function UpdateEmployee($fields) { $statusMessage = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == EMP_ID) { $record = RetrieveEmployeeByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == EMP_NAME) { $countOfFields++; if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Employee name can not be blank.</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_NAME passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == EMP_EMAIL) { $countOfFields++; if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $statusMessage .= "Email address is not in a valid format.</br>"; error_log("Invalid email address passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == EMP_PASSWORD) { //No validation on password, since this is an MD5 encoded string. $countOfFields++; } else { if ($key == EMP_DATEJOINED) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Date Joined value is not a valid date</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_DATEJOINED passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == EMP_LEAVE_ENTITLEMENT) { $countOfFields++; if (!is_numeric($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Employee Leave Entitlement must be a numeric value.</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_LEAVE_ENTITLEMENT passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == EMP_MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID) { if ($value != NULL) { $record = RetrieveMainVacationRequestByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Main Vacation Request ID not found in database.</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } else { if ($key == EMP_COMPANY_ROLE) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveCompanyRoleByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Company Role ID not found in database.</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_COMPANY_ROLE passed to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == EMP_ADMIN_PERM) { $countOfFields++; } else { if ($key == EMP_MANAGER_PERM) { $countOfFields++; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unrecognised field of {$key} encountered.</br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateEmployee. {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } } } } } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid ID supplied.</br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "Insufficent fields supplied.</br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateEmployee."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(EMPLOYEE_TABLE, EMP_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $statusMessage .= "Record has been successfully updated."; } else { $inputIsValid = false; $statusMessage .= "Unexpected Database error encountered. Please " . "contact your system administrator."; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateMainVacactionRequest($fields) { $success = false; $statusMessage = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID) { $record = RetrieveMainVacationRequestByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_EMP_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveEmployeeByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid Main Vacation Employee ID</br>"; error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_EMP_ID passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_1ST_START) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid 1st Choice Start Date</br>"; error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_1ST_START passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_1ST_END) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid 1st Choice Finish Date/br>"; error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_1ST_END passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_2ND_START) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid 2nd Choice Start Date/br>"; error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_2ND_START passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == MAIN_VACATION_2ND_END) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid 2nd Choice Finish Date/br>"; error_log("Invalid MAIN_VACATION_2ND_END passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Invalid Field encountered./br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to " . "UpdateMainVacationRequest. {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } } $firstChoiceStartDate = $fields[MAIN_VACATION_1ST_START]; $firstChoiceEndDate = $fields[MAIN_VACATION_1ST_END]; $secondChoiceStartDate = $fields[MAIN_VACATION_2ND_START]; $secondChoiceEndDate = $fields[MAIN_VACATION_2ND_END]; if (strtotime($firstChoiceEndDate) < strtotime($firstChoiceStartDate)) { $statusMessage .= "1st Choice End Date is before 1st Choice Start Date.</br>"; error_log("First Choice End Date is before First Choice Start Date."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if (strtotime($secondChoiceEndDate) < strtotime($secondChoiceStartDate)) { $statusMessage .= "2nd Choice End Date is before 2nd Choice Start Date.</br>"; error_log("Second Choice End Date is before Second Choice Start Date."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid record ID found/br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "You must modify at least one of the fields of the record./br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateMainVacationRequest."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(MAIN_VACATION_REQUEST_TABLE, MAIN_VACATION_REQ_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $statusMessage .= "Record successfully modified."; } else { $inputIsValid = false; $statusMessage .= "Error encountered when updating the database. " . "Contact system administrator.</br>"; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateCompanyRole($fields) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $statusMessage = ""; $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == COMP_ROLE_ID) { $record = RetrieveCompanyRoleByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unable to locate Company Role in the database."; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateCompanyRole."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == COMP_ROLE_NAME) { $countOfFields++; if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { $statusMessage .