private function _check_question(&$question, &$extends, $need_know_process = true, $need_knowledge = true)
     // 试题信息验证
     $message = array();
     /** 试题类型数组最大键名 */
     $max = max(array_keys(C('q_type')));
     if (!isset($question['type']) || $question['type'] === '' || $question['type'] > $max) {
         $message[] = '请选择题型';
     $question['end_grade'] = $question['end_grade'] > 12 ? 12 : $question['end_grade'];
     if (empty($question['subject_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择学科';
     if ($question['subject_id'] == 11 && !$question['subject_id_str']) {
         $message[] = '请选择综合的学科';
     if (empty($question['start_grade']) or empty($question['end_grade'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择年级区间';
     } elseif ($question['start_grade'] > $question['end_grade']) {
         $message[] = '开始年级不能比结束年级高';
     if (empty($extends['class_ids']) || !is_array($extends['class_ids'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择试题类型';
     } else {
         $class_ids =& $extends['class_ids'];
         $subject_types =& $extends['subject_types'];
         $difficulty =& $extends['difficulty'];
         $relate_class = array();
         $question_class = array();
         for ($i = $question['start_grade']; $i <= $question['end_grade']; $i++) {
             if (empty($class_ids[$i]) or !is_array($class_ids[$i])) {
                 if ($i == $question['start_grade'] || $i == $question['end_grade']) {
                     $message[] = '请选择首尾年级相应的试题类型';
                 } else {
             foreach ($class_ids[$i] as $cid) {
                 $cid = intval($cid);
                 $question_class[$cid] = $cid;
                 //文理科属性只有 高二~高三 的语、数、外有,即grade_id >= 11 and subject_id > 3
                 if ($i >= 11) {
                     if ($question['subject_id'] > 3) {
                         $subject_type = '-1';
                     } else {
                         $subject_type = isset($subject_types[$i][$cid]) ? $subject_types[$i][$cid] : '0';
                 } else {
                     $subject_type = '-1';
                 $cid_diff = isset($difficulty[$i][$cid]) ? floatval($difficulty[$i][$cid]) : 0;
                 if ($cid_diff < 1 or $cid_diff > 100) {
                     $message[] = '请填写选中类型对应的难易度';
                     break 2;
                 $relate = array('grade_id' => $i, 'class_id' => $cid, 'subject_type' => $subject_type, 'difficulty' => $cid_diff, 'copy_difficulty' => $cid_diff);
                 $relate_class[] = $relate;
         sort($question_class, SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['class_id'] = ',' . implode(',', $question_class) . ',';
         $extends['relate_class'] = $relate_class;
         unset($extends['class_ids'], $extends['subject_types'], $extends['difficulty']);
             if (empty($extends['skill_ids']) || ! is_array($extends['skill_ids']))
                 $message[] = '请选择技能';
     if (!empty($extends['skill_ids']) && is_array($extends['skill_ids']) && count($extends['skill_ids'])) {
         $extends['skill_ids'] = my_intval($extends['skill_ids']);
         sort($extends['skill_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['skill'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['skill_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         $extends['skill_ids'] = array();
         $question['skill'] = '';
     //方法策略, 选填项
     if (!empty($extends['method_tactic_ids']) && is_array($extends['method_tactic_ids']) && count($extends['method_tactic_ids'])) {
         $extends['method_tactic_ids'] = my_intval($extends['method_tactic_ids']);
         sort($extends['method_tactic_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['method_tactic'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['method_tactic_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         $extends['method_tactic_ids'] = array();
         $question['method_tactic'] = '';
     if ($need_knowledge) {
         if (empty($extends['knowledge_ids']) || !is_array($extends['knowledge_ids'])) {
             $message[] = '请选择知识点';
         } else {
             if ($need_know_process) {
                 foreach ($extends['knowledge_ids'] as $knowledge_id) {
                     if (!isset($extends['know_process'][$knowledge_id]) || !intval($extends['know_process'][$knowledge_id])) {
                         $message[] = '已勾选的知识点必须选择 认知过程';
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = my_intval($extends['knowledge_ids']);
             sort($extends['knowledge_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['knowledge'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['knowledge_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         if (is_array($extends['knowledge_ids']) && count($extends['knowledge_ids'])) {
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = my_intval($extends['knowledge_ids']);
             sort($extends['knowledge_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['knowledge'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['knowledge_ids']) . ',';
         } else {
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = array();
             $question['knowledge'] = '';
     if (in_array($question['type'], array(5, 6))) {
         if (!empty($question['tags'])) {
             $q_tags = C('q_tags/' . $question['type']);
             if (!in_array($question['tags'], array_keys($q_tags))) {
                 $message[] = '标签不存在';
         } else {
             $message[] = '请选择标签';
     //翻译题 翻译类型
     if ($question['type'] == 7) {
         $translation = $this->input->post('translation');
         if (empty($translation)) {
             $message[] = '请选择翻译类型';
         } else {
             $question['translation'] = intval($translation);
     if (isset($extends['group_type_ids']) && empty($extends['group_type_ids'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择信息提取方式';
     } else {
         if (!empty($extends['group_type_ids'])) {
             $extends['group_type_ids'] = my_intval($extends['group_type_ids']);
             sort($extends['group_type_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['group_type'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['group_type_ids']) . ',';
     if (isset($question['score_factor']) && ($question['score_factor'] < 1 or $question['score_factor'] > 10)) {
         $message[] = '请正确填写分值系数(1-10)';
     if (strlen($question['title']) == 0) {
         $message[] = '请填写试题内容';
     } else {
         if (isset($question['options'])) {
             if (strlen($question['options']) == 0) {
                 if ($question['type'] == 5) {
                     $message[] = '请填写试题选项';
                 } elseif ($question['type'] == 6) {
                     $message[] = '请填写试题选词';
             } else {
                 $question['title'] .= "&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;" . $question['options'];
     if ($question['type'] == 3) {
         $answer = trim($this->input->post('input_answer'));
         if (strlen($answer) == 0) {
             $message[] = '请填写填空题答案';
         } else {
             $new_lines = array();
             $lines = explode("\n", $answer);
             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                 $line = trim($line);
                 if (strlen($line) > 0) {
                     $new_lines[] = $line;
             $question['answer'] = implode("\n", $new_lines);
     return $message;
  * 添加 考场 监考人员
 public function insert()
     if (!$this->check_power('exam_manage')) {
     $place_id = (int) $this->input->post('place_id');
     if ($place_id) {
         $query = $this->db->select('p.*')->from('exam_place p')->join('exam e', 'p.exam_pid=e.exam_id')->join('school sch', 'p.school_id=sch.school_id')->where(array('p.place_id' => $place_id))->get();
         $place = $query->row_array();
     if (empty($place)) {
         message('考场信息不存在', 'admin/exam/index');
     $ids = $this->input->post('id');
     if (empty($ids) or !is_array($ids)) {
     $no_start = ExamPlaceModel::place_is_no_start($place_id);
     if (!$no_start) {
     $ids = my_intval($ids);
     $inserts = array();
      *  同一个监考人员不能同时出现在 相同时段的考场中
     $place['start_time'] = $place['start_time'] + 1;
     $place['end_time'] = $place['end_time'] - 1;
     $sql = "SELECT i.invigilator_id FROM {pre}invigilator i \n                WHERE i.invigilator_flag=1 AND i.invigilator_id IN(" . my_implode($ids) . ")\n                AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT ps.invigilator_id FROM {pre}exam_place_invigilator ps,{pre}exam_place p WHERE ps.place_id=p.place_id AND ps.invigilator_id=i.invigilator_id and ((p.start_time >= {$place['start_time']} and p.start_time <= {$place['end_time']}) OR (p.end_time >= {$place['start_time']} and p.end_time <= {$place['end_time']}) OR (p.start_time <= {$place['start_time']} and p.end_time >= {$place['end_time']})))";
     $failed_ids = array();
     $success_ids = array();
     $result = $this->db->query($sql)->result_array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $inserts[] = array('place_id' => $place_id, 'invigilator_id' => $row['invigilator_id']);
         $success_ids[] = $row['invigilator_id'];
     $failed_ids = array_diff($ids, $success_ids);
     $res = 0;
     if ($inserts) {
         // 关闭错误信息,防止 unique index 冲突出错
         $this->db->db_debug = false;
         $this->db->insert_batch('exam_place_invigilator', $inserts);
         $res = $this->db->affected_rows();
     $back_url = 'admin/place_invigilator/index/' . $place_id;
     if ($res < 1) {
         message('监考人员添加失败', $back_url);
     } else {
         $failed_i_names = array();
         foreach ($failed_ids as $id) {
             $i_name = ExamInvigilatorModel::get_invigilator_by_id($id, 'name');
             if ($i_name) {
                 $failed_i_names[] = $i_name;
