function db_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $type, $port = false)
    if ($type == "pgsql") {
        $string = "dbname={$db} user={$user}";
        if ($pass) {
            $string .= " password={$pass}";
        if ($host) {
            $string .= " host={$host}";
        if ($port) {
            $string = "{$string} port=" . $port;
        $link = pg_connect($string);
        return $link;
    if ($type == "mysql") {
        if (function_exists("mysqli_connect")) {
            if ($port) {
                return mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $port);
            return mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db);
        $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
        if ($link) {
            $result = mysql_select_db($db, $link);
            if ($result) {
                return $link;
 public function conectar_bodega()
     if (!isset($this->conexion)) {
         $this->conexion = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=proyecto user=administrador password=123456") or die("Error de conexion. " . pg_last_error());
         return $this->conexion;
Exemple #3
 protected function _connect()
     $connstr = '';
     foreach ($this->_config as $param => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             switch ($param) {
                 case 'host':
                     $connstr .= "host={$value} ";
                 case 'database':
                     $connstr .= "dbname={$value} ";
                 case 'port':
                     $connstr .= "port={$value} ";
                 case 'username':
                     $connstr .= "user={$value} ";
                 case 'password':
                     $connstr .= "password={$value} ";
     if (isset($this->_config['persistent'])) {
         $this->_connection = pg_pconnect($connstr);
     } else {
         $this->_connection = pg_connect($connstr);
     if (pg_connection_status($this->_connection) !== PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
         $this->_errorHandler(1, "Cconnection failed. ");
 function db_connect($connection_name = false)
     if ($this->db) {
         return true;
     // Choose what to connect to
     if ($connection_name && $GLOBALS['AR_DB_CONFIG'][$connection_name]) {
         $this->default = $GLOBALS['AR_DB_CONFIG'][$connection_name];
         $this->db_connection = $connection_name;
     } elseif ($this->db_connection && $GLOBALS['AR_DB_CONFIG'][$this->db_connection]) {
         $this->default = $GLOBALS['AR_DB_CONFIG'][$this->db_connection];
     } else {
         $this->default = $GLOBALS['AR_DB_CONFIG'][AR_DEFAULT_DB];
         $this->db_connection = AR_DEFAULT_DB;
     // Get outta here if we have no good setting
     if (!$this->default['hostname']) {
         die('Please setup database.ini');
     // Connect
     if ($this->db = pg_connect("host={$this->default['hostname']} dbname={$this->default['database']} user={$this->default['login']} password={$this->default['password']}")) {
         // Connected !
     } else {
         die('Unable to connect to database: ' . $this->default['database']);
     return true;
Exemple #5
 public function connect()
     $this->linkid = pg_connect("host={$this->_config['host']}\n                                    port={$this->_config['port']}\n                                    dbname={$this->_config['database']}\n                                    user={$this->_config['user']}\n                                    password={$this->_config['password']}");
     if (!$this->linkid) {
         throw new Exception("Could not connect to PostgreSQL server.");
 public function __construct()
     // - Connexion à la BD
     require_once "";
     // - connexion à la base de données
     $this->db_connect = pg_connect("host=" . HOSTNAME . " dbname=" . BASE . " user="******" password=" . PASSWORD);
Exemple #7
 function connect()
     $this->hostName = MY_HOST;
     $this->port = MY_PORT;
     $this->userName = MY_USER;
     $this->password = MY_PASS;
     $this->databaseName = MY_BD;
     // build connection string based on internal settings.
