function run_propel_build_sql_diff($task, $args) { if (!count($args)) { throw new Exception('You must provide the application.'); } $app = $args[0]; if (!is_dir(sfConfig::get('sf_app_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $app)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('The app "%s" does not exist.', $app)); } run_propel_build_sql($task, $args); pake_echo_action('propel-sql-diff', "building database patch"); define('SF_ROOT_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../..')); define('SF_APP', $app); define('SF_ENVIRONMENT', isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'dev'); define('SF_DEBUG', 1); require_once SF_ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SF_APP . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.php'; $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager(); $databaseManager->initialize(); $i = new dbInfo(); $i->loadFromDb(); $i2 = new dbInfo(); $i2->loadAllFilesInDir(sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir') . '/sql'); $diff = $i->getDiffWith($i2); $filename = sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir') . '/sql/diff.sql'; if ($diff == '') { pake_echo_comment("no difference found"); } pake_echo_action('propel-sql-diff', "writing file {$filename}"); file_put_contents($filename, $diff); }
/** * Runs a gearman worker if it's not started yet * * Workers will be restarted by daemon automatically when they exit, * and they will exit after completing 1 task, * i.e. we don't use while($gmworker->work()) loop * @return void */ function run_start_gearman_worker() { if (is_worker_running('gearman_worker')) { pake_echo_comment('Worker is running, no action needed.'); return; } // daemon will respawn with bursts by 10 tries each (-A) with delay 10 sec between respawn bursts (-L) pake_shdir(get_run_worker_cmd('gearman_worker'), dirname(__FILE__) . WORKER_PATH); //pake_shdir(get_run_worker_cmd('gearman_worker2'), dirname(__FILE__) . WORKER_PATH); }
function run_default($task, $args) { pake_echo_error('Installer is a separate tool now. Please use that'); try { pake_which('mvc_install'); pake_echo_comment('It is already installed on your system. Type: mvc_install'); } catch (pakeException $e) { pake_echo_comment('I will install it for you…'); pakePearTask::install_pear_package('midgardmvc_installer', ''); pake_echo_comment('Done. To use it, type: mvc_install'); } }
/** * execute HTTP Request and match response against PCRE regexp * * @param string $regexp PCRE regexp * @param string $method * @param string $url * @param mixed $query_data string or array * @param mixed $body string or array * @param array $headers * @param array $options * @return void */ public static function matchRequest($regexp, $method, $url, $query_data = null, $body = null, array $headers = array(), array $options = array()) { $response = self::request($method, $url, $query_data, $body, $headers, $options); $result = preg_match($regexp, $response); if (false === $result) { throw new pakeException("There's some error with this regular expression: " . $regexp); } if (0 === $result) { throw new pakeException("HTTP Response didn't match against regular expression: " . $regexp); } pake_echo_comment('HTTP response matched against ' . $regexp); }
function run_import_users($task, $args) { if (!isset($args[0])) { pake_echo_error('usage: pake i "users.yml"'); return false; } pake_echo_comment("Reading file. It can take awhile…"); $str = file_get_contents($args[0]); $data = pakeYaml::loadString($str); pake_echo_comment("Starting import…"); $len = count($data); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $row = $data[$i]; if (_create_user($row['login'], $row['password'], $row['data'])) { pake_echo_action('user+', "({$i} of {$len}) " . $row['login']); } else { pake_echo_comment('already exists: ' . "({$i} of {$len}) " . $row['login']); } } }
public static function run_app($task, $args) { if (isset($args[0])) { $config_file = $args[0]; } else { $config_file = getcwd() . '/config.yaml'; } pake_echo_comment('Loading configuration…'); if (!file_exists($config_file)) { throw new \pakeException("Configuration file is not found: " . $config_file); } $config = \pakeYaml::loadFile($config_file); $runner = new Runner(); foreach ($config['servers'] as $server) { if (!class_exists($server['app']['class'])) { require dirname($config_file) . '/' . $server['app']['file']; pake_echo_action('load class', $server['app']['class']); } $runner->addServer($server['app']['class'], $server['app']['middlewares'], $server['protocol'], $server['socket'], $server['min-children'], $server['max-children']); pake_echo_action('register', $server['app']['class'] . ' server via ' . $server['protocol'] . ' at ' . $server['socket'] . '. (' . $server['min-children'] . '-' . $server['max-children'] . ' children)'); } pake_echo_comment('Starting server…'); $runner->go(); }
