Exemple #1
$uid = getUid();
$btih = getBtih();
$result = NULL;
$count = safe_query("SELECT `c_index`, `dislike`, `d_index` FROM `video` WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$result, array('s', $btih));
if ($count != 0) {
    die(json_err('btih_created', -1, 'Error: Video Already Exists'));
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("INSERT INTO `video` (`uid`, `time`, `view`, `reply`, `btih`, `comment`, `c_index`, `linkage`, `l_index`, `dislike`, `d_index`) \nVALUES (?, ?, 0, 0, UNHEX(?), '', '[]', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}');", &$blackhole, array('iis', $uid, time(), $btih));
//为一个NOT NULL的整型赋NULL值,结果是0,它并不会出错,参见http://niutuku.com/tech/Mysql/237698.shtml
if ($count != 1) {
    die(json_err('video_notcreated', -1, 'Error: Failed to Create New Video'));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewVideo, $const_DelayNewVideo);
exit(json_err('newVideo', 0, "Video Created Successfully!"));
Exemple #2
//echo '<br>';
//echo '<br>';
//	die(json_err('link_count_not_match',-1,'Fatal Error: Link Not Match!'))
$l_index_1[$key_1] = count($linkage_1[$key_1]);
$l_index_2[$key_2] = count($linkage_2[$key_2]);
$linkage_1 = json_encode($linkage_1);
$l_index_1 = json_encode($l_index_1);
$linkage_2 = json_encode($linkage_2);
$l_index_2 = json_encode($l_index_2);
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `linkage` = ?, `l_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('sss', $linkage_1, $l_index_1, $btih_1));
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `linkage` = ?, `l_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('sss', $linkage_2, $l_index_2, $btih_2));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewLink, $const_DelayNewLink);
exit(json_err('newLink', 0, "Links Created Successfully!"));
Exemple #3
$new_comment = json_encode($new_comment);
$new_comment .= ',';
$c_index = json_decode($result[0]['c_index'], true);
//json->array(rather than object)
$c_count = count($c_index);
if ($result[0]['reply'] != $c_count) {
    die(json_err('reply_countnotmatch', -1, 'Error: Fatal Error! Counting Does not Match. Please Report to Admin!'));
if ($result[0]['LENGTH(`comment`)'] != $c_index[$c_count - 1][2]) {
    die(json_err('reply_lengthnotmatch', -1, 'Error: Fatal Error! Length Does not Match. Please Report to Admin!'));
$c_index[] = array($uid, $the_time_now, $result[0]['LENGTH(`comment`)'] + strlen($new_comment));
$c_index = json_encode($c_index);
$blackhole = NULL;
$count = safe_query("UPDATE `video` SET `reply` = ?, `comment` = CONCAT(`comment`, ?), `c_index` = ? WHERE `btih` = UNHEX(?);", &$blackhole, array('isss', $c_count, $new_comment, $c_index, $btih));
normalFreeze($uid, $const_PointNewComment, $const_DelayNewComment);
exit(json_err('newComment', 0, "Comment Created Successfully!"));