         $msg = array('监考人员添加成功');
         if (count($failed_i_names)) {
             $msg[] = '<hr/>以下监考人员已经分配了考场:<br/>' . implode('<br/>', $failed_i_names);
         message(implode('', $msg), $back_url);
Exemple #3
 public function knowledge_select()
     $subject_id = $this->input->post('subject_id');
     if (Validate::isInt($subject_id)) {
         $relate_subject_id = SubjectModel::get_subject($subject_id, 'relate_subject_id');
         if ($relate_subject_id) {
             $subject_id .= ",{$relate_subject_id}";
     $knowledge_ids = ',' . trim($this->input->post('knowledge_ids')) . ',';
     $is_question_mode = intval($this->input->post('is_question_mode'));
     $list = array();
     $list = KnowledgeModel::get_knowledge_list($subject_id, 0, 1);
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         $children = KnowledgeModel::get_knowledge_list($val['subject_id'], $val['id'], 1);
         if ($children) {
             usort($children, 'cmp_knowledge');
             $list[$key]['children'] = $children;
         } else {
     $know_processes = array();
     if ($is_question_mode) {
         $know_process_ids = trim($this->input->post('know_process'));
         $data['know_process'] = C('know_process');
         $data['know_process_ids'] = my_intval((array) json_decode($know_process_ids));
     usort($list, 'cmp_knowledge');
     $data['is_know_process'] = !in_array($subject_id, array(13, 14, 15, 16));
     $data['list'] = $list;
     $data['knowledge_ids'] = $knowledge_ids;
     if ($is_question_mode && !in_array($subject_id, array(13, 14, 15, 16))) {
         $this->load->view('question/knowledge_select_with_know_process', $data);
     } else {
         $this->load->view('question/knowledge_select', $data);
Exemple #4
  * @description 更新学校保存数据库
  * @author
  * @final
  * @param int $school_id 学校id
  * @param int $province 学校所在省
  * @param int $city 学校所在市
  * @param int $area 学校所在区县
  * @param int $school_name 学校名称
  * @param int $grade_period 学校类型
  * @param int $status 学校状态
 public function update()
     if (!$this->check_power('school_manage')) {
     $school_id = intval($_POST['school_id']);
     $data['province'] = intval($_POST['province']);
     $data['city'] = intval($_POST['city']);
     $data['area'] = intval($_POST['area']);
     $data['grade_period'] = $this->input->post('grade_period');
     $data['school_name'] = trim($this->input->post('school_name'));
     $data['school_property'] = intval($this->input->post('school_property')) ? 1 : 0;
     $data['status'] = intval($this->input->post('status')) ? 1 : 0;
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         if ($k != 'status' && $k != 'school_property' && empty($v)) {
     $data['grade_period'] = implode(',', my_intval($data['grade_period']));
     $this->db->update('school', $data, array('school_id' => $school_id));
     admin_log('edit', 'school', $school_id);
Exemple #5
echo EOL . '</pre>';
if (isset($_SESSION['mpp']['hihand_cards'])) {
    echo $_SESSION['mpp']['hihand_cards'];
echo "Hi-est Hand: " . $_SESSION['mpp']['hihand'] . " (in " . $_SESSION['mpp']['num_hands'] . ")<br/>\n";
$utcEnd = microtime(TRUE);
echo "Parsetime: " . number_format($utcEnd - $utcStart, 4, '.', ',') . " seconds";
// die;
$num = "37.124334d";
echo "<hr/>\n";
echo $num . "<br/>\n";
echo floor($num) . '.' . intval(substr($num, 2)) . "<br/>\n";
echo my_intval($num);
function my_intval($num)
    return floor($num) . '.' . intval(substr($num, strlen(floor($num)) + 1));
function Go_Random($max)
    global $used_randoms;
    $id = rand(1, $max);
    if (isset($used_randoms) && is_array($used_randoms) && in_array($id, $used_randoms)) {
    } else {
        $used_randoms[] = $id;
    return $id;
  * 试题列表
  * @return void
 public function index()
     // 加载分类数据
     $class_list = ClassModel::get_class_list();
     $subjects = CpUserModel::get_allowed_subjects();
     $grades = C('grades');
     $qtypes = C('qtype');
     $knowledge_list = KnowledgeModel::get_knowledge_list();
     // 查询条件
     $where = array();
     $param = array();
     $search = array();
     $where[] = "q.parent_id=0";
     // 过滤题组子题目,在题组页面管
     $where[] = "q.is_delete <> 1";
     /* 真题不需要审核 */
     $where[] = "q.is_original <> 2";
     // 录入人员
     if ($search['admin_id'] = intval($this->input->get('admin_id'))) {
         $where[] = "q.admin_id={$search['admin_id']}";
         $param[] = "admin_id={$search['admin_id']}";
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'r') && !CpUserModel::is_action_type_subject('question', 'r') && CpUserModel::is_action_type_self('question', 'r')) {
         $c_uid = $this->session->userdata('admin_id');
         $search['admin_id'] = $c_uid;
         $param[] = "admin_id={$c_uid}";
         $where[] = "q.admin_id='{$c_uid}'";
     // 操作时间
     $begin_time = $this->input->get('begin_time');
     $end_time = $this->input->get('end_time');
     if ($btime = (int) strtotime($begin_time)) {
         $search['begin_time'] = $begin_time;
         $where[] = "q.addtime >= {$btime}";
         $param[] = "begin_time={$begin_time}";
     } else {
         $search['begin_time'] = '';
     if ($etime = (int) strtotime($end_time)) {
         $etime += 86400;
         $search['end_time'] = $end_time;
         $where[] = "q.addtime < {$etime}";
         $param[] = "end_time={$end_time}";
     } else {
         $search['end_time'] = '';
     // 分组
     if ($search['group_id'] = intval($this->input->get('group_id'))) {
         $where[] = "q.group_id={$search['group_id']}";
         $param[] = "group_id={$search['group_id']}";
     // 题型
     $search['type'] = $this->input->get('qtype');
     if (strlen($search['type']) > 0) {
         $search['type'] = intval($search['type']);
         $where[] = "q.type={$search['type']}";
         $param[] = "qtype={$search['type']}";
     // 考试方式
     $search['test_way'] = $this->input->get('test_way');
     if (strlen($search['test_way']) > 0) {
         $search['test_way'] = intval($search['test_way']);
         $where[] = "q.test_way IN ({$search['test_way']}, 3)";
         $param[] = "test_way={$search['test_way']}";
     // 审核
     $search['check'] = $this->input->get('check');
     if (strlen($search['check']) > 0) {
         $search['check'] = intval($search['check']);
         $where[] = "q.check={$search['check']}";
         $param[] = "check={$search['check']}";
     if ($search['subject_id'] = intval($this->input->get('subject_id'))) {
         $where[] = "q.subject_id={$search['subject_id']}";
         $param[] = "subject_id={$search['subject_id']}";
         $knowledge_parents = KnowledgeModel::get_knowledge_list($search['subject_id'], 0);
     if ($search['group_type_id'] = intval($this->input->get('group_type_id'))) {
         $where[] = "q.group_type LIKE '%," . $search['group_type_id'] . ",%'";
         $param[] = "group_type_id=" . $search['group_type_id'];
     if ($search['group_type_pid'] = intval($this->input->get('group_type_pid'))) {
         $param[] = "group_type_pid=" . $search['group_type_pid'];
         if (isset($group_type_list[$search['group_type_pid']]['childlist']) && !$search['group_type_id']) {
             $group_type = $group_type_list[$search['group_type_pid']]['childlist'];
             $tmp_str = '';
             foreach ($group_type as $item) {
                 if ($tmp_str) {
                     $tmp_str .= " OR q.group_type LIKE '%," . $item['id'] . ",%'";
                 } else {
                     $tmp_str .= "q.group_type LIKE '%," . $item['id'] . ",%'";
             $where[] = "(" . $tmp_str . ")";
     // 题目类型
     $search['is_original'] = $this->input->get('is_original');
     $search['exam_year'] = $this->input->get('exam_year');
     $search['remark'] = $this->input->get('remark');
     if ($search['is_original'] > 0) {
         $search['is_original'] = intval($search['is_original']);
         $where[] = "q.is_original={$search['is_original']}";
         $param[] = "is_original={$search['is_original']}";
         if ($search['is_original'] == 2 && strlen($search['exam_year']) > 0) {
             $search['exam_year'] = intval($search['exam_year']);
             $where[] = "q.exam_year='{$search['exam_year']}'";
             $param[] = "exam_year={$search['exam_year']}";
         // 真题备注关键词
         if ($search['is_original'] == 2 && strlen($search['remark']) > 0) {
             $search['remark'] = $search['remark'];
             $where[] = "q.remark like '%" . $search['remark'] . "%'";
             $param[] = "remark={$search['remark']}";
     if ($search['tags'] = $this->input->get('tags')) {
         $tmp_item = explode('-', $search['tags']);
         if (strlen($search['type']) > 0) {
             $where[] = "q.tags = " . $tmp_item[1];
             $param[] = "tags=" . $search['tags'];
         } else {
             $where[] = "q.type = " . $tmp_item[0] . " AND q.tags = " . $tmp_item[1];
             $param[] = "tags=" . $search['tags'];
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && !CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'r') && CpUserModel::is_action_type_subject('question', 'r')) {
         $c_subject_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('subject_id'), ',');
         if ($c_subject_id != '') {
             $c_subject_id = explode(',', $c_subject_id);
             $c_subject_id = array_values(array_filter($c_subject_id));
             $c_subject_id = implode(',', $c_subject_id);
             $where[] = "q.subject_id in({$c_subject_id})";
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_grade_user()) {
         $c_grade_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('grade_id'), ',');
         if ($c_grade_id != '') {
             $c_grade_id = explode(',', $c_grade_id);
             $c_grade_id = array_values(array_filter($c_grade_id));
             $c_grade_id = implode(',', $c_grade_id);
