function ResultsLegislation($table, $entity_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from `{$table}` where `entity_id`='{$entity_id}'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $shorttitle = myTruncate($row['title'], 200); $shortdescription = myTruncate($row['background'], 200); $chart_question = urlencode($row['question']); $feedback_support = $row['feedback_support']; $feedback_oppose = $row['feedback_oppose']; $feedback_total = $row['feedback_total']; $feedback_average = $row['feedback_average']; echo "<ul data-role='listview' data-inset='true' style='text-align:center'>\n<li><a href='legislation_edit_result?id=" . $id . "'>\n<h3>" . $shorttitle . "</h3>\n<p>" . $shortdescription . "</p><br clear='all'></li><center>"; DrawVotesChart($table, $entity_id, $chart_question, $feedback_support, $feedback_oppose, $feedback_total, $feedback_average); echo "</center></a></ul>"; } }
function ResultsLegislation($table, $entity_id) { $result = mysql_query("select * from `{$table}` where `entity_id`='{$entity_id}'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $row['id']; $shorttitle = myTruncate($row['title'], 10, "..."); $shortdescription = myTruncate($row['background'], 20, "..."); $chart_question = $row['question']; $feedback_support = $row['feedback_support']; $feedback_oppose = $row['feedback_oppose']; $feedback_total = $row['feedback_total']; $feedback_average = $row['feedback_average']; echo "<div class='row_clickable' onClick=\"document.location.href='legislation_edit?id=" . $id . "'\">\n\t<div class='row_icon'></div>\n\t<h3>" . $shorttitle . "</h3>\n\t<p>" . $shortdescription . "</p><div class='chart_wrapper'>"; DrawVotesChart($id, $table, $entity_id, $chart_question, $feedback_support, $feedback_oppose, $feedback_total, $feedback_average); echo "</div></div>"; } }
/** * Save a Serialized Process from an object * * @param array $oData * @return $result an array */ public function saveSerializedProcess($oData) { //$oJSON = new Services_JSON(); //$data = $oJSON->decode($oData); //$sProUid = $data->process->PRO_UID; $data = unserialize($oData); $sProUid = $data->process['PRO_UID']; $path = PATH_DOCUMENT . 'output' . PATH_SEP; if (!is_dir($path)) { G::verifyPath($path, true); } $proTitle = substr(G::inflect($data->process['PRO_TITLE']), 0, 245); $proTitle = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/", "", $proTitle); //Calculating the maximum length of file name $pathLength = strlen(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "files" . PATH_SEP . "output" . PATH_SEP); $length = strlen($proTitle) + $pathLength; if ($length >= 250) { $proTitle = myTruncate($proTitle, 250 - $pathLength, '_', ''); } $index = ''; $lastIndex = ''; do { $filename = $path . $proTitle . $index . '.pm'; $lastIndex = $index; if ($index == '') { $index = 1; } else { $index++; } } while (file_exists($filename)); $proTitle .= $lastIndex; $filenameOnly = $proTitle . '.pm'; $fp = fopen($filename . 'tpm', "wb"); $fsData = sprintf("%09d", strlen($oData)); $bytesSaved = fwrite($fp, $fsData); //writing the size of $oData $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $oData); //writing the $oData foreach ($data->dynaforms as $key => $val) { $sFileName = PATH_DYNAFORM . $val['DYN_FILENAME'] . '.xml'; if (file_exists($sFileName)) { $xmlGuid = $val['DYN_UID']; $fsXmlGuid = sprintf("%09d", strlen($xmlGuid)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsXmlGuid); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $xmlGuid); //writing the xmlfile $xmlContent = file_get_contents($sFileName); $fsXmlContent = sprintf("%09d", strlen($xmlContent)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsXmlContent); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $xmlContent); //writing the xmlfile } $sFileName2 = PATH_DYNAFORM . $val['DYN_FILENAME'] . '.html'; if (file_exists($sFileName2)) { $htmlGuid = $val['DYN_UID']; $fsHtmlGuid = sprintf("%09d", strlen($htmlGuid)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsHtmlGuid); //writing size dynaform id $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $htmlGuid); //writing dynaform id $htmlContent = file_get_contents($sFileName2); $fsHtmlContent = sprintf("%09d", strlen($htmlContent)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsHtmlContent); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $htmlContent); //writing the htmlfile } } /** * By <*****@*****.