public function __construct($array, $timezone = null) { $this->title = $array['title']; if (isset($array['allDay'])) { // allDay has been explicitly specified $this->allDay = (bool) $array['allDay']; } else { // Guess allDay based off of ISO8601 date strings $this->allDay = preg_match(self::ALL_DAY_REGEX, $array['start']) && (!isset($array['end']) || preg_match(self::ALL_DAY_REGEX, $array['end'])); } if ($this->allDay) { // If dates are allDay, we want to parse them in UTC to avoid DST issues. $timezone = null; } // Parse dates $this->start = parseDateTime($array['start'], $timezone); $this->end = isset($array['end']) ? parseDateTime($array['end'], $timezone) : null; // Record misc properties /*foreach ($array as $name => $value) { if (!in_array($name, array('title', 'allDay', 'start', 'end'))) { $this->properties[$name] = $value; } }*/ $this->id = $array['id']; $this->detalls = $array['detalls']; $this->parcela = $array['parcela']; $this->realitzada = (bool) $array['realitzada']; }
public function fromRequest($array) { // transfore donnees Js en Pimcore if (isset($array['dateRegister'])) { $array['dateRegister'] = parseDateTime($array['dateRegister']); } return $array(); }
public function acquire() { if ($this->items == null) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT `When` FROM lastchanges WHERE Section='{$this->section}'"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); if ($row == false) { throw new Exception("Chyba při získávání datumu poslední změny - sekce: {$this->section}"); } } else { $item = $this->items[0]; $result = mysql_query("SELECT `When` FROM lastchanges WHERE Section='{$this->section}' AND Item={$item}"); if (!($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))) { $row = array("2000-01-01 00:00:00"); } } $dt = parseDateTime($row[0]); $this->timestamp = $dt['stamp']; }
function getEventsForHome() { $this->load->file('php/utils.php', false); $all_shows = array(); $range_start = parseDateTime($_GET['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_GET['end']); if ($this->session->userdata('logged_in')) { $session_data = $this->session->userdata('logged_in'); $usershows = $this->shows_model->get_user_shows($session_data['id']); foreach ($usershows as $show) { $showArray = array(); $url = '' . $show; // $url = 'xmls/' . $show . '.xml'; $feed = file_get_contents($url); $xml = simplexml_load_string($feed) or die("Error: Cannot create object"); $show_name = strval($xml->name); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($feed); $episodes = $xml->xpath('//episode'); foreach ($episodes as $episode) { if (count($episode->xpath("parent::*/@no")) > 0) { $season = (string) $episode->xpath("parent::*/@no")[0]->no; $episodenr = (string) $episode->seasonnum; array_push($showArray, array('title' => $show_name, 'start' => $episode->airdate, 'season' => $season, 'episodenr' => $episodenr)); } } foreach ($showArray as $array) { // Convert the input array into a useful Event object $event = new Event($array, null); if ($event->isWithinDayRange($range_start, $range_end)) { $all_shows[] = $event->toArray(); } } } echo json_encode($all_shows); } else { //If no session, redirect to login page redirect('login', 'refresh'); } }
public function feed() { //require file require FCPATH . 'assets/js/fullcalendar/demos/php/utils.php'; //variable $range_start; $range_end; $timezone = null; $output_arrays = array(); // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_POST['start']) || !isset($_POST['end'])) { die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = $_POST['start']; $range_end = $_POST['end']; // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); } // Read and parse our events JSON file into an array of event data arrays. $query = $this->holiday->getListForCalendar($range_start, $range_end); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $data = array(); $data["title"] = $row["HName"]; $data["allDay"] = true; $data["start"] = $row["HDate"]; $data["end"] = $row["HDate"]; $event = new Event($data, $timezone); if ($event->isWithinDayRange(parseDateTime($range_start), parseDateTime($range_end))) { $output_arrays[] = $event->toArray(); } } } // Send JSON to the client. echo json_encode($output_arrays); }
function get_free_time_events() { // Require our Event class and datetime utilities require plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/php/utils.php'; $IDU_Type = $_GET['IDU_Type']; $IDU = $_GET['IDU']; //Salesforce connection setup $server_base = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; define("SOAP_CLIENT_BASEDIR", "{$server_base}/wp-content/"); require_once SOAP_CLIENT_BASEDIR . '/SforceEnterpriseClient.php'; require_once "{$server_base}/wp-content/"; ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); $mySforceConnection = new SforceEnterpriseClient(); $mySoapClient = $mySforceConnection->createConnection(SOAP_CLIENT_BASEDIR . '/enterprise.wsdl.xml'); $mylogin = $mySforceConnection->login($USERNAME, $PASSWORD); //Salesforce Query $query = "SELECT Id,Free_Json_Times__c,Firstname,Lastname,C_ID__c From Contact WHERE Id='{$IDU}'"; //Salesforce Response $response = $mySforceConnection->query($query); //exit if nothing returned if (count($response->records) == 0) { exit; } foreach ($response->records as $record) { $status = $record->Status__c; $Leading_Type = $record->Leading_Type__c; $json_free_time = $record->Free_Json_Times__c; } // die( $selected_time); // die($json); // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_GET['start']) || !isset($_GET['end'])) { die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = parseDateTime($_GET['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_GET['end']); // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_GET['timezone']) && $_GET['timezone'] != 'local') { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); } // if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) { // $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); // } // Read and parse our events JSON file into an array of event data arrays. $input_arrays = json_decode($json_free_time, true); // die($selected_time); // Accumulate an output array of event data arrays. $output_arrays = array(); if (count($input_arrays) > 0) { foreach ($input_arrays as $array) { // // Convert the input array into a useful Event object $event = new Event($array, $timezone); // If the event is in-bounds, add it to the output if ($event->isWithinDayRange($range_start, $range_end)) { $output_arrays[] = $event->toArray(); } } } // Send JSON to the client. die(json_encode($output_arrays)); }
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadData(); $o_id = sprintf("%03d", $this->data->YID) . "–{$this->data->Year}"; $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->Created); $created = date('j.n.Y', $dt['stamp']); $html = <<<EOT <table class="faktura" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> \t<tr class="adresa1"> \t\t<td class="adresa1L"></td> \t\t<td class="adresa1P"> \t\t\t<span>Bestellung Nr.: </span>{$o_id}<br /> \t\t\t<span>Bestelldatum: </span>{$created} \t\t</td> \t</tr> \t<tr class="adresa2"> \t\t<td class="adresa2L"> \t\t\t<h3 class="adresa2Lh3">Lieferadresse:</h3>{$this->renderDeliveryAddress()} \t\t</td> \t\t<td class="adresa2P"> \t\t\t<h3 class="adresa2Lh3">Rechnungsadresse:</h3>{$this->renderInvoiceAddress()} \t\t</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td> \t\t</td> \t\t<td class="objinfo"> \t\t\t<strong>Zürich, {$created}</strong> \t\t</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td colspan="2" class="objinfo1"> \t\t\t<strong>Rechnung Nr. {$o_id}</strong> \t\t</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td colspan="2"> \t\t\t<table> \t<tr class="polozkynadpis"> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="nfks">Stk.</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="nfnm">Artikelbezeichnung</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="nfcn">Preis pro Stk.</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="nfck">Gesamt CHF</td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $flds = array('Title', 'Code', 'Amount', 'Cost'); $i = 1; foreach ($this->ordrows as $ordrow) { $fval = array(); foreach ($flds as $fld) { $fval[$fld] = htmlspecialchars($ordrow['rowdata']->{$fld}); } $fval['CostTotal'] = htmlspecialchars($ordrow['rowdata']->Cost * $ordrow['rowdata']->Amount); $props_a = array(); foreach ($ordrow['properties'] as $property) { $props_a[] = htmlspecialchars($property['name']) . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($property['value']); } $fval['Properties'] = empty($props_a) ? '' : ', ' . implode(', ', $props_a); $cost1_f = $this->formatCost($fval['Cost'], 'CHF'); $costT_f = $this->formatCost($fval['CostTotal'], 'CHF'); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="polozky"> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="fks">{$fval['Amount']}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="fnm"> \t\t\t\t\t\t<strong>{$fval['Title']}</strong><br /> \t\t\t\t\t\tArt.Nr. {$fval['Code']}{$fval['Properties']} \t\t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="fcn">{$cost1_f}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="fck"><strong>{$costT_f}</strong></td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $i++; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</td> \t</tr> EOT; $delivery_specs = array('CHP' => 'per Post', 'DPD' => 'DPD', 'PSA' => 'Persönliche Sammlung'); $delivery = array_key_exists($this->data->Delivery, $delivery_specs) ? $delivery_specs[$this->data->Delivery] : $this->data->Delivery; //if ($dcost = $this->data->DeliveryCost) $delivery .= " ({$this->formatCost($dcost, 'CHF')})"; $dcost = $this->data->DeliveryCost; // způsob platby je spojen s doručením $payment_specs = array('VPB' => 'Vorauskasse per Banküberweisung', 'PNN' => 'auf Rechnung', 'BAR' => 'Barzahlung'); $payment = array_key_exists($this->data->Payment, $payment_specs) ? $payment_specs[$this->data->Payment] : $this->data->Payment; //if ($pcost = $this->data->PaymentCost) $payment .= " ({$this->formatCost($pcost, 'CHF')})"; $pcost = $this->data->PaymentCost; $productscost = $this->data->ProductsTotalCost; $products_and_delivery_cost = $productscost + $dcost; $products_and_delivery_cost_f = $this->formatCost($products_and_delivery_cost); if ($this->data->Payment === 'VPB' || $this->data->Payment === 'BAR') { $paymentcost_str = <<<EOT {$payment} Skonto 3% von {$products_and_delivery_cost_f} CHF EOT; } else { $paymentcost_str = $payment; } $totalcost = $this->roundCost($productscost + $dcost + $pcost); $productscost_f = $this->formatCost($productscost, 'CHF'); $totalcost_f = $this->formatCost($totalcost, 'CHF'); //$note = str_replace("\r\n", "\r", htmlspecialchars($this->data->Note)); //$packagecode = htmlspecialchars($this->data->PackageCode); //$astate = array(0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => '', 4 => '', 5 => ''); //$astate[$this->data->Status] = ' checked'; $html .= <<<EOT \t<tr class="infodoprava"> \t\t<td colspan="2"> \t\t\t<strong>Lieferung: </strong>{$delivery} \t\t</td> \t</tr> \t<tr class="infoplatba"> \t\t<td colspan="2"> \t\t\t<strong>Zahlungsart: </strong>{$payment} \t\t</td> \t</tr> </table> <table class="faktura"> \t<tr> \t\t<td class="hodnota">Warenwert: </td> \t\t<td class="hodnota-cena">{$productscost_f}</td> \t</tr> EOT; if ($dcost) { $deliverycost_f = $this->formatCost($dcost); $html .= <<<EOT \t<tr> \t\t<td class="doprava">Versandkosten: </td> \t\t<td class="doprava-cena">{$deliverycost_f} CHF</td> \t</tr> EOT; } $MwSt = $this->formatCost($products_and_delivery_cost * 0.08); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<!--<tr> \t\t\t<td class="dph">MwSt 8% von {$products_and_delivery_cost_f} CHF: </td> \t\t\t<td colspan="2" class="dph-cena">{$MwSt} CHF</td> \t\t</tr>--> EOT; if ($pcost) { $paymentcost_f = $this->formatCost($pcost); $html .= <<<EOT \t<tr> \t\t<td class="sleva">{$paymentcost_str}:</td> \t\t<td class="sleva-cena">{$paymentcost_f} CHF</td> \t</tr> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t<tr> \t\t<td class="celkem">Gesamtsumme (CHF):</td> \t\t<td class="celkem-cena">{$totalcost_f}</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td colspan="2" class="celkem">Inkl. MwSt. 8% und Versand- Servicekosten</td> \t</tr> </table> <table class="faktura"> \t<tr class="platba-info"> \t\t<td><strong>Bitte zahlen Sie innert 10 Tagen auf unser Konto:</strong> 40-630173-3</td> \t</tr> \t<tr class="platba-info"> \t\t<td><strong>Besten Dank für Ihren geschätzten Auftrag. Wir verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüssen und höflicher Empfehlung</strong></td> \t</tr> </table> EOT; return $html; }
protected function loadData() { if ($this->data === null && $this->id) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, Title, Code, ShortDesc, URL, PageTitle, LongDesc, Collection, OriginalCost, NewCost, WSCost, Photo, Discount, Sellout, Action, Novelty, Exposed, Active, LastChange FROM products WHERE ID={$this->id}"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->data = new Kiwi_DataRow($row); $this->title = $this->data->Title; $this->code = $this->data->Code; $this->auto = $this->data->URL == ''; $this->url = $this->data->URL; $this->htitle = $this->data->PageTitle; $this->shortdesc = $this->data->ShortDesc; $this->longdesc = $this->data->LongDesc; $this->collection = $this->data->Collection; $this->original_cost = $this->data->OriginalCost; $this->new_cost = $this->data->NewCost; $this->ws_cost = $this->data->WSCost; $this->photo = $this->data->Photo; $this->novelty = $this->data->Novelty; $this->action = $this->data->Action; $this->discount = $this->data->Discount; $this->sellout = $this->data->Sellout; $this->exposed = $this->data->Exposed; $this->active = $this->data->Active; $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->LastChange); $this->lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, FileName FROM prodepics WHERE PID={$this->id} ORDER BY ID"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->photo_extra[$row['ID']] = array('FileName' => $row['FileName']); } $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, FileName FROM prodipics WHERE PID={$this->id} ORDER BY ID"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->photo_illustrative[$row['ID']] = array('FileName' => $row['FileName']); } $code = mysql_real_escape_string($this->code); $result = mysql_query("SELECT Count(*) FROM products WHERE Code='{$code}'"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $this->code_unique = $row[0] < 2; } else { throw new Exception("Chyba při ověřování unikátnosti kódu produktu"); } $this->loadGroup(); } else { throw new Exception("Neplatný identifikátor produktu"); } } }
/** */ function checkCancelTime() { return true; $now = time(); $OrderDateEndHOSE = date('Y-m-d') . " " . changeMinute(SESSION_3_END, "+5") . ":30"; $arrOrderDateEndHOSE = parseDateTime($OrderDateEndHOSE); $unixOrderDateEndHOSE = mktime($arrOrderDateEndHOSE[3], $arrOrderDateEndHOSE[4], $arrOrderDateEndHOSE[5], $arrOrderDateEndHOSE[1], $arrOrderDateEndHOSE[2], $arrOrderDateEndHOSE[0]); $EndWorkingTime = date('Y-m-d') . " 17:00:00"; $arrEndWorkingTime = parseDateTime($EndWorkingTime); $unixEndWorkingTime = mktime($arrEndWorkingTime[3], $arrEndWorkingTime[4], $arrEndWorkingTime[5], $arrEndWorkingTime[1], $arrEndWorkingTime[2], $arrEndWorkingTime[0]); if ($unixOrderDateEndHOSE < $now && $now < $unixEndWorkingTime) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadClients(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}" method="post"> \t<h2>Katalog Klienten - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $tabs_html = ''; $tqs = $this->consQS(true); $tqs .= $tqs == '' ? '?' : '&'; foreach ($this->fletters as $fletter => $flcount) { $fletterqs = urlencode($fletter); if ($this->letter == $fletter) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>{$fletter}</span> EOT; } elseif ($flcount == 0) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<b>{$fletter}</b> EOT; } else { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}l={$fletterqs}">{$fletter}</a> EOT; } } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="zalozky">{$tabs_html} EOT; if ($this->letter === null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>Alles</span> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}l=all">Alles</a> EOT; } $search = htmlspecialchars($this->getSearchBoxText()); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="searchbox"> \t\t\t<input type="text" id="kclfc_sbox" name="search" value="{$search}" class="searchinp" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kclfc_sbtn" name="cmd" value="suchen" class="searchbtn" /> \t\t</div> \t\t<br class="clear" /> \t\t</div> EOT; $disabled_str = sizeof($this->clients) == 0 ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Clients_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Email</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>erstellt</th> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); foreach ($this->clients as $client) { if ($this->letter !== null) { $clientname = $client->BusinessName ? $client->BusinessName : $client->SurName; $ltr = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($clientname, 0, 2)); if ($ltr != 'CH') { $ltr = $this->removeDiaT1(mb_substr($ltr, 0, 1)); } if ($ltr != $this->letter) { continue; } } $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$client->ID]) && $this->checked[$client->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $clink = KIWI_EDIT_CLIENT . "?c={$client->ID}"; $mlink = KIWI_ESHOPMAIL_FORM . "?c={$client->ID}"; if ($client->BusinessName) { $name = htmlspecialchars($client->BusinessName); $email = htmlspecialchars($client->FirmEmail); $clientstatus_icon = 'clientF'; $clientstatus_text = 'Firma'; } else { $name = htmlspecialchars(($client->Title ? "{$client->Title} " : '') . "{$client->FirstName} {$client->SurName}"); $email = htmlspecialchars($client->Email); $clientstatus_icon = 'clientP'; $clientstatus_text = 'Privatperson'; } $clientstatus_str = <<<EOT <img src="./image/{$clientstatus_icon}.gif" alt="" title="{$clientstatus_text}" /> EOT; $dt = parseDateTime($client->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $dt = parseDateTime($client->Created); $created = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$client->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Clients_Form.enableBtns(this.checked)"{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$clink}">{$name}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$mlink}">{$email}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$clientstatus_str}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$created}</td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (sizeof($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> EOT; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kclfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Clients_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
