//sleep(5); //retrieve list of links to index from this level $query = "SELECT id,path,file,indexed FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "tempspider WHERE level = {$level} AND indexed = 0 AND site_id={$site_id} AND error = 0 limit 1"; $result_id = mysql_query($query, $id_connect); $n_links = mysql_num_rows($result_id); if ($n_links > 0) { while ($new_links = mysql_fetch_array($result_id)) { $query_check_stop = "SELECT stopped FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "sites WHERE stopped=1"; $result_id_stop = mysql_query($query_check_stop, $id_connect); if (mysql_num_rows($result_id_stop) > 0) { $query = "SELECT id,path,file,indexed FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "tempspider WHERE level = -1"; $result_id = mysql_query($query, $id_connect); } else { //keep alive the ftp connection (if exists) if (FTP_ENABLE) { $ftp_id = phpdigFtpKeepAlive($ftp_id, $relative_script_path); } //indexing this page $temp_path = $new_links['path']; $temp_file = $new_links['file']; $already_indexed = $new_links['indexed']; $tempspider_id = $new_links['id']; //reset variables $spider_id = 0; $nomodif = 0; $ok_for_spider = 0; $ok_for_index = 0; $tag = ''; $revisit_after = ''; //Retrieve dates if page is already in database $test_exists = phpdigGetSpiderRow($id_connect, $site_id, $temp_path, $temp_file);
function phpdigWriteText($relative_script_path, $spider_id, $text, $ftp_id = '') { global $br; if (CONTENT_TEXT == 1) { $file_text_path = $relative_script_path . '/' . TEXT_CONTENT_PATH . $spider_id . '.txt'; if ($f_handler = @fopen($file_text_path, 'w')) { reset($text); while (list($n_chunk, $text_to_store) = each($text)) { fputs($f_handler, wordwrap($text_to_store) . " "); } fclose($f_handler); @chmod($file_text_path, 0666); //here the ftp case if (FTP_ENABLE) { $ftp_id = phpdigFtpKeepAlive($ftp_id); @ftp_delete($ftp_id, $spider_id . '.txt'); $res_ftp = false; $try_count = 0; while (!$res_ftp && $try_count++ < 10) { $res_ftp = @ftp_put($ftp_id, $spider_id . '.txt', $file_text_path, FTP_ASCII); if (!$res_ftp) { sleep(2); } } if (!$res_ftp) { print "Ftp_put error !" . $br; } } } else { print "Warning : Unable to create the content file {$file_text_path} ! {$br}"; } } return $ftp_id; }