$MEMBER_ROWS = '<tr bgcolor="' . $style['CellA'] . '"> <td align="center" class="stdfont" colspan="8">Keine User gefunden!</td> </tr>'; $pages = 1; $pagesstring = ">1<"; } else { while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($r_user)) { $i % 2 == 0 ? $user['bgcolor'] = $style['CellA'] : ($user['bgcolor'] = $style['CellB']); $user['userjoin'] = form_date($user['userjoin']); $user['userlastpost'] = form_date($user['userlastpost']); $user['userlocation'] = chopstring(parse_code($user['userlocation']), 50); if ($user['userhomepage'] == "http://") { $user['userhomepage'] = ''; } $user['userhomepage'] = parse_code($user['userhomepage']); $user['username'] = parse_code($user['username']); if ($config['showpostslevel'] != 2) { if (!$g_user['userisadmin']) { $user['userposts'] = 'n/a'; } } $user['useremail'] = get_email($user, true); if ($user['userhomepage']) { $user['userhomepage'] = '<a href="' . str_replace('"', '', $user['userhomepage']) . '" target="_blank">' . chopstring($user['userhomepage'], 35) . "</a>"; } else { $user['userhomepage'] = " "; } if (!$user['usericq']) { $user['usericq'] = " "; } if (!$user['userlocation']) {
$thread['threadid'] = $thread['threadlink']; $thread['threadreplies'] = '-'; $thread['threadviews'] = '-'; $thread['threadtime'] = 0; $thread['threadlastreplyby'] = 'N/A'; } elseif ($thread['threadtop']) { $prepend = 'Fest: '; } else { $prepend = ''; } if ($thread['threadtime'] > $lastvisited && $lastvisited != 0) { $imagepath = 'templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/images/icon/' . $topicicon[$thread['threadiconid']] . '_new.png'; } else { $imagepath = 'templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/images/icon/' . $topicicon[$thread['threadiconid']] . '.png'; } $thread['threadtopic'] = parse_code($thread['threadtopic']); $thread['threadtime'] = form_date($thread['threadtime']); /* if ( substr_count( $g_user['usermarkedthreads'], ';' . $thread['threadid'] . ';' ) != 0 ) { $thread['threadtopic'] = '<B>' . $thread['threadtopic'] . $style['smallfont'] .' *markiert* ' . $style['smallfontend'] . '</b>'; }*/ $npages = ceil(($thread['threadreplies'] + 1) / $config['vars_m_amount']); $pages = ''; if ($npages > 1) { for ($j = 0; $j < $npages; $j++) { $pages .= '<a href="' . build_link('showtopic.php?threadid=' . $thread['threadid'] . '&pagenum=' . ($j + 1) . $TIME_STRING) . '">' . ($j + 1) . '</a> '; if ($j == 2 && $npages > 6) { $pages .= '... '; $j = $npages - 4; } }
foreach ($context as $k => $v) { foreach ($NAMES as $mk => $mv) { if (in_array($v, $mv)) { $filelist .= "{$v}={$mk}.{$v}.html\n"; } } } $main_classes = implode(",", array_keys($NAMES)); /* Librerías */ //$docs=array("Lib/lib_list.php","Lib/lib_planty.php"); $docs = ls("Lib"); $NAMES = array(array()); $METHODS = array(); foreach ($docs as $k => $file) { echo "Parseando {$file}\n....."; parse_code($file); } echo "<pre>"; print_r($NAMES); echo "</pre>"; $NAMES = array_slice($NAMES, 1); foreach (array_keys($NAMES) as $k => $v) { $out = fopen($SYS["DOCROOT"] . "Doc/{$v}-index.html", "wt"); $mdata = ' <html> <head> <title>Documentacion CoreG2. Grupo ' . $v . '</title> </head> <style> body {font-family:verdana,sans,serif; font-size:10px;} .mini {font-size:8px;}
