function GetUploadedFileContents($name) { return myfile_get_contents($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name']); }
function GetImageFromDB($gQuery, $forPDF = false, $params = array()) { global $conn; if (!$forPDF) { $table = postvalue("table"); $strTableName = GetTableByShort($table); $settings = new ProjectSettings($strTableName); if (!checkTableName($table)) { return ''; } //include("include/".$table."_variables.php"); @ini_set("display_errors", "1"); @ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1"); if (!isLogged() || !CheckSecurity(@$_SESSION["_" . $strTableName . "_OwnerID"], "Search")) { header("Location: login.php"); return; } $field = postvalue("field"); if (!$settings->checkFieldPermissions($field)) { return DisplayNoImage(); } // construct sql $keysArr = $settings->getTableKeys(); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) { $keys[$k] = postvalue("key" . ($ind + 1)); } } else { $table = @$params["table"]; $strTableName = GetTableByShort($table); if (!checkTableName($table)) { exit(0); } $settings = new ProjectSettings($strTableName); $field = @$params["field"]; // construct sql $keysArr = $settings->getTableKeys(); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) { $keys[$k] = @$params["key" . ($ind + 1)]; } } if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) { // Do not select any fields except current (image) field. // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off. // Just don't do anything in that case. $gQuery->RemoveAllFieldsExcept($settings->getFieldIndex($field)); } $where = KeyWhere($keys); $sql = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where); $rs = db_query($sql, $conn); if ($forPDF) { if ($rs && ($data = db_fetch_array($rs))) { return $data[$field]; } } else { if (!$rs || !($data = db_fetch_array($rs))) { return DisplayNoImage(); } if (postvalue('src') == 1 && strlen($data[$field]) > 51200) { $value = myfile_get_contents('images/icons/jpg.png'); } else { $value = db_stripslashesbinary($data[$field]); } if (!$value) { if (postvalue("alt")) { $value = db_stripslashesbinary($data[postvalue("alt")]); if (!$value) { return DisplayNoImage(); } } else { return DisplayNoImage(); } } $itype = SupposeImageType($value); if (!$itype) { return DisplayFile(); } if (!isset($pdf)) { header("Content-Type: " . $itype); header("Cache-Control: private"); SendContentLength(strlen_bin($value)); } echoBinary($value); return ''; } }
<?php require_once "include/phpfunctions.php"; header("Content-Type: text/css"); $file = getQueryString(); $ext = substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1); if ($ext != "css" || strpos($file, '..') !== false) { exit; } $css = myfile_get_contents(getabspath($file), "r"); $css = preg_replace(array("/ :not\\(.*?\\)/", "/ :first-child/", "/ :last-child/", "/ :nth-last-child\\(.*?\\)/"), " *", $css); $css = preg_replace(array("/:not\\(.*?\\)/", "/:first-child/", "/:last-child/", "/:nth-last-child\\(.*?\\)/"), "", $css); echo $css;
function set_template($template) { // read template file $templatesPath = "templates/"; if (isMobile()) { $templatesPath = "mobile/"; } if (file_exists(getabspath($templatesPath . $template))) { $this->template = myfile_get_contents(getabspath($templatesPath . $template)); } if (isMobile() && $this->template == '') { $templatesPath = "templates/"; $this->template = myfile_get_contents(getabspath($templatesPath . $template)); } $this->template_file = basename($template, ".htm"); }
if ($isDBFile && $value || $fsFileName != "") { if (!$isDBFile) { if (!$pSet->isAbsolute($field) || $iconShowed) { $fsFileName = getabspath($fsFileName); } if (!myfile_exists($fsFileName)) { $fsFileName = getabspath("images/no_image.gif"); $fsize = filesize($fsFileName); $ftype = "image/gif"; } } if ($isPDF) { if ($isDBFile) { $file = $value; } else { $file = myfile_get_contents($fsFileName); } return; } if (postvalue('norange') == 1) { header('Accept-Ranges: none'); header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Content-Type: " . $ftype); printDispositionHeader($fileName); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: HEAD, GET, POST'); SendContentLength($fsize); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') { exit; } if ($isDBFile) { echoBinary($value);
