| Version: Pimped Fusion v0.06.00
| This program is released as free software under the Affero GPL license.
| You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of this license
| which you can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this copyright header is
| strictly prohibited without written permission from the original author(s).
if (!defined("PIMPED_FUSION")) {
    die("Access Denied");
$list_open = false;
// Load Navigation Cache
if ($navigation_cache == false) {
if (is_array($navigation_cache) && count($navigation_cache)) {
    echo "<div id='navigation'>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($navigation_cache); $i++) {
        if ($navigation_cache[$i]['link_position'] <= '2') {
            if ($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'] != "---" && $navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'] == "---") {
                if ($list_open) {
                    echo "</ul>\n";
                    $list_open = false;
                echo "<h2>" . parseubb($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'], "b|i|u|color") . "</h2>\n";
            } elseif ($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'] == "---" && $navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'] == "---") {
                if ($list_open) {
                    echo "</ul>\n";
                    $list_open = false;
function showsublinks($sep = "&middot;", $class = "")
    global $navigation_cache;
    if ($navigation_cache == false) {
    if (is_array($navigation_cache) && count($navigation_cache)) {
        $res = "<ul>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($navigation_cache); $i++) {
            if ($navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'] != "---" && $navigation_cache[$i]['link_position'] >= '2') {
                $link_target = $navigation_cache[$i]['link_window'] == "1" ? " target='_blank'" : "";
                $li_class = $i == 0 ? " class='first-link" . ($class ? " {$class}" : "") . "'" : ($class ? " class='{$class}'" : "");
                if (strstr($navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'], "http://") || strstr($navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'], "https://")) {
                    $res .= "<li" . $li_class . ">" . $sep . "<a href='" . $navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'] . "'{$link_target}><span>" . parseubb($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'], "b|i|u|color") . "</span></a></li>\n";
                } elseif (URL_REWRITE && $navigation_cache[$i]['link_seo_url'] != '') {
                    $res .= "<li" . $li_class . ">" . $sep . "<a href='" . BASEDIR . $navigation_cache[$i]['link_seo_url'] . "'{$link_target}><span>" . parseubb($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'], "b|i|u|color") . "</span></a></li>\n";
                } else {
                    $res .= "<li" . $li_class . ">" . $sep . "<a href='" . BASEDIR . $navigation_cache[$i]['link_url'] . "'{$link_target}><span>" . parseubb($navigation_cache[$i]['link_name'], "b|i|u|color") . "</span></a></li>\n";
        $res .= "</ul>\n";
        return $res;