// **** Make sure we have PEAR's DB.php, and include it outn(_("Checking for PEAR DB..")); if (!@(include 'DB.php')) { out(_("FAILED")); fatal(_("PEAR Missing"), sprintf(_("PEAR must be installed (requires DB.php). Include path: %s "), ini_get("include_path"))); } out(_("OK")); // **** Check for amportal.conf outn(sprintf(_("Checking for %s "), $amportalconf) . _("..")); if (!file_exists($amportalconf)) { fatal(_("amportal.conf access problem: "), sprintf(_("The %s file does not exist, or is inaccessible"), $amportalconf)); } out(_("OK")); // **** read amportal.conf outn(sprintf(_("Bootstrapping %s .."), $amportalconf)); $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf_bootstrap($amportalconf); if (count($amp_conf) == 0) { fatal(_("amportal.conf parsing failure"), sprintf(_("no entries found in %s"), $amportalconf)); } out(_("OK")); outn(sprintf(_("Parsing %s .."), $amportalconf)); require_once $amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'] . "/admin/functions.inc.php"; $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf($amportalconf); if (count($amp_conf) == 0) { fatal(_("amportal.conf parsing failure"), sprintf(_("no entries found in %s"), $amportalconf)); } out(_("OK")); $asterisk_conf_file = $amp_conf["ASTETCDIR"] . "/asterisk.conf"; outn(sprintf(_("Parsing %s .."), $asterisk_conf_file)); $asterisk_conf = parse_asterisk_conf($asterisk_conf_file); if (count($asterisk_conf) == 0) {
#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php $debug = -1; // If set to nointercom then don't generate any hints // $intercom_code = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : ''; $dnd_mode = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : ''; $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf_bootstrap("/etc/amportal.conf"); require_once $amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'] . '/admin/functions.inc.php'; require_once $amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'] . '/admin/common/php-asmanager.php'; $amp_conf = parse_amportal_conf("/etc/amportal.conf"); $astman = new AGI_AsteriskManager(); $astmanagerhost = isset($amp_conf['ASTMANAGERHOST']) && trim($amp_conf['ASTMANAGERHOST']) != '' ? $amp_conf['ASTMANAGERHOST'] : ''; if (isset($amp_conf['ASTMANAGERPORT']) && trim($amp_conf['ASTMANAGERPORT']) != '') { $astmanagerhost .= ':' . $amp_conf['ASTMANAGERPORT']; } if (!($res = $astman->connect($astmanagerhost, $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"]))) { exit; } $ast_with_dahdi = ast_with_dahdi(); $var = $astman->database_show('AMPUSER'); foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $myvar = explode('/', trim($key, '/')); $user_hash[$myvar[1]] = true; } foreach (array_keys($user_hash) as $user) { if ($user != 'none' && $user != '') { $devices = get_devices($user); debug("Set hints for user: {$user} for devices: " . $devices, 5); set_hint($user, $devices); }