Exemple #1
 public function verifyPurchase($userId, $itemId, $transactions)
     $transactionId = null;
     $transactions = json_decode(stripslashes($transactions));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($transactions); $i++) {
         if ($transactions[$i]->itemId == $itemId) {
             $transactionId = $transactions[$i]->transactionId;
     if ($transactionId) {
         $postDetails = array(USER => UID, PWD => PASSWORD, SIGNATURE => SIG, METHOD => "GetTransactionDetails", VERSION => VER, TRANSACTIONID => $transactionId);
         $arrPostVals = array_map(create_function('$key, $value', 'return $key."=".$value."&";'), array_keys($postDetails), array_values($postDetails));
         $postVals = rtrim(implode($arrPostVals), "&");
         $response = parseString(runCurl(URLBASE, $postVals));
         $custom = explode("%2c", $response["CUSTOM"]);
         if (getUserId() == $custom[0] && $itemId == $custom[1]) {
             $ks = getSession($itemId, $userId);
             // ADD KS to ARRAY
             $returnObj = array(success => true, error => "", transactionId => $response["TRANSACTIONID"], orderTime => $response["ORDERTIME"], paymentStatus => $response["PAYMENTSTATUS"], itemId => $itemId, userId => $userId, ks => $ks);
     } else {
         $returnObj = array(success => false, error => "Item not found in transaction history");
     echo json_encode($returnObj);
Exemple #2
 public function saveTextRevision($moduleId, $moduleContentTypeId, $moduleContentId, $oldText, $newText, $textfieldIndex = 0, $revision = 0)
     global $dbi, $login, $settings;
     if (!$settings->enableRevisioning) {
     // Get latest revision number and increment
     $maxRevision = 0;
     if (empty($revision)) {
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT MAX(revision) FROM " . revisionTableName . " WHERE moduleId=" . $dbi->quote($moduleId) . " AND moduleContentTypeId=" . $dbi->quote($moduleContentTypeId) . " AND moduleContentId=" . $dbi->quote($moduleContentId));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($maxRevision) = $result->fetchrow_array();
     } else {
         $maxRevision = $revision;
     // Parse text strings
     $newText = parseString($newText);
     $oldText = parseString($oldText);
     // Calculate diff
     $diff = new Diff();
     $result = $diff->stringDiff($newText, $oldText, " ");
     $changes = $diff->sequentialChanges($result);
     if (sizeof($changes) > 0) {
         $serializedChanges = serialize($changes);
         // Insert diff
         $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . revisionTableName . "(moduleId,moduleContentTypeId,moduleContentId,textfieldIndex,diff,revision,userId,timestamp) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($moduleId) . "," . $dbi->quote($moduleContentTypeId) . "," . $dbi->quote($moduleContentId) . "," . $dbi->quote($textfieldIndex) . "," . $dbi->quote($serializedChanges) . "," . $dbi->quote($maxRevision) . "," . $dbi->quote($login->id) . ",NOW())");
     return $maxRevision;
function parse_file()
    if (file_exists('japancar_krasnoyarsk.xml')) {
        $data = implode("", file('japancar_krasnoyarsk.xml'));
        $parser = xml_parser_create();
        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
        xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
        xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $values, $tags);
        // проход через структуры
        foreach ($tags as $key => $val) {
            if ($key == "data") {
                $molranges = $val;
                // каждая смежная пара значений массивов является верхней и
                // нижней границей определения
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($molranges); $i += 2) {
                    $offset = $molranges[$i] + 1;
                    $len = $molranges[$i + 1] - $offset;
                    $tdb[] = parseString(array_slice($values, $offset, $len));
            } else {
        return $tdb;
    } else {
        exit('Не удалось открыть файл japancar_krasnoyarsk.xml.');
Exemple #4
 /** Settings constructor */
 function Settings()
     global $dbi;
     // Fetch settings from database
     $result = $dbi->query("SELECT " . "activateWithEmail," . "adminMail," . "allowUserRegistration," . "cacheSize," . "commentBlacklist," . "commentsRequireValidation," . "defaultPage," . "defaultUploadFolder," . "description," . "enableCaching," . "enableRevisioning," . "iconTheme," . "keywords," . "language," . "linkType," . "maxNoOfLinksInComments," . "requireValidation," . "showDirectLink," . "showPrinterLink," . "showRecommendLink," . "subtheme," . "theme," . "themeHeaderUrl," . "themeWidth," . "title" . " FROM " . settingsTableName . " WHERE id=1");
     if ($result->rows()) {
         list($this->activateWithEmail, $this->adminMail, $this->allowUserRegistration, $this->cacheSize, $this->commentBlacklist, $this->commentsRequireValidation, $this->defaultPage, $this->defaultUploadFolder, $this->description, $this->enableCaching, $this->enableRevisioning, $this->iconTheme, $this->keywords, $this->language, $this->linkType, $this->maxNoOfLinksInComments, $this->requireValidation, $this->showDirectLink, $this->showPrinterLink, $this->showRecommendLink, $this->subtheme, $this->theme, $this->themeHeaderUrl, $this->themeWidth, $this->title) = $result->fetchrow_array();
         // Parse strings
         $this->description = parseString($this->description);
         $this->keywords = parseString($this->keywords);
         $this->title = parseString($this->title);
         // Set initialized to true
         $this->initialized = true;
    $high = $sortedArray[0];
    $low = $sortedArray[sizeof($sortedArray) - 2];
    // Get the images
    $images = parseString($value, "<pictures>", "</pictures>");
    $imagesList = str_replace('<picture type="1" label="" url="', '', $images);
    $outside_img = substr($imagesList, 0, strpos($imagesList, "/>"));
    $outside_img = str_replace('"', "", $outside_img);
    $imagesList = str_replace('<picture type="2" label="" url="', '', $imagesList);
    $imagesList = str_replace('" />', ',', $imagesList);
    // remove the first entry as it will be a duplicate
    #  $imagesList = substr($imagesList,strpos($imagesList,',')+1);
    $CimagesList = str_replace(trim($outside_img), "", $imagesList);
    $CimagesList = str_replace(', ', '', $CimagesList);
    $imagesList = $outside_img . $CimagesList;
    echo $imagesList;
