Exemple #1
 * Redirect the browser to a different page.
 * @param string|integer $url
 *     The URL to redirect to, in case $url is a string.
 *     In case an integer is used, then this is treated as one of
 *     the PHORUM_*_URL constants for building a Phorum URL. The API
 *     call phorum_api_url() will be called to build the URL using
 *     the $url value and any other arguments that are provided to
 *     the function call. After building the URL, the browser is
 *     redirected to that URL.
function phorum_api_redirect($url)
    // Handle building of a Phorum URL in case an integer value was
    // provided as the URL.
    if (is_integer($url)) {
        $argv = func_get_args();
        $url = call_user_func_array('phorum_api_url', $argv);
    // Some browsers strip the anchor from the URL in case we redirect
    // from a POSTed page :-/. So here we wrap the redirect,
    // to work around that problem. Instead of redirecting directly,
    // we do a GET request to Phorum's redirect.php script, which we
    // send the URL to redirect to in a request parameter. Then, the
    // redirect.php script will handle the actual redirect.
    if (count($_POST) && strstr($url, "#")) {
        $url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_REDIRECT_URL, 'phorum_redirect_to=' . urlencode($url));
    // Check for response splitting and valid http(s) URLs.
    if (preg_match("/\\s/", $url) || !preg_match("!^https?://!i", $url)) {
        $url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL);
    // An ugly IIS-hack to avoid crashing IIS servers.
    if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "Microsoft-IIS")) {
        $qurl = htmlspecialchars($url);
        $jurl = addslashes($url);
        print "<html><head><title>Redirecting ...</title>\n               <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n               //<![CDATA[\n               document.location.href='{$jurl}'\n               //]]>\n               </script>\n               <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"\n                     content=\"0; URL={$qurl}\">\n               </head>\n               <body><a href=\"{$qurl}\">Redirecting ...</a></body>\n               </html>";
    } else {
        header("Location: {$url}");
Exemple #2
function phorum_mod_smileys_editor_tool_plugin()
    $lang = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["mod_smileys"];
    // Register the smiley tool button for the message body.
    if (!empty($PHORUM['mod_smileys']['smileys_tool_enabled'])) {
        editor_tools_register_tool('smiley', $lang['smiley'], "./mods/smileys/icon.gif", "editor_tools_handle_smiley()", NULL, NULL, 'body');
    // Register the smiley tool button for the message subject.
    if (!empty($PHORUM['mod_smileys']['subjectsmileys_tool_enabled'])) {
        editor_tools_register_tool('subjectsmiley', $lang['subjectsmiley'], "./mods/smileys/icon.gif", "editor_tools_handle_subjectsmiley()", NULL, NULL, 'subject');
    $description = isset($lang['smileys help']) ? $lang['smileys help'] : 'smileys help';
    // Register the smileys help page.
    editor_tools_register_help($description, phorum_api_url(PHORUM_ADDON_URL, 'module=smileys', 'action=help'));
Exemple #3
 * This function implements the JavaScript output adapter for the Feed API.
 * @param array $messages
 *     An array of messages to include in the feed.
 * @param array $forums
 *     An array of related forums.
 * @param string $url
 *     The URL that points to the feed's target.
 * @param string $title
 *     The title to use for the feed.
 * @param string $description
 *     The description to use for the feed.
 * @param bool $replies
 *     Whether or not this is a feed that includes reply messages.
 *     If not, then it will only contain thread starter messages.
 * @return array
 *     An array containing two elements:
 *     - The generated feed data (JavaScript code)
 *     - The Content-Type header to use for the feed.
function phorum_api_feed_js($messages, $forums, $url, $title, $description, $replies)
    global $PHORUM;
    $feed = array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'modified' => phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM['short_date'], time()));
    // Lookup the plain text usernames for the authenticated authors.
    $users = $messages['users'];
    $users = phorum_api_user_get_display_name($users, '', PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT);
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        $author = !empty($users[$message['user_id']]) ? $users[$message['user_id']] : $message['author'];
        // Created date.
        $fmt = $PHORUM['short_date'];
        $created = phorum_api_format_date($fmt, $message['datestamp']);
        // Updated date.
        if ($message['parent_id']) {
            if (!empty($message['meta']['edit_date'])) {
                $modified = $message['meta']['edit_date'];
            } else {
                $modified = $message['datestamp'];
        } else {
            $modified = $message['modifystamp'];
        $modified = phorum_api_format_date($fmt, $modified);
        $url = htmlspecialchars(phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $message['forum_id'], $message['thread'], $message['message_id']));
        $item = array('title' => strip_tags($message['subject']), 'author' => $author, 'category' => $forums[$message['forum_id']]['name'], 'created' => $created, 'modified' => $modified, 'url' => $url, 'description' => $message['body']);
        if ($message["thread_count"]) {
            $replies = $message["thread_count"] - 1;
            $item["replies"] = $replies;
        $feed["items"][] = $item;
    // this is where we convert the array into js
    $buffer = 'phorum_feed = ' . phorum_api_json_encode($feed);
    return array($buffer, 'text/javascript');
Exemple #4
function phorum_pm_format($messages)
    global $PHORUM;
    // Reformat message so it looks like a forum message (so we can run it
    // through phorum_api_message_format()) and do some PM specific formatting.
    foreach ($messages as $id => $message) {
        // The formatting code expects a message id.
        $messages[$id]["message_id"] = $id;
        // Read URLs need a folder id, so we only create that URL if
        // one's available.
        if (isset($message['pm_folder_id'])) {
            $folder_id = $message['pm_folder_id'] ? $message['pm_folder_id'] : $message['special_folder'];
            $messages[$id]["URL"]["READ"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PM_URL, "page=read", "folder_id={$folder_id}", "pm_id={$id}");
        // The datestamp is only available for already posted messages.
        if (isset($message['datestamp'])) {
            $messages[$id]["raw_date"] = $message["datestamp"];
            $messages[$id]["date"] = phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM["short_date_time"], $message["datestamp"]);
        if (isset($message['meta']) && !is_array($message['meta'])) {
            $messages[$id]['meta'] = unserialize($message['meta']);
        $messages[$id]["body"] = isset($message["message"]) ? $message["message"] : "";
        $messages[$id]["email"] = "";
        $messages[$id]["URL"]["PROFILE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, $message["user_id"]);
        $messages[$id]["recipient_count"] = 0;
        $messages[$id]["receive_count"] = 0;
        if (isset($message["recipients"]) && is_array($message["recipients"])) {
            $receive_count = 0;
            foreach ($message["recipients"] as $rcpt_id => $rcpt) {
                if (!empty($rcpt["read_flag"])) {
                if (!isset($rcpt["display_name"])) {
                    $messages[$id]["recipients"][$rcpt_id]["display_name"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["AnonymousUser"];
                } else {
                    $messages[$id]["recipients"][$rcpt_id]["display_name"] = empty($PHORUM["custom_display_name"]) ? htmlspecialchars($rcpt["display_name"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]) : $rcpt["display_name"];
                    $messages[$id]["recipients"][$rcpt_id]["URL"]["PROFILE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, $rcpt_id);
            $messages[$id]["recipient_count"] = count($message["recipients"]);
            $messages[$id]["receive_count"] = $receive_count;
    // Run the messages through the standard formatting code.
