function nuRunQuery($s, $a = array(), $isInsert = false) { global $DBHost; global $DBName; global $DBUser; global $DBPassword; global $nuDB; if ($s == '') { $a = array(); $a[0] = $DBHost; $a[1] = $DBName; $a[2] = $DBUser; $a[3] = $DBPassword; return $a; } $object = $nuDB->prepare($s); try { $object->execute($a); } catch (PDOException $ex) { $user = nuV('nu_user_name'); $message = $ex->getMessage(); $array = debug_backtrace(); $trace = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $trace .= $array[$i]['file'] . ' - line ' . $array[$i]['line'] . ' (' . $array[$i]['function'] . ")\n\n"; } $debug = "\n===USER==========\n\n{$user}\n\n===PDO MESSAGE=== \n\n{$message}\n\n===SQL=========== \n\n{$s}\n\n===BACK TRACE====\n\n{$trace}\n\n"; nuDebug($debug); $id = $nuDB->lastInsertId(); if (nuV('nu_user_name') == 'globeadmin') { $GLOBALS['ERRORS'][] = $debug; } else { $GLOBALS['ERRORS'][] = "There has been an error on this page.\n Please contact your system administrator and quote the following number: {$id} "; } return -1; } if ($isInsert) { return $nuDB->lastInsertId(); } else { return $object; } }
function nuGetSafePHP($field, $id, $value) { $check = $id . '_' . $field; // check if site is using nuBuilderProSafeMode if ($_SESSION['SafeMode'] === true) { // don't bother looking for file if the 'id' is not in Safe List Array if (in_array($check, $_SESSION['SafePHP'])) { // construct full file and path $file = $id . '_' . $field; $full_file_and_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/nusafephp/' . $file; // get file contents $contents = @file_get_contents($full_file_and_path); // check if file contents is false, normally means file does not exist or file permission issues if ($contents === false) { nuDebug("error accessing file data in {$full_file_and_path}"); $contents = ''; } } else { $contents = ''; } } else { // return default value if not in safe mode $contents = $value; } return $contents; }
function nuHomeBug() { $a = print_r($_SESSION['nu_form_access'], 1); $user = nuV('nu_user_name') . ' ( ' . nuV('call_type') . ' )'; $array = debug_backtrace(); $trace = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $trace .= $array[$i]['file'] . ' - line ' . $array[$i]['line'] . ' (' . $array[$i]['function'] . ")\n\n"; } $debug = "\n\n** HOME BUG\t**\n===USER==========\n\n{$user}\n\n===BACK TRACE====\n\n{$trace}\n\n===VARIABLE====\n\n{$a}\n\n\t"; nuDebug($debug); }