Exemple #1

include 'getuidcookie.php';
include 'nocache.php';
require 'mystdfunc.php';
$gamedata = parseattributefile($uid . ".game");

echo $gamedata['gamename'];
<body bgcolor=#444488 text=#ccccee link=#eeccff vlink=#cc88ff alink=#ffaaff>
<applet code="gamegen.SimpleGeneratedGame" width="640" height="480"
archive="jgame-gamegen.jar" >
<param name="configfile" value=
echo $uid . ".appconfig";
echo $gamedata['gamename'];

Controls: cursor keys=move,<br>
W,S,A,D=shoot in specific direction,<br>
Z=shoot in case direction is not applicable.
Exemple #2
function getpicurl($albumname, $picname)
    //$picname may be either basename or with suffix .<a>
    //returns url including given suffix
    list($picbase, $picext) = explode(".", $picname);
    $picattrs = parseattributefile("{$albumname}/{$picbase}.picinfo");
    if (isset($picattrs['basedir'])) {
        return $picattrs['basedir'] . $picname;
    } else {
        return $albumname . "/" . $picname;