protected function loadData() { if ($this->data == null && $this->id) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT M.ID, X.NGID, M.Name, X.Count, X.ListMode, X.ShowPages, X.DetailLink, M.LastChange FROM modules AS M LEFT OUTER JOIN mod_news AS X ON M.ID=X.ID WHERE M.ID={$this->id}"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->data = new Kiwi_DataRow($row); $this->name = $this->data->Name; $this->perpage = (int) $this->data->Count; $this->ngid = $this->data->NGID; $this->listmode = $this->data->ListMode; $this->showpages = $this->data->ShowPages != 0; $this->detaillink = $this->data->DetailLink; $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->LastChange); $this->lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); } else { throw new Exception("Neplatný identifikátor modulu"); } } if (!is_array($this->newsgroups)) { $this->newsgroups = array(); $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, Title FROM newsgroups ORDER BY Title"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->newsgroups[] = new Kiwi_DataRow($row); } } }
public function _getHTML() { global $kiwi_config; $oFCKeditor_content = new FCKeditor('knlrfc_content'); $oFCKeditor_content->Config['CustomConfigurationsPath'] = KIWI_DIRECTORY . 'fckcustom/fckconfig.js'; $oFCKeditor_content->Config['StylesXmlPath'] = KIWI_DIRECTORY . 'fckcustom/fckstyles.xml'; $oFCKeditor_content->Config['ToolbarStartExpanded'] = false; // $oFCKeditor_content->BasePath = FCK_EDITOR_DIR; // defaultní hodnota $oFCKeditor_content->Width = 720; $oFCKeditor_content->Height = 296; // $oFCKeditor_content->ToolbarSet = 'Kiwi'; $oFCKeditor_content->ToolbarSet = 'Default'; if ($this->id) { $this->loadData(); $tname = htmlspecialchars($this->title); $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n. Y - H:i', $dt['stamp']); } else { $tname = 'neu'; $lastchange = null; } if ($this->read_only) { $ro_disabled_str = ' disabled'; $D_str = 'D'; } else { $ro_disabled_str = $D_str = ''; } $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $qs = $this->consQS(); $title = htmlspecialchars($this->title); $active_checked_str = $this->active ? ' checked' : ''; $oFCKeditor_content->Value = $this->content; if ($this->title != '') { $tname = $title; } else { $tname = 'Neu'; } $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>Newsletter - {$tname} - [editieren]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> \t\t<div class="form3"> \t\t\t<fieldset id="knlrfc_fs"> EOT; if ($lastchange !== null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$lastchange}</div> EOT; } if ($this->read_only) { $readonly_str = ' readonly'; $readonly_str2 = ' disabled'; $readonly_str3 = 'D'; $onchange_str = ''; $onchange_str2 = ''; } else { $readonly_str = ''; $readonly_str2 = ''; $readonly_str3 = ''; $onchange_str = ' onchange="Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onChange()" onkeydown="Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onKeyDown(event)"'; $onchange_str2 = $onchange_str . ' onclick="Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onChange()"'; } $start = htmlspecialchars($this->start); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t\t\t<table class="tab-form" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Newsletter-Name :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="knlrfc_title" name="Nazev" value="{$title}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOUT'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Start :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="knlrfc_start" name="Start" value="{$start}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" id="knlrfc_active" name="Aktivni"{$active_checked_str}{$onchange_str2}{$readonly_str2} /> aktiv</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; //TODO: reflect readonly $content_html = $oFCKeditor_content->CreateHtml(); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Content :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$content_html}</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $onback_js_arg = $this->redirectLevelUpLink(); if ($this->id) { $preview = KIWI_NEWSLETTER_PREVIEW . '?nl=' . $this->id; $previewHtml = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div class="newsletter-preview"><a href="{$preview}" title="" target="_blank">Preview</a></div> EOT; } else { $previewHtml = ''; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t</table> \t\t\t\t</div> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlrfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="speichern" class="but3{$readonly_str3}" onclick="return Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onSave()"{$readonly_str2} /> \t\t\t\t<input type="button" id="knlrfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="Zurück" class="but3" onclick="return Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onBack('{$onback_js_arg}')" />{$previewHtml} \t\t\t</fieldset> \t\t</div> \t</div> EOT; if ($this->id && $this->productsEnabled()) { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadProducts(); $disabled_str = count($this->products) == 0 || $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t<h2>[Posten] - {$tname} - [verbunden Artikel]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Artikel-Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Preis</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Neu">N</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Aktion">Ak</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Rabatt">R</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Ausferkauf">Au</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<th>Priorität</th> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($this->products as $product) { $i++; $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$product->ID]) && $this->checked[$product->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $disabled_str = $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $title = htmlspecialchars($product->Title); $plink = KIWI_EDIT_PRODUCT . "?p={$product->PID}"; $anchor_str = $this->anchor->ID == $product->ID ? ' id="zmena"' : ''; $new_cost = htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%01.2f", $product->NewCost)); if ($product->Photo) { $photo = 'photoOK'; $phototitle = 'Produkt hat Foto'; } else { $photo = 'photoKO'; $phototitle = 'Foto nicht verfügbar'; } $photostr = <<<EOT <img src="./image/{$photo}.gif" alt="" title="{$phototitle}" /> EOT; $novelty = $product->Novelty != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $action = $product->Action != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $discount = $product->Discount != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $sellout = $product->Sellout != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $active = $product->Active != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $dt = parseDateTime($product->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$product->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.enableBtns(this.checked);"{$disabled_str}{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$plink}"{$anchor_str}>{$title}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$new_cost}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$novelty}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$action}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$discount}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$sellout}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$photostr}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$active}</td> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $nullimg = "<img src=\"./image/null.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" />"; $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . ($i < count($this->products) - 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&dd={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/alldown.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i < count($this->products) ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&d={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&u={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 2 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&uu={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/allup.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . "</td>\n"; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> EOT; if ($this->read_only || count($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlrfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="Artikel hinzufügen" class="but4{$D_str}"{$ro_disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlrfc_cmd5" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Newsletter_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT </form> EOT; return $html; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This script reads event data from a JSON file and outputs those events which are within the range // supplied by the "start" and "end" GET parameters. // // An optional "timezone" GET parameter will force all ISO8601 date stings to a given timezone. // // Requires PHP 5.2.0 or higher. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header("Content-Type: application/json"); $usuario = $_REQUEST['user']; // Require our Event class and datetime utilities require dirname(__FILE__) . '/utils.php'; $range_start = parseDateTime("2015-09-04"); //$_GET['start'] $range_end = parseDateTime("2015-09-24"); //$_GET['end'] // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($range_start) || !isset($range_end)) { die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); } // Read and parse our events JSON file into an array of event data arrays. $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "sumaton", "3quipo3mpowerL4bs");
protected function loadData() { if ($this->data == null && $this->id) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, AGID, Title, Description, Picture, Link, LastChange FROM eshopactions WHERE ID={$this->id}"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->data = new Kiwi_DataRow($row); $this->agid = $this->data->AGID; $this->title = $this->data->Title; $this->description = $this->data->Description; $this->link = $this->data->Link; $this->picture = $this->data->Picture; $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->LastChange); $this->lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); } else { throw new Exception("Neplatný identifikátor akce"); } } if ($this->agtitle == '') { $result = mysql_query("SELECT Title FROM actiongroups WHERE ID={$this->agid}"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $this->agtitle = $row[0]; } else { throw new Exception("Neplatný identifikátor skupiny akcí!"); } } }
public function _getHTML() { $qs = $this->consQS(); if ($this->id) { $this->loadRecord(); $tname = $name = htmlspecialchars($this->record->Name); $url = htmlspecialchars($this->url); $htitle = htmlspecialchars($this->htitle); $description = str_replace("\r\n", "\r", htmlspecialchars($this->description)); $frontmenu_checked_str = $this->flags & self::FLAG_FRONTMENU ? ' checked' : ''; $dt = parseDateTime($this->record->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n. Y - H:i', $dt['stamp']); } else { $name = ''; $tname = 'neu'; $url = ''; $htitle = ''; $description = ''; $frontmenu_checked_str = ''; $lastchange = null; } if ($this->read_only) { $readonly_str = ' readonly'; $readonly_str2 = ' disabled'; $readonly_str3 = 'D'; $onchange_str = ''; $onchange_str3 = ''; $ro_disabled_str = ' disabled'; $D_str = 'D'; } else { $readonly_str = $ro_disabled_str = $D_str = ''; $readonly_str2 = ''; $readonly_str3 = ''; $onchange_str = ' onchange="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onChange()" onkeydown="return Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onKeyDown(event)"'; $onchange_str3 = ' onchange="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onChangeAuto()" onkeydown="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onKeyDownAuto(event)" onclick="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onChangeAuto()"'; } $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $html = <<<EOT <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>[Serie] - {$tname} - [editieren]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> \t\t<div class="form3"> \t\t\t<fieldset> EOT; if ($this->rights === true || $this->rights['EditURLs']) { if ($this->auto) { $checked_str = ' checked'; if ($readonly_str == '') { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; } } else { $checked_str = ''; $disabled_str = ''; } $ue_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Automatische URL und Titel :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" id="keifc_auto" name="Auto"{$onchange_str3}{$readonly_str}{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Serie URL :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="keifc_url" name="URL_rady" value="{$url}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOUT'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str}{$disabled_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">HTML-Titel :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="keifc_htitle" name="htitle_rady" value="{$htitle}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOUT'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str}{$disabled_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; } else { $ue_html = ''; } if ($lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$lastchange}</div> EOT; } if ($this->parent == 0) { $back_disabled_str = ' disabled'; $back_disabled_D = 'D'; } else { $back_disabled_str = ''; $back_disabled_D = ''; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div id="frame2"> \t\t\t\t\t<table class="tab-form" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Bezeichnung :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="keifc_name" name="Nazev" value="{$name}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Icon der Serie :</span></td> EOT; if ($this->icon) { $iconimg = KIWI_DIR_GROUPICONS . $this->icon; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><img src="{$iconimg}" alt="" /><input type="button" id="keifc_cmd9" name="removeIcon" value="entfernen" class="but3{$readonly_str3}" onclick="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onRemoveIcon('{$self}{$qs}')" {$readonly_str2}/></td> EOT; } elseif ($this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>nicht verfügbar</td> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="file" id="keifc_upload1" name="upload1" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOUT'"{$onchange_str} /></td> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Beschreibung der Serie :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><textarea type="text" id="keifc_desc" name="Popis" class="texarOUT" onfocus="this.className='texarON'" onblur="this.className='texarOUT'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str}>{$description}</textarea></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>{$ue_html} \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Einführen im Hauptmenü :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" id="keifc_mainmenu" name="mainmenu_flag"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str}{$frontmenu_checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t</table> \t\t\t\t</div> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="speichern" class="but3D" disabled onclick="return Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onSave()"/> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="Zurück" class="but3{$back_disabled_D}"{$back_disabled_str} /> \t\t\t</fieldset> \t\t</div> \t</div> EOT; if ($this->id) { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadProducts(); $disabled_str = sizeof($this->products) == 0 || $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t<h2>[Posten] - {$tname} - [anschliessende Artikel]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Artikel-Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Preis</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Neu">N</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Aktion">Ak</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Rabatt">R</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Ausferkauf">Au</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<th>Priorität</th> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($this->products as $product) { $i++; $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$product->ID]) && $this->checked[$product->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $disabled_str = $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $title = htmlspecialchars($product->Title); $plink = KIWI_EDIT_PRODUCT . "?p={$product->PID}&ei={$this->id}"; $anchor_str = $this->anchor->ID == $product->ID ? ' name="zmena"' : ''; $new_cost = htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%01.2f", $product->NewCost)); if ($product->Photo) { $photo = 'photoOK'; $phototitle = 'Produkt hat Foto'; } else { $photo = 'photoKO'; $phototitle = 'Foto nicht verfügbar'; } $photostr = <<<EOT <img src="./image/{$photo}.gif" alt="" title="{$phototitle}" /> EOT; $novelty = $product->Novelty != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $action = $product->Action != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $discount = $product->Discount != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $sellout = $product->Sellout != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $dt = parseDateTime($product->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$product->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.enableBtns(this.checked);"{$disabled_str}{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$plink}"{$anchor_str}>{$title}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$new_cost}</td> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}&tn={$product->ID}">{$novelty}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}&ta={$product->ID}">{$action}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}&td={$product->ID}">{$discount}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}&ts={$product->ID}">{$sellout}</a></td> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$novelty}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$action}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$discount}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$sellout}</td> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$photostr}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> EOT; $pac = $product->Active; $active = $pac ? 'ja' : 'nein'; if (!$this->read_only && ($this->record->Active || $pac)) { $asqvs = $pac ? 'd' : 'a'; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}&as{$asqvs}={$product->ID}">{$active}</a></td> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$active}</td> EOT; } if (!$this->read_only) { $nullimg = "<img src=\"./image/null.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" />"; $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . ($i < sizeof($this->record->Products) - 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&dd={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/alldown.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i < sizeof($this->record->Products) ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&d={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&u={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 2 ? "<a href=\"{$self}{$qs}&uu={$product->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/allup.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . "</td>\n"; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="neuer Artikel hinzufügen" class="but4{$D_str}"{$ro_disabled_str} /> EOT; if ($this->read_only || sizeof($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } if (!$this->record->Active) { $disabled_str3 = ' disabled'; $cmd68 = 8; $cmd79 = 9; } else { $disabled_str3 = $disabled_str; $cmd68 = 6; $cmd79 = 7; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="vorhandene Artikel hinzufügen" class="but4{$D_str}"{$ro_disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd5" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_EShopItem_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd{$cmd68}" name="cmd" value="aktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str3} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="keifc_cmd{$cmd79}" name="cmd" value="deaktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str3} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT </form> EOT; return $html; }
