Exemple #1
echo $plgName;
, you can use <a href='http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode' target='_blank'>shortcodes</a> to place your ads on your posts and pages. Use the shortcode <code>[adsense]</code> or <code>[ezadsense]</code> to place your ads exactly where you need them on any posts. You can set up intelligent shortcode priority schemes on the <a href='pro.php'>Pro page</a>.</p>

<h4>Context-Aware Help</h4>
  Every option on the plugin admin and pro pages has a popover help bubble. You just need to hover over the field to get a clear and concise description of what the option does and how to set it up.
  The admin and the pro pages also have generous help near the top, which can be expanded by clicking on a clearly marked button. For further support and assistance, please use the channels on the Contact Author panel next to this panel.
<hr />
<p class="center-text"> <a class="btn btn-success center-text restart" href="#" data-toggle='tooltip' title='Start or restart the tour any time' id='restart'><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe icon-white"></i>&nbsp; Start the Tour</a></p>
openCell("Contact Author", 'envelope', 4, "", 260);
$hideTour = true;
require_once 'support.php';
  $(document).ready(function () {
    if (!$('.tour').length && typeof (tour) === 'undefined') {
      var tour = new Tour({backdrop: true, backdropPadding: 20,
        onShow: function (t) {
          var current = t._current;
          var toShow = t._steps[current].element;
      <a href="#">Dashboard</a>

require 'easy-adsense-options.php';
<div class="col-md-12">
openCell("Settings for your Easy AdSense Plugin", 'cog', 7);
  <p>This plugin, working in Easy AdSense mode, will let you place up to three ad blocks in your pages and posts, with independent ad code that you <a href="https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/181960" target='_blank' class='popup'>generate</a> from your AdSense homepage. In addtion, you can have as many widgets, <a href='https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/15817' target='_blank' class='popup'>link units</a> or <a href='https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/160530' target='_blank' class='popup'>search boxes</a>, all generating revenue for you.</p>
  <p>This plugin remembers your settings for each WordPress theme that you use. Currently, you are editing the settings for the theme <strong><code><?php 
echo $options['theme'];
  <p>More help is available. Click the button below to show or hide it.</p>
  <a href='#' id="showAdvanced" class="btn-sm btn-primary">Show More Help</a>
  <a href='#' id="hideHelp" class="btn-sm btn-warning">Hide Top Panels</a>
require 'box-optionset.php';
  <div id='advancedHelp'>

$plgName = EzGA::getPlgName();
$plgSlug = EzGA::getSlug();
$plgPrice = EzGA::$plgPrice;
openCell("Option Sets", 'zoom-in', 5);
  In the <a data-toggle="tooltip" title="Get the Pro version of <?php 
echo $plgName;
 for only $<?php 
echo $plgPrice[$plgSlug];
. Tons of extra features. Instant download." href="http://buy.thulasidas.com/<?php 
echo $plgSlug;
" class='goPro' data-product="<?php 
echo $plgSlug;
">Pro version</a> of this plugin, you can create as many <strong>Option Sets</strong> as you like, and set any one of them as active. Using this feature, you can experiment with a new set of options and leave them as active if satisfactory, or revert to your original set if unsatisfactory.
  If you enable <strong>Mobile Support</strong> (another <a data-toggle="tooltip" title="Get the Pro version of <?php 
echo $plgName;
 for only $<?php 
echo $plgPrice[$plgSlug];
. Tons of extra features. Instant download." href="http://buy.thulasidas.com/<?php 
echo $plgSlug;
Exemple #4
function openBox($title, $icon = "edit", $size = "12", $help = "")
    $help = openRow($help);
    openCell($title, $icon, $size, $help);