             $where_3 = " grade_id in({$c_grade_id})";
         } else {
             $where_3 = '1=1';
     } else {
         $where_3 = '1=1';
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_q_type_user()) {
         $c_q_type_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('q_type_id'), ',');
         if ($c_q_type_id != '') {
             $c_q_type_id = explode(',', $c_q_type_id);
             $c_q_type_id = array_values(array_filter($c_q_type_id));
             $c_q_type_id = implode(',', $c_q_type_id);
             $where_4 = "class_id in ({$c_q_type_id})";
         } else {
             $where_4 = '1=1';
     } else {
         $where_4 = '1=1';
     if ($where_3 != '1=1' || $where_4 != '1=1') {
         $where[] = "q.ques_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ques_id FROM rd_relate_class WHERE {$where_3} AND {$where_4}) ";
     if ($search['subject_id_str'] = $this->input->get('subject_str')) {
         $param[] = implode('&subject_str[]=', $search['subject_id_str']);
         $search['subject_id_str'] = implode(',', $search['subject_id_str']);
         $where[] = "q.subject_id_str = '," . $search['subject_id_str'] . ",'";
     // 年级区间、试题类型、难易度区间、文理科
     $search['start_grade'] = intval($this->input->get('start_grade'));
     $search['end_grade'] = intval($this->input->get('end_grade'));
     $search['class_id'] = $this->input->get('class_id');
     $search['start_difficulty'] = floatval($this->input->get('start_difficulty'));
     $search['end_difficulty'] = floatval($this->input->get('end_difficulty'));
     $search['subject_type'] = trim($this->input->get('subject_type'));
     if (is_array($search['class_id'])) {
         $search['class_id'] = my_intval($search['class_id']);
     } else {
         $search['class_id'] = array();
     if ($search['class_id'] or $search['start_difficulty'] or $search['end_difficulty'] or is_numeric($search['subject_type'])) {
         $class_where = array();
         if ($search['end_grade']) {
             $class_where[] = "grade_id BETWEEN {$search['start_grade']} AND {$search['end_grade']}";
         } elseif ($search['start_grade']) {
             $class_where[] = "grade_id >= {$search['start_grade']}";
         if ($search['class_id']) {
             if (count($search['class_id']) == 1) {
                 $class_where[] = "class_id='" . $search['class_id'][0] . "'";
             } else {
                 $class_where[] = "class_id IN (" . my_implode($search['class_id']) . ")";
         if (is_numeric($search['subject_type'])) {
             $class_where[] = "subject_type='" . $search['subject_type'] . "'";
         if ($search['end_difficulty']) {
             $class_where[] = "difficulty BETWEEN {$search['start_difficulty']} AND {$search['end_difficulty']}";
         } elseif ($search['start_difficulty']) {
             $class_where[] = "difficulty >= {$search['start_difficulty']}";
         if ($class_where) {
             $where[] = "q.ques_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT ques_id FROM {pre}relate_class WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $class_where) . ")";
     } elseif ($search['start_grade'] && $search['end_grade']) {
         if ($search['start_grade'] <= $search['end_grade']) {
             $where[] = "q.start_grade <= {$search['end_grade']} AND q.end_grade>= {$search['start_grade']}";
     } elseif ($search['start_grade']) {
         $where[] = "q.start_grade <= {$search['start_grade']} AND q.end_grade>= {$search['start_grade']}";
     } elseif ($search['end_grade']) {
         $where[] = "q.start_grade <= {$search['end_grade']} AND q.end_grade>= {$search['end_grade']}";
     // url参数
     if ($search['start_grade']) {
         $param[] = "start_grade=" . $search['start_grade'];
     } else {
         $search['start_grade'] = '';
     if ($search['end_grade']) {
         $param[] = "end_grade=" . $search['end_grade'];
     } else {
         $search['end_grade'] = '';
     if ($search['class_id']) {
         $param[] = "class_id[]=" . implode('&class_id[]=', $search['class_id']);
     if (is_numeric($search['subject_type'])) {
         $param[] = "subject_type=" . $search['subject_type'];
     if ($search['start_difficulty']) {
         $param[] = "start_difficulty=" . $search['start_difficulty'];
     } else {
         $search['start_difficulty'] = '';
     if ($search['end_difficulty']) {
         $param[] = "end_difficulty=" . $search['end_difficulty'];
     } else {
         $search['end_difficulty'] = '';
     // 试题技能
     $search['skill_id'] = $this->input->get('skill_id');
     if ($search['skill_id'] && is_array($search['skill_id'])) {
         foreach ($search['skill_id'] as $sid) {
             $sid = intval($sid);
             $where[] = "q.skill LIKE '%,{$sid},%'";
             $param[] = "skill_id[]={$sid}";
     } else {
         $search['skill_id'] = array();
     // 试题方法策略
     $method_tactic_ids = trim($this->input->get('method_tactic_ids'));
     $method_tactic_arr = my_intval(explode(',', $method_tactic_ids));
     $search['method_tactic_ids'] = implode(',', $method_tactic_arr);
     if ($search['method_tactic_ids']) {
         $param[] = "method_tactic_ids=" . $search['method_tactic_ids'];
         $where[] = "exists(select ques_id from {pre}relate_method_tactic rmt WHERE q.ques_id=rmt.ques_id AND rmt.method_tactic_id IN ({$search['method_tactic_ids']}) and rmt.is_child=0)";
     // 试题知识点
     $knowledge_ids = trim($this->input->get('knowledge_ids'));
     $knowledge_arr = my_intval(explode(',', $knowledge_ids));
     $search['knowledge_ids'] = implode(',', $knowledge_arr);
     $know_processes = $this->input->get('know_process');
     $search['know_process'] = my_intval($know_processes);
     if ($search['knowledge_ids']) {
         $param[] = "knowledge_ids=" . $search['knowledge_ids'];
         if ($search['know_process']) {
             $tmp_know_process = implode(',', $search['know_process']);
             $param[] = "know_process[]=" . implode('&know_process[]=', $search['know_process']);
             $where[] = "exists(select ques_id from {pre}relate_knowledge rk WHERE q.ques_id=rk.ques_id AND rk.knowledge_id IN ({$search['knowledge_ids']}) AND rk.know_process IN ({$tmp_know_process}) AND rk.is_child=0)";
         } else {
             $where[] = "exists(select ques_id from {pre}relate_knowledge rk WHERE q.ques_id=rk.ques_id AND rk.knowledge_id IN ({$search['knowledge_ids']}) AND rk.is_child=0)";
     } else {
         if ($search['know_process']) {
             $tmp_know_process = implode(',', $search['know_process']);
             $param[] = "know_process[]=" . implode('&know_process[]=', $search['know_process']);
             $where[] = "exists(select ques_id from {pre}relate_knowledge rk WHERE q.ques_id=rk.ques_id AND rk.know_process IN ({$tmp_know_process}) AND rk.is_child=0)";
     if ($search['keyword'] = trim($this->input->get('keyword'))) {
         $escape_keyword = $this->db->escape_like_str($search['keyword']);
         $where[] = "q.title LIKE '%" . $escape_keyword . "%'";
         $param[] = "keyword=" . urlencode($search['keyword']);
     if ($ques_id = intval($this->input->get('ques_id'))) {
         $search['ques_id'] = $ques_id;
         $where[] = "q.ques_id={$ques_id}";
         $param[] = "ques_id={$ques_id}";
     $where = $where ? ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : ' 1 ';
     // 统计数量
     $nums = QuestionModel::get_question_nums($where);
     $total = $nums['total'];
     // 读取数据
     $size = 15;
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 1 ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $size;
     $list = array();
     if ($total) {
         $sql = "SELECT q.*,a.admin_user,a.realname FROM {pre}question q\n                    LEFT JOIN {pre}admin a ON a.admin_id=q.admin_id\n                    {$where} ORDER BY q.ques_id DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$size}";
         $res = $this->db->query($sql);
         foreach ($res->result_array() as $row) {
             $row_cids = explode(',', trim($row['class_id'], ','));
             $row_cname = array();
             foreach ($row_cids as $cid) {
                 $row_cname[] = isset($class_list[$cid]['class_name']) ? $class_list[$cid]['class_name'] : '';
             if ($row['exam_year'] == 0) {
                 $row['exam_year'] = '';
             if ($row['related'] == 0) {
                 $row['related'] = '';
             $row['class_name'] = implode(',', $row_cname);
             $row['qtype'] = isset($qtypes[$row['type']]) ? $qtypes[$row['type']] : '';
             $row['start_grade'] = isset($grades[$row['start_grade']]) ? $grades[$row['start_grade']] : '';
             $row['end_grade'] = isset($grades[$row['end_grade']]) ? $grades[$row['end_grade']] : '';
             $row['subject_name'] = isset($subjects[$row['subject_id']]) ? $subjects[$row['subject_id']] : '';
             $row['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['addtime']);
             //判断该试题已经被考试过 或 正在被考
             $row['be_tested'] = QuestionModel::question_has_test_action($row['ques_id']);
             $row['be_tested_1'] = QuestionModel::question_has_be_tested($row['ques_id']);
              * 检查是否有关联信息
              * 非题组:关联技能
              * 题组:题干关联技能、知识点,子题必须要全部添加知识点
             $no_relate_info = false;
             $q_type = $row['type'];
             if ($q_type > 0) {
                 $no_relate_info = $row['skill'] == '';
             } else {
                 $tmp_ques_id = $row['ques_id'];
                 $child_questions = $this->db->query("select count(*) as `count` from {pre}question where parent_id={$tmp_ques_id}")->row_array();
                 $count_child = $child_questions['count'];
                 $child_count_result = $this->db->query("select count(*) as `count` from {pre}question where parent_id={$tmp_ques_id} and knowledge != ''")->row_array();
