if (!isset($_FILES["file"])) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_missing_form_data']); } $f = $_FILES["file"]; $fname = unesc($f["name"]); if (empty($fname)) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_empty_filename']); } if (get_user_class() >= $beanonymous_class && $_POST['uplver'] == 'yes') { $anonymous = "yes"; $anon = "Anonymous"; } else { $anonymous = "no"; $anon = $CURUSER["username"]; } $url = parse_imdb_id($_POST['url']); $douban_url = $_POST['douban_url']; if (substr($douban_url, -1) != "/") { $douban_url = $douban_url . "/"; } $nfo = ''; if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes') { $nfofile = $_FILES['nfo']; if ($nfofile['name'] != '') { if ($nfofile['size'] == 0) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_zero_byte_nfo']); } if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_nfo_too_big']); } $nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name'];
$movie = new imdb($thenumbers); $movieid = $thenumbers; $movie->setid($movieid); $target = array('Title', 'Credits', 'Plot'); $type == 2 ? $movie->purge_single(true) : ""; set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp"); $movie->preparecache($target, true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name'); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true); header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id)); } break; case 2: $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($row["url"]); if ($imdb_id) { $dbdata = new douban(); $dbdata->setid($imdb_id); set_cachetimestamp($id, "cache_stamp"); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_movie_name'); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_large', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_median', true); $Cache->delete_value('imdb_id_' . $thenumbers . '_minor', true); header("Location: " . get_protocol_prefix() . "{$BASEURL}/details.php?id=" . htmlspecialchars($id)); } break; case 3: $douban_id = parse_douban_id($row["dburl"]); if ($douban_id) { $dbdata = new douban();
if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && ($showmovies['hot'] == "yes" || $showmovies['classic'] == "yes")) { $type = array('hot', 'classic'); foreach ($type as $type_each) { if ($showmovies[$type_each] == 'yes' && (!isset($CURUSER) || $CURUSER['show' . $type_each] == 'yes')) { $Cache->new_page($type_each . '_resources', 900, true); if (!$Cache->get_page()) { $Cache->add_whole_row(); $imdbcfg = new imdb_config(); $res = sql_query("SELECT * FROM torrents WHERE picktype = " . sqlesc($type_each) . " AND seeders > 0 AND url != '' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 30") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { $movies_list = ""; $count = 0; $allImdb = array(); while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $pro_torrent = get_torrent_promotion_append($array[sp_state], 'word'); if ($imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($array["url"])) { if (array_search($imdb_id, $allImdb) !== false) { //a torrent with the same IMDb url already exists continue; } $allImdb[] = $imdb_id; $photo_url = $imdbcfg->photodir . $imdb_id . $imdbcfg->imageext; if (file_exists($photo_url)) { $thumbnail = "<img width=\"101\" height=\"140\" src=\"" . $photo_url . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"poster\" />"; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } $thumbnail = "<a href=\"details.php?id=" . $array['id'] . "&hit=1\" onmouseover=\"domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', '" . htmlspecialchars("<font class=\\'big\\'><b>" . addslashes($array['name'] . $pro_torrent) . "</b></font><br /><font class=\\'medium\\'>" . addslashes($array['small_descr']) . "</font>") . "', 'trail', true, 'delay', 0,'lifetime',5000,'styleClass','niceTitle','maxWidth', 600);\">" . $thumbnail . "</a>";
function get_torrent_extinfo_identifier($torrentid) { $torrentid = 0 + $torrentid; $result = array('imdb_id'); unset($result); if ($torrentid) { $res = sql_query("SELECT url FROM torrents WHERE id=" . $torrentid) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($arr["url"]); $result['imdb_id'] = $imdb_id; } } return $result; }
$wherebase = $wherea; if (isset($searchstr)) { if (!$_GET['notnewword']) { insert_suggest($searchstr, $CURUSER['id']); $notnewword = ""; } else { $notnewword = "notnewword=1&"; } $search_mode = 0 + $_GET["search_mode"]; if (!in_array($search_mode, array(0, 1, 2))) { $search_mode = 0; write_log("User " . $CURUSER["username"] . "," . $CURUSER["ip"] . " is hacking search_mode field in" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'mod'); } $search_area = 0 + $_GET["search_area"]; if ($search_area == 4) { $searchstr = (int) parse_imdb_id($searchstr); } $like_expression_array = array(); unset($like_expression_array); switch ($search_mode) { case 0: // AND, OR // AND, OR case 1: $searchstr = str_replace(".", " ", $searchstr); $searchstr_exploded = explode(" ", $searchstr); $searchstr_exploded_count = 0; foreach ($searchstr_exploded as $searchstr_element) { $searchstr_element = trim($searchstr_element); // furthur trim to ensure that multi space seperated words still work $searchstr_exploded_count++;
} $searchstr_exploded = explode(" ", $searchstr); $searchstr_exploded_count = 0; foreach ($searchstr_exploded as $searchstr_element) { $searchstr_element = trim($searchstr_element); // furthur trim to ensure that multi space seperated words still work if (!$searchstr_element) { continue; } if ($searchstr_exploded_count >= 10) { // 每次最多查询10个关键字 break; } $searchstr_exploded_count++; if ($search_area == 4) { $searchstr_element = (int) parse_imdb_id($searchstr_element); $like_expression_array[] = " = " . ($searchstr_element ? $searchstr_element : "'-1'"); } else { $like_expression_array[] = (substr($searchstr_element, 0, 1) == '!' ? " NOT" : "") . " LIKE '%" . (substr($searchstr_element, 0, 1) == '!' ? substr($searchstr_element, 1, strlen($searchstr_element)) : $searchstr_element) . "%'"; } } if (!$like_expression_array) { $like_expression_array[] = " LIKE '%'"; } break; case 2: $like_expression_array[] = " LIKE '%" . $searchstr . "%'"; break; /*case 3 : // parsed { $like_expression_array[] = $searchstr;
bark($lang_takeupload['std_missing_form_data']); } $f = $_FILES["file"]; $fname = unesc($f["name"]); if (empty($fname)) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_empty_filename']); } if (get_user_class() >= $beanonymous_class && $_POST['uplver'] == 'yes') { $anonymous = "yes"; $anon = "Anonymous"; } else { $anonymous = "no"; $anon = $CURUSER["username"]; } $url = parse_imdb_id($_POST['url']); $dburl = parse_imdb_id($_POST['dburl']); $nfo = ''; if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes') { $nfofile = $_FILES['nfo']; if ($nfofile['name'] != '') { if ($nfofile['size'] == 0) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_zero_byte_nfo']); } if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_nfo_too_big']); } $nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name']; if (@(!is_uploaded_file($nfofilename))) { bark($lang_takeupload['std_nfo_upload_failed']); } $nfo = str_replace("\r\r\n", "\r\n", @file_get_contents($nfofilename));
<?php require "include/bittorrent.php"; require_once "imdb/imdb.class.php"; dbconn(); //Send some headers to keep the user's browser from caching the response. header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); $imdblink = $_GET['url']; $mode = $_GET['type']; $cache_stamp = $_GET['cache']; $imdb_id = parse_imdb_id($imdblink); $Cache->new_page('imdb_id_' . $imdb_id . '_' . $mode, 1296000, true); if (!$Cache->get_page()) { $infoblock = getimdb($imdb_id, $cache_stamp, $mode); if ($infoblock) { $Cache->add_whole_row(); print $infoblock; $Cache->end_whole_row(); $Cache->cache_page(); echo $Cache->next_row(); } } else { echo $Cache->next_row(); }