/** * Renders select page box * * @param string $name Name to use in HTML for the select * @param Project $project * @param integer $selected Id of selected element * @param array $attributes Array of additional attributes * @return string */ function wiki_select_page($name, $project, $selected = null, $attributes = null) { if (is_array($attributes)) { if (!isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = 'wiki_select_page'; } } else { $attributes = array('class' => 'wiki_select_page'); } // if $options = array(option_tag(lang('none'), 0)); if (logged_user()->isAdministrator()) { $pages = Wiki::getAllProjectPages($project); } else { $pages = Wiki::getAllProjectPages($project); } if (is_array($pages)) { foreach ($pages as $page) { $option_attributes = $page->getId() == $selected ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag($page->getObjectName(), $page->getId(), $option_attributes); } // foreach } // if return select_box($name, $options, $attributes); }
/** * Render select folder box * * @param string $name Control name * @param Project $project * @param integer $selected ID of selected folder * @param array $attributes Select box attributes * @return string */ function select_project_folder($name, $project = null, $selected = null, $attributes = null) { if (is_null($project)) { $project = active_project(); } // if if (!$project instanceof Project) { throw new InvalidInstanceError('$project', $project, 'Project'); } // if if (is_array($attributes)) { if (!isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = 'select_folder'; } } else { $attributes = array('class' => 'select_folder'); } // if $options = array(option_tag(lang('none'), 0)); $folders = $project->getFolders(); if (is_array($folders)) { foreach ($folders as $folder) { $option_attributes = $folder->getId() == $selected ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag($folder->getName(), $folder->getId(), $option_attributes); } // foreach } // if return select_box($name, $options, $attributes); }
/** * Renders locale select box * * @param string $name * @param array $locales * @param integer $selected id of selected element * @param array $attributes additional attributes * @return string */ function select_locale($name, $locales = null, $selected = null, $attributes = null) { if (is_array($attributes)) { if (!isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = 'select_locale'; } } else { $attributes = array('class' => 'select_locale'); } // if $options = array(option_tag(lang('none'), 0)); if (is_null($locales)) { $locales = array(); } if (is_array($locales)) { foreach ($locales as $k => $locale) { if (is_string($locale)) { $option_attributes = $locale == $selected ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag($locale, $k, $option_attributes); } else { $option_attributes = $locale->getId() == $selected ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag($locale->getName(), $locale->getId(), $option_attributes); } } // foreach } // if return select_box($name, $options, $attributes); }
/** * Render select parent object for provided project * * Supported paramteres: * * - types - type of of parent objects to be listed * - project - Instance of selected project (required) * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_project_object($params, &$smarty) { $project = array_var($params, 'project'); if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) { return new InvalidParamError('project', $project, '$project is expected to be an instance of Project class', true); } // if $value = array_var($params, 'value'); unset($params['project']); $types = array_var($params, 'types', null); if (!$types || !is_foreachable($types = explode(',', $types))) { $types = array('ticket', 'file', 'discussion', 'page'); } // if $id_name_map = ProjectObjects::getIdNameMapForProject($project, $types); if (!is_foreachable($id_name_map)) { return false; } // if $sorted = array(); foreach ($id_name_map as $object) { $option_attributes = $value == $object['id'] ? array('selected' => true) : null; $sorted[strtolower($object['type'])][] = option_tag($object['name'], $object['id'], $option_attributes); } // foreach if (is_foreachable($sorted)) { foreach ($sorted as $sorted_key => $sorted_values) { $options[] = option_group_tag($sorted_key, $sorted_values); } // foreach } // if return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'd/m/Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('dd/mm/yyyy', 'd/m/Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'm/d/Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('mm/dd/yyyy', 'm/d/Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'Y/m/d' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('yyyy/mm/dd', 'Y/m/d', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'd-m-Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('dd-mm-yyyy', 'd-m-Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'm/d/Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('mm-dd-yyyy', 'm-d-Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'Y-m-d' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('yyyy-mm-dd', 'Y-m-d', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'd.m.Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('dd.mm.yyyy', 'd.m.Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'm/d/Y' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('mm.dd.yyyy', 'm.d.Y', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'Y.m.d' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag('yyyy.mm.dd', 'Y.m.d', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); } // render
