function parseDBLine($record)
    $dbRecord = array();
    // note that the fields start off at 0, and they are simply parsed
    // in order
    $field = 0;
    print_r("original record");
    list($dbRecord["FirstName"], $dbRecord["LastName"]) = parseName($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["Email"] = parseEmail($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["Phone"] = parsePhone($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["Title"] = null;
    $dbRecord["CustomerCNotes"] = parseCustomerCNotes($record[$field++]);
    list($dbRecord["Street1"], $dbRecord["Street2"], $dbRecord["City"], $dbRecord["State"], $dbRecord["Zip"]) = parseAddress($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["Country"] = "US";
    $dbRecord["AdminCNotes"] = parseAdminCNotes($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["OrderedDate"] = $dbRecord["MetDate"] = parseMetDate($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["CustomerONotes"] = parseCustomerONotes($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["AdminONotes"] = parseAdminONotes($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["Charity"] = parseCharity($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["RequestedPay"] = parsePaymentRequested($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["PaidDate"] = parsePaid($record[$field++], "10/1/2014");
    $dbRecord["ReleasedToShipping"] = parseReleasedToShipping($record[$field++], "10/1/2014");
    $dbRecord["ShippedDate"] = parseShipped($record[$field++], "10/1/14");
    $dbRecord["IsExpedited"] = parseExpedite($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["WasCanceled"] = parseCanceled($record[$field++]);
    $dbRecord["InvoiceNumber"] = $dbRecord["InvoiceID"] = $dbRecord["InvoiceURL"] = null;
    $dbRecord["Carrier"] = $dbRecord["TrackingNum"] = $dbRecord["WasReceived"] = null;
    $dbRecord["Discount"] = $dbRecord["ShippingFee"] = $dbRecord["ExpediteFee"] = null;
    $dbRecord["Products"] = parseProducts($record[$field++]);
    return $dbRecord;
Exemple #2
function sendErrorReport()
    $options = getOptions();
    $extra_vars = isset($options['params']) ? $options['params'] : false;
    $content = parseEmail($options['email'], $extra_vars);
    email_send($options['mailTo'], "Une erreur s'est produite sur OpenNAS", $content, $outError);
function parse_viewheader($imapConnection, $id, $passed_ent_id)
    $header_output = array();
    $second = array();
    $first = array();
    if (!$passed_ent_id) {
        $read = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, "FETCH {$id} BODY[HEADER]", true, $a, $b, TRUE);
    } else {
        $query = "FETCH {$id} BODY[" . $passed_ent_id . '.HEADER]';
        $read = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, $query, true, $a, $b, TRUE);
    $cnum = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($read); $i++) {
        $line = sm_encode_html_special_chars($read[$i]);
        switch (true) {
            case preg_match('/^&gt;/i', $line):
                $second[$i] = $line;
                $first[$i] = '&nbsp;';
                // FIXME: is the pipe character below a mistake?  I think the original author might have thought it carried special meaning in the character class, which it does not... but then again, I am not currently trying to understand what this code actually does
            // FIXME: is the pipe character below a mistake?  I think the original author might have thought it carried special meaning in the character class, which it does not... but then again, I am not currently trying to understand what this code actually does
            case preg_match('/^[ |\\t]/', $line):
                $second[$i] = $line;
                $first[$i] = '';
            case preg_match('/^([^:]+):(.+)/', $line, $regs):
                $first[$i] = $regs[1] . ':';
                $second[$i] = $regs[2];
                $second[$i] = trim($line);
                $first[$i] = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($second); $i = $j) {
        $f = isset($first[$i]) ? $first[$i] : '';
        $s = isset($second[$i]) ? nl2br($second[$i]) : '';
        $j = $i + 1;
        while ($first[$j] == '' && $j < count($first)) {
            $s .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . nl2br($second[$j]);
        $lowf = strtolower($f);
        /* do not mark these headers as emailaddresses */
        if ($lowf != 'message-id:' && $lowf != 'in-reply-to:' && $lowf != 'references:') {
        if ($f) {
            $header_output[] = array($f, $s);
    return $header_output;
function parse_viewheader($imapConnection, $id, $passed_ent_id)
    global $uid_support;
    $header_full = array();
    $header_output = array();
    $second = array();
    $first = array();
    if (!$passed_ent_id) {
        $read = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, "FETCH {$id} BODY[HEADER]", true, $a, $b, $uid_support);
    } else {
        $query = "FETCH {$id} BODY[" . $passed_ent_id . '.HEADER]';
        $read = sqimap_run_command($imapConnection, $query, true, $a, $b, $uid_support);
    $cnum = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($read); $i++) {
        $line = htmlspecialchars($read[$i]);
        switch (true) {
            case eregi("^&gt;", $line):
                $second[$i] = $line;
                $first[$i] = '&nbsp;';
            case eregi("^[ |\t]", $line):
                $second[$i] = $line;
                $first[$i] = '';
            case eregi("^([^:]+):(.+)", $line, $regs):
                $first[$i] = $regs[1] . ':';
                $second[$i] = $regs[2];
                $second[$i] = trim($line);
                $first[$i] = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($second); $i = $j) {
        $f = isset($first[$i]) ? $first[$i] : '';
        $s = isset($second[$i]) ? nl2br($second[$i]) : '';
        $j = $i + 1;
        while ($first[$j] == '' && $j < count($first)) {
            $s .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . nl2br($second[$j]);
        $lowf = strtolower($f);
        /* do not mark these headers as emailaddresses */
        if ($lowf != 'message-id:' && $lowf != 'in-reply-to:' && $lowf != 'references:') {
        if ($f) {
            $header_output[] = array($f, $s);
    return $header_output;
 * Parses a body and converts all found URLs to clickable links.