/** * @intellisense */ function GetImageFromDB($gQuery, $forPDF = false, $params = array()) { global $cman; if (!$forPDF) { $table = postvalue("table"); $strTableName = GetTableByShort($table); $settings = new ProjectSettings($strTableName); if (!checkTableName($table)) { return ''; } @ini_set("display_errors", "1"); @ini_set("display_startup_errors", "1"); $field = postvalue("field"); if (!$settings->checkFieldPermissions($field)) { return DisplayNoImage(); } // construct sql $keysArr = $settings->getTableKeys(); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) { $keys[$k] = postvalue("key" . ($ind + 1)); } } else { $table = @$params["table"]; $strTableName = GetTableByShort($table); if (!checkTableName($table)) { exit(0); } $settings = new ProjectSettings($strTableName); $field = @$params["field"]; // construct sql $keysArr = $settings->getTableKeys(); $keys = array(); foreach ($keysArr as $ind => $k) { $keys[$k] = @$params["key" . ($ind + 1)]; } } $connection = $cman->byTable($strTableName); if (!$gQuery->HasGroupBy()) { // Do not select any fields except current (image) field. // If query has 'group by' clause then other fields are used in it and we may not simply cut 'em off. // Just don't do anything in that case. $gQuery->RemoveAllFieldsExcept($settings->getFieldIndex($field)); } $where = KeyWhere($keys); $sql = $gQuery->gSQLWhere($where); $data = $connection->query($sql)->fetchAssoc(); if ($forPDF) { if ($data) { return $data[$field]; } } else { if (!$data) { return DisplayNoImage(); } if (postvalue('src') == 1) { $value = myfile_get_contents('images/icons/jpg.png'); } else { $value = $connection->stripSlashesBinary($data[$field]); } if (!$value) { if (postvalue("alt")) { $value = $connection->stripSlashesBinary($data[postvalue("alt")]); if (!$value) { return DisplayNoImage(); } } else { return DisplayNoImage(); } } $itype = SupposeImageType($value); if (!$itype) { return DisplayFile(); } if (!isset($pdf)) { header("Content-Type: " . $itype); header("Cache-Control: private"); SendContentLength(strlen_bin($value)); } echoBinary($value); return ''; } }
function _serImport($fileName, $replaceConstantName, $autoIncrementId = false) { $pointer = 0; $str = myfile_get_contents($fileName); $str = trim($str); $str = str_replace("DBPRFX_", DB_PRFX, $str); $tableName = ""; $strlen = strlen($str); while (($sqlInsret = _getNextSqlInsertStatement($str, $pointer, $strlen)) != null) { if (isset($sqlInsret["Error"])) { return false; } if ($replaceConstantName) { db_query(_serReplaceConstantName($sqlInsret["statement"])); } else { db_query($sqlInsret["statement"]); } } return true; }
function load_template($template) { // read template file $templatesPath = "templates/"; if (isMobile()) { $templatesPath = "mobile/"; } $this->template = myfile_get_contents(getabspath($templatesPath . $template)); $this->template_file = basename($template, ".htm"); $this->prepareContainers(); }
} $yuiComponents[] = substr($yuiFile, $start, $end - $start); } } $library = myfile_get_contents(getabspath("include/yui/yui.lib"), "r"); } else { // css foreach ($yuiFiles as $yuiFile) { $start = strpos($yuiFile, "/build/"); if ($start === FALSE) { die('<!-- Unable to determine module name! ' . $yuiFile . ' -->'); } $start += strlen("/build/"); $yuiComponents[] = substr($yuiFile, $start); } $library = myfile_get_contents(getabspath("include/yui/yuicss.lib"), "r"); } header("Cache-Control: max-age=315360000"); header("Expires: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 20:00:00 GMT"); header("Content-Type: " . $contentType); foreach ($yuiComponents as $y) { $start = strpos($library, "begincombofile " . $y); if ($start === FALSE) { die("Unknown file " . $y); } $start += strlen("begincombofile " . $y); $end = strpos($library, "endcombofile", $start); if ($end === FALSE) { die("Unknown file " . $y); } echo substr($library, $start, $end - $start);
function GetClassName($fileName) { $strContent = myfile_get_contents($fileName); $_match = array(); $strContent = substr($strContent, strpos($strContent, '@connect_module_class_name'), 100); if (preg_match("|\\@connect_module_class_name[\t ]+([0-9a-z_]*)|mi", $strContent, $_match)) { return $_match[1]; } else { return false; } }