**> * here we should work for the new functionalities * we have a many files for attach into this file * * here we go with the anothers files ;) */ //before to do something we write a header into pm file for to do a differentiation between document types //create the store object //$file_objects = new ObjectCellection(); // for mailtemplates files $MAILS_ROOT_PATH = PATH_DATA . 'sites' . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . 'mailTemplates' . PATH_SEP . $data->process['PRO_UID']; $isMailTempSent = false; $isPublicSent = false; //if this process have any mailfile if (is_dir($MAILS_ROOT_PATH)) { //get mail files list from this directory $file_list = scandir($MAILS_ROOT_PATH); foreach ($file_list as $filename) { // verify if this filename is a valid file, because it could be . or .. on *nix systems if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..') { if (@is_readable($MAILS_ROOT_PATH . PATH_SEP . $filename)) { $sFileName = $MAILS_ROOT_PATH . PATH_SEP . $filename; if (file_exists($sFileName)) { if (!$isMailTempSent) { $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, 'MAILTEMPL'); $isMailTempSent = true; } //$htmlGuid = $val['DYN_UID']; $fsFileName = sprintf("%09d", strlen($filename)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsFileName); //writing the fileName size $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $filename); //writing the fileName size $fileContent = file_get_contents($sFileName); $fsFileContent = sprintf("%09d", strlen($fileContent)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsFileContent); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fileContent); //writing the htmlfile } } } } } // for public files $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH = PATH_DATA . 'sites' . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . 'public' . PATH_SEP . $data->process['PRO_UID']; //if this process have any mailfile if (is_dir($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH)) { //get mail files list from this directory $file_list = scandir($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH); foreach ($file_list as $filename) { // verify if this filename is a valid file, because it could be . or .. on *nix systems if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..') { if (@is_readable($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH . PATH_SEP . $filename)) { $sFileName = $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH . PATH_SEP . $filename; if (file_exists($sFileName)) { if (!$isPublicSent) { $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, 'PUBLIC '); $isPublicSent = true; } //$htmlGuid = $val['DYN_UID']; $fsFileName = sprintf("%09d", strlen($filename)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsFileName); //writing the fileName size $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $filename); //writing the fileName size $fileContent = file_get_contents($sFileName); $fsFileContent = sprintf("%09d", strlen($fileContent)); $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fsFileContent); //writing the size of xml file $bytesSaved += fwrite($fp, $fileContent); //writing the htmlfile } } } } } /* // for public files $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH = PATH_DATA.'sites'.PATH_SEP.SYS_SYS.PATH_SEP.'public'.PATH_SEP.