    $messages = phorum_api_format_messages($messages);
    // Reformat message back to a private message.
    foreach ($messages as $id => $message) {
        $messages[$id]["message"] = $message["body"];
    return $messages;
Exemple #5

if (!defined('PHORUM') || phorum_page !== 'moderation') {
$PHORUM['DATA']['HEADING'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['Moderate'] . ': ' . $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['SplitThread'];
$PHORUM['DATA']['BREADCRUMBS'][] = array('URL' => NULL, 'TEXT' => $PHORUM['DATA']['HEADING'], 'TYPE' => 'split');
$message = $PHORUM['DB']->get_message($msgthd_id);
$new_subject = preg_replace('/^Re:\\s*/', '', $message['subject']);
$PHORUM['DATA']["FORM"]["forum_id"] = $PHORUM["forum_id"];
$PHORUM['DATA']["FORM"]["thread_id"] = $message["thread"];
$PHORUM['DATA']["FORM"]["message_id"] = $msgthd_id;
$PHORUM['DATA']["FORM"]["message_subject"] = htmlspecialchars($message["subject"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
$PHORUM['DATA']["FORM"]["new_message_subject"] = htmlspecialchars($new_subject, ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
$template = "split_form";
Exemple #6
 * Generate the URLs that are used on most pages.
function phorum_build_common_urls()
    global $PHORUM;
    $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["BASE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_BASE_URL);
    $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["HTTP_PATH"] = $PHORUM['http_path'];
    $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["LIST"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL);
    // These links are only needed in forums, not in folders.
    if (isset($PHORUM['folder_flag']) && !$PHORUM['folder_flag']) {
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["POST"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_POSTING_URL);
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["SUBSCRIBE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_SUBSCRIBE_URL);
    $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["SEARCH"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_SEARCH_URL);
    // Find the id for the index.
    $index_id = -1;
    // A folder where we usually don't show the index-link but on
    // additional pages like search and login it is shown.
    if ($PHORUM['folder_flag'] && phorum_page != 'index' && ($PHORUM['forum_id'] == 0 || $PHORUM['vroot'] == $PHORUM['forum_id'])) {
        $index_id = $PHORUM['forum_id'];
        // Either a folder where the link should be shown (not vroot or root)
        // or an active forum where the link should be shown.
    } elseif ($PHORUM['folder_flag'] && ($PHORUM['forum_id'] != 0 && $PHORUM['vroot'] != $PHORUM['forum_id']) || !$PHORUM['folder_flag'] && $PHORUM['active']) {
        // Go to root or vroot.
        if (isset($PHORUM["index_style"]) && $PHORUM["index_style"] == PHORUM_INDEX_FLAT) {
            // vroot is either 0 (root) or another id
            $index_id = $PHORUM["vroot"];
            // Go to the parent folder.
        } else {
            $index_id = $PHORUM["parent_id"];
    if ($index_id > -1) {
        // check if its the full root, avoid adding an id in this case (SE-optimized ;))
        if (!empty($index_id)) {
            $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["INDEX"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, $index_id);
        } else {
            $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["INDEX"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL);
    // these urls depend on the login-status of a user
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["LOGINOUT"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LOGIN_URL, "logout=1");
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["VIEWPROFILE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, $PHORUM['user']['user_id']);
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["PM"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PM_URL);
    } else {
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["URL"]["LOGINOUT"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LOGIN_URL);
Exemple #7
    // the admin. If they aren't then either set a message with a login link
    // (when running as include) or redirect to the login page.
    if (isset($PHORUM["postingargs"]["as_include"])) {
        // Generate the URL to return to after logging in.
        $args = array(PHORUM_REPLY_URL, $PHORUM["args"][1]);
        if (isset($PHORUM["args"][2])) {
            $args[] = $PHORUM["args"][2];
        if (isset($PHORUM["args"]["quote"])) {
            $args[] = "quote=1";
        // Make sure the URL API layer code is loaded.
        $redir = urlencode(call_user_func_array('phorum_api_url', $args));
        $url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LOGIN_URL, "redir={$redir}");
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["CLICKHERE"] = $url;
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["CLICKHEREMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ClickHereToLogin"];
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = '<a name="REPLY"></a>' . $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["NoPost"] . ' ' . $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["PeriodicLogin"];
        $PHORUM["posting_template"] = "message";
    } else {
        // Generate the URL to return to after logging in.
        $args = array(PHORUM_POSTING_URL);
        if (isset($PHORUM["args"][1])) {
            $args[] = $PHORUM["args"][1];
        if (isset($PHORUM["args"][2])) {
            $args[] = $PHORUM["args"][2];
        if (isset($PHORUM["args"]["quote"])) {
Exemple #8
    $checkvar = 1;
    // Get the threads
    $rows = array();
    // get the thread set started
    $rows = $PHORUM['DB']->get_unapproved_list($forum, $showwaiting, $moddays);
    // loop through and read all the data in.
    foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
        $rows[$key]['forumname'] = $foruminfo[$forum]['name'];
        $rows[$key]['checkvar'] = $checkvar;
        if ($checkvar) {
            $checkvar = 0;
        $rows[$key]['forum_id'] = $forum;
        $rows[$key]["URL"]["READ"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $forum, $row["thread"], $row['message_id']);
        // we need to fake the forum_id here
        $PHORUM["forum_id"] = $forum;
        $rows[$key]["URL"]["APPROVE_MESSAGE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_MODERATION_URL, PHORUM_APPROVE_MESSAGE, $row["message_id"], "prepost=1", "old_forum=" . $oldforum, "onlyunapproved=" . $showwaiting, "moddays=" . $moddays);
        $rows[$key]["URL"]["APPROVE_TREE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_MODERATION_URL, PHORUM_APPROVE_MESSAGE_TREE, $row["message_id"], "prepost=1", "old_forum=" . $oldforum, "onlyunapproved=" . $showwaiting, "moddays=" . $moddays);
        $rows[$key]["URL"]["DELETE"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_MODERATION_URL, PHORUM_DELETE_TREE, $row["message_id"], "prepost=1", "old_forum=" . $oldforum, "onlyunapproved=" . $showwaiting, "moddays=" . $moddays);
        $PHORUM["forum_id"] = $oldforum;
        $rows[$key]["raw_short_datestamp"] = $row["datestamp"];
        $rows[$key]["short_datestamp"] = phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM["short_date_time"], $row["datestamp"]);
    $rows = phorum_api_format_messages($rows);
    $PHORUM['DATA']['PREPOST'] = array_merge($PHORUM['DATA']['PREPOST'], $rows);
if (!$numunapproved) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["UNAPPROVEDMESSAGE"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["NoUnapprovedMessages"];
$template = "cc_prepost";
Exemple #9
function phorum_mod_bbcode_editor_tool_plugin()
    global $PHORUM;
    $lang = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['mod_bbcode'];
    $nr_of_enabled_tags = 0;
    $enabled = isset($PHORUM['mod_bbcode']['enabled']) ? $PHORUM['mod_bbcode']['enabled'] : array();
    $builtin = $PHORUM['MOD_BBCODE']['BUILTIN'];
    // Register the tool buttons.
    foreach ($PHORUM['mod_bbcode_parser']['taginfo'] as $id => $taginfo) {
        // Skip tool if no editor tools button is implemented.
        if (!$taginfo[BBCODE_INFO_HASEDITORTOOL]) {
        // Check if the editor tool should be shown. If not, then skip
        // to the next tag. If there are no settings saved yet for the
        // module, then use the settings from the builtin tag list.
        if (isset($enabled[$id]) && $enabled[$id] != 2 || !isset($PHORUM['mod_bbcode']['enabled'][$id]) && isset($builtin[$id]) && $builtin[$id][BBCODE_INFO_DEFAULTSTATE] != 2) {
        // Keep track of the number of enabled tags.
        // Determine the description to use for the tool. If we can find
        // a description in the language strings, then we use that one.
        // Otherwise, we simply fall back to the less descriptive feature id.
        $description = isset($lang[$id]) ? $lang[$id] : $id;
        // Register the tool button with the Editor Tools module.
        editor_tools_register_tool($id, $description, "./mods/bbcode/icons/{$id}.gif", "editor_tools_handle_{$id}()");
    // Register the bbcode help page, unless no tags were enabled at all.
    if ($nr_of_enabled_tags > 0) {
        $description = isset($lang['bbcode help']) ? $lang['bbcode help'] : 'BBcode help';
        editor_tools_register_help($description, phorum_api_url(PHORUM_ADDON_URL, 'module=bbcode', 'action=help'));
    // Make language strings available for the editor tools javascript code.
