$comment->userid = $USER->id;
    $comment->postid = $postid;
    // Special behaviour for moderated users
    if ($moderated) {
        // Check IP address
        if (oublog_too_many_comments_from_ip()) {
            print_error('error_toomanycomments', 'oublog');
        // Set the confirmed cookie if they haven't got it yet
        if (!$confirmed) {
            setcookie(OUBLOG_CONFIRMED_COOKIE, $comment->confirm, time() + 365 * 24 * 3600);
            // Expire in 1 year
        if (!oublog_add_comment_moderated($oublog, $oubloginstance, $post, $comment)) {
            print_error('couldnotaddcomment', 'oublog');
        $approvaltime = oublog_get_typical_approval_time($post->userid);
        oublog_build_navigation($oublog, $oubloginstance, isset($oubloguser) ? $oubloguser : null);
        $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('moderated_submitted', 'oublog'));
        echo $OUTPUT->header();
        notice(get_string('moderated_addedcomment', 'oublog') . ($approvaltime ? ' ' . get_string('moderated_typicaltime', 'oublog', $approvaltime) : ''), 'viewpost.php?post=' . $postid, $course);
        // does not continue
    $comment->userid = $USER->id;
    if (!oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment)) {
        print_error('couldnotaddcomment', 'oublog');
    add_to_log($course->id, "oublog", "add comment", $viewurl, $oublog->id, $cm->id);
Exemple #2
 public function create_content($instance, $record = array())
     global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/oublog/locallib.php';
     // Send $record['post'] (object) or $record['comment'] (object).
     // Returns id of post/comment created.
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('oublog', $instance->id);
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $course = get_course($instance->course);
     // Default add a default post if nothing sent.
     if (!isset($record['post']) && !isset($record['comment'])) {
         $record['post'] = new stdClass();
     if (isset($record['post'])) {
         if (empty($record['post']->userid)) {
             $record['post']->userid = $USER->id;
         if (empty($record['post']->oublogid)) {
             $record['post']->oublogid = $instance->id;
         if (empty($record['post']->message)) {
             $record['post']->message = array('text' => 'Test post');
         } else {
             if (is_string($record['post']->message)) {
                 // Support message being string to insert in db not form style.
                 $record['post']->message = array('text' => $record['post']->message);
         if (empty($record['post']->message['itemid'])) {
             // Draft files won't work anyway as no editor - so set to 1.
             $record['post']->message['itemid'] = 1;
         if (empty($record['post']->allowcomments)) {
             $record['post']->allowcomments = OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOW;
         if (empty($record['post']->title)) {
             $record['post']->title = '';
         // Force attachments to be empty as will not work.
         $record['post']->attachments = null;
         if ($USER->id === 0) {
             mtrace('oublog_add_post() will error as you must be a valid user to add a post');
         return oublog_add_post($record['post'], $cm, $instance, $course);
     } else {
         if (isset($record['comment'])) {
             if (empty($record['comment']->postid)) {
                 throw new coding_exception('Must pass postid when creating comment');
             if (empty($record['comment']->userid)) {
                 $record['comment']->userid = $USER->id;
             if (empty($record['comment']->messagecomment)) {
                 if (empty($record['comment']->message)) {
                     $record['comment']->messagecomment = array('text' => 'Test comment');
                 } else {
                     // Support message being string to insert in db not form style.
                     $record['comment']->messagecomment = array('text' => $record['comment']->message);
             } else {
                 if (is_string($record['post']->messagecomment)) {
                     // Support message being string to insert in db not form style.
                     $record['comment']->messagecomment = array('text' => $record['comment']->messagecomment);
             return oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $instance, $record['comment']);
 public function test_oublog_add_comment()
     global $SITE, $USER, $DB;
     // Test comment using Personal blog.