     $connStr = '';
     $this->hostName != '' ? $connStr .= "host=" . $this->hostName . " " : ($connStr = $connStr);
     $this->port != '' ? $connStr .= "port=" . $this->port . " " : ($connStr = $connStr);
     $this->databaseName != '' ? $connStr .= "dbname=" . $this->databaseName . " " : ($connStr = $connStr);
     $this->userName != '' ? $connStr .= "user="******" " : ($connStr = $connStr);
     $this->password != '' ? $connStr .= "password="******" " : ($connStr = $connStr);
     $connStr = trim($connStr);
     $connID = pg_connect($connStr);
     if ($connID != "") {
         $this->connectionID = $connID;
         $this->exec("set datestyle='ISO'", array());
         $this->exec("set time zone 'America/Santiago'", array());
         return $this->connectionID;
     } else {
         $this->errorCode = -1;
         $this->connectionID = -1;
         return 0;
Exemple #8
function db_connect($dbtype = 'mysql')
    $dbhost = 'localhost';
    $dbuser = '******';
    $dbpass = '******';
    if ($dbtype == 'pear') {
        $dsn = array('phptype' => 'mysql', 'username' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpass, 'hostspec' => $dbhost);
        $options = array('debug' => 2, 'portability' => MDB2_PORTABILITY_ALL);
        // uses MDB2::factory() to create the instance
        // and also attempts to connect to the host
        $mdb2 = MDB2::connect($dsn, $options);
        if (PEAR::isError($mdb2)) {
        return $mdb2;
    } else {
        if ($dbtype == 'mysql') {
            $mysql_conn = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
            if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
                error("MySQL : Connect failed: %s\n" . mysqli_connect_error());
            return $mysql_conn;
        } else {
            if ($dbtype == 'postgres') {
                $postgres_conn = pg_connect("host={$dbhost} user={$dbuser} password={$dbpass}");
                if (!$postgres_conn) {
                    error("PostGres : Connect failed: %s");
                return $postgres_conn;
Exemple #9
  * This is the connect function that tries to create a postgresql connection, and set the correct character set.
 protected function connect()
     if (!function_exists("pg_connect")) {
         throw new DatabaseException("The function pg_connect is not available! Please install the postgresql php module.");
     $connection_string = "";
     if ($this->host) {
         $connection_string .= "host='" . pg_escape_string($this->host) . "' ";
     if ($this->port) {
         $connection_string .= "port='" . pg_escape_string($this->port) . "' ";
     if ($this->dbname) {
         $connection_string .= "dbname='" . pg_escape_string($this->dbname) . "' ";
     if ($this->user) {
         $connection_string .= "user='******' ";
     if ($this->password) {
         $connection_string .= "password='******' ";
     $this->resource = pg_connect($connection_string);
     if (!$this->resource) {
         throw new DatabaseException("Sorry, impossible to connect to the server with this connection string: '" . $this->getConnectionString() . "'.");
     $this->connected = true;
     pg_set_client_encoding($this->resource, $this->charsetName);
     if ($this->searchPath) {
         $this->query('set search_path to "' . pg_escape_string($this->searchPath) . '"');
     return true;
Exemple #10
 function __construct()
     /*   $ORIONDBCFG_DB_host = "localhost";
        $ORIONDBCFG_DB_user = "******";
        $ORIONDBCFG_DB_password = "******";
        $ORIONDBCFG_DB_dbname = "toelatingsexamen"; */
     $connstring = "";
     if ($ORIONDB_CFG_DB_host) {
         $connstring .= "host=" . $ORIONDB_CFG_DB_host . " ";
     if ($ORIONDB_CFG_DB_dbname) {
         $connstring .= "dbname=" . $ORIONDB_CFG_DB_dbname . " ";
     if ($ORIONDB_CFG_DB_user) {
         $connstring .= "user="******" ";
     if ($ORIONDB_CFG_DB_password) {
         $connstring .= "password="******" ";
     //$dbconn3 = pg_connect("host=sheep port=5432 dbname=mary user=lamb password=foo");
     //connect to a database named "mary" on the host "sheep" with a username and password
     $this->dbconnection = pg_connect($connstring) or die("Database connection failed");
     // get tables