    $record = array('PICTURES' => $CimagesList, 'PRICE_HIGH' => $high, 'PRICE_LOW' => $low, 'NAME' => parseString($value, "<title>", "</title>"), 'COTTAGE_REF' => $ref, "CLICKTHROUGH" => "http://www.mackays-self-catering.co.uk/s/process.php?r=" . $ref, "LAT" => parseString($value, "<latitude>", "</latitude>"), "LONG" => parseString($value, "<longitude>", "</longitude>"), "SLEEPS" => parseString($value, "<beds>", "</beds>"), "BEDS" => parseString($value, "<rooms>", "</rooms>"), "BATHS" => parseString($value, "<bathroom>", "</bathroom>"), "DESC" => parseString($value, '<description language="EN">', '</description>'), "PETS" => parseString($value, "<pets>", "</pets>"), "CHANGEOVER" => "Saturday");
    // check for any unwanted data in the cottage reference and skip if any is found
    if (strpos($ref, 'encoding="utf-8') === false) {
        scraperwiki::save(array('COTTAGE_REF'), $record);
function parseString($passage, $startStr, $endStr)
    $start = strpos($passage, $startStr) + strlen($startStr);
    $end = strpos($passage, $endStr);
    $length = $end - $start;
    $txt = substr($passage, $start, $length);
    return clean_text($txt);
function clean_text($txt)
 function parseFetch(&$sRead, &$i, $iUid)
     /* first we do a failsafe action to be sure we look at the correct arguments */
     if (!$this->fetchMapping) {
         $this->fetchMapping = array('BODY' => 'BODYSTRUCTURE', 'BODYSTRUCTURE' => 'BODYSTRUCTURE', 'ENVELOPE' => 'ENVELOPE', 'UID' => 'UID', 'FLAGS' => 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE' => 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE' => 'RFC822.SIZE', 'RFC822' => 'RFC822', 'RFC822.TEXT' => 'RFC822.TEXT', 'BODY[TEXT]' => 'RFC822.TEXT', 'BODY[0]' => 'HEADER', 'BODY[HEADER]' => 'HEADER');
     $sArg = $aVal = '';
     $aFetchResult = array();
     while (isset($sRead[$i]) && $sRead[$i] != ')') {
         $cChar = strtoupper($sRead[$i]);
         //            echo "<BR> $cChar, $i<BR>";
         switch ($cChar) {
             case $cChar == ')':
                 break 2;
                 /* end of fetch */
             /* end of fetch */
             case ' ':
                 $sArg = strtoupper(parseString($sRead, array(' ', '['), $i));
                 //switch ($sArg)
                 //case 'BODY':
                 //    if ($sRead{$i} == '[') {
                 //        /* retrieve the section */
                 //        $sSection = $this->parseEnclosed($sRead,$i,'[',
                 switch (true) {
                     case preg_match('/^BODY\\[([0-9.]+)\\.HEADER\\]$/', $sArg, $reg):
                         $sArg = 'HEADER';
                         $aResult[$reg[1]][$sArg] = $this->parseHookedResult('FETCH', $sArg, $sRead, $i, $iCnt);
                     case preg_match('/^BODY\\[([0-9.]+)\\.MIME\\]$/', $sArg, $reg):
                         $sArg = 'MIME';
                         $aResult[$reg[1]][$sArg] = $this->parseHookedResult('FETCH', $sArg, $sRead, $i, $iCnt);
                     case preg_match('/^BODY\\[HEADER.FIELDS$/', $sArg, $reg):
                         $sArg = 'HEADER';
                         $aResult[$sArg] = $this->parseHookedResult('FETCH', $sArg, $sRead, $i, $iCnt);
                     case preg_match('/^(BODY\\[([0-9.]+)\\])$/', $sArg, $reg):
                         $sArg = 'BODYPART';
                         $aResult[$reg[1]][$sArg] = $this->parseHookedResult('FETCH', $sArg, $sRead, $i, $iCnt);
                         if (isset($this->fetchMapping[$sArg])) {
                             $sArg = $this->fetchMapping[$sArg];
                             $aResult[$sArg] = $this->parseHookedResult('FETCH', $sArg, $sRead, $i, $iCnt);
                 $this->processFetchArguments($sRead, $i, $iCnt, $sArg, $aFetchResult);
     $this->streamShift($sRead, $i, $iCnt);
     $iUid = $aFetchResult['UID'];
     return $aFetchResult;
 * Work in process
 * @private
 * @author Marc Groot Koerkamp
function sqimap_parse_address($read, &$i)
    $arg_a = array();
    for (; $read[$i] != ')'; ++$i) {
        $char = strtoupper($read[$i]);
        switch ($char) {
            case '{':
            case '"':
                $arg_a[] = parseString($read, $i);
            case 'n':
            case 'N':
                if (strtoupper(substr($read, $i, 3)) == 'NIL') {
                    $arg_a[] = '';
                    $i += 2;
    if (count($arg_a) == 4) {
        return $arg_a;
        //        $adr = new AddressStructure();
        //        $adr->personal = $arg_a[0];
        //        $adr->adl = $arg_a[1];
        //        $adr->mailbox = $arg_a[2];
        //        $adr->host = $arg_a[3];
    } else {
        $adr = '';
    return $adr;
Exemple #8
    // Sort categories
    // Get meta body
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($categories); $i++) {
        // Get number of posts in category
        $numberOfPosts = 0;
        if (empty($categories[$i]["id"])) {
            $result2 = $dbi->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . newsTableName . " WHERE id NOT IN(SELECT moduleContentId FROM " . categoryContentRefTableName . " WHERE moduleId=" . $dbi->quote(newsModuleId) . " AND moduleContentTypeId=" . $dbi->quote(newsContentId) . ")");
        } else {
            $result2 = $dbi->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . newsTableName . " WHERE id IN(SELECT moduleContentId FROM " . categoryContentRefTableName . " WHERE moduleId=" . $dbi->quote(newsModuleId) . " AND moduleContentTypeId=" . $dbi->quote(newsContentId) . " AND categoryId=" . $dbi->quote($categories[$i]["id"]) . ")");
        if ($result2->rows()) {
            list($numberOfPosts) = $result2->fetchrow_array();
        if ($numberOfPosts != 0) {
            $metaTitle = parseString($categories[$i]["title"]);
            $metaLink = $news->getNewsCategoryLink($categories[$i]["id"], $categories[$i]["title"]);
            $metaCount = $numberOfPosts;
            // Include meta body template
            include layoutPath . "/template/metaBody.template.php";
            $content .= $metaBody;
    // Include meta footer template
    include layoutPath . "/template/metaFooter.template.php";
    $content .= $metaFooter;
    // Cache file
    $cache->cacheFile("news", "newsCategories", $content);
echo $content;
Exemple #9
 * Retrieves a list with headers, flags, size or internaldate from the imap server
function sqimap_get_small_header_list($imap_stream, $msg_list, $show_num = false)
    global $squirrelmail_language, $color, $data_dir, $username, $imap_server_type;
    global $uid_support, $allow_server_sort;
    /* Get the small headers for each message in $msg_list */
    $maxmsg = sizeof($msg_list);
    if ($show_num != '999999') {
        $msgs_str = sqimap_message_list_squisher($msg_list);
    } else {
        $msgs_str = '1:*';
    $messages = array();
    $read_list = array();
     * We need to return the data in the same order as the caller supplied
     * in $msg_list, but IMAP servers are free to return responses in