$data->process['PRO_UID']; //if this process have any mailfile if ( is_dir( $PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH ) ) { //get mail files list from this directory $files_list = scandir($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH); foreach ($file_list as $filename) { // verify if this filename is a valid file, beacuse it could be . or .. on *nix systems if($filename != '.' && $filename != '..'){ if (@is_readable($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH.PATH_SEP.$nombre_archivo)) { $tmp = explode('.', $filename); $ext = $tmp[1]; $ext_fp = fopen($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH.PATH_SEP.$nombre_archivo, 'r'); $file_data = fread($ext_fp, filesize($PUBLIC_ROOT_PATH.PATH_SEP.$nombre_archivo)); fclose($ext_fp); $file_objects->add($filename, $ext, $file_data,'public'); } } } } //So,. we write the store object into pm export file $extended_data = serialize($file_objects); $bytesSaved += fwrite( $fp, $extended_data ); */ /* under here, I've not modified those lines */ fclose($fp); //$bytesSaved = file_put_contents ( $filename , $oData ); $filenameLink = 'processes_DownloadFile?p=' . $proTitle . '&r=' . rand(100, 1000); $result['PRO_UID'] = $data->process['PRO_UID']; $result['PRO_TITLE'] = $data->process['PRO_TITLE']; $result['PRO_DESCRIPTION'] = $data->process['PRO_DESCRIPTION']; $result['SIZE'] = $bytesSaved; $result['FILENAME'] = $filenameOnly; $result['FILENAME_LINK'] = $filenameLink; return $result; }
echo $cerere['nume']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $cerere['localitate']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $cerere['data']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo myTruncate($cerere['continut'], 80); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $cerere['public'] == 1 ? 'Da' : 'Nu'; ?> </td> <td> <center> <a href="<?php echo site_url("admin/sterge-cerere/" . $cerere['id']); ?> " class="sterge" ><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm">Sterge</button></a> </center> </td>
echo $blog->name; ?> /"><?php echo $blog->title; ?> </a></h3> <small class="date">posted by <?php echo $blog->author; ?> on <?php echo $date; ?> </small> <?php $content = strip_tags($blog->content); $content = myTruncate($content, 350, ' ', " <a href=\"/blog/{$blog->name}\">[...]</a>"); echo $content; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="pager"> <?php $p = 0; $pages = $pages > 0 ? $pages - 1 : $pages; while ($p < $pages) { $selected = $p == $page ? ' class="selected" ' : ''; echo "<a {$selected} href='/blog/page/{$p}'>" . ($p + 1) . "</a>"; $p++;
<div class="i_details"> <p class="mic"><?php echo prepareDateWithYear($devotional['data']); ?> - <a href="<?php echo site_url("devotional/autor/" . $devotional['nume_autor']); ?> " style="text-decoration: underline; display: inline; font-size: 12px;"><?php echo $devotional['nume_autor']; ?> </a> </p> <br/> <p class="mic intins"><?php echo myTruncate($devotional['continut'], 250, " "); ?> </p> <a href="<?php echo linkDevotional($devotional["titlu"], $devotional["r_id"]); ?> "> <p class="mic" style="text-align: right; text-decoration: underline;">Citește articolul</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearBoth"></div> <?php } ?>
</div> --> <div id="live" class="dreptunghi"><a id="buton_live" href="#"></a></div> <div id="video" class="dreptunghi"><a class="buton_arhiva" href="#"></a></div> <div id="audio" class="dreptunghi"><a class="buton_arhiva" href="#"></a></div> </div> <div id="sub_buletin" style="width:224px; height:40px"><a id="buton_sub_buletin" href=""></a><input id="subscribe" type="text" name="buletin" value="Aboneaza-te la buletinul duminical" class="cleardefault" /> </div> </div> <div id="middle"> <div class="promo"> <div class="chenar" id="devotional"> <p class="devotional"> <?php echo myTruncate($eveniment["continut"], 120, " "); ?> </p> <a id="buton_devotional" href=""></a> </div> <div class="chenar" id="promovare"> <a id="buton_promovare" href="#"></a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <a href="#"><div id="mic1" class="chenar mic"></div></a> <a href="#"><div id="mic2" class="chenar mic"></div></a> <a href="<?php echo $buletin["url"]; ?> "><div id="mic3" class="chenar mic"></div></a>