= "You must enter a company role name."; error_log("Invalid COMP_ROLE_NAME passed to UpdateCompanyRole."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == COMP_ROLE_MIN_STAFF) { $countOfFields++; if (!is_numeric($value)) { $statusMessage .= "You must enter a numeric value for minimum staff"; error_log("Invalid COMP_ROLE_MIN_STAFF passed to UpdateCompanyRole."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Invalid field."; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateCompanyRole. {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "You must alter at least one field before updating."; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateCompanyRole."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(COMPANY_ROLE_TABLE, COMP_ROLE_ID, $fields); $statusMessage .= "Record has been updated successfully."; } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdatePublicHoliday($fields) { $statusMessage = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; $oldDateRecord = NULL; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == PUB_HOL_ID) { $record = RetrievePublicHolidayByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; $oldDateRecord = RetrieveDateByID($record[PUB_HOL_DATE_ID]); } } else { if ($key == PUB_HOL_NAME) { $countOfFields++; if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Public holiday name must be entered.</br>"; error_log("Invalid PUB_HOL_NAME passed to UpdatePublicHoliday."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == PUB_HOL_DATE_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveDateByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Unable to located date in database.</br>"; error_log("Invalid PUB_HOL_DATE_ID passed to UpdatePublicHoliday."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected field encountered in input.</br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdatePublicHoliday."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid ID supplied in call to UpdatePublicHoliday.</br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdatePublicHoliday."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdatePublicHoliday.</br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdatePublicHoliday."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(PUBLIC_HOLIDAY_TABLE, PUB_HOL_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $oldDateRecord[DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID] = NULL; $success = UpdateDate($oldDateRecord); $dateRecord = RetrieveDateByID($fields[PUB_HOL_DATE_ID]); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Update the date records public holiday ID field. //------------------------------------------------------------- $dateRecord[DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID] = $fields[PUB_HOL_ID]; $success = UpdateDate($dateRecord); $statusMessage .= "Record successfully updated.</br>"; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected error when updating the database.</br>"; $inputIsValid = false; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking($fields) { $statusMessage = ""; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == APPR_ABS_BOOKING_ID) { $record = RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookingByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_EMPLOYEE_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveEmployeeByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Unable to locate employee in database</br>"; error_log("Invalid EMP_ID passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_START_DATE) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Start date is not a valid date.</br>"; error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_START_DATE passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_END_DATE) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "End date is not a valid date.</br>"; error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_END_DATE passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_ABS_TYPE_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveAbsenceTypeByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Unable to locate absence type in database</br>"; error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_ABS_TYPE_ID passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected field found in input</br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking." . " {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } $absenceStartDate = $fields[APPR_ABS_START_DATE]; $absenceEndDate = $fields[APPR_ABS_END_DATE]; if (strtotime($absenceEndDate) < strtotime($absenceStartDate)) { $statusMessage .= "end Date is before start Date.</br>"; error_log("End Date is before Start Date."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid ID supplied</br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "Insufficent fields supplied</br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBooking."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(APPROVED_ABSENCE_BOOKING_TABLE, APPR_ABS_BOOKING_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $statusMessage .= "Record updated successfully.</br>"; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected error encountered when updating database.</br>"; $inputIsValid = false; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest($fields) { $statusMessage = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == AD_HOC_REQ_ID) { $record = RetrieveAdHocAbsenceRequestByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == AD_HOC_EMP_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveEmployeeByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Employee specified can not be found in the " . "database.</br>"; error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_EMP_ID passed to " . "UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest." . " Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == AD_HOC_START) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Start date entered is not a valid date.</br>"; error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_START passed to UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest." . " Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == AD_HOC_END) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { $statusMessage .