// Frontpage $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["frontpage_tab"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage', 'nimbus'), "id" => "frontpage_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "frontpage", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Featured Page Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["landing_footer"] = array("name" => __('Landingpage footerpic', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "landing_footer", "default" => get_template_directory_uri() . "images/hunter/footer2.png", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["landing_bgimg1"] = array("name" => __('Background image 1 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "landing_bgimg1", "default" => "http://www.jurriemeedendorp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10410750_1556843287896482_8630352287835580492_n.jpg", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["landing_bgimg2"] = array("name" => __('Background image 2 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "landing_bgimg2", "default" => "http://www.jurriemeedendorp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10967405_611826595584343_1909137787_o.jpg", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["landing_bgimg3"] = array("name" => __('Background image 3 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "landing_bgimg3", "default" => "http://www.jurriemeedendorp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/UW_KRUIDENIER_MG_3501_opt.jpg", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["lander_para1"] = array("name" => __('Paragraaf 1 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "lander_para1", "default" => "Vul hier de tekst in voor de eerste paragraaf!", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["lander_para2"] = array("name" => __('Paragraaf 2 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "lander_para2", "default" => "Vul hier de tekst in voor de tweede paragraaf!", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["lander_para3"] = array("name" => __('Paragraaf 3 - Landing page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('', 'nimbus'), "id" => "lander_para3", "default" => "Vul hier de tekst in voor de derde paragraaf!", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_toggle_featured"] = array("name" => __('Display Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display three featured pages under the banner on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_toggle_featured", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "1", "label" => "Show Featured", "type" => "checkbox"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_left_featured"] = array("name" => __('Left Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the left feature column on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_left_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_left_featured_icon"] = array("name" => __('Choose a Display Icon. <b><p style="color: red;">DE ICONEN ZIJN TE WIJZIGEN IN THE TEMPLATE MAP: <i>featured_img!</i></b></p>', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose an icon from the dropdown. <span style="color:#fc7e2a;">', 'nimbus') . "</a></span>", "id" => "nimbus_left_featured_icon", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "links.png", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_fontawesome()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_center_featured"] = array("name" => __('Center Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the center feature column on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_center_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_center_featured_icon"] = array("name" => __('Choose a Display Icon', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose an icon from the dropdown. <span style="color:#fc7e2a;">Members can choose from 439 icon options', 'nimbus') . ". <a style='color:#fc7e2a;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_SLUG . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_SLUG . "'>" . __('Upgrade today', 'nimbus') . "</a></span>", "id" => "nimbus_center_featured_icon", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "midden.jpg", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_fontawesome()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_right_featured"] = array("name" => __('Right Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the right feature column on the frontpage. ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_right_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_right_featured_icon"] = array("name" => __('Choose a Display Icon', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose an icon from the dropdown. <span style="color:#fc7e2a;">Members can choose from 439 icon options', 'nimbus') . ". <a style='color:#fc7e2a;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_SLUG . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_SLUG . "'>" . __('Upgrade today', 'nimbus') . "</a></span>", "id" => "nimbus_right_featured_icon", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "rechts.png", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_fontawesome()); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Social /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["social_tab"] = array("name" => __('Social Media', 'nimbus'), "id" => "social_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "social", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_facebook_url"] = array("name" => __('Facebook Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL for your Facebook page. Like: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1138181505 ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_facebook_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_twitter_url"] = array("name" => __('Twitter Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL for your Twitter page. Like: http://twitter.com/#!/nimbusthemes ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_twitter_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_linkedin_url"] = array("name" => __('LinkedIn Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your LinkedIn page. Like: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=41331545', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_linkedin_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_youtube_url"] = array("name" => __('YouTube Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the URL for your YouTube page. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_youtube_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_google_plus_url"] = array("name" => __('Google+ Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Google+ page. Like: https://plus.google.com/113799555397172215948#113799555397172215948/posts', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_google_plus_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_vimeo_url"] = array("name" => __('Vimeo Channel URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Vimeo Channel', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_vimeo_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_flickr_url"] = array("name" => __('Flickr Web Address URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Flickr Page', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_flickr_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_wpcom_url"] = array("name" => __('WordPress.com Blog URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your WordPress.com blog', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_wpcom_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_pinterest_url"] = array("name" => __('Pinterest Board URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Pinterest Board', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_pinterest_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_amazon_url"] = array("name" => __('Amazon URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Amazon public profile or wishlist', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_amazon_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["address"] = array("name" => __('Public Address', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the physical address that will be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "address", "tab" => "contact", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab"); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Frontpage /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["frontpage_tab"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage', 'nimbus'), "id" => "frontpage_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "frontpage", "icon" => "fa-file", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Banner Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_banner_option"] = array("name" => __('Banner Options', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select which banner layout you would like to display on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_banner_option", "default" => "image_full_fixed", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("image_full_fixed" => __('Full Width Banner: Fixed Image', 'nimbus'), "image_content_width" => __('Banner Image Spanning the Width of the Content Area', 'nimbus'))); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Full Width Banner: Fixed Image:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> " . __('The default banner setting on your frontpage. The image stays fixed to the top of the page while the content moves over it. The image dimension must be 2000x830px (you want to keep the quality low enough that your image size doesn\'t overwhelm a user\'s bandwidth, <100kb is ideal, but 2-300kb is okay. Upload your image below in Option #2 to take the place of the default Simple image. The logo will sit on top of the image. For text overlay effect, load any type of content into the Nimbus Frontpage Banner Panel in the Page you\'ve set as "Home" (Settings >> Reading >> Front page displays... Static Page... Front page).', 'nimbus') . "</p>\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Banner Image Spanning the Width of the Content Area:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> " . __('The image dimension is 1140x420px (the theme will resize your image to fit if necessary). Set your image as the Featured Image on the page you\'ve set as your \\"Front page\\" (Settings >> Reading >> Front page displays... Static Page... Front page). <!