if (defined('ENABLE_VOTING')) { if ($post['userrating'] != 0) { $post['userrating'] = sprintf("%.1f", $post['userrating'] / 10); } else { $post['userrating'] = "-"; } } else { $post['userrating'] = ""; } if (isset($highlight)) { $post['posttext'] = highlight_words($post['posttext'], $a_highword); } // show a signature? if ($post['usersignature']) { if (isset($g_user['userhidesig']) && $g_user['userhidesig'] != 1) { $post['posttext'] .= "<br/>--<br/>" . parse_code($post['usersignature'], 1, $config['imageslevel'] ? 0 : 1, 1, $config['smilies']); } } if ($post['postlastedittime']) { $post['posteditnotes'] = "<hr size=\"1\">{$style['smallfont']}Dieser Post wurde am " . date("d.m.Y", $post['postlastedittime'] + $config['timeoffset'] * 3600) . " um " . date("H:i", $post['postlastedittime'] + $config['timeoffset'] * 3600) . " Uhr von {$post['postlasteditby']} editiert.{$style['smallfontend']}"; } else { $post['posteditnotes'] = ""; } if (!--$count) { $lastpost = '<a name="bottom"></a>'; } eval($Tpostingrow->GetTemplate("POSTINGROWS")); $i++; } // max. number of pages visible at a time / 2 ([1] [2] ... define('PADDING', 3);
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ============================================== */ define('THWB_NOSESSION_PAGE', true); function format_db_date($string_date) { if ($string_date == '') { $output = "<B>Error :</B> Bad Time String !"; } else { $output = substr($string_date, 8, 2) . "." . substr($string_date, 5, 2) . "." . substr($string_date, 0, 4); } return $output; } include "./inc/header.inc.php"; $Tshowevent = new Template("templates/" . $style['styletemplate'] . "/showevent.html"); if (!isset($event['eventtime']) || !isset($event['eventsubject']) || !isset($event['eventtext'])) { die("denied."); } // Searching Event $r_calendar = mysql_query("SELECT calendar.*, user.username FROM " . $pref . "calendar AS calendar LEFT JOIN " . $pref . "user AS user ON calendar.userid=user.userid WHERE eventid = '" . addslashes($event) . "'"); $calendar = mysql_fetch_array($r_calendar); if ($calendar['userid'] > 0) { $calendar['user'] = "******"" . build_link("v_profile.php?user[userid]={$calendar['userid']}") . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . parse_code($calendar['username']) . "</a>{$style['smallfontend']}"; } $calendar['eventtime'] = format_db_date($calendar['eventtime']); $calendar['eventsubject'] = parse_code($calendar['eventsubject']); $calendar['eventtext'] = parse_code($calendar['eventtext'], 1, 1, 1); eval($Tshowevent->GetTemplate());
if (U_ID != 0 && $config['report'] == 1) { $options .= ($options == '' ? '' : ' || ') . '<a href="report.php?boardid=' . $boardid . '&threadid=' . $threadid . '&postid=' . $post['post_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '">' . ($style['reportimage'] != '' ? '<img src="' . $style['reportimage'] . '" border="0" />' : 'Melden') . '</a> '; } // TEMPLATE $row = $TPostrow; $row = str_replace('[anker]', $anker, $row); $row = str_replace('[post_num]', $post_num_string, $row); $row = str_replace('[post_time]', datum($post['post_time']), $row); $row = str_replace('[user_name]', $user_name, $row); $row = str_replace('[user_title]', $user_title, $row); $row = str_replace('[avatar]', $avatar, $row); $row = str_replace('[stat]', $statik, $row); $row = str_replace('[join_time]', $join, $row); $row = str_replace('[threadautor]', $threadautor, $row); $row = str_replace('[ip]', $ip, $row); $row = str_replace('[post]', parse_code($post['post_text'], 1, 1, $post['bcode'], $smilies), $row); $row = str_replace('[signatur]', $signatur, $row); $row = str_replace('[editline]', $editline, $row); $row = str_replace('[new]', '<img src="' . $icon . '" border="0" align="left" />', $row); $row = str_replace('[options]', $options, $row); $row = str_replace('[more_options]', $more, $row); $posts .= $row; } // statik ------------ if ($config['ministat'] == 1) { foreach ($mini_user as $key => $value) { if ($config['mini_global'] == 1) { $posts = str_replace('[mini_global' . $value . ']', createStat('Global', $a_global['posts'], $a_global['posts_del'], $mini_stats[$key], P_IP), $posts); } if ($config['mini_thread'] == 1) { $r_this_user = db_query("SELECT\n\t\t\t\t count(post_id)\n\t\t\t\t FROM " . $pref . "post WHERE thread_id='{$threadid}' AND user_id='{$value}'");