public static function run_test($task) { $php_cgi = ''; $_php_cgi = self::_get_php_executable() . '-cgi'; if (file_exists($_php_cgi)) { $php_cgi = ' ' . escapeshellarg('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=' . $_php_cgi); } pake_echo_comment('Running test-suite. This can take awhile…'); pake_sh('make test NO_INTERACTION=1' . $php_cgi); pake_echo_comment('Done'); $path = dirname(pakeApp::get_instance()->getPakefilePath()) . '/tests'; $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->relative()->name('*.diff')->in($path); if (count($files) == 0) { pake_echo(' All tests PASSed!'); return; } pake_echo_error('Following tests FAILed:'); foreach ($files as $file) { $phpt_file = substr($file, 0, -4) . 'phpt'; $_lines = file($path . '/' . $phpt_file); $description = $_lines[1]; unset($_lines); pake_echo(' ' . $phpt_file . ' (' . rtrim($description) . ')'); } }
function pake_shdir($cmd, $dir, $interactive = false) { $current_dir = realpath(getcwd()); $dir = realpath($dir); pake_echo_comment("Jump into {$dir}"); chdir($dir); try { $result = pake_sh($cmd, $interactive); } catch (Exception $e) { pake_echo_comment("Cd back into {$current_dir}"); chdir($current_dir); throw $e; } pake_echo_comment("Jump back into {$current_dir}"); chdir($current_dir); return $result; }
/** * release a new pake version * * @param string $task * @return bool * @author Alexey Zakhlestin */ function run_release($task) { $_root = dirname(__FILE__); $options = pakeYaml::loadFile($_root . '/options.yaml'); $version = $options['version']; pakeSimpletestTask::call_simpletest($task); if ($task->is_verbose()) { pake_echo_comment('releasing pake version "' . $version . '"'); } run_create_pear_package(); }
function pake_superuser_sh($cmd, $interactive = false) { if (!isset($_SERVER['USER'])) { throw new pakeException("Don't know how to run commands as superuser"); } // we're superuser already if ($_SERVER['USER'] === 'root') { return pake_sh($cmd, $interactive); } try { $sudo = pake_which('sudo'); $cmd = escapeshellarg($sudo) . ' ' . $cmd; } catch (pakeException $e) { try { $su = pake_which('su'); $cmd = escapeshellarg($su) . ' root -c ' . $cmd; $interactive = true; // force interactive, as su asks for password on stdout } catch (pakeException $e) { // no "sudo" and no "su". bad throw new pakeException("Don't know how to run commands as superuser"); } } pake_echo_comment('Next command will be run using superuser priveleges'); pake_sh($cmd, $interactive); }
/** * Demo-task * * @param string $task * @param string $args * @return bool * @author Alexey Zakhlestin */ function run_foo($task, $args) { $age = pake_input('How old are you?'); pake_echo_comment("You are " . $age); // throw new Exception('test'); }
function _upgrade_1_0_propel_ini() { pake_echo_action('upgrade 1.0', 'upgrading propel.ini configuration file'); $propel_file = sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'propel.ini'; if (is_readable($propel_file)) { $updated = false; $propel_ini = file_get_contents($propel_file); $count = 0; // new target package (needed for new plugin system) $propel_ini = preg_replace('#propel\\.targetPackage(\\s*)=(\\s*)model#', 'propel.targetPackage$1=$2lib.model', $propel_ini, -1, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } $propel_ini = preg_replace('#propel.php.dir(\\s*)=(\\s*)\\${propel.output.dir}/lib#', 'propel.php.dir$1=$2\\${propel.output.dir}', $propel_ini, -1, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } if (false === strpos($propel_ini, 'propel.packageObjectModel')) { $updated = true; $propel_ini = rtrim($propel_ini); $propel_ini .= "\npropel.packageObjectModel = true\n"; } // new propel builder class to be able to remove require_* and strip comments $propel_ini = str_replace('', 'addon.propel.builder.SfExtensionObjectBuilder', $propel_ini, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } $propel_ini = str_replace('', 'addon.propel.builder.SfExtensionPeerBuilder', $propel_ini, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } $propel_ini = str_replace('', 'addon.propel.builder.SfMultiExtendObjectBuilder', $propel_ini, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } $propel_ini = str_replace('', 'addon.propel.builder.SfMapBuilderBuilder', $propel_ini, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } // replace old symfony.addon.propel path to addon.propel $propel_ini = str_replace('symfony.addon.propel.builder.', 'addon.propel.builder.', $propel_ini, $count); if ($count) { $updated = true; } if (false === strpos($propel_ini, 'addIncludes')) { $updated = true; $propel_ini .= <<<EOF propel.builder.addIncludes = false propel.builder.addComments = false propel.builder.addBehaviors = false EOF; pake_echo_comment('there are 3 new propel.ini options:'); pake_echo_comment(' - propel.builder.addIncludes'); pake_echo_comment(' - propel.builder.addComments'); pake_echo_comment(' - propel.builder.addBehaviors'); } if ($updated) { file_put_contents($propel_file, $propel_ini); } } }