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($SITE->id, array('global' => 1, 'visibility' => OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC));
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('oublog', $oublog->cmid);
     $post = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
     $postid = oublog_add_post($post, $cm, $oublog, $SITE);
     $comment = new stdClass();
     $comment->title = 'Test Comment';
     $comment->messagecomment = array();
     $comment->messagecomment['text'] = 'Message for test comment';
     $comment->postid = $postid;
     $comment->userid = $USER->id;
     $commentid = oublog_add_comment($SITE, $cm, $oublog, $comment);
     // Get post with comments to check created correctly.
     $post = oublog_get_post($postid);
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($commentid, $post->comments));
     $this->assertEquals($comment->message, $post->comments[$commentid]->message);
     $this->assertEquals($comment->title, $post->comments[$commentid]->title);
     $this->assertEquals(fullname($USER), fullname($post->comments[$commentid]));
     // Check $canaudit sees deleted comments (and other users don't).
     $DB->update_record('oublog_comments', (object) array('id' => $commentid, 'deletedby' => $USER->id));
     $post = oublog_get_post($postid, true);
     $post = oublog_get_post($postid);
     // Check moderated (not logged-in comments).
     $bloginstance = $DB->get_record('oublog_instances', array('id' => $post->oubloginstancesid));
     $adminid = $USER->id;
     $modcomment = new stdClass();
     $modcomment->messagecomment = 'TEST';
     $modcomment->title = 'TITLE';
     $modcomment->postid = $postid;
     $modcomment->authorname = 'Unittest';
     // Catch email sent.
     $sink = $this->redirectEmails();
     // Update our admin user email as default is blank.
     $DB->update_record('user', (object) array('id' => $adminid, 'email' => '*****@*****.**'));
     $result = oublog_add_comment_moderated($oublog, $bloginstance, $post, $modcomment);
     $messages = $sink->get_messages();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($messages));
     $modcomment = $DB->get_record('oublog_comments_moderated', array('postid' => $postid));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $modcomment);
     $id = oublog_approve_comment($modcomment, true);
     $saved = $DB->get_record('oublog_comments', array('authorname' => $modcomment->authorname));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $saved);
     // Check post without allowcomments returns no comments (even if added already).
     $DB->update_record('oublog_posts', (object) array('id' => $postid, 'allowcomments' => 0));
     $post = oublog_get_post($postid);
 public function test_oublog_get_participation_details()
     global $SITE, $USER, $DB;
     $now = time();
     // Whole course.
     // Single course for all subsequent tests?
     $course = $this->get_new_course();
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($course->id);
     $oublog->allowcomments = OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOW;
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('oublog', $oublog->cmid);
     $student1 = $this->get_new_user('student', $course->id);
     $student2 = $this->get_new_user('student', $course->id);
     // Number of posts and comments to create for whole course tests.
     $postcountwc = 3;
     $titlecheck = 'test_oublog_get_parts_wc';
     // Prepare to make some posts using the posts stub.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountwc; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = 'Test Post ' . $titlecheck;
         // Add the posting student.
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student1->id;
     // Create the posts - assumes oublog_add_post is working,
     // also add student comments to those posts.
     $postids = $commentids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         // Add the commenting student.
         $comment = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment->title .= " " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment);
     // Get the participation object with counts of posts and comments.
     $curgroup = oublog_get_activity_group($cm);
     $curindividual = 0;
     $studentnamed = fullname($student1);
     $limitnum = 4;
     $start = $end = $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test postscount && commentscount.
     // The same number of records should be 'discovered' that were added.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountwc, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertEquals($postcountwc, $participation->commentscount);
     // This blog activity  allows comments.
     $this->assertEquals(OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOW, $oublog->allowcomments);
     // The number of records should be 'returned' that were added.
     $this->assertCount($postcountwc, $participation->posts);
     $this->assertCount($postcountwc, $participation->comments);
     // The posts returned should match the ones added.
