function outputRecord($recordInfo, $recInfos, $outputStub = false, $parentID = null) { global $RTN, $DTN, $INV, $TL, $RQS, $WGN, $UGN, $MAX_DEPTH, $WOOT, $USEXINCLUDELEVEL, $RECTYPE_FILTERS, $SUPRESS_LOOPBACKS, $relRT, $relTrgDT, $relTypDT, $relSrcDT, $selectedIDs, $intofile, $hunifile, $dbID; $hunifile = null; //$record = $recordInfo['record']; $record = loadRecord_NoCache($recordInfo['recID'], true); //loadRecord($recID, $FRESH, true); $depth = $recordInfo['depth']; $filter = array_key_exists($depth, $RECTYPE_FILTERS) ? $RECTYPE_FILTERS[$depth] : null; if (isset($filter) && !in_array($record['rec_RecTypeID'], $filter)) { if ($record['rec_RecTypeID'] != $relRT) { //not a relationship rectype if ($depth > 0) { // if ($USEXINCLUDELEVEL){ // outputXInclude($record); // }else if ($outputStub) { outputRecordStub($record); } else { output($record['rec_ID']); } } return false; } } // using separare files per record // TODO: no error checking on success so silent failure if directory non-writable // beware: File is closed in outputRecords function $recAttr = array(); if ($intofile) { $hunifile = fopen(HEURIST_HML_DIR . $record['rec_ID'] . ".xml", 'w'); output("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n"); //add attributes $recAttr['xmlns'] = ''; $recAttr['xmlns:xsi'] = ''; $recAttr['xsi:schemaLocation'] = ' reference/scheme_record.xsd'; } $recAttr['depth'] = $depth; $recAttr['visibility'] = $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] ? $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] : 'viewable'; $recAttr['visnote'] = $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] == 'hidden' ? 'owner group only' : ($record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] == 'public' ? 'no login required' : 'logged in users'); $recAttr['selected'] = in_array($record['rec_ID'], $selectedIDs) ? 'yes' : 'no'; openTag('record', $recAttr); if (isset($dbID) && $dbID != 0) { output("<dbID>" . $dbID . "</dbID>\n"); } else { output("<dbID>0</dbID>\n"); // unregistered database } if (array_key_exists('error', $record)) { makeTag('error', null, $record['error']); closeTag('record'); return false; } if ($depth > $USEXINCLUDELEVEL) { outputXInclude($record); closeTag('record'); return $record['rec_RecTypeID']; } $conceptID = getRecTypeConceptID($record['rec_RecTypeID']); makeTag('citeAs', null, HEURIST_BASE_URL . '?recID=' . $record['rec_ID'] . '&db=' . HEURIST_DBNAME); makeTag('id', null, $record['rec_ID']); makeTag('type', array('id' => $record['rec_RecTypeID'], 'conceptID' => $conceptID), $RTN[$record['rec_RecTypeID']]); makeTag('title', null, $record['rec_Title']); if ($record['rec_URL']) { makeTag('url', null, $record['rec_URL']); } if ($record['rec_ScratchPad']) { makeTag('notes', null, replaceIllegalChars($record['rec_ScratchPad'])); } makeTag('added', null, $record['rec_Added']); makeTag('modified', null, $record['rec_Modified']); // saw FIXME - need to output groups only if (array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $WGN) || array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $UGN)) { makeTag('workgroup', array('id' => $record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']), $record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'] > 0 ? array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $WGN) ? $WGN[$record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']] : (array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $UGN) ? $UGN[$record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']] : 'Unknown') : 'public'); } foreach ($record['details'] as $dt => $details) { foreach ($details as $value) { outputDetail($dt, $value, $record['rec_RecTypeID'], $recInfos, $depth, $outputStub, $record['rec_RecTypeID'] == $relRT ? $parentID : $record['rec_ID']); } } if ($WOOT) { $result = loadWoot(array('title' => 'record:' . $record['rec_ID'])); if ($result['success'] && is_numeric($result['woot']['id']) && count($result['woot']['chunks']) > 0) { openTag('woot', array('title' => 'record:' . $record['rec_ID'])); openCDATA(); foreach ($result['woot']['chunks'] as $chunk) { $text = preg_replace("/ /", " ", $chunk['text']); output(replaceIllegalChars($text) . "\n"); } closeCDATA(); closeTag('woot'); } } if (array_key_exists('revPtrLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['revPtrLinks']['byRecIDs']) { foreach ($recordInfo['revPtrLinks']['byRecIDs'] as $rec_id => $dtIDs) { foreach ($dtIDs as $dtID) { $linkedRec = loadRecord_NoCache($rec_id, true); //$recInfos[$rec_id]['record']; $attrs = array('id' => $dtID, 'conceptID' => getDetailTypeConceptID($dtID), 'type' => $DTN[$dtID]); if (array_key_exists($dtID, $RQS[$linkedRec['rec_RecTypeID']])) { $attrs['name'] = $RQS[$linkedRec['rec_RecTypeID']][$dtID]; } makeTag('reversePointer', $attrs, $rec_id); } } } if (array_key_exists('revRelLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['revRelLinks']['relRecIDs']) { $recID = $record['rec_ID']; foreach ($recordInfo['revRelLinks']['relRecIDs'] as $relRec_id) { $relRec = loadRecord_NoCache($relRec_id, true); //$recInfos[$relRec_id]['record']; $attrs = array(); if ($details = $relRec['details']) { if ($details[$relTrgDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTrgDT]); $toRecord = $value; if (intval($toRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $toRecord['id']; } else { $attrs['useInverse'] = 'true'; if ($details[$relSrcDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relSrcDT]); $fromRecord = $value; if (intval($fromRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $fromRecord['id']; } } } } if ($details[$relTypDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTypDT]); preg_replace("/-/", "", $value); $trmID = $value; if ($trmID) { //saw Enum change $attrs['type'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Label']; $attrs['termID'] = $trmID; $attrs['termConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($trmID); if ($TL[$trmID]['trm_Code']) { $attrs['code'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Code']; } if ($relatedRecID) { $attrs['relatedRecordID'] = $relatedRecID; } if (array_key_exists($trmID, $INV) && $INV[$trmID]) { $attrs['inverse'] = $TL[$INV[$trmID]]['trm_Label']; $attrs['invTermID'] = $INV[$trmID]; $attrs['invTermConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($INV[$trmID]); } } } } makeTag('relationship', $attrs, $relRec_id); } } if (array_key_exists('relLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['relLinks']['relRecIDs']) { $recID = $record['rec_ID']; foreach ($recordInfo['relLinks']['relRecIDs'] as $relRec_id) { $relRec = loadRecord_NoCache($relRec_id, true); //$recInfos[$relRec_id]['record']; $attrs = array(); if ($details = $relRec['details']) { if ($details[$relTrgDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTrgDT]); $toRecord = $value; if (intval($toRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $toRecord['id']; } else { $attrs['useInverse'] = 'true'; if ($details[$relSrcDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relSrcDT]); $fromRecord = $value; if (intval($fromRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $fromRecord['id']; } } } } if ($details[$relTypDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTypDT]); preg_replace("/-/", "", $value); $trmID = $value; if ($trmID) { //saw Enum change $attrs['type'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Label']; $attrs['termID'] = $trmID; $attrs['termConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($trmID); if ($relatedRecID) { $attrs['relatedRecordID'] = $relatedRecID; } if (array_key_exists($trmID, $INV) && $INV[$trmID]) { $attrs['inverse'] = $TL[$INV[$trmID]]['trm_Label']; $attrs['invTermID'] = $INV[$trmID]; $attrs['invTermConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($INV[$trmID]); } } } } makeTag('relationship', $attrs, $relRec_id); } } closeTag('record'); return $record['rec_RecTypeID']; //true; }
/** * description * @global type description of global variable usage in a function * @staticvar type [$varname] description of static variable usage in function * @param type [$varname] description * @return type description * @link URL * @see name of another element (function or object) used in this function * @throws list of exceptions thrown in this code * @uses code_element_name description of use */ function outputRecord($recordInfo, $recInfos, $outputStub = false, $parentID = null) { global $RTN, $DTN, $INV, $TL, $RQS, $WGN, $UGN, $MAX_DEPTH, $WOOT, $USEXINCLUDELEVEL, $RECTYPE_FILTERS, $SUPRESS_LOOPBACKS, $relRT, $relTrgDT, $relTypDT, $relSrcDT, $selectedIDs; $record = $recordInfo['record']; $depth = $recordInfo['depth']; $filter = array_key_exists($depth, $RECTYPE_FILTERS) ? $RECTYPE_FILTERS[$depth] : null; if (isset($filter) && !in_array($record['rec_RecTypeID'], $filter)) { if ($record['rec_RecTypeID'] != $relRT) { //not a relationship rectype if ($depth > 0) { // if ($USEXINCLUDELEVEL){ // outputXInclude($record); // }else if ($outputStub) { outputRecordStub($record); } else { echo $record['rec_ID']; } } return; } } /*****DEBUG****/ //if ($record['rec_ID'] == 45133) error_log(" depth = $depth xlevel = $USEXINCLUDELEVEL rec = ".print_r($record,true)); openTag('record', array('depth' => $depth, 'visibility' => $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] ? $record['rec_NonOwnerVisibility'] : 'viewable', 'selected' => in_array($record['rec_ID'], $selectedIDs) ? 