 * @param string body the body to process, by ref
 * @return void
function parseUrl(&$body)
    global $url_parser_poss_ends, $url_parser_url_tokens;
    $start = 0;
    $blength = strlen($body);
    while ($start < $blength) {
        $target_token = '';
        $target_pos = $blength;
        /* Find the first token to replace */
        foreach ($url_parser_url_tokens as $the_token) {
            $pos = strpos(strtolower($body), $the_token, $start);
            if (is_int($pos) && $pos < $target_pos) {
                $target_pos = $pos;
                $target_token = $the_token;
        /* Look for email addresses between $start and $target_pos */
        $check_str = substr($body, $start, $target_pos - $start);
        if (parseEmail($check_str)) {
            replaceBlock($body, $check_str, $start, $target_pos);
            $blength = strlen($body);
            $target_pos = strlen($check_str) + $start;
        /* If there was a token to replace, replace it */
        if ($target_token == 'mailto:') {
            // rfc 2368 (mailto URL)
            $target_pos += 7;
            //skip mailto:
            $end = $blength;
            $mailto = substr($body, $target_pos, $end - $target_pos);
            global $MailTo_PReg_Match;
            if (preg_match($MailTo_PReg_Match, $mailto, $regs) && $regs[0] != '') {
                $mailto_before = $target_token . $regs[0];
                $mailto_params = $regs[10];
                if ($regs[1]) {
                    //if there is an email addr before '?', we need to merge it with the params
                    $to = 'to=' . $regs[1];
                    if (strpos($mailto_params, 'to=') > -1) {
                        //already a 'to='
                        $mailto_params = str_replace('to=', $to . '%2C%20', $mailto_params);
                    } else {
                        if ($mailto_params) {
                            //already some params, append to them
                            $mailto_params .= '&amp;' . $to;
                        } else {
                            $mailto_params .= '?' . $to;
                $url_str = str_replace(array('to=', 'cc=', 'bcc='), array('send_to=', 'send_to_cc=', 'send_to_bcc='), $mailto_params);
                $comp_uri = makeComposeLink('src/compose.php' . $url_str, $mailto_before);
                replaceBlock($body, $comp_uri, $target_pos - 7, $target_pos + strlen($regs[0]));
                $target_pos += strlen($comp_uri) - 7;
        } else {
            if ($target_token != '') {
                /* Find the end of the URL */
                $end = $blength;
                foreach ($url_parser_poss_ends as $val) {
                    $enda = strpos($body, $val, $target_pos);
                    if (is_int($enda) && $enda < $end) {
                        $end = $enda;
                /* Extract URL */
                $url = substr($body, $target_pos, $end - $target_pos);
                /* Needed since lines are not passed with \n or \r */
                while (ereg("[,\\.]\$", $url)) {
                    $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
                /* Replace URL with HyperLinked Url, requires 1 char in link */
                if ($url != '' && $url != $target_token) {
                    $url_str = "<a href=\"{$url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$url}</a>";
                    replaceBlock($body, $url_str, $target_pos, $end);
                    $target_pos += strlen($url_str);
                } else {
                    // Not quite a valid link, skip ahead to next chance
                    $target_pos += strlen($target_token);
        /* Move forward */
        $start = $target_pos;
        $blength = strlen($body);
  * Retreives breadcrumb info for sub categories.
