/** * * @TODO document * */ function base_check_templates() { if (is_child_theme()) { foreach (glob(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/*.php', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) { if (preg_match('/page\\.([a-z-0-9]+)\\.php/', $file, $match)) { $data = get_file_data(trailingslashit(get_stylesheet_directory()) . basename($file), array('name' => 'Template Name')); if (is_array($data)) { pagelines_add_page($match[1], $data['name']); } } } } }
'name' => 'Ubuntu', 'family' => '"Ubuntu", arial, serif', 'web_safe' => true, 'google' => true, 'monospace' => false ) ); return array_merge( $thefoundry, $myfont ); } // ADDING NEW TEMPLATES --------// // Want another page template for drag and drop? Easy :) // 1. Add File called page.[page-id].php to Base // 2. Add /* Template Name: Your Page Name */ and Call to 'setup_pagelines_template();' to that file (see page.base.php) // 3. Add 'pagelines_add_page('[page-id]', '[Page Name]');' to this functions.php file // Add Base Page if ( function_exists( 'pagelines_add_page' ) ) pagelines_add_page('base', 'Custom Page'); // OVERRIDE SECTION TEMPLATES --------// // Want more customization control over any of the core section templates in PlatformPro? Just override the template file. // To do that, just add a file called template.[section-id].php to this child theme and it will override the section templates // for the section with that ID. For example, template.boxes.php will override the boxes templates. // Once overridden you can copy the code from that section, paste it there and edit to your heart's content.