Exemple #1
 public static function package_pear_package($package_xml_path, $target_dir)
     if (!file_exists($package_xml_path)) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $package_xml_path . '" file does not exist');
     $current = getcwd();
     if (!class_exists('PEAR_Packager')) {
         @(include 'PEAR/Packager.php');
         if (!class_exists('PEAR_Packager')) {
             // falling back to cli-call
             $results = pake_sh('pear package ' . escapeshellarg($package_xml_path));
             if ($task->is_verbose()) {
                 echo $results;
     $packager = new PEAR_Packager();
     $packager->debug = 0;
     // silence output
     $archive = $packager->package($package_xml_path, true);
     pake_echo_action('file+', $target_dir . '/' . $archive);
 public static function run_pear($task, $args)
     $results = pake_sh('pear package');
     if ($task->is_verbose()) {
         echo $results;
 public function dropDatabase($name)
     if ($this->mode == 'cli') {
         pake_sh($this->cliCommandPrefix() . ' drop ' . escapeshellarg($name));
     } else {
         $sql = 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . $name;
 public static function export($src_url, $target_path)
     if (count(pakeFinder::type('any')->in($target_path)) > 0) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $target_path . '" directory is not empty. Can not export there');
     pake_echo_action('svn export', $target_path);
     if (extension_loaded('svn')) {
         $result = svn_export($src_url, $target_path, false);
         if (false === $result) {
             throw new pakeException('Couldn\'t export "' . $src_url . '" repository');
     } else {
         pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('svn')) . ' export ' . escapeshellarg($src_url) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target_path));
Exemple #5
function run_phpunit()
    $cc_token = getenv('CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN');
    $cc = !empty($cc_token);
    $clover = $cc ? ' --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml' : '';
    $circle_test_reports = getenv('CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS');
    if (!empty($circle_test_reports)) {
        $junit = " --log-junit {$circle_test_reports}/phpunit/junit.xml";
    } else {
        $junit = '';
    print pake_sh('vendor/bin/phpunit' . $clover . $junit);
    if ($cc && file_exists('build/logs/clover.xml')) {
        print pake_sh('vendor/bin/test-reporter');
function run_sync($task, $args)
    if (!count($args)) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide an environment to synchronize.');
    $env = $args[0];
    $dryrun = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : false;
    if (!file_exists('config/rsync_exclude.txt')) {
        throw new Exception('You must create a rsync_exclude file for your project.');
    $host = $task->get_property('host', $env);
    $dir = $task->get_property('dir', $env);
    try {
        $user = $task->get_property('user', $env) . '@';
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
        $user = '';
    if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') {
        $dir .= '/';
    $ssh = 'ssh';
    try {
        $port = $task->get_property('port', $env);
        $ssh = '"ssh -p' . $port . '"';
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
    try {
        $parameters = $task->get_property('parameters', $env);
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
        $parameters = '-azC --force --delete';
        if (file_exists('config/rsync_exclude.txt')) {
            $parameters .= ' --exclude-from=config/rsync_exclude.txt';
        if (file_exists('config/rsync_include.txt')) {
            $parameters .= ' --include-from=config/rsync_include.txt';
        if (file_exists('config/rsync.txt')) {
            $parameters .= ' --files-from=config/rsync.txt';
    $dry_run = $dryrun == 'go' || $dryrun == 'ok' ? '' : '--dry-run';
    $cmd = "rsync --progress {$dry_run} {$parameters} -e {$ssh} ./ {$user}{$host}:{$dir}";
    echo pake_sh($cmd);
Exemple #7
 public static function clone_repository($src_url, $target_path = null)
     if (null === $target_path) {
         // trying to "guess" path
         $target_path = basename($src_url);
         // removing suffix
         if (substr($target_path, -3) === '.hg') {
             $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, -3);
     if (self::isRepository($target_path)) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $target_path . '" directory is a Mercurial repository already');
     if (file_exists($target_path)) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $target_path . '" directory already exists. Can not clone Mercurial-repository there');
     pake_sh('hg clone -q ' . escapeshellarg($src_url) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target_path));