Exemple #10
    // if the option to build a dropdown list is enabled, build the list of members that could be added
    if ($PHORUM["enable_dropdown_userlist"]) {
        $userlist = phorum_api_user_list(PHORUM_GET_ACTIVE);
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["NEWMEMBERS"] = array();
        foreach ($userlist as $userid => $userinfo) {
            if (!in_array($userid, $usersingroup)) {
                $userinfo["username"] = htmlspecialchars($userinfo["username"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
                $userinfo["display_name"] = htmlspecialchars($userinfo["display_name"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
                $PHORUM["DATA"]["NEWMEMBERS"][] = $userinfo;
} else {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["GROUPS"] = array();
    $groups = phorum_api_user_check_group_access(PHORUM_USER_GROUP_MODERATOR, PHORUM_ACCESS_LIST);
    // Turn the groups into a group id => group name mapping.
    foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
        $groups[$id] = $group['name'];
    // put these things in order so the user can read them
    foreach ($groups as $groupid => $groupname) {
        // get the group members who are unapproved, so we can count them
        $members = $PHORUM['DB']->get_group_members($groupid, PHORUM_USER_GROUP_UNAPPROVED);
        $full_members = $PHORUM['DB']->get_group_members($groupid);
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["GROUPS"][] = array("id" => $groupid, "name" => $groupname, "unapproved" => count($members), "members" => count($full_members), "URL" => array("VIEW" => phorum_api_url(PHORUM_CONTROLCENTER_URL, "panel=" . PHORUM_CC_GROUP_MODERATION, "group=" . $groupid), "UNAPPROVED" => phorum_api_url(PHORUM_CONTROLCENTER_URL, "panel=" . PHORUM_CC_GROUP_MODERATION, "group=" . $groupid, "filter=" . PHORUM_USER_GROUP_UNAPPROVED)));
$PHORUM["DATA"]['POST_VARS'] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"group\" value=\"{$group_id}\" />\n";
$template = "cc_groupmod";
Exemple #11
    if (substr($var, 0, 7) == "detach:") {
        $do_detach = substr($var, 7);
// Check if the user uploads an attachment. We remove file uploads
// with no name set, because that simply means the user did not select
// a file to upload. Not an error condition in this case.
foreach ($_FILES as $key => $val) {
    if (!isset($val["name"]) || $val["name"] == "") {
$do_attach = count($_FILES) ? true : false;
// Set all our URL's
// Keep track of errors.
$PHORUM["DATA"]["ERROR"] = null;
// Do things that are specific for first time or followup requests.
if ($initial) {
    include './include/posting/request_first.php';
} else {
    include './include/posting/request_followup.php';
// Store the posting mode in the form parameters, so we can remember
// the mode throughout the editing cycle (for example to be able to
// create page titles which match the editing mode).
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MODE"] = $mode;
// Set the page title, description and breadcrumbs accordingly
switch ($mode) {
    case "post":
Exemple #12
 * Collect the data that is used for the feed and pass this information
 * on to the requested output adapter.
 * @param string $adapter
 *     The output adapter to use. The adapters that are available are:
 *     - rss
 *     - atom
 *     - html
 *     - js
 * @param integer $source_type
 *     The type of source. This is one of:
 *     - {@link PHORUM_FEED_VROOT}
 *     - {@link PHORUM_FEED_FORUM}
 *     - {@link PHORUM_FEED_THREAD}
 * @param integer $id
 *     This parameter has a different meaning for each $source_type:
 *     - For {@link PHORUM_FEED_VROOT}: the forum_id of the (v)root.
 *     - For {@link PHORUM_FEED_FORUM}: the forum_id of the forum.
 *     - For {@link PHORUM_FEED_THREAD}: the message_id of the thread.
 * @param integer $count
 *     The number of messages to include in the feed.
 * @param boolean $replies
 *     TRUE to include reply messages in the feed, FALSE otherwise.
 *     This parameter is forced to TRUE for {@link PHORUM_FEED_THREAD}.
function phorum_api_feed($adapter, $source_type, $id, $count, $replies)
    global $PHORUM;
    settype($id, 'int');
    settype($count, 'int');
    settype($source_type, 'int');
    $replies = $replies ? 1 : 0;
    $adapter = basename($adapter);
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][\\w_]*$/', $adapter)) {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_feed(): Illegal feed adapter name ' . '"' . htmlspecialchars($adapter) . '" used', E_USER_ERROR);
    if (!file_exists(PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/feed/' . $adapter . '.php')) {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_feed(): Unknown feed adapter ' . '"' . htmlspecialchars($adapter) . '" used', E_USER_ERROR);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Prepare the data for the requested feed type
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Prepare data for handling a vroot feed.
    if ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_VROOT) {
        $forums = phorum_api_forums_by_vroot($id);
        $thread_id = NULL;
        $forum_ids = array_keys($forums);
        $cache_part = implode(',', array_keys($forums));
    } elseif ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_FORUM) {
        if ($PHORUM['forum_id'] == $id) {
            $forum = $PHORUM;
            // contains all required data already
        } else {
            $forum = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($id);
            if (empty($forum)) {
                trigger_error("phorum_api_feed(): Forum for forum_id \"{$id}\" not found.", E_USER_ERROR);
        $forums = array($id => $forum);
        $thread_id = NULL;
        $forum_ids = array_keys($forums);
        $cache_part = $forum['forum_id'];
    } elseif ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_THREAD) {
        // When a feed for a thread is requested, we always include the
        // reply messages for that thread in the feed.
        $replies = 1;
        // Retrieve the thread starter message.
        $thread = $PHORUM['DB']->get_message($id);
        if (empty($thread)) {
            trigger_error("phorum_api_feed(): Thread for message_id \"{$id}\" not found.", E_USER_ERROR);
        if (!empty($thread['parent_id'])) {
            trigger_error("phorum_api_feed(): Message for message_id \"{$id}\" is not " . "the start message of a thread.", E_USER_ERROR);
        $thread_id = $id;
        $forum_ids = NULL;
        $cache_part = $id;
    } else {
        trigger_error("phorum_api_feed(): Illegal value \"{$source_type}\" used " . "for parameter \$source_type.", E_USER_ERROR);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Retrieve the data for the requested feed
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    $data = NULL;
    $content_type = NULL;
    // Try to retrieve the data from cache.
    if (!empty($PHORUM['cache_rss'])) {
        // Build the cache key that uniquely identifies the requested feed.
        $cache_key = $PHORUM['user']['user_id'] . '|' . $adapter . '|' . $source_type . '|' . $cache_part . '|' . $replies . '|' . $count;
        $cache = phorum_api_cache_get('feed', $cache_key);
        if (!empty($cache)) {
            list($data, $content_type) = $cache;
    // No data from cache. Load the recent threads / messages
    // directly from the database and generate the feed data.
    if (empty($data)) {
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Retrieve the messages to show
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        $messages = $PHORUM['DB']->get_recent_messages($count, 0, $forum_ids, $thread_id, $replies ? LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES : LIST_RECENT_THREADS);
        // Temporarily, remove the user list from the messages array.
        $users = $messages['users'];
        // Apply the "read" hook(s) to the messages.
        if (isset($PHORUM['hooks']['read'])) {
            $messages = phorum_api_hook('read', $messages);
        // Apply formatting to the messages.
        $messages = phorum_api_format_messages($messages);
        // Put the array of users back in the messages array.
