Exemple #1

$timeStart = microtime(true);
if (empty($_SESSION)) {
    exit(header("Location: ../../index.php"));
require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/Kernel/Include.php';
require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Header.php';
redirectToLogin($accountID, $linkRoot);
redirectToBattle($verifyBattle, $linkRoot);
$townID = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['townID']));
$town = newTown($bdd, $townID);
$townPicture = $town->getPicture();
$townName = $town->getName();
$townDescription = $town->getDescription();
$townPriceInn = $town->getPriceInn();
$townChapter = $town->getChapter();

<div class="panel panel-warning">
	<div class="panel-heading"></div>
	<div class="panel-body">
		<form method="POST" action="End_Edit.php">
echo $atown7;
<br> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="townPicture" value="<?php 
echo $townPicture;
Exemple #2

if (isset($_SESSION['Account_ID'])) {
    $account = newAccount($bdd, $_SESSION['Account_ID']);
    $character = newCharacter($bdd, $_SESSION['Account_ID']);
    $town = newTown($bdd, $character->getTownID());
    $verifyBattle = verifyBattle($bdd, $character->getID());
    if ($verifyBattle >= 1) {
        $monster = newBattleMonster($bdd, $character->getID());
        $monsterID = $monster->getID();
        $monsterPicture = $monster->getPicture();
        $monsterName = $monster->getName();
        $monsterDescription = $monster->getDescription();
        $monsterLevel = $monster->getLevel();
        $monsterHP = $monster->getHp();
        $monsterMP = $monster->getMp();
        $monsterStrength = $monster->getStrength();
        $monsterMagic = $monster->getMagic();
        $monsterAgility = $monster->getAgility();
        $monsterDefense = $monster->getDefense();
        $monsterExperience = $monster->getExperience();
        $monsterGold = $monster->getGold();
        $minStrength = $character->getStrength() / 1.1;
        $maxStrength = $character->getStrength() * 1.1;
        $minMagic = $character->getMagic() / 1.1;
        $maxMagic = $character->getMagic() * 1.1;
        $minDefense = $character->getDefense() / 1.1;
        $maxDefense = $character->getDefense() * 1.1;
        $monsterMinStrength = $monster->getStrength() / 1.1;
        $monsterMaxStrength = $monster->getStrength() * 1.1;
        $monsterMinDefense = $monster->getDefense() / 1.1;
Exemple #3
 echo 'Record units at slot' . $mapSlotNum;
 $mapSlot = new blockSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
 /// start, file, size
 // Create a unit slot for the player
 $unitSlot = startASlot($gameSlot, $gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt");
 echo 'Unit slot is ' . $unitSlot . '<br>';
 $unitList = new itemSlot($unitSlot, $gameSlot, 40);
 // Create a new town
 $townID = 0;
 $armyID = 0;
 $townSlot = 0;
 if ($startTown) {
     $townID = $unitIndex;
     $unitIndex += 4;
     $townDtls = [$startLocation[1], $startLocation[2], $pGameID, $postVals[1]];
     $townData = newTown($townID, $unitFile, $gameSlot, $townDtls);
     // Record first city location in a new settlments slot
     $townSlot = startASlot($gameSlot, $gamePath . "/gameSlots.slt");
     $mLoc = sizeof($mapSlot->slotData);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($mapSlot->slotData); $i += 2) {
         if ($mapSlot->slotData[$i] == 0) {
             $mLoc = $i;
     $mapSlot->addItem($mapSlotFile, pack('i*', $townID, 1), $mLoc);
     // file, bin value, loc
 } else {
     // Create a new army unit for the items to be grouped into
     $armyID = $unitIndex;
     $unitIndex += 4;
Exemple #4
echo $characterExperience;
				<div class="important"><?php 
echo $character12;
 : <?php 
echo $characterSkillPoint;
				<div class="important"><?php 
echo $character13;
 : <?php 
echo $nextLevel;
				<div class="important"><?php 
echo $character14;
 : <?php 
echo newTown($bdd, $townID)->getName();

require_once $_SESSION['File_Root'] . '/HTML/Footer.php';
Exemple #5
$slotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/gameSlots.slt', 'r+b');
$unitFile = fopen($gamePath . '/unitDat.dat', 'r+b');
fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize);
$unitDat = unpack('i*', fread($unitFile, 400));
$newCityId = 0;
// Create a new parent city ID and set parameters
if (flock($unitFile, LOCK_EX)) {
    fseek($unitFile, 0, SEEK_END);
    $size = ftell($unitFile);
    $newCityId = $size / $defaultBlockSize;
    fseek($unitFile, $newCityId * $defaultBlockSize - 4);
    fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', 0));
    echo 'New city aID is ' . $newCityId . '<br>';
    $townInf = [$unitDat[1], $unitDat[2], $pGameID, $_SESSION['game_' . $gameID]['culture'], $unitDat[25]];
    // X loc, Y Loc, pgameId, Culture, Population
    newTown($newCityId, $unitFile, $slotFile, $townInf);
    //($id, $townFile, $slotFile)
    flock($unitFile, LOCK_UN);
    // release the lock  on the player File
// Add the parent city ID to the current city
fseek($unitFile, $_SESSION['selectedItem'] * $defaultBlockSize + 112);
fwrite($unitFile, pack('i', $newCityId));
// Remove the unit cart / other items from the map and change the mapslot to display the new city
$mapSlotFile = fopen($gamePath . '/mapSlotFile.slt', 'r+b');
$mapSlotNum = floor($unitDat[2] / 120) * 120 + floor($unitDat[1] / 120);
echo 'Mapo slot number is ' . $mapSlotNum . '<br>';
$mapSlot = new itemSlot($mapSlotNum, $mapSlotFile, 404);
$currentPos = array_search($_SESSION['selectedItem'], $mapSlot->slotData);
echo 'Current Pos: ' . $currentPos . '<br>';