                 $tmp_count = $child_count_result['count'];
                 if ($count_child == $tmp_count && $row['skill'] == '' && $row['knowledge'] == '') {
                     $no_relate_info = true;
             $row['no_relate_info'] = $no_relate_info;
             $row['has_edit_power'] = QuestionModel::check_question_power($row['ques_id'], 'w', false);
             $row['recycle'] = array();
             $list[] = $row;
     $data['list'] =& $list;
     // 分页
     $purl = site_url('admin/question_audit/index/' . $mode) . ($param ? '?' . implode('&', $param) : '');
     $data['pagination'] = multipage($total, $size, $page, $purl, '', $nums['relate_num']);
     if ($search['group_id'] && $list) {
         $row = array_pop($list);
         $data['relate_ques_id'] = $row['ques_id'];
     $data['mode'] = $mode;
     $data['search'] = $search;
     $data['grades'] = $grades;
     $data['subjects'] = $subjects;
     $data['qtypes'] = $qtypes;
     $data['q_tags'] = C('q_tags');
     $data['class_list'] = $class_list;
     $data['all_grade_class'] = ClassModel::all_grade_class();
     $data['relate_class'] = array();
     $data['knowledge_list'] = $knowledge_list;
     $data['priv_delete'] = $this->check_power('question_delete', FALSE);
     $data['priv_trash'] = $this->check_power('question_trash', FALSE);
     $data['priv_manage'] = $this->check_power('question_manage', FALSE);
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'r')) {
         $query = $this->db->select('admin_id,admin_user,realname')->get_where('admin', array('is_delete' => 0));
     } else {
         if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && CpUserModel::is_action_type_subject('question', 'r')) {
             $c_subject_id = $this->session->userdata('subject_id');
             $c_subject_id = explode(',', $c_subject_id);
             $c_subject_id = array_values(array_filter($c_subject_id));
             $where_11 = array();
             foreach ($c_subject_id as $val) {
                 $where_11[] = "find_in_set({$val},b.subject_id)";
             $where_12 = implode(' or ', $where_11);
             $sql = "SELECT admin_id,admin_user,realname  FROM {pre}admin\n            WHERE admin_id in(select admin_id from {pre}admin_role a,{pre}role b\n             WHERE a.role_id=b.role_id and ({$where_12}))  and is_delete=0 ";
             $query = $this->db->query($sql);
             $query = $this->db->select('admin_id,admin_user,realname')->where('subject_id', $c_subject_id)->get_where('admin', array('is_delete'=>0));
         } else {
             if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && CpUserModel::is_action_type_self('question', 'r')) {
                 $c_uid = $this->session->userdata('admin_id');
                 $query = $this->db->select('admin_id,admin_user,realname')->where('admin_id', $c_uid)->get_where('admin');
             } else {
                 $query = $this->db->select('admin_id,admin_user,realname')->get_where('admin', array('is_delete' => 0));
     $data['admin_list'] = $query->result_array();
     $data['subject_types'] = C('subject_type');
     $data['all_subjects'] = C('subject');
     $data['know_processes'] = C('know_process');
     if ($this->is_super_user() || $this->is_all_subject_user() || $this->is_subject_user(3) || CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'w')) {
         $data['is_english_admin'] = true;
     // 模版
     $this->load->view('question_audit/index', $data);
Exemple #7
  * 添加、修改组题规则[入库操作]
  * @param int $id 规则id
  * @param string $rule_name 规则名称
  * @param int $subject_id 学科
  * @param int $class_id 类型
  * @param int $grade_id 年级
  * @param int $subject_type 学科类型:0文理,1文科,2理科
  * @param int $difficulty 平均难易度
  * @param int $ques_num 题型试题数:题组、单选、不定项、填空。以逗号分隔
  * @param int $knowledge_id 范围知识点
  * @param int $parent_knowledge 重点知识--父级知识点id
  * @param int $rule_knowledge 重点知识--二级知识点id
  * @param int $know_process 认知过程
  * @param int $knowledge_qnum 重点知识试题数
  * @return void
 public function update()
     $act = $this->input->post('act') == 'add' ? 'add' : 'edit';
     if ($act == 'add') {
         $this->session->set_userdata(array('exam_rule_update_add' => $this->input->post()));
     if ($act == 'edit') {
         if ($id = intval($this->input->post('id'))) {
             $query = $this->db->get_where('exam_rule', array('rule_id' => $id));
             $old = $query->row_array();
         if (empty($old)) {
      * 题目基本信息
     $rule['rule_name'] = trim($this->input->post('rule_name'));
     $rule['subject_id'] = intval($this->input->post('subject_id'));
     $rule['class_id'] = intval($this->input->post('class_id'));
     $rule['test_way'] = intval($this->input->post('test_way'));
     $rule['grade_id'] = intval($this->input->post('grade_id'));
     $subject_type = $this->input->post('subject_type');
     $rule['subject_type'] = $subject_type === false ? '-1' : intval($subject_type);
     $rule['difficulty'] = intval($this->input->post('difficulty'));
     $rule['is_original'] = implode(',', array_filter(array_values($this->input->post('is_original'))));
     $ques_num = $this->input->post('ques_num');
     $knowledge_id_arr = $this->input->post('knowledge_id');
     $parent_knowledge = $this->input->post('parent_knowledge');
     $rule_knowledge = $this->input->post('rule_knowledge');
     $know_process = $this->input->post('know_process');
     $knowledge_qnum = $this->input->post('knowledge_qnum');
     $sum1 = 0;
     $sum2 = 0;
     $sum3 = 0;
     $sum4 = 0;
     $sum5 = 0;
     $sum6 = 0;
     $sum7 = 0;
     $sum8 = 0;
     $sum9 = 0;
     $sum10 = 0;
     foreach ($knowledge_qnum as $k => $v) {
         foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
             if ($k2 <= 2) {
                 $sum0 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 5) {
                 $sum1 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 8) {
                 $sum2 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 11) {
                 $sum3 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 14) {
                 $sum4 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 17) {
                 $sum5 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 20) {
                 $sum6 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 23) {
                 $sum7 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 26) {
                 $sum8 += $v2;
             } elseif ($k2 <= 29) {
                 $sum9 += $v2;
     $qtype = C('qtype');
     foreach ($ques_num as $k => $v) {
         if ($k == 0) {
             if ($v < $sum0) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 1) {
             if ($v < $sum1) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 2) {
             if ($v < $sum2) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 3) {
             if ($v < $sum3) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 4) {
             if ($v < $sum4) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 5) {
             if ($v < $sum5) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 6) {
             if ($v < $sum6) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 7) {
             if ($v < $sum7) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 8) {
             if ($v < $sum8) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         if ($k == 9) {
             if ($v < $sum9) {
                 message($qtype[$k] . '的总题目数量不能小于' . $qtype[$k] . '重点知识点题目数量', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
     if ($rule['subject_id'] == 3) {
         $ques_children_num_4 = (int) $this->input->post('ques_children_num_4');
         $difficulty_limit = $this->input->post('difficulty_limit');
         $difficulty_limit && ($difficulty_limit = array_values($difficulty_limit));
         $word_limit_num_min = $this->input->post('word_limit_num_min');
         $word_limit_num_min && ($word_limit_num_min = array_values($word_limit_num_min));
         $word_limit_num_max = $this->input->post('word_limit_num_max');
         $word_limit_num_max && ($word_limit_num_max = array_values($word_limit_num_max));
         $children_limit_num = $this->input->post('children_limit_num');
         $children_limit_num && ($children_limit_num = array_values($children_limit_num));
         $ques_limit_num = $this->input->post('ques_limit_num');
         $ques_limit_num && ($ques_limit_num = array_values($ques_limit_num));
         $ques_tags = $this->input->post('ques_tags');
         // 翻译题数量限制
         $translation_c_e = (int) $this->input->post('translation_c_e');
         $translation_e_c = (int) $this->input->post('translation_e_c');
      * 试题信息验证
     $message = array();
     if (empty($rule['rule_name'])) {
         $message[] = '请填写规则名称';
     if (empty($rule['subject_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择学科';
     if (empty($rule['grade_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择年级';
     if (empty($rule['class_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择类型';
     if (empty($rule['test_way'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择考试方式';
     if (empty($rule['difficulty'])) {
         $message[] = '请填写平均难易度';
     if ($rule['subject_id'] > 3 || $rule['grade_id'] < 11 || !in_array($rule['class_id'], array(2, 3))) {
         $rule['subject_type'] = '-1';
     } else {
         if ($rule['subject_type'] == '-1') {
             $rule['subject_type'] = 0;
     if (empty($ques_num) or !is_array($ques_num)) {
         $message[] = '请填写试题数量';
     } else {
         $ques_num = my_intval($ques_num);
         $question_num = 0;
         foreach ($ques_num as $type => $q_num) {
             if ($q_num == 0 && isset($ques_tags[$type])) {
             if ($rule['subject_id'] != 3 && $type > 3) {
                 $q_num = 0;