     $query = "SELECT NULL AS nspname, c.relname, \n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT usename FROM pg_user u WHERE u.usesysid=c.relowner) AS relowner,\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT description FROM pg_description pd WHERE c.oid=pd.objoid) AS relcomment,\n\t\t\t\t\treltuples::bigint AS reltuples\n\t\t\t\tFROM pg_class c\n\t\t\t\tWHERE c.relkind='r'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_rewrite r WHERE r.ev_class = c.oid AND r.ev_type = '1')\n\t\t\t\t\tAND c.relname NOT LIKE 'pg@_%' ESCAPE '@' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND c.relname NOT LIKE 'sql@_%' ESCAPE '@'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY relname";
function control()
    global $result, $input, $userID;
    $conn = pg_connect(" port=5432 dbname=postgreDB user=postgreuser password=6089qwerty");
    if (!$conn) {
        echo "denied, an error occurred about connection.\n";
    $result = pg_query($conn, $query);
    if (!$result) {
        echo "denied, an error occurred about query.\n";
        return 0;
    $names = "";
    $ids = "";
    $first = true;
    while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($first) {
            $names = $row[0];
            $ids = $row[1];
            $first = false;
        } else {
            $names = $names . " " . $row[0];
            $ids = $ids . " " . $row[1];
    if ($ids == "") {
        echo "denied, empty result";
    return $names . " " . $ids;
Exemple #12
 private function dbconnect()
     //$dbconn = pg_connect("host=" . DB_HOST . " dbname=" . DB_DB . " user="******" password="******" dbname=theaterDB user=visitorDrama password=Costumes4All") or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
     return $dbconn;
 public function connect($connectionString)
     $this->connection = \pg_connect($connectionString);
     if (!$this->connection) {
         throw new \Exception('Failed to connect: ' . \pg_last_error($this->connection));
function transform($x, $y, $oldEPSG, $newEPSG)
    if (is_null($x) || !is_numeric($x) || is_null($y) || !is_numeric($y) || is_null($oldEPSG) || !is_numeric($oldEPSG) || is_null($newEPSG) || !is_numeric($newEPSG)) {
        return null;
    if (SYS_DBTYPE == 'pgsql') {
        $con = db_connect(DBSERVER, OWNER, PW);
        $sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(" . pg_escape_string($x) . " " . pg_escape_string($y) . ")'," . pg_escape_string($oldEPSG) . ")," . pg_escape_string($newEPSG) . ")) as minx";
        $resMinx = db_query($sqlMinx);
        $minx = floatval(db_result($resMinx, 0, "minx"));
        $sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(" . pg_escape_string($x) . " " . pg_escape_string($y) . ")'," . pg_escape_string($oldEPSG) . ")," . pg_escape_string($newEPSG) . ")) as miny";
        $resMiny = db_query($sqlMiny);
        $miny = floatval(db_result($resMiny, 0, "miny"));
    } else {
        $con_string = "host=" . GEOS_DBSERVER . " port=" . GEOS_PORT . " dbname=" . GEOS_DB . "user="******"password="******"Error while connecting database");
         * @security_patch sqli done
        $sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(" . pg_escape_string($x) . " " . pg_escape_string($y) . ")'," . pg_escape_string($oldEPSG) . ")," . pg_escape_string($newEPSG) . ")) as minx";
        $resMinx = pg_query($con, $sqlMinx);
        $minx = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMinx, 0, "minx"));
        $sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(" . pg_escape_string($x) . " " . pg_escape_string($y) . ")'," . pg_escape_string($oldEPSG) . ")," . pg_escape_string($newEPSG) . ")) as miny";
        $resMiny = pg_query($con, $sqlMiny);
        $miny = floatval(pg_fetch_result($resMiny, 0, "miny"));
    return array("x" => $minx, "y" => $miny);
Exemple #15
function connect($db_conn_string, $db_search_path)
    global $conn;
    $conn = pg_connect($db_conn_string) or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
    pg_query("SET search_path TO {$db_search_path}");
    return $conn;
function conectar($usuario, $contrasena)
    $servidor = "localhost";
    $puerto = "5432";
    $dbname = "congresos";