     * whatever order they wish... So we need to re-sort manually
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($msg_list); $i++) {
        $messages["{$msg_list[$i]}"] = array();
    $internaldate = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'internal_date_sort', SMPREF_ON);
    if ($internaldate) {
        $query = "FETCH {$msgs_str} (FLAGS UID RFC822.SIZE INTERNALDATE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (Date To Cc From Subject X-Priority Importance Priority Content-Type)])";
    } else {
        $query = "FETCH {$msgs_str} (FLAGS UID RFC822.SIZE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (Date To Cc From Subject X-Priority Importance Priority Content-Type)])";
    $read_list = sqimap_run_command_list($imap_stream, $query, true, $response, $message, $uid_support);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($read_list as $r) {
        /* initialize/reset vars */
        $subject = _("(no subject)");
        $from = _("Unknown Sender");
        $priority = 0;
        $messageid = '<>';
        $type = array('', '');
        $cc = $to = $inrepto = '';
        $size = 0;
        // use unset because we do isset below
        $flag_seen = $flag_answered = $flag_deleted = $flag_flagged = false;
        $read = implode('', $r);
         * #id<space>FETCH<space>(
        /* extract the message id */
        $i_space = strpos($read, ' ', 2);
        $id = substr($read, 2, $i_space - 2);
        $fetch = substr($read, $i_space + 1, 5);
        if (!is_numeric($id) && $fetch !== 'FETCH') {
            echo '<br /><b><font color="' . $color[2] . '">' . _("ERROR: Could not complete request.") . '</b><br />' . _("Unknown response from IMAP server:") . ' 1.' . htmlspecialchars($read) . "</font><br />\n";
        $i = strpos($read, '(', $i_space + 5);
        $read = substr($read, $i + 1);
        $i_len = strlen($read);
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < $i_len && $i !== false) {
            /* get argument */
            $read = trim(substr($read, $i));
            $i_len = strlen($read);
            $i = strpos($read, ' ');
            $arg = substr($read, 0, $i);
            switch ($arg) {
                case 'UID':
                    $i_pos = strpos($read, ' ', $i);
                    if (!$i_pos) {
                        $i_pos = strpos($read, ')', $i);
                    if ($i_pos) {
                        $unique_id = substr($read, $i, $i_pos - $i);
                        $i = $i_pos + 1;
                    } else {
                        break 3;
                case 'FLAGS':
                    $flags = parseArray($read, $i);
                    if (!$flags) {
                        break 3;
                    foreach ($flags as $flag) {
                        $flag = strtolower($flag);
                        switch ($flag) {
                            case '\\seen':
                                $flag_seen = true;
                            case '\\answered':
                                $flag_answered = true;
                            case '\\deleted':
                                $flag_deleted = true;
                            case '\\flagged':
                                $flag_flagged = true;
                case 'RFC822.SIZE':
                    $i_pos = strpos($read, ' ', $i);
                    if (!$i_pos) {
                        $i_pos = strpos($read, ')', $i);
                    if ($i_pos) {
                        $size = substr($read, $i, $i_pos - $i);
                        $i = $i_pos + 1;
                    } else {
                        break 3;
                case 'INTERNALDATE':
                    $date = parseString($read, $i);
                    //if ($tmpdate === false) break 3;
                    //$tmpdate = str_replace('  ',' ',$tmpdate);
                    //$tmpdate = explode(' ',$tmpdate);
                    //$date = str_replace('-',' ',$tmpdate[0]) . " " .
                    //                            $tmpdate[1] . ' ' . $tmpdate[2];
                case 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS':
                case 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS':
                    $i = strpos($read, '{', $i);
                    $header = parseString($read, $i);
                    if ($header === false) {
                        break 2;
                    /* First we replace all \r\n by \n, and unfold the header */
                    $hdr = trim(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n\t", "\n "), array("\n", ' ', ' '), $header));
                    /* Now we can make a new header array with */
                    /* each element representing a headerline  */
                    $hdr = explode("\n", $hdr);
                    foreach ($hdr as $line) {
                        $pos = strpos($line, ':');
                        if ($pos > 0) {
                            $field = strtolower(substr($line, 0, $pos));
                            if (!strstr($field, ' ')) {
                                /* valid field */
                                $value = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1));
                                switch ($field) {
                                    case 'to':
                                        $to = $value;
                                    case 'cc':
                                        $cc = $value;
                                    case 'from':
                                        $from = $value;
                                    case 'date':
                                        $date = $value;
                                    case 'x-priority':
                                    case 'importance':
                                    case 'priority':
                                        $priority = parsePriority($value);
                                    case 'subject':
                                        $subject = $value;
                                        if ($subject == "") {
                                            $subject = _("(no subject)");
                                    case 'content-type':
                                        $type = strtolower($value);
                                        if ($pos = strpos($type, ";")) {
                                            $type = substr($type, 0, $pos);
                                        $type = explode("/", $type);
                                        if (empty($type[0])) {
                                            $type[0] = 'text';
                                            // I had this added, but not committed to CVS.... did it help fix something?
