if (pc_update_cache_header()) { return; } @($pno = (int) $_GET["pno"]); $pno = $pno < 1 ? 1 : $pno; $type = @$_GET["t"] == "c" ? "c" : "n"; $link = pc_db_connect(); if ($type == "n") { $newBlogs = getNewBlogs($link, $pno); $newNum = count($newBlogs["useretems"]); } else { $newComments = getNewComments($link, $pno); $newNum = count($newComments); } pc_db_close($link); pc_html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); ?> <br><br> <p align=center class=f2> 欢迎使用<?php echo $pcconfig["BBSNAME"]; ?> Blog系统 </p> <?php display_navigation_bar($type); ?> <hr size=1> <center> <p align=center class=f1><strong> 最近更新的<?php
require "pcfuncs.php"; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } elseif (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("guest 没有Blog!"); exit; } else { $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $currentuser["userid"]); if (!$pc || !pc_is_admin($currentuser, $pc)) { pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"]); $buserid = $_GET["userid"]; if ($_GET["act"] == "add" && $buserid) { $lookupuser = array(); if (bbs_getuser($buserid, $lookupuser) == 0) { echo "<script language=\"javascript\">用户" . $buserid . "不存在!</script>"; } else { $buserid = $lookupuser["userid"]; if (!pc_in_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"])) { pc_add_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"]); } } } if ($_GET["act"] == "del" && $buserid) { pc_del_blacklist($link, $buserid, $pc["UID"]); }
echo "id=" . $rows[uid] . "&nid=" . $rows[nid] . "&tid=" . $rows[tid]; ?> -<?php echo (int) (strlen($rows[body] . $rows[subject]) / 100) / 10; ?> K- <?php echo time_format($rows[created]); ?> - </font> </td></tr> </table><br><br> <?php } pc_html_init("gb2312", "Blog文章搜索"); ?> <br><br> <p align="center" class="f2"> Blog日志搜索 </p> <?php $userid = addslashes($_GET["userid"]); @($keyword = myAddslashes(trim($_GET["keyword"]))); @($area = addslashes($_GET["area"])); @($pno = (int) $_GET["pno"]); if ($keyword) { $link = pc_db_connect(); $query_i = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nodes WHERE `access` = 0 "; $query = "SELECT `nid`,`tid`,`uid`,`subject`,`body`,`created`,`htmltag` FROM nodes WHERE `access` = 0 "; if ($area != "_all") {
<?php require "pcadmin_inc.php"; function pc_load_special($link) { $query = "SELECT uid , username , pctype , corpusname , description , visitcount , nodescount FROM users WHERE pctype != 0 ORDER BY username ASC ;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $pcs = array(); while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pcs[] = $rows; } return $pcs; } pc_admin_check_permission(); $link = pc_db_connect(); pc_html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "特殊BLOG管理"); pc_admin_navigation_bar(); if ($_GET["userid"] && $_GET["conv"]) { $pcc = pc_load_infor($link, $_GET["userid"]); if (!$pcc) { html_error_quit($_GET["userid"] . "尚无BLOG"); exit; } if (!$_GET["statnew"]) { $newtype = 7; } elseif (!$_GET["statnodes"]) { $newtype = 5; } elseif (!$_GET["statusers"]) { $newtype = 3; } else { $newtype = 1;
if (!($pur == 3 && !pc_is_groupwork($pc))) { //Blog所有者的访问不进行计数 windinsn dec 10,2003 pc_counter($link); } /*visit count end*/ //if( pc_cache( $pc["MODIFY"] ) ) // return; if ($tag == 0 || $tag == 1 || $tag == 2) { $blogMenus = pc_blog_menu($link, $pc, $tag); if (!$pc["DEFAULTTOPIC"] && $tag == 0 && !$tid) { $tid = $blogMenus[0]["TID"]; } } else { $blogMenus = NULL; } pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"], "", "", $pc["BKIMG"]); ?> <a name="top"></a> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="0" class="t0" width="100%" class="tt1"> <tr> <td class="tt1"> <?php echo "<a href=\"/\" class=\"f1\">" . $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "</a> - <a href='index.html' class=\"f1\">Blog</a> - <a href=\"index.php?id=" . $pc["USER"] . "\" class=\"f1\">" . $pc["NAME"] . "</a>"; ?> </td> <td align="right" class="tt1"><?php echo pc_personal_domainname($pc["USER"]); ?> </td>