        $messages['users'] = $users;
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Setup the feed URL, title and description based on
        // the type of feed that was requested.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        if ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_VROOT) {
            $feed_url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL);
            $feed_title = strip_tags($PHORUM['DATA']['TITLE']);
            $feed_description = !empty($PHORUM['description']) ? $PHORUM['description'] : '';
        if ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_FORUM) {
            $feed_url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL);
             * @todo The formatting of the forum base feed data should
             *       be based on the data in $forum and not the common.php
             *       $PHORUM contents. This is left as is for now, because
             *       the wrong data will only be shown for threads that
             *       were moved to a different forum.
            $feed_title = strip_tags($PHORUM['DATA']['TITLE'] . ' - ' . $PHORUM['DATA']['NAME']);
            $feed_description = strip_tags($PHORUM['DATA']['DESCRIPTION']);
        if ($source_type === PHORUM_FEED_THREAD) {
            // Retrieve the information for the forum to which the thread
            // belongs. Normally, this should be in $PHORUM already, but
            // let's make sure that the caller is using the correct forum id
            // in the URL here (since the thread might have been moved to
            // a different forum).
            $forum_id = $thread['forum_id'];
            if ($PHORUM['forum_id'] == $forum_id) {
                $forum = $PHORUM;
                // contains all required data already
            } else {
                $forum = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($forum_id);
                if (empty($forum)) {
                    trigger_error("phorum_api_feed(): Forum for forum_id \"{$id}\" not found.", E_USER_ERROR);
            $forums = array($forum_id => $forum);
            $feed_url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $thread['forum_id'], $thread_id, $thread_id);
            $feed_title = strip_tags($thread['subject']);
            $feed_description = strip_tags($thread['body']);
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        // All data has been collected. Now the feed is generated.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/feed/' . $adapter . '.php';
        $adapter_function = 'phorum_api_feed_' . $adapter;
        list($data, $content_type) = $adapter_function($messages, $forums, $feed_url, $feed_title, $feed_description, $replies);
        // Store the feed data in the cache for future use.
        if (!empty($PHORUM['cache_rss'])) {
            phorum_api_cache_put('feed', $cache_key, array($data, $content_type, 600));
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Output the feed data to the client
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    header("Content-Type: {$content_type}");
    print $data;
     * [hook]
     *     feed_sent
     * [description]
     *     This hook is called whenever the feed has been sent to the client
     *     (regardless of the cache setting). This can be used to add internal
     *     server side tracking code.
     * [category]
     *     Feed
     * [when]
     *     Feed sent to the client
     * [input]
     *     None
     * [output]
     *     None
     * [example]
     *     <hookcode>
     *     function phorum_mod_foo_feed_after () 
     *     {
     *       # E.g. do server side tracking
     *       @file_get_contents('your tracking service');
     *     }
     *     </hookcode>
    // Exit explicitly here, for not giving back control to portable and
    // embedded Phorum setups.
Exemple #13
$forum_info = phorum_get_forum_info(2);
$forum_matches = array();
foreach ($forum_info as $id => $name) {
    $forum_matches[htmlspecialchars($name)] = "message.forum_id = {$id}";
$ruledefs = array("body" => array("label" => "Message body", "matches" => array("contains" => "message.body  = *QUERY*", "does not contain" => "message.body != *QUERY*"), "queryfield" => "string"), "subject" => array("label" => "Message subject", "matches" => array("is" => "message.subject  =  QUERY", "is not" => "message.subject !=  QUERY", "contains" => "message.subject  = *QUERY*", "does not contain" => "message.subject != *QUERY*"), "queryfield" => "string"), "date" => array("label" => "Message date", "matches" => array("posted on" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted on or before" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted before" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted after" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted on or after" => "function:prepare_filter_date"), "prepare_filter_date" => "message.datestamp", "queryfield" => "date"), "status" => array("label" => "Message status", "matches" => array("approved" => "message.status = " . PHORUM_STATUS_APPROVED, "waiting for approval (on hold)" => "message.status = " . PHORUM_STATUS_HOLD, "disapproved by moderator" => "message.status = " . PHORUM_STATUS_HIDDEN, "hidden (on hold or disapproved)" => "message.status != " . PHORUM_STATUS_APPROVED)), "messagetype" => array("label" => "Message type", "matches" => array("thread starting messages" => "message.parent_id  = 0", "reply messages" => "message.parent_id != 0")), "forum" => array("label" => "Forum", "matches" => $forum_matches), "author" => array("label" => "Author name", "matches" => array("is" => "message.author  =  QUERY", "is not" => "message.author !=  QUERY", "contains" => "message.author  = *QUERY*", "does not contain" => "message.author != *QUERY*", "starts with" => "message.author  =  QUERY*", "does not start with" => "message.author !=  QUERY*", "ends with" => "message.author  = *QUERY", "does not end with" => "message.author !=  QUERY*"), "queryfield" => "string"), "username" => array("label" => "Author username", "matches" => array("is" => "user.username  =  QUERY", "is not" => "user.username !=  QUERY", "contains" => "user.username  = *QUERY*", "does not contain" => "user.username != *QUERY*", "starts with" => "user.username  =  QUERY*", "does not start with" => "user.username !=  QUERY*", "ends with" => "user.username  = *QUERY", "does not end with" => "user.username != *QUERY"), "queryfield" => "string"), "user_id" => array("label" => "Author user id", "matches" => array("is" => "message.user_id  = QUERY", "is not" => "message.user_id != QUERY"), "queryfield" => "string"), "authortype" => array("label" => "Author type", "matches" => array("registered user" => "message.user_id != 0", "anonymous user" => "message.user_id  = 0", "moderator" => "message.moderator_post = 1", "administrator" => "user.admin = 1", "active user" => "user.active = " . PHORUM_USER_ACTIVE, "deactivated user" => "user.active = " . PHORUM_USER_INACTIVE)), "ipaddress" => array("label" => "Author IP/hostname", "matches" => array("is" => "message.ip  =  QUERY", "is not" => "message.ip !=  QUERY", "starts with" => "message.ip  =  QUERY*", "does not start with" => "message.ip !=  QUERY*", "ends with" => "message.ip  = *QUERY", "does not end with" => "message.ip != *QUERY"), "queryfield" => "string"), "threadstate" => array("label" => "Thread status", "matches" => array("open for posting" => "thread.closed = 0", "closed for posting" => "thread.closed = 1")), "threadlastpost" => array("label" => "Thread last post", "matches" => array("posted on or before" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted before" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted after" => "function:prepare_filter_date", "posted on or after" => "function:prepare_filter_date"), "prepare_filter_date" => "thread.modifystamp", "queryfield" => "date"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle a posted form
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$messages = null;
// selected messages (based on a filter)
$filters = array();
// active filters
$filtermode = "and";
// active filter mode (and / or)
$read_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, '%forum_id%', '%thread_id%', '%message_id%');
// If there are messages to delete in the post data, then delete them
// from the database.
$delete_count = 0;
if (isset($_POST["deletemessage"]) && is_array($_POST["deletemessage"])) {
    $msgids = array_keys($_POST["deletemessage"]);
    $msgs = $PHORUM['DB']->get_message($msgids, "message_id", true);
    $deleted_messages = array();
    foreach ($msgs as $msg) {
        // if the message was already deleted, skip it
        if (isset($delete_messages[$msg["message_id"]])) {
        $PHORUM["forum_id"] = $msg["forum_id"];
        $delmode = $msg["parent_id"] == 0 ? PHORUM_DELETE_TREE : PHORUM_DELETE_MESSAGE;
        // A hook to allow modules to implement extra or different
Exemple #14
 * This function implements the RSS output adapter for the Feed API.
 * @param array $messages
 *     An array of messages to include in the feed.
 * @param array $forums
 *     An array of related forums.
 * @param string $url
 *     The URL that points to the feed's target.
 * @param string $title
 *     The title to use for the feed.
 * @param string $description
 *     The description to use for the feed.
 * @param bool $replies
 *     Whether or not this is a feed that includes reply messages.
 *     If not, then it will only contain thread starter messages.