    $conexion = pg_connect("host=" . $servidor . " port=" . $puerto . " dbname=" . $dbname . " user="******" password="******"No se ha podido conectar con la base de datos" . pg_last_error());
Exemple #17
/** Luo HTML sivustolaajuinen tagilistam\"{a}\"{a}r\"{a}t kysymykselle
 * @param $question_id integer
function create_global_tag_count_box_for_a_question($question_id)
    /* $result resource
     * $tags_array_summary array
     * $figure array
    $tags_array_summary = get_tags_for_a_question($question_id);
    $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=noaa user=noaa password=123");
    // to get the amout of tags Globally
    $result = pg_prepare($dbconn, "query_tag_amount", 'SELECT count(tag)
        FROM tags 
        WHERE tag = $1');
    echo "<div class='tags_summary'>";
    echo "<p>tagged</p>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags_array_summary); $i++) {
        echo "<div id='one_tag_line'>";
        $result = pg_execute($dbconn, "query_tag_amount", array($tags_array_summary[$i]['tag']));
        $figure = pg_fetch_all($result);
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($figure); $j++) {
            echo "<span id='multiplier'> × " . $figure[$j]['count'] . "</span>";
        echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";
Exemple #18
 private function __construct()
     if (!($connection = pg_connect(self::DBN))) {
         throw new Exception("DBへの接続に失敗");
     $this->connection = $connection;
function db_connect($host, $user, $pass, $db)
    if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
        $string = "dbname={$db} user={$user}";
        if ($pass) {
            $string .= " password={$pass}";
        if ($host) {
            $string .= " host={$host}";
        if (defined('DB_PORT')) {
            $string = "{$string} port=" . DB_PORT;
        $link = pg_connect($string);
        if (!$link) {
            die("Unable to connect to database (as {$user} to {$host}, database {$db}):" . pg_last_error());
        return $link;
    } else {
        if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") {
            $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
            if ($link) {
                $result = mysql_select_db($db, $link);
                if (!$result) {
                    die("Can't select DB: " . mysql_error($link));
                return $link;
            } else {
                die("Unable to connect to database (as {$user} to {$host}, database {$db}): " . mysql_error());
Exemple #20
 function DBConnection($aDBInfo)
     global $aQueries;
     // Initialize query array.
     $aQueries = array();
     // Populate the special queries list.
     $this->aSpecialQueries[CONCAT_ATTACHMENT] = "UPDATE attachment SET filedata = filedata || '%s' WHERE id=%u";
     $this->aSpecialQueries[CONCAT_AVATAR] = "UPDATE avatar SET datum = datum || '%s' WHERE id=%u";
     // Some hosting providers aren't setup to accept "localhost" properly,
     // so only add the "host" parameter when the script is not connecting locally.
     if ($aDBInfo['address'] != 'localhost') {
         $host = "host='" . $aDBInfo['address'] . "' ";
     // Try and connect to the database server.
     if ($this->objConnection = @pg_connect($host . "dbname='" . $aDBInfo['database'] . "' user='******'username'] . "' password='******'password'] . "'")) {
         // Destroy the database connection information.
         // Flag success.
         $this->objSelect = TRUE;
     } else {
         // Flag failure.
         $this->objSelect = FALSE;
Exemple #21
 private function __construct()
     $this->handle = pg_connect("host=labdb dbname=bd user=fc359081 password=lel");
     if (!$this->handle) {
         App::app()->add_info('Nie udało się połączyć z bazą danych ' . pg_last_error(), 'danger');
 function db($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost, $dbport = '')
     $connect_str = "";
     if (!empty($dbhost)) {
         $connect_str .= " host={$dbhost}";
     if (!empty($dbname)) {
         $connect_str .= " dbname={$dbname}";
     if (!empty($dbuser)) {
         $connect_str .= " user={$dbuser}";
     if (!empty($dbpassword)) {
         $connect_str .= " password={$dbpassword}";
     if (!empty($dbport)) {
         $connect_str .= " port={$dbport}";