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals('Test Post ' . $titlecheck, $post->title);
         $this->assertEquals($student1->id, $post->userid);
         $this->assertEquals(0, $post->groupid);
         $postername = fullname($post);
         $this->assertEquals($studentnamed, $postername);
         $this->assertEquals($oublog->allowcomments, $post->allowcomments);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals('Test Comment ' . $titlecheck, $comment->title);
         $this->assertEquals($oublog->id, $comment->oublogid);
         $this->assertEquals($post->title, $comment->posttitle);
         $this->assertEquals($post->userid, $comment->posterid);
         $this->assertEquals($post->userid, $comment->postauthorid);
         $this->assertEquals($post->groupid, $comment->groupid);
         $this->assertEquals($post->visibility, $comment->visibility);
         $this->assertEquals($studentnamed, $comment->posterfirstname . " " . $comment->posterlastname);
     // Test for comments turned ON the blog.
     // But turned OFF on ONE post.
     $oublog->allowcomments = OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOW;
     $getposts = false;
     // Dont need to see posts.
     $getcomments = true;
     // Do want to see comments.
     // Create additional post.
     $posttest = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
     $posttest->title = 'Test Post ' . $titlecheck;
     // Add the posting student.
     $posttest->userid = $student1->id;
     // Add one post which doesnt allow comments
     $posttest->allowcomments = OUBLOG_COMMENTS_PREVENT;
     $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posttest, $cm, $oublog, $course);
     // Attemt to add a student comment, though not allowed.
     $comment3 = $this->get_comment_stub($posttest->id, $student2->id);
     $comment3->title .= " NOT ALLOWED " . $titlecheck;
     $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment3);
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // The number of posts that should be 'discovered' plus the new one.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountwc + 1, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of posts that should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->posts);
     // This blog activity DOES allow comments.
     $this->assertEquals(OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOW, $oublog->allowcomments);
     // The number of comments that should be 'discovered', does not not include the new one.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountwc, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments to be 'returned' does not not include the new one.
     $this->assertCount($postcountwc, $participation->comments);
     // Separate groups.
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($course->id, array('groupmode' => SEPARATEGROUPS));
     $group1 = $this->get_new_group($course->id);
     $group2 = $this->get_new_group($course->id);
     $this->get_new_group_member($group1->id, $student1->id);
     $this->get_new_group_member($group2->id, $student2->id);
     $postcountsg = 3;
     $titlecheck = ' test_oublog_get_sg';
     // Make some posts to use from post stub.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsg; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck;
         // Add the posting student.
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student1->id;
         $posthashes[$i]->groupid = $group1->id;
     // Create the posts assuming oublog_add_post is working.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         // Not adding comments for this test.
     $curgroup = 0;
     // All groups.
     $curindividual = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // The number of posts that should be 'discovered' plus the new one.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsg, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of posts that should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsg, $participation->posts);
     // The number of comments should be 'discovered'.
     $this->assertEquals(0, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->comments);
     // Test posts object. Only Group ONE
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Basic checks.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals($group1->id, $post->groupid);
         $this->assertEquals($student1->id, $post->userid);
         $postername = fullname($post);
         $this->assertEquals($postername, $post->firstname . " " . $post->lastname);
     // Prepare some more post stubs to use.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsg; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck;
         // Add the posting student.
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student2->id;
         $posthashes[$i]->groupid = $group2->id;
     // Creating the posts, and add comments.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         // Add the commenting student.
         $comment = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment);
     // Test posts object. ONLY Group TWO.
     $curgroup = $group2->id;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsg, $participation->postscount);
     // No: of comments made same as posts.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsg, $participation->commentscount);
     // Test posts object. ONLY Group TWO.
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals($group2->id, $post->groupid);
         $this->assertEquals($student2->id, $post->userid);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above?.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals('Test Comment' . $titlecheck, $comment->title);
         $this->assertEquals($oublog->id, $comment->oublogid);
         $this->assertEquals($post->title, $comment->posttitle);
         $this->assertEquals($post->userid, $comment->posterid);
     // Separate groups, separate individuals.
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($course->id, array('groupmode' => SEPARATEGROUPS, 'individual' => OUBLOG_SEPARATE_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS));
     $group5 = $this->get_new_group($course->id);
     $group6 = $this->get_new_group($course->id);
     $this->get_new_group_member($group5->id, $student1->id);
     $this->get_new_group_member($group6->id, $student2->id);
     // Number of posts/comments for these tests.
