$dir = str_replace("://localhost", "://" . $hostname, $dir); // $dir = str_replace("%3A%2F%2Flocalhost", "://", $dir); $dir = str_replace("%3A%2F%2Flocalhost", "://" . $hostname, $dir); // in case, removing protocol of the path (inserted manually) to permit opening corresponding dir on the server $checkFileProtocol = substr($dir, 0, 7); if ($checkFileProtocol == "file://") { $dir = str_replace("file://", "", $dir); } $checkFileProtocol = substr($dir, 0, 13); if ($checkFileProtocol == "file%3A%2F%2F") { $dir = str_replace("file%3A%2F%2F", "", $dir); } global $dir3; $dir3 = $dir; // in case, controlling path (inserted manually) $dir = pathToUrl($dir, $general_url, $general_path); // in case, adding protocol $dir = addProtocol($dir, $general_url); // translating url to corresponding path $pathDir = urlToPath($dir, $general_path, $general_url); // manage working directory (inserted manually or by default) if ($dir == "") { $thisDirectoryPath = $REQUEST_URI; } else { $thisDirectoryPath = $pathDir; } // deleting double protocols $dir = str_replace("http" . $secureHttp . "://http" . $secureHttp . "://", "http" . $secureHttp . "://", $dir); $dir = str_replace("http" . $secureHttp . "%3A%2F%2Fhttp" . $secureHttp . "%3A%2F%2F", "http" . $secureHttp . "://", $dir); $dir = str_replace("http" . $secureHttp . "://file://", "", $dir); $dir = str_replace("http" . $secureHttp . "%3A%2F%2Ffile%3A%2F%2F", "", $dir);
function css($files, $inline = false) { // Register in header to prevent duplicates $registry = ClassRegistry::getObject('css'); if (is_array($files)) { $out = ''; foreach ($files as $i) { if (!isset($registry[$i])) { $out .= "\n\t" . $this->css($i, $inline); } } if ($out != '' && $inline) { echo $out . "\n"; } return; } ClassRegistry::setObject($files, 1, 'css'); // Create minify script url $no_ext = str_replace(array(MVC_ADMIN . _DS, '.css', _DS), array('', '', DS), $files); $ThemeFolder = false !== strpos($files, MVC_ADMIN) ? 'AdminTheme' : 'Theme'; $cssPath = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_css', $no_ext, '.css', $ThemeFolder); if ($cssPath) { $cssUrl = pathToUrl($cssPath); $rel = 'stylesheet'; $out = sprintf($this->tags['css'], $rel, $cssUrl, ''); cmsFramework::addScript($out, $inline); } }
function __construct(&$controller, $register = true) { if (is_object($controller)) { $count = count($this->__passedVars); for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) { if (isset($this->__passedVars[$j]) && isset($controller->{$this->__passedVars[$j]})) { $var = $this->__passedVars[$j]; $this->{$var} = $controller->{$var}; } } } // $inAdmin = $this->inAdmin = defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN') ? true : false; $theme = Configure::read('Theme.name', 'default'); if (!isset($this->viewImages)) { $this->viewImagesPath = S2Object::locateThemeFile('.info', 'path', '') . 'theme_images' . DS; $this->viewImages = pathToUrl($this->viewImagesPath); } parent::__construct(); /* if ($register) { ClassRegistry::addObject('view', $this); } */ }
function onDisplay($field, $showImage = true, $value = false, $return = false) { if (empty($field)) { return null; } $values = array(); $option = $value ? 'value' : 'text'; foreach ($field[$option] as $key => $text) { switch ($field['type']) { case 'date': $format = Sanitize::getString($field['properties'], 'date_format'); $text = $this->Time->nice($text, $format, 0); break; case 'integer': $text = Sanitize::getInt($field['properties'], 'curr_format') ? number_format($text) : $text; break; case 'decimal': $text = Sanitize::getInt($field['properties'], 'curr_format') ? number_format($text, 2, __l('DECIMAL_SEPARATOR', true), __l('THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR', true)) : round($text, 2); break; case 'email': break; case 'website': $text = S2ampReplace($text); break; case 'code': $text = stripslashes($text); break; case 'textarea': case 'text': if (!Sanitize::getBool($field['properties'], 'allow_html')) { $text = nl2br($text); } break; case 'selectmultiple': case 'checkboxes': case 'select': case 'radiobuttons': $imgSrc = ''; if ($showImage && isset($field['image'][$key]) && $field['image'][$key] != '') { if ($imgSrc = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_images', cmsFramework::language() . '.' . $field['image'][$key], '', true)) { $imgSrc = pathToUrl($imgSrc); } elseif ($imgSrc = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_images', $field['image'][$key], '', true)) { $imgSrc = pathToUrl($imgSrc); } if ($imgSrc != '') { $text = '<img src="' . $imgSrc . '" title="' . $text . '" alt="' . $text . '" border="0" />'; } } break; default: $text = stripslashes($text); break; } $values[] = $text; $this->output[] = $text; } if ($return) { return $values; } }