<? foreach($products->items as $product) : ?> <div class="product thumbnail flex flex-column"> <h3><?php echo $product->name; ?> </h3> <a href="/pokecart/product/<?php echo $product->id; ?> /view"><img src="/pokecart/<?php echo $product->image; ?> " alt="" width="215" height="215"></a> <div class="caption flex flex-column flex-j-between flex-1"> <p><?php echo myTruncate($product->description, 200, " "); ?> </p> <p><a href="/pokecart/product/<?php echo $product->id; ?> /view">Read More</a></p> <p> <span class="btn btn-primary fixed-b fixed" role="button">$<?php echo number_format($product->price, 2, '.', ''); ?> </span> <? if(Auth::is_logged_in()) : ?> <a href="/pokecart/cart/add/<?php
/** * This function create the file .xpdl from a process * @param string $sProUid * @return void */ function xmdlProcess($sProUid = '') { $oProcess = new Process(); $oData->process = $this->getProcessRow($sProUid, false); $oData->tasks = $this->getTaskRows($sProUid); $oData->routes = $this->getRouteRows($sProUid); $oData->lanes = $this->getLaneRows($sProUid); $oData->inputs = $this->getInputRows($sProUid); $oData->outputs = $this->getOutputRows($sProUid); $oData->dynaforms = $this->getDynaformRows($sProUid); $oData->steps = $this->getStepRows($sProUid); $oData->triggers = $this->getTriggerRows($sProUid); $oData->taskusers = $this->getTaskUserRows($oData->tasks); $oData->groupwfs = $this->getGroupwfRows($oData->taskusers); $oData->steptriggers = $this->getStepTriggerRows($oData->tasks); $oData->dbconnections = $this->getDBConnectionsRows($sProUid); $oData->reportTables = $this->getReportTablesRows($sProUid); $oData->reportTablesVars = $this->getReportTablesVarsRows($sProUid); $oData->stepSupervisor = $this->getStepSupervisorRows($sProUid); $oData->objectPermissions = $this->getObjectPermissionRows($sProUid); $oData->subProcess = $this->getSubProcessRow($sProUid); $oData->caseTracker = $this->getCaseTrackerRow($sProUid); $oData->caseTrackerObject = $this->getCaseTrackerObjectRow($sProUid); $oData->stage = $this->getStageRow($sProUid); $oData->fieldCondition = $this->getFieldCondition($sProUid); $oData->event = $this->getEventRow($sProUid); $oData->caseScheduler = $this->getCaseSchedulerRow($sProUid); $path = PATH_DOCUMENT . 'output' . PATH_SEP; if (!is_dir($path)) { G::verifyPath($path, true); } $proTitle = substr(G::inflect($oData->process['PRO_TITLE']), 0, 245); $proTitle = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/", "", $proTitle); //Calculating the maximum length of file name $pathLength = strlen(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "files" . PATH_SEP . "output" . PATH_SEP); $length = strlen($proTitle) + $pathLength; if ($length >= 250) { $proTitle = myTruncate($proTitle, 250 - $pathLength, '_', ''); } $index = ''; $lastIndex = ''; do { $filename = $path . $proTitle . $index . '.xpdl'; $lastIndex = $index; if ($index == '') { $index = 1; } else { $index++; } } while (file_exists($filename)); $proTitle .= $lastIndex; $filenameOnly = $proTitle . '.xpdl'; $xml = fopen($filename . 'tpm', "wb"); $process = $oData->process; $coordinateMaximumY = 0; $coordinateMaximumX = 0; $lanes = $oData->lanes; foreach ($lanes as $keyLane => $valLane) { if ($valLane['SWI_TYPE'] == "TEXT") { $textLane = $valLane['SWI_TEXT']; $longText = strlen($textLane); $height = 0; $width = 0; if ($longText < 40) { $height = 20; $width = $longText * 10 + 10; } if ($longText > 40) { $numberRows = $longText / 40; $height = $numberRows * 20; $width = 250; } $coordinateX = $valLane['SWI_X'] + $width; $coordinateY = $valLane['SWI_Y'] + $height; if ($coordinateX > $coordinateMaximumX) { $coordinateMaximumX = $coordinateX; } if ($coordinateY > $coordinateMaximumY) { $coordinateMaximumY = $coordinateY; } } } foreach ($oData->tasks as $keyLane => $val) { $coordinateX = $val['TAS_POSX'] + 160; $coordinateY = $val['TAS_POSY'] + 38; if ($coordinateX > $coordinateMaximumX) { $coordinateMaximumX = $coordinateX; } if ($coordinateY > $coordinateMaximumY) { $coordinateMaximumY = $coordinateY; } } $data = $this->createPool($process, $coordinateMaximumX + 60, $coordinateMaximumY + 60); fwrite($xml, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'); fwrite($xml, $data); $artifacts = '<Artifacts>'; $artifacts .