  * @version 2.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   int     $threadId
  * @param   array   $thread
  * @param   array   $postInfo
 private function notify($threadId, $thread, $postInfo)
     $users2Notify = array();
     $uid = $this->objUser->grab('id');
     //grab the watching users
     $watchingUsers = $this->objSQL->getTable('SELECT DISTINCT user_id, seen FROM $Pforum_watch WHERE thread_id ="%s" AND seen = 1', array($threadId));
     foreach ($watchingUsers as $user) {
         $users2Notify[] = $user['user_id'];
     //remove the current user, no point in email him about the post he just made O.o
     $users2Notify = array_diff($users2Notify, array($uid));
     if (is_empty($users2Notify)) {
         return false;
     //grab some info about the users
     $users = array();
     foreach ($users2Notify as $user) {
         $users[] = $this->objUser->getUserInfo($user['id']);
     //if we have no users then return here
     if (is_empty($users)) {
         return false;
     //update forum watch
     $update['seen'] = 0;
     $this->objSQL->updateRow('forum_watch', $update, array('thread_id ="%d" AND uid IN (%s)', $threadId, implode(', ', $users2Notify)));
     $vars = array('AUTHOR' => $uid, 'THREAD_NAME' => $thread['subject'], 'TIME' => $postInfo['posted'], 'THREAD_URL' => $postInfo['thread_url']);
     $nl = "\n";
     //loop thru the users and exec the desired action :D
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $message['title'] = langVar('L_THREAD_NOTIFY');
         $message['email'] = parseEmail('E_USER_POSTED', $postInfo);
         $message['notify'] = langVar('L_USER_POSTED', $this->objUser->profile($uid, RAW), '[b]' . secureMe($thread['subject']) . '[/b]', $this->objTime->mk_time($postInfo['posted'], 'db', $user['timezone'])) . $nl . 'You can view the topic by visiting the following URL: ' . '[url=http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . root() . 'modules/forum/thread/' . seo($thread['subject']) . '-' . $threadId . '.html?mode=last_page]Here[/url]';
         doNotification($user['id'], 'forum', 'forumReplies', $message);
 /** Fügt einen Benutzer hinzu.
  * @param string $email Die E-Mail Adresse des Benutzers (zum Versenden der E-Mail benötigt)
  * @param integer $class ID der zugehörigen Klasse
  * @param integer $type Typ des Benutzers (access_level) (0: admin; 1: teacher; 2: user)
  * @param string $realname Der "echte" Name des Benutzers
  * @param float $valid Anzahl Wochen, die vergehen, bis die Registrierung abläuft
  * @return bool false im Fehlerfall, es wird eine Warnung oder ein Fehler erzeugt
 public function addUser($email, $class = 0, $type = 2, $realname = null, $valid = 2)
     if (!$this->permitted) {
         return false;
     // Werte validieren
     $type = intval($type);
     $valid = floatval($valid);
     $class = intval($class);
     $error = false;
     if ($type < 0 || $type > 2) {
         $this->throwWarning('The access level of the new user is invalid.');
         $error = true;
     if ($valid < 1 || $valid > 5) {
         $this->throwWarning('The user must be enabled or disabled. There was an invalid value.');
         $error = true;
     $email = parseEmail($email);
     if (!$email) {
         $this->throwWarning('The given e-mail address is invalid.');
         $error = true;
     // Prüfen ob Fehler aufgetreten
     if ($error) {
         return false;
     $valid = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $valid * 630000);
     // Registrierungshash
     $hash = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true)) . '-' . uniqid();
     // Benutzer in DB hinzufügen
     $db = getDB();
     if (!$db->query('addUser', array('hash' => $hash, 'accessLevel' => $type, 'realName' => $realname, 'email' => $email, 'valid' => $valid, 'class' => $class))) {
         return $this->throwError('While creating the new user, a technical error occurred. The user wasn\'t created.');
     // Einladungsmail vorbereiten
     $link = new Template(SYS_MAIL_INVITE_LINK);
     $link->assign('hash', $hash);
     $link->assign('id', $db->insertID);
     $tmpl = new Template(SYS_MAIL_INVITE_MAIL);
     $tmpl->assign('name', $realname);
     $tmpl->assign('link', $link);
     // Einladungsmail senden
     if (!mail($email, SYS_MAIL_INVITE_SUBJECT, $tmpl, 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . PHP_EOL . 'From: ' . SYS_NOREPLY)) {
         return $this->throwError('A technical error occurred: The e-mail with the invitation link has not been sent. The user has not been invited.');
     return true;