     return new pakeMercurial($target_path);
Exemple #8
 public static function sync_from_server($local_path, $server_host, $remote_paths, $rsync_login = '', $transport = 'ssh')
     if (strlen($rsync_login) > 0) {
         $rsync_login .= '@';
     if (is_string($remote_paths)) {
         // sync contents of dir, so adding trailing slash
         if ($remote_paths[strlen($remote_paths) - 1] != '/') {
             $remote_paths .= '/';
         $remote_paths = array($remote_paths);
     } elseif (is_array($remote_paths)) {
         // syncing multiple objects, so removing trailing slashes
         $remote_paths = array_map(create_function('$path', 'return rtrim($path, "/");'), $remote_paths);
     foreach ($remote_paths as &$remote_path) {
         $remote_path = $rsync_login . $server_host . ':' . $remote_path;
     pake_sh('rsync -az -e ' . escapeshellarg($transport) . ' ' . implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $remote_paths)) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($local_path));
function run_demo()
    pake_sh('aip app ' . realpath(__DIR__ . '/examples/new/config.yaml'), true);
 public static function clone_repository($src_url, $target_path = null)
     if (null === $target_path) {
         // trying to "guess" path
         $target_path = basename($src_url);
         // removing suffix
         if (substr($target_path, -4) === '.git') {
             $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, -4);
     if (self::isRepository($target_path)) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $target_path . '" directory is a Git repository already');
     if (file_exists($target_path)) {
         throw new pakeException('"' . $target_path . '" directory already exists. Can not clone git-repository there');
     pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('git')) . ' clone -q ' . escapeshellarg($src_url) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target_path));
     return new pakeGit($target_path);
function pake_shdir($cmd, $dir, $interactive = false)
    $current_dir = realpath(getcwd());
    $dir = realpath($dir);
    pake_echo_comment("Jump into {$dir}");
    try {
        $result = pake_sh($cmd, $interactive);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        pake_echo_comment("Cd back into {$current_dir}");
        throw $e;
    pake_echo_comment("Jump back into {$current_dir}");
    return $result;
Exemple #12
  * Creates the tarballs for a release
 function run_dist($task = null, $args = array(), $cliOpts = array())
     // copy workspace dir into dist dir, without git
     $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->ignore_version_control();
     pake_mirror($finder, realpath(Builder::workspaceDir()), realpath(Builder::distDir()));
     // remove unwanted files from dist dir
     // also: do we still need to run dos2unix?
     // create tarballs
     $cwd = getcwd();
     foreach (Builder::distFiles() as $distFile) {
         // php can not really create good zip files via phar: they are not compressed!
         if (substr($distFile, -4) == '.zip') {
             $cmd = Builder::tool('zip');
             $extra = '-9 -r';
             pake_sh("{$cmd} {$distFile} {$extra} " . basename(Builder::distDir()));
         } else {
             $finder = pakeFinder::type('any')->pattern(basename(Builder::distDir()) . '/**');
             // see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=58852
             $pharFile = str_replace(Builder::libVersion(), '_LIBVERSION_', $distFile);
             pakeArchive::createArchive($finder, '.', $pharFile);
             rename($pharFile, $distFile);
Exemple #13
  * Classifies all entries in git changelog as 4 types.
  * Each entry is returned starting with "- "
  * @return array the 1st-level elements are themselves matrixes, except for 'unmatchedEntries' which is a plain array
 public static function extractChangelogEntriesFromRepo($rootpath, $previousrev)
     if ($previousrev != '') {
         /// @todo check if given revision exists in git repo? We'll get an empty changelog if it does not...
         /// @todo replace with pakegit::log
         $git = escapeshellarg(pake_which('git'));
         $changelogArray = preg_split('/(\\r\\n|\\n\\r|\\r|\\n)/', pake_sh(self::getCdCmd($rootpath) . " && {$git} log --pretty=%s " . escapeshellarg($previousrev) . "..HEAD"));
         $changelogArray = array_map('trim', $changelogArray);
         foreach ($changelogArray as $i => $line) {
             if ($line == '') {
         $changelogText = implode("\n", $changelogArray);
         if ($changelogText == '') {
             pake_echo("Git log returns an empty string - generating an empty changelog file. Please check if there is any problem with {$rootpath}");
         // Was: "extract and categorize issues using known patterns"
         // This proved not to be reliable!