$pm['username'] = parse_code($pm['username']); eval($Tpmrow->GetTemplate("PMROWS_INBOX")); $inbox_mails++; $i_in++; } else { // Writing Outbox $i_out % 2 == 0 ? $cellbg = $style['CellA'] : ($cellbg = $style['CellB']); $pm['pmtopic'] = parse_code($pm['pmtopic']); $pm['pmtime'] = form_date($pm['pmtime']); if ($pm['pmflags'] == 1) { $pm['pmflags'] = "*new*"; $outbox_mails_new++; } else { $pm['pmflags'] = " "; } $pm['username'] = parse_code($pm['username']); eval($Tpmrow->GetTemplate("PMROWS_OUTBOX")); $outbox_mails++; $i_out++; } } if ($inbox_mails == 0) { eval($Tpmnomsg->GetTemplate("PMROWS_INBOX")); } if ($outbox_mails == 0) { eval($Tpmnomsg->GetTemplate("PMROWS_OUTBOX")); } $full_box = $inbox_mails + $outbox_mails; $diskquota = round($full_box / $config['max_privmsg'] * 100); if ($inbox_mails_new == 0) { $msg_new_msgs['inbox'] = ", davon keine ungelesen";
} $calendar = '<tr>'; for ($i = 1; $i <= $boxcount; $i++) { $userbday = ''; $events = ''; if ($i < $firstday || $i >= $lastday + $firstday) { eval($Tcalrow_empty->GetTemplate('calendar')); } else { $thisday = $i + 1 - $firstday; if (isset($a_birthdays[$thisday - 1])) { $userbday = implode($a_birthdays[$thisday - 1], ',<br>'); $userbday .= '<br>'; } if (isset($a_events[$thisday - 1])) { foreach ($a_events[$thisday - 1] as $event) { $events .= "[ <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"window.open('" . build_link("showevent.php?event={$event['eventid']}") . "','show_event','width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,statusbar=no')\">" . parse_code($event['eventsubject']) . "</a> ]<br>"; } } if (!strcmp(date("d.m.Y"), sprintf('%02d.%02d.%04d', $thisday, $month, $year))) { $style['specialfont'] = "<font color=\"{$style['color_err']}\"><i>"; $style['specialfontend'] = "</i></font>"; } else { $style['specialfont'] = ""; $style['specialfontend'] = ""; } eval($Tcalrow->GetTemplate('calendar')); } if ($i % 7 == 0) { $calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr>"; } }
guests: anzahl der gaeste/invisibles useronline: html code das in das template kommt */ $onlinecount = 0; $guests = 0; $a_doubleuser = array(); $registered = array(); while ($online = mysql_fetch_array($r_online)) { if ($online['username']) { if (!in_array($online['userid'], $a_doubleuser)) { $a_doubleuser[] = $online['userid']; $onlinecount++; if ($online['userinvisible'] && !$P->has_permission(P_CANSEEINVIS)) { $guests++; } else { $registered[] = '<a href="' . build_link('v_profile.php?user[userid]=' . $online['userid']) . '">' . parse_code($online['username']) . '</a>' . ($online['userinvisible'] ? ' (Unsichtbar)' : ''); } } } else { $onlinecount++; $guests++; } } $maxusers = explode('|', $config['max_useronline']); if ($onlinecount > $maxusers[0]) { thwb_query("UPDATE {$pref}" . "registry SET keyvalue='" . $onlinecount . '|' . time() . "' WHERE keyname='max_useronline'"); $maxusers[0] = $onlinecount; $maxusers[1] = time(); } $useronline = 'Online Rekord: <b>' . $maxusers[0] . '</b> Benutzer, und zwar am ' . form_date($maxusers[1], 0) . '.<br>'; if ($onlinecount == 1) {
============================================== (c) 2003 by Mario Pischel <*****@*****.**> download the latest version: https://developer.berlios.de/projects/thwc/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ============================================== */ include 'inc/header.inc.php'; include 'inc/bcode.inc.php'; // global Template $TEvent = Get_Template('templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/event.html'); $r_event = db_query("SELECT\n caltime,\n\t caltopic,\n\t calautor,\n\t caltext\n FROM " . $pref . "calendar WHERE calid='{$event}'"); if (db_rows($r_event) == 1) { $event = db_result($r_event); $data['datum'] = date("d.m.Y (H:i\\U\\h\\r)", $event['caltime']); $data['event'] = parse_code($event['caltopic'], 1, 0, 0, $config['eventcode']); $data['text'] = parse_code($event['caltext'], 1, 0, $config['eventcode'], $config['eventcode']); $data['autor'] = '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'calautor'] . '" target="_blank">' . $event['calautor'] . '</a>'; } else { echo 'Fehler! Kein Event mit dieser ID gefunden.'; } echo Output(Template($TEvent));