-- The logo will sit on top of the image (if you\'d prefer the logo not to be displayed, delete the Image Logo and/or Text Logo in Theme Options >> General Settings). --> There is no text overlay in this option.', 'nimbus') . " </p>\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Full Width Banner: Scrolling Image:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> <span>" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . "</span><br /><a style='display:inline-block;margin:20px 0 10px;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "' class='nimbus_button_sm_pink'>" . __('Upgrade today!!', 'nimbus') . "</a></p>\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Banner Image Spanning the Width of the Content Area With a Border:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> <span>" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . "</span><br /><a style='display:inline-block;margin:20px 0 10px;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "' class='nimbus_button_sm_pink'>" . __('Upgrade today!!', 'nimbus') . "</a></p>\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Slideshow Spanning the Width of the Content Area:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> <span>" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . "</span><br /><a style='display:inline-block;margin:20px 0 10px;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "' class='nimbus_button_sm_pink'>" . __('Upgrade today!!', 'nimbus') . "</a></p>\r\n <p><strong>" . __('Full Width Banner Content: No Image:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> <span>" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . "</span><br /><a style='display:inline-block;margin:20px 0 10px;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "' class='nimbus_button_sm_pink'>" . __('Upgrade today!!', 'nimbus') . "</a></p>\r\n <p style='padding-bottom:40px;'><strong>" . __('No Banner, Menu at the Top of the Page:', 'nimbus') . "</strong><br /> <span>" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . "</span><br /><a style='display:inline-block;margin:20px 0 0px;' href='" . SALESPAGEURL . "?utm_source=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "&utm_medium=theme&utm_content=panel_link&utm_campaign=" . THEME_NAME_CLEAN . "' class='nimbus_button_sm_pink'>" . __('Upgrade today!!', 'nimbus') . "</a></p>\r\n ", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_full_width_banner"] = array("name" => __('Full Width Banner Image', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the Full Width banner off your desktop. It should be 2000x830px.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_full_width_banner", "default" => "", "type" => "image", "tab" => "frontpage"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Featured Page Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_toggle_featured"] = array("name" => __('Display Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display four featured pages under the banner on the frontpage.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_toggle_featured", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "1", "label" => "Show Featured", "type" => "checkbox"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_left_featured"] = array("name" => __('Left Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the left feature column on the frontpage. Remember to set a featured image for this page if you want one to appear.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_left_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_center_left_featured"] = array("name" => __('Center Left Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the center left feature column on the frontpage. Remember to set a featured image for this page if you want one to appear.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_center_left_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_center_right_featured"] = array("name" => __('Center Right Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the center right feature column on the frontpage. Remember to set a featured image for this page if you want one to appear.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_center_right_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_right_featured"] = array("name" => __('Right Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the right feature column on the frontpage. Remember to set a featured image for this page if you want one to appear.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_right_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Content Area Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_pos"] = array("name" => __('Display Content Position', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select where you would like to display content on the frontpage. This content is being pulled from the page you\'ve designated as "Frontpage" (often your Home page) in the settings at Settings >> Reading.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_pos", "default" => "below", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("below" => __('Below Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "above" => __('Above Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "none" => __('Don\'t Display Content', 'nimbus'))); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_sidebar"] = array("name" => __('Display Content Sidebar', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose to display a sidebar on the frontpage or full width', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_sidebar", "default" => "sidebar", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("sidebar" => __('Display a sidebar', 'nimbus'), "full" => __('Display content full width', 'nimbus'))); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blog Row Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_toggle_fp_blog"] = array("name" => __('Display Blog Row', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display the custom blog row', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_toggle_fp_blog", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "1", "label" => "Show Blog", "type" => "checkbox"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_posts_on_home"] = array("name" => __('Number of Posts on the Home page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the number of posts you would like to be visible on the home page in addition to the featured article.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_posts_on_home", "default" => "5", "type" => "text", "tab" => "frontpage"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab"); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Blog /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["blog_tab"] = array("name" => __('Blog', 'nimbus'), "id" => "blog_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "blog", "icon" => "fa-quote-left", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "blog", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blog Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["posts_on_blog"] = array("name" => __('Number of Posts on the Blog', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the number of posts you would like to be visible on the Blog, Archives, Tags and other blog-related pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "posts_on_blog", "default" => "10", "type" => "text", "tab" => "blog"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_post_meta_single"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Posts', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on post pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_post_meta_single", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_post_meta()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_post_meta_blog"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Blog and Archive', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on blog and archive pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_post_meta_blog", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_blog_meta());