     $postcountsgsi = 2;
     $titlecheck = ' testing_oublog_sgsi_get_posts';
     // Some post stubs to use in group 5.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsgsi; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck;
         // Add the posting student.
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student1->id;
     // Create group 5's posts and comments.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student1->id);
         $comment->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment);
     // Make sure we have some post stubs to use in group 6.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsgsi; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student2->id;
     // Create group 6s posts and comments.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment);
     // Test no groups.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // The number of posts that should be 'discovered', from both groups.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsgsi * 2, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of posts that should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsgsi * 2, $participation->posts);
     // The number of comments should be 'discovered', from both groups.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsgsi * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsgsi * 2, $participation->comments);
     // Test of student in group 6.
     $curgroup = $group6->id;
     $curindividual = $student2->id;
     $getposts = false;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // The number of one students posts that should be 'discovered' from group.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsgsi, $participation->postscount);
     // There are posts but should not be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->posts);
     // The number of comments that should be 'discovered', from both groups.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsgsi, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments that should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsgsi, $participation->comments);
     // Test for student not in group 6.
     $curgroup = $group6->id;
     $curindividual = $student1->id;
     $getposts = false;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Student not in the group could make no posts or comments
     $this->assertEquals(0, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->posts);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $participation->commentscount);
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->comments);
     // Separate individuals.
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($course->id, array('individual' => OUBLOG_SEPARATE_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS));
     // Number of posts/comments for these tests.
     $postcountsi = 2;
     $titlecheck = 'oublog_si_tests';
     // Creating some post stubs for student 1 to use.
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsi; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title .= $titlecheck;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student1->id;
     // Create student 1s posts and comments.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Create student 2s posts and comments.
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsi; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student2->id;
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment1->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title .= $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Test All individuals.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $oublog->individual = OUBLOG_SEPARATE_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts by both students.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsi * 2, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts should be 'returned' that were added.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsi * 2, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsi * 4, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments which should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsi * 2, $participation->comments);
     // Test an individual.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = $student2->id;
     $studentnamed = fullname($student2);
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts by both students.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsi, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts should be 'returned' that were added.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsi, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsi * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments which should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsi * 2, $participation->comments);
     // The posts returned should match the ones added.
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals($titlecheck, $post->title);
         $this->assertEquals($student2->id, $post->userid);
         $this->assertEquals(0, $post->groupid);
         $postername = fullname($post);
         $this->assertEquals($studentnamed, $postername);
     // Global blog = Personal blog.
     if (!($oublog = $DB->get_record('oublog', array('course' => $SITE->id, 'global' => 1)))) {
         $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($SITE->id, array('global' => 1, 'individual' => OUBLOG_NO_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS, 'allowcomments' => OUBLOG_COMMENTS_ALLOWPUBLIC, 'maxvisibility' => OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC));
     $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('oublog', $oublog->id);
     // Number of posts and comments to create for Global course tests.
     $postcountpb = 2;
     $titlecheck = 'PERSBLOG_parts';
     // Prepare to make some posts to use for test 1.
     $posthashes1 = array();
     for ($ai = 1; $ai <= $postcountpb; $ai++) {
         $posthashes1[$ai] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes1[$ai]->title = "TP " . $titlecheck;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->userid = $student1->id;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->visibility = OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_COURSEUSER;
     // Create the posts - assumes oublog_add_post is working,
     // also add student comments to those posts.
     $postids = $commentids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes1 as $posthasha) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthasha, $cm, $oublog, $SITE);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($SITE, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Get the participation object with counts of posts and comments.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $end = $page = 0;
     $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = false;
     // Dont need posts on global blog.
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test postscount && commentscount;
     // When visibility is private course user only return none.
     $this->assertEquals(0, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $participation->commentscount);
     // Prepare to make some posts to use for test two.