= $this->createArtifacts($lanes, '0'); $dataProcess = ' <WorkflowProcesses>'; $dataProcess .= ' <WorkflowProcess Id= "' . $process['PRO_UID'] . '" ' . 'Name="' . $process['PRO_TITLE'] . '"> <RedefinableHeader> </RedefinableHeader> '; $activitySets = '<ActivitySets>'; $subProcess = $oData->subProcess; $subProcesses = $this->createSubProcessesXpdl($subProcess, $oData->tasks); $activitySets .= $subProcesses['ACTIVITIES']; $activitySets .= '</ActivitySets>'; $artifacts .= $subProcesses['ARTIFACTS']; $artifacts .= ' </Artifacts>'; fwrite($xml, $artifacts); fwrite($xml, $dataProcess); fwrite($xml, $activitySets); // Here are generated activities of a file. XPDL // for this use the process tasks $tasks = $oData->tasks; $events = $oData->event; $scheduler = $oData->caseScheduler; $dataTasks = $this->createActivitiesXpdl($tasks, $events, $scheduler); fwrite($xml, $dataTasks['ACTIVITIES']); $taskHidden = $dataTasks['TASK_HIDDEN']; $routes = $oData->routes; $dataRoutes = $this->createTransitionsXpdl($routes, $tasks, $taskHidden); fwrite($xml, $dataRoutes['ACTIVITIES']); $data = ' </Activities>'; fwrite($xml, $data); fwrite($xml, $dataTasks['TRANSITION']); fwrite($xml, $dataRoutes['TRANSITION']); $data = ' </Transitions> <ExtendedAttributes /> </WorkflowProcess> </WorkflowProcesses> <ExtendedAttributes /> </Package>'; fwrite($xml, $data); fclose($xml); $filenameLink = 'processes_DownloadFileXpdl?p=' . $proTitle . '&r=' . rand(100, 1000); $result['FILENAMEXPDL'] = $proTitle . '.xpdl'; $result['FILENAME_LINKXPDL'] = $filenameLink; return $result; }
<td style="background-color:#b6bb40;" class="lista"> Delete </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($atasamente as $atasament) { ?> <tr> <td class="lista"> <?php echo $atasament['url']; ?> </td> <td class="lista"> <?php echo htmlentities(myTruncate($atasament['embed'], 80, " ")); ?> </td> <td class="lista"> <?php echo $atasament['marime']; ?> </td> <td class="lista"> <?php echo $atasament['format']; ?> </td> <td class="lista"> <center><a href="<?php
</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="live" class="dreptunghi"><a id="buton_live" href="#"></a></div> <div id="video" class="dreptunghi"><a class="buton_arhiva" href="#"></a></div> <div id="audio" class="dreptunghi"><a class="buton_arhiva" href="#"></a></div> </div> </div> <div id="middle"> <div class="promo"> <div class="chenar" id="devotional"> <p class="devotional"> <?php echo myTruncate($devotional[0]->continut, 120, " "); ?> {elapsed_time} </p> <a id="buton_devotional" href="#"></a> </div> <div class="chenar" id="promovare"> <a id="buton_promovare" href="#"></a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <a href="#"><div id="mic1" class="chenar mic"></div></a> <a href="#"><div id="mic2" class="chenar mic"></div></a> <a href="<?php echo $buletin[0]->url; ?>