                 $ques_num[$type] = 0;
             $question_num += $q_num;
         if ($question_num == 0) {
             $message[] = '请填写试题数量';
         $rule['ques_num'] = implode(',', $ques_num);
     if (empty($knowledge_id_arr) or !is_array($knowledge_id_arr)) {
         $message[] = '请选择知识点范围';
     } else {
         $knowledge_id_arr = my_intval($knowledge_id_arr);
         $rule['knowledge_ids'] = implode(',', $knowledge_id_arr);
     if (!is_array($rule_knowledge) or !is_array($knowledge_qnum)) {
         $knowledge_qnum = $knowledge_qnum = array();
     } else {
          * 去掉array第一条,第一条为用于js的规则demo
     if ($message) {
         message(implode('<br/>', $message), $this->input->post('act') == 'add' ? '/admin/exam_rule/add' : '', null, 10);
      * 重点知识点
     $tmp_know_process = array();
     $knowledge_rules = array();
     foreach ($rule_knowledge as $k => $v) {
         $v = intval($v);
          * 判断重点知识点是否在所选知识点范围内
         if ($v) {
             if (!in_array($v, $knowledge_id_arr)) {
         } else {
             $v = intval($parent_knowledge[$k]);
          * 试题数、认知过程数据处理判断
         if (empty($v) or !isset($knowledge_qnum[$k]) or !is_array($knowledge_qnum[$k]) or !isset($know_process[$k]) or !intval($know_process[$k]) or isset($tmp_know_process[$v]) && in_array(my_intval($knowledge_qnum[$k]), $tmp_know_process[$v])) {
         $tmp_know_process[$v][] = intval($know_process[$k]);
         $knowledge_qnum[$k] = my_intval($knowledge_qnum[$k]);
         if (array_sum($knowledge_qnum[$k]) == 0) {
         $item = array('knowledge_id' => $v, 'know_process' => intval($know_process[$k]), 'setting' => implode(',', $knowledge_qnum[$k]));
         $knowledge_rules[$v . '_' . $item['know_process']] = $item;
     try {
         if ($act == 'edit') {
              * 修改之前的知识点处理,之前有的知识点直接覆盖;没有的需要新增;之前有的现在没有的需要删除。
             $old_sub_rules = array();
             $query = $this->db->select('id,knowledge_id,know_process')->get_where('exam_rule_knowledge', array('rule_id' => $id));
             foreach ($query->result_array() as $arr) {
                 $old_sub_rules[$arr['knowledge_id'] . '_' . $arr['know_process']] = $arr['id'];
             $this->db->update('exam_rule', $rule, array('rule_id' => $id));
              * 修改之前存在的知识点
             foreach ($knowledge_rules as $k => &$val) {
                 $val['rule_id'] = $id;
                 if (isset($old_sub_rules[$k])) {
                     $this->db->update('exam_rule_knowledge', $val, array('id' => $old_sub_rules[$k]));
              * 新增之前没有的知识点
             if ($knowledge_rules) {
                 $this->db->insert_batch('exam_rule_knowledge', $knowledge_rules);
              * 直接删除之前有现在没有的知识点
             if ($old_sub_rules) {
                 $this->db->where_in('id', $old_sub_rules)->delete('exam_rule_knowledge');
              * 英语题组和完形填空限制
             $this->db->delete('exam_rule_qtype_limit', 'exam_rule_id = ' . $id);
             if ($rule['subject_id'] == 3) {
                 if ($ques_children_num_4 > 0) {
                     $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 4, 'children_num' => $ques_children_num_4, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                     $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
                 // 翻译题
                 if ($translation_c_e > 0 || $translation_e_c > 0) {
                     $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 7, 'children_num' => 0, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => $translation_c_e, 'translation_e_c' => $translation_e_c);
                     $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
                 $insert_data = array();
                 if ($ques_limit_num) {
                     foreach ($ques_limit_num as $key => $num) {
                         if ($num < 1) {
                         $item = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 0, 'children_num' => (int) $children_limit_num[$key], 'word_num_min' => (int) $word_limit_num_min[$key], 'word_num_max' => (int) $word_limit_num_max[$key], 'ques_num' => $num, 'difficulty_level' => (int) $difficulty_limit[$key], 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                         if (!in_array($item, $insert_data)) {
                             $insert_data[] = $item;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($insert_data as &$val) {
                                 if ($val == $item) {
                                     $val['ques_num'] += 1;
                     $insert_data && $this->db->insert_batch('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
                 if ($ques_tags) {
                     foreach ($ques_tags as $key => $tags) {
                         $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => $key, 'children_num' => 0, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => $tags, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                         $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
             admin_log('edit', 'exam_rule', $id);
             message('组题规则编辑成功', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
         } else {
             $rule['addtime'] = time();
             $res = $this->db->insert('exam_rule', $rule);
             if (empty($res)) {
                 throw new Exception('规则添加失败');
             $id = $this->db->insert_id();
             foreach ($knowledge_rules as $k => &$val) {
                 $val['rule_id'] = $id;
             if ($knowledge_rules) {
                 $this->db->insert_batch('exam_rule_knowledge', $knowledge_rules);
              * 英语题组和完形填空限制
             if ($rule['subject_id'] == 3) {
                 if ($ques_children_num_4 > 0) {
                     $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 4, 'children_num' => $ques_children_num_4, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                     $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
                 // 翻译题
                 if ($translation_c_e > 0 || $translation_e_c > 0) {
                     $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 7, 'children_num' => 0, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => $translation_c_e, 'translation_e_c' => $translation_e_c);
                     $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
                 $insert_data = array();
                 if ($ques_limit_num) {
                     foreach ($ques_limit_num as $key => $num) {
                         if ($num < 1) {
                         $item = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => 0, 'children_num' => (int) $children_limit_num[$key], 'word_num_min' => (int) $word_limit_num_min[$key], 'word_num_max' => (int) $word_limit_num_max[$key], 'ques_num' => $num, 'difficulty_level' => (int) $difficulty_limit[$key], 'tags' => 0, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                         if (!in_array($item, $insert_data)) {
                             $insert_data[] = $item;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($insert_data as &$val) {
                                 if ($val == $item) {
                                     $val['ques_num'] += 1;
                 $insert_data && $this->db->insert_batch('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
             if ($ques_tags) {
                 foreach ($ques_tags as $key => $tags) {
                     $insert_data = array('exam_rule_id' => $id, 'subject_id' => $rule['subject_id'], 'qtype' => $key, 'children_num' => 0, 'word_num_min' => 0, 'word_num_max' => 0, 'ques_num' => 0, 'difficulty_level' => 0, 'tags' => $tags, 'translation_c_e' => 0, 'translation_e_c' => 0);
                     $this->db->insert('exam_rule_qtype_limit', $insert_data);
         admin_log('add', 'exam_rule', $id);
         $this->session->unset_userdata(array('exam_rule_update_add' => ''));
         message('组题规则添加成功', 'admin/exam_rule/index');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 public function do_batch($act = '')
     if (!$this->check_power('comparison_manage')) {
     $act = trim($act);
     $ids = $this->input->post('ids');
     $res = FALSE;
     if ($ids && is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = my_intval($ids);
         switch ($act) {
             case 'on':
             case 'restore':
                 $res = ComparisonTypeModel::update($ids, array('cmp_type_flag' => 1));
             case 'off':
                 $res = ComparisonTypeModel::update($ids, array('cmp_type_flag' => 0));
             case 'delete':
                 $res = ComparisonTypeModel::update($ids, array('cmp_type_flag' => -1));
             case 'remove':
                 $res = ComparisonTypeModel::delete($ids);
                 admin_log('remove', 'comparison_type', implode(',', $ids));
         if ($res) {
             message('批量操作成功!', 'admin/comparison_type/index');
         } else {
             message('分类操作失败!', 'admin/comparison_type/index');
     } else {
 public function update()
     if (!$this->check_power('interview_rule_manage')) {
     $act = trim($this->input->post('act'));
     if ($act == 'edit') {
         if ($id = intval($this->input->post('id'))) {
             $query = $this->db->get_where('interview_rule', array('rule_id' => $id));
             $old = $query->row_array();
         if (empty($old)) {
         if ($old['status']) {
     // 题目基本信息
     $row['class_id'] = intval($this->input->post('class_id'));
     $row['grade_period'] = intval($this->input->post('period'));
     $row['type_id'] = intval($this->input->post('interview_type'));
     $row['lang'] = intval($this->input->post('lang'));
     $row['ques_num'] = intval($this->input->post('ques_num'));
     $row['rule_name'] = trim($this->input->post('rule_name'));
     if ($row['lang'] == 2) {
