->getApplicationURI('/edit/' . $list->getID() . '/')), 'Edit'));
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Name', 'Email', ''));
     $table->setColumnClasses(array(null, 'wide', 'action'));
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Mailing Lists');
     $panel->setCreateButton('Add New List', $this->getApplicationURI('/edit/'));
     return $this->buildApplicationPage($panel, array('title' => 'Mailing Lists'));
 public function processRequest()
     $classes = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader())->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorUIExample')->selectAndLoadSymbols();
     $classes = ipull($classes, 'name', 'name');
     $selected = null;
     foreach ($classes as $class => $ignored) {
         $classes[$class] = newv($class, array());
         if ($this->class == $classes[$class]->getName()) {
             $selected = $class;
     if (!$selected) {
         $selected = key($classes);
     $nav = new AphrontSideNavView();
     foreach ($classes as $class => $obj) {
         $name = $obj->getName();
         $nav->addNavItem(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/uiexample/view/' . $name . '/', 'class' => $selected == $class ? 'aphront-side-nav-selected' : null), phutil_escape_html($obj->getName())));
     $example = $classes[$selected];
     $nav->appendChild('<div class="phabricator-ui-example-header">' . '<h1 class="phabricator-ui-example-name">' . phutil_escape_html($example->getName()) . ' (' . get_class($example) . ')' . '</h1>' . '<p class="phabricator-ui-example-description">' . $example->getDescription() . '</p>' . '</div>');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($nav, array('title' => 'UI Example'));
 public function render()
     $data = $this->getData();
     $rows = array();
     $details = '';
     foreach ($data as $index => $row) {
         $file = $row['file'];
         $line = $row['line'];
         $tag = phutil_render_tag('a', array('onclick' => jsprintf('show_details(%d)', $index)), phutil_escape_html($row['str'] . ' at [' . basename($file) . ':' . $line . ']'));
         $rows[] = array($tag);
         $details .= '<div class="dark-console-panel-error-details" id="row-details-' . $index . '">' . phutil_escape_html($row['details']) . "\n" . 'Stack trace:' . "\n";
         foreach ($row['trace'] as $key => $entry) {
             $line = '';
             if (isset($entry['class'])) {
                 $line .= $entry['class'] . '::';
             $line .= idx($entry, 'function', '');
             $onclick = '';
             if (isset($entry['file'])) {
                 $line .= ' called at [' . $entry['file'] . ':' . $entry['line'] . ']';
                 $onclick = jsprintf('open_file(%s, %d)', $entry['file'], $entry['line']);
             $details .= phutil_render_tag('a', array('onclick' => $onclick), phutil_escape_html($line));
             $details .= "\n";
         $details .= '</div>';
     $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $table->setNoDataString('No errors.');
     return '<div>' . '<div>' . $table->render() . '</div>' . '<div class="dark-console-panel-error-separator"></div>' . '<pre class="PhabricatorMonospaced">' . $details . '</pre>' . '</div>';
 public function processRequest()
     $phid = $this->getAuthorizationPHID();
     $title = 'Edit OAuth Client Authorization';
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $current_user = $request->getUser();
     $authorization = id(new PhabricatorOAuthClientAuthorization())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $phid);
     if (empty($authorization)) {
         return new Aphront404Response();
     if ($authorization->getUserPHID() != $current_user->getPHID()) {
         $message = 'Access denied to client authorization with phid ' . $phid . '. ' . 'Only the user who authorized the client has permission to ' . 'edit the authorization.';
         return id(new Aphront403Response())->setForbiddenText($message);
     if ($request->isFormPost()) {
         $scopes = PhabricatorOAuthServerScope::getScopesFromRequest($request);
         return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI('/oauthserver/clientauthorization/?edited=' . $phid);
     $client_phid = $authorization->getClientPHID();
     $client = id(new PhabricatorOAuthServerClient())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $client_phid);
     $created = phabricator_datetime($authorization->getDateCreated(), $current_user);
     $updated = phabricator_datetime($authorization->getDateModified(), $current_user);
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $delete_button = phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $authorization->getDeleteURI(), 'class' => 'grey button'), 'Delete OAuth Client Authorization');
     $form = id(new AphrontFormView())->setUser($current_user)->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl())->setLabel('Client')->setValue(phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => $client->getViewURI()), phutil_escape_html($client->getName()))))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())->setLabel('Created')->setValue($created))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormStaticControl())->setLabel('Last Updated')->setValue($updated))->appendChild(PhabricatorOAuthServerScope::getCheckboxControl($authorization->getScope()))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue('Save OAuth Client Authorization')->addCancelButton('/oauthserver/clientauthorization/'));
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => $title));
 public function render()
     $rows = array();
     $any_hidden = false;
     foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
         $style = idx($row, 'style');
         switch ($style) {
             case 'section':
                 $cells = phutil_render_tag('th', array('colspan' => 2), idx($row, 'name'));
                 $name = phutil_render_tag('th', array(), idx($row, 'name'));
                 $value = phutil_render_tag('td', array(), idx($row, 'value'));
                 $cells = $name . $value;
         $show = idx($row, 'show');
         $rows[] = javelin_render_tag('tr', array('style' => $show ? null : 'display: none', 'sigil' => $show ? null : 'differential-results-row-toggle', 'class' => 'differential-results-row-' . $style), $cells);
         if (!$show) {
             $any_hidden = true;
     if ($any_hidden) {
         $show_more = javelin_render_tag('a', array('href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true), $this->showMoreString);
         $hide_more = javelin_render_tag('a', array('href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true), 'Hide');
         $rows[] = javelin_render_tag('tr', array('class' => 'differential-results-row-show', 'sigil' => 'differential-results-row-show'), '<th colspan="2">' . $show_more . '</td>');
         $rows[] = javelin_render_tag('tr', array('class' => 'differential-results-row-show', 'sigil' => 'differential-results-row-hide', 'style' => 'display: none'), '<th colspan="2">' . $hide_more . '</th>');
     return javelin_render_tag('table', array('class' => 'differential-results-table', 'sigil' => 'differential-results-table'), implode("\n", $rows));
 public function render()
     $rows = array();
     if (!$this->user) {
         throw new Exception("Call setUser() before rendering!");
     foreach ($this->daemonLogs as $log) {
         $epoch = $log->getDateCreated();
         if ($log->getHost() == php_uname('n')) {
             $pid = $log->getPID();
             $is_running = PhabricatorDaemonReference::isProcessRunning($pid);
             if ($is_running) {
                 $running = phutil_render_tag('span', array('style' => 'color: #00cc00', 'title' => 'Running'), '&bull;');
             } else {
                 $running = phutil_render_tag('span', array('style' => 'color: #cc0000', 'title' => 'Not running'), '&bull;');
         } else {
             $running = phutil_render_tag('span', array('style' => 'color: #888888', 'title' => 'Not on this host'), '?');
         $rows[] = array($running, phutil_escape_html($log->getDaemon()), phutil_escape_html($log->getHost()), $log->getPID(), phabricator_date($epoch, $this->user), phabricator_time($epoch, $this->user), phutil_render_tag('a', array('href' => '/daemon/log/' . $log->getID() . '/', 'class' => 'button small grey'), 'View Log'));
     $daemon_table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
     $daemon_table->setHeaders(array('', 'Daemon', 'Host', 'PID', 'Date', 'Time', 'View'));
     $daemon_table->setColumnClasses(array('', 'wide wrap', '', '', '', 'right', 'action'));
     return $daemon_table->render();