         // We categorize all issues by looking at their type in the bug tracker instead
         /*preg_match_all( "/^[- ]?Fix(?:ed|ing)?(?: bug|issue|for ticket)? (EZP-[0-9]+):? (.*)$/mi", $changelogText, $bugfixesMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
           preg_match_all( "/^[- ]?Implement(?:ed)?(?: enhancement|issue)? (EZP-[0-9]+):? (.*)$/mi", $changelogText, $enhancementsMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );*/
         preg_match_all("!^Merge pull request #0?([0-9]+):? ([^/]*)(?:/.*)?\$!mi", $changelogText, $pullreqsMatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
         // remove merge commits to get "unmatched" items
         $unmatchedEntries = array_diff($changelogArray, $pullreqsMatches[0]);
         /// if we identify an issue number, look up its type in jira to determine its type
         $issueTypes = array();
         foreach ($unmatchedEntries as $i => $entry) {
             if (preg_match('/(EZP-[0-9]+):? (.*)$/i', $entry, $matches)) {
                 if (isset($issueTypes[$matches[1]])) {
                     $type = $issueTypes[$matches[1]];
                 } else {
                     $type = self::findIssueType($matches[1]);
                     $issueTypes[$matches[1]] = $type;
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'enhancement':
                         $enhancementsMatches[0][] = $matches[0];
                         $enhancementsMatches[1][] = $matches[1];
                         $enhancementsMatches[2][] = $matches[2];
                     case 'bugfix':
                         $bugfixesMatches[0][] = $matches[0];
                         $bugfixesMatches[1][] = $matches[1];
                         $bugfixesMatches[2][] = $matches[2];
         $unmatchedEntries = array_values(array_map(function ($item) {
             return substr($item, 0, 2) != "- " ? "- {$item}" : $item;
         }, $unmatchedEntries));
     } else {
         pake_echo('Can not determine the git tag of last version. Generating an empty changelog file');
         $bugfixesMatches = array(array());
         $enhancementsMatches = array(array());
         $pullreqsMatches = array(array());
         $unmatchedEntries = array();
     return array('bugfixesMatches' => $bugfixesMatches, 'enhancementsMatches' => $enhancementsMatches, 'pullreqsMatches' => $pullreqsMatches, 'unmatchedEntries' => $unmatchedEntries);
Exemple #14
// unit tests
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/unit/*/*Test.php');
// functional tests
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/functional/*Test.php');
$h->register_glob($h->base_dir . '/functional/*/*Test.php');
$ret = $h->run();
if (!$ret) {
    throw new Exception('Some tests failed. Release process aborted!');
if (is_file('package.xml')) {
    pake_remove('package.xml', getcwd());
pake_copy(getcwd() . '/package.xml.tmpl', getcwd() . '/package.xml');
// add class files
$finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->relative();
$xml_classes = '';
$dirs = array('lib' => 'php', 'data' => 'data');
foreach ($dirs as $dir => $role) {
    $class_files = $finder->in($dir);
    foreach ($class_files as $file) {
        $xml_classes .= '<file role="' . $role . '" baseinstalldir="symfony" install-as="' . $file . '" name="' . $dir . '/' . $file . '" />' . "\n";
// replace tokens
pake_replace_tokens('package.xml', getcwd(), '##', '##', array('SYMFONY_VERSION' => $version, 'CURRENT_DATE' => date('Y-m-d'), 'CLASS_FILES' => $xml_classes, 'STABILITY' => $stability));
$results = pake_sh('pear package');
echo $results;
pake_remove('package.xml', getcwd());
// copy .tgz as symfony-latest.tgz
pake_copy(getcwd() . '/symfony-' . $version . '.tgz', getcwd() . '/symfony-latest.tgz');
Exemple #15
  * Downloads the build tarballs from Jenkins for further repackaging; options: --build=<buildnr>
 public static function run_dist_init($task = null, $args = array(), $cliopts = array())
     $opts = self::getOpts($args, $cliopts);
     $buildnr = @$cliopts['build'];
     if ($buildnr == '') {
         pake_echo('Fetching latest available build');
         $buildnr = 'lastBuild';
     // get list of files from the build
     $out = self::jenkinsCall('job/' . $opts['jenkins']['jobs']['community'] . '/' . $buildnr . '/api/json', $opts);
     if (!is_array($out) || !is_array(@$out['artifacts'])) {
         pake_echo('Error in retrieving build description from Jenkins or no artifacts in build');
     } else {
         if ($buildnr == 'lastBuild') {
             pake_echo('Found build ' . $out['number']);
     // find the correct variant
     //$buildurl = self::jenkinsUrl( 'job/' . $opts['jenkins']['jobs']['community'] . '/' . $buildnr, $opts );
     $fileurl = '';
     foreach ($out['artifacts'] as $artifact) {
         if (substr($artifact['fileName'], -4) == '.bz2') {
             $fileurl = 'job/' . $opts['jenkins']['jobs']['community'] . '/' . $buildnr . '/artifact/' . $artifact['relativePath'];
     if ($fileurl == '') {
         pake_echo("No artifacts available for build {$buildnr}");
     // clean up the 'release' dir
     $rootpath = $opts['build']['dir'] . '/release';
     /// @todo this method is a bit slow, should find a faster one
     // download and unzip the file
     $filename = $rootpath . '/' . $artifact['fileName'];
     pake_write_file($filename, self::jenkinsCall($fileurl, $opts, 'GET', null, false), 'cpb');
     // and unzip eZ into it - in a folder with a specific name
     $tar = self::getTool('tar', $opts);
     pake_sh(self::getCdCmd($rootpath) . " && {$tar} -xjf " . escapeshellarg($artifact['fileName']));
     $currdir = pakeFinder::type('directory')->in($rootpath);
     $currdir = $currdir[0];
     $finaldir = $rootpath . '/' . self::getProjName();
     pake_rename($currdir, $finaldir);
     pake_echo("dir+         " . $finaldir);
Exemple #16
  * Creates an archive out of a directory.