 * @return array
 *     An array containing two elements:
 *     - The generated feed data (RSS XML).
 *     - The Content-Type header to use for the feed.
function phorum_api_feed_rss($messages, $forums, $url, $title, $description, $replies)
    global $PHORUM;
    $hcharset = $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET'];
    $url = htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $description = htmlspecialchars($description, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $builddate = htmlspecialchars(date('r'), ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $generator = htmlspecialchars('Phorum ' . PHORUM, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
    $buffer = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$PHORUM['DATA']['CHARSET']}\"?>\n";
    $buffer .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\">\n";
    $buffer .= " <channel>\n";
    $buffer .= "  <title>{$title}</title>\n";
    $buffer .= "  <description>{$description}</description>\n";
    $buffer .= "  <link>{$url}</link>\n";
    $buffer .= "  <lastBuildDate>{$builddate}</lastBuildDate>\n";
    $buffer .= "  <generator>{$generator}</generator>\n";
    // Lookup the plain text usernames for the authenticated authors.
    $users = $messages['users'];
    $users = phorum_api_user_get_display_name($users, '', PHORUM_FLAG_PLAINTEXT);
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // Include information about the number of replies to threads.
        $title = strip_tags($message['subject']);
        if (!$replies) {
            $lang = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG'];
            switch ($message['thread_count']) {
                case 1:
                    $title .= " ({$lang['noreplies']})";
                case 2:
                    $title .= " (1 {$lang['reply']})";
                    $replies = $message['thread_count'] - 1;
                    $title .= " ({$replies} {$lang['replies']})";
            $date = date('r', $message['modifystamp']);
        } else {
            $date = date('r', $message['datestamp']);
        // Generate the URL for reading the message.
        $url = htmlspecialchars(phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $message["forum_id"], $message["thread"], $message["message_id"]));
        // The forum in which the message is stored is used as the category.
        $category = htmlspecialchars($forums[$message['forum_id']]['name'], ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
        // Format the author.
        $author = !empty($users[$message['user_id']]) ? $users[$message['user_id']] : $message['author'];
        $author = htmlspecialchars($author, ENT_COMPAT, $hcharset);
        // Strip unprintable characters from the message body.
        $body = strtr($message['body'], "\v\f" . "", "????????????????????????????");
        $buffer .= "  <item>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <guid>{$url}</guid>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <title>{$title}</title>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <link>{$url}</link>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <description><![CDATA[{$body}]]></description>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <dc:creator>{$author}</dc:creator>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <category>{$category}</category>\n";
        $buffer .= "   <pubDate>{$date}</pubDate>\n";
        $buffer .= "  </item>\n";
    $buffer .= " </channel>\n";
    $buffer .= "</rss>\n";
    return array($buffer, 'application/xml');
Exemple #15
    // the mark all read URL.
    phorum_api_redirect(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, (int) $PHORUM['forum_id']);
// Somehow we arrived at a forum instead of a folder.
// Redirect the user to the message list for that forum.
if (!empty($PHORUM["forum_id"]) && $PHORUM["folder_flag"] == 0) {
// Setup the "mark all read" URL.
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["MARKVROOTREAD"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, $PHORUM["forum_id"], "markallread");
// Setup the syndication feed URLs for this folder.
$PHORUM['DATA']['FEEDS'] = array();
if (!empty($PHORUM['use_rss'])) {
    // Add the feed for new threads.
    $PHORUM['DATA']['FEEDS'][] = array('URL' => phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FEED_URL, $PHORUM['vroot'], 'type=' . $PHORUM['default_feed']), 'TITLE' => $PHORUM['DATA']['FEED'] . ' (' . strtolower($PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['Threads']) . ')');
    // Add the feed for new threads and their replies.
    $PHORUM['DATA']['FEEDS'][] = array('URL' => phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FEED_URL, $PHORUM['vroot'], 'replies=1', 'type=' . $PHORUM['default_feed']), 'TITLE' => $PHORUM['DATA']['FEED'] . ' (' . strtolower($PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['Threads'] . ' + ' . $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['replies']) . ')');
// From here on we differentiate the code per index style that we use.
switch ($PHORUM['index_style']) {
        require_once './include/index/flat.php';
        // Should not happen
        require_once './include/index/directory.php';
Exemple #16
                $userdata["active"] = PHORUM_USER_PENDING_EMAIL;
            } elseif ($user["active"] == PHORUM_USER_PENDING_MOD) {
                $userdata["active"] = PHORUM_USER_ACTIVE;
                // send reg approved message
                $maildata["mailsubject"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["RegApprovedSubject"];
                $maildata["mailmessage"] = wordwrap($PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["RegApprovedEmailBody"], 72);
                phorum_api_mail(array($user["email"]), $maildata);
        $userdata["user_id"] = $user_id;
        // only save it if something was changed
        if (isset($userdata['active'])) {
if (empty($users)) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["NoUnapprovedUsers"];
} else {
    // get a fresh list to update any changes
    $users = $PHORUM['DB']->user_get_unapproved();
    // XSS prevention.
    foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
        $users[$id]["username"] = htmlspecialchars($user["username"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
        $users[$id]["email"] = htmlspecialchars($user["email"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["USERS"] = $users;
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["FORUM_ID"] = $PHORUM["forum_id"];
    $template = "cc_users";
Exemple #17
 * This function can be used to build a tree structure for the available
 * folders and forums.
 * @param mixed $vroot
 *     The vroot for which to build the forums tree (0 (zero) to
 *     use the main root folder) or NULL to use the current (v)root.
 * @param int $flags
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE} flag is set, then
 *     inactive forums and folders will be included in the tree.
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_EMPTY_FOLDERS} flag is set, then
 *     empty folders will be included in the tree. By default, empty folders
 *     will be taken out of the tree.
 * @return array
 *     An array containing arrays that describe nodes in the tree.
 *     The nodes are in the order in which they would appear in an expanded
 *     tree, moving from top to bottom. An "indent" field is added to each
 *     node array to tell at what indention level the node lives.
function phorum_api_forums_tree($vroot = NULL, $flags = 0)
    global $PHORUM;
    if ($vroot === NULL) {
        $vroot = isset($PHORUM['vroot']) ? $PHORUM['vroot'] : 0;
    } else {
        settype($vroot, 'int');
    // Get the information for the root.
    $root = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($vroot, $flags);
    if (!$root) {
        trigger_error("phorum_api_forums_tree(): vroot {$vroot} does not exist", E_USER_ERROR);
        return NULL;
    if ($root['vroot'] != $root['forum_id']) {
        trigger_error("phorum_api_forums_tree(): vroot {$vroot} is not a vroot folder", E_USER_ERROR);
        return NULL;
    // Temporarily witch to the vroot for which we are building a tree.
    $orig_vroot = isset($PHORUM['vroot']) ? $PHORUM['vroot'] : 0;
    $PHORUM['vroot'] = $vroot;
    // Check what forums the current user can read in that vroot.
    $allowed_forums = phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, PHORUM_ACCESS_LIST);
    // Load the data for those forums.
    $forums = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($allowed_forums, $flags);
    // Sort the forums in a tree structure.
    // First pass: build a parent / child relationship structure.
    $tmp_forums = array();
    foreach ($forums as $forum_id => $forum) {
        $tmp_forums[$forum_id]['forum_id'] = $forum_id;
        $tmp_forums[$forum_id]['parent'] = $forum['parent_id'];
        if (empty($forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["childcount"])) {
            $tmp_forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["children"] = array($forum_id);
            $forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["childcount"] = 1;
        } else {
            $tmp_forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["children"][] = $forum_id;
    // Second pass: sort the folders and forums in their tree order.