'yes' : 'no')); if (array_key_exists('error', $record)) { makeTag('error', null, $record['error']); closeTag('record'); return; } if ($depth > $USEXINCLUDELEVEL) { outputXInclude($record); closeTag('record'); return; } makeTag('id', null, $record['rec_ID']); makeTag('type', array('id' => $record['rec_RecTypeID'], 'conceptID' => getRecTypeConceptID($record['rec_RecTypeID'])), $RTN[$record['rec_RecTypeID']]); makeTag('title', null, $record['rec_Title']); if ($record['rec_URL']) { makeTag('url', null, $record['rec_URL']); } if ($record['rec_ScratchPad']) { makeTag('notes', null, replaceIllegalChars($record['rec_ScratchPad'])); } makeTag('added', null, $record['rec_Added']); makeTag('modified', null, $record['rec_Modified']); // saw FIXME - need to output groups only if (array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $WGN) || array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $UGN)) { makeTag('workgroup', array('id' => $record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']), $record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'] > 0 ? array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $WGN) ? $WGN[$record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']] : (array_key_exists($record['rec_OwnerUGrpID'], $UGN) ? $UGN[$record['rec_OwnerUGrpID']] : 'Unknown') : 'public'); } foreach ($record['details'] as $dt => $details) { foreach ($details as $value) { outputDetail($dt, $value, $record['rec_RecTypeID'], $recInfos, $depth, $outputStub, $record['rec_RecTypeID'] == $relRT ? $parentID : $record['rec_ID']); } } if ($WOOT) { $result = loadWoot(array('title' => 'record:' . $record['rec_ID'])); if ($result['success'] && is_numeric($result['woot']['id']) && count($result['woot']['chunks']) > 0) { openTag('woot', array('title' => 'record:' . $record['rec_ID'])); openCDATA(); foreach ($result['woot']['chunks'] as $chunk) { $text = preg_replace("/ /", " ", $chunk['text']); echo replaceIllegalChars($text) . "\n"; } closeCDATA(); closeTag('woot'); } } if (array_key_exists('revPtrLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['revPtrLinks']['byRecIDs']) { foreach ($recordInfo['revPtrLinks']['byRecIDs'] as $rec_id => $dtIDs) { foreach ($dtIDs as $dtID) { $linkedRec = $recInfos[$rec_id]['record']; $attrs = array('id' => $dtID, 'conceptID' => getDetailTypeConceptID($dtID), 'type' => $DTN[$dtID]); if (array_key_exists($dtID, $RQS[$linkedRec['rec_RecTypeID']])) { $attrs['name'] = $RQS[$linkedRec['rec_RecTypeID']][$dtID]; } makeTag('reversePointer', $attrs, $rec_id); } } } if (array_key_exists('revRelLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['revRelLinks']['relRecIDs']) { $recID = $record['rec_ID']; foreach ($recordInfo['revRelLinks']['relRecIDs'] as $relRec_id) { $relRec = $recInfos[$relRec_id]['record']; $attrs = array(); if ($details = $relRec['details']) { if ($details[$relTrgDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTrgDT]); $toRecord = $value; if (intval($toRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $toRecord['id']; } else { $attrs['useInverse'] = 'true'; if ($details[$relSrcDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relSrcDT]); $fromRecord = $value; if (intval($fromRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $fromRecord['id']; } } } } if ($details[$relTypDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTypDT]); preg_replace("/-/", "", $value); $trmID = $value; if ($trmID) { //saw Enum change $attrs['type'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Label']; $attrs['termID'] = $trmID; $attrs['termConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($trmID); if ($TL[$trmID]['trm_Code']) { $attrs['code'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Code']; } if ($relatedRecID) { $attrs['relatedRecordID'] = $relatedRecID; } if (array_key_exists($trmID, $INV) && $INV[$trmID]) { $attrs['inverse'] = $TL[$INV[$trmID]]['trm_Label']; $attrs['invTermID'] = $INV[$trmID]; $attrs['invTermConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($INV[$trmID]); } } } } makeTag('relationship', $attrs, $relRec_id); } } if (array_key_exists('relLinks', $recordInfo) && $recordInfo['relLinks']['relRecIDs']) { $recID = $record['rec_ID']; foreach ($recordInfo['relLinks']['relRecIDs'] as $relRec_id) { $relRec = $recInfos[$relRec_id]['record']; $attrs = array(); if ($details = $relRec['details']) { if ($details[$relTrgDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTrgDT]); $toRecord = $value; if (intval($toRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $toRecord['id']; } else { $attrs['useInverse'] = 'true'; if ($details[$relSrcDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relSrcDT]); $fromRecord = $value; if (intval($fromRecord['id']) != $recID) { $relatedRecID = $fromRecord['id']; } } } } if ($details[$relTypDT]) { list($key, $value) = each($details[$relTypDT]); preg_replace("/-/", "", $value); $trmID = $value; if ($trmID) { //saw Enum change $attrs['type'] = $TL[$trmID]['trm_Label']; $attrs['termID'] = $trmID; $attrs['termConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($trmID); if ($relatedRecID) { $attrs['relatedRecordID'] = $relatedRecID; } if (array_key_exists($trmID, $INV) && $INV[$trmID]) { $attrs['inverse'] = $TL[$INV[$trmID]]['trm_Label']; $attrs['invTermID'] = $INV[$trmID]; $attrs['invTermConceptID'] = getTermConceptID($INV[$trmID]); } } } } makeTag('relationship', $attrs, $relRec_id); } } closeTag('record'); }