  * Uses command-lne tar as Zeta Cmponents do no compress well, and pake
  * relies on phar which is buggy/unstable on old php versions
  * @param boolean $no_top_dir when set, $sourcedir directory is not packaged as top-level dir in archive
  * @todo for tar formats, fix the extra "." dir packaged
 static function archiveDir($sourcedir, $archivefile, $no_top_dir = false)
     // please tar cmd on win - OH MY!
     $archivefile = str_replace('\\', '/', $archivefile);
     $sourcedir = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($sourcedir));
     if ($no_top_dir) {
         $srcdir = '.';
         $workdir = $sourcedir;
     } else {
         $srcdir = basename($sourcedir);
         $workdir = dirname($sourcedir);
     $archivedir = dirname($archivefile);
     $extra = '';
     $tar = self::getTool('tar');
     if (substr($archivefile, -7) == '.tar.gz' || substr($archivefile, -4) == '.tgz') {
         $cmd = "{$tar} -z -cvf";
         $extra = "-C " . escapeshellarg($workdir);
         $workdir = $archivedir;
         $archivefile = basename($archivefile);
     } else {
         if (substr($archivefile, -8) == '.tar.bz2') {
             $cmd = "{$tar} -j -cvf";
             $extra = "-C " . escapeshellarg($workdir);
             $workdir = $archivedir;
             $archivefile = basename($archivefile);
         } else {
             if (substr($archivefile, -4) == '.tar') {
                 $cmd = "{$tar} -cvf";
                 $extra = "-C " . escapeshellarg($workdir);
                 $workdir = $archivedir;
                 $archivefile = basename($archivefile);
             } else {
                 if (substr($archivefile, -4) == '.zip') {
                     $zip = self::getTool('zip');
                     $cmd = "{$zip} -9 -r";
                 } else {
                     throw new pakeException("Can not determine archive type from filename: {$archivefile}");
     pake_sh(self::getCdCmd($workdir) . " && {$cmd} {$archivefile} {$extra} {$srcdir}");
     pake_echo_action('file+', $archivefile);
Exemple #17
function pake_superuser_sh($cmd, $interactive = false)
    if (!isset($_SERVER['USER'])) {
        throw new pakeException("Don't know how to run commands as superuser");
    // we're superuser already
    if ($_SERVER['USER'] === 'root') {
        return pake_sh($cmd, $interactive);
    try {
        $sudo = pake_which('sudo');
        $cmd = escapeshellarg($sudo) . ' ' . $cmd;
    } catch (pakeException $e) {
        try {
            $su = pake_which('su');
            $cmd = escapeshellarg($su) . ' root -c ' . $cmd;
            $interactive = true;
            // force interactive, as su asks for password on stdout
        } catch (pakeException $e) {
            // no "sudo" and no "su". bad
            throw new pakeException("Don't know how to run commands as superuser");
    pake_echo_comment('Next command will be run using superuser priveleges');
    pake_sh($cmd, $interactive);
Exemple #18
 public function execute($command)
     return pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('ssh')) . ' -C ' . escapeshellarg($this->login . '@' . $this->host) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($command));
$_newstyle_local = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pake';
if ($_self_path != $_newstyle_local) {
    $php_exec = (isset($_SERVER['_']) and substr($_SERVER['_'], -4) != 'pake') ? $_SERVER['_'] : 'php';
    $args = '';
    if ($_SERVER['argc'] > 1) {
        // removing pake.php
        $args_arr = array_map('escapeshellarg', $_SERVER['argv']);
        $args = ' ' . implode(' ', $args_arr);
    $force_tty = '';
    if (defined('PAKE_FORCE_TTY') or DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\' and function_exists('posix_isatty') and @posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
        $force_tty = ' --force-tty';
    pake_echo_comment("oops… you're using installed pake. restarting with local version…");
    pake_sh(escapeshellarg($php_exec) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($_newstyle_local) . $force_tty . $args, true);
} else {
    pake_echo_comment("using local version of pake. good!");
/* registration */
 * Demo-task
 * @param string $task
 * @param string $args
 * @return bool
 * @author Alexey Zakhlestin