= "End date entered is not a valid date.</br>"; error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_END passed to UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest." . " Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == AD_HOC_ABSENCE_TYPE_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveAbsenceTypeByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { $statusMessage .= "Absence Type selected can not be found in the " . "database.</br>"; error_log("Invalid AD_HOC_ABSENCE_TYPE_ID passed to " . "UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Unknown field encountered.</br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateAdHocAbsenceRequest." . " {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } } $startDate = $fields[AD_HOC_START]; $endDate = $fields[AD_HOC_END]; if (strtotime($endDate) < strtotime($startDate)) { $statusMessage .= "end Date is before start Date.</br>"; error_log("End Date is before Start Date."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid record ID found.</br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateAbsenceType.</br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters // are ok. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(ADHOC_ABSENCE_REQUEST_TABLE, AD_HOC_REQ_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $statusMessage .= "Record successfully updated.</br>"; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected error encountered when updating database." . "Contact your system administrator.</br>"; $inputIsValid = false; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateDate($fields) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == DATE_TABLE_DATE_ID) { $record = RetrieveDateByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == DATE_TABLE_DATE) { $countOfFields++; if (!isValidDate($value)) { error_log("Invalid DATE_TABLE_DATE passed to UpdateDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID) { $countOfFields++; if ($value != NULL) { $record = RetrievePublicHolidayByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { error_log("Invalid DATE_TABLE_PUBLIC_HOL_ID passed to UpdateDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } else { error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateDate. {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } if (!$validID) { error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(DATE_TABLE, DATE_TABLE_DATE_ID, $fields); } return $success; }
function UpdateAbsenceType($fields) { $statusMessage = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == ABS_TYPE_ID) { $record = RetrieveAbsenceTypeByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == ABS_TYPE_NAME) { $countOfFields++; if (isNullOrEmptyString($value)) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid absence type name. Can not be empty.</br>"; error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_NAME passed to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == ABS_TYPE_USES_LEAVE) { $countOfFields++; if ($value != 0 and $value != 1) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid uses annual leave flag value.</br>"; error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_USES_LEAVE passed to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == ABS_TYPE_CAN_BE_DENIED) { $countOfFields++; if ($value != 0 and $value != 1) { $statusMessage .= "Invalid can be denied flag value.</br>"; error_log("Invalid ABS_TYPE_CAN_BE_DENIED passed to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { $statusMessage .= "Invalid field encountered.</br>"; error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateAbsenceType. {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } } if (!$validID) { $statusMessage .= "No valid ID supplied.</br>"; error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { $statusMessage .= "Insufficent fields supplied in call.</br>"; error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateAbsenceType."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(ABSENCE_TYPE_TABLE, ABS_TYPE_ID, $fields); if ($success) { $statusMessage .= "Record successfully created in Database.</br>"; } else { $statusMessage .= "Unexpected database error encountered when " . "trying to perform update.</br>"; $inputIsValid = false; } } GenerateStatus($inputIsValid, $statusMessage); return $success; }
function UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate($fields) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Validate Input parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $inputIsValid = TRUE; $validID = false; $countOfFields = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == APPR_ABS_BOOK_DATE_ID) { $record = RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookingDateByID($value); if ($record != NULL) { $validID = true; $countOfFields++; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_BOOK_DATE_DATE_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveDateByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_BOOK_DATE_DATE_ID passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { if ($key == APPR_ABS_BOOK_DATE_ABS_BOOK_ID) { $countOfFields++; $record = RetrieveApprovedAbsenceBookingByID($value); if ($record == NULL) { error_log("Invalid APPR_ABS_BOOKING_ID passed to " . "UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate. Value=" . $value); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } else { error_log("Invalid field passed to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate." . " {$key}=" . $key); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } } } } if (!$validID) { error_log("No valid ID supplied in call to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } if ($countOfFields < 2) { error_log("Insufficent fields supplied in call to UpdateApprovedAbsenceBookingDate."); $inputIsValid = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Only attempt to update a record in the database if the input parameters are ok. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $success = false; if ($inputIsValid) { $success = performSQLUpdate(APPROVED_ABSENCE_BOOKING_DATE, APPR_ABS_BOOK_DATE_ID, $fields); } return $success; }