         $row['type_id'] = $row['extend_type'] = 0;
     } else {
         $extend_type = $this->input->post('extend_type');
         if ($extend_type && is_array($extend_type)) {
             $extend_type = sort(my_intval($extend_type));
             $row['extend_type'] = implode(',', $extend_type);
         } else {
             $row['extend_type'] = $row['type_id'];
     // 试题信息验证
     $message = array();
     if (empty($row['rule_name'])) {
         $message[] = '请填写规则名称';
     if (empty($row['grade_period'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择年段';
     if (empty($row['class_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择类型';
     if (empty($row['lang'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择语言';
     if ($row['lang'] == 1 && empty($row['type_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择考点';
     if (empty($row['ques_num'])) {
         $message[] = '请填写试题数量';
     if ($message) {
         message(implode('<br>', $message), null, 10);
     if ($act == 'edit') {
         $this->db->update('interview_rule', $row, array('rule_id' => $id));
         admin_log('edit', 'interview_rule', $id);
     } else {
         $row['addtime'] = time();
         $this->db->insert('interview_rule', $row);
         admin_log('add', 'interview_rule', $this->db->insert_id());
     message('面试题组题规则编辑成功', 'admin/interview_rule/index');
Exemple #10
 private function _check_question(&$question, &$extends, $need_know_process = true, $need_knowledge = true)
     // 试题信息验证
     $message = array();
     /** 试题类型数组最大键名 */
     $max = max(array_keys(C('q_type')));
     if (!isset($question['type']) || $question['type'] === '' || $question['type'] > $max) {
         $message[] = '请选择题型';
     if (!isset($question['test_way']) || !in_array($question['test_way'], array(1, 2, 3))) {
         $message[] = '请选择考试方式';
     $question['end_grade'] = $question['end_grade'] > 12 ? 12 : $question['end_grade'];
     if (empty($question['subject_id'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择学科';
     if ($question['subject_id'] == 11 && !$question['subject_id_str']) {
         $message[] = '请选择综合的学科';
     if (empty($question['start_grade']) or empty($question['end_grade'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择年级区间';
     } elseif ($question['start_grade'] > $question['end_grade']) {
         $message[] = '开始年级不能比结束年级高';
     if (empty($extends['class_ids']) || !is_array($extends['class_ids'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择试题类型';
     } else {
         $class_ids =& $extends['class_ids'];
         $subject_types =& $extends['subject_types'];
         $difficulty =& $extends['difficulty'];
         $relate_class = array();
         $question_class = array();
         for ($i = $question['start_grade']; $i <= $question['end_grade']; $i++) {
             if (empty($class_ids[$i]) or !is_array($class_ids[$i])) {
                 if ($i == $question['start_grade'] || $i == $question['end_grade']) {
                     $message[] = '请选择首尾年级相应的试题类型';
                 } else {
             foreach ($class_ids[$i] as $cid) {
                 $cid = intval($cid);
                 $question_class[$cid] = $cid;
                 //文理科属性只有 高二~高三 的语、数、外有,即grade_id >= 11 and subject_id > 3
                 if ($i >= 11) {
                     if ($question['subject_id'] > 3) {
                         $subject_type = '-1';
                     } else {
                         $subject_type = isset($subject_types[$i][$cid]) ? $subject_types[$i][$cid] : '0';
                 } else {
                     $subject_type = '-1';
                 $cid_diff = isset($difficulty[$i][$cid]) ? floatval($difficulty[$i][$cid]) : 0;
                 if ($cid_diff < 1 or $cid_diff > 100) {
                     $message[] = '请填写选中类型对应的难易度';
                     break 2;
                 $relate = array('grade_id' => $i, 'class_id' => $cid, 'subject_type' => $subject_type, 'difficulty' => $cid_diff, 'copy_difficulty' => $cid_diff);
                 $relate_class[] = $relate;
         sort($question_class, SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['class_id'] = ',' . implode(',', $question_class) . ',';
         $extends['relate_class'] = $relate_class;
         unset($extends['class_ids'], $extends['subject_types'], $extends['difficulty']);
             if (empty($extends['skill_ids']) || ! is_array($extends['skill_ids']))
                 $message[] = '请选择技能';
     if (!empty($extends['skill_ids']) && is_array($extends['skill_ids']) && count($extends['skill_ids'])) {
         $extends['skill_ids'] = my_intval($extends['skill_ids']);
         sort($extends['skill_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['skill'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['skill_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         $extends['skill_ids'] = array();
         $question['skill'] = '';
     //方法策略, 选填项
     if (!empty($extends['method_tactic_ids']) && is_array($extends['method_tactic_ids']) && count($extends['method_tactic_ids'])) {
         $extends['method_tactic_ids'] = my_intval($extends['method_tactic_ids']);
         sort($extends['method_tactic_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
         $question['method_tactic'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['method_tactic_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         $extends['method_tactic_ids'] = array();
         $question['method_tactic'] = '';
     if ($need_knowledge) {
         if (empty($extends['knowledge_ids']) || !is_array($extends['knowledge_ids'])) {
             $message[] = '请选择知识点';
         } else {
             if ($need_know_process) {
                 foreach ($extends['knowledge_ids'] as $knowledge_id) {
                     if (!isset($extends['know_process'][$knowledge_id]) || !intval($extends['know_process'][$knowledge_id])) {
                         $message[] = '已勾选的知识点必须选择 认知过程';
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = my_intval($extends['knowledge_ids']);
             sort($extends['knowledge_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['knowledge'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['knowledge_ids']) . ',';
     } else {
         if (is_array($extends['knowledge_ids']) && count($extends['knowledge_ids'])) {
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = my_intval($extends['knowledge_ids']);
             sort($extends['knowledge_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['knowledge'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['knowledge_ids']) . ',';
         } else {
             $extends['knowledge_ids'] = array();
             $question['knowledge'] = '';
     if (in_array($question['type'], array(5, 6))) {
         if (!empty($question['tags'])) {
             $q_tags = C('q_tags/' . $question['type']);
             if (!in_array($question['tags'], array_keys($q_tags))) {
                 $message[] = '标签不存在';
         } else {
             $message[] = '请选择标签';
     //翻译题 翻译类型
     if ($question['type'] == 7) {
         $translation = $this->input->post('translation');
         if (empty($translation)) {
             $message[] = '请选择翻译类型';
         } else {
             $question['translation'] = intval($translation);
     if (isset($extends['group_type_ids']) && empty($extends['group_type_ids'])) {
         $message[] = '请选择信息提取方式';
     } else {
         if (!empty($extends['group_type_ids'])) {
             $extends['group_type_ids'] = my_intval($extends['group_type_ids']);
             sort($extends['group_type_ids'], SORT_NUMERIC);
             $question['group_type'] = ',' . implode(',', $extends['group_type_ids']) . ',';
     if (isset($question['score_factor']) && ($question['score_factor'] < 1 or $question['score_factor'] > 10)) {
         $message[] = '请正确填写分值系数(1-10)';
     if (strlen($question['title']) == 0) {
         $message[] = '请填写试题内容';
     } else {
         preg_match_all('/<video.*?>.*?<\\/video>/', $question['title'], $matchs);
         if (isset($matchs[0]) && $matchs[0]) {
             if (in_array($question['test_way'], array(2, 3))) {
                 $message[] = '试题包含视频文件,不适用于纸质考试';
             if (count($matchs[0]) > 1) {
                 $message[] = '题目视频数量不能多于一个';
             } else {
                 preg_match('/class=".*?"/', $matchs[0][0], $match);
                 if ($match) {
                     $question['title'] = str_replace('autoplay="autoplay"', '', $question['title']);
                     $question['title'] = str_replace($match[0], $match[0] . ' autoplay="autoplay"', $question['title']);
         preg_match_all('/<img.*?>/', $question['title'], $matchs2);
         $t_title = str_replace(array("&nbsp;", " "), array("", ""), strip_tags($question['title']));
         if (empty($matchs[0]) && empty($matchs2[0]) && !$t_title) {
             $message[] = '请填写试题内容';
         if (isset($question['options'])) {
             if (strlen($question['options']) == 0) {
                 if ($question['type'] == 5) {
                     $message[] = '请填写试题选项';
                 } elseif ($question['type'] == 6) {
                     $message[] = '请填写试题选词';
             } else {
                 if (in_array($question['type'], array(5, 6))) {
                     $question['title'] .= "&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;" . $question['options'];
     // 试题图片
     if ($_FILES['picture']['name']) {
         if ($this->upload->do_upload('picture')) {
             $question['picture'] = $this->upload->data('file_relative_path');
         } else {
             $message[] = $this->upload->display_errors();
     if ($question['type'] == 3) {
         if ($question['test_way'] == 2) {
             $answer = trim($this->input->post('input_answer_ue'));
         } else {
             $answer = trim($this->input->post('input_answer'));