$post['postid'] = intval($post['postid']); $r_post = thwb_query("SELECT postid, threadid FROM " . $pref . "post WHERE postid='{$post['postid']}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($r_post) < 1) { message("Fehler", "Post existiert nicht"); } $post = mysql_fetch_array($r_post); $thread['threadid'] = $post['threadid']; } if (isset($thread['threadid'])) { $thread['threadid'] = intval($thread['threadid']); $r_thread = thwb_query("SELECT threadid, boardid, threadtopic, threadreplies, threadlink, threadclosed\n FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE threadid='{$thread['threadid']}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($r_thread) < 1) { message("Fehler", "Thread existiert nicht"); } $thread = mysql_fetch_array($r_thread); $navigation[] = "<a class=\"bglink\" href=\"" . build_link("showtopic.php?threadid={$thread['threadid']}" . (!empty($time) ? "&time={$time}" : "")) . "\">" . parse_code($thread['threadtopic']) . "</a>"; $board['boardid'] = $thread['boardid']; } if (isset($board['boardid'])) { $board['boardid'] = intval($board['boardid']); $r_board = thwb_query("SELECT boardid, boardname, styleid, boardthreads, boarddisabled FROM " . $pref . "board WHERE boardid={$board['boardid']}"); if (mysql_num_rows($r_board) < 1) { message("Fehler", "Board existiert nicht"); } $board = mysql_fetch_array($r_board); $navigation[] = "<a class=\"bglink\" href=\"" . build_link("board.php?boardid={$board['boardid']}" . (!empty($time) ? "&time={$time}" : "")) . "\">{$board['boardname']}</a>"; } $rsslink = '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="thwbnews.php?type=rss&lastchanged=1' . (isset($board['boardid']) ? '&limit=' . $board['boardid'] : '') . '">'; /* ################################################################################ get style
} if ($g_user['userid'] == 0 && !$P->has_permission(P_REPLY)) { $navpath .= "Neue Antwort"; message('Fehler', 'Sie müssen registriert sein, um Beiträge erstellen zu können'); } requires_permission(P_REPLY); $msg = ''; if (time() - $config['postdelay'] < (!empty($g_user['userlastpost']) ? $g_user['userlastpost'] : 0) && !$P->has_permission(P_NOFLOODPROT)) { $navpath .= "Neue Antwort"; message("Fehler", "Sie können nur alle {$config['postdelay']} Sekunden einen neuen Post erstellen."); } // ANTI Guest Spamm if ($g_user['userid'] == 0 && $P->has_permission(P_REPLY)) { prevent_guestspam(); } $testlen = strlen(preg_replace("/(\\s+|( )+)/", '', strip_tags(parse_code(preparse_code($post['posttext']), 1, $config['imageslevel'] ? 0 : 1, $post['postcode'], $post['postsmilies'])))); if ($testlen < $config['message_minlength']) { $msg .= "Der Text ist zu kurz<br>"; } if ($testlen > $config['message_maxlength']) { $msg .= "Der Text ist zu lang<br>"; } // andere error messages löschen, nur diese if ($thread['threadclosed'] == 1) { $msg = "Dieser Thread ist leider geschlossen, es können keine weiteren Antworten erstellt werden."; } if (isset($msg) && strlen($msg) > 0) { $navpath .= "Neue Antwort"; message("Fehler", "Es sind leider folgende Fehler aufgetreten:<br><br><font color='{$style['color_err']}'>{$msg}</font>"); } $ctime = time();