function sendSignupEmails($customer_model, $commande_model) { global $payment_method; // Email Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'] with new user signup $message = new YiiMailMessage(); $message->view = 'template'; $order_totals = Yii::app()->user->OrderTotals; // Pass the credit card info if needed if (isset($_POST['cc'])) { Yii::app()->user->setState('cc', $_POST['cc']); $cc_images = array(); foreach (array('cc_sideone', 'cc_sidetwo') as $cc_image) { // Save credit card images $cc_side = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName($cc_image); if ($cc_side != null) { $path = getUploadPath($cc_side); $cc_side->saveAs($path); // Massage the path names so they're clickable URLs $path = pathToUrl($path); $cc_images[$cc_image] = $path; } } $message->setBody(array('include' => 'new-signup.php', 'customer' => $customer_model, 'commande' => $commande_model, 'order_totals' => $order_totals, 'cc' => $_POST['cc'], 'cc_images' => $cc_images), 'text/html'); } else { $message->setBody(array('include' => 'new-signup.php', 'customer' => $customer_model, 'commande' => $commande_model, 'order_totals' => $order_totals), 'text/html'); } // TODO: VERY IMPORTANT TO REMOVE THIS BCC ONCE YOU HIT PRODUCTION! $message->addTo(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail']); $message->addFrom(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail']); $message->setSubject("New User Signup"); Yii::app()->mail->send($message); // Email user welcome message $message = new YiiMailMessage(); $message->view = 'template'; //userModel is passed to the view $message->setBody(array('include' => 'welcome.php', 'customer' => $customer_model, 'payment_method' => $payment_method), 'text/html'); $message->addTo($customer_model->bilemail); $message->addFrom(Yii::app()->params['adminEmail']); $message->setSubject("Welcome to Mailnetwork!"); Yii::app()->mail->send($message); }
function listingManager($listing) { $canEdit = $this->Access->canEditListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']); $canPublish = $this->Access->canPublishListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']); $canDelete = $this->Access->canDeleteListing($listing['Listing']['user_id']); $isManager = $this->Access->isManager(); $listing_id = $listing['Listing']['listing_id']; $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($listing_id); $canOrder = false; if ($this->Paid && $this->Paid->canOrder($listing)) { $canOrder = $this->PaidRoutes->getPaymentLink($listing, array('lazy_load' => true)); } if ($canEdit || $canPublish || $canDelete || $isManager || $canOrder) { ?> <span class="jrManagement jrButton"><?php __t("Manage"); ?> <span class="jrArrowBottom"></span> <?php if ($canOrder) { // Load assets for paid listings onclick ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function jr_paidLoadScript(afterLoad) { if(jQuery('body').data('jrOrderAssets') == true) { if(undefined!=afterLoad) afterLoad(); } else { jQuery.getScript('<?php echo $this->locateScript('paidlistings'); ?> ',function(){ jQuery.getCSS("<?php echo pathToUrl($this->locateThemeFile('theme_css', 'paidlistings', '.css')); ?> ",function() { jQuery('body').data('jrOrderAssets',true); if(afterLoad!=undefined) afterLoad(); }); }); } }; /* ]]> */ </script> <?php } ?> <div id="jr_listing_manager<?php echo $listing_id; ?> " class="jrManager"> <ul class="jrManagementLinks"> <?php if ($canOrder) { ?> <li> <?php echo $canOrder; ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($canEdit) { ?> <li> <span class="jrIcon jrIconEdit"></span> <?php echo $this->Routes->listingEdit(__t("Edit", true), $listing, array('class' => 'jr_edit')); ?> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($canPublish) { ?> <li> <span class="jrIcon <?php echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled'; ?> "></span> <a href="#publish" id="jr_publishLink<?php echo $listing_id; ?> " class="<?php echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished'; ?> " onclick="jreviews.listing.publish(this,{'token':'<?php echo $formToken; ?