function tap_facebook_feed() { $cachetime = 60 * 60; // Seconds to cache files for $cachefile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/facebook/cache/fb.txt'; // connect to app $config = array(); $config['appId'] = '388799311278680'; $config['secret'] = 'a1a55787f17d6b2562799f93434fbab4'; $config['fileUpload'] = false; // optional $cache_file_timestamp = file_exists($cachefile) ? filemtime($cachefile) : 0; // Show file from cache if still valid. if (time() - $cachetime < $cache_file_timestamp) { $cachedfeed = file_get_contents($cachefile); echo $cachedfeed; } else { $html = ''; // instantiate $facebook = new Facebook($config); // set page id $pageid = "105085226191512"; // now we can access various parts of the graph, starting with the feed $pagefeed = $facebook->api("/" . $pageid . "/feed"); $html .= "<h4 class=\"fb\">Tapestry on Facebook</h4>"; // set counter to 0, because we only want to display 10 posts $i = 0; foreach ($pagefeed['data'] as $post) { if ($post['type'] == 'status' || $post['type'] == 'link' || $post['type'] == 'photo') { // check if post type is a status if ($post['type'] == 'status') { $html .= "<p>" . myTruncate($post['message'], 75) . "</p>"; } // check if post type is a link if ($post['type'] == 'link') { $html .= "<p>" . myTruncate($post['message'], 75) . " "; $html .= "<a href=\"" . $post['link'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . "Read More" . "</a></p>"; } // check if post type is a photo if ($post['type'] == 'photo') { if (empty($post['story']) === false) { $html .= "<p>" . $post['story'] . " "; } elseif (empty($post['message']) === false) { $html .= "<p>" . myTruncate($post['message'], 75) . " "; } $html .= "<a href=\"" . $post['link'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">View photo →</a></p>"; } $i++; // add 1 to the counter if our condition for $post['type'] is met } // break out of the loop if counter has reached 3 if ($i == 3) { break; } } // end the foreach statement // Save the formatted tweet list to a file. $file = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); fwrite($file, $html); fclose($file); echo $html; } }
function combi1($x, $y, $z) { $a = myTruncate($x, 12, 10, $z); $email = encode_email($a, 'blabla', 123); show_gravatar($email, $y, 'pic', 'good'); return $a; }
$proFields = $oProcess->serializeProcess($sProUid); $Fields = $oProcess->saveSerializedProcess($proFields); $pathLength = strlen(PATH_DATA . "sites" . PATH_SEP . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . "files" . PATH_SEP . "output" . PATH_SEP); $length = strlen($Fields['PRO_TITLE']) + $pathLength; foreach ($Fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'PRO_TITLE') { $Fields[$key] = myTruncate($value, 65, ' ', '...'); } if ($key == 'FILENAME') { $Fields[$key] = myTruncate($value, 60, '_', ''); } if ($length >= 250) { if ($key == 'FILENAME_LINK') { list($file, $rest) = explode('p=', $value); list($filenameLink, $rest) = explode('&', $rest); $Fields[$key] = myTruncate($filenameLink, 250 - $pathLength, '_', ''); $Fields[$key] = $file . "p=" . $Fields[$key] . '&' . $rest; } } } /* Render page */ if (isset($_REQUEST["processMap"]) && $_REQUEST["processMap"] == 1) { $G_PUBLISH = new Publisher(); $G_PUBLISH->AddContent("xmlform", "xmlform", "processes/processes_Export", "", $Fields); G::RenderPage("publish", "raw"); } else { $xmlFrm = new XmlForm(); $xmlFrm->home = PATH_XMLFORM . "processes" . PATH_SEP; $xmlFrm->parseFile("processes_Export.xml", SYS_LANG, true); $Fields["xmlFrmFieldLabel"] = array("title" => $xmlFrm->fields["TITLE"]->label, "proTitle" => $xmlFrm->fields["PRO_TITLE"]->label, "proDescription" => $xmlFrm->fields["PRO_DESCRIPTION"]->label, "size" => $xmlFrm->fields["SIZE"]->label, "fileName" => $xmlFrm->fields["FILENAME_LABEL"]->label); echo G::json_encode($Fields);
echo $resursa['nume_autor']; ?> <br/></td> <td> <?php echo $resursa['nume_tip']; ?> <br/></td> <!-- <td class="lista">--> <!-- --><?php //echo $resursa['nume_categorie']; ?> <!-- <br/></td>--> <td> <?php echo myTruncate($resursa['continut'], 80, " "); ?> <br/> </td> <td> <?php echo $resursa['data']; ?> <br/></td> <td> <center> <a href="<?php echo site_url('admin/adauga-atasament/' . $resursa['r_id']); ?> "><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></a></center> </td>