} $r_report = db_query("SELECT\n report_id\n FROM " . $pref . "report WHERE user_id='" . U_ID . "' AND post_id='{$postid}'"); if (db_rows($r_report) > 0) { message('Du hast dieses Posting bereits gemeldet.', 'Fehler', 0); } $form = 'form'; $textarea = 'text'; $laenge = $config['report_max_len']; if ($laenge > 1500) { $laenge = 1500; } $data['javascript'] = "\n function textlen ()\n {\n textarea = window.document.forms['{$form}'].elements['{$textarea}'];\n alert(textarea.value.length + ' Zeichen (Maximal erlaubte Länge {$laenge} Zeichen)');\n }"; if (!isset($send)) { $r_post = db_query("SELECT\n\t post_text,\n\t\t bcode,\n\t\t post_smilies\n\t FROM " . $pref . "post WHERE post_id='{$postid}'"); $post = db_result($r_post); $data['post'] = parse_code(stripslashes($post['post_text']), 1, 1, $post['bcode'], $post['post_smilies']); $data['inputs'] = '<input type="hidden" name="boardid" value="' . $boardid . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="threadid" value="' . $threadid . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="postid" value="' . $postid . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $page . '" />'; if (!isset($back)) { $data['text'] = ''; } else { $data['text'] = $text; } $TReport = Template($TReport); } else { // checken der Usereingaben ----------------------------------------------- $err_mess = ''; $text = trim($text); $legalchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 [|](){}.-_äöüÄÖÜß,";
$pagesstring .= '&collapsedboards=' . implode(',', $a_boardlist); } $pagesstring .= '&startsearch=1">' . ($i + 1) . '</a>] '; } } $RESULT_ROWS = ''; while ($search = mysql_fetch_array($r_search)) { $i++; if ($i % 2 > 0) { $rowbgcolor = $style['CellB']; } else { $rowbgcolor = $style['CellA']; } $search['threadtopic'] = parse_code($search['threadtopic']); $search['threadauthor'] = parse_code($search['threadauthor']); $search['threadlastreplyby'] = parse_code($search['threadlastreplyby']); $search['threadtime'] = form_date($search['threadtime']); $search['threadpath'] = $boardpath[$search['boardid']]; $highlight = !empty($a_words) && count($a_words) ? '&highlight=' . implode(' ', $a_words) : ''; eval($searchresultrow->GetTemplate("RESULT_ROWS")); } $navpath .= ' » Suchergebnisse'; if ($resultcount == 100) { $resultcount = '</b>Es wurden sehr viele Suchergebnisse gefunden, bitte versuchen Sie, die Suche weiter einzuschränken.<br><b>' . $resultcount; } eval($searchresult->GetTemplate("CONTENT")); eval($frame->GetTemplate()); } else { // select boards $a_board = array(); $r_board = thwb_query("SELECT boardname, boardid, categoryid FROM {$pref}" . "board WHERE boarddisabled='0' ORDER BY boardorder ASC");
$r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t pm_id,\n\t\t pm_autor,\n\t\t pm_text,\n\t\t pm_empf,\n\t\t pm_time,\n\t\t pm_topic,\n\t\t pm_gelesen,\n\t\t pm_antwort,\n\t\t pm_saved\n\t FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_id='{$pmid}'"); if (db_rows($r_pm) != 1) { message('Sorry! Es gibt keine PM mit dieser ID.', 'Fehler', 0); } $pm = db_result($r_pm); if ($pm['pm_autor'] != U_NAME && $pm['pm_empf'] != U_NAME) { message('Du bist nicht berechtigt diese Nachricht zu lesen.', 'Rechte', 0); } db_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "pm SET\n\t pm_gelesen='1'\n\t WHERE pm_id='{$pmid}'"); $TPm = Get_Template('templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/pm_read.html'); $TPm = str_replace('[pmid]', $pm['pm_id'], $TPm); $TPm = str_replace('[autor]', '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'pm_autor'] . '">' . $pm['pm_autor'] . '</a>', $TPm); $TPm = str_replace('[empf]', '<a href="s_profile.php?username='******'pm_empf'] . '">' . $pm['pm_empf'] . '</a>', $TPm); $TPm = str_replace('[datum]', datum($pm['pm_time']), $TPm); $TPm = str_replace('[topic]', $pm['pm_topic'], $TPm); $TPm = str_replace('[text]', parse_code($pm['pm_text'], 1, 1, 1, $config['smilies']), $TPm); // user update $r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t COUNT(pm_id)\n\t FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_empf='" . U_NAME . "' AND pm_gelesen='0'"); $pm = db_result($r_pm); list(, $new) = each($pm); db_query("UPDATE " . $pref . "user SET\n\t\t pm_new='" . ($new == 0 ? 0 : 1) . "'\n\t WHERE user_id='" . U_ID . "'"); } elseif ($action == 'delete') { if (isset($all)) { $r_pm = db_query("SELECT\n\t pm_id\n\t FROM " . $pref . "pm WHERE pm_autor='" . U_NAME . "' OR pm_empf='" . U_NAME . "'"); $pmdel = array(); if (db_rows($r_pm) > 0) { while ($pm = db_result($r_pm)) { $pmdel[] = $pm['pm_id']; } } }