     $this->dbh = @pg_connect($connect_str);
     if (!$this->dbh) {
         $this->print_error("<ol><b>Error establishing a database connection!</b><li>Are you sure you have the correct user/password?<li>Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?<li>Are you sure that the database server is running?<li></ol>");
     } else {
         // Remember these values for the select function
         $this->dbuser = $dbuser;
         $this->dbpassword = $dbpassword;
         $this->dbname = $dbname;
         $this->dbhost = $dbhost;
         $this->dbport = $dbport;
function printUserLog()
    //db connection
    $conn = pg_connect(HOST . " " . DBNAME . " " . USERNAME . " " . PASSWORD) or die('Could not connect: ' . pg_last_error());
    //query the database
    $result = pg_prepare($conn, "getLog", "SELECT * FROM lab8.log\n\t\t\tWHERE username LIKE \$1") or die("getLog prepare fail: " . pg_last_error());
    $result = pg_execute($conn, "getLog", array($_SESSION['user'])) or die("getLog execute fail: " . pg_last_error());
    //Printing results in HTML
    echo "<br>There where <em>" . pg_num_rows($result) . "</em> rows returned<br><br>\n";
    echo "<table class='tablestuff' border='1'>";
    //account for added form row
    echo "<tr>";
    //checking the number of fields return to populate header
    $numFields = pg_num_fields($result);
    //populating the header
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
        $fieldName = pg_field_name($result, $i);
        echo "<th width=\"135\">" . $fieldName . "</th>\n";
    echo "</tr>";
    //populating table with the results
    while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
        echo "\t<tr>\n";
        foreach ($line as $col_value) {
            echo "\t\t<td>{$col_value}</td>\n";
        echo "\t</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    // Free resultset
    //close connection
Exemple #24
 function DBLayer($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $db_prefix, $p_connect)
     $this->prefix = $db_prefix;
     if ($db_host) {
         if (strpos($db_host, ':') !== false) {
             list($db_host, $dbport) = explode(':', $db_host);
             $connect_str[] = 'host=' . $db_host . ' port=' . $dbport;
         } else {
             $connect_str[] = 'host=' . $db_host;
     if ($db_name) {
         $connect_str[] = 'dbname=' . $db_name;
     if ($db_username) {
         $connect_str[] = 'user='******'password='******' ', $connect_str));
     } else {
         $this->link_id = @pg_connect(implode(' ', $connect_str));
     if (!$this->link_id) {
         error('Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server.', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // Setup the client-server character set (UTF-8)
     if (!defined('FORUM_NO_SET_NAMES')) {
     return $this->link_id;
/** Ota tagit tietokannasta
 * @return array
function get_tags()
    /* $result_tags array
     * $end_array array
    $dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=noaa user=noaa password=123");
    $result_tags = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'SELECT question_id, tag
        FROM tags
        WHERE question_id IN
            SELECT question_id
            FROM tags
            WHERE tag = $1
        ORDER BY question_id', array($_GET['tag']));
    while ($tags_and_Qid = pg_fetch_array($result_tags)) {
        // Add the Tag to an array of tags for that question
        $end_array[$tags_and_Qid['question_id']]['tag'][] = $tags_and_Qid['tag'];
    // to check if 0 messages
    if (count($end_array) == 0) {
        header("Location: index.php?" . "no_question_found");
    } else {
        return $end_array;
Exemple #26
 * \brief Connect to database engine.
 *        This is a no-op if $PG_CONN already has a value.
 * \param $sysconfdir fossology configuration directory (location of Db.conf)
 * \param $Options an optional list of attributes for
 *             connecting to the database. E.g.:
 *   "dbname=text host=text user=text password=text"
 * \param $exitOnFail true (default) to print error and call exit on failure
 *                  false to return $PG_CONN === false on failure
 * If $Options is empty, then connection parameters will be read from Db.conf.