                                            //                                    $type[1] = 'plain';
                                        if (empty($type[1])) {
                                            $type[1] = 'plain';
        if (isset($date)) {
            $date = str_replace('  ', ' ', $date);
            $tmpdate = explode(' ', trim($date));
        } else {
            $tmpdate = $date = array();
        if ($uid_support) {
            $msgi = "{$unique_id}";
            $messages[$msgi]['ID'] = $unique_id;
        } else {
            $msgi = "{$id}";
            $messages[$msgi]['ID'] = $id;
        $messages[$msgi]['TIME_STAMP'] = getTimeStamp($tmpdate);
        $messages[$msgi]['DATE_STRING'] = getDateString($messages[$msgi]['TIME_STAMP']);
        $messages[$msgi]['FROM'] = $from;
        $messages[$msgi]['SUBJECT'] = $subject;
        //        if (handleAsSent($mailbox)) {
        $messages[$msgi]['TO'] = $to;
        //        }
        $messages[$msgi]['PRIORITY'] = $priority;
        $messages[$msgi]['CC'] = $cc;
        $messages[$msgi]['SIZE'] = $size;
        $messages[$msgi]['TYPE0'] = $type[0];
        $messages[$msgi]['TYPE1'] = $type[1];
        $messages[$msgi]['FLAG_DELETED'] = $flag_deleted;
        $messages[$msgi]['FLAG_ANSWERED'] = $flag_answered;
        $messages[$msgi]['FLAG_SEEN'] = $flag_seen;
        $messages[$msgi]['FLAG_FLAGGED'] = $flag_flagged;
        /* non server sort stuff */
        if (!$allow_server_sort) {
            $from = parseAddress($from);
            if ($from[0][1]) {
                $from = decodeHeader($from[0][1], true, false);
            } else {
                $from = $from[0][0];
            $messages[$msgi]['FROM-SORT'] = $from;
            $subject_sort = strtolower(decodeHeader($subject, true, false));
            if (preg_match("/^(?:(?:vedr|sv|re|aw|fw|fwd|\\[\\w\\]):\\s*)*\\s*(.*)\$/si", $subject_sort, $matches)) {
                $messages[$msgi]['SUBJECT-SORT'] = $matches[1];
            } else {
                $messages[$msgi]['SUBJECT-SORT'] = $subject_sort;
    $new_messages = array();
    foreach ($messages as $i => $message) {
        $new_messages[] = $message;
    return $new_messages;
                    setPost('upload', addProfile($profile));
                    // TODO: Detect if there are collision of ID numbers
                    if (getPost('upload') == 'success') {
                setPost('upload', 'success');
    } else {
        if (issetPost('add')) {
            $profileString = array('id', 'course', 'surname', 'firstname', 'mi', 'mobile', 'email');
            $profileNull = array('birthday');
            $profileNum = array('yr', 'gender', 'scholar', 'dormer', 'currentStatus', 'loawRecord', 'y1s1', 'y1s2', 'y2s0', 'y2s1', 'y2s2', 'y3s0', 'y3s1', 'y3s2', 'y4s0', 'y4s1', 'y4s2', 'y5s0', 'y5s1', 'y5s2', 'familyLivingSituation', 'atmosphereAtHome', 'parentsMaritalStatus', 'relFather', 'relMother', 'spiritualSubscale', 'godSubscale', 'problemSolving', 'seekingSocialSupport', 'avoidance', 'lvlDepression', 'lvlAnxiety', 'suicideBehavior', 'suicidalThoughts', 'hypochondriasis', 'depression', 'denial', 'interProblems', 'alienation', 'perseIdeas', 'anxiety', 'thinkingDisorder', 'impulseExp', 'socialIntroversion', 'selfDepreciation', 'deviation', 'mentalDisorder', 'alcoholUse', 'drugUse', 'hopelessness', 'traumaAbuse', 'physicalIllness', 'pastSuicidalActs', 'familyHistorySuicide', 'familyHistoryMental', 'stressfulLifeEvents', 'relationalSocialLoss', 'accessLethalMeans', 'disciplinaryCases', 'sexualOrientation');
            $profile = array();
            for ($i = 0; count($profileString) > $i; $i++) {
                $profile[$profileString[$i]] = getPost($profileString[$i]);
            for ($i = 0; count($profileNull) > $i; $i++) {
                $profile[$profileNull[$i]] = parseString(getPost($profileNull[$i]));
            for ($i = 0; count($profileNum) > $i; $i++) {
                $profile[$profileNum[$i]] = parseNumber(getPost($profileNum[$i]));
            $addedProfile = addProfile($profile);
include 'add-profiles.html.php';
Exemple #11
function protectFile($file, $key = "", $line = null)
    if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $file)) {
        if (!empty($key)) {
            if (isset($_GET['accesskey'])) {
                if ($_GET['accesskey'] == $key) {
        $error = parseString(loadString("direct_access_forbidden") . "[dotted]protectFile(\"{$file}\")[/dotted]");
        if ($line) {
            $error .= parseString(" on line {$line}");
        $error .= parseString(" in {$file}.");
        if (empty($key)) {
            $error .= parseString("<br />" . loadString("file_no_accesskey"));
        echo writeError(9099, $error);
function getCustomerDetails1()
    //Fetch Failure and Complaint List for that Employee
    $complaintNumber = $_GET["complaintNumber"];
    $fields = "cust_name, cust_address, cust_email, cust_mobile";
    $table = "complaint";
    $rows = singlerec($fields, $table, "complaint_no=" . $complaintNumber);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($rows);
    $str = '{"cust_name" : "' . $row[0] . '", "cust_address" : "' . parseString($row[1]) . '", "cust_email" : "' . $row[2] . '", "cust_mobile" : "' . $row[3] . '"}';
    echo $str;
Exemple #13
  * Save blog post. 
  * @param	$readPost	Read values from post.
  * @return ErrorLog object if there were errors.