<?php require_once 'hortapp.dbLib.php'; require_once ''; // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_POST['start']) || !isset($_POST['end'])) { die("Please provide a date range."); } $range_start = parseDateTime($_POST['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_POST['end']); $conexion = dbCon(2); $res = array(); // sleep(1000); $sql = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE user = "******""; /** ***************************************************************** to-do: add WHERE start > request.start AND start < request.end start: 2015-05-06 request.start: 2015-05-31 request.end: 2015-07-12 formats compatibles!? ****************************************************************/ if ($events = query_escaped($conexion, $sql)) { // echo "into if"; while ($event = mysqli_fetch_array($events)) { $event = new Event($event); if ($event->isWithinDayRange($range_start, $range_end)) { $res[] = $event->toArray();
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadSubscriberCounts(); $this->loadSubscribers(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $qs = htmlspecialchars($this->consQS()); $qsep = $qs ? '&' : '?'; $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>E-SHOP Newsletters subscribers - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange !== null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $tabs_html = ''; $tqs = htmlspecialchars($this->consQS(array('l' => NULL, 'pg' => NULL))); $tqsep = $tqs == '' ? '?' : '&'; foreach ($this->fletters as $fletter => $flcount) { if ($fletter === self::KEY_TOTAL) { continue; } $fletterqs = urlencode($fletter); if ($this->letter == $fletter) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span title="{$flcount}">{$fletter}</span> EOT; } elseif ($flcount == 0) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<b>{$fletter}</b> EOT; } else { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}{$tqsep}l={$fletterqs}" title="{$flcount}">{$fletter}</a> EOT; } } $pages = (int) ($this->total / self::$records_per_page + 1); $pages_html = ''; if ($pages > 1) { $pqs = $this->consQS(array('pg' => NULL)); $pqs .= $pqs == '' ? '?' : '&'; for ($pg = 1; $pg <= $pages; $pg++) { if ($pg == $this->page) { $pages_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>{$pg}</span> EOT; } else { $pages_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$pqs}pg={$pg}">{$pg}</a> EOT; } } } $totalcount = $this->fletters[self::KEY_TOTAL]; if ($this->letter === null) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span title="{$totalcount}">Alles</span> EOT; } else { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}" title="{$totalcount}">Alles</a> EOT; } $statuses = array(self::STATUS_NOTSUBSCRIBED => array('adj' => 'not subscribed', 'verb' => FALSE), self::STATUS_UNSUBSCRIBED => array('adj' => 'unsubscribed', 'verb' => 'unsubscribe'), self::STATUS_SUBSCRIBED => array('adj' => 'subscribed', 'verb' => 'subscribe'), self::STATUS_BLOCKED => array('adj' => 'blocked', 'verb' => 'block')); foreach ($statuses as $status_code => $status_desc) { if ($status_code === self::STATUS_NOTSUBSCRIBED) { continue; } $status_adj = htmlspecialchars($status_desc['adj']); if (isset($this->filter[self::FILTER_STATUS]) && $this->filter[self::FILTER_STATUS] == $status_code) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>{$status_adj}</span> EOT; } else { $cqs = $this->consQS(array('f' => array(self::FILTER_STATUS => $status_code))); $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$cqs}">{$status_adj}</a> EOT; } } if (!array_key_exists(self::FILTER_STATUS, $this->filter)) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>all Statuses</span> EOT; } else { $cqs = $this->consQS(array('f' => array(self::FILTER_STATUS => NULL))); $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$cqs}">all Statuses</a> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="zalozky">{$tabs_html} EOT; $search = htmlspecialchars($this->getSearchBoxText()); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<div class="searchbox"> \t\t\t\t<input type="text" id="knlsfc_sbox" name="search" value="{$search}" class="searchinp" /> \t\t\t\t<!--[if IE]><input type="text" style="display: none;" disabled="disabled" size="1" /><![endif]--> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlsfc_sbtn" name="cmd" value="suchen" class="searchbtn" /> \t\t\t</div> \t\t\t<br class="clear" /> \t\t</div> EOT; if ($pages_html !== '') { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="stranky">Seite: {$pages_html} \t\t\t<br class="clear" /> \t\t</div> EOT; } $disabled_str = count($this->subscribers) == 0 ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Subscribers_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>E-mail</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Status</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); //mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); foreach ($this->subscribers as $subscriber) { $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$subscriber->ID]) && $this->checked[$subscriber->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $email = htmlspecialchars($subscriber->Email); if ($subscriber->ClientID) { $clientLink = KIWI_EDIT_CLIENT . "?c={$subscriber->ClientID}"; if ($subscriber->BusinessName) { $name = htmlspecialchars($subscriber->BusinessName); $clientstatus_icon = 'clientF'; $clientstatus_text = 'Firma'; } else { $name = htmlspecialchars(($subscriber->Title ? "{$subscriber->Title} " : '') . "{$subscriber->FirstName} {$subscriber->SurName}"); $clientstatus_icon = 'clientP'; $clientstatus_text = 'Privatperson'; } $clientstatus_str = <<<EOT <a href="{$clientLink}"><img src="./image/{$clientstatus_icon}.gif" alt="{$clientstatus_text}" /> {$name}</a> EOT; } else { $clientstatus_str = ''; } $sqs = $this->saveQS(); // if ($sqs) $plink .= "&sqs=$sqs"; $anchor_str = $this->anchor->ID == $subscriber->ID ? ' name="zmena"' : ''; $status = isset($statuses[$subscriber->Status]) ? $statuses[$subscriber->Status]['adj'] : $subscriber->Status; $dt = parseDateTime($subscriber->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $changestatus_str = ''; foreach ($statuses as $status_code => $status_desc) { if ($status_desc['verb'] === FALSE) { continue; } $status_name_str = htmlspecialchars($status_desc['verb']); if ($changestatus_str !== '') { $changestatus_str .= ' '; } if ($subscriber->Status == $status_code) { $current_str = " class='current'"; } else { $current_str = ''; } $changestatus_str .= <<<EOT <a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}sid={$subscriber->ID}&sc={$status_code}"{$current_str}>{$status_name_str}</a> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw} subscriber-status-{$subscriber->Status}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$subscriber->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Subscribers_Form.enableBtns(this.checked)"{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$clientstatus_str}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$email}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td class="subscriber-status">{$status}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$changestatus_str}</td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (count($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } // <input type="submit" id="knlsfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="Newsletter hinzufügen" class="but4" /> $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlsfc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Subscribers_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlsfc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="subscribe" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlsfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="unsubscribe" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="knlsfc_cmd5" name="cmd" value="block" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadActionGroups(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}" method="post"> \t<h2>Gruppe Aktionen - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $disabled_str = sizeof($this->actiongroups) == 0 ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_ActionGroups_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Aktionen</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($this->actiongroups as $actiongroup) { $i++; $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$actiongroup->ID]) && $this->checked[$actiongroup->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $title = htmlspecialchars($actiongroup->Title); $plink = KIWI_ACTIONS . "?ag={$actiongroup->ID}"; if ($actiongroup->Usage) { $usage = $actiongroup->Usage; if ($actiongroup->Usage > $actiongroup->ActiveUsage) { $aktivni = 'aktivní'; if ($actiongroup->ActiveUsage > 4) { $aktivni .= 'ch'; } $usage .= " ({$actiongroup->ActiveUsage} {$aktivni})"; } } else { $usage = '0'; } $dt = parseDateTime($actiongroup->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $active = $actiongroup->Active != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$actiongroup->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_ActionGroups_Form.enableBtns(this.checked)"{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$plink}">{$title}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$usage}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}?as={$actiongroup->ID}">{$active}</a></td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (sizeof($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> EOT; /* Prozatím není možno přidávat skupiny akcí $html .= <<<EOT <input type="submit" id="kagfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="Gruppe hinzufügen" class="but3" /> <input type="submit" id="kagfc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="$but_class"$disabled_str onclick="return Kiwi_ActionGroups_Form.onDelete()" /> EOT; */ $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kagfc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="aktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kagfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="deaktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
protected function loadData() { if ($this->data === null && $this->id != 0) { $sqlfields = array(); foreach (self::$fields as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && ($value[1] < 0 || ($value[1] & 8) == 0)) { $sqlfields[] = $key; } } $sql = 'SELECT YID, Year(Created) AS Year, ProductsTotalCost, Delivery, DeliveryCost, Payment, PaymentCost, Note, Status, PackageCode, Created, LastChange, ' . implode(', ', $sqlfields) . " FROM eshoporders WHERE ID={$this->id}"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $this->data = new Kiwi_DataRow($row); $dt = parseDateTime($this->data->LastChange); $this->lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $this->loadOrderRows(); } else { throw new Exception('Neplatný identifikátor objednávky'); } } }
public function feed($emp_id = "") { require FCPATH . 'assets/js/fullcalendar/demos/php/utils.php'; if ($emp_id !== "") { //check can see this profile is_your_headman or is_hr $user_detail = getEmployeeDetail($emp_id); $checker = FALSE; $headman_level = 0; list($checker, $headman_level) = is_your_headman($user_detail["UserID"], $this->user_id); if ($checker == TRUE || is_hr()) { $this->emp_id = $emp_id; $this->user_id = $user_detail["UserID"]; } } // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_POST['start']) || !isset($_POST['end'])) { die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = $_POST['start']; $range_end = $_POST['end']; // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); } // Read and parse our events JSON file into an array of event data arrays. $this->load->model("Worktime_model", "worktime"); $query = $this->worktime->getListForCalendar($this->user_id, $range_start, $range_end); $output_arrays = array(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $data = array(); $data["title"] = "เข้างาน : " . $row["WTTimeStart"]; $data["allDay"] = true; $data["start"] = $row["WTDate"]; $data["end"] = $row["WTDate"]; $event = new Event($data, $timezone); if ($event->isWithinDayRange(parseDateTime($range_start), parseDateTime($range_end))) { $output_arrays[] = $event->toArray(); } $data["title"] = "เลิกงาน : " . $row["WTTimeEnd"]; $data["allDay"] = true; $data["start"] = $row["WTDate"]; $data["end"] = $row["WTDate"]; $event = new Event($data, $timezone); if ($event->isWithinDayRange(parseDateTime($range_start), parseDateTime($range_end))) { $output_arrays[] = $event->toArray(); } } } // Send JSON to the client. echo json_encode($output_arrays); }
public function adminAjaxSorgu() { //session güvenlik kontrolü $form = $this->load->otherClasses('Form'); $sessionKey = $form->sessionKontrol(); if ($_POST && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == "XMLHttpRequest" && Session::get("BSShuttlelogin") == true && Session::get("sessionkey") == $sessionKey && Session::get("selectFirmaDurum") != 0) { $sonuc = array(); //model bağlantısı $Panel_Model = $this->load->model("Panel_Model"); //language $lang = Session::get("dil"); $formlanguage = $this->load->ajaxlanguage($lang); $languagedeger = $formlanguage->ajaxlanguage(); $form->post("tip", true); $tip = $form->values['tip']; switch ($tip) { case "soforEkleSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); //super adminse tüm bölgeler çekilir if ($adminRutbe != 0) { //bölgeleri getirir $bolgeListe = $Panel_Model->aracBolgeListele(); $a = 0; foreach ($bolgeListe as $bolgelist) { $adminBolge['AdminBolge'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeAdi']; $adminBolge['AdminBolgeID'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } } else { $bolgeListeRutbe = $Panel_Model->AdminbolgeListele($adminID); foreach ($bolgeListeRutbe as $rutbe) { $bolgerutbeId[] = $rutbe['BSBolgeID']; } $rutbebolgedizi = implode(',', $bolgerutbeId); $bolgeListe = $Panel_Model->soforRutbeBolgeListele($rutbebolgedizi); $a = 0; foreach ($bolgeListe as $bolgelist) { $adminBolge['AdminBolge'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeAdi']; $adminBolge['AdminBolgeID'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } } $sonuc["adminBolge"] = $adminBolge; } break; case "soforAracMultiSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $aracBolgeID = $_REQUEST['soforBolgeID']; $multisofordizi = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $soforBolgeListe = $Panel_Model->aracMultiSelectBolge($multisofordizi); foreach ($soforBolgeListe as $soforBolgeListee) { $aracrutbeId[] = $soforBolgeListee['SBAracID']; } $rutbearacdizi = implode(',', $aracrutbeId); //bölgeleri getirir $aracListe = $Panel_Model->aracMultiSelect($rutbearacdizi); $a = 0; foreach ($aracListe as $aracListee) { $soforAracSelect['AracSelectID'][$a] = $aracListee['SBAracID']; $soforAracSelect['AracSelectPlaka'][$a] = $aracListee['SBAracPlaka']; $a++; } $sonuc["aracMultiSelect"] = $soforAracSelect; } break; case "soforKaydet": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $userTip = 2; $firmaID = Session::get("FirmaId"); $userKadi = $form->kadiOlustur($firmaID); if ($userKadi) { $realSifre = $form->sifreOlustur(); if ($realSifre) { $adminSifre = $form->userSifreOlustur($userKadi, $realSifre, $userTip); if ($adminSifre) { $form->post('soforAd', true); $form->post('soforSoyad', true); $form->post('soforEmail', true); $form->post('soforDurum', true); $form->post('soforLokasyon', true); $form->post('soforTelefon', true); $form->post('soforAdres', true); $form->post('aciklama', true); $form->post('ulke', true); $form->post('il', true); $form->post('ilce', true); $form->post('semt', true); $form->post('mahalle', true); $form->post('sokak', true); $form->post('postakodu', true); $form->post('caddeno', true); $form->post('detayAdres', true); $soforAd = $form->values['soforAd']; $soforSoyad = $form->values['soforSoyad']; $soforAdSoyad = $soforAd . ' ' . $soforSoyad; $soforEmail = $form->values['soforEmail']; $soforBolgeID = $_REQUEST['soforBolgeID']; $soforBolgeAdi = $_REQUEST['soforBolgeAdi']; $soforAracID = $_REQUEST['soforAracID']; $soforAracPlaka = $_REQUEST['soforAracPlaka']; if (!filter_var($soforEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { $emailValidate = $form->mailControl1($soforEmail); if ($emailValidate == 1) { $kullaniciliste = $Panel_Model->soforEmailDbKontrol($soforEmail); if (count($kullaniciliste) <= 0) { if ($form->submit()) { $data = array('BSSoforAd' => $soforAd, 'BSSoforSoyad' => $soforSoyad, 'BSSoforKadi' => $userKadi, 'BSSoforSifre' => $adminSifre, 'BSSoforRSifre' => $realSifre, 'BSSoforPhone' => $form->values['soforTelefon'], 'BSSoforEmail' => $soforEmail, 'BSSoforLocation' => $form->values['soforLokasyon'], 'BSSoforUlke' => $form->values['ulke'], 'BSSoforIl' => $form->values['il'], 'BSSoforIlce' => $form->values['ilce'], 'BSSoforSemt' => $form->values['semt'], 'BSSoforMahalle' => $form->values['mahalle'], 'BSSoforSokak' => $form->values['sokak'], 'BSSoforPostaKodu' => $form->values['postakodu'], 'BSSoforCaddeNo' => $form->values['caddeno'], 'BSSoforAdres' => $form->values['soforAdres'], 'BSSoforDetayAdres' => $form->values['detayAdres'], 'Status' => $form->values['soforDurum'], 'BSSoforAciklama' => $form->values['aciklama']); } $resultSoforID = $Panel_Model->addNewSofor($data); if ($resultSoforID != 'unique') { $bolgeID = count($soforBolgeID); if ($bolgeID > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('BSSoforID' => $resultSoforID, 'BSSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad, 'BSBolgeID' => $soforBolgeID[$b], 'BSBolgeAdi' => $soforBolgeAdi[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewBolgeSofor($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { //kullanıcıya gerekli giriş mail yazısı $setTitle = $languagedeger['UyelikBilgi']; $subject = $languagedeger['SHtrltMail']; $body = $languagedeger['Merhaba'] . ' ' . $soforAdSoyad . '!