 * \return 
 *   Success: $PG_CONN, the postgres connection object
 *   Failure: Error message is printed
function DBconnect($sysconfdir, $options = "", $exitOnFail = true)
    global $PG_CONN;
    if (!empty($PG_CONN)) {
        return $PG_CONN;
    $path = "{$sysconfdir}/Db.conf";
    if (empty($options)) {
        $dbConf = file_get_contents($path);
        if ($exitOnFail && false === $dbConf) {
            $text = _("Could not connect to FOSSology database.");
            echo "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
            echo _('permission denied for configuration file');
        if (false === $dbConf) {
            $PG_CONN = false;
        $options = $dbConf;
    if (!empty($options)) {
        $PG_CONN = pg_connect(str_replace(";", " ", $options));
    if (!empty($PG_CONN)) {
        return $PG_CONN;
    if ($exitOnFail) {
        $text = _("Could not connect to FOSSology database.");
        echo "<h2>{$text}</h2>";
    $PG_CONN = false;
Exemple #27
function Open($dbType, $connectType = "c", $connect, $username = "", $password = "", $dbName)
    switch ($dbType) {
        case "mssql":
            if ($connectType == "c") {
                $idCon = mssql_connect($connect, $username, $password);
            } else {
                $idCon = mssql_pconnect($connect, $username, $password);
        case "mysql":
            if ($connectType == "c") {
                $idCon = @mysql_connect($connect, $username, $password);
            } else {
                $idCon = @mysql_pconnect($connect, $username, $password);
            $idCon1 = mysql_select_db($dbName, $idCon);
        case "pg":
            if ($connectType == "c") {
                $idCon = pg_connect($connect . " user="******" password="******" dbname=" . $dbName);
            } else {
                $idCon = pg_pconnect($connect . " user="******" password="******" dbname=" . $dbName);
            $idCon = 0;
    return $idCon;
Exemple #28
 function sql_db($sqlserver, $sqluser, $sqlpassword, $database, $persistency = true)
     $this->connect_string = "";
     if ($sqluser) {
         $this->connect_string .= "user={$sqluser} ";
     if ($sqlpassword) {
         $this->connect_string .= "password={$sqlpassword} ";
     if ($sqlserver) {
         if (ereg(":", $sqlserver)) {
             list($sqlserver, $sqlport) = split(":", $sqlserver);
             $this->connect_string .= "host={$sqlserver} port={$sqlport} ";
         } else {
             if ($sqlserver != "localhost") {
                 $this->connect_string .= "host={$sqlserver} ";
     if ($database) {
         $this->dbname = $database;
         $this->connect_string .= "dbname={$database}";
     $this->persistency = $persistency;
     $this->db_connect_id = $this->persistency ? pg_pconnect($this->connect_string) : pg_connect($this->connect_string);
     return $this->db_connect_id ? $this->db_connect_id : false;
  * Static method get
  * @param  array $group
  * @return \helpers\database
 public static function get($group = false)
     // Determining if exists or it's not empty, then use default group defined in config
     $group = !$group ? array('type' => DB_TYPE, 'host' => DB_HOST, 'name' => DB_NAME, 'user' => DB_USER, 'pass' => DB_PASS) : $group;
     // Group information
     $type = $group['type'];
     $host = $group['host'];
     $name = $group['name'];
     $user = $group['user'];
     $pass = $group['pass'];
     // ID for database based on the group information
     $id = "{$type}.{$host}.{$name}.{$user}.{$pass}";
     // Checking if the same
     if (isset(self::$instances[$id])) {
         return self::$instances[$id];
     try {
         // I've run into problem where
         // SET NAMES "UTF8" not working on some hostings.
         // Specifiying charset in DSN fixes the charset problem perfectly!
         //$instance = new Database("$type:host=$host;dbname=$name;charset=utf8", $user, $pass);
         $instance = pg_connect("host={$host} port=5432 dbname={$name} user={$user} password={$pass}");
         $instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         // Setting Database into $instances to avoid duplication
         self::$instances[$id] = $instance;
         return $instance;
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         //in the event of an error record the error to ErrorLog.html
 function connect()
     global $php_errormsg;
     $persistent = isset($this->config['persistent']) ? $this->config['persistent'] : null;
     $connstr = '';
     if ($host = $this->config['host']) {
         $connstr = 'host=' . $host;
     if ($port = $this->config['port']) {
         $connstr .= ' port=' . $port;
     if ($database = $this->config['database']) {
         $connstr .= ' dbname=\'' . addslashes($database) . '\'';
     if ($user = $this->config['user']) {
         $connstr .= ' user=\'' . addslashes($user) . '\'';
     if ($password = $this->config['password']) {
         $connstr .= ' password=\'' . addslashes($password) . '\'';
     if ($persistent) {
         $conn = @pg_pconnect($connstr);
     } else {
         $conn = @pg_connect($connstr);
     if (!is_resource($conn)) {
     if (isset($this->config['charset']) && ($charset = $this->config['charset'])) {
         pg_set_client_encoding($conn, $charset);
     $this->connectionId = $conn;