//$lowerlimit= 3000;
//$upperlimit= $lowerlimit+200;
//if ($count > $upperlimit ) {
//   $delta= 3+(int)(($count-$upperlimit)/100);
//   $result = mysql_query("select id,location,user,name from players where $where order by rand() LIMIT $delta");
//	while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){
//   	$mob = new character($row['id']);
//   	$mob->kill_characterid();
//   }
//@$_COOKIE['_speed'] is just a HACK to speed up testing on my PC, which is very slow
if ($count < $lowerlimit) {
    $n = ceil(sqrt($lowerlimit - $count) * 0.2 * (@$_COOKIE['_speed'] ? 0.5 : 1.0));
    $n > 6 and $n = 6;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if (@$_COOKIE['_timing']) {
    echo "time end pop control=" . endTiming() . "<br>\n";
// move some NPC first
$npctomov = @$_COOKIE['_speed'] ? 3 : 9;
for ($i = 0; $i < $npctomov; $i++) {
if (@$_COOKIE['_timing']) {
    echo "time end pop movement=" . endTiming() . "<br>\n";
if (@$_COOKIE['_timing']) {
Exemple #2
     $defender->hit_points = 0;
 $_SESSION['disp_msg'][] = $lang_comb["kill_a"] . " " . $defender->name;
 if ($defender->id == $_SESSION['opponent_id']) {
     $_SESSION['opponent_id'] = 0;
     // clear current opp
 $ret = $defender->kill_characterid();
 if (DEBUG >= 1) {
     $_SESSION['disp_msg'][] = "**DEBUG: killing oppponent";
 // add monsters to replace dead one
 for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) {
     //FIXME: 2 monsters for now, but this WILL over populate!
     npcgen() and DEBUG and $_SESSION['disp_msg'][] = "**DEBUG: npcgen is success";
 //Receive Gold
 $_SESSION['gold_rec'] = $_SESSION['fightbonus'] * $defender->gold;
 $character->gold += $_SESSION['gold_rec'];
 $_SESSION['disp_msg'][] = "{$lang_fun['gai_gold']} {$_SESSION['gold_rec']}";
 //Receive Experience
 $_SESSION['xp_rec'] = (int) ($defender->max_hp / 2 + $character->wisdom);
 $_SESSION['xp_rec'] *= $_SESSION['fightbonus'];
 $character->xp += $_SESSION['xp_rec'];
 $_SESSION['disp_msg'][] = "{$lang_fun['gai_xp']} {$_SESSION['xp_rec']}";
 //Update Character rewards to the DataBase
 //       				$res=mysql_query("UPDATE players SET gold=".$character->gold.", xp=".$character->xp." WHERE id='$PHP_PHAOS_CHARID'");
 $res = mysql_query($sql);
 if (!$res) {
     showError(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);