<br/>' . $languagedeger['KullaniciAdi'] . ' = ' . $userKadi . '<br/>' . $languagedeger['KullaniciSifre'] . ' = ' . $realSifre . '<br/>' . $languagedeger['IyiGunler']; //şoföre araç seçildi ise $aracID = count($soforAracID); if ($aracID > 0) { for ($c = 0; $c < $aracID; $c++) { $aracdata[$c] = array('BSAracID' => $soforAracID[$c], 'BSAracPlaka' => $soforAracPlaka[$c], 'BSSoforID' => $resultSoforID, 'BSSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad); } $resultAracID = $Panel_Model->addNewAracSofor($aracdata); //kullanıcıya gerekli giriş bilgileri gönderiliyor. $resultMail = $form->sifreHatirlatMail($soforEmail, $setTitle, $soforAdSoyad, $subject, $body); $sonuc["newSoforID"] = $resultSoforID; $sonuc["insert"] = $languagedeger['SoforEkle']; } else { //kullanıcıya gerekli giriş bilgileri gönderiliyor. $resultMail = $form->sifreHatirlatMail($soforEmail, $setTitle, $soforAdSoyad, $subject, $body); $sonuc["newSoforID"] = $resultSoforID; $sonuc["insert"] = $languagedeger['SoforEkle']; } } else { //admin kaydedilirken hata geldi ise $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->soforDelete($resultSoforID); if ($deleteresult) { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } } else { //eğer şoförün bölgesi yoksa $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->soforDelete($resultSoforID); $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['BolgeSec']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['GecersizKullanici']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['KullanilmisEmail']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['BaskaEmail']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['GecerliEmail']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } case "soforDetail": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); //superadminse if ($adminRutbe != 0) { $form->post('soforRowid', true); $soforDetailID = $form->values['soforRowid']; $soforBolge = $Panel_Model->soforDetailBolge($soforDetailID); //arac bölge idler $a = 0; foreach ($soforBolge as $soforBolgee) { $selectSoforBolge[$a]['SelectSoforBolgeID'] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeID']; $selectSoforBolge[$a]['SelectSoforBolgeAdi'] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeAdi']; $soforbolgeId[] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeID']; $a++; } //araca ait bölge varmı(kesin oalcak arac a bölge seçtirmeden ekletmiyoruz $soforCountBolge = count($soforbolgeId); if ($soforCountBolge > 0) { $soforbolgedizi = implode(',', $soforbolgeId); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolge = $Panel_Model->soforDetailSBolge($soforbolgedizi); //arac diğer bölgeler $b = 0; foreach ($digerBolge as $digerBolgee) { $digerSoforBolge[$b]['DigerSoforBolgeID'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $digerSoforBolge[$b]['DigerSoforBolgeAdi'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeAdi']; $b++; } } //admin araç seçili şoför $adminSoforArac = $Panel_Model->adminDetailSoforArac($soforDetailID); $soforAracCount = count($adminSoforArac); //eğer aracın seçili şoförü varsa burası gelecek if ($soforAracCount > 0) { //arac Şofor idler $c = 0; foreach ($adminSoforArac as $adminSoforAracc) { $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracID']; $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracPlaka']; $soforaracId[] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracID']; $c++; } //seçili olan bölge $soforbolgedizim = implode(',', $soforbolgeId); //seöili olan arac $soforbolgearac = implode(',', $soforaracId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer aracları $adminSoforBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->adminSelectSoforBolge($soforbolgedizim, $soforbolgearac); if (count($adminSoforBolgeArac) > 0) { $d = 0; foreach ($adminSoforBolgeArac as $adminSoforBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $soforbolgedizim = implode(',', $soforbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer araçları $adminSoforBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeArac($soforbolgedizim); $d = 0; foreach ($adminSoforBolgeArac as $adminSoforBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } //araç Özellikleri $soforOzellik = $Panel_Model->soforDetail($soforDetailID); $e = 0; foreach ($soforOzellik as $soforOzellikk) { $soforList[$e]['SoforListID'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforID']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAd'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAd']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSoyad'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSoyad']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListTelefon'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforPhone']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListMail'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforEmail']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListLokasyon'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforLocation']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListUlke'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforUlke']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListIl'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforIl']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListIlce'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforIlce']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSemt'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSemt']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListMahalle'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforMahalle']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSokak'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSokak']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListPostaKodu'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforPostaKodu']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListCaddeNo'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforCaddeNo']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAdres'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAdres']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListDetayAdres'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforDetayAdres']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListDurum'] = $soforOzellikk['Status']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAciklama'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAciklama']; $e++; } } else { $adminID = Session::get("userId"); //normal adminse $form->post('soforRowid', true); $soforDetailID = $form->values['soforRowid']; //küçük adminin olan bölgeleri $bolgeListeRutbe = $Panel_Model->AdminbolgeListele($adminID); //bölge idler $bolgerutbeId = []; foreach ($bolgeListeRutbe as $bolgeListeRutbee) { $bolgerutbeId[] = $bolgeListeRutbee['BSBolgeID']; } $rutbebolgedizi = implode(',', $bolgerutbeId); $soforBolge = $Panel_Model->adminDetailSoforBolge($soforDetailID); //arac bölge idler //arac bölge idler $soforbolgeId = []; $a = 0; foreach ($soforBolge as $soforBolgee) { $selectSoforBolge[$a]['SelectSoforBolgeID'] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeID']; $selectSoforBolge[$a]['SelectSoforBolgeAdi'] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeAdi']; $soforbolgeId[] = $soforBolgee['BSBolgeID']; $a++; } //küçük admine göre farkını alıp, select olmayan bölgeleri çıkarıyoruz $bolgefark = array_diff($bolgerutbeId, $soforbolgeId); $bolgefarkk = implode(',', $bolgefark); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolge = $Panel_Model->adminRutbeDetailAracSBolge($bolgefarkk); //arac diğer bölgeler $b = 0; foreach ($digerBolge as $digerBolgee) { $digerSoforBolge[$b]['DigerSoforBolgeID'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $digerSoforBolge[$b]['DigerSoforBolgeAdi'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeAdi']; $b++; } //admin araç seçili şoför $adminSoforArac = $Panel_Model->adminDetailSoforArac($soforDetailID); $soforAracCount = count($adminSoforArac); if ($soforAracCount > 0) { //arac Şofor idler $c = 0; foreach ($adminSoforArac as $adminSoforAracc) { $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracID']; $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracPlaka']; $soforaracId[] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracID']; $c++; } //seçili olan bölge $soforbolgedizim = implode(',', $soforbolgeId); //seöili olan arac $soforbolgearac = implode(',', $soforaracId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer aracları $adminSoforBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->adminSelectSoforBolge($soforbolgedizim, $soforbolgearac); if (count($adminSoforBolgeArac) > 0) { $d = 0; foreach ($adminSoforBolgeArac as $adminSoforBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $soforbolgedizim = implode(',', $soforbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer araçları $adminSoforBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeArac($rutbebolgedizi); $d = 0; foreach ($adminSoforBolgeArac as $adminSoforBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminSoforBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } //araç Özellikleri $soforOzellik = $Panel_Model->soforDetail($soforDetailID); $e = 0; foreach ($soforOzellik as $soforOzellikk) { $soforList[$e]['SoforListID'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforID']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAd'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAd']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSoyad'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSoyad']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListTelefon'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforPhone']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListMail'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforEmail']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListLokasyon'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforLocation']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListUlke'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforUlke']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListIl'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforIl']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListIlce'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforIlce']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSemt'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSemt']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListMahalle'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforMahalle']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListSokak'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforSokak']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListPostaKodu'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforPostaKodu']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListCaddeNo'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforCaddeNo']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAdres'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAdres']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListDetayAdres'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforDetayAdres']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListDurum'] = $soforOzellikk['Status']; $soforList[$e]['SoforListAciklama'] = $soforOzellikk['BSSoforAciklama']; $e++; } } //sonuçlar $sonuc["soforSelectBolge"] = $selectSoforBolge; $sonuc["soforBolge"] = $digerSoforBolge; $sonuc["soforSelectArac"] = $selectSoforArac; $sonuc["soforArac"] = $digerSoforArac; $sonuc["soforDetail"] = $soforList; } break; case "soforDetailDelete": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $form->post('sofordetail_id', true); $soforDetailID = $form->values['sofordetail_id']; $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->detailSoforDelete($soforDetailID); if ($deleteresult) { $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->detailSoforAracDelete($soforDetailID); if ($deleteresultt) { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->detailSoforBolgeDelete($soforDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $sonuc["delete"] = $languagedeger['SoforSil']; } } else { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->detailSoforBolgeDelete($soforDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $sonuc["delete"] = $languagedeger['SoforSil']; } } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } $sonuc["soforDetail"] = $data["soforDetail"]; break; case "soforDetailKaydet": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $form->post('sofordetail_id', true); $soforID = $form->values['sofordetail_id']; $form->post('soforDetayAd', true); $form->post('soforDetaySoyad', true); $form->post('soforDetayEmail', true); $form->post('soforDetayDurum', true); $form->post('soforDetayLokasyon', true); $form->post('soforDetayTelefon', true); $form->post('soforDetayAdres', true); $form->post('soforDetayAciklama', true); $form->post('soforDetayUlke', true); $form->post('soforDetayIl', true); $form->post('soforDetayIlce', true); $form->post('soforDetaySemt', true); $form->post('soforDetayMahalle', true); $form->post('soforDetaySokak', true); $form->post('soforDetayPostaKodu', true); $form->post('soforDetayCaddeNo', true); $form->post('detayAdres', true); $form->post('eskiAd', true); $form->post('eskiSoyad', true); $eskiAd = $form->values['eskiAd']; $eskiSoyad = $form->values['eskiSoyad']; $soforEmail = $form->values['soforEmail']; $soforAd = $form->values['soforDetayAd']; $soforSoyad = $form->values['soforDetaySoyad']; $soforAdSoyad = $soforAd . ' ' . $soforSoyad; $soforBolgeID = $_REQUEST['soforBolgeID']; $soforBolgeAdi = $_REQUEST['soforBolgeAd']; $soforAracID = $_REQUEST['soforAracID']; $soforAracPlaka = $_REQUEST['soforAracPlaka']; if (!filter_var($soforEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) { $emailValidate = $form->mailControl1($soforEmail); if ($emailValidate == 1) { $kullaniciliste = $Panel_Model->soforEmailDbKontrol($soforEmail); if (count($kullaniciliste) <= 0) { if ($form->submit()) { $data = array('BSSoforAd' => $soforAd, 'BSSoforSoyad' => $soforSoyad, 'BSSoforPhone' => $form->values['soforDetayTelefon'], 'BSSoforEmail' => $soforEmail, 'BSSoforLocation' => $form->values['soforDetayLokasyon'], 'BSSoforUlke' => $form->values['soforDetayUlke'], 'BSSoforIl' => $form->values['soforDetayIl'], 'BSSoforIlce' => $form->values['soforDetayIlce'], 'BSSoforSemt' => $form->values['soforDetaySemt'], 'BSSoforMahalle' => $form->values['soforDetayMahalle'], 'BSSoforSokak' => $form->values['soforDetaySokak'], 'BSSoforPostaKodu' => $form->values['soforDetayPostaKodu'], 'BSSoforCaddeNo' => $form->values['soforDetayCaddeNo'], 'BSSoforAdres' => $form->values['soforDetayAdres'], 'BSSoforDetayAdres' => $form->values['detayAdres'], 'BSSoforAciklama' => $form->values['soforDetayAciklama'], 'Status' => $form->values['soforDetayDurum']); } $resultSoforUpdate = $Panel_Model->soforOzelliklerDuzenle($data, $soforID); if ($resultSoforUpdate) { if ($soforAd != $eskiAd || $soforSoyad != $eskiSoyad) { $dataDuzenle = array('BSTurSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad); $updatetur = $Panel_Model->soforOzelliklerDuzenle1($dataDuzenle, $soforID); $dataDuzenle2 = array('BSGonderenAdSoyad' => $soforAdSoyad); $updateduyuru = $Panel_Model->soforOzelliklerDuzenle4($dataDuzenle2, $soforID); $dataDuzenle3 = array('BSEkleyenAdSoyad' => $soforAdSoyad); $updateduyurulog = $Panel_Model->soforOzelliklerDuzenle5($dataDuzenle3, $soforID); } $aracID = count($soforAracID); if ($aracID > 0) { $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminSoforAracDelete($soforID); for ($a = 0; $a < $aracID; $a++) { $sofordata[$a] = array('BSAracID' => $soforAracID[$a], 'BSAracPlaka' => $soforAracPlaka[$a], 'BSSoforID' => $soforID, 'BSSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad); } $resultSoforUpdate = $Panel_Model->addNewSoforArac($sofordata); if ($resultSoforUpdate) { $bolgeID = count($soforBolgeID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailSoforBolgeDelete($bolgeID); if ($deleteresulttt) { for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('BSSoforID' => $soforID, 'BSSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad, 'BSBolgeID' => $soforBolgeID[$b], 'BSBolgeAdi' => $soforBolgeAdi[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewSoforBolge($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { $sonuc["newSoforID"] = $soforID; $sonuc["update"] = $languagedeger['SoforDuzenle']; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminSoforAracDelete($soforID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailSoforBolgeDelete($soforID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $bolgeID = count($soforBolgeID); for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('BSSoforID' => $soforID, 'BSSoforAd' => $soforAdSoyad, 'BSBolgeID' => $soforBolgeID[$b], 'BSBolgeAdi' => $soforBolgeAdi[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewSoforBolge($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { $sonuc["newSoforID"] = $soforID; $sonuc["update"] = $languagedeger['SoforDuzenle']; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['Hata']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['KullanilmisEmail']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['BaskaEmail']; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $languagedeger['GecerliEmail']; } } case "SoforDetailMultiSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $soforDetailBolgeID = $_REQUEST['soforDetailBolgeID']; $form->post('soforID', true); $soforID = $form->values['soforID']; //şoföre ait araçlar $adminSoforArac = $Panel_Model->soforDetailMultiSelectSofor($soforID); if (count($adminSoforArac) > 0) { $soforaracId = []; foreach ($adminSoforArac as $adminSoforAracc) { $soforaracId[] = $adminSoforAracc['BSAracID']; } //şoföre ait araçlar $soforbolgearac = implode(',', $soforaracId); //seçilen bölgeler $soforbolgedizim = implode(',', $soforDetailBolgeID); //seçilen bölgedeki araçlar $SoforBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeAracc($soforbolgedizim); $soforDigerAracId = []; foreach ($SoforBolgeArac as $SoforBolgeAracc) { $soforDigerAracId[] = $SoforBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; } //gelen arac ıdlerinde aynı olan idler, seçili araçlardır. $ortakIDler = array_intersect($soforaracId, $soforDigerAracId); //gelen idlerde ki farklı olanlar seçili olmayan araçlardır yani diğer araçlar $arac_fark = array_diff($soforDigerAracId, $soforaracId); $diger_arac_fark = implode(',', $arac_fark); //ortak ıd ye sahip arac varmı if (count($ortakIDler) > 0) { //seçili araçlar $secilenIdArac = implode(',', $ortakIDler); $selectBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->soforNotSelectArac($secilenIdArac); $c = 0; foreach ($selectBolgeArac as $selectBolgeAracc) { $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracID'] = $selectBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $selectSoforArac[$c]['SelectSoforAracPlaka'] = $selectBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $c++; } //diğer şoförler $digerBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->soforNotSelectArac($diger_arac_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeArac as $digerBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $digerBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $digerBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } else { //ortak id yoksa seçili şoför yoktur //diğer şoförler $digerBolgeArac = $Panel_Model->soforNotSelectArac($diger_arac_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeArac as $digerBolgeAracc) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $digerBolgeAracc['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $digerBolgeAracc['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } } else { $soforDetailBollgeID = implode(',', $soforDetailBolgeID); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeAracc($soforDetailBollgeID); $d = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracID'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['SBAracID']; $digerSoforArac[$d]['DigerSoforAracPlaka'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['SBAracPlaka']; $d++; } } //sonuçlar $sonuc["adminSoforSelectArac"] = $selectSoforArac; $sonuc["adminSoforArac"] = $digerSoforArac; } break; case "soforDetailTur": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $form->post('soforID', true); $sID = $form->values['soforID']; $soforTurDetail = $Panel_Model->adminSoforTurDetail($sID); //arac TUR İD $a = 0; foreach ($soforTurDetail as $soforTurDetaill) { $soforturId[] = $soforTurDetaill['BSTurID']; $a++; } $turId = implode(',', $soforturId); $soforTur = $Panel_Model->adminSoforDetailTur($turId); $b = 0; foreach ($soforTur as $soforTurr) { $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurID'] = $soforTurr['SBTurID']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurAd'] = $soforTurr['SBTurAd']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurAciklama'] = $soforTurr['SBTurAciklama']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurAktiflik'] = $soforTurr['SBTurAktiflik']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurKurum'] = $soforTurr['SBKurumAd']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurTip'] = $soforTurr['SBTurTip']; $soforDetailTur[$b]['TurBolge'] = $soforTurr['SBBolgeAd']; $b++; } $sonuc["soforDetailTur"] = $soforDetailTur; } break; case "adminSoforTakvim": $calendar = $this->load->otherClasses('Calendar'); // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_POST['start']) || !isset($_POST['end'])) { error_log("die"); die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = parseDateTime($_POST['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_POST['end']); // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_POST['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_POST['timezone']); } $form->post("id", true); $id = $form->values['id']; $adminSoforTakvim = $Panel_Model->adminSoforTakvim($id); $a = 0; foreach ($adminSoforTakvim as $adminSoforTakvimm) { $tkvimID[$a] = $adminSoforTakvimm['BSTurID']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Pzt'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurPzt']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Sli'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurSli']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Crs'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurCrs']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Prs'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurPrs']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Cma'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurCma']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Cmt'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurCmt']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Pzr'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['SBTurPzr']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Bslngc'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['BSTurBslngc']; $soforTkvim[$a]['Bts'] = $adminSoforTakvimm['BSTurBts']; $a++; } $count = count($tkvimID); foreach ($tkvimID as $value) { $sql .= 'SELECT SBTurAd FROM sbtur WHERE SBTurID=' . $value . ' UNION ALL '; } $uzunluk = strlen($sql); $uzunluk = $uzunluk - 10; $sqlTitle = substr($sql, 0, $uzunluk); $takvimTitle = $Panel_Model->takvimTitle($sqlTitle); $c = 0; foreach ($takvimTitle as $takvimTitlee) { $title[$c] = $takvimTitlee['SBTurAd']; $c++; } $input_arrays = []; $input_arrays = $form->calendar($soforTkvim, $title); $sonuc = $input_arrays; break; default: header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); break; } echo json_encode($sonuc); } else { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } }
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadModules(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $qs = $this->menu_item ? "?mi={$this->menu_item}" : ''; $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>WWW module - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $disabled_str = sizeof($this->modules) == 0 || $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Modules_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Bezeichnung</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Modultyp</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Nutzung</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($this->modules as $module) { $i++; $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$module->ID]) && $this->checked[$module->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $disabled_str = $this->read_only ? ' disabled' : ''; $name = htmlspecialchars($module->Name); $mlink = KIWI_EDIT_MODULE . "?m={$module->ID}"; if ($this->menu_item) { $mlink .= "&smi={$this->menu_item}"; } // kvůli korektnímu návratu po editaci modulu ze seznamu modulů $mtype = htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['module_types'][$module->Type][0]); if ($module->Usage) { $usage = $module->Usage; if ($module->Usage > $module->ActiveUsage) { $aktivni = 'aktivní'; if ($module->ActiveUsage > 4) { $aktivni .= 'ch'; } $usage .= " ({$module->ActiveUsage} {$aktivni})"; } } else { $usage = '0'; } $dt = parseDateTime($module->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $active = $module->Active != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$module->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Modules_Form.enableBtns(this.checked);"{$disabled_str}{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$mlink}">{$name}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$mtype}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$usage}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}?as={$module->ID}">{$active}</a></td> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$active}</td> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (sizeof($this->checked) == 0 || $this->read_only) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } if ($this->read_only) { $disabled_str2 = ' disabled'; $but_class2 = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str2 = ''; $but_class2 = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> EOT; if ($this->menu_item) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kmofc_cmd5" name="cmd" value="zufügen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kmofc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="Modul hinzufügen:" class="{$but_class2}"{$disabled_str2} /> \t\t\t<select name="kmofc_modules" class="sel1"{$disabled_str2}> EOT; foreach ($GLOBALS['module_types'] as $mk => $mt) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<option value="{$mk}">{$mt[0]}</option> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</select> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kmofc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Modules_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kmofc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="aktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kmofc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="deaktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
public function adminAjaxSorgu() { //session güvenlik kontrolü $form = $this->load->otherClasses('Form'); $sessionKey = $form->sessionKontrol(); $adSoyad = Session::get("kullaniciad") . ' ' . Session::get("kullanicisoyad"); $bolgeIcon = 'fa fa-th'; $bolgeUrl = 'bolgeliste'; if ($_POST && $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == "XMLHttpRequest" && Session::get("BSShuttlelogin") == true && Session::get("sessionkey") == $sessionKey && Session::get("selectFirmaDurum") != 0) { //dil yapılandırılması $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); if (!Session::get("dil")) { Session::set("dil", $lang); $formm = $this->load->ajaxlanguage($lang); $deger = $formm->ajaxlanguage(); $degerbildirim = $formm->bildirimlanguage(); } else { $formm = $this->load->ajaxlanguage(Session::get("dil")); $deger = $formm->ajaxlanguage(); $degerbildirim = $formm->bildirimlanguage(); } $sonuc = array(); //model bağlantısı $Panel_Model = $this->load->model("Panel_Model"); //form class bağlanısı $MemcacheModel = $this->load->model("AdminMemcache_Model"); $form->post("tip", true); $tip = $form->values['tip']; switch ($tip) { case "adminAracEkleSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); //super adminse tüm bölgeler çekilir if ($adminRutbe != 0) { //bölgeleri getirir $bolgeListe = $Panel_Model->aracBolgeListele(); $a = 0; foreach ($bolgeListe as $bolgelist) { $adminBolge['AdminBolge'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeAdi']; $adminBolge['AdminBolgeID'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } } else { //değilse admin ıd ye göre bölge görür $bolgeListeRutbe = $Panel_Model->adminAracBolgeListele($adminID); foreach ($bolgeListeRutbe as $rutbe) { $bolgerutbeId[] = $rutbe['BSBolgeID']; } $rutbebolgedizi = implode(',', $bolgerutbeId); //rütbeye göre bölge listele $bolgeListe = $Panel_Model->adminRutbeAracBolgeListele($rutbebolgedizi); $a = 0; foreach ($bolgeListe as $bolgelist) { $adminBolge['AdminBolge'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeAdi']; $adminBolge['AdminBolgeID'][$a] = $bolgelist['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } } $sonuc["adminAracBolge"] = $adminBolge; } break; break; case "adminAracKaydet": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); $form->post('aracPlaka', true); $form->post('aracMarka', true); $form->post('aracModelYil', true); $form->post('aracKapasite', true); $form->post('aracKm', true); $form->post('aracAciklama', true); $form->post('aracDurum', true); $aracPlak = $form->values['aracPlaka']; $aracPlaka = strtoupper($aracPlak); $aracSoforID = $_REQUEST['aracSoforID']; $aracSoforAd = $_REQUEST['aracSoforAd']; $aracHostesID = $_REQUEST['aracHostesID']; $aracHostesAd = $_REQUEST['aracHostesAd']; $aracBolgeAd = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeAd']; $aracBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeID']; $aracListe = $Panel_Model->aracListeleCount(); $aracCount = $aracListe[0]['COUNT(*)']; $Panel_Model_Our = $this->load->model("Panel_Model_Our"); $loginfirmaID = Session::get("FirmaId"); $rootDbFirmaArac = $Panel_Model_Our->rootFirmaAracCount($loginfirmaID); $firmAracCount = $rootDbFirmaArac[0]["rootfirmaAracSayi"]; if ($aracCount <= $firmAracCount) { if ($form->submit()) { $data = array('SBAracMarka' => $form->values['aracMarka'], 'SBAracModelYili' => $form->values['aracModelYil'], 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBAracKapasite' => $form->values['aracKapasite'], 'SBAracKm' => $form->values['aracKm'], 'SBAracAciklama' => $form->values['aracAciklama'], 'SBAracDurum' => $form->values['aracDurum']); } $resultAracID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminArac($data); if ($resultAracID) { $soforID = count($aracSoforID); $hostesID = count($aracHostesID); if ($soforID > 0) { for ($a = 0; $a < $soforID; $a++) { $sofordata[$a] = array('BSAracID' => $resultAracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSSoforID' => $aracSoforID[$a], 'BSSoforAd' => $aracSoforAd[$a]); } $resultSoforID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracSofor($sofordata); if ($resultSoforID) { if ($hostesID > 0) { for ($h = 0; $h < $soforID; $h++) { $hostesdata[$h] = array('BSAracID' => $resultAracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSHostesID' => $aracHostesID[$h], 'BSHostesAd' => $aracHostesAd[$h]); } $resultHostesID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracHostes($hostesdata); } $bolgeID = count($aracBolgeID); for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('SBAracID' => $resultAracID, 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBBolgeID' => $aracBolgeID[$b], 'SBBolgeAdi' => $aracBolgeAd[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBolgeSofor($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { if ($aracSoforID) { //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($aracSoforID); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } } //hostes varsa if ($aracHostesID) { //hostese bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($aracHostesID); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } } $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["newAracID"] = $resultAracID; $sonuc["insert"] = $degerbildirim["AracKaydet"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { //arac şofor kaydedilirken bi hata meydana geldi ise $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->adminAracDelete($resultAracID); $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminAracSoforDelete($resultAracID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminAracHostesDelete($resultAracID); //arac şofmr kaydedilirken bi hata meydana geldi ise if ($deleteresultt) { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } else { $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->adminAracDelete($resultAracID); //arac şofmr kaydedilirken bi hata meydana geldi ise if ($deleteresult) { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } else { if ($hostesID > 0) { for ($h = 0; $h < $soforID; $h++) { $hostesdata[$h] = array('BSAracID' => $resultAracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSHostesID' => $aracHostesID[$h], 'BSHostesAd' => $aracHostesAd[$h]); } $resultHostesID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracHostes($hostesdata); } $bolgeID = count($aracBolgeID); for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('SBAracID' => $resultAracID, 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBBolgeID' => $aracBolgeID[$b], 'SBBolgeAdi' => $aracBolgeAd[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBolgeSofor($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { if ($aracSoforID) { //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($aracSoforID); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } } //hostes varsa if ($aracHostesID) { //hostese bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($aracHostesID); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } } $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["newAracID"] = $resultAracID; $sonuc["insert"] = $degerbildirim["AracKaydet"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { //arac şofor kaydedilirken bi hata meydana geldi ise $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->adminAracDelete($resultAracID); $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminAracSoforDelete($resultAracID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminAracHostesDelete($resultAracID); //arac şofmr kaydedilirken bi hata meydana geldi ise if ($deleteresultt) { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["AracEkleCount"]; } } break; case "adminAracDetail": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); //superadminse if ($adminRutbe != 0) { $form->post('adminaracRowid', true); $adminAracDetailID = $form->values['adminaracRowid']; $adminAracBolge = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolge($adminAracDetailID); //arac bölge idler $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolge as $aracBolge) { $selectAracBolge[$a]['SelectAracBolgeID'] = $aracBolge['SBBolgeID']; $selectAracBolge[$a]['SelectAracBolgeAdi'] = $aracBolge['SBBolgeAdi']; $aracbolgeId[] = $aracBolge['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } //aracın turu var mı yokmu $adminAracTur = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracTur($adminAracDetailID); //arac bölge idler $z = 0; foreach ($adminAracTur as $adminAracTurr) { $selectAracTur[$z]['SelectAracTur'] = $adminAracTurr['SBTurAktiflik']; $z++; } //araca ait bölge varmı(kesin oalcak arac a bölge seçtirmeden ekletmiyoruz $aracCountBolge = count($aracbolgeId); if ($aracCountBolge > 0) { $aracbolgedizi = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolge = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracSBolge($aracbolgedizi); //arac diğer bölgeler $b = 0; foreach ($digerBolge as $digerBolgee) { $digerAracBolge[$b]['DigerAracBolgeID'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $digerAracBolge[$b]['DigerAracBolgeAdi'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeAdi']; $b++; } } //admin araç seçili şoför $adminAracSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracSofor($adminAracDetailID); //admin araç hostes $adminAracHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracHostes($adminAracDetailID); $aracSoforCount = count($adminAracSofor); $aracHostesCount = count($adminAracHostes); //eğer aracın seçili şoförü varsa burası gelecek if ($aracSoforCount > 0) { if ($aracHostesCount > 0) { //arac Hostes idler $h = 0; foreach ($adminAracHostes as $adminAracHostess) { $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesID'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesAd']; $arachostesId[] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $h++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //seöili olan hostes $aracbolgehostes = implode(',', $arachostesId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesleri $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostes($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgehostes); if (count($adminAracBolgeHostes) > 0) { $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesi $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracbolgedizim); $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } //arac Şofor idler $c = 0; foreach ($adminAracSofor as $adminAracSoforr) { $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforID'] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforID']; $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $aracsoforId[] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforID']; $c++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //seöili olan soför $aracbolgesofor = implode(',', $aracsoforId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSofor($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgesofor); if (count($adminAracBolgeSofor) > 0) { $d = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $d++; } } } else { if ($aracHostesCount > 0) { //arac Hostes idler $h = 0; foreach ($adminAracHostes as $adminAracHostess) { $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesID'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesAd']; $arachostesId[] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $h++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //seöili olan hostes $aracbolgehostes = implode(',', $arachostesId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesleri $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostes($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgehostes); if (count($adminAracBolgeHostes) > 0) { $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesi $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracbolgedizim); $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSoforr($aracbolgedizim); $d = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $d++; } } //araç Özellikleri $aracOzellik = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracOzellik($adminAracDetailID); $e = 0; foreach ($aracOzellik as $aracOzellikk) { $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracID'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracID']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracPlaka'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracPlaka']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracMarka'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracMarka']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracYil'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracModelYili']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracKapasite'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracKapasite']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracKm'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracKm']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracDurum'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracDurum']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracAciklama'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracAciklama']; $e++; } } else { $adminID = Session::get("userId"); //normal adminse $form->post('adminaracRowid', true); $adminAracDetailID = $form->values['adminaracRowid']; //küçük adminin olan bölgeleri $bolgeListeRutbe = $Panel_Model->AdminbolgeListele($adminID); //bölge idler $bolgerutbeId = []; foreach ($bolgeListeRutbe as $bolgeListeRutbee) { $bolgerutbeId[] = $bolgeListeRutbee['BSBolgeID']; } $rutbebolgedizi = implode(',', $bolgerutbeId); //aracın turu var mı yokmu $adminAracTur = $Panel_Model->adminDetailRutbeAracTur($rutbebolgedizi, $adminAracDetailID); //arac bölge idler $z = 0; foreach ($adminAracTur as $adminAracTurr) { $selectAracTur[$z]['SelectAracTur'] = $adminAracTurr['SBTurAktiflik']; $z++; } $adminAracBolge = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolge($adminAracDetailID); //arac bölge idler $aracbolgeId = []; $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolge as $adminAracBolgee) { $selectAracBolge[$a]['SelectAracBolgeID'] = $adminAracBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $selectAracBolge[$a]['SelectAracBolgeAdi'] = $adminAracBolgee['SBBolgeAdi']; $aracbolgeId[] = $adminAracBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $a++; } //küçük admine göre farkını alıp, select olmayan bölgeleri çıkarıyoruz$aracbolgeId $bolgefark = array_diff($bolgerutbeId, $aracbolgeId); $bolgefarkk = implode(',', $bolgefark); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolge = $Panel_Model->adminRutbeDetailAracSBolge($bolgefarkk); //arac diğer bölgeler $b = 0; foreach ($digerBolge as $digerBolgee) { $digerAracBolge[$b]['DigerAracBolgeID'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeID']; $digerAracBolge[$b]['DigerAracBolgeAdi'] = $digerBolgee['SBBolgeAdi']; $b++; } //araç şoförler $adminAracSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracSofor($adminAracDetailID); //araç hostesler $adminAracHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracHostes($adminAracDetailID); $aracSoforCount = count($adminAracSofor); $aracHostesCount = count($adminAracHostes); if ($aracSoforCount > 0) { if ($aracHostesCount > 0) { //arac Hostes idler $h = 0; foreach ($adminAracHostes as $adminAracHostess) { $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesID'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesAd']; $arachostesId[] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $h++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //seöili olan hostes $aracbolgehostes = implode(',', $arachostesId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesleri $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostes($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgehostes); if (count($adminAracBolgeHostes) > 0) { $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesi $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracbolgedizim); $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } //arac Şofor idler $c = 0; foreach ($adminAracSofor as $adminAracSoforr) { $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforID'] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforID']; $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $aracsoforId[] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforID']; $c++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); $aracbolgesofor = implode(',', $aracsoforId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSofor($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgesofor); $d = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $d++; } } else { if ($aracHostesCount > 0) { //arac Hostes idler $h = 0; foreach ($adminAracHostes as $adminAracHostess) { $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesID'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $selectAracHostes[$h]['SelectAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesAd']; $arachostesId[] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $h++; } //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //seçili olan hostes $aracbolgehostes = implode(',', $arachostesId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesleri $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostes($aracbolgedizim, $aracbolgehostes); if (count($adminAracBolgeHostes) > 0) { $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } } else { //seçili olan bölge $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracbolgeId); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesi $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracbolgedizim); $t = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$t]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $t++; } } //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSoforr($rutbebolgedizi); $d = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $d++; } } //araç Özellikleri $aracOzellik = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracOzellik($adminAracDetailID); $e = 0; foreach ($aracOzellik as $aracOzellikk) { $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracID'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracID']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracPlaka'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracPlaka']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracMarka'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracMarka']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracYil'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracModelYili']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracKapasite'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracKapasite']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracKm'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracKm']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracDurum'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracDurum']; $adminAracDetail[$e]['AdminAracAciklama'] = $aracOzellikk['SBAracAciklama']; $e++; } } //sonuçlar $sonuc["adminAracSelectBolge"] = $selectAracBolge; $sonuc["adminAracBolge"] = $digerAracBolge; $sonuc["adminAracSelectSofor"] = $selectAracSofor; $sonuc["adminAracSofor"] = $digerAracSofor; $sonuc["adminAracSelectHostes"] = $selectAracHostes; $sonuc["adminAracHostes"] = $digerAracHostes; $sonuc["adminAracOzellik"] = $adminAracDetail; $sonuc["adminAracTur"] = $selectAracTur; } break; case "adminAracDetailDelete": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); $form->post('aracdetail_id', true); $form->post('arac_plaka', true); $adminAracDetailID = $form->values['aracdetail_id']; $aracPlak = $form->values['arac_plaka']; $aracPlaka = strtoupper($aracPlak); $aracBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeID']; $aracSoforID = $_REQUEST['aracSoforID']; $aracHostesID = $_REQUEST['aracHostesID']; $deleteresult = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresult) { $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracSoforDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresultt) { $deletehostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracHostesDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deletehostes) { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { if ($aracSoforID) { //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($aracSoforID); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } //hostes varsa if ($aracHostesID) { //hostese bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($aracHostesID); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["delete"] = $deger["AracSil"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } else { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $sonuc["delete"] = $deger["AracSil"]; } } } else { $deletehostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracHostesDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deletehostes) { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["delete"] = $deger["AracSil"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } else { $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($adminAracDetailID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["delete"] = $deger["AracSil"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } $sonuc["adminKurumDetail"] = $data["adminKurumDetail"]; break; case "adminAracDetailKaydet": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $adminRutbe = Session::get("userRutbe"); $form->post('aracdetail_id', true); $aracID = $form->values['aracdetail_id']; $form->post('aracPlaka', true); $form->post('aracMarka', true); $form->post('aracModelYil', true); $form->post('aracKapasite', true); $form->post('aracAciklama', true); $form->post('aracDurum', true); $aracPlak = $form->values['aracPlaka']; $aracPlaka = strtoupper($aracPlak); $aracSoforID = $_REQUEST['aracSoforID']; $aracSoforAd = $_REQUEST['aracSoforAd']; $aracHostesID = $_REQUEST['aracHostesID']; $aracHostesAd = $_REQUEST['aracHostesAd']; $aracBolgeAd = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeAd']; $aracBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeID']; $aracEskiBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracEskiBolgeID']; $aracEskiSoforID = $_REQUEST['aracEskiSoforID']; $aracEskiHostesID = $_REQUEST['aracEskiHostesID']; if ($form->submit()) { $data = array('SBAracMarka' => $form->values['aracMarka'], 'SBAracModelYili' => $form->values['aracModelYil'], 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBAracKapasite' => $form->values['aracKapasite'], 'SBAracAciklama' => $form->values['aracAciklama'], 'SBAracDurum' => $form->values['aracDurum']); } $resultAracUpdate = $Panel_Model->adminAracOzelliklerDuzenle($data, $aracID); if ($resultAracUpdate) { $soforID = count($aracSoforID); $hostesID = count($aracHostesID); if ($soforID > 0) { $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminAracSoforDelete($aracID); for ($a = 0; $a < $soforID; $a++) { $sofordata[$a] = array('BSAracID' => $aracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSSoforID' => $aracSoforID[$a], 'BSSoforAd' => $aracSoforAd[$a]); } $resultSoforUpdate = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracSofor($sofordata); if ($resultSoforUpdate) { //hostes seçildi ise if ($hostesID > 0) { $deletehostes = $Panel_Model->adminAracHostesDelete($aracID); for ($h = 0; $h < $hostesID; $h++) { $hostesdata[$h] = array('BSAracID' => $aracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSHostesID' => $aracHostesID[$h], 'BSHostesAd' => $aracHostesAd[$h]); } $resultHostesUpdate = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracHostes($hostesdata); } $bolgeID = count($aracBolgeID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($aracID); if ($deleteresulttt) { for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('SBAracID' => $aracID, 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBBolgeID' => $aracBolgeID[$b], 'SBBolgeAdi' => $aracBolgeAd[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBolgeSofor($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { //yeni bölge ile eski bölge arasıdnaki farklar if (count($aracBolgeID) >= count($aracEskiBolgeID)) { $bolgeIDEklenen = array_diff($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni bölge eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $bolgeIDEklenen); //yeni eklenen bölge ayarı $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniEklenen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniEklenen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } $bolgeIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiBolgeID, $aracBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $bolgeIDSilinen); //bölgeden araç silindi $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniSilinen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniSilinen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } } else { $bolgeIDEklenen = array_diff($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $bolgeIDEklenen); //yeni eklenen bölge ayarı $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniEklenen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniEklenen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } $bolgeIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiBolgeID, $aracBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $bolgeIDSilinen); //bölgeden araç silindi $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniSilinen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniSilinen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } } //yeni şoför eski şoför farkları varsa if (count($aracSoforID) >= count($aracEskiSoforID)) { $soforIDEklenen = array_diff($aracSoforID, $aracEskiSoforID); if (count($soforIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni şoför eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $soforIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $soforIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiSoforID, $aracSoforID); if (count($soforIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $soforIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracSoforID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $soforIDEklenen = array_diff($aracSoforID, $aracEskiSoforID); if (count($soforIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $soforIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $soforIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiSoforID, $aracSoforID); if (count($soforIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $soforIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracSoforID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } //yeni hostes eski hostes farkları varsa if (count($aracHostesID) >= count($aracEskiHostesID)) { $hostesIDEklenen = array_diff($aracHostesID, $aracEskiHostesID); if (count($hostesIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni hostes eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $hostesIDEklenen); //hostese bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $hostesIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiHostesID, $aracHostesID); if (count($hostesIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $hostesIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracHostesID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $hostesIDEklenen = array_diff($aracHostesID, $aracEskiHostesID); if (count($hostesIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $hostesIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $hostesIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiHostesID, $aracHostesID); if (count($hostesIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $hostesIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracHostesID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } //düzenleme yapılırken ortak bölge id leri için $bolgeIDOrtak = array_intersect($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDOrtak) > 0) { $yeniOrtakBolge = implode(",", $bolgeIDOrtak); //bölgeden araç düzenleme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniOrtakBolge, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniOrtakBolge); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["newAracID"] = $aracID; $sonuc["update"] = $deger["AracDuzenle"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { //hostes seçildi ise if ($hostesID > 0) { $deletehostes = $Panel_Model->adminAracHostesDelete($aracID); for ($h = 0; $h < $hostesID; $h++) { $hostesdata[$h] = array('BSAracID' => $aracID, 'BSAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'BSHostesID' => $aracHostesID[$h], 'BSHostesAd' => $aracHostesAd[$h]); } $resultHostesUpdate = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminAracHostes($hostesdata); } $deleteresultt = $Panel_Model->adminAracSoforDelete($aracID); $deleteresulttt = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeDelete($aracID); if ($deleteresulttt) { $bolgeID = count($aracBolgeID); for ($b = 0; $b < $bolgeID; $b++) { $bolgedata[$b] = array('SBAracID' => $aracID, 'SBAracPlaka' => $aracPlaka, 'SBBolgeID' => $aracBolgeID[$b], 'SBBolgeAdi' => $aracBolgeAd[$b]); } $resultBolgeID = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBolgeSofor($bolgedata); if ($resultBolgeID) { $resultMemcache = $MemcacheModel->get($uniqueKey); if ($resultMemcache) { $resultDelete = $MemcacheModel->deleteKey($uniqueKey); } //yeni bölge ile eski bölge arasıdnaki farklar if (count($aracBolgeID) >= count($aracEskiBolgeID)) { $bolgeIDEklenen = array_diff($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni bölge eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $bolgeIDEklenen); //yeni eklenen bölge ayarı $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniEklenen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniEklenen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } $bolgeIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiBolgeID, $aracBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $bolgeIDSilinen); //bölgeden araç silindi $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniSilinen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniSilinen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } } else { $bolgeIDEklenen = array_diff($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $bolgeIDEklenen); //yeni eklenen bölge ayarı $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracEkleme"]; $aracRenk = 'success'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniEklenen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 11); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniEklenen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 11); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracEkle"]); } } } } $bolgeIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiBolgeID, $aracBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $bolgeIDSilinen); //bölgeden araç silindi $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $deger["AracSilme"]; $aracRenk = 'danger'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniSilinen, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniSilinen); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($adminBolgeler, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 51); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $adminBolgeler = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($adminBolgeler); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 51); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } } //yeni şoför eski şoför farkları varsa if (count($aracSoforID) >= count($aracEskiSoforID)) { $soforIDEklenen = array_diff($aracSoforID, $aracEskiSoforID); if (count($soforIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni şoför eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $soforIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $soforIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiSoforID, $aracSoforID); if (count($soforIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $soforIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracSoforID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $soforIDEklenen = array_diff($aracSoforID, $aracEskiSoforID); if (count($soforIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $soforIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $soforIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiSoforID, $aracSoforID); if (count($soforIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $soforIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracSoforID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultSoforCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultSoforCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultSoforCihaz as $resultSoforCihazz) { $soforCihaz[] = $resultSoforCihazz['sbsoforcihazRecID']; } $soforCihazlar = implode(',', $soforCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($soforCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } //yeni hostes eski hostes farkları varsa if (count($aracHostesID) >= count($aracEskiHostesID)) { $hostesIDEklenen = array_diff($aracHostesID, $aracEskiHostesID); if (count($hostesIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var //yeni hostes eklenmiş $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $hostesIDEklenen); //hostese bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $hostesIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiHostesID, $aracHostesID); if (count($hostesIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $hostesIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracHostesID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $hostesIDEklenen = array_diff($aracHostesID, $aracEskiHostesID); if (count($hostesIDEklenen) > 0) { //fark var $yeniEklenen = implode(",", $hostesIDEklenen); //şoföre bildirim gönderme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracAtama"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->hostesCihaz($yeniEklenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracAta"]); } $hostesIDSilinen = array_diff($aracEskiHostesID, $aracHostesID); if (count($hostesIDSilinen) > 0) { $yeniSilinen = implode(",", $hostesIDSilinen); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracCıkarma"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniSilinen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracSil"]); } } } else { //fark yok sa demekki dizide değişiklik yok yani dizi ile ilgili düzenleme yapılmakta $yeniDuzenlenen = implode(",", $aracHostesID); $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $resultHostesCihaz = $Panel_Model->soforCihaz($yeniDuzenlenen); if (count($resultHostesCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultHostesCihaz as $resultHostesCihazz) { $hostesCihaz[] = $resultHostesCihazz['bshostescihazRecID']; } $hostesCihazlar = implode(',', $hostesCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($hostesCihazlar, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } //düzenleme yapılırken ortak bölge id leri için $bolgeIDOrtak = array_intersect($aracBolgeID, $aracEskiBolgeID); if (count($bolgeIDOrtak) > 0) { $yeniOrtakBolge = implode(",", $bolgeIDOrtak); //bölgeden araç düzenleme $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; $aracRenk = 'warning'; $aracUrl = 'aracliste'; $aracIcon = 'fa fa-bus'; //bildirim ayarları if ($adminRutbe != 1) { //normal admin $adminIDLer = array(1, $adminID); $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $adminIDLer); $resultAdminBolgeler = $Panel_Model->digerOrtakBolge($yeniOrtakBolge, $adminImplodeID); $adminBolgeCount = count($resultAdminBolgeler); if ($adminBolgeCount > 0) { //diğer adminler $multiData[0] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); for ($b = 0; $b < $adminBolgeCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b + 1] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultAdminBolgeler[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminNotfIDLer = array(1, $adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } else { $dataBildirim = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, 1, 31); $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirim($dataBildirim); if ($resultBildirim) { $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->adminCihaz(); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } else { //üst admin $resultBolgeAdminID = $Panel_Model->ortakDigerAdminBolge($yeniOrtakBolge); $adminIDCount = count($resultBolgeAdminID); if ($adminIDCount > 0) { for ($b = 0; $b < $adminIDCount; $b++) { $multiData[$b] = $form->adminBildirimDuzen($alert, $aracIcon, $aracUrl, $aracRenk, $adminID, $adSoyad, $resultBolgeAdminID[$b]['BSAdminID'], 31); } $resultBildirim = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminMultiBildirim($multiData); if ($resultBildirim) { $adminImplodeID = implode(',', $resultBolgeAdminID); $adminNotfIDLer = array($adminImplodeID); $adminImplodeNtf = implode(',', $adminNotfIDLer); $resultAdminCihaz = $Panel_Model->digerAdminCihaz($adminImplodeNtf); if (count($resultAdminCihaz) > 0) { foreach ($resultAdminCihaz as $resultAdminCihazz) { $adminCihaz[] = $resultAdminCihazz['bsadmincihazRecID']; } $adminCihaz = implode(',', $adminCihaz); $form->shuttleNotification($adminCihaz, $alert, $degerbildirim["AracDuzen"]); } } } } } $alert = $adSoyad . ' ' . $aracPlaka . $degerbildirim["AracDuzenleme"]; //log ayarları $dataLog = $form->adminBildirimLogDuzen($adminID, $adSoyad, $alert); $resultLog = $Panel_Model->addNewAdminBildirimLog($dataLog); if ($resultLog) { $sonuc["newAracID"] = $aracID; $sonuc["update"] = $deger["AracDuzenle"]; } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } } else { $sonuc["hata"] = $deger["Hata"]; } } case "adminAracDetailTur": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $form->post('aracID', true); $adminAracDetailID = $form->values['aracID']; $adminAracTurDetail = $Panel_Model->adminAracTurDetail($adminAracDetailID); //arac TUR İD $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracTurDetail as $adminAracTurDetaill) { $aracturId[] = $adminAracTurDetaill['BSTurID']; $a++; } $turId = implode(',', $aracturId); $aracTur = $Panel_Model->adminAracDetailTur($turId); $b = 0; foreach ($aracTur as $aracTurr) { $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurID'] = $aracTurr['SBTurID']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurAd'] = $aracTurr['SBTurAd']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurAciklama'] = $aracTurr['SBTurAciklama']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurAktiflik'] = $aracTurr['SBTurAktiflik']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurKurum'] = $aracTurr['SBKurumAd']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurTip'] = $aracTurr['SBTurTip']; $aracDetailTur[$b]['TurBolge'] = $aracTurr['SBBolgeAd']; $b++; } $sonuc["aracDetailTur"] = $aracDetailTur; } break; case "AracDetailMultiSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $aracDetailBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracDetailBolgeID']; $form->post('aracID', true); $aracID = $form->values['aracID']; //araca ait şoförler $adminAracSofor = $Panel_Model->aracDetailMultiSelectSofor($aracID); if (count($adminAracSofor) > 0) { $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracSofor as $adminAracSoforr) { $aracsoforId[] = $adminAracSoforr['BSSoforID']; $a++; } //araca ait şoförler $aracbolgesofor = implode(',', $aracsoforId); //seçilen bölgeler $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracDetailBolgeID); //seçilen bölgedeki şoförler $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSoforr($aracbolgedizim); $b = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $aracDigerSoforId[] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $b++; } //gelen şoför ıdlerinde aynı olan idler, seçili şoförlerdir. $ortakIDler = array_intersect($aracsoforId, $aracDigerSoforId); //gelen idlerde ki farklı olanlar seçili olmayan şoförlerdir yani diğer şoförler $sofor_fark = array_diff($aracDigerSoforId, $aracsoforId); $diger_sofor_fark = implode(',', $sofor_fark); //ortak ıd ye sahip şoför varmı if (count($ortakIDler) > 0) { //seçili şoförler $secilenIdSofor = implode(',', $ortakIDler); $selectBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectSofor($secilenIdSofor); $c = 0; foreach ($selectBolgeSofor as $selectBolgeSoforr) { $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforID'] = $selectBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforAd'] = $selectBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $selectAracSofor[$c]['SelectAracSoforSoyad'] = $selectBolgeSoforr['BSSoforSoyad']; $c++; } //diğer şoförler $digerBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectSofor($diger_sofor_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeSofor as $digerBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforSoyad'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforSoyad']; $d++; } } else { //ortak id yoksa seçili şoför yoktur //diğer şoförler $digerBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectSofor($diger_sofor_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeSofor as $digerBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforSoyad'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforSoyad']; $d++; } } } else { $aracDetailBollgeID = implode(',', $aracDetailBolgeID); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer şoförleri $adminAracBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeSoforr($aracDetailBollgeID); $g = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeSofor as $adminAracBolgeSoforr) { $aracDigerSoforId[] = $adminAracBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $g++; } $aracSelectDigerSoforId = implode(',', $aracDigerSoforId); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolgeSofor = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeSofor($aracSelectDigerSoforId); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeSofor as $digerBolgeSoforr) { $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforID'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforID']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforAdi'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforAd']; $digerAracSofor[$d]['DigerAracSoforSoyad'] = $digerBolgeSoforr['BSSoforSoyad']; $d++; } } //araca ait hostesler $adminAracHostes = $Panel_Model->aracDetailMultiSelectHostes($aracID); if (count($adminAracHostes) > 0) { $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracHostes as $adminAracHostess) { $arachostesId[] = $adminAracHostess['BSHostesID']; $a++; } //araca ait şoförler $aracbolgesofor = implode(',', $arachostesId); //seçilen bölgeler $aracbolgedizim = implode(',', $aracDetailBolgeID); //seçilen bölgedeki hostesler $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracbolgedizim); $b = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $aracDigerHostesId[] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $b++; } //gelen şoför ıdlerinde aynı olan idler, seçili hosteslerdir. $ortakIDler = array_intersect($arachostesId, $aracDigerHostesId); //gelen idlerde ki farklı olanlar seçili olmayan hosteslerdir yani diğer hostesler $hostes_fark = array_diff($aracDigerHostesId, $arachostesId); $diger_hostes_fark = implode(',', $hostes_fark); //ortak ıd ye sahip hostes varmı if (count($ortakIDler) > 0) { //seçili hostes $secilenIdHostes = implode(',', $ortakIDler); $selectBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectHostes($secilenIdHostes); $c = 0; foreach ($selectBolgeHostes as $selectBolgeHostess) { $selectAracHostes[$c]['SelectAracHostesID'] = $selectBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $selectAracHostes[$c]['SelectAracHostesAd'] = $selectBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $selectAracHostes[$c]['SelectAracHostesSoyad'] = $selectBolgeHostess['BSHostesSoyad']; $c++; } //diğer hostesler $digerBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectHostes($diger_hostes_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeHostes as $digerBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesSoyad'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesSoyad']; $d++; } } else { //ortak id yoksa seçili hostes yoktur //diğer hostesler $digerBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracNotSelectHostes($diger_hostes_fark); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeHostes as $digerBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesSoyad'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesSoyad']; $d++; } } } else { $aracDetailBollgeID = implode(',', $aracDetailBolgeID); //adamın seçili olab bölgedeki diğer hostesleri $adminAracBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminSelectBolgeHostess($aracDetailBollgeID); $g = 0; foreach ($adminAracBolgeHostes as $adminAracBolgeHostess) { $aracDigerHostesId[] = $adminAracBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $g++; } $aracSelectDigerSoforId = implode(',', $aracDigerHostesId); //aracın bolgesi dışındakiler $digerBolgeHostes = $Panel_Model->adminDetailAracBolgeHostes($aracSelectDigerSoforId); $d = 0; foreach ($digerBolgeHostes as $digerBolgeHostess) { $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesID'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesID']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesAdi'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesAd']; $digerAracHostes[$d]['DigerAracHostesSoyad'] = $digerBolgeHostess['BSHostesSoyad']; $d++; } } //sonuçlar $sonuc["adminAracSelectSofor"] = $selectAracSofor; $sonuc["adminAracSelectHostes"] = $selectAracHostes; $sonuc["adminAracSofor"] = $digerAracSofor; $sonuc["adminAracHostes"] = $digerAracHostes; } break; case "AracSoforMultiSelect": $adminID = Session::get("userId"); if (!$adminID) { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } else { $aracBolgeID = $_REQUEST['aracBolgeID']; $multisofordizi = implode(',', $aracBolgeID); $soforBolgeListe = $Panel_Model->aracDetailMultiSelectBolgee($multisofordizi); foreach ($soforBolgeListe as $soforBolgeListee) { $soforrutbeId[] = $soforBolgeListee['BSSoforID']; } $rutbesofordizi = implode(',', $soforrutbeId); //bölgeleri getirir $soforListe = $Panel_Model->soforMultiSelectt($rutbesofordizi); $a = 0; foreach ($soforListe as $soforListee) { $aracSoforSelect['SoforSelectID'][$a] = $soforListee['BSSoforID']; $aracSoforSelect['SoforSelectAd'][$a] = $soforListee['BSSoforAd']; $aracSoforSelect['SoforSelectSoyad'][$a] = $soforListee['BSSoforSoyad']; $a++; } //hostes bilgileri $hostesBolgeListe = $Panel_Model->aracDetailHostesMultiSelectBolgee($multisofordizi); foreach ($hostesBolgeListe as $hostesBolgeListee) { $hostesrutbeId[] = $hostesBolgeListee['BSHostesID']; } $rutbehostesdizi = implode(',', $hostesrutbeId); //bölgeleri getirir $hostesListe = $Panel_Model->hostesMultiSelectt($rutbehostesdizi); $a = 0; foreach ($hostesListe as $hostesListee) { $aracHostesSelect['HostesSelectID'][$a] = $hostesListee['BSHostesID']; $aracHostesSelect['HostesSelectAd'][$a] = $hostesListee['BSHostesAd']; $aracHostesSelect['HostesSelectSoyad'][$a] = $hostesListee['BSHostesSoyad']; $a++; } $sonuc["aracYeniSoforMultiSelect"] = $aracSoforSelect; $sonuc["aracYeniHostesMultiSelect"] = $aracHostesSelect; } break; case "adminAracTakvim": $calendar = $this->load->otherClasses('Calendar'); // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_POST['start']) || !isset($_POST['end'])) { error_log("die"); die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = parseDateTime($_POST['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_POST['end']); // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_POST['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_POST['timezone']); } $form->post("id", true); $id = $form->values['id']; $adminAracTakvim = $Panel_Model->adminAracTakvim($id); $a = 0; foreach ($adminAracTakvim as $adminAracTakvimm) { $tkvimID[$a] = $adminAracTakvimm['BSTurID']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Pzt'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurPzt']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Sli'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurSli']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Crs'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurCrs']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Prs'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurPrs']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Cma'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurCma']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Cmt'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurCmt']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Pzr'] = $adminAracTakvimm['SBTurPzr']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Bslngc'] = $adminAracTakvimm['BSTurBslngc']; $aracTkvim[$a]['Bts'] = $adminAracTakvimm['BSTurBts']; $a++; } $count = count($tkvimID); foreach ($tkvimID as $value) { $sql .= 'SELECT SBTurAd FROM sbtur WHERE SBTurID=' . $value . ' UNION ALL '; } $uzunluk = strlen($sql); $uzunluk = $uzunluk - 10; $sqlTitle = substr($sql, 0, $uzunluk); $takvimTitle = $Panel_Model->takvimTitle($sqlTitle); $c = 0; foreach ($takvimTitle as $takvimTitlee) { $title[$c] = $takvimTitlee['SBTurAd']; $c++; } $input_arrays = []; $input_arrays = $form->calendar($aracTkvim, $title); // Accumulate an output array of event data arrays. // foreach ($input_arrays as $array) { // // // Convert the input array into a useful Event object // $event = new Calendar($array, $timezone); // // // If the event is in-bounds, add it to the output // if ($event->isWithinDayRange($range_start, $range_end)) { // //$sonuc[] = $event->toArray(); // } // } $sonuc = $input_arrays; break; default: header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); break; } echo json_encode($sonuc); } else { header("Location:" . SITE_URL_LOGOUT); } }