<?php /* ** recommend articles ** id:windinsn feb 28 , 2004 */ require "pcfuncs.php"; if ($loginok != 1) { html_nologin(); } pc_html_init("gb2312", "推荐日志"); if (!strcmp($currentuser["userid"], "guest")) { html_error_quit("guest 不能推荐文章!"); exit; } $nid = $_GET["nid"]; $nid = intval($nid); $link = pc_db_connect(); $query = "SELECT recommend , uid , theme FROM nodes WHERE access = 0 AND type = 0 AND nid = " . $nid . " LIMIT 0 , 1;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $node = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$node) { html_error_quit("对不起,您要推荐的文章不存在"); exit; } if ($node[recommend] != 0) { html_error_quit("对不起,该文已被推荐"); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['topic'])) { ?>
exit; } if (pc_file_num($link, $pc["UID"], $pid) + 1 > $pc["NLIM"]) { pc_html_init("gb2312", stripslashes($pc["NAME"])); html_error_quit("目标文件夹中的文件数已达上限 " . $pc["NLIM"] . " 个!"); exit; } if (intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"])) { if ($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"] == "favcut") { $query = "UPDATE nodes SET `pid` = '" . $pid . "' WHERE `nid` = '" . intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"]) . "';"; } elseif ($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVACTION"] == "favcopy") { $query = "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE `nid` = '" . intval($_COOKIE["BLOGFAVNID"]) . "' LIMIT 0 , 1 ;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); $query = "INSERT INTO `nodes` ( `nid` , `pid` , `type` , `source` , `hostname` , `changed` , `created` , `uid` , `comment` , `commentcount` , `subject` , `body` , `access` , `visitcount` , `tid` , `emote` ,`htmltag`) " . "VALUES ('', '" . $pid . "', '0', '" . addslashes($rows["source"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["hostname"]) . "', NOW( ) , '" . addslashes($rows["created"]) . "', '" . $pc["UID"] . "', '" . intval($rows["comment"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["commentcount"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["subject"]) . "', '" . addslashes($rows["body"]) . "', '3', '" . intval($rows["visitcount"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["tid"]) . "', '" . intval($rows["emote"]) . "','" . intval($rows["htmltag"]) . "');"; } mysql_query($query, $link); } setcookie("BLOGFAVACTION"); setcookie("BLOGFAVNID"); pc_html_init("gb2312", stripslashes($pc["NAME"])); pc_update_record($link, $pc["UID"]); $log_action = "CUT/COPY FAV"; pc_return("pcdoc.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&tag=3&pid=" . $pid); } if (pc_is_groupwork($pc)) { pc_group_logs($link, $pc, $log_action, $log_content); } html_normal_quit(); }
$nextMonth = get_next_month($yy, $mm); $nyy = $nextMonth[0]; $nmm = $nextMonth[1]; return array(number_format($yy * 10000000000 + $mm * 100000000 + 1000000, 0, "", ""), number_format(min(date("YmdHis"), $nyy * 10000000000 + $nmm * 100000000 + 1000000), 0, "", "")); } $userid = addslashes($_GET["userid"]); $archDate = pc_check_archdate($_GET["y"], $_GET["m"]); if (!$archDate) { pc_html_init("gb2312"); html_error_quit("对不起,档案日期错误!"); exit; } $link = pc_db_connect(); $pc = pc_load_infor($link, $userid); if (!$pc) { pc_html_init("gb2312"); pc_db_close($link); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } //if( pc_cache( $pc["MODIFY"] ) ) // return; Header("Content-type: file/html"); Header("Content-Disposition: inline;filename=" . $pc["USER"] . "_blog_" . substr($archDate[0], 0, 8) . "_" . substr($archDate[1], 0, 8) . ".html"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <!-- saved from url=<?php echo "http://" . $pcconfig["SITE"] . "/pc/pcarch.php?userid=" . $pc["USER"] . "&y=" . substr($archDate[0], 0, 4) . "&m=" . substr($archDate[0], 4, 2);