for (; $i <= 9; $i++) { $name[$i] = 'n/a'; $value[$i] = 'n/a'; } mysql_free_result($r_postthreads); eval($TRow->GetTemplate("stats_top10_row")); $stats_top10_row .= "<br>"; /** top 10 threads (by views) **/ $data['title'] = 'Top 10 Threads (nach Views)'; $name = array(); $value = array(); $a_viewthreads = array(); $i = 0; $r_viewthreads = thwb_query("SELECT t.threadviews, t.threadtopic, t.threadid, t.boardid, b.boardname FROM {$pref}" . "thread AS t LEFT OUTER JOIN {$pref}" . "board AS b ON t.boardid = b.boardid ORDER BY threadviews DESC LIMIT 10"); while ($a_viewthreads = mysql_fetch_array($r_viewthreads)) { $P->set_boardid($a_viewthreads['boardid']); if (!$P->has_permission(P_VIEW)) { continue; } $name[$i] = '<a href="' . build_link('showtopic.php?threadid=' . $a_viewthreads['threadid']) . '">' . parse_code($a_viewthreads['threadtopic']) . '</a> (Board: <a href="' . build_link('board.php?boardid=' . $a_viewthreads['boardid']) . '">' . $a_viewthreads['boardname'] . '</a>)'; $value[$i] = $a_viewthreads['threadviews']; $i++; } for (; $i <= 9; $i++) { $name[$i] = 'n/a'; $value[$i] = 'n/a'; } mysql_free_result($r_viewthreads); eval($TRow->GetTemplate("stats_top10_row")); eval($TStats->GetTemplate("stats")); }
} else { $user['userage'] = (int) $user['userage']; } if ($user['usericq'] == 0) { $user['usericq'] = ""; } if ($config['showpostslevel'] == 0) { $user['userposts'] = "- (Vom Administrator deaktiviert)"; } elseif ($config['showpostslevel'] == 1 && $g_user['userid'] != $user['userid']) { if ($g_user['userisadmin']) { $user['userposts'] = '- (Versteckt)' . $style['smallfont'] . ' [Admin: Postcount = ' . $user['userposts'] . ' ]' . $style['smallfontend']; } else { $user['userposts'] = '- (Versteckt)'; } } $user['useremail'] = get_email($user); $user['username'] = parse_code($user['username']); $user['userip'] = ''; if ($g_user['userisadmin']) { $r_online = thwb_query("SELECT onlineip FROM {$pref}" . "online WHERE userid='{$user['userid']}' AND onlinetime > " . (time() - $config['session_timeout'])); if (mysql_num_rows($r_online) > 0) { $online = mysql_fetch_array($r_online); $user['userip'] = $style['smallfont'] . ' [Admin: IP = ' . $online['onlineip'] . ', Hostname = ' . gethostbyaddr($online['onlineip']) . ' ]' . $style['smallfontend']; } } $user['useraim'] = parse_code($user['useraim']); $user['usermsn'] = parse_code($user['usermsn']); $userurlname = rawurlencode($user['username']); $navpath .= 'Profilansicht'; eval($Tprofile->GetTemplate("CONTENT")); eval($Tframe->GetTemplate());
/** * rss output **/ header('Cache-Control: no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>' . $config[board_name] . '</title> <link>' . $config[board_baseurl] . '</link> <description>ThWboard generated RSS feed for ' . $config[board_name] . '</description> <language>de</language>'; foreach ($a_threads as $thread) { $thread['posttext'] = parse_code($thread['posttext'], 1); echo ' <item> <title>' . $thread['threadtopic'] . '</title> <link>' . $config['board_baseurl'] . '/showtopic.php?threadid=' . $thread['threadid'] . '</link> <description>' . $thread['posttext'] . '</description> </item>'; } echo "\n" . ' </channel> </rss>'; } else { print '<pre><strong>Fehler</strong> Keine Boards gefunden.</pre>'; exit; } }