    $order = array();
    $stack = array();
    $seen = array();
    $curr_id = $vroot;
    while (count($tmp_forums)) {
        // Add the current element to the tree order array. Do not add it
        // in case we've already seen it (we move down and back up the tree
        // during processing, so we could see an element twice
        // while doing that).
        if ($curr_id != 0 && empty($seen[$curr_id])) {
            $order[$curr_id] = $forums[$curr_id];
            $seen[$curr_id] = true;
        // Push the current element on the tree walking stack
        // to move down the tree.
        array_push($stack, $curr_id);
        // Get the current element's data.
        $data = $tmp_forums[$curr_id];
        // If there are no children (anymore), then move back up the the tree.
        if (empty($data["children"])) {
            $curr_id = array_pop($stack);
        } else {
            $curr_id = array_shift($tmp_forums[$curr_id]["children"]);
        if (!is_numeric($curr_id)) {
    $tree = array();
    foreach ($order as $forum) {
        if ($forum["folder_flag"]) {
            // Skip empty folders, if we didn't request them
            if (empty($forums[$forum['forum_id']]['childcount']) && !($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_EMPTY_FOLDERS)) {
            $url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, $forum["forum_id"]);
        } else {
            $url = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL, $forum["forum_id"]);
        // Add the indent level for the node.
        $indent = count($forum["forum_path"]) - 2;
        if ($indent < 0) {
            $indent = 0;
        $forum['indent'] = $indent;
        // Some entries that are added to the forum array to be backward
        // compatible with the deprecated phorum_build_forum_list() function.
        $forum['stripped_name'] = strip_tags($forum['name']);
        $forum['indent_spaces'] = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $indent);
        $forum['url'] = $url;
        $forum['path'] = $forum['forum_path'];
        $tree[$forum["forum_id"]] = $forum;
    return $tree;
Exemple #18

if (!defined("PHORUM")) {
$PHORUM['DATA']['HEADING'] = 'Ajax layer example page';
$PHORUM['DATA']['HTML_DESCRIPTION'] = 'This page demonstrates some features of ' . 'the Phorum Ajax layer.';
include phorum_api_template('header');
$clientjs = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_AJAX_URL, 'client');
<script type="text/javascript">

var viewer;

function helloworld() {
    "call"          : "helloworld",
    "cache_id"      : "helloworld",
    "onSuccess"     : function (data) {
      viewer.innerHTML = 'Server returned: ' + data;
    "onFailure"     : function (error) {
      alert("Error: " + error);

function checkpm() {
  var id = document.getElementById('checkpm_user_id').value;
Exemple #19
    foreach ($_POST["delete"] as $file_id) {
        if (phorum_api_file_check_delete_access($file_id)) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display the files for the current user.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$files = $PHORUM['DB']->get_user_file_list($PHORUM["user"]["user_id"]);
$total_size = 0;
foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
    $files[$key]["filesize"] = phorum_api_format_filesize($file["filesize"]);
    $files[$key]["raw_dateadded"] = $file["add_datetime"];
    $files[$key]["dateadded"] = phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM["short_date_time"], $file["add_datetime"]);
    $files[$key]["url"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FILE_URL, "file={$key}", "filename=" . urlencode($file['filename']));
    $total_size += $file["filesize"];
$template = "cc_files";
if ($PHORUM["max_file_size"]) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["FILE_SIZE_LIMIT"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["FileSizeLimits"] . ' ' . phorum_api_format_filesize($PHORUM["max_file_size"] * 1024);
if ($PHORUM["file_types"]) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["FILE_TYPE_LIMIT"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["FileTypeLimits"];
if ($PHORUM["file_space_quota"]) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["FILE_QUOTA_LIMIT"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["FileQuotaLimits"] . ' ' . phorum_api_format_filesize($PHORUM["file_space_quota"] * 1024);
foreach ($files as $id => $file) {
    $files[$id]['filename'] = htmlspecialchars($file['filename'], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
Exemple #20
    $this_version['colored_body'] = phorum_api_format_censor($this_version['colored_body']);
    // only happens in first loop
    if ($prev_subject == -1) {
        $prev_subject = $message["subject"];
    // subject diffs
    if (isset($diff_info['diff_subject']) && !empty($diff_info['diff_subject'])) {
        $colored_subject = phorum_api_diff_unpatch_color($prev_subject, $diff_info['diff_subject']);
        $prev_subject = phorum_api_diff_unpatch($prev_subject, $diff_info['diff_subject']);
        $colored_subject = htmlspecialchars($colored_subject, ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
        $colored_subject = str_replace(array("[phorum addition]", "[phorum removal]", "[/phorum addition]", "[/phorum removal]"), array("<span class=\"addition\">", "<span class=\"removal\">", "</span>", "</span>"), $colored_subject);
        $colored_subject = nl2br($colored_subject);
        $this_version["colored_subject"] = $colored_subject;
    } elseif (!isset($diff_info['diff_subject'])) {
        $this_version['colored_subject'] = nl2br($prev_subject);
    } else {
        $this_version["colored_subject"] = nl2br($prev_subject);
    $this_version['colored_subject'] = phorum_api_format_censor($this_version['colored_subject']);
    // no nl2br for subject
    //$this_version["colored_subject"] = nl2br($this_version["colored_subject"]);
    $message_hist[] = $this_version;
$PHORUM["DATA"]["HEADING"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ChangeHistory"];
// unset default description
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MESSAGE"]["subject"] = htmlspecialchars($message["subject"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
$PHORUM["DATA"]["MESSAGE"]["URL"]["READ"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_READ_URL, $message["thread"], $message_id);
$PHORUM["DATA"]["CHANGES"] = $message_hist;
Exemple #21
 *         }
 *         $PHORUM['DB']->update_settings(array(
 *             "mod_foo" => $PHORUM["mod_foo"]
 *         ));
 *         return $msgthd_ids;
 *     }
 *     </hookcode>
if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["delete"])) {
    phorum_api_hook("delete", array($msgthd_id));
$PHORUM['DATA']['OKMSG'] = "1 " . $PHORUM["DATA"]['LANG']['MsgDeletedOk'];
if (isset($PHORUM['args']['old_forum']) && !empty($PHORUM['args']['old_forum'])) {
    $PHORUM['forum_id'] = (int) $PHORUM['args']['old_forum'];
// Determine where to redirect to after the delete operation.
// When we're coming from the message moderation interface in
// the control center, then redirect back to there.
if (isset($PHORUM['args']["prepost"])) {
} else {
    // If we did not delete the thread starter, then redirect
    // back to the parent of the deleted message.
    if ($message['parent_id']) {
        $PHORUM['DATA']['URL']['REDIRECT'] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_READ_URL, $message['thread'], $message['parent_id']);
    } else {
        $PHORUM['DATA']['URL']['REDIRECT'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['URL']['LIST'];
Exemple #22
                phorum_api_mail($mail_users, $mail_data);
                $PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["REDIRECT"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FOREIGN_READ_URL, $message["forum_id"], $message["thread"], $message['message_id']);
                $PHORUM["DATA"]["BACKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["BackToThread"];
                $PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ReportPostSuccess"];
                $template = "message";
                $report = true;
        } else {
            $PHORUM["DATA"]["ReportPostMessage"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]['ReportPostNotAllowed'];
    // format message
    list($message) = phorum_api_format_messages(array($message));
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PostSubject"] = $message["subject"];
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PostAuthor"] = $message["author"];
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PostBody"] = $message["body"];
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["raw_PostDate"] = $message["datestamp"];
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PostDate"] = phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM["short_date_time"], $message["datestamp"]);
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["ReportURL"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_REPORT_URL, $message_id);
    // if the report was not successfully sent, keep whatever explanation they gave already
    if (isset($_POST["explanation"]) && !$report) {
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["explanation"] = $_POST["explanation"];
    } else {
        $PHORUM["DATA"]["explanation"] = "";
} else {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["ERROR"] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['MessageNotFound'];
    $template = 'message';
$PHORUM['DATA']['BREADCRUMBS'][] = array('URL' => '', 'TEXT' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['Report'], 'TYPE' => 'report');
Exemple #23
 *         $pm_message = preg_replace(
 *             "%message_subject%",
 *             $data[0]["subject"],
 *             $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["mod_foo"]["MessageApprovedBody"]
 *             );
 *         $PHORUM['DB']->pm_send(
 *             $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["mod_foo"]["MessageApprovedSubject"],
 *             $pm_message,
 *             $data[0]["user_id"]
 *             );
 *         return $data;
 *     }
 *     </hookcode>
if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["after_approve"])) {
    phorum_api_hook("after_approve", array($old_message, PHORUM_APPROVE_MESSAGE));
if ($old_message['status'] != PHORUM_STATUS_HIDDEN) {
if (isset($PHORUM['args']['old_forum']) && is_numeric($PHORUM['args']['old_forum'])) {
    $PHORUM['forum_id'] = (int) $PHORUM['args']['old_forum'];
if (isset($PHORUM['args']["prepost"])) {
} else {
$invalidate_message_cache[] = array("message_id" => $msgthd_id, "forum_id" => $PHORUM["forum_id"]);
Exemple #24
 * This function handles preparing message data for use in the templates.