/** * Select milestone category control * * Params: * * - Commong SELECT attributes * - Value - Selected milestone category id * * @param array $params * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_milestone_category($params, &$smarty) { $project = array_var($params, 'project'); $project_id = 0; if (instance_of($project, 'Project')) { $project_id = $project->getId(); } // if $categories = array(); $categories[] = array('id' => '0', 'text' => '-- select --'); $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); $sql = "select id as id, category_name as text from healingcrystals_project_milestone_categories where project_id='" . do_json_encode($project_id) . "' order by category_name"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $link); while ($entry = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $categories[] = $entry; } mysql_close($link); $value = 0; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = $params['value']; unset($params['value']); } // if $options = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) { $option_attribites = $categories[$i]['id'] == $value ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag($categories[$i]['text'], $categories[$i]['id'], $option_attribites); } return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select Mailbox type control * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_incoming_mail_object_type($params, &$smarty) { $mailbox_object_types = array(); if (module_loaded('discussions')) { $mailbox_object_types[] = INCOMING_MAIL_OBJECT_TYPE_DISCUSSION; } // if if (module_loaded('tickets')) { $mailbox_object_types[] = INCOMING_MAIL_OBJECT_TYPE_TICKET; } // if if (!array_var($params, 'skip_comment', true)) { $mailbox_object_types[] = INCOMING_MAIL_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMENT; } // if $value = null; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = $params['value']; unset($params['value']); } // if $options = array(); foreach ($mailbox_object_types as $mailbox_object_type) { $option_attributes = $mailbox_object_type == $value ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag(Inflector::humanize($mailbox_object_type), $mailbox_object_type, $option_attributes); } // foreach return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select user control * * Supported paramteres: * * - all HTML attributes * - value - ID of selected user * - project - Instance of selected project, if NULL all users will be listed * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_incoming_mail_select_user($params, &$smarty) { $project = array_var($params, 'project'); if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) { return new InvalidParamError('object', $project, '$project is expected to be an instance of Project class', true); } // if $users = Users::findForSelect(null, array_var($params, 'project')); $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $options = array(option_tag(lang('Original Author'), 'original_author', $value == 'original_author' ? array('selected' => true) : null)); if (is_foreachable($users)) { foreach ($users as $company_name => $company_users) { $company_options = array(); foreach ($company_users as $user) { $option_attributes = $user['id'] == $value ? array('selected' => true) : null; $company_options[] = option_tag($user['display_name'], $user['id'], $option_attributes); } // foreach $options[] = option_group_tag($company_name, $company_options); } // if } // if return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select_default_assignment_filter control * * Parameters: * * - user - User - User using the page * - value - integer - ID of selected filter * - optional - boolean - Value is optional? * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_default_assignment_filter($params, &$smarty) { $user = array_var($params, 'user', null, true); $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', true, true); $default_filter_id = (int) ConfigOptions::getValue('default_assignments_filter'); $default_filter = $default_filter_id ? AssignmentFilters::findById($default_filter_id) : null; $options = array(); if (instance_of($default_filter, 'AssignmentFilter') && $optional) { $options[] = option_tag(lang('-- System Default (:filter) --', array('filter' => $default_filter->getName())), ''); } // if $grouped_filters = AssignmentFilters::findGrouped($user, true); if (is_foreachable($grouped_filters)) { foreach ($grouped_filters as $group_name => $filters) { $group_options = array(); foreach ($filters as $filter) { $group_options[] = option_tag($filter->getName(), $filter->getId(), array('selected' => $value == $filter->getId())); } // foreach if (count($options) > 0) { $options[] = option_tag('', ''); } // if $options[] = option_group_tag($group_name, $group_options); } // foreach } // if return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select team control * * Params: * * - project - Project instance that need to be used * - active_only - Return only active milestones, true by default * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_team($params, &$smarty) { $project = array_var($params, 'project'); if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) { return new InvalidParamError('project', $project, '$project value is expected to be an instance of Project class', true); } // if unset($params['project']); $value = null; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = $params['value']; unset($params['value']); } // if $options = array(); $logged_user = $smarty->get_template_vars('logged_user'); $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); $query = "select a.id, a.name from healingcrystals_projects a inner join healingcrystals_project_users b on (a.id=b.project_id and b.user_id='" . $logged_user->getId() . "') where a.status='active' and a.completed_on is null and b.role_id<>'9' order by a.name"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); while ($info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($info['id'] == $project->getId()) { $option_attributes = array('selected' => true); $options[] = option_tag(lang($info['name']), $info['id'], $option_attributes); } else { $options[] = option_tag(lang($info['name']), $info['id']); } } mysql_close($link); return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select category control * * Supported paramteres: * * - all HTML attributes * - project - Parent project, required * - module - Module * - controller - Controller name * - value - ID of selected category * - optional - If false there will be no -- none -- option * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_category($params, &$smarty) { static $ids = array(); $project = array_var($params, 'project', null, true); if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) { return new InvalidParamError('project', $project, 'Project parameter is required for select category helper and it needs to be an instance of Project class', true); } // if $user = array_var($params, 'user', null, true); $module = trim(array_var($params, 'module', null, true)); if ($module == '') { return new InvalidParamError('module', $module, 'Module parameter is required for select category helper', true); } // if $controller = trim(array_var($params, 'controller', null, true)); if ($controller == '') { return new InvalidParamError('controller', $controller, 'Controller parameter is required for select category helper', true); } // if $id = array_var($params, 'id', null, true); if (empty($id)) { $counter = 1; do { $id = "select_category_{$counter}"; $counter++; } while (in_array($id, $ids)); } // if $params['id'] = $id; $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', true, true); $options = array(); if ($optional) { $options[] = option_tag(lang('-- None --'), ''); } // if $categories = Categories::findByModuleSection($project, $module, $controller); if (is_foreachable($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $category) { $option_attributes = array('class' => 'object_option'); if ($category->getId() == $value) { $option_attributes['selected'] = true; } // if $options[] = option_tag($category->getName(), $category->getId(), $option_attributes); } // foreach } // if if (instance_of($user, 'User') && Category::canAdd($user, $project)) { $params['add_object_url'] = Category::getQuickAddUrl($project, $controller, $module); $params['object_name'] = 'category'; $params['add_object_message'] = lang('Please insert new category name'); $options[] = option_tag('', ''); $options[] = option_tag(lang('New Category...'), '', array('class' => 'new_object_option')); } // if return select_box($options, $params) . '<script type="text/javascript">$("#' . $id . '").new_object_from_select();</script>'; }
/** * Select priority control * * Params: * * - Commong SELECT attributes * - Value - Selected priority * * @param array $params * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_priority($params, &$smarty) { $priorities = array(PRIORITY_URGENT => lang('Urgent'), PRIORITY_HIGHEST => lang('Highest'), PRIORITY_HIGH => lang('High'), PRIORITY_NORMAL => lang('Normal'), PRIORITY_LOW => lang('Low'), PRIORITY_LOWEST => lang('Lowest'), PRIORITY_HOLD => lang('Hold'), '-99' => lang('Unknown')); if (isset($params['task_id'])) { $priorities_images = array(PRIORITY_URGENT => 'assets/images/icons/priority/urgent.png', PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 'assets/images/icons/priority/highest.gif', PRIORITY_HIGH => 'assets/images/icons/priority/high.gif', PRIORITY_NORMAL => 'assets/images/icons/priority/normal.gif', PRIORITY_LOW => 'assets/images/icons/priority/low.gif', PRIORITY_LOWEST => 'assets/images/icons/priority/lowest.gif', PRIORITY_HOLD => 'assets/images/icons/priority/hold.png', '-99' => 'assets/images/icons/priority/unknown.png'); /*$priority_not_set = false; if ($params['value']=='0'){ $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link); $query = "select isnull(priority) as priority_not_set from healingcrystals_project_objects where id='" . (int)$params['task_id'] . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($info['priority_not_set']=='1') $priority_not_set = true; mysql_close($link); } if (!$priority_not_set){ $params['sel-image'] = $priorities_images[$params['value']]; $value = 0; if(isset($params['value'])) { $value = (integer) $params['value']; if($value > PRIORITY_URGENT || $value < PRIORITY_HOLD) { $value = 0; } // if } // if } else { $value = '-99'; } unset($params['value']); return '<span id="' . $params['task_id'] . '" url="' . $params['url'] . '" class="cur_priority" style="cursor:pointer;"><img class="cur_priority" src="' . $priorities_images[$value] . '" /></span>';*/ return '<span id="' . $params['task_id'] . '" url="' . $params['url'] . '" class="cur_priority" style="cursor:pointer;"><img class="cur_priority" src="' . $priorities_images[$params['value']] . '" /></span>'; } else { $value = 0; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = (int) $params['value']; //if($value > PRIORITY_HIGHEST || $value < PRIORITY_LOWEST) { //BOF:mod 20121122 /* //EOF:mod 20121122 if($value > PRIORITY_HIGHEST || $value < PRIORITY_HOLD) { //BOF:mod 20121122 */ if ($value > PRIORITY_URGENT || $value < PRIORITY_HOLD) { //EOF:mod 20121122 $value = 0; } // if unset($params['value']); } // if $options = array(); foreach ($priorities as $priority => $priority_text) { $option_attribites = $priority == $value ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag($priority_text, $priority, $option_attribites); } // if return select_box($options, $params); } }