 function savePost($readPost = true)
     global $category, $dbi, $log, $login;
     // Check if data is submitted from the form
     if ($readPost) {
     // Create ErrorLog object
     $errorLog = new ErrorLog();
     // Get blog id and create blog object
     $this->blog = new Blog(getValue("blogId"));
     // Check if blog exists
     if (!empty($this->blog->id)) {
         if ($this->hasEditPermission()) {
             // Include language
             include scriptPath . "/" . folderBlog . "/include/language/" . $this->blog->language . "/general.php";
             // Save if post was draft before
             $draftBefore = $this->draft;
             // Save blog post values
             if ($readPost) {
                 $this->categories = explode(",", getPostValue("categories"));
                 $this->disableComments = getPostValue("disableComments");
                 $this->draft = getPostValue("draft");
                 $this->showComments = getPostValue("showComments");
                 $this->subject = parseHtml(getPostValue("subject"), 1);
                 $this->summary = parseThumbnailImages(parseHtml(getPostValue("summary"), 4));
                 $this->text = parseThumbnailImages(parseHtml(getPostValue("text"), 4));
                 $userId = getPostValue("userId");
                 // Get publication time
                 $day = getPostValue("day");
                 $month = getPostValue("month");
                 $year = getPostValue("year");
                 $hour = getPostValue("hour");
                 $minute = getPostValue("minute");
                 // Process input
                 if (!empty($day) && !empty($month) && !empty($year)) {
                     $this->posted = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
                 if (!empty($userId)) {
                     $this->user = new User($userId);
             // Validate post data
             if (empty($this->posted)) {
                 $this->posted = mktime();
             if (empty($userId)) {
                 $this->user = new User($login->id);
             if (empty($this->subject)) {
                 $errorLog->addError("subject", $lBlogEditPost["MissingSubject"]);
             // Check if post has been modified
             $lastUpdated = getValue("lastUpdated");
             if ($lastUpdated != $this->getLastUpdated()) {
                 $errorLog->addError("postModified", $lBlogEditPost["PostModified"]);
             // Prepare values for notification
             $subject = "[" . $this->blog->title . "] " . $this->subject;
             $message = "<p>" . $lBlogEditPost["NotifyInsert"] . " '" . $this->blog->title . "'.</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Name"] . "</b></p><p>" . $login->name . "</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Subject"] . "</b></p><p>" . $this->subject . "</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Summary"] . "</b></p>" . parseString(!empty($this->summary) ? $this->summary : (!empty($this->text) ? $this->text : "")) . "<p>--<br />" . $lBlogEditPost["ReadPost"] . ": " . $this->getPostLink() . "<br />" . $lBlogEditPost["VisitBlog"] . ": " . $this->blog->getBlogLink() . "</p>";
             $sender = $login->name;
             // If no errors proceed, otherwise return errors
             if (!$errorLog->hasErrors()) {
                 if (empty($this->id)) {
                     // Insert into database
                     $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . blogPostTableName . "(blogId,userId,subject,summary,text,posted,lastUpdated,showComments,disableComments,draft) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($this->blog->id) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->user->id) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->summary) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->text) . ",FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dbi->quote($this->posted) . "),NOW()," . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->draft) . ")");
                     // Get new post id
                     $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId();
                     // Notify subscribers about the new post
                     if (!$this->draft) {
                         $this->notifySubscribers($sender, $subject, $message);
                 } else {
                     // Update values in database
                     $dbi->query("UPDATE " . blogPostTableName . " SET blogId=" . $dbi->quote($this->blog->id) . ",userId=" . $dbi->quote($this->user->id) . ",subject=" . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . ",summary=" . $dbi->quote($this->summary) . ",text=" . $dbi->quote($this->text) . ",posted=FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dbi->quote($this->posted) . "),lastUpdated=lastUpdated,showComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . ",disableComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . ",draft=" . $dbi->quote($this->draft) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
                     // Notify subscribers if the post was a draft previously
                     if (!$this->draft && $draftBefore) {
                         $this->notifySubscribers($sender, $subject, $message);
                 // Associate categories with this post
                 $category->addCategoryReferences(blogModuleId, blogPostContentId, $this->id, $this->categories);
                 // Log transaction
                 $log->logTransaction(blogPostContentId, $this->id);
                 // Delete cached files
                 if (!empty($this->blog)) {
     return $errorLog;
Exemple #14
    echo "<a href=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderCategory . "/" . fileCategoryIndex . "?sortby=count" . ($sortby == "count" ? " desc" : "") . (!empty($searchString) ? "&amp;searchString=" . $searchString : "") . "\" class=\"columnHeader1\">" . $lCategoryIndex["References"] . "</a>" . ($sortby == "count" || $sortby == "count desc" ? ' <img src="' . iconUrl . '/sort' . ($sortby == "references desc" ? "up" : "down") . '.gif" />' : '');
    echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($categories); $i++) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td height=\"30\" class=\"item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"categories[]\" value=\"" . $categories[$i][1] . "\" />";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td height=\"30\" width=\"16\" class=\"item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo "<a href=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderCategory . "/" . fileCategoryEdit . "?categoryId=" . $categories[$i][1] . "&amp;return=1\"><img src=\"" . iconUrl . "/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . $lCategoryEdit["EditCategoryText"] . "\" alt=\"" . $lCategoryEdit["EditCategoryText"] . "\" /></a>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td width=\"40%\" class=\"item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo "<a href=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderCategory . "/" . fileCategory . "?categoryId=" . $categories[$i][1] . "\">" . parseString($categories[$i][0]) . "</a>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td width=\"40%\" class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo !empty($categories[$i][2]) ? parseString($categories[$i][2]) : $lCategoryIndex["NoDescription"];
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"center\" class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo $categories[$i][3];
        echo "&nbsp;";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete\" value=\"" . $lButtons["Delete"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"var agree=confirm('" . $lCategoryIndex["ConfirmDelete"] . "');if(agree) {return true;}else {return false;}\" /> </td><td align=\"right\"><input type=\"button\" name=\"selectNoneButton\" value=\"" . $lButtons["SelectNone"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"selectAll(document.categoriesForm, this, false)\" /> <input type=\"button\" name=\"selectAllButton\" value=\"" . $lButtons["SelectAll"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"selectAll(document.categoriesForm, this, true)\" /></td></tr></table>";
    echo "</form>";
    // Print page index
    echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo $site->generatePageLinks(folderCategory . "/" . fileCategoryIndex . "?", $pageNumber, $count, 30);
    echo "</p>";
} else {
        $curKey = $key;
$curDoc = $docs[$curKey];
$next = $docs[$curKey + 1];
$prev = $docs[$curKey - 1];
if (!isset($next) && $letsCycle) {
    $next = $docs[0];
if (!isset($prev) && $letsCycle) {