         if (strlen($answer) == 0) {
             $message[] = '请填写填空题答案';
         } else {
             $new_lines = array();
             $lines = explode("\n", $answer);
             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                 $line = trim($line);
                 if (strlen($line) > 0) {
                     $new_lines[] = $line;
             $question['answer'] = implode("\n", $new_lines);
     if (in_array($question['type'], array(10)) && !$question['is_parent']) {
         $answer = trim($this->input->post('input_reference_answer'));
         preg_match_all('/<img.*?>/', $answer, $matchs);
         $answer2 = str_replace(array("&nbsp;", " "), array("", ""), strip_tags($answer));
         if (strlen($answer) == 0 || empty($matchs[0]) && !$answer2) {
             $qtype_name = C('q_type/' . $question['type']);
             $message[] = "请填写{$qtype_name}答案";
         } else {
             $question['reference_answer'] = $answer;
     if (in_array($question['type'], array(11))) {
         $question['reference_answer'] = trim($this->input->post('input_reference_answer'));
     return $message;
Exemple #11
  * 试卷加入试题
  * @param int $paper_id 试卷id
  * @param int $ques_ids 试题id
  * @return void
 public function insert()
     if (!$this->check_power('exam_manage')) {
     $paper_id = intval($this->input->post('paper_id'));
     $ques_ids = trim($this->input->post('ques_ids'));
     if (empty($ques_ids)) {
     $paper = ExamPaperModel::detail($paper_id);
     if (empty($paper)) {
     $exam = ExamModel::get_exam($paper['exam_id'], 'exam_pid,subject_id,grade_id,class_id');
     if (empty($exam)) {
     //判断该试卷已经被考试过 或 正在被考
     $is_mini_test = ExamModel::is_mini_test($exam['exam_pid']);
     if (!$is_mini_test) {
         $be_tested = QuestionModel::paper_has_test_action($paper_id);
         if ($be_tested) {
             message('该试卷已经被考生考过 或者 正在被考, 无法修改');
     $ques_ids = my_intval(explode(',', $ques_ids));
     $this->check_total_score($paper_id, $ques_ids);
     $sql = "SELECT q.ques_id,q.group_id FROM {pre}question q,{pre}relate_class rc\n                WHERE q.ques_id=rc.ques_id AND q.subject_id={$exam['subject_id']} AND rc.grade_id={$exam['grade_id']}\n                AND rc.class_id={$exam['class_id']} AND q.ques_id IN (" . my_implode($ques_ids) . ")";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     $inserts = array();
     $fail = $success = 0;
     $msg = array();
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         if (in_array($row['ques_id'], $paper['ques_ids']) or $row['group_id'] && in_array($row['group_id'], $paper['group_ids'])) {
             $msg[] = '该试卷同一试题已存在或者同一分组中的试题已存在!';
         $item = array('paper_id' => $paper['paper_id'], 'exam_id' => $paper['exam_id'], 'ques_id' => $row['ques_id']);
         $inserts[] = $item;
         $paper['ques_ids'][] = $row['ques_id'];
         if ($row['group_id']) {
             $paper['group_ids'][] = $row['group_id'];
     if ($inserts) {
         $this->db->insert_batch('exam_question', $inserts);
         if ($is_mini_test) {
             SummaryModel::summary_paper($exam['exam_pid'], 0, $paper_id, true);
     $msg = '成功' . $success . '个,失败' . $fail . '个失败原因:<br>' . implode('<br>', $msg);
     message('试卷试题添加成功' . $msg, 'admin/exam_question/index/' . $paper_id);
Exemple #12
  * @description 添加期次科目试卷
  * @author
  * @final
  * @param int $exam_id 考试期次id
  * @param array $ids 试卷id
 public function insert()
     if (!$this->check_power('exam_manage')) {
     $exam_id = (int) $this->input->post('exam_id');
     $exam_id && ($exam = ExamModel::get_exam($exam_id, 'exam_id,exam_pid,grade_id,class_id'));
     if (empty($exam)) {
         message('考试期次科目不存在', 'admin/exam/index');
     $ids = $this->input->post('ids');
     if (empty($ids) or !is_array($ids)) {
     $has_tested = ExamPlaceSubjectModel::exam_subject_has_test_action($exam_id);
     if ($has_tested) {
         message('该期次科目已经被考生考过 或者 正在被考中,因此无法操作');
     $ids = my_intval($ids);
     /* ------------------------------- */
     /* 补全外部新试卷信息 */
     foreach ($ids as $paper_id) {
         /* 查询试卷信息 */
         $paper = PaperModel::get_paper_by_id($paper_id, 'paper_id,admin_id,question_sort');
         /* 判定是否为外部试卷 */
         if ($paper['admin_id'] > 0) {
             $questions = json_decode($paper['question_sort'], true);
             $qtype_ques_num = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
             $question_difficulty = array();
             $sql = "DELETE FROM rd_exam_question WHERE paper_id={$paper_id} \n                        AND exam_id={$exam_id}";
             if (count($questions) > 0) {
                 foreach ($questions as $ques_id) {
                     /* 补全exam_question信息 */
                     $data = array();
                     $data['paper_id'] = $paper_id;
                     $data['exam_id'] = $exam_id;
                     $data['ques_id'] = $ques_id;
                     $this->db->insert('exam_question', $data);
                     $sql = "select q.ques_id,q.type,rc.difficulty from\n                            {pre}question q left join {pre}relate_class rc on q.ques_id=rc.ques_id\n                            where q.ques_id={$ques_id} and rc.grade_id={$exam['grade_id']} and rc.class_id={$exam['class_id']}";
                     $question = $this->db->query($sql)->row_array();
                     if (empty($question)) {
                     /* 各个类型试题数量 */
                     /* 试题难易度 */
                     $question_difficulty[] = $question['difficulty'];
             /* 补全exam_pager信息 */
             $data = array();
             $data['exam_id'] = $exam_id;
             $data['qtype_ques_num'] = implode(',', $qtype_ques_num);
             $data['difficulty'] = array_sum($question_difficulty) / count($question_difficulty);
             PaperModel::update_paper($paper_id, $data);
     /* -------------------------------------- */
     $inserts = array();
     $sql = "SELECT p.paper_id,e.subject_id FROM {pre}exam_paper p,{pre}exam e\n            WHERE p.exam_id=e.exam_id AND p.paper_id IN (" . my_implode($ids) . ")\n            AND p.is_delete=0 AND p.exam_id={$exam_id}";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $inserts[] = array('exam_pid' => $exam['exam_pid'], 'exam_id' => $exam['exam_id'], 'paper_id' => $row['paper_id'], 'subject_id' => $row['subject_id']);
     $res = 0;
     if ($inserts) {
         // 关闭错误信息,防止 unique index 冲突出错
         $this->db->db_debug = false;
         $this->db->insert_batch('exam_subject_paper', $inserts);
         $res = $this->db->affected_rows();
     $back_url = 'admin/subject_paper/add/' . $exam_id;
     if ($res < 1) {
         message('试卷添加失败', $back_url);
     } else {
         message('试卷添加成功', $back_url);
 public function do_batch($act = '')
     if (!$this->check_power('comparison_manage')) {
     $act = trim($act);
     $type_id = (int) $this->input->post('type_id');
     $ids = $this->input->post('ids');
     $res = FALSE;
     if ($ids && is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = my_intval($ids);
         switch ($act) {
             case 'delete':
             case 'remove':
                 $res = ComparisonInfoModel::delete($ids);
                 admin_log('delete', 'comparison_info', implode(',', $ids));
         if ($res) {
             message('批量操作成功!', 'admin/comparison_info/index/' . $type_id);
         } else {
             message('批量操作失败!', 'admin/comparison_info/index/' . $type_id);
     } else {
Exemple #14
 public function insert()
     if (!$this->check_power('exam_manage')) {
     $place_id = (int) $this->input->post('place_id');
     if ($place_id) {
         $query = $this->db->select('p.*,e.exam_name,e.exam_id,e.exam_pid,e.grade_id,sch.school_name')->from('exam_place p')->join('exam e', 'p.exam_pid=e.exam_id')->join('school sch', 'p.school_id=sch.school_id')->where(array('p.place_id' => $place_id))->get();
         $place = $query->row_array();
     if (empty($place)) {
         message('考场信息不存在', 'admin/exam/index');
     $ids = $this->input->post('ids');
     if (empty($ids) or !is_array($ids)) {
     // 控制考场只能在未开始考试操作
     $no_start = ExamPlaceModel::place_is_no_start($place_id);
     if (!$no_start) {
     $ids = my_intval($ids);
     $school_id = (int) $this->input->post('school_id');
     $inserts = array();
     // 该考场所考到的学科
     $subject_ids = array();
     $query = $this->db->select('subject_id')->from('exam_place_subject')->where(array('place_id' => $place['place_id']))->get();
     $subjects = $query->row_array();
     $subject_ids = array();
     foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
         $subject_ids[] = $subject['subject_id'];
     $subject_ids = count($subject_ids) ? implode(',', $subject_ids) : '""';
     $place['start_time'] = $place['start_time'] + 1;
     $place['end_time'] = $place['end_time'] - 1;
     $not_exists_sql = "SELECT uid FROM {pre}exam_place_student ps,{pre}exam_place p WHERE ps.place_id=p.place_id AND p.place_index={$place['place_index']} AND ps.uid=u.uid AND (((p.start_time >= {$place['start_time']} and p.start_time <= {$place['end_time']}) OR (p.end_time >= {$place['start_time']} and p.end_time <= {$place['end_time']}) OR (p.start_time <= {$place['start_time']} and p.end_time >= {$place['end_time']})) OR p.place_id IN(select distinct(place_id) from {pre}exam_place_subject eps where eps.subject_id in({$subject_ids}) and eps.exam_pid={$place['exam_id']}))";
     $sql = "SELECT u.uid FROM {pre}student u\n                WHERE u.school_id={$school_id} AND u.grade_id={$place['grade_id']} AND u.is_delete=0 AND u.uid IN(" . my_implode($ids) . ")\n                AND NOT EXISTS({$not_exists_sql})";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $inserts[] = array('place_id' => $place_id, 'uid' => $row['uid']);
     // 添加学生时分配试卷