/** * Render select project helper * * Parametars: * * - value - Id of selected project * - user - Limit only to projects that can be viewed by User * - optional * * @param void * @return null */ function smarty_function_select_project($params, &$smarty) { $user = array_var($params, 'user', null, true); if (!instance_of($user, 'User')) { return new InvalidParamError('user', $user, '$user is expected to be an instance of User class', true); } // if $show_all = array_var($params, 'show_all', false) && $user->isProjectManager(); $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $projects_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'projects'; $project_users_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'project_users'; if ($show_all) { $projects = db_execute_all("SELECT {$projects_table}.id, {$projects_table}.name, {$projects_table}.status FROM {$projects_table} WHERE {$projects_table}.type = ? ORDER BY {$projects_table}.name", PROJECT_TYPE_NORMAL); } else { $projects = db_execute_all("SELECT {$projects_table}.id, {$projects_table}.name, {$projects_table}.status FROM {$projects_table}, {$project_users_table} WHERE {$project_users_table}.user_id = ? AND {$project_users_table}.project_id = {$projects_table}.id AND {$projects_table}.type = ? ORDER BY {$projects_table}.name", $user->getId(), PROJECT_TYPE_NORMAL); } // if $exclude = (array) array_var($params, 'exclude', array(), true); $active_options = array(); $archived_options = array(); if (is_foreachable($projects)) { foreach ($projects as $k => $project) { if (in_array($project['id'], $exclude)) { continue; } // if $option_attributes = $project['id'] == $value ? array('selected' => true) : null; if ($project['status'] == PROJECT_STATUS_ACTIVE) { $active_options[] = option_tag($project['name'], $project['id'], $option_attributes); } else { $archived_options[] = option_tag($project['name'], $project['id'], $option_attributes); } // if } // if } // if $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', false, true); $options = array(); if ($optional) { $options[] = option_tag(lang(array_var($params, 'optional_caption', '-- Select Project --')), ''); $options[] = option_tag('', ''); } // if if (is_foreachable($active_options)) { $options[] = option_group_tag(lang('Active'), $active_options); } // if if (is_foreachable($active_options) && is_foreachable($archived_options)) { $options[] = option_tag('', ''); } // if if (is_foreachable($archived_options)) { $options[] = option_group_tag(lang('Archive'), $archived_options); } // if return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == FILE_STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEM ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('file storage file system'), FILE_STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEM, $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == FILE_STORAGE_MYSQL ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('file storage mysql'), FILE_STORAGE_MYSQL, $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'mail()' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail transport mail()'), 'mail()', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'smtp' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail transport smtp'), 'smtp', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'no' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('secure ldap connection no'), 'no', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'tls' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('secure ldap connection tls'), 'tls', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'like' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('search engine mysql like'), 'like', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'match' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('search engine mysql match'), 'match', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render select company box * * Parameters: * * - value - Value of selected company * - optional - Is value of this field optional or not * - exclude - Array of company ID-s that will be excluded * - can_create_new - Should this select box offer option to create a new * company from within the list * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_company($params, &$smarty) { static $ids = array(); $companies = Companies::getIdNameMap(array_var($params, 'companies')); $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $id = array_var($params, 'id', null, true); if (empty($id)) { $counter = 1; do { $id = "select_company_dropdown_{$counter}"; $counter++; } while (in_array($id, $ids)); } // if $ids[] = $id; $params['id'] = $id; $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', false, true); $exclude = array_var($params, 'exclude', array(), true); if (!is_array($exclude)) { $exclude = array(); } // if $can_create_new = array_var($params, 'can_create_new', true, true); if ($optional) { $options = array(option_tag(lang('-- None --'), ''), option_tag('', '')); } else { $options = array(); } // if foreach ($companies as $company_id => $company_name) { if (in_array($company_id, $exclude)) { continue; } // if $option_attributes = array('class' => 'object_option'); if ($value == $company_id) { $option_attributes['selected'] = true; } // if $options[] = option_tag($company_name, $company_id, $option_attributes); } // if if ($can_create_new) { $logged_user = get_logged_user(); if (instance_of($logged_user, 'User') && Company::canAdd($logged_user)) { $params['add_object_url'] = assemble_url('people_companies_quick_add'); $params['object_name'] = 'company'; $params['add_object_message'] = lang('Please insert new company name'); $options[] = option_tag('', ''); $options[] = option_tag(lang('New Company...'), '', array('class' => 'new_object_option')); } // if } // if return select_box($options, $params) . '<script type="text/javascript">$("#' . $id . '").new_object_from_select();</script>'; }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $actions_of_dashboard_controller = array_diff(get_class_methods('DashboardController'), get_class_methods('ApplicationController')); foreach ($actions_of_dashboard_controller as $action_name) { $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == $action_name ? array('select' => 'select') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang("config option name dashboard action $action_name"), $action_name, $option_attributes); } return select_box($control_name, $options); } // render