    $prev = $docs[count($docs) - 1];
if ($useBuildInTpl) {
    $rNext = parseString($nextTpl, array('id' => $next['id'], 'pagetitle' => $next['pagetitle']));
    $rPrev = parseString($prevTpl, array('id' => $prev['id'], 'pagetitle' => $prev['pagetitle']));
} else {
    $rNext = $modx->parseChunk($nextTpl, array('id' => $next['id'], 'pagetitle' => $next['pagetitle']), '[+', '+]');
    $rPrev = $modx->parseChunk($prevTpl, array('id' => $prev['id'], 'pagetitle' => $prev['pagetitle']), '[+', '+]');
if ($curDoc['parent'] == $folderId) {
    if ($directOutput) {
        echo parseString($directOutputTpl, array('next' => $rNext, 'prev' => $rPrev));
    } else {
        if (isset($next)) {
            $modx->setPlaceholder($id . 'next', $rNext);
        if (isset($prev)) {
            $modx->setPlaceholder($id . 'prev', $rPrev);
Exemple #16

if (isset($_GET['component'])) {
    $component = parseString($_GET['component'], 4, 1);
if (isset($_GET['section'])) {
    $section = parseString($_GET['section'], 4, 1);
Exemple #17

// Get cache content
global $cache, $dbi, $site;
$content = $cache->getCacheFileContent("", "latestPosts", 3600 * 4);
if (empty($content)) {
    $postLimit = !empty($postLimit) ? $postLimit : 10;
    $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . blogPostTableName . " ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT " . $postLimit);
    if ($result->rows()) {
        // Include meta header template
        $metaTitle = !empty($metaTitle) ? $metaTitle : "Seneste indlæg";
        include layoutPath . "/template/metaHeader.template.php";
        $content = $metaHeader;
        for ($i = 0; list($id) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) {
            $post = new Post($id);
            $metaTitle = parseString($post->subject);
            $metaLink = $post->getPostLink();
            $metaInfo = $site->generateTimestamp($post->posted, true);
            $metaCount = -1;
            // Include meta body template
            include layoutPath . "/template/metaBody.template.php";
            $content .= $metaBody;
        // Include meta footer template
        include layoutPath . "/template/metaFooter.template.php";
        $content .= $metaFooter;
    // Save output in cache
    $cache->cacheFile("", "latestPosts", $content);
echo $content;
Exemple #18

// Include common functions and declarations
require_once "include/common.php";
// Get get values
$down = getGetValue("down");
$id = getGetValue("id");
$pageNumber = getGetValue("page");
$position = getGetValue("position");
$up = getGetValue("up");
$visible = getGetValue("visible");
// Get search string values
$searchString = parseString(getValue("searchString"), true);
$searchType = parseString(getValue("searchType"), true);
// Set limits for search results based on search type
$viewAll = !empty($searchType) ? true : false;
$limit = $viewAll ? 15 : 5;
// Count page number down by 1
if (!empty($pageNumber)) {
    $pageNumber = $pageNumber - 1;
// Move search section up or down
if ($login->isWebmaster()) {
    if (!empty($id) && !empty($position)) {
        if (!empty($up)) {
            $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,position FROM " . searchTypeTableName . " WHERE position<" . $dbi->quote($position) . " ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1");
            if ($result->rows()) {
                list($swapId, $swapPos) = $result->fetchrow_array();
                $dbi->query("UPDATE " . searchTypeTableName . " SET position=" . $dbi->quote($swapPos) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($id));
                $dbi->query("UPDATE " . searchTypeTableName . " SET position=" . $dbi->quote($position) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($swapId));
Exemple #19
        } else {
            $name = !empty($comment->mail) ? "<a href=\"mailto:" . $comment->mail . "\">" . (!empty($comment->name) ? $comment->name : "-") . "</a>" : (!empty($comment->name) ? $comment->name : "-");
        echo $name;
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td width=\"20%\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo $site->generateTimestamp($comment->posted, true);
        echo "</td>";
        echo "<td class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\" align=\"center\">";
        echo !$comment->spam ? "<a href=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderComment . "/" . fileCommentIndex . "?commentId=" . $comment->id . "&amp;spam=1\"><img src=\"" . iconUrl . "/spam.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lButtons["MarkSpam"] . "\" title=\"" . $lButtons["MarkSpam"] . "\" /></a>" : "<a href=\"" . scriptUrl . "/" . folderComment . "/" . fileCommentIndex . "?commentId=" . $comment->id . "&amp;spam=0\"><img src=\"" . iconUrl . "/notspam.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $lButtons["MarkNotSpam"] . "\" title=\"" . $lButtons["MarkNotSpam"] . "\" /></a>";
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">&nbsp;</td>";
        echo "<td colspan=\"4\" class=\"small1 item" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "Alt" : "") . "\">";
        echo parseString($comment->message);
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"deleteComments\" value=\"" . $lButtons["Delete"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"var agree=confirm('" . $lCommentIndex["ConfirmDelete"] . "');if(agree) {return true;}else {return false;}\" />" . ($commentType == 2 ? " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"deleteSpamComments\" value=\"" . $lButtons["DeleteAll"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"var agree=confirm('" . $lCommentIndex["ConfirmDeleteSpam"] . "');if(agree) {return true;}else {return false;}\" />" : "") . ($commentType == 1 ? " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"deleteTrashComments\" value=\"" . $lButtons["DeleteAll"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"var agree=confirm('" . $lCommentIndex["ConfirmDeleteTrash"] . "');if(agree) {return true;}else {return false;}\" />" : "") . " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"" . ($commentType == 2 ? "spam" : "notSpam") . "\" value=\"" . ($commentType == 2 ? $lButtons["Spam"] : $lButtons["NotSpam"]) . "\" class=\"button\" /></td><td align=\"right\"><input type=\"button\" name=\"selectNoneButton\" value=\"" . $lButtons["SelectNone"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"selectAll(document.commentsForm, this, false)\" /> <input type=\"button\" name=\"selectAllButton\" value=\"" . $lButtons["SelectAll"] . "\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"selectAll(document.commentsForm, this, true)\" /></td></tr></table>";
    echo "</form>";
    // Print page index
    echo "<br /><center>";
    echo $site->generatePageLinks(folderComment . "/" . fileCommentIndex . (!empty($request) ? $request . "&amp;" : ""), $pageNumber, $commentType == 1 ? $comment->getNumberOfTrashComments(0, $moduleContentTypeId, $moduleContentId, $searchQuery) : ($commentType == 2 ? $comment->getNumberOfSpamComments(0, $moduleContentTypeId, $moduleContentId, $searchQuery) : $comment->getNumberOfComments(0, $moduleContentTypeId, $moduleContentId, $searchQuery)), 30);
    echo "</center>";
} else {
    echo "<p><i>" . $lCommentIndex["NoComments"] . "</i></p>";
// Print common footer
Exemple #20

include "../API.php";
if (file_exists($API['root'] . "xml/config.xml")) {
    writeJARDMessage("Welcome to JArD", "This pages shows you have sucessfully installed JArD onto your personal webserver.");
} else {
    writeError(9095, parseString(loadString("new_install_welcome")));
Exemple #21
  * Initialize object.
  * @param	$id		Blog identifier.
  * @param	$title	Blog title.
 function init($id = 0, $title = "")
     if (!empty($id) || !empty($title)) {
         global $dbi;
         // Get blog data
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,title,category,description,subscribers,language,postLimit,commentLimit,showRSSLink,showRSSCommentsLink,position FROM " . blogTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($id) ? "id=" . $dbi->quote($id) : "") . (!empty($title) ? (!empty($id) ? " OR " : "") . "title=" . $dbi->quote(addslashes($title)) : ""));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($this->id, $this->title, $this->category, $this->description, $this->subscribers, $this->language, $this->postLimit, $this->commentLimit, $this->showRSSLink, $this->showRSSCommentsLink, $this->position) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             // Parse text
             $this->title = parseString($this->title);
             $this->description = parseString($this->description);
Exemple #22
  * Initialize User object.