<li><strong>Unlimited Support!</strong></li> <li><strong>Drag & Drop Frontpage Row Ordering</strong></li> <li><strong>Frontpage Slideshow</strong></li> <li><strong>Image Logo Support</strong></li> <li><strong>Color & Design Options</strong></li> <li><strong>Typography Options</strong></li> <li><strong>Pro Theme Updates</strong></li> </ol> <a href="http://www.nimbusthemes.com/wordpress-themes/simple/" class="button button-primary button-nimbus" target="_blank">Get Simple Pro</a>'), array('id' => 'space1', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('General', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'general_settings', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'logo', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Text Logo', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => get_bloginfo('name')), array('id' => 'copyright', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Copyright Text', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => get_bloginfo('name')), array('id' => 'home-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Top of Homepage Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default shown in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'home'), array('id' => 'space34453', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Banner', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-banner', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '700px')); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Banner - General', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'banner-select', 'subsection' => true, 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-banner-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Banner Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Banner', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Slideshow'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-banner-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-banner'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ea940d', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-banner-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-banner'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'))))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Static Banner', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'banner-options', 'subsection' => true, 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-banner-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Banner - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the banner. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-banner-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Banner - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the banner. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-banner-button-text', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Banner - Button Text', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the button in the banner. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-banner-button-url', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Banner - Button Destination URL', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the button link destination in the banner.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'space2', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Slideshow', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'slideshow-options', 'subsection' => true, 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'slideshow-info', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('Upgrade to Pro', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('With the Pro version of this theme, you will have access to powerful text slideshow options.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<a href="http://www.nimbusthemes.com/wordpress-themes/simple/" class="button button-primary button-nimbus" target="_blank">Get Simple Pro</a>'), array('id' => 'space3', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Subpage Banner - General', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'sub-banner-select', 'subsection' => true, 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'sub-banner-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Banner Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'sub-banner-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.subpage-banner'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ea940d', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'sub-banner-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'))))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Featured Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-featured', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-featured-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Featured Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-featured-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-featured'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-featured-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-featured'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => array()), array('id' => 'fp-featured-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'featured'), array('id' => 'fp-featured-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Featured - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the featured section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-featured-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Featured - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the featured section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'nimbus_left_featured', 'type' => 'select', 'multi' => false, 'title' => __('Left Featured Page Column', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => nimbus_pages_arr(), 'default' => nimbus_random_page()), array('id' => 'nimbus_center_featured', 'type' => 'select', 'multi' => false, 'title' => __('Center Featured Page Column', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => nimbus_pages_arr(), 'default' => nimbus_random_page()), array('id' => 'nimbus_right_featured', 'type' => 'select', 'multi' => false, 'title' => __('Right Featured Page Column', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => nimbus_pages_arr(), 'default' => nimbus_random_page()), array('id' => 'space', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Action Row #1', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-action1', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-action1-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Action Row Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-action1-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-action1'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#4c5152', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-action1-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-action1'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-action1-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'action1'), array('id' => 'fp-action1-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #1 - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the Action Row #1 section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action1-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #1 - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the Action Row #1 section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action1-button-text', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #1 - Button Text', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the text in the button. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action1-button-url', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #1 - Button URL', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is link destination for the button. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'space', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage About Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-about', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-about-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('About Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-about-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-about'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-about-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-about'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-about-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'about'), array('id' => 'fp-about-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('About - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the about section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-about-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('About - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the about section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-about-description', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('About - Description', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smallest text in the about section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'about-widget-note', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('Populate About Content', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('To populate the About content section, you will need to add About content widgets to the Frontpage About widget areas. Go to the Widgets section under Apperance in the left sidebar.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>'), array('id' => 'space', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Action Row #2', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-action2', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-action2-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Action Row Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-action2-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-action2'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#4c5152', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-action2-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-action2'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-action2-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'action2'), array('id' => 'fp-action2-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #2 - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the Action Row #2 section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action2-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #2 - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the Action Row #2 section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action2-button-text', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #2 - Button Text', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the text in the button. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-action2-button-url', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Action Row #2 - Button URL', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is link destination for the button. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'space', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Team Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-team', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-team-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Team Section Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-team-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-team'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-team-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-team'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-team-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'team'), array('id' => 'fp-team-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Team - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the featured section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-team-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Team - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the featured section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'team-widget-note', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('Populate Team Content', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('To populate the Team section, you will need to add Team member widgets to the Team Member widget areas. Go to the Widgets section under Apperance in the left sidebar.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>'), array('id' => 'space', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Social Media Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-social', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-social-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Social Row Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-social-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-social'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-social-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-social'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-social-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'social'), array('id' => 'fp-social-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Social - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the social section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-social-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Social - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the social section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'social-widget-note', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('Populate Social Meida Section Content', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('To populate the Social Media section, you will need to add Social Meida widgets to the Social Media widget areas. Go to the Widgets section under Apperance in the left sidebar.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Testimonial Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-test', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-test-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Frontpage Testimonial Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-test-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-test'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-test-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-test'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-test-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'test'), array('id' => 'fp-test-image', 'type' => 'media', 'url' => true, 'title' => __('Testimonial Section Image', 'nimbus'), 'compiler' => 'true', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Upload an image of the individual being quoted in the testimonial. Ideally, this image should be 320x302px.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => array('url' => '')), array('id' => 'fp-test-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Testimonial - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the testimonial section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-test-description', 'type' => 'textarea', 'title' => __('Testimonial', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the main body of the testimonial section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-test-tag', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Testimonial - Name', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the name under the testimonial section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-test-tag-url', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Testimonial - Website Link', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the link applied to the name above.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage News Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-news', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'fp-news-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('News Row Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '1'), array('id' => 'fp-news-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-news'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#e7e7e7', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-news-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-news'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'news-note', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('About News Section', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('You can use this section as either a feed that displays 4 of your latest blog posts, or as your blog page itself (the # of posts specified in Settings > Reading > #2). If you want the Blog to be a separate page completely (and only show the first 4 posts on the frontpage feed), go to Settings > Reading and make sure Frontpage displays... A static page... and select the HOME page (and create a HOME page if you have not already). Then, create a BLOG page and set the BLOG page as the Posts page option in Settings > Reading. If you do not want the blog to be displayed separately, then set Frontpage displays... Your latest posts.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-news-slug', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Navigation Menu ID', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('The frontpage section IDs (what shows up in the hover state and the address bar when clicked) have already been set to a default show in this field. If you would like to change the ID so that a different term comes up in the slug for that section (ie. http://mysite.com/#top instead of /#home), then change the term below for the corresponding section. You will also want to add the custom menu items in the Menus section of your dashboard (click "Links," then add the entire URL, such as http://mysite.com/#top). IMPORTANT: You must also add this term to the title field in the menu editor. If you do not see this field you may have to activate it by selecting the Screen Options tab in the top right of the page and then checking the Title Attribute box. ', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => 'news'), array('id' => 'fp-news-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('News - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the news section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-news-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('News - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the news section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Frontpage Contact Section', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'fp-contact', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '450px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'contact-toggle', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Contact Row Status', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('1' => 'Show', '2' => 'Demo', '3' => 'Hide'), 'default' => '2'), array('id' => 'fp-contact-background-color', 'type' => 'color', 'output' => array('background-color' => '.frontpage-contact'), 'title' => __('Row Background Color', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('Pick a background color for the row.', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'validate' => 'color'), array('id' => 'fp-contact-background-image', 'type' => 'media', 'output' => array('.frontpage-contact'), 'title' => __('Parallax Row Background', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus')), array('id' => 'fp-contact-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Contact - Main Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the big text in the contact section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'fp-contact-sub-title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Contact - Sub Title', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the smaller text in the contact section. Leave blank to hide.', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'contact-mailto', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Mailto Email', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'contact-mailfrom', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Mailfrom Email', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'default' => '')))); Redux::setSection($opt_name, array('title' => __('Blog Settings', 'nimbus'), 'id' => 'blog-settings', 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'customizer_width' => '400px', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'nimbus_blog_sidebar_position', 'type' => 'button_set', 'title' => __('Blog Sidebar Position', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'options' => array('right' => 'Right', 'left' => 'Left'), 'default' => 'right'), array('id' => 'space11sdgf', 'type' => 'raw', 'title' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'subtitle' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'desc' => __('', 'nimbus'), 'content' => '<br><br>')))); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Pages /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_pages_arr() { $pages = array();