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); foreach ($this->available_themes as $theme) { $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == $theme ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag($theme, $theme, $option_attributes); } // foreach return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); for ($dow = 1; $dow <= 7; $dow++) { $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == "{$dow}" ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('weekday full ' . $dow), "{$dow}", $option_attributes); } // for return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'move' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('drag drop move option'), 'move', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'keep' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('drag drop keep option'), 'keep', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'prompt' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('drag drop prompt option'), 'prompt', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'classify' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail drag drop classify option'), 'classify', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'dont' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail drag drop dont option'), 'dont', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'prompt' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail drag drop prompt option'), 'prompt', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'to' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail to'), 'to', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'cc' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail CC'), 'cc', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'bcc' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('mail BCC'), 'bcc', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'current' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('only in current member'), 'current', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'current_and_parents' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('only in current member and parents'), 'current_and_parents', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'all' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('all milestones'), 'all', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render select billable status field * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_billable_status($params, &$smarty) { $statuses = array(BILLABLE_STATUS_NOT_BILLABLE => lang('Not Billable'), BILLABLE_STATUS_BILLABLE => lang('Billable'), BILLABLE_STATUS_PENDING_PAYMENT => lang('Pending Payment'), BILLABLE_STATUS_BILLED => lang('Billed')); $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true); $options = array(); foreach ($statuses as $status => $text) { $options[] = option_tag($text, $status, array('selected' => $value == $status)); } // foreach return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render select currency box * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_invoice_status($params, &$smarty) { $possibilities = array(INVOICE_STATUS_DRAFT => lang('Draft'), INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED => lang('Issued'), INVOICE_STATUS_BILLED => lang('Billled'), INVOICE_STATUS_CANCELED => lang('Canceled')); $value = array_var($params, 'value', NULL, True); $options = array(); foreach ($possibilities as $k => $v) { $option_attributes = $k == $value ? array('selected' => True) : Null; $options[] = option_tag($v, $k, $option_attributes); } return select_box($options, $params); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'always' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('show context help always'), 'always', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'never' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('show context help never'), 'never', $option_attributes); $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == 'until_close' ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang('show context help until close'), 'until_close', $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name, $default = null) { $options = array(); if ($default){ $options[] = option_tag($default['text'], $default['value'], array('selected' => true)); } foreach($this->available_locales as $locale) { $option_attributes = $this->getValue() == $locale && !$default ? array('selected' => true) : null; $options[] = option_tag(get_language_name($locale), $locale, $option_attributes); } // foreach return select_box($control_name, $options); } // render
/** * Render select box for for Yes, No, Use Global * * Parameters: * * - all HTML attributes * - value - value of selected option * * @param array $params * @param Smarty $smarty * @return string */ function smarty_function_select_yes_no_none($params, &$smarty) { $value = null; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = (bool) array_var($params, 'value'); unset($params['value']); } // if $options[] = option_tag(lang('Use Global Settings'), '', empty($value) ? array('selected' => true) : null); $options[] = option_tag(lang('No'), 0, $value == false ? array('selected' => true) : null); $options[] = option_tag(lang('Yes'), 1, $value == true ? array('selected' => true) : null); return select_box($options, $params); }