     $posthashes1 = array();
     for ($ai = 1; $ai <= $postcountpb; $ai++) {
         $posthashes1[$ai] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes1[$ai]->title = "TP " . $titlecheck;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->userid = $student1->id;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->visibility = OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_LOGGEDINUSER;
     // Create the posts - assumes oublog_add_post is working,
     // also add student comments to those posts.
     $postids = $commentids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes1 as $posthasha) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthasha, $cm, $oublog, $SITE);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($SITE, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Get the participation object with counts of posts and comments.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $end = $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = false;
     // Dont need posts on global blog.
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // For this test each post commented on twice.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals("TC " . $titlecheck, $comment->title);
         $this->assertEquals(OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_LOGGEDINUSER, $comment->visibility);
     // Prepare to make some posts to use for test 3.
     $posthashes1 = array();
     for ($ai = 1; $ai <= $postcountpb; $ai++) {
         $posthashes1[$ai] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes1[$ai]->title = "TP " . $titlecheck;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->userid = $student1->id;
         $posthashes1[$ai]->visibility = OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC;
     // Create the posts - assumes oublog_add_post is working,
     // also add student comments to those posts.
     $postids = $commentids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes1 as $posthasha) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthasha, $cm, $oublog, $SITE);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($SITE, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthasha->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title = "TC " . $titlecheck;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Get the participation object with counts of posts and comments.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $end = $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = false;
     // Dont need posts on global blog.
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test postscount && commentscount; the same number of records
     // or multiples of $postcountpb, should be discovered.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb * 2, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb * 4, $participation->commentscount);
     // But we should only return the limited amount of 8 comments.
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->posts);
     $this->assertCount($limitnum, $participation->comments);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals("TC " . $titlecheck, $comment->title);
     // Set as guest user not logged in.
     // Get the participation object with counts of posts and comments.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $end = $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = false;
     // Dont need posts on global blog.
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test postscount && commentscount; the same number of records
     // or multiples of $postcountpb, should be returned that were added.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb, $participation->postscount);
     $this->assertEquals($postcountpb * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // Test that we only return the limited amount of 8 commentss.
     $this->assertCount(0, $participation->posts);
     $this->assertLessThan($limitnum, count($participation->comments));
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals("TC " . $titlecheck, $comment->title);
     // Separate individuals time checking.
     // Reset the User previously set as guest user not logged in.
     $yesterday = time() - 24 * 60 * 60 - 60;
     $beforeyesterday = time() - 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
     $sometimetoday = time();
     $oublog = $this->get_new_oublog($course->id, array('individual' => OUBLOG_SEPARATE_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS));
     // Number of posts/comments for these tests.
     $postcountsit = 4;
     $titlecheck = ' oublog_sit_test_times';
     // Creating some post stubs for student 1 to use
     $posthashes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsit; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title .= $titlecheck;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student1->id;
         $posthashes[$i]->timeposted = $sometimetoday;
     // Create student 1s posts with comments by S1 and S2.
     $postids = array();
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title .= $titlecheck;
         $comment1->timeposted = $sometimetoday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title .= $titlecheck;
         $comment2->timeposted = $sometimetoday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Create student 2s yesterday posts and comments.
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsit; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title .= $titlecheck;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student2->id;
         $posthashes[$i]->timeposted = $yesterday;
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment1->title .= $titlecheck;
         $comment1->timeposted = $yesterday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student1->id);
         $comment2->title .= $titlecheck;
         $comment2->timeposted = $yesterday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
     // Create more student 2 posts before yesterdays posts and comments.
     // A limited set of these will be returned in a later test.