  * @param	$id			User identifier.
  * @param	$username	Username of user.
  * @param	$email		Email of user.
 function init($id = 0, $username = "", $email = "")
     global $dbi;
     // Fetch user data
     if (!empty($id) || !empty($username)) {
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,username,groupId,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(registered),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUpdated),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastLogged),administrator,webmaster,activated " . "FROM " . userTableName . " " . "WHERE " . (!empty($id) ? "id=" . $dbi->quote($id) : (!empty($username) ? "username="******"")));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($this->id, $this->username, $this->groupId, $this->registered, $this->lastUpdated, $this->lastLogged, $this->administrator, $this->webmaster, $this->activated) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             // Fetch user information
             $result = $dbi->query("SELECT categoryId,name,email,phone,mobile,linkurl,linkname,facebook,twitter,location,department,position,profileText,signature,hideEmail,hideTelephone,hideInUserlist,hideOnlineStatus,notifyAboutChanges " . "FROM " . userDataTableName . " " . "WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id));
             if ($result->rows()) {
                 list($this->categoryId, $this->name, $this->email, $this->phone, $this->mobile, $this->linkurl, $this->linkname, $this->facebook, $this->twitter, $this->location, $this->department, $this->position, $this->profileText, $this->signature, $this->hideEmail, $this->hideTelephone, $this->hideInUserlist, $this->hideOnlineStatus, $this->notifyAboutChanges) = $result->fetchrow_array();
                 $this->name = parseString($this->name);
                 $this->linkname = parseString($this->linkname);
                 $this->linkurl = parseString($this->linkurl);
                 $this->location = parseString($this->location);
                 $this->position = parseString($this->position);
                 $this->profileText = parseString($this->profileText);
                 $this->signature = parseString($this->signature);
                 $this->department = parseString($this->department);
Exemple #23
  * Save comment in database
  * @param 	$moduleId 				Module id to add comment to.
  * @param 	$moduleContentTypeId 	Identifier of content type.
  * @param	$moduleContentId		Identifier of content.
  * @return 	List of errors if any.
 function saveComment($moduleId, $moduleContentTypeId, $moduleContentId)
     global $dbi, $errors, $login, $referer, $settings, $spamFilter;
     global $lComment, $lEditComment;
     // Check if data is submitted from the form
     // Get user ip
     $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
     // Get values
     $this->moduleId = $moduleId;
     $this->moduleContentTypeId = $moduleContentTypeId;
     $this->moduleContentId = $moduleContentId;
     $this->name = parseString(stripHtml(getValue("name")));
     $this->mail = parseString(stripHtml(getValue("mail")));
     $this->link = parseString(stripHtml(getValue("link")));
     $this->subject = parseString(stripHtml(getValue("subject")));
     $this->message = parseString(stripHtml(getValue("message")));
     $this->spam = getValue("spam");
     $this->userId = getValue("userId");
     // Get default name
     $defaultName = parseString(getPostValue("defaultName"));
     // Validate comment data
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         if (!$this->hasCommentPermission()) {
             $errors->addError("permissions", $lEditComment["InsufficientPermissions"]);
         if (!$login->isLoggedIn()) {
             if ($settings->commentsRequireValidation) {
                 if (!audit()) {
                     $errors->addError("validation", $lComment["WrongValidation"]);
             if (empty($this->name) || $this->name == $defaultName) {
                 $errors->addError("name", $lEditComment["MissingName"]);
     } else {
         if (!$this->hasEditPermission()) {
             $errors->addError("permissions", $lEditComment["InsufficientPermissions"]);
         } else {
             if (empty($this->name) && empty($this->userId)) {
                 $errors->addError("name", $lEditComment["MissingName"]);
     if (empty($this->subject)) {
         $errors->addError("subject", $lEditComment["MissingSubject"]);
     if (empty($this->message)) {
         $errors->addError("message", $lEditComment["MissingText"]);
     // Check if message could be classified as spam
     $spam = $spamFilter->isSpam($this->name, $this->mail, $this->subject, $this->message);
     // Check if this ip has been spam before
     if (!$spam) {
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . commentTableName . " WHERE spam=1 AND ip=" . $dbi->quote($ip));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($count) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             if ($count != 0) {
                 $spam = true;
     // If there were no errors insert or update comment
     if (!$errors->hasErrors()) {
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             // Insert into comment database
             $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . commentTableName . "(moduleId,moduleContentTypeId,moduleContentId,userId,name,mail,link,subject,message,ip,posted,spam,trash) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($moduleId) . "," . $dbi->quote($moduleContentTypeId) . "," . $dbi->quote($moduleContentId) . "," . ($login->isLoggedIn() ? $login->id : 0) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->name) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->mail) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->link) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->message) . "," . $dbi->quote($ip) . ",NOW()," . $dbi->quote($spam) . ",0)");
             // Get new comment id
             $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId();
         } else {
             // Update values in database
             $dbi->query("UPDATE " . commentTableName . " SET name=" . $dbi->quote($this->name) . ",mail=" . $dbi->quote($this->mail) . ",link=" . $dbi->quote($this->link) . ",subject=" . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . ",message=" . $dbi->quote($this->message) . ",posted=posted,spam=" . $dbi->quote($spam) . " WHERE (id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id) . ")");
         // Remember poster
         $remember = getValue("remember");
         if (!empty($remember)) {
             $poster["name"] = stripslashes($this->name);
             $poster["mail"] = stripslashes($this->mail);
             $poster["link"] = stripslashes($this->link);
             $poster["remember"] = stripslashes($remember);
             setcookie("commentPoster", addslashes(serialize($poster)), time() + 31536000);
     // Return errors if any
     return $errors;
Exemple #24
            echo "<option value=\"{$file}\"" . (pageLanguage == $file ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">{$language}</option>";

echo $lSettings["DefaultPage"];
<br />
<select name="defaultPage" class="longInput">
$result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,title FROM " . pageTableName . " WHERE showInMenu=1 AND parentId=0 ORDER BY position");