foreach ($resurse as $resursa) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $resursa['titlu']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $resursa['data']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo htmlentities(myTruncate($resursa['url'], 80, " ")); ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $resursa['marime']; ?> MB </td> <td> <center><a href="<?php echo site_url('admin/editeaza-buletin/' . $resursa['r_id']); ?> "/><button type="button" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm">Editeaza</button> </center>
foreach ($ListOfWorks as $key_minor => $value_minor) { $warning = ""; $title = $result[$works_label][$key_minor][$works_title]; if ($title) { // echo "->".$result[$works_label][$key_minor][$showwork]."<-"; if ($result[$works_label][$key_minor][$showwork] === "true") { } else { $warning = "<span class='nicelink label label-warning'>Hidden</span>"; } $stage_label = $result[$works_label][$key_minor][util::$KEY_STAGE]; $stage_appearance_html_class = $result[util::$KEY_FOR_WORKSCREATED][util::$INDEX_SETTINGS_RECORD][$stage_label]; //'label label-primary'; $stage = sprintf("<span class='%s'>%s</span>", $stage_appearance_html_class, $stage_label); $work_id = $result[$works_label][$key_minor][util::$WORKID]; $comment_str = $result[$works_label][$key_minor][util::$KEY_COMMENT]; $comment_str_short = myTruncate($comment_str, 10); $comment = sprintf('<span class="label label-info">%s</span>', $comment_str_short); /* $collapsiblecomment = sprintf('<div class="faq"> <ul> <li><a href="#%s">%s</a> <div id="%s">%s </div> </li> </ul> </div>',$key_minor,$comment,$key_minor,$comment_str); */ $collapsiblecomment = ""; if ($comment_str && $comment_str != "" && $comment_str != "comment") { $collapsiblecomment = sprintf("<input type='checkbox' style='display: none' id=l%s>\n<label for=l%s></label><div class='orangebox' style='color: white; font-size:0.7em;'>%s</div>", $key_minor, $key_minor, $comment_str); } // I put the ID = Title in here so that it would sort alphabetically. $results_array[$title] = sprintf("<h3> <span class='nicelink label label-default'><a id='%s' href='editor.php?record=%s'>%s</a></span> %s %s %s</h3> ", $title, $key_minor, $title, $stage, $warning, $collapsiblecomment); } }
function buildTable($data) { //print "<tr><th></th><th>Post</th><th>Synth</th><th>Item price</th><th>Item date</th>"; $counter = 0; foreach ($data as $d) { $imageSources = $d->post_item_images; print "<div class='item'>"; if (!empty($imageSources)) { $imageSources = explode(',', $imageSources); foreach ($imageSources as $imgSrc) { //$size = getimagesize($imgSrc); print "<a href='" . $d->link . "' target='_blank' class='tip_trigger' id='tooltip_" . $counter . "'>"; print "<img src='" . $imgSrc . "'/>"; print "<span id='data_tooltip_" . $counter . "' class='tip'>"; print "<ul>"; print "<li class='synth_name'>" . $d->post_item_name . "</li>"; print "<li class='synth_searched'>Synth query: " . $d->synth_name . "</li>"; print "<li class='manufacturer'>Manufacturer query: " . $d->manufacturer . "</li>"; print "<li class='location'>" . $d->post_item_link . "</li>"; print "<li class='price'>" . $d->post_item_price . "</li>"; print "<li class='description'>" . myTruncate(strval($d->post_item_description), 300) . "</li>"; print "<li class='click'>Click the image to read more.</li>"; print "<li class='date'>" . $d->post_item_date . "</li>"; print "</ul>"; print "</span>"; print "</a>"; $counter++; } } print "</div>"; } }
echo prepareDate($eveniment["data"]); ?> </div> <div class="i_details"> <a href="<?php echo site_url('lista-evenimente') . '/' . prepareDateDMY($eveniment['data']); ?> " > <div class="ii_title"><?php echo $eveniment["titlu"]; ?> <span style="color: gray;"><?php echo ' ' . $eveniment["ora_inceput"] . ' - ' . $eveniment["ora_sfarsit"]; ?> </span> </div></a> <div class="ii_text"><?php echo myTruncate($eveniment["continut"], 100, " "), ' '; ?> </div> </div> <div class="clearLeft"></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="ii_text">Nu există transmisii</div> <?php } ?>