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $postcountsit; $i++) {
         $posthashes[$i] = $this->get_post_stub($oublog->id);
         $posthashes[$i]->title = $titlecheck . $student2->id . $beforeyesterday . $i;
         $posthashes[$i]->userid = $student2->id;
         $posthashes[$i]->timeposted = $beforeyesterday;
     foreach ($posthashes as $posthash) {
         $postids[] = oublog_add_post($posthash, $cm, $oublog, $course);
         $comment1 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student1->id);
         $comment1->title = $titlecheck . $student1->id . $beforeyesterday . $posthash->id;
         $comment1->timeposted = $beforeyesterday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment1);
         $comment2 = $this->get_comment_stub($posthash->id, $student2->id);
         $comment2->title = $titlecheck . $student2->id . $beforeyesterday . $posthash->id;
         $comment2->timeposted = $beforeyesterday;
         $commentids[] = oublog_add_comment($course, $cm, $oublog, $comment2);
         // Saving last entries for limited beforeyesterday assertions later.
         $posttitlebeforeyesterday = $posthash->title;
         $comment1titlebeforeyesterday = $comment1->title;
         $comment2titlebeforeyesterday = $comment2->title;
     // Test All time entries.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $oublog->individual = OUBLOG_SEPARATE_INDIVIDUAL_BLOGS;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = 0;
     $end = 0;
     $page = 0;
     $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 3, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts should be 'returned' that were added.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 6, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->comments);
     // Test that the posts returned match the ones added.
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals("testpost" . $titlecheck, $post->title);
         $postername = fullname($post);
         $this->assertEquals($postername, $post->firstname . " " . $post->lastname);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
     // Test previous day timed entries.
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $yesterday - 60;
     $end = $sometimetoday;
     $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts for period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts for period which should be 'returned'
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments for test period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->comments);
     // Test a limited time period during previous day.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $yesterday - 60 * 60;
     $end = $yesterday + 60 * 60;
     $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts for period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts for period which should be 'returned'
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments for test period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 2, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->comments);
     // Test extended daily time period
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = 8;
     $start = $beforeyesterday - 60;
     $end = $sometimetoday + 60;
     $page = $limitfrom = 0;
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts to be 'discovered' for period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 3, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts for period which should be 'returned'
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments 'discovered' for test period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit * 6, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments which should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit * 2, $participation->comments);
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals("testpost" . $titlecheck, $post->title);
         $this->assertEquals(fullname($post), $post->firstname . " " . $post->lastname);
     // Test comments object.
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertEquals(OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_COURSEUSER, $comment->visibility);
     // Test using extended daily time period with limited return of posts and comments,
     // using saved last entries for beforeyesterday assertions.
     $curgroup = 0;
     $curindividual = 0;
     $limitnum = $postcountsit * 2;
     // Any Number, above the $postcountsit
     $start = $beforeyesterday - 1;
     $end = $beforeyesterday + 1;
     $page = 0;
     $limitfrom = $postcountsit - 2;
     // Any Number, less that $postcountsit.
     $getposts = true;
     $getcomments = true;
     $participation = oublog_get_participation_details($oublog, $curgroup, $curindividual, $start, $end, $page, $getposts, $getcomments, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     // Test count of posts to be 'discovered' for period.
     $this->assertEquals($postcountsit, $participation->postscount);
     // The number of student posts for period which should be 'returned'
     $this->assertCount($postcountsit - 2, $participation->posts);
     // Test count of all students comments for test period.
     $this->assertEquals($limitnum, $participation->commentscount);
     // The number of comments should be 'returned'.
     $this->assertCount($limitnum - $limitfrom, $participation->comments);
     // Test posts object.
     foreach ($participation->posts as $post) {
         // Do some basic checks - does it match our test post created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $post);
         $this->assertEquals($student2->id, $post->userid);
         $postername = fullname($post);
         $this->assertEquals($postername, $post->firstname . " " . $post->lastname);
         // Recognise last returned post correctly, but without id in title.
         if ($post->title == $posttitlebeforeyesterday) {
     foreach ($participation->comments as $comment) {
         // Same basic checks - does it match our test comment created above.
         $this->assertInstanceOf('stdClass', $comment);
         $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(OUBLOG_VISIBILITY_COURSEUSER, $comment->visibility);
         // Recognise last returned comments correctly, but with out ids in titles.
         if ($comment->title == $comment1titlebeforeyesterday || $comment->title == $comment2titlebeforeyesterday) {