Exemple #1
        $errormsg .= $cs_lang['no_text'] . cs_html_br(1);
    $exists = cs_sql_count(__FILE__, 'boardreport', "threads_id = " . (int) $tid . " AND comments_id = " . (int) $cid);
    if (!empty($exists)) {
        $errormsg .= $cs_lang['report_exists'] . cs_html_br(1);
if (!empty($error)) {
    $data['lang']['body'] = $errormsg;
} elseif (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $data['lang']['body'] = $cs_lang['fill_out_all_fields'];
} else {
    $data['lang']['body'] = $cs_lang['report_success'];
if (!empty($error) or !isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $data['action']['form'] = cs_url('board', 'report');
    $data['report']['tid'] = $tid;
    $data['report']['cid'] = $cid;
} else {
    $report_cells = array('threads_id', 'comments_id', 'users_id', 'boardreport_time', 'boardreport_text');
    $report_save = array($tid, $cid, $account['users_id'], cs_time(), $report);
    cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'boardreport', $report_cells, $report_save);
    require_once 'mods/notifymods/functions.php';
    $users_nick = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'users', 'users_nick', 'users_id = ' . $account['users_id']);
    notifymods_mail('board', $account['users_id'], array($users_nick['users_nick'], $cs_thread['threads_headline'], $report));
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['report_success'], 'board', 'thread', 'where=' . $tid);
echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'board', 'report');
Exemple #2
    if (empty($users_id) or !empty($cs_options['captcha_users'])) {
        if (!empty($captcha)) {
            $data['captcha']['img'] = cs_html_img('mods/captcha/generate.php?time=' . cs_time());
            $data['tpl']['captcha'] = cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'gbook', 'captcha');
    $data['abcode']['smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('gbook_text');
    $data['abcode']['features'] = cs_abcode_features('gbook_text');
    $data['gbook']['id'] = $id;
    $data['gbook']['from'] = $from;
    echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'gbook', 'entry');
} else {
    $cs_gbook['users_id'] = $account['users_id'];
    $cs_gbook['gbook_users_id'] = $id;
    $cs_gbook['gbook_lock'] = empty($cs_options['lock']) ? 1 : 0;
    if (!empty($account['users_id'])) {
    $cells = array_keys($cs_gbook);
    $save = array_values($cs_gbook);
    cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'gbook', $cells, $save);
    require_once 'mods/notifymods/functions.php';
    notifymods_mail('gbook', $account['users_id']);
    $msg = empty($cs_options['lock']) ? $cs_lang['create_done'] : $cs_lang['create_done_lock'];
    if (empty($id)) {
        cs_redirect($msg, 'gbook', $from);
    } else {
        cs_redirect($msg, 'gbook', 'users', 'id=' . $id);
Exemple #3
$data = array();
require 'mods/files/functions.php';
$file_id = !empty($_GET['where']) ? (int) $_GET['where'] : (int) $_GET['id'];
$from = 'files fls INNER JOIN {pre}_users usr ON fls.users_id = usr.users_id';
$from .= ' INNER JOIN {pre}_categories cat ON fls.categories_id = cat.categories_id';
$select = 'fls.files_name AS files_name, fls.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick';
$select .= ' AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active, fls.files_time AS files_time, fls.files_id AS files_id';
$select .= ', fls.files_mirror AS files_mirror ,cat.categories_name AS categories_name';
$select .= ', cat.categories_id AS categories_id, fls.files_count AS files_count';
$select .= ', fls.files_description AS files_description, fls.files_close AS files_close';
$select .= ', fls.files_vote AS files_vote, fls.files_size AS files_size, fls.files_version AS files_version, fls.files_previews AS files_previews';
$where = 'cat.categories_access <= ' . (int) $account['access_files'] . ' AND fls.files_id = ' . $file_id;
$cs_file = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where);
if (!empty($_POST['brokenlink'])) {
    require_once 'mods/notifymods/functions.php';
    notifymods_mail('files', $account['users_id'], $cs_file['files_name']);
    $data['if']['brokenlink'] = FALSE;
} else {
    $data['if']['brokenlink'] = TRUE;
$from = 'voted';