 * @param array $messages
 *     An array of messages that have to be formatted.
 *     Each message is an array on its own, containing the message data.
 * @param array $author_specs
 *     By default, the formatting function will create author info
 *     data, based on the fields "user_id", "author" and "email".
 *     This will create $messages["URL"]["PROFILE"] if needed (either pointing
 *     to a user profile for registered users or the email address of
 *     anonymous users that left an email address in the forum) and will
 *     do formatting on the "author" field.
 *     By providing extra $author_specs, this formatting can be done on
 *     more author fields. This argument should be an array, containing
 *     arrays with five fields:
 *     - the name of the field that contains a user_id
 *     - the name of the field that contains the name of the author
 *     - the name of the field that contains the email address
 *       (can be NULL if none available)
 *     - the name of the field to store the author name in
 *     - the name of the URL field to store the profile/email link in
 *     For the default author field handling like described above,
 *     this array would be:
 *     array("user_id", "author", "email", "author", "PROFILE");
 * @return data - The formatted messages.
function phorum_api_format_messages($messages, $author_specs = NULL)
    global $PHORUM;
    // Prepare author specs.
    if ($author_specs === NULL) {
        $author_specs = array();
    $author_specs[] = array("user_id", "author", "email", "author", "PROFILE");
    // Prepare censoring replacements.
    list($censor_search, $censor_replace) = phorum_api_format_censor_compile();
    // Prepare the profile URL template. This is used to prevent
    // having to call the phorum_api_url() function over and over again.
    $profile_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, '%spec_data%');
    // A special <br> tag to keep track of breaks that are added by phorum.
    $phorum_br = '<phorum break>';
    // Apply Phorum's formatting rules to all messages.
    foreach ($messages as $id => $message) {
        // Normally, the message_id must be set, since we should be handling
        // message data. It might not be set however, because sometimes
        // the message formatting is called using some fake message data
        // for formatting something else than a message.
        if (!isset($message['message_id'])) {
            $messages[$id]['message_id'] = $message['message_id'] = $id;
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Message body
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        if (isset($message['body']) && $message['body'] != '') {
            $body = $message["body"];
            // Convert legacy <...> URLs into bare URLs.
            $body = preg_replace("/<(\n                    (?:http|https|ftp):\\/\\/\n                    [a-z0-9;\\/\\?:@=\\&\$\\-_\\.\\+!*'\\(\\),~%]+?\n                  )>/xi", "\$1", $body);
            // Escape special HTML characters.
            $escaped_body = htmlspecialchars($body, ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
            // When there is a charset mismatch between the database
            // and the language file, then bodies might get crippled
            // because of the htmlspecialchars() call. Here we try to
            // correct this issue. It's not perfect, but we do what
            // we can ...
            if ($escaped_body == '') {
                if (function_exists("iconv")) {
                    // We are gonna guess and see if we get lucky.
                    $escaped_body = iconv("ISO-8859-1", $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"], $body);
                } else {
                    // We let htmlspecialchars use its defaults.
                    $escaped_body = htmlspecialchars($body);
            $body = $escaped_body;
            // Replace newlines with $phorum_br temporarily.
            // This way the mods know what breaks were added by
            // Phorum and what breaks by the user.
            $body = str_replace("\n", "{$phorum_br}\n", $body);
            // Censor bad words in the body.
            if ($censor_search !== NULL) {
                $body = preg_replace($censor_search, $censor_replace, $body);
            $messages[$id]['body'] = $body;
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Message subject
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Censor bad words in the subject.
        if (isset($message['subject']) && $censor_search !== NULL) {
            $messages[$id]['subject'] = preg_replace($censor_search, $censor_replace, $message['subject']);
        // Escape special HTML characters.
        if (isset($message['subject'])) {
            $messages[$id]['subject'] = htmlspecialchars($messages[$id]['subject'], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET']);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Message author
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Escape special HTML characters in the email address.
        if (isset($message['email'])) {
            $messages[$id]['email'] = htmlspecialchars($message['email'], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET']);
        // Do author formatting for all provided author fields.
        foreach ($author_specs as $spec) {
            // Use "Anonymous user" as the author name if there's no author
            // name available for some reason.
            if (!isset($message[$spec[1]]) || $message[$spec[1]] == '') {
                $messages[$id][$spec[3]] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["AnonymousUser"];
            } elseif (!empty($message[$spec[0]])) {
                $url = str_replace('%spec_data%', $message[$spec[0]], $profile_url_template);
                $messages[$id]["URL"][$spec[4]] = $url;
                $messages[$id][$spec[3]] = empty($PHORUM["custom_display_name"]) ? htmlspecialchars($message[$spec[1]], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]) : $message[$spec[1]];
            } elseif ($spec[2] !== NULL && !empty($message[$spec[2]]) && (empty($PHORUM['hide_email_addr']) || !empty($PHORUM["user"]["admin"]) || phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_MODERATE_MESSAGES) && PHORUM_MOD_EMAIL_VIEW || phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_MODERATE_USERS) && PHORUM_MOD_EMAIL_VIEW)) {
                $messages[$id][$spec[3]] = htmlspecialchars($message[$spec[1]], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
                $email_url = phorum_api_format_html_encode("mailto:" . $message[$spec[2]]);
                $messages[$id]["URL"]["PROFILE"] = $email_url;
            } else {
                $messages[$id][$spec[3]] = htmlspecialchars($message[$spec[1]], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
            if ($censor_search !== NULL) {
                $messages[$id][$spec[3]] = preg_replace($censor_search, $censor_replace, $messages[$id][$spec[3]]);
    // A hook for module writers to apply custom message formatting.
    if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["format"])) {
        $messages = phorum_api_hook("format", $messages);
    // A hook for module writers for doing post formatting fixups.
    if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["format_fixup"])) {
        $messages = phorum_api_hook("format_fixup", $messages);
    // Clean up after the mods are done.
    foreach ($messages as $id => $message) {
        // Clean up line breaks inside pre and xmp tags. These tags
        // take care of showing newlines as breaks themselves.
        if (isset($message['body']) && $message['body'] != '') {
            foreach (array('pre', 'goep', 'xmp') as $tagname) {
                if (preg_match_all("/(<{$tagname}.*?>).+?(<\\/{$tagname}>)/si", $message['body'], $matches)) {
                    foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
                        $stripped = str_replace($phorum_br, '', $match);
                        $message['body'] = str_replace($match, $stripped, $message['body']);
            // Remove line break after div, quote and code tags. These
            // tags have their own line break. Without this, there would
            // be to many white lines.