     $this->load->model('cron/cron_place_student_paper_model', 'cron_place_student_paper_model');
     $uids = array();
     foreach ($inserts as $key => $val) {
         $uids[] = $val['uid'];
         $place_id = $val['place_id'];
     $insert_data = array('place_id' => $place_id, 'uid_data' => json_encode($uids));
     // end
     $res = 0;
     if ($inserts) {
         // 关闭错误信息,防止 unique index 冲突出错
         $this->db->db_debug = false;
         $this->db->insert_batch('exam_place_student', $inserts);
         $res = $this->db->affected_rows();
     $back_url = 'admin/place_student/add/manual/' . $place_id;
     if ($res < 1) {
         message('考生添加失败', $back_url);
     } else {
         message('考生添加成功', $back_url);
Exemple #15
 public function index()
     if (!$this->check_power('question_difficulty_list')) {
     $page = intval($this->input->get('page'));
     $per_page = intval($this->input->get('per_page'));
     $id = intval($this->input->get('id'));
     $ques_id = intval($this->input->get('ques_id'));
     $grade_id = intval($this->input->get('grade_id'));
     $class_id = $this->input->get('class_id');
     $subject_type = $this->input->get('subject_type');
     $from_question_list = intval($this->input->get('from_question_list'));
     $difficulty_start = intval($this->input->get('difficulty_start'));
     $difficulty_end = intval($this->input->get('difficulty_end'));
     $copy_difficulty_start = intval($this->input->get('copy_difficulty_start'));
     $copy_difficulty_end = intval($this->input->get('copy_difficulty_end'));
     // 查询条件
     $query = array();
     $param = array();
     $search = array('id' => '', 'ques_id' => '', 'grade_id' => '', 'subject_type' => '', 'class_id' => array(), 'difficulty_start' => '', 'difficulty_end' => '', 'copy_difficulty_start' => '', 'copy_difficulty_end' => '');
     $grades = C('grades');
     $subjects = CpUserModel::get_allowed_subjects();
     $qtypes = C('qtype');
     $subject_types = C('subject_type');
     $class_list = ClassModel::get_class_list();
     $data['grades'] = $grades;
     $data['subjects'] = $subjects;
     $data['qtypes'] = $qtypes;
     $data['subject_types'] = $subject_types;
     $data['class_list'] = $class_list;
     if ($id) {
         $query['id'] = $id;
         $param[] = "id={$id}";
         $search['id'] = $id;
     if ($ques_id) {
         $query['ques_id'] = $ques_id;
         $param[] = "ques_id={$ques_id}";
         $search['ques_id'] = $ques_id;
     if ($grade_id) {
         $query['grade_id'] = $grade_id;
         $param[] = "grade_id={$grade_id}";
         $search['grade_id'] = $grade_id;
     if (is_numeric($subject_type)) {
         $query['subject_type'] = $subject_type;
         $param[] = "subject_type={$subject_type}";
         $search['subject_type'] = $subject_type;
     if (is_array($class_id)) {
         $class_id = my_intval($class_id);
         if (count($class_id) == 1) {
             $query['class_id'] = $class_id[0];
         } else {
             $query['class_id'] = $class_id;
         $param[] = implode('&class_id[]=', $search['class_id']);
         $search['class_id'] = $class_id;
     if ($difficulty_start) {
         $query['difficulty']['>='] = $difficulty_start;
         $param[] = "difficulty_start={$difficulty_start}";
         $search['difficulty_start'] = $difficulty_start;
     if ($difficulty_end) {
         $query['difficulty']['<='] = $difficulty_end;
         $param[] = "difficulty_end={$difficulty_end}";
         $search['difficulty_end'] = $difficulty_end;
     if ($copy_difficulty_start) {
         $query['copy_difficulty']['>='] = $copy_difficulty_start;
         $param[] = "copy_difficulty_start={$copy_difficulty_start}";
         $search['copy_difficulty_start'] = $copy_difficulty_start;
     if ($copy_difficulty_end) {
         $query['copy_difficulty']['<='] = $copy_difficulty_end;
         $param[] = "copy_difficulty_end={$copy_difficulty_end}";
         $search['copy_difficulty_end'] = $copy_difficulty_end;
     if ($from_question_list) {
         $param[] = "from_question_list={$from_question_list}";
         $search['from_question_list'] = $from_question_list;
     } else {
         $search['from_question_list'] = '0';
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_subject_user() && !CpUserModel::is_action_type_all('question', 'r') && CpUserModel::is_action_type_subject('question', 'r')) {
         $c_subject_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('subject_id'), ',');
         if ($c_subject_id != '') {
             $c_subject_id = explode(',', $c_subject_id);
             $c_subject_id = array_values(array_filter($c_subject_id));
             $c_subject_id = implode(',', $c_subject_id);
             $where0 = "  q.subject_id in({$c_subject_id})";
         } else {
             $where0 = " 1=1";
     } else {
         $where0 = " 1=1";
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_grade_user()) {
         $c_grade_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('grade_id'), ',');
         if ($c_grade_id != '') {
             $c_grade_id = explode(',', $c_grade_id);
             $c_grade_id = array_values(array_filter($c_grade_id));
             $c_grade_id = implode(',', $c_grade_id);
             $where1 = " rc.grade_id in ({$c_grade_id})";
         } else {
             $where1 = " 1=1";
     } else {
         $where1 = " 1=1";
     if (!$this->is_super_user() && !$this->is_all_q_type_user()) {
         $c_q_type_id = rtrim($this->session->userdata('q_type_id'), ',');
         if ($c_q_type_id != '') {
             $c_q_type_id = explode(',', $c_q_type_id);
             $c_q_type_id = array_values(array_filter($c_q_type_id));
             $c_q_type_id = implode(',', $c_q_type_id);
             $where2 = " rc.class_id in ({$c_q_type_id})";
         } else {
             $where2 = " 1=1";
     } else {
         $where2 = " 1=1";
     $where = $where0 . ' and (' . $where1 . ' and ' . $where2 . ')';
     $select_what = 'rc.*';
     $page = $page <= 0 ? 1 : $page;
     $per_page = $per_page <= 0 ? 10 : $per_page;
     $list = array();
     if (!is_null($query)) {
         $list = RelateClassModel::get_relate_class_list($query, $page, $per_page, 'ques_id desc', $select_what, $group_by = null, $where);
     $tmp_list = array();
     foreach ($list as $k => $item) {
         $question = QuestionModel::get_question($item['ques_id'], 'title, subject_id, admin_id, addtime, type, is_parent');
         if (!count($question)) {
         $admin = $this->db->query("SELECT a.realname FROM {pre}admin a where a.admin_id={$question['admin_id']}")->result_array();
         $question['admin_name'] = count($admin) ? $admin[0]['realname'] : '--';
         $question['subject_name'] = $subjects[$question['subject_id']];
         $item['grade_name'] = $grades[$item['grade_id']];
         $item['subject_type_name'] = $subject_types[$item['subject_type']];
         $item['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $question['addtime']);
         $question['type'] = $qtypes[$question['type']];
         $item['class_name'] = isset($class_list[$item['class_id']]) ? $class_list[$item['class_id']]['class_name'] : '--';
         $has_question_power = QuestionModel::check_question_power($item['ques_id'], 'w', false);
         $has_subject_power = true;
         $item['has_edit_power'] = $has_question_power && $has_subject_power;
         $tmp_list[$k] = array_merge($item, $question);
     $data['list'] =& $tmp_list;
     $data['search'] =& $search;
     $data['flags'] =& $flags;
     $data['priv_manage'] = $this->check_power('update_system_difficulty', FALSE);
     $data['priv_question_manage'] = $this->check_power('question_manage', FALSE);
     // 分页
     $purl = site_url('admin/relate_class/index/') . (count($param) ? '?' . implode('&', $param) : '');
     $total = RelateClassModel::count_list($query, $where);
     $data['pagination'] = multipage($total, $per_page, $page, $purl);
     $this->load->view('relate_class/index', $data);
Exemple #16
 public function pwish_save()
     $go_prev = intval($this->input->get_post('go_prev'));
     $uid = $this->_uinfo['uid'];
     $parent_wish_arr = $this->input->post('parent_wish', TRUE);
     if (empty($parent_wish_arr)) {
     if (!isset($parent_wish_arr['family_bg']) or !is_array($parent_wish_arr['family_bg'])) {
         $parent_wish_arr['family_bg'] = array();
     if (!isset($parent_wish_arr['upmethod'])) {
         $parent_wish_arr['upmethod'] = '其他';
     if (!isset($parent_wish_arr['upmethod_other'])) {
         $parent_wish_arr['upmethod_other'] = '';
     if (!isset($parent_wish_arr['other_bg']) or !in_array(99, $parent_wish_arr['family_bg'])) {
         $parent_wish_arr['other_bg'] = '';
     if (empty($parent_wish_arr['family_bg']) or empty($parent_wish_arr['upmethod']) or empty($parent_wish_arr['wish']) or in_array(99, $parent_wish_arr['family_bg']) && empty($parent_wish_arr['other_bg']) or $parent_wish_arr['upmethod'] == '其他' && empty($parent_wish_arr['upmethod_other'])) {
         if (!$go_prev) {
     } else {
         $parent_wish = array('family_bg' => implode(',', my_intval($parent_wish_arr['family_bg'])), 'other_bg' => html_escape(trim($parent_wish_arr['other_bg'])), 'wish' => isset($parent_wish_arr['wish']) ? html_escape($parent_wish_arr['wish']) : '', 'upmethod' => html_escape($parent_wish_arr['upmethod'] == '其他' ? $parent_wish_arr['upmethod_other'] : $parent_wish_arr['upmethod']));
     $parent_wish['family_bg_qt'] = serialize($parent_wish_arr['family_bg_qt']);
     if ($uid) {
         $parent_wish['uid'] = $uid;
         $this->db->replace('student_parent_wish', $parent_wish);
     } else {
         $this->session->set_userdata('parent_wish', $parent_wish);
     if ($go_prev) {
     if ($uid or $this->session->userdata('complete')) {
         message('家长意愿修改成功', 'student/profile/preview', 'success');
     } else {