Exemple #20
function run_install_deps()
    pake_sh('composer install', TRUE);
 public static function run_test($task)
     $php_cgi = '';
     $_php_cgi = self::_get_php_executable() . '-cgi';
     if (file_exists($_php_cgi)) {
         $php_cgi = ' ' . escapeshellarg('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=' . $_php_cgi);
     pake_echo_comment('Running test-suite. This can take awhile…');
     pake_sh('make test NO_INTERACTION=1' . $php_cgi);
     $path = dirname(pakeApp::get_instance()->getPakefilePath()) . '/tests';
     $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->relative()->name('*.diff')->in($path);
     if (count($files) == 0) {
         pake_echo('   All tests PASSed!');
     pake_echo_error('Following tests FAILed:');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $phpt_file = substr($file, 0, -4) . 'phpt';
         $_lines = file($path . '/' . $phpt_file);
         $description = $_lines[1];
         pake_echo('     ' . $phpt_file . ' (' . rtrim($description) . ')');
  * Checks for validity all php files; use config options to specify the path to php executable if needed
 static function run_check_php_files($task = null, $args = array(), $cliopts = array())
     $opts = self::getOpts(@$args[0], @$args[1], $cliopts);
     if (!SharedLock::acquire($opts['extension']['name'], LOCK_SH, $opts)) {
         throw new PakeException("Source code locked by another process");
     $destdir = self::getBuildDir($opts) . '/' . $opts['extension']['name'];
     $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name(array('*.php'))->in($destdir);
     if (count($files)) {
         $php = self::getTool('php', $opts);
         if (strpos(pake_sh($php . " -v"), 'PHP') === false) {
             SharedLock::release($opts['extension']['name'], LOCK_SH, $opts);
             throw new pakeException("{$php} does not seem to be a valid php executable");
         foreach (pakeFinder::type('file')->name(array('*.php'))->in($destdir) as $file) {
             if (strpos(pake_sh($php . " -l " . escapeshellarg($file)), 'No syntax errors detected') === false) {
                 SharedLock::release($opts['extension']['name'], LOCK_SH, $opts);
                 throw new pakeException("{$file} does not seem to be a valid php file");
     SharedLock::release($opts['extension']['name'], LOCK_SH, $opts);
Exemple #23
function run_obs($task)
    $_root = dirname(__FILE__);
    $options = pakeYaml::loadFile($_root . '/options.yaml');
    $version = $options['version'];
    $target = $_root . '/target';
    pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('gunzip')) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target . '/pake-' . $version . '.tgz'));
    pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('tar')) . ' -r -f ' . escapeshellarg($target . '/pake-' . $version . '.tar') . ' -C ' . escapeshellarg($_root) . ' debian');
    pake_sh(escapeshellarg(pake_which('gzip')) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($target . '/pake-' . $version . '.tar'));
Exemple #24
// force usage of local pake
if ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] != dirname(__FILE__) . '/bin/pake.php') {
    $php_exec = (isset($_SERVER['_']) and substr($_SERVER['_'], -4) != 'pake') ? $_SERVER['_'] : 'php';
    $args = '';
    if ($_SERVER['argc'] > 1) {
        // removing pake.php
        $args_arr = array_map('escapeshellarg', $_SERVER['argv']);
        $args = ' ' . implode(' ', $args_arr);
    $force_tty = '';
    if (defined('PAKE_FORCE_TTY') or DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != '\\' and function_exists('posix_isatty') and @posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
        $force_tty = ' --force-tty';
    pake_echo_comment("oops… you're using installed pake. restarting with local version…");
    pake_sh(escapeshellarg($php_exec) . ' ' . escapeshellarg(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bin/pake.php') . $force_tty . $args, true);
} else {
    pake_echo_comment("using local version of pake. good!");
/* registration */
pake_desc('create a single file with all pake classes. usage: pake compact [plugin1 [plugin2 […]]]');
pake_desc('create an executable PHAR-archive of Pake');
pake_desc('release a new pake version');