> ','listing_id':<?php echo $listing_id; ?> ,'unpublished':'<?php __t("Unpublished", false, true); ?> ','published':'<?php __t("Published", false, true); ?> '});return false;"><?php echo $listing['Listing']['state'] ? __t("Published", true) : __t("Unpublished", true); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($isManager) { ?> <li> <span class="jrIcon <?php echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled'; ?> "></span> <a href="#feature" id="jr_featuredLink<?php echo $listing_id; ?> " class="<?php echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished'; ?> " onclick="jreviews.listing.feature(this,{'token':'<?php echo $formToken; ?> ','listing_id':<?php echo $listing_id; ?> ,'state':<?php echo (int) $listing['Listing']['featured']; ?> ,'unpublished':'<?php __t("Not featured", false, true); ?> ','published':'<?php __t("Featured", false, true); ?> '});return false;"><?php echo $listing['Listing']['featured'] == 1 ? __t("Featured", true) : __t("Not featured", true); ?> </a> </li> <li> <span class="jrIcon <?php echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] ? 'jrIconYes' : 'jrIconDisabled'; ?> "></span> <a href="#frontpage" id="jr_frontpageLink<?php echo $listing_id; ?> " class="<?php echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] ? 'jr_published' : 'jr_unpublished'; ?> " onclick="jreviews.listing.frontpage(this,{'token':'<?php echo $formToken; ?> ','listing_id':<?php echo $listing_id; ?> ,'unpublished':'<?php __t("Not frontpaged", false, true); ?> ','published':'<?php __t("Frontpaged", false, true); ?> '});return false;"><?php echo $listing['Listing']['frontpage'] > 0 ? __t("Frontpaged", true) : __t("Not frontpaged", true); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($canDelete) { ?> <li> <a href="#delete" id="jr_deleteLink<?php echo $listing_id; ?> " class="jr_delete" onclick="jreviews.listing.remove(this,{'token':'<?php echo $formToken; ?> ','title':'<?php __t("Delete", false, true); ?> ','listing_id':<?php echo $listing['Listing']['listing_id']; ?> ,'text':'<?php __t("Are you sure you want to delete this listing?", false, true); ?> '});return false;"> <span class="jrIcon jrIconDelete"></span> <?php __t("Delete"); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </span> <?php } }
/** * Creates a thumbnail if it doesn't already exist and returns an array with full paths to original image and thumbnail * returns false if thumbnail cannot be created */ function makeThumb($listing_id, $image, $cat_image, $attributes = array()) { $imageName = ''; $this->catImage = false; $this->noImage = false; $tn_mode = Sanitize::getString($attributes, 'tn_mode', 'scale'); $location = Sanitize::getString($attributes, 'location', '_'); if ($location != '_') { $location = '_' . $location . '_'; } $dimensions = Sanitize::getVar($attributes, 'dimensions', array()); if (empty($dimensions)) { $dimensions = array($this->Config->list_image_resize); } if (isset($image['path']) && $image['path'] != '') { if (isset($image['skipthumb']) && $image['skipthumb'] === true) { return array('image' => $image['path'], 'thumbnail' => $image['path']); } $temp = explode('/', $image['path']); $imageName = $temp[count($temp) - 1]; $length = strlen($listing_id); if (substr($imageName, 0, $length + 1) == $listing_id . '_') { // Uploaded image already has entry id prepended so we remove it and put it before the content suffix $imageName = substr($imageName, $length + 1); } $thumbnail = "tn_" . $listing_id . $location . $imageName; $output = array('image' => $this->www . $image['path'], 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . $thumbnail); $image_path = trim(isset($image['basepath']) && $image['basepath'] ? $image['path'] : $this->path . $image['path']); // If in administration, then can't use relative path because it will include /administrator defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN') and strpos($image_path, PATH_ROOT) === false and $image_path = PATH_ROOT . str_replace(_DS, DS, $image_path); if ($imageName != '' && file_exists($image_path)) { $this->image_size = getimagesize($image_path); if (file_exists($this->path_tn . $thumbnail)) { // Thumbnail exists, so we check if current size is correct $thumbnailSize = getimagesize($this->path_tn . $thumbnail); // Checks the thumbnail width to see if it needs to be resized if ($thumbnailSize[0] == $dimensions[0] || $thumbnailSize[0] != $dimensions[0] && $this->image_size[0] < $dimensions[0] || $tn_mode == 'crop' && $thumbnailSize[0] == $thumbnailSize[1] && $thumbnailSize[0] == $dimensions[0]) { // No resizing is necessary $output['width'] = $thumbnailSize[0]; $output['height'] = $thumbnailSize[1]; return $output; } } // Create the thumbnail if ($newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($image_path, $this->path_tn . $thumbnail, $dimensions)) { $output = array_merge($output, $newDimensions); return $output; } } } if ($this->Config->list_category_image && $cat_image != '') { $this->image_size = getimagesize($this->path . $cat_image); if ($this->image_size[0] == min($this->image_size[0], trim(intval($dimensions[0])))) { // Image is smaller (narrower) than thumb so no thumbnailing is done return array('width' => $this->image_size[0], 'height' => $this->image_size[1], 'image' => $this->www . $cat_image, 'thumbnail' => $this->www . $cat_image); } // Create category thumb $cat_tn = basename($cat_image); if ($newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($this->path . $cat_image, $this->path_tn . 'tn' . $location . $cat_tn, $dimensions)) { $this->catImage = true; return array('width' => $newDimensions['width'], 'height' => $newDimensions['height'], 'image' => $this->www . $cat_image, 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . 'tn' . $location . $cat_tn); } } // Create NoImage thumb $this->viewSuffix = ''; $noImagePath = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_images', $this->Config->list_noimage_filename, ''); if ($noImagePath && $this->Config->list_noimage_image && $this->Config->list_noimage_filename != '') { $noImageWww = pathToUrl($noImagePath); $noImageThumbnailPath = $this->path_tn . 'tn' . $location . $this->Config->list_noimage_filename; $thumbExists = file_exists($noImageThumbnailPath); if ($thumbExists) { $noImageSize = getimagesize($noImageThumbnailPath); if ($this->image_size[0] == min($noImageSize[0], trim(intval($dimensions[0])))) { // Image is smaller (narrower) than thumb so no thumbnailing is done return array('width' => $noImageSize[0], 'height' => $noImageSize[1], 'image' => $noImageWww, 'thumbnail' => $noImageWww); } if ($noImageSize[0] != $dimensions[0]) { $newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($noImagePath, $noImageThumbnailPath, $dimensions); } else { $newDimensions = array('width' => $noImageSize[0], 'height' => $noImageSize[1]); } } else { $newDimensions = $this->{$tn_mode}($noImagePath, $noImageThumbnailPath, $dimensions); } $this->noImage = true; return array('width' => $newDimensions['width'], 'height' => $newDimensions['height'], 'image' => $noImageWww, 'thumbnail' => $this->www_tn . 'tn' . $location . $this->Config->list_noimage_filename); } return false; }
<?php if (!isset($cc_images['cc_sidetwo']) && !isset($cc_images['cc_sidetwo'])) { ?> <p><strong>*This customer did not upload scans of their Credit Card*</strong></p> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php $arr_uploads = array('dest_idpicture11', 'dest_idpicture12', 'dest_idpsform1', 'dest_idpicture21', 'dest_idpicture22', 'dest_idpsform2', 'dest_idpicture31', 'dest_idpicture32', 'dest_idpsform3'); ?> <?php foreach ($arr_uploads as $doc) { if ($commande->{$doc} != null && $commande->{$doc} != "") { ?> <a href="<?php echo pathToUrl($commande->{$doc}); ?> "><?php echo $doc; ?> </a><br /> <?php } }
function css($files, $inline = false) { /** * BYPASSES THE CSS METHOD IN FAVOR OF CCSS (cached) */ if (Configure::read('Cache.assets_css') && !defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN') && !$inline) { $this->ccss($files); return; } // Register in header to prevent duplicates $headCheck = RegisterClass::getInstance('HeadTracking'); if (is_array($files)) { $out = ''; foreach ($files as $i) { // Check if already in header if (!$headCheck->check($i, 'css')) { $out .= "\n\t" . $this->css($i, $inline); } } if ($out != '' && $inline) { return $out . "\n"; } return; } // Create minify script url $no_ext = str_replace(array(MVC_ADMIN . _DS, '.css', _DS), array('', '', DS), $files); $ThemeFolder = false !== strpos($files, MVC_ADMIN) ? 'AdminTheme' : 'Theme'; $cssPath = $this->locateThemeFile('theme_css', $no_ext, '.css', $ThemeFolder); $cssUrl = pathToUrl($cssPath); $headCheck->register($files, 'css'); $rel = 'stylesheet'; $out = sprintf($this->tags['css'], $rel, $cssUrl, ''); cmsFramework::addScript($out, $inline); }