            $message['body'] = preg_replace("/\\s*(<\\/?(?:div|xmp|blockquote|pre)[^>]*>)\\s*\\Q{$phorum_br}\\E/", '$1', $message['body']);
            // Normalize the Phorum line breaks that are left.
            $messages[$id]['body'] = str_replace($phorum_br, "<br />", $message['body']);
    return $messages;
Exemple #25
     *         return $user;
     *     }
     *     </hookcode>
    if ($hook_args && isset($PHORUM['hooks']['password_reset'])) {
        phorum_api_hook("password_reset", $hook_args);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build template data and output the page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$redir = htmlspecialchars($redir, ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET']);
// Fill the breadcrumbs-info.
$PHORUM['DATA']['BREADCRUMBS'][] = array('URL' => '', 'TEXT' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['LogIn'], 'TYPE' => 'login');
// Fill the page heading info.
$PHORUM['DATA']['HEADING'] = $heading;
// Setup template data.
$PHORUM['DATA']['LOGIN']['redir'] = $redir;
$PHORUM['DATA']['LOGIN']['forum_id'] = (int) $PHORUM['forum_id'];
$PHORUM['DATA']['LOGIN']['username'] = !empty($_POST['username']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['username'], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET']) : '';
$PHORUM['DATA']['ERROR'] = $error;
$PHORUM['DATA']['OKMSG'] = $okmsg;
$PHORUM['DATA']['POST_VARS'] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redir\" value=\"{$redir}\" />\n";
$PHORUM['DATA']['FOCUS_TO_ID'] = $focus;
// Display the login page.
Exemple #26
if (!defined("PHORUM")) {
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/file.php';
// Clean up unlinked attachments from the database.
foreach ($message["attachments"] as $info) {
    if (!$info["linked"]) {
        if (phorum_api_file_check_delete_access($info["file_id"])) {
$PHORUM["posting_template"] = "message";
$PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["AttachCancel"];
$PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["REDIRECT"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL);
$error_flag = true;
 * [hook]
 *     posting_action_cancel_post
 * [description]
 *     Allow modules to perform custom action whenever the user cancels editing
 *     of his post. This can be used to e.g. redirect the user immediately back
 *     to the edited post where he came from.
 * [category]
 *     Message handling
 * [when]
 *     In <filename>action_cancel.php</filename> at the end of the file when 
Exemple #27
        <td valign="left" style="white-space:nowrap; font-size: 10px">' . phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM['short_date'], $loginfo["datestamp"]) . '</td>
        <td valign="left" style="white-space:nowrap; font-size: 10px">' . phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM['short_time'], $loginfo["datestamp"]) . '</td>
        <td valign="middle" style="white-space:nowrap; font-size: 10px">
          <a title="Extend filter using this source" href="' . $filter_base . '&source=' . urlencode($loginfo["source"]) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($loginfo["source"]) . '</a>
        <td valign="middle" style="font-size: 10px">
          <a title="Extend filter using this category" href="' . $filter_base . '&show_category[' . urlencode($loginfo["category"]) . ']=1' . '">' . $cat . '</a>
        <td valign="middle" style="font-size: 12px">' . htmlspecialchars($message) . '</td>
        <td valign="middle">
          <a href="#" onclick="return toggle_detail_visibility(' . $loginfo["log_id"] . ')"><small>details</small></a>
        <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #888"></td>
        <td colspan="6" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #888">
          <div style="display:none;overflow:auto;border:1px solid #aaa; padding:10px; margin-bottom: 10px" id="detail_' . $loginfo["log_id"] . '">

            <b>User info:</b><br/><br/>' . ($loginfo["user_id"] ? "User ID = <a title=\"Extend filter using this User ID\" href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("{$filter_base}&user_id=" . urlencode($loginfo["user_id"])) . "\">{$loginfo["user_id"]}</a>" . ($loginfo["username"] !== NULL ? ', username = '******'') . '&nbsp;[&nbsp;<a target="_new" href="' . phorum_api_url(PHORUM_PROFILE_URL, $loginfo["user_id"]) . '">view user\'s profile</a>&nbsp]' : "Anonymous user") . '<br/>' . 'User IP address = <a title="Extend filter using this IP address" href="' . htmlspecialchars($filter_base . '&ip=' . urlencode($loginfo["ip"])) . '">' . $loginfo["ip"] . '</a>' . ($loginfo["hostname"] !== NULL ? ', hostname = ' . htmlspecialchars($loginfo["hostname"]) : '') . '<br/>' . ($message_url !== NULL ? '<br/><b>Related message:</b><br/>
                Forum = ' . $loginfo["forum"] . '<br/>
                Message ID = ' . $loginfo["message_id"] . '<br/>
                [&nbsp;<a target="_new" href="' . htmlspecialchars($message_url) . '">view message</a>&nbsp;]<br/>' : '') . ($details !== NULL ? '<br/><b>Additional details:</b><br/><br/>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($details)) . '<br/>' : '') . '<br/>

Exemple #28
 * Returns the Phorum base URL.
 * @return string
 *     The base URL.
function phorum_api_url_base()
    return phorum_api_url(PHORUM_BASE_URL);
Exemple #29
            trigger_error("Illegal message subscription type: " . htmlspecialchars($message["subscription"]));
    if ($subscribe_type === NULL) {
        phorum_api_user_unsubscribe($message["user_id"], $message["thread"]);
    } else {
        phorum_api_user_subscribe($message["user_id"], $message["thread"], $PHORUM["forum_id"], $subscribe_type);
$PHORUM["posting_template"] = "message";
$PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["MsgModEdited"];
$PHORUM['DATA']["BACKMSG"] = $PHORUM['DATA']["LANG"]["BackToThread"];
$PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["REDIRECT"] = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_READ_URL, $message["thread"], $message["message_id"]);
 * [hook]
 *     posting_action_edit_post
 * [description]
 *     Allow modules to perform custom action whenever the user edits his post.
 *     This can be used to e.g. redirect the user immediately back to the edited
 *     post where he came from.
 * [category]
 *     Message handling
 * [when]
 *     In <filename>action_edit.php</filename> at the end of the file when
 *     everything has been done.
Exemple #30
        $_POST['moderation_email'] = isset($_POST['moderation_email']) && phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_MODERATE_MESSAGES, PHORUM_ACCESS_ANY) ? 1 : 0;
        // Remember this for the template.
        if (isset($PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part'])) {
            $email_temp_part = $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part'];
        // do we need to send a confirmation-mail?
        if (isset($PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part']) && !empty($_POST['email_verify_code']) && $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part'] . "|" . $_POST['email_verify_code'] == $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp']) {
            $_POST['email'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part'];
            $_POST['email_temp'] = "";
            $email_temp_part = "";
        } elseif ($PHORUM['registration_control'] && !empty($_POST['email']) && strtolower($_POST['email']) != strtolower($PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"]['email'])) {
            // ... generate the confirmation-code ... //
            $conf_code = mt_rand(1000000, 9999999);
            $_POST['email_temp'] = $_POST['email'] . "|" . $conf_code;
            // ... send email ... //
            $maildata = array('mailmessage' => wordwrap($PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['EmailVerifyBody'], 72), 'mailsubject' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['EmailVerifySubject'], 'uname' => $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['username'], 'username' => $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['username'], 'newmail' => $_POST['email'], 'mailcode' => $conf_code, 'cc_url' => phorum_api_url(PHORUM_CONTROLCENTER_URL, "panel=" . PHORUM_CC_MAIL));
            phorum_api_mail($_POST['email'], $maildata);
            // Remember this for the template.
            $email_temp_part = $_POST['email'];
        list($error, $okmsg) = phorum_controlcenter_user_save($panel);
if (!empty($email_temp_part)) {
    $PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']['email_temp_part'] = $email_temp_part;
// flip this due to db vs. UI wording.
if (!empty($PHORUM['DATA']['PROFILE']["hide_email"])) {
    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"]["hide_email_checked"] = "";