case 1: $query = "SELECT indexxsl,changed,hostname,stylesheet FROM userstyle WHERE uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " ;"; $title = "Blog首页样式表"; $key = "indexxsl"; break; case 2: $query = "SELECT nodexsl,changed,hostname,stylesheet FROM userstyle WHERE uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " ;"; $title = "Blog文章样式表"; $key = "nodexsl"; break; default: $query = "SELECT css,changed,hostname,stylesheet FROM userstyle WHERE uid = " . $pc["UID"] . " ;"; $title = "Blog CSS样式"; $key = "css"; } pc_html_init("gb2312", $title); $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); ?> <br /><br /> <p align="center"> [<a href="pcstyle.php?userid=<?php echo $pc["USER"]; ?> &type=1">首页样式表</a>] [<a href="pcstyle.php?userid=<?php echo $pc["USER"]; ?> &type=2">文章样式表</a>] [<a href="pcstyle.php?userid=<?php
html_error_quit("两次发文间隔过密,请休息几秒再试!"); break; case -7: html_error_quit("无法读取索引文件! 请通知站务人员, 谢谢! "); break; case -8: html_error_quit("本文不可回复!"); break; case -9: html_error_quit("系统内部错误, 请迅速通知站务人员, 谢谢!"); break; case -21: html_error_quit("您的积分不符合当前讨论区的设定, 暂时无法在当前讨论区发表文章..."); break; } pc_html_init("gb2312", "Blog申请"); ?> <table cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 align=center class=TableBorder1> <tr align=center><th width="100%">申请提交成功!</td> </tr><tr><td width="100%" class=TableBody1> 您的BLOG申请已经提交成功,管理员会在两天内处理您的申请。<br/><br/> 本页面将在3秒后自动切换自Blog论坛<meta HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT='3; URL=/bbsdoc.php?board=<?php echo $pcconfig["BOARD"]; ?> ' >,<b>您可以选择以下操作:</b><br><ul> <li><a href="/mainpage.php">返回首页</a></li> <li><a href="/pc/index.html">返回Blog首页</a></li> <li><a href="/bbsdoc.php?board=<?php echo $pcconfig["BOARD"]; ?> ">返回Blog论坛</a></li>
header("HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND"); html_init("gb2312", $pcconfig["BBSNAME"] . "Blog"); html_error_quit("对不起,您要查看的Blog不存在"); exit; } if ($pc["STYLE"]["SID"] == 9) { header("Location: indexxml.php?id=" . $pc["USER"]); } //自定义模板 $userPermission = pc_get_user_permission($currentuser, $pc); $sec = $userPermission["sec"]; $pur = $userPermission["pur"]; $tags = $userPermission["tags"]; $nodes = pc_load_nodes($link, $pc, $pur, $pno); $blogs = pc_blog_menu($link, $pc, 0); if (!($pur == 3 && !pc_is_groupwork($pc))) { //Blog所有者的访问不进行计数 windinsn dec 10,2003 pc_counter($link); } //if( pc_cache( $pc["MODIFY"] ) ) // return; pc_html_init("gb2312", $pc["NAME"], "", $pc["STYLE"]["CSSFILE"], $pc["BKIMG"]); $totalnodes = 0; get_calendar_array($link, $pc, $pur, $totalnodes); ?> <script src="bc.js"></script> <?php if (function_exists($pc["STYLE"]["INDEXFUNC"])) { $pc["STYLE"]["INDEXFUNC"]($link, $pc, $sec, $nodes, $blogs, $pur, $tags, $pno, $totalnodes); } pc_db_close($link);
{ $query = "SELECT * FROM trackback WHERE `nid` = '" . $nid . "' ;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $tbarr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { $tbarr[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($result); } mysql_free_result($result); return $tbarr; } $nid = (int) $_GET["nid"]; $uid = (int) $_GET["uid"]; $subject = html_format(base64_decode($_GET["subject"])); $link = pc_db_connect(); $tbarr = pc_get_trackback($link, $nid); pc_html_init("gb2312", $subject); ?> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border=0 width=100% class=t1> <tr> <td class=t2><font class=content>继续我们的讨论……</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=t8><font class=content> <strong>TrackBack Ping URL:</strong><br /> http://<?php echo $pcconfig["SITE"]; ?> /pc/tb.php?id=<?php echo $nid; ?> <br />