$history_tabs = array('type_all' => 'All', 'type_comment' => 'Comments', 'type_log' => 'Changes', 'type_svn' => 'Git/SVN commits', 'type_related' => 'Related reports'); if (!isset($_COOKIE['history_tab']) || !isset($history_tabs[$_COOKIE['history_tab']])) { $active_history_tab = 'type_all'; } else { $active_history_tab = $_COOKIE['history_tab']; } echo '<h2 style="border-bottom:2px solid #666;margin-bottom:0;padding:5px 0;">History</h2>', "<div id='comment_filter' class='controls comments'>"; foreach ($history_tabs as $id => $label) { $class_extra = $id == $active_history_tab ? 'active' : ''; echo "<span id='{$id}' class='control {$class_extra}' onclick='do_comment(this);'>{$label}</span>"; } echo ' </div> '; echo "<div id='comments_view' style='clear:both;'>\n"; foreach ($bug_comments as $row) { output_note($row['id'], $row['added'], $row['email'], $row['comment'], $row['comment_type'], $row['comment_name'], !($active_history_tab == 'type_all' || 'type_' . $row['comment_type'] == $active_history_tab)); } echo "</div>\n"; } if ($bug_id == 'PREVIEW') { ?> <form action="report.php?package=<?php htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['bug_preview']['package_name']); ?> " method="post"> <?php foreach ($_SESSION['bug_preview'] as $k => $v) { if ($k !== 'ldesc') { if ($k === 'ldesc_orig') { $k = 'ldesc';
if ($bug['ldesc']) { output_note(0, $bug['submitted'], $bug['email'], $bug['ldesc'], $bug['showemail'], $bug['bughandle'], $bug['reporter_name'], $bug['registered']); } // Display comments $query = 'SELECT c.id,c.email,c.comment,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.ts) AS added, c.reporter_name as comment_name, IF(c.handle <> "",u.registered,1) as registered, u.showemail, u.handle,c.handle as bughandle FROM bugdb_comments c LEFT JOIN users u ON u.handle = c.handle WHERE c.bug = ? AND c.active = 1 GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.ts'; $res = $dbh->query($query, array($id)); if ($res) { ?> <h2>Comments</h2><?php while ($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { output_note($row['id'], $row['added'], $row['email'], $row['comment'], $row['showemail'], $row['bughandle'] ? $row['bughandle'] : $row['handle'], $row['comment_name'], $row['registered']); } } response_footer(); function output_note($com_id, $ts, $email, $comment, $showemail = 1, $handle = null, $comment_name = null, $registered) { global $edit, $id, $user, $dbh; echo '<div class="comment">'; echo '<a name="' . urlencode($ts) . '"> </a>'; echo "<strong>[", format_date($ts), "] "; if (!$registered) { echo 'User who submitted this comment has not confirmed identity</strong>'; if (!auth_check('pear.dev')) { echo '<pre class="note">If you submitted this note, check your email.'; echo 'If you do not have a message, <a href="resend-request-email.php?' . 'handle=' . urlencode($handle) . "\">click here to re-send</a>\n", 'MANUAL CONFIRMATION IS NOT POSSIBLE. Write a message to <a href="mailto:' . PEAR_DEV_EMAIL . '">' . PEAR_DEV_EMAIL . '</a>' . "\n", "to request the confirmation link. All bugs/comments/patches associated with this\n\nemail address will be deleted within 48 hours if the account request is not confirmed!"; echo "</pre>\n</div>";