$select = 'users_id, voted_answer';
$where = 'voted_fid = ' . $file_id . ' AND voted_mod = \'files\'';
$cs_voted = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $from, $select, $where, 0, 0, 0);
$voted_loop = count($cs_voted);
if (!empty($_POST['voted_answer'])) {
    $voted_answer = $_POST['voted_answer'];
$users_id = !empty($account['users_id']) ? $account['users_id'] : 0;
$check_user_voted = 0;
for ($run = 0; $run < $voted_loop; $run++) {
Exemple #4
    $data['fightus']['squad_sel'] = cs_dropdown('squads_id', 'squads_name', $cs_squads, $cs_fightus['squads_id']);
    $el_id = 'country_1';
    $onc = "document.getElementById('" . $el_id . "').src='" . $cs_main['php_self']['dirname'] . "symbols/countries/' + this.form.";
    $onc .= "fightus_country.options[this.form.fightus_country.selectedIndex].value + '.png'";
    $data['fightus']['country_sel'] = cs_html_select(1, 'fightus_country', "onchange=\"" . $onc . "\"");
    foreach ($cs_country as $short => $full) {
        $short == $cs_fightus['fightus_country'] ? $sel = 1 : ($sel = 0);
        $data['fightus']['country_sel'] .= cs_html_option($full, $short, $sel);
    $data['fightus']['country_sel'] .= cs_html_select(0) . ' ';
    $url = 'symbols/countries/' . $cs_fightus['fightus_country'] . '.png';
    $data['fightus']['country_img'] = cs_html_img($url, 11, 16, 'id="' . $el_id . '"');
    $data['fightus']['date_sel'] = cs_dateselect('fight', 'unix', $cs_fightus['fightus_date'], 2000);
    $data['fightus']['abcode_smileys'] = cs_abcode_smileys('fightus_more');
    $data['fightus']['abcode_features'] = cs_abcode_features('fightus_more');
    if (!empty($captcha)) {
        $data['if']['captcha'] = TRUE;
        $data['fightus']['captcha_img'] = cs_html_img('mods/captcha/generate.php?time=' . cs_time());
} elseif (!empty($data['if']['form'])) {
    settype($cs_fightus['fightus_icq'], 'integer');
    $cs_fightus['fightus_since'] = cs_time();
    $fightus_cells = array_keys($cs_fightus);
    $fightus_save = array_values($cs_fightus);
    cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'fightus', $fightus_cells, $fightus_save);
    require_once 'mods/notifymods/functions.php';
    notifymods_mail('fightus', $account['users_id']);
    cs_redirect($cs_lang['success'], 'fightus', 'new');
echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__, $data, 'fightus', 'new');
Exemple #5
     global $cs_db;
     if ($cs_db['hash'] == 'md5') {
         $data['join']['users_pwd'] = md5($data['join']['users_pwd']);
     } elseif ($cs_db['hash'] == 'sha1') {
         $data['join']['users_pwd'] = sha1($data['join']['users_pwd']);
 settype($data['join']['joinus_icq'], 'integer');
 $data['join']['joinus_since'] = cs_time();
 $joinus_cells = array_keys($data['join']);
 $joinus_save = array_values($data['join']);
 cs_sql_insert(__FILE__, 'joinus', $joinus_cells, $joinus_save);
 $joinus_id = cs_sql_insertid(__FILE__);
 require_once 'mods/notifymods/functions.php';
 notifymods_mail('joinus', $account['users_id']);
 $tables = "joinus ju INNER JOIN {pre}_members mem ON ju.squads_id = mem.squads_id AND mem.members_admin = '1' ";
 $tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sq ON ju.squads_id = sq.squads_id';
 $cells = 'ju.squads_id AS squads_id, mem.users_id AS users_id, sq.squads_name AS squads_name';
 $select = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, $tables, $cells, "ju.joinus_id = '" . $joinus_id . "'", 0, 0, 0);
 $select_count = count($select);
 for ($run = 0; $run < $select_count; $run++) {
     $user = cs_sql_select(__FILE__, 'users', 'users_id', "users_id = '" . $select[$run]['users_id'] . "'");
     $message['users_id'] = '1';
     $message['users_id_to'] = $user['users_id'];
     $message['messages_time'] = cs_time();
     $message['messages_subject'] = $cs_lang['new_joinus'] . $select[$run]['squads_name'];
     $message['messages_text'] = $cs_lang['new_joinus_text'] . $select[$run]['squads_name'] . $cs_lang['new_joinus_text2'];
     //  $message['messages_text'] .= $cs_lang['since'] . ': ' . $cs_joinus['joinus_date'];
     //  $message['messages_text'] .= $cs_lang['nick'] . ': ' . $cs_joinus['joinus_nick'];
     //  $message['messages_text'] .= $cs_lang['vorname'] . ': ' . $cs_joinus['joinus_name'];