for ($i = 0; list($pageId, $pageTitle) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) {
    echo "<option value=\"{$pageId}\"" . ($pageId == $settings->defaultPage ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "") . "\">" . parseString($pageTitle) . "</option>";

echo $lSettings["DefaultUploadFolder"];
<br />
<select name="defaultUploadFolder" class="longInput">
<option value="0"<?php 
echo pageUploadFolder == 0 ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "";
function printFolderOptions($id = 0, $level = 1)
    foreach ($imageArr as $item) {
        $pic .= str_replace("</image>", "", $item . ",");
    $features = parseString($value, "<features>", "</features>");
    $cottfeatures = "";
    $featuresArr = explode("label", $features);
    foreach ($featuresArr as $item) {
        $length = strpos($item, "id=");
        $cottfeatures .= substr($item, 2, $length) . ",";
        $cottfeatures = str_replace('" id', "", $cottfeatures);
    $town = str_replace("<![CDATA[", "", $town);
    $town = substr($town, 0, strpos($town, "("));
    if (strlen($town) < 1) {
        $town = parseString($value, "<postal_town>", "</postal_town>");
    $record = array('COTTAGE_LINK' => trim(clean_text($cottage_link)), 'PRICE_HIGH' => trim(clean_text($pricemax)), 'PRICE_LOW' => trim(clean_text($pricemin)), 'CHANGEOVERDAY' => trim(clean_text($changeover_day)), 'SLEEPS' => trim(clean_text($sleeps)), 'BEDROOMS' => trim(clean_text($bedrooms)), 'BATHROOMS' => trim(clean_text($bathrooms)), 'PETS' => trim(clean_text($pets)), 'COTTAGE_REFERENCE' => trim(clean_text($cottageID)), 'FEATURES' => trim(clean_text($cottfeatures)), 'DESCRIPTION' => trim(clean_text($description)), 'LOCATION_DESCRIPTON' => "N/A", 'LONGITUDE' => trim($long), 'LATITUDE' => trim($lat), 'IMAGES' => trim($pic), 'Town' => trim(clean_text($town)), 'Agent' => "holidaycottages.co.uk");
    if (!strpos($cottage_link, 'version="1.0"')) {
        scraperwiki::save(array('COTTAGE_LINK'), $record);
function parseString($passage, $startStr, $endStr)
    $start = strpos($passage, $startStr) + strlen($startStr);
    $end = strpos($passage, $endStr);
    $length = $end - $start;
    $txt = substr($passage, $start, $length);
    return clean_text($txt);
Exemple #26
 function setMetaKeywords($metaKeywords)
     $metaKeywords = stripHtml(validateTextLength(parseString($metaKeywords), 300));
     $this->metaKeywords = $metaKeywords;
Exemple #27
 function intersectionList($input)
     $values = parseString($input);
     if ($values["has-error"]) {
         return "input error";
     } else {
         $result = traverseIntersection($values["left-border"], $values["right-border"], $values["is-open-left"], $values["is-open-right"]);
         return toString($result["left-border"], $result["right-border"], $result["is-open-left"], $result["is-open-right"], $values["index"]);
Exemple #28
  * Initialize page.
  * @param	$id		Page identifier.
  * @param	$title	Page title.
 function init($id, $title = "")
     // Reset to default values
     $this->disableComments = 0;
     $this->fullLink = "";
     $this->leftTemplate = 0;
     $this->leftText = "";
     $this->link = "";
     $this->navbarTitle = "";
     $this->parent = null;
     $this->position = 0;
     $this->rightTemplate = 0;
     $this->rightText = "";
     $this->separator = 0;
     $this->showComments = 0;
     $this->showInMenu = 1;
     $this->showLastModified = 0;
     $this->text = "";
     $this->title = "";
     // Attempt to read values from database
     if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id) || !empty($title)) {
         global $dbi;
         // Fetch page data from database
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,parentId,title,text,leftTemplate,leftText,rightTemplate,rightText,link,position,showComments,disableComments,showInMenu,showLastModified,navbarTitle,`separator` FROM " . pageTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($id) ? "id=" . $dbi->quote($id) : (!empty($title) ? "title=" . $dbi->quote($title) . " OR navbarTitle=" . $dbi->quote($title) : "")));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($this->id, $parentId, $this->title, $this->text, $this->leftTemplate, $this->leftText, $this->rightTemplate, $this->rightText, $this->link, $this->position, $this->showComments, $this->disableComments, $this->showInMenu, $this->showLastModified, $this->navbarTitle, $this->separator) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             // Parse strings
             $this->title = parseString($this->title);
             $this->text = parseString($this->text);
             $this->leftText = parseString($this->leftText);
             $this->rightText = parseString($this->rightText);
             $this->parent = new Page($parentId);
             // If link does not contain http:// or https:// prepend scriptUrl
             if (!empty($this->link)) {
                 $this->link = parseString($this->link);
                 if (substr($this->link, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($this->link, 0, 8) != "https://") {
                     $this->fullLink = scriptUrl . "/" . $this->link;
                 } else {
                     $this->fullLink = $this->link;
Exemple #29
  * Initialize Category object.
  * @param	$id		Category identifier.
  * @param	$title	Category title.
 function init($id, $title = "")
     if (!empty($id) || !empty($title)) {
         global $dbi;
         // Get category data
         $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id,title,description FROM " . categoryTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($id) ? "id=" . $dbi->quote($id) : "") . (!empty($title) ? "title=" . $dbi->quote(addslashes($title)) : ""));
         if ($result->rows()) {
             list($this->id, $this->title, $this->description) = $result->fetchrow_array();
             // Parse strings
             $this->title = parseString($this->title);
             $this->description = parseString($this->description);
         // Free result
     } else {
         $this->id = -1;
Exemple #30
$content = $cache->getCacheFileContent("", "latestComments", 3600 * 4);
if (empty($content) || true) {
    $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . commentTableName . " ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 10");
    if ($result->rows()) {
        // Include meta header template
        $metaTitle = "Seneste kommentarer";
        include layoutPath . "/template/metaHeader.template.php";
        $content = $metaHeader;
        for ($i = 0; list($id) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) {
            $comment = new Comment($id);
            $name = $comment->name;
            if (!empty($comment->userId)) {
                $user = new User($comment->userId);
                $name = $user->name;
            $metaTitle = parseString($comment->subject);
            $metaLink = $comment->getCommentLink();
            $metaInfo = $site->generateTimestamp($comment->posted, true) . " af " . $name;
            $metaCount = -1;
            // Include meta body template
            include layoutPath . "/template/metaBody.template.php";
            $content .= $metaBody;
        // Include meta footer template
        include layoutPath . "/template/metaFooter.template.php";
        $content .= $metaFooter;
    // Save output in cache
    $cache->cacheFile("", "latestComments", $content);
echo $content;