$amt = $record["hours"]; $logs[$col][LOG_ID] = $ID; $totals[$col] += abs($amt); if ($amt < 0 && $_STATE->mode == "t") { //dups in tabular are combined into one $amt += -$logs[$col][LOG_DS]; //sum both hours as a neg number $ID = -$ID; //recID also shows as negative (we won't allow edit) } $logs[$col][LOG_DSP] = $amt; $recsav = $record; } if (count($_STATE->records) > 0) { //get the last row - if there were any onerow($recsav, $logs); } $grand = 0; for ($ndx = 0; $ndx < $_STATE->columns[COL_COUNT]; $ndx++) { $grand += $totals[$ndx]; } if ($_STATE->mode == "l") { //list echo "<tr>\n"; echo " <td colspan='4'></td><td>Total:</td><td class='number'>" . $grand, "</td><td></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } else { //tabular echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td colspan='3'></td><td style='text-align:right'>project Totals:</td>\n"; for ($ndx = 0; $ndx < $_STATE->columns[COL_COUNT]; $ndx++) {
echo " </tr>\n"; } //end function onerow() reset($_STATE->records); $totals = array(); //totals: sessions, attendance $logs = array(); for ($ndx = 0; $ndx < $_STATE->columns[COL_COUNT]; $ndx++) { //save one row's worth of data: $totals[] = array(0, 0); $logs[] = array(0, 0, 0); //$logs[][0,1]=>sessions/attendance, $logs[][2]=>timelog_id } //if ($_STATE->mode == "l") { //---begin LIST STYLE--- foreach ($_STATE->records as $ID => $record) { onerow($record, $logs); $totals[$record["column"]][0] += $record["session_count"]; $totals[$record["column"]][1] += $record["attendance"]; } $grand = array(0, 0); for ($ndx = 0; $ndx < $_STATE->columns[COL_COUNT]; $ndx++) { $grand[0] += $totals[$ndx][0]; $grand[1] += $totals[$ndx][1]; } //} ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"></td> <td>Totals:</td><td class='number'><?php echo $grand[0]; ?>