public function _getHTML() { $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $this->loadRecord(); if ($this->id) { $qs = "?pv={$this->id}&pp={$this->pid}"; $tname = $value = htmlspecialchars($this->record->Value); $extradata = htmlspecialchars($this->record->ExtraData); $desc = str_replace("\r\n", "\r", htmlspecialchars($this->record->Description)); $dt = parseDateTime($this->record->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n. Y - H:i', $dt['stamp']); } else { $qs = "?pp={$this->pid}"; $value = ''; $tname = 'neu'; $extradata = ''; $desc = ''; $lastchange = null; } $property = htmlspecialchars($this->property); if ($this->read_only) { $readonly_str = ' readonly'; $onchange_str = ''; $ro_disabled_str = ' disabled'; $D_str = 'D'; } else { $readonly_str = $ro_disabled_str = $D_str = ''; $onchange_str = ' onchange="Kiwi_ProductPropertyValue_Form.onChange()" onkeydown="return Kiwi_ProductPropertyValue_Form.onKeyDown(event)"'; } $extradata_a = array(1 => '', 2 => 'Icon-Datei', 3 => 'Hex Color-Registrierung'); $ed_title = $extradata_a[$this->record->DataType]; $html = <<<EOT <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>[Eigenschaft: {$property}] - {$tname} - [editieren]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> \t\t<div class="form3"> \t\t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" id="kppvfc_datatype" name="Datovy_typ" value="{$this->record->DataType}" /> \t\t\t\t<input type="hidden" id="kppvfc_edtitle" value="{$ed_title}" /> EOT; if ($lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$lastchange}</div> EOT; } $ed_html = ''; if ($ed_title !== '') { $icon_html = ''; if ($this->id) { $imgdir = KIWI_DIR_PRODUCTS . 'properties/'; switch ($this->record->DataType) { case PT_ICON: if ($this->record->ExtraData !== '') { $icon_html = <<<EOT <img src="{$imgdir}icons/{$extradata}" title="{$extradata}" alt="{$tname}" /> EOT; $ed_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">{$ed_title} :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$icon_html}<input type="button" id="kppvfc_cmd9" name="removeIcon" value="entfernen" class="but3{$D_str}" onclick="Kiwi_ProductPropertyValue_Form.onRemoveIcon('{$self}{$qs}')" {$ro_disabled_str}/></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; //TODO: remove possibility } else { $ed_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">{$ed_title} :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="file" id="kppvfc_extradata" name="Extra_data" class="inpOUT"{$onchange_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; } break; case PT_COLOR: $colors_a = array_map('strtolower', preg_split('/[,;\\|]/', $extradata)); $filename = implode('', $colors_a); $icon_html = <<<EOT <img src="{$imgdir}colors/{$filename}.gif" title="" alt="{$tname}" /> EOT; $ed_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">{$ed_title} :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="kppvfc_extradata" name="Extra_data" value="{$extradata}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /> {$icon_html}</td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; break; default: $ed_html = ''; break; } } else { switch ($this->record->DataType) { case PT_ICON: $ed_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">{$ed_title} :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="file" id="kppvfc_extradata" name="Extra_data" class="inpOUT"{$onchange_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; break; case PT_COLOR: $ed_html = <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">{$ed_title} :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="kppvfc_extradata" name="Extra_data" value="" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; break; default: $ed_html = ''; break; } } } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<div id="frame3"> \t\t\t\t\t<table class="tab-form" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Wert der Eigenschaft :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" id="kppvfc_value" name="Hodnota_vlastnosti" value="{$value}" class="inpOUT" onfocus="this.className='inpON'" onblur="this.className='inpOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>{$ed_html} \t\t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><span class="span-form2">Wertbeschreibung :</span></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><textarea class="texarOUT" id="kppyfc_desc" name="Popis_hodnoty" onfocus="this.className='texarON'" onblur="this.className='texarOFF'"{$onchange_str}{$readonly_str}>{$desc}</textarea></td> \t\t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t\t</table> \t\t\t\t</div> \t\t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kppvfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="speichern" class="but3D" disabled onclick="return Kiwi_ProductPropertyValue_Form.onSave()" /> \t\t\t</fieldset> \t\t</div> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadProducts(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $qs = $this->consQS(); $qsep = $qs ? '&' : '?'; $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}{$qs}" method="post"> \t<h2>KATALOG Artikel - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $tabs_html = ''; $tqs = $this->consQS(true, true); $tqsep = $tqs == '' ? '?' : '&'; foreach ($this->fletters as $fletter => $flcount) { $fletterqs = urlencode($fletter); if ($this->letter == $fletter) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span title="{$flcount}">{$fletter}</span> EOT; } elseif ($flcount == 0) { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<b>{$fletter}</b> EOT; } else { $tabs_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}{$tqsep}l={$fletterqs}" title="{$flcount}">{$fletter}</a> EOT; } } if ($this->letter === null) { $prod_count = sizeof($this->products); } else { $prod_count = array_key_exists($this->letter, $this->fletters) ? $this->fletters[$this->letter] : 0; } $pages = (int) ($prod_count / self::$records_per_page + 1); $pages_html = ''; if ($pages > 1) { $pqs = $this->consQS(false, true); $pqs .= $pqs == '' ? '?' : '&'; for ($pg = 1; $pg <= $pages; $pg++) { if ($pg == $this->page) { $pages_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span>{$pg}</span> EOT; } else { $pages_html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$pqs}pg={$pg}">{$pg}</a> EOT; } } } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="zalozky">{$tabs_html} EOT; $totalcount = array_sum($this->fletters); if ($this->letter === null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<span title="{$totalcount}">Alles</span> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<a href="{$self}{$tqs}" title="{$totalcount}">Alles</a> EOT; } $search = htmlspecialchars($this->getSearchBoxText()); $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="searchbox"> \t\t\t<input type="text" id="kprfc_sbox" name="search" value="{$search}" class="searchinp" /> \t\t\t<!--[if IE]><input type="text" style="display: none;" disabled="disabled" size="1" /><![endif]--> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_sbtn" name="cmd" value="suchen" class="searchbtn" /> \t\t</div> \t\t<br class="clear" /> \t\t</div> EOT; if ($pages_html !== '') { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="stranky">Seite: {$pages_html} \t\t\t<br class="clear" /> \t\t</div> EOT; } $disabled_str = sizeof($this->products) == 0 ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Products_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Produkt</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Preis</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Neu">N</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Aktion">Ak</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Rabatt">R</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th><span title="Ausferkauf">Au</span></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Nutzung</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $pi_end = $this->page * self::$records_per_page; $pi_start = $pi_end - self::$records_per_page + 1; $pi = 0; foreach ($this->products as $product) { if ($this->letter !== null) { $ltr = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($product->Title, 0, 2)); if ($ltr != 'CH') { $ltr = $this->removeDiaT1(mb_substr($ltr, 0, 1)); } if ($ltr != $this->letter) { continue; } } $pi += 1; if ($pi < $pi_start || $pi > $pi_end) { continue; } $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$product->ID]) && $this->checked[$product->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; if (mb_strlen($product->Title) > self::MAX_TITLE_LEN) { $title = htmlspecialchars(mb_substr($product->Title, 0, self::MAX_TITLE_LEN) . '...'); } else { $title = htmlspecialchars($product->Title); } $plink = KIWI_EDIT_PRODUCT . "?p={$product->ID}"; if ($this->eshop_item) { $plink .= "&sei={$this->eshop_item}"; } $sqs = $this->saveQS(); if ($sqs) { $plink .= "&sqs={$sqs}"; } $anchor_str = $this->anchor->ID == $product->ID ? ' id="zmena"' : ''; $new_cost = htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%01.2f", $product->NewCost)); if ($product->Photo) { $photo = 'photoOK'; $phototitle = 'Artikel mit Foto'; } else { $photo = 'photoKO'; $phototitle = 'Artikel ohne Foto'; } $photostr = <<<EOT <img src="./image/{$photo}.gif" alt="" title="{$phototitle}" /> EOT; $novelty = $product->Novelty != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $action = $product->Action != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $discount = $product->Discount != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $sellout = $product->Sellout != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; if ($product->Usage) { $usage = $product->Usage; if ($product->Usage > $product->ActiveUsage) { $aktivni = 'aktiv'; //if ($product->ActiveUsage > 4) $aktivni .= 'ch'; // only for czech lang $usage .= " ({$product->ActiveUsage} {$aktivni})"; } } else { $usage = '0'; } $dt = parseDateTime($product->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $active = $product->Active != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$product->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Products_Form.enableBtns(this.checked)"{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$plink}"{$anchor_str}>{$title}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$new_cost}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}tn={$product->ID}">{$novelty}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}ta={$product->ID}">{$action}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}td={$product->ID}">{$discount}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}ts={$product->ID}">{$sellout}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$usage}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$photostr}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}{$qs}{$qsep}as={$product->ID}">{$active}</a></td> \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (sizeof($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> EOT; if ($this->eshop_item || $this->newsletter) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_cmd5" name="cmd" value="zufügen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="Artikel hinzufügen" class="but3" /> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Products_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="aktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kprfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="deaktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
function validDateTime($array) { // returns true or false whether the Date/Time column follows equal and regular timesteps $col = array_search("Date/Time", $array[0]); //determine which column "date/time" is in if ($col === false) { // "Date/Time" does not exist in the array return false; } $valid = true; if (count($array) > 3) { // 1 header + 2 rows //determine if there is monthly interval $month = (int) substr($array[1][$col], 0, strpos($array[1][$col], "/")); for ($i = 2; $i < count($array) && $valid; $i++) { //get month $nextMonth = (int) substr($array[$i][$col], 0, strpos($array[$i][$col], "/")); if ($month % 12 + 1 != $nextMonth) { $valid = false; } $month = $nextMonth; } if ($valid) { return $valid; } else { $valid = true; } //else try the next validation technique //get the first date/time $time = parseDateTime($array[1][$col]); if (!$time) { //could not parse the date/time --> probably incorrect date/time format return false; } $nextTime = parseDateTime($array[2][$col]); $interval = $time->diff($nextTime); $time = $nextTime; for ($i = 3; $i < count($array); $i++) { $nextTime = parseDateTime($array[$i][$col]); $nextInterval = $time->diff($nextTime); if ((array) $interval != (array) $nextInterval) { print_r($time); print_r($nextTime); print_r($nextInterval); return false; } $time = $nextTime; } } return $valid; }
// // An optional "timezone" GET parameter will force all ISO8601 date stings to a given timezone. // // Requires PHP 5.2.0 or higher. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Require our Event class and datetime utilities require dirname(__FILE__) . '/utils.php'; // Short-circuit if the client did not give us a date range. if (!isset($_GET['start']) || !isset($_GET['end'])) { die("Please provide a date range."); } // Parse the start/end parameters. // These are assumed to be ISO8601 strings with no time nor timezone, like "2013-12-29". // Since no timezone will be present, they will parsed as UTC. $range_start = parseDateTime($_GET['start']); $range_end = parseDateTime($_GET['end']); // Parse the timezone parameter if it is present. $timezone = null; if (isset($_GET['timezone'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($_GET['timezone']); } // Read and parse our events JSON file into an array of event data arrays. $json = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '//json/events.json'); $input_arrays = json_decode($json, true); // Accumulate an output array of event data arrays. $output_arrays = array(); foreach ($input_arrays as $array) { // Convert the input array into a useful Event object $event = new Event($array, $timezone); // If the event is in-bounds, add it to the output if ($event->isWithinDayRange($range_start, $range_end)) {
public function _getHTML() { $this->loadLastChange(); $this->loadActions(); $self = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $html = <<<EOT <form action="{$self}?ag={$this->agid}" method="post"> \t<h2>KATALOG Aktionen - [Liste]</h2> \t<div class="levyV"> EOT; if ($this->lastchange != null) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div class="zmena">Zuletzt Aktualisiert: {$this->lastchange->format()}</div> EOT; } $disabled_str = sizeof($this->actions) == 0 ? ' disabled' : ''; $all_checked_str = $this->all_checked ? ' checked' : ''; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t<div id="frame"> \t\t\t<table class="tab-seznam" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> \t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t<th><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" value="Vsechny"{$disabled_str} onclick="checkUncheckAll(document.getElementsByName('check[]'),this);Kiwi_Actions_Form.enableBtns(false);"{$all_checked_str} /></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>Name</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th></th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>geändert</th> \t\t\t\t\t<th>aktiv</th> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<th>Priorität</th> EOT; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = 1; $next_sw = array(1 => 2, 2 => 1); $i = 0; foreach ($this->actions as $action) { $i++; $checked_str = isset($this->checked[$action->ID]) && $this->checked[$action->ID] ? ' checked' : ''; $title = htmlspecialchars($action->Title); $plink = KIWI_EDIT_ACTION . "?ag={$this->agid}&a={$action->ID}"; if ($action->Picture) { $photo = 'photoOK'; $phototitle = 'Aktion hat Bild'; } else { $photo = 'photoKO'; $phototitle = 'Kein Bild vorhanden'; } $photostr = <<<EOT <img src="./image/{$photo}.gif" alt="" title="{$phototitle}" /> EOT; $dt = parseDateTime($action->LastChange); $lastchange = date('j.n.Y H:i', $dt['stamp']); $active = $action->Active != 0 ? 'ja' : 'nein'; $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t<tr class="t-s-{$sw}"> \t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="checkbox" name="check[]" value="{$action->ID}" onclick="Kiwi_Actions_Form.enableBtns(this.checked)"{$checked_str} /></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$plink}">{$title}</a></td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$photostr}</td> \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$lastchange}</td> EOT; if (!$this->read_only) { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td><a href="{$self}?ag={$this->agid}&as={$action->ID}">{$active}</a></td> EOT; } else { $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t\t<td>{$active}</td> EOT; } if (!$this->read_only) { $nullimg = "<img src=\"./image/null.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" />"; $html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<td>" . ($i < sizeof($this->actions) - 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}?dd={$action->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/alldown.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i < sizeof($this->actions) ? "<a href=\"{$self}?d={$action->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/down.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"unten\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 1 ? "<a href=\"{$self}?u={$action->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/up.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . ($i > 2 ? "<a href=\"{$self}?uu={$action->ID}\"><img src=\"./image/allup.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"ganz oben\" width=\"18\" height=\"18\" /></a>" : $nullimg) . "</td>\n"; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t\t</tr> EOT; $sw = $next_sw[$sw]; } if (sizeof($this->checked) == 0) { $disabled_str = ' disabled'; $but_class = 'but3D'; } else { $disabled_str = ''; $but_class = 'but3'; } $html .= <<<EOT \t\t\t</table> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="form2"> \t\t<fieldset> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kacfc_cmd1" name="cmd" value="Aktion hinzufügen" class="but3" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kacfc_cmd2" name="cmd" value="entfernen" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} onclick="return Kiwi_Actions_Form.onDelete()" /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kacfc_cmd3" name="cmd" value="aktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t\t<input type="submit" id="kacfc_cmd4" name="cmd" value="deaktivieren" class="{$but_class}"{$disabled_str} /> \t\t</fieldset> \t</div> </form> EOT; return $html; }
function convertDurationToDelta($value, $prefix = "") { $date = parseDateTime($value); if ($date) { // valid ISO Duration split into date and time return @$date['year'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['year'] : @$date['month'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['month'] : @$date['day'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['day'] : @$date['hour'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['hour'] : @$date['minute'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['minute'] : @$date['second'] ? "{$prefix}" . $date['second'] : ""; } }
function killStupidBank() { $now = time(); $Start = date("Y-m-d") . " " . changeMinute("16:30", "+5") . ":00"; $End = date("Y-m-d") . " " . changeMinute("17:54", "+5") . ":00"; $arrStart = parseDateTime($Start); $unixStart = mktime($arrStart[3], $arrStart[4], $arrStart[5], $arrStart[1], $arrStart[2], $arrStart[0]); $arrEnd = parseDateTime($End); $unixEnd = mktime($arrEnd[3], $arrEnd[4], $arrEnd[5], $arrEnd[1], $arrEnd[2], $arrEnd[0]); if ($unixStart <= $now && $now <= $unixEnd) { return true; } else { return false; } }