Exemple #1
function ncurses_show_text($title, $text, $question, $keys = TRUE)
    // prepare text
    $textH = count($text);
    $textW = 1;
    $textLEN = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $textH; $i++) {
        $textLEN[$i] = strlen($text[$i]);
        if ($textLEN[$i] > $textW) {
            $textW = $textLEN[$i];
    // create text pad (invisible window)
    $textWIN = ncurses_newpad($textH, $textW);
    // fill it with text
    for ($i = 0; $i < $textH; $i++) {
        ncurses_mvwaddstr($textWIN, $i, 0, $text[$i]);
    // prepare question
    $questionH = count($question);
    $questionLastW = strlen($question[$questionH - 1]);
    // initialize...
    $posX = $posY = 0;
    $screenH = $screenW = 0;
    // loop around...
    while (1) {
        // get actual screen size
        $oldH = $screenH;
        $oldW = $screenW;
        ncurses_getmaxyx(STDSCR, $screenH, $screenW);
        // something changed?
        if ($screenH != $oldH || $screenW != $oldW) {
            if ($oldH > 0) {
            $upperWIN = ncurses_newwin($screenH - (2 + $questionH), $screenW, 0, 0);
            $lowerWIN = ncurses_newwin(2 + $questionH, $screenW, $screenH - (2 + $questionH), 0);
            $upperH = $screenH - (4 + $questionH);
            $upperW = $screenW - 2;
            $copyH = $upperH > $textH ? $textH : $upperH;
            $copyW = $upperW > $textW ? $textW : $upperW;
            // border lower window
            ncurses_wborder($lowerWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            // print text in lower window
            for ($i = 0; $i < $questionH; $i++) {
                ncurses_mvwaddstr($lowerWIN, $i + 1, 1, $question[$i]);
        // check and fix positions
        if ($posY < 0 || $upperH >= $textH) {
            $posY = 0;
        } else {
            if ($upperH + $posY > $textH) {
                $posY = $textH - $upperH;
        if ($posX < 0 || $upperW >= $textW) {
            $posX = 0;
        } else {
            if ($upperW + $posX > $textW) {
                $posX = $textW - $upperW;
        // border upper window
        ncurses_wborder($upperWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        // draw title and info line
        ncurses_wattron($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
        ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, 0, 2, ' ' . $title . ' ');
        if ($upperH < $textH) {
            ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $upperH + 1, 2, ' line ' . ($posY + 1) . '-' . ($posY + $copyH) . '/' . $textH . ' ');
        ncurses_wattroff($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
        // draw < and > at left/right side when horizontal scrolling is nesseccary
        if ($upperW < $textW) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $copyH; $i++) {
                if ($textLEN[$i + $posY] > $copyW + $posX) {
                    ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i + 1, $screenW - 1, '>');
                if ($posX > 0 && $textLEN[$i + $posY] > 0) {
                    ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i + 1, 0, '<');
        // draw upper window
        // copy a part of the text (pad) to the screen
        ncurses_prefresh($textWIN, $posY, $posX, 1, 1, $upperH, $upperW);
        // move cursor to end of last line of question
        ncurses_wmove($lowerWIN, $questionH, $questionLastW + 1);
        // draw lower window
        // get a character and do...
        $char = ncurses_getch();
        if (is_array($keys) && array_search($char, $keys) !== FALSE) {
        } else {
            if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_UP) {
            } else {
                if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_DOWN) {
                } else {
                    if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_LEFT) {
                    } else {
                        if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT) {
                        } else {
                            if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_PPAGE) {
                                $posY -= $copyH - 1;
                            } else {
                                if ($char == NCURSES_KEY_NPAGE) {
                                    $posY += $copyH - 1;
                                } else {
                                    if ($char == 362) {
                                        // HOME
                                        $posX = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($char == 385) {
                                            // END
                                            $posX = 99999;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($char == 410 || $char == -1) {
                                                // these "characters" are pressed on resizing
                                            } else {
                                                if ($keys === TRUE) {
    //end loop
    // free all resources
    // return the pressed character
    return $char;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function refresh()
     if (null === $this->pad) {
     ncurses_wmove($this->pad, 0, 0);
     ncurses_prefresh($this->pad, $this->decY, $this->decX, $this->padPositionY, $this->padPositionX, $this->padHeight + $this->padPositionY - 1, $this->padWidth - 1);
  * Refresh search pad content
 protected function refreshSearchPad()
     if (!$this->showSearchPad) {
     $backgroundColor = $this->editSearchPad ? NCURSES_COLOR_YELLOW : NCURSES_COLOR_MAGENTA;
     $length = 1;
     if ($this->editSearchPad) {
         // edit mode
         $labels = array("ESC" => "Cancel", "ENTER" => "Done");
     } else {
         // not in edit mode
         $labels = array("F9" => "Edit");
     // write an empty space
     ncurses_wattron($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     ncurses_wcolor_set($this->padSearch, $backgroundColor);
     ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, " ");
     ncurses_wattroff($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     // write key/labels
     foreach ($labels as $key => $label) {
         ncurses_wcolor_set($this->padSearch, 0);
         ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, $key);
         ncurses_wattron($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         ncurses_wcolor_set($this->padSearch, $backgroundColor);
         ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, "{$label} ");
         ncurses_wattroff($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
         $length += strlen($key);
         $length += strlen($label);
         $length += 1;
     // search box
     $length += 2;
     ncurses_wcolor_set($this->padSearch, 0);
     ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, "  ");
     ncurses_wattron($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     ncurses_wcolor_set($this->padSearch, $backgroundColor);
     if (!$this->editSearchPad) {
         // show found occurences
         $text = " [{$this->searchFoundOccurences} found]";
         $length += strlen($text);
         ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, $text);
     ncurses_waddstr($this->padSearch, str_pad(" Search: {$this->searchText}", $this->padWidth - $length, " ", STR_PAD_RIGHT));
     ncurses_wattroff($this->padSearch, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
     // display pad
     ncurses_prefresh($this->padSearch, 0, 0, $this->padHeight + $this->padPositionY - 1, $this->padPositionX, $this->